The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 11, 1922, Page 10, Image 10

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Liquor Issue Is
Live Topic for
Next Congress
Leaders of Hotli "Wets ami
"I)r" Claim Victory in
Ile lions Sonic .
Changes Certain.
VVitMl)ltii;ti:n, Nov. 10 The political
romplt lm of the not cnnttreaH hitv.
Ina; N-en ilr-flnlMy fHtutillihtd, Inter
Ht turtil yenti'iiliiy m the rolnlli
lineup cm thn tiicitim if tnflifii ntiim
of th piohlhltion riifuriTtiii-iit Inwu.
Jlotli tin "dry' mul ft were
i-lnlmlntr a victory us a result of
TiK-ad.iy'ii j'li-i tiniiH.
For thn And 'il"'n I'.iku Wayne
II. W'hffliT, B'TKTdl rmitiHii, mild the
"wet" would not have a tniiny vote
ty threo at linut bi-foro nnd that
tholr utrftiRth In the hmixo would not
i-wen 104. or 7S li-it thun u majority.
On the et hop hand, thu Anwlatlun
AkuIuxI llio l'rohlhltlon Amendment,
throuuli (I. f. Jlltirklr-y, ill Roiiera!
aooratiiiy, rliilmrd ft filn of 80 "lib'
eral" voir in the hru, wliic-h, It waa-
oprtfd. would clvoiirtiial control of
that body to tha moillflcutlonlatH.
I'l.ul "Wet" Ijt.
"Th pronounced lncrean In the
wet' niimni-inlilp," hiiM Sir. llitwk
ley g utatiinent, "refWi'ra IiIk lily prob
able the p:iNiiRe of liberal IrKialutlnn
In the next ewlrin of ooiikich that
will atrlke thn flmt blow at the more
utrlngent provision fit tha Volatend
"Involved In tbi view, Is a connld
ration of tho rhiuiKO of henilHhip of
thfl powerful committee In thn house.
Th defeat of Andrew J VolHtead of
Minnesota removed thn author of the
objectionable prohibition net from the
chalrmaimhlp- of tha houno Judiciary
committee, nlvlnsr the place over to
Iteprenentatlve Graham of Penriayl
ranla, on avowed 'wet.'
"The panning of Mondell leavea the
majority leadership on tho floor either
to JteprcNcntntlve IinRWOrth of Ohio
or Representative Mnnn of IlllnolM,
both reelected and both having been
endorsed ty thn iiH.soclatlon leeauno
of their attltudo on the prohibition
1 Mr. Hinckley anld the bouae leader
ahlp would be In the hand of a "lib
eral" and that this mUht be expected
to Influence materially the vote on
any future "liberal" legislation.
Also, he waa of tho opinion that the
result In Tuesday'a election would
have Ha effect on members who hith
erto havo refrained from voting on
tha enforcement question.
Mr. Wheeler, In his statement, de
rlnred that the claims of the Ascocla
Hon AgaUiat tho Prohibition Amend
ment of a ftaln of 80 votes In the next
house was "like the foam on a glass
af beer nothing" substantial to It."
Sees Utile Gain,
In tbe house," aald Mr. Wheeler,
Pthelr total strength In the past for
any beer or light wine amendment or
similar weakening amendment to the
national prohibition act was not more
than 133. Tho last reports we have
from tho atates, with a few districts
out. show that they will never muster
140 votea for any such amendment.
Their voto will probably ba much
)ena than that.
"The only real test of sentiment on
the 2.75 per cent beer Issue this year
was In Ohio, where the proposal was
defeated by more than 150,000. In
Illinois, the organized 'dry' forces did
not vote either way on the beer pro
posal. "The defeat of the codes In Massa
chusetts and California is no loss be
cause we never had anV enforcement
codes those states."
Williamson County Sheriff
Leads Ticket in Election
Marion, 111.. Nov. 10. Frank Far
rlngton, president of the Illinois
mine workers' union, issued a state
ment commenting on the overwhelm
ing victory for Sheriff Melvin Thax
ton, who was elected county treasurer
by a majority far exceeding that of
the other republican candidates. The
sheriff had been criticized for his at
titude before and during the trouble
some days last June.
"The people of Williamson county,"
aald Farrington, "have rendered a
verdict In favor of a fair trial for
very ' miner Indicted In connection
with tha Herrln mine killings."
Great New Reservoir for Frisco
.:Wck- f twtieiMs
mm: p-"'-- i
How to Keep Well
QuMtloae cncrain hy (!, an.)
lln mad prvnlMa at 4imu, tub.
mlltmt to Dr. Evant by rtadcrt l
Tha b, will ba antwnad arianllr
ub)t la proytr limitation, whtr a
tamped, adaraaaad anvalopa la an.
cloird. Dr. tuna will not aiaka
dlatnoala ar praacriha lor Individual
dwaaara. Addraaa lattara In car (
'I ha Ba.
Copyright I
Baltic for Lives
on Subcliascr
Cliecrs From Spectators Greet
Stutlents Wlien Tliey Beach
Uoat After , Heroic
Fiuhl With Fire.
Uncle Sam Says
AmmpollH, Nov. 10. Twenty mid
shipmen from the L'tilted Slates
Naval academy narrowly escaped
death, when In a heroic battle against
fire, they fought their way up the
Chesapeake bay on a subchaser. It
was a battlo that will long live In tho
memories of those who slood on the
shore and watched the fight Im
periling the academy atudents until
tho subchaser waa finally beached on
the shore of the naval experimental
Tho midshipmen started out early
In .the afternoon fur a seamanship
drill on one of tho subebasera, which
have been tied up at tho academy
wharf since tho armistice. The bay
was rough tind thn small boats tossed
about as the midshipmen were put
through their exerclHes.
When two miles off shore, the en
gine backfired, licfore the men real
ized what had happened ,the forward
part of tho vessel was enveloped In
flames. The midshipmen took their
stations at the hose lines and formed
bucket brigades as the flumes spread.
Tho subchaser's brow was turned to
ward the shored It was then that
the battle began. A atlff breeze aug
mented tho danger.
Heroically the mldshfpmen fought
every foot of the way. On the
wharves at Annapolis, a crowd gather
ed, attracted by the smoke. Light
craft set out from the academy and
nearby points to offer assistance.
Cheers arose from those standing on
the beach at the experimental sta
tion, when the midshipmen beached
their boat. The boat waa burned be
yond repair, the flames eating away
all the superstructure and part of
the hold.
Spanish Dramatist Wins
Nobel Literature Prize
Stockholm; Nov. 10. The Nobel
prize for outstanding achievement In
literature for the present year has
been awarded to tho Spanish drama
tist, Jacinto Eenavente. The prize
amounts to 600,000 franca.
The Nobel committee has awarded
the physics prize for 1921 to Trot. Dr.
Albert Einstein of Germany, Identi
fied with the theory of relativity and
that for 1022 to Prof. Niels Bohr,
The lli'lcliy-Ilclcliy tlain, which will turn thn Ili'lchy-lletchy valley Into
a huge lake and give Kan I'ram isi'o ill new water supply, is neurlng com
pletion. The dam will be one of tint largest In the country. It la 15(1 feet
under the bed of the stream, 111? feet high, ft"') feet wide, 200 feet thick at
the base and 25 feet thick at the lop. The lake will Im seven miles long and
a mile wide. The total cost of (lie reservoir will be $11,000,000.
Comedy Writer
in Serious Role
Broadway Producer Pleads for
Unborn Baby of Wife and
English Actor.
New York, Nov. 10. Carl Carlo-
ton, producer of Broadway musical
comedies, yesterday discarded his role
aa an aide to the prosecution of 1'at
Somerset, British actor, who Is facing
deportation on charges of moral tur
pitude, and aaked clemency for the
man whom he had charged with alie
nating the affections of his wife,
Edith Day, the original "Irene."
Mr. Carieton in a letter to Com
missioner of Immigration Tod asked
permission to withdraw front the case
and requested that the authorities
be lenient toward Somerset.
"A phrase from the Bible 'the
pride of thine heart deceived thee'
haa aided me in reaching this de
cision," ho wrate. "My wife, Miss
Day, and Mr. Somerset took the
course they did because tney lovea
each other. My pride haa kept mo
from seeing in this light before.
"Regardless of. my personal feel
ings, there Is another life at stake,
their child's," the letter continued.
"Inasmuch aa the parents intend to
marry as soon a a divorce preceed
inga are completed, I think I should
do my part in almpllfylng mattera for
that child."
Mr. Carieton and Miss Day, whom
he had chosen to star in the musical
play "Irene," were married when the
piece had become a success. He
charged that, when Irene went to
London, intimate relations between hia
Poultry Trap Neat.
Many persona who keep a small
hack yard flock of poultry, are wast
ing large quantities of gram and valu
able apacir by keplmj poor producers
rid drones. To weed them out Is un
uncertain process without a trap nest
and the expense of trnrt tiesta for a
amall (lock neema m-eilles.
inejiur:ui or Animal tmlustrv h-ia '
Issue.) this IwwWlot which contains il-
lustration and a description of the
homemiile' trap nest winch are used I
on the Ruve-tiFin-nt pniiltrv f irm.
ne'b'r of Tho lVe nmv Hht.un a
ropy of th s l.mkl't fr.. r.y n,),r..s
ln the Division f I'lihlmtlona. I ie
partmcnt of Auriculttirc Washington,
IX C, nsUiiij for ' y. H.
Birth ami Death.
0! f H frili'ftth --.
St- i W,r -SJIml..
M ai-". a l
4tfe.ur til I fn l-u-I
M a4 I
J lii a4 , T t
& a .l
M " a'.! Aaa T
'! I '- .
. ?M a. j't,
V ai !. t'
Red Dot Paaa, 20e 0mAr Floui.( Golden S" ant OF
llc 43b- $1.89 Cofffhe' 22c
Limit 5 cana. sack. . per lb
Extra Fancy Grape ft Idlawlld or Seward AQg
Fruit, 3 fer aWaSaC Butter, par lb f il
Saturday Meat Specials
ut Received Large Shipment of Dold't Niagara Skinned Hama,
S to 10 Iba. Special for Saturday, lb 22' iC
Freih Ortiaed Spring Chlckena, lb 22 J f
Fraah Pork Should" ra, lb - 12
Prima Rib Roll J Rout. lb. , 19f
Ooica Statr Btaf Raaal. lb. 12' vC
Oaice Sttar Rump Raait, lb 12 .f
Fancy Veug Vail Roan, lb 12 if
Fancy Vurg Vaal Brt(, lb 8 -f
Siart Cut Farter Moum Sttak, lb 2t)C
Faitt Lamb Sta-, lb, H jf
ffif Lab L. lb. , 27 . f
wife and the
British actor were es-
Bear Drags Out Body of Man.
Iios Angeles, Nov. 10. A trained
bear, acting In a motion picture
filmed In Griffith park, dashed out
of a clump of bushes fragging the
body of a man yesterday.
Tho police said the body was that of
a Japanese and that he had committed
suicide about 10 days, Judging from
conditions and articles found in the
Bee Want Ads Produce ftosulls.
Some months ago Dr. Ilughson guv
his exp"rifj:ce with the use of com
n iin t ilile salt In curing aoine kinds
of headache.
There are headaches and headaches,
and what cures one may not bo of any
service in the next, even though the
Hymptoms may upprar Identical. It
Is true there are polntets which Indi
cate that one kind of hearache Js due
to eye strain; another to pelvic
trouble; a third to fatigue, and n
fourth to constipation.
But at tlniea all signs fall in head
uches, Ilughson used tablets of salt coated
with s.ilo. The object of thn coating
vim to release the salt for a concen
trated solution in the upper reuches
of the small intestines. The dose
was usually 15 grains, but he gave
almost on ounce to some cases. Two
or three tablets were taken flt a time
and tho doso was repeated about
every five minutes until ft total of
8 or 10 had been taken. They were
washed down with the minimum
amount of water.
Dr. T. J. BesHley thinks that the re
lief of headaches hy this method is
largely due to the laxative notion of
tho salt. This Cannes him to report bis
method of overcoming some cases of
chronic constipation, since constipa
tion la aa froquently the causa of
lie gtvea hla method In "Clinical
I Medicine." na follow.
I l'xn mining In tha morning, the
subject drinks ono quart of lukewarm
'water to which aeven and one half
grains of tull hua been added. Break
fat Is eaten three quarter of an
hour ufti'r drinking the water flavor
ed with sail. Puiing this time, the
subject take some exeiviuM and The probability I that tliera
will b an tmpuls to have a bowel
movement within a half hour after,
drinking thu water. This Impulse
must be obeyed without delay. This,
prompt i i cognition of and obedience
to the Impulse is an fHscnllal part of
the regimen which Imda to cure.
"Tlier may be a aecund Impulse
following the eating of brenkfaat and
due to the taking of food into the
stomach. This, too, must be obeyed."
This method Is not the same as that
In which a toaspoonful of salt, dis
solved In water, Is taken before
breakfast. The larger dose of salt
acts like any other saline purge and
Is open o the same objections.
All Ye lliitiler I.lsleii.
A, O. I', writes; "I spend consider
able tlm hunting and Ilshlng, and
havo several friends who do likewise.
XS'e nil encounter poison Ivy ami
poison oak.
"I have found that attacks from
either of these can be very promptly
subdued by wnshing tho Infected
parls once or twice with an undiluted
sodium hypochlorite, approximating
thn strength of I'ukln's solution or
stronger, say up to coelllclent 10.
"I find that upon tho very first ap
plication nil irritalion stops ami the
pustules lgln to dry up. In many
Instances ono application is sufTlclent,
but Khnve never known It to bo nec
essary to use more than two nppllca-
"Where tho case is very aggravated
and the skin extremely sensitive, It
(Ye Sell for Less -FRUIT CENTER
1611 Leavenworth
Gold Medal Coffee, lb....38
.'Mb. can ; $1.00
Advo Japan Tea, 8-oz,,
reff. 35c 2-lt
Herahey Cocoa, tall cans ...0
Instant Fostum, tall can,
2 for
Shredded Wheat f)
Reg". 15c can Sugar Cprn...J)
Gold Dust
Phone JA ckson 5131
Fancy Round Steak, lb.,
Fancy Creamery Butter, lb.38
Egfc'S, fresh, per doz 28
Carnation Milk, per can...l()o
Pure Lard, par lb 11 'iC
Kero Syrup, maple flavored,
6-lb. can JJ1
Farrcll's Wedding Breakfast
Table Syrup, per gal...JJO
Look no farther theao pricca you'll find ara cheaper than anywhera.
might ba advlmiMe, after washing tha
parts, to wrap them In a very looaa,
gaiurt Wtii'tiige Iiko so aa to admit
air, icmi you probably know that
when a hypochlorite Is bound on
tightly nrfd the air excluded, th
chenmnl rction on the akin i m
tii-ly ililteient. ao that It haa more
the effect of a counter Irritant than
of a sritutive.
"In fact, in the abaenca of good
mustard plaster, a pad aiituruted with
sodium hypochlorite mid tightly bound
on will niToinpllnh about th aame
purpose a a mustard plaster, though
to a slightly b s degree. If you have
not tried u sodium hyinchlorlt wash
for poison oak and will Just liear thla
in mind for Jrnur tlist opportunity,
you wilt perhaps bo surprised and
certainly pleased at the very prompt
and pleasing h-huIis,"
What "Mow Hard!" Hue. i
A. V. write: "If, when blowing the
nose hard, pus Is forced up into the
inner -ear, what happens then? l)oes
It affect liny of the sense organ Uoes
it go away by Uself? if not, how run
It be cured?"
It I apt to ciuiKe Infection of I he
middle ear, earache, ruptured drum,
abces in ear, mastoid nines, deaf
Shopman Home BomIfd.
Fort Worth. Tf Nov. JO.-The
eutir. front portion of the home or
II K. Amnions, shopman of tnn
T.xaa A radtte railway, waa blown
out nt 11 aWclock last night. I
lice attrlbuto the explosion to dyna
mite. No mi Injured.
1. wrwTTOfrjri. i
WW 1 III Ilia aaaaaMaTaMI M
For tnfantw.
Invalid m
The Original Food Drink for All
deraiTablet forma. Nourlahinf-Noeot lilpi.
WAroid Imitation and Substitutes
The Store of a Thousand Items
TRY .hopping this way. BRING this ad wild you. ASK to
SEE thete SATURDAY bargains. You'll find HIGH QUAL
ITY foods do NOT mean high pricea. Phone AT 4603 if you
can't gat dpwn town. FREE DELIVERY on ordars from $2.50.
For better service, phona ua FRIDAY EVENING.
lYIIaLri (limit 3 cant). 3 tall carta for 2M
Food Center, nothing better, 48-lb., $ f ,( 1
Gilt Edge, Neb. hard wheat, 48-lb. ..ftl.Sl
Young Pig Pork Loin, lb 17
Young Pig Pork Roaat, lb ...l'JKC
Slaer PorUrhouaa Sttak ... .ZZ'iC
Mrer Sirloin Strait 17' , c
Sterr Klb Kcait, bonad and rolled,
per lb IS 'Ac
Staar Baaf Pot Roaat, lb. . ,P' 2c
Stcar Staak, lb 12' ,c
Starr Rib Boll, lb Sc
Fancy Young Vaal Roait, lb. I41 c
Young Vaal Stew, lb 7'C
Spring Lamb Slrw, lb T ie
Krrali Cut Hamburftr, lb....12"jC
Fr.h Ox Tonaua, lb ZZ',e
Hura Utl Urd. lb I2',C
No. I Sugar Cured Picnic Hama,
per lb M'iC
No. I Sugar Cured Baron, lb, 22 'jc
Armour'a Star or Puritan Hama,
half or whole, lb 2,c
Armour'a 5tr or Puritan Baron,
half or whole, etriuprd, lb. 3.V,'ac
Grapea, lb. 10c
fl-lb. baa., 40e
Florida Thin Skin Grapefruit, ..8c
Hood River Spitzenberf Applet,
dozen 30c
Fancy Red Jonathan Applca,
bu. box $1.93
Sunk iet Good-eizcd Orancci,
dozen 25c
Snnkiat Juicy Oranira, doz.... 13c
New Brazil or FilberlNuta, lb. I7";C
Early Ohio I'otatoet, peck . ...ISc
let Brrf Head Lettuce .tif'ie
Oh, Boyt Rrd River Pntatora, the
flnrat for winter keeping, 2
buthelt fl.tTj
Jumlio Cell ry, 2 for 2Sc
ertry Sweet Polloe, ht flnrat
' atnd, H iba. 25c; per bu. .
A thousand items
is twice the variety
of the average gro
cery store.
SERVICE. You will
find several
brands of each ar
ticle from which to
choose the kind
YOU prefer. ,
Shopping the PIGGLY WIGGLY way is a real pleasure and you save time
and annoyance as well as money.
You help yourself self service is the last word in efficient service.
Fmh made Bologna, Liver Sauaage,
Head Cheeae, Minced Ham, Veal
Loaf, Frankfurtera; your choice,
per lb 17',c
Home-Made Sauer Kraut,
qus't 10
Large Dill Pickle 10c
,000 f aland ar Mayonnalae Drataing
pint .Iftc
Red Ribbon Corn Syrup, -
10-lb. can '. .37c
Dr. Price'a Baking Powder,
25c value ISc
Pillitjiiry'a Bran, large pkg. ..15c
Sterilized Yellow or White Corn
Meal, 6-lb. aark 13c
I -lb. can Shaker Pure Pepper . ,23c
Morton'a Shaker Salt, 16c val. . ,9c
Advo Pancake Flour, 4-lb. tack, 23c
Pure Canadian Maple Syrup
quart .4Rc
Uncle John Maple Syrup, can . .25c
Large Bottle Edward't Olivet,
25c value , 15c
Domeatic Oil Sardinea, 6 cant . .25c
Crown Jewel Tiny Norwegian Olive
OH Sardinrt, 2 for 25c
Hatchery Red Alaika Salmon,
tall tun 21c
Sunco Macaroni, 10c value,
4 for
Large Jara Thieaaen'a Sweet Relith,
Sweet Mixed Picklet and Chow
Chow; apecial , ...,23c
Red Dot Peat, 2 cant 23c
Red Dot Extra Sifted Peat,
2 cant 33c
Windmill Corn, 2 cant 23c
Kamo Houtebold Peat, 2 cant, 47c
Kamo Midget Corn, 2 cant ...35c
Frankt No. 3 Kraut, 2 cant , .29c
Monarch Pork and Beant, can, 9c
Hawkrye Corn, 2 cant lsc
Ozark Tomatoea, 2 cana 18c
Iten Fairy Crackert, 4-lb, box, 65c
Large Roll Jap Tiaaue 7 oilrt
Paper, 8 rolla 20c
Country Creamery Package Butter
Fancy Tub Butter 47e
Thomaen'a Dairy Maid Fancy Creamery Butler 49c
Checked Egga and Cooking Egga, in cartona 2Sc
Nutola, Wilaon ad Gem Nut, 22c; Rex Nut 20c
Thomaen'a Creamed Cottage Cheeae 20c
Meadow Cold, ldlewilde and Better Sutter Alwaya on Hand.
P and G SOAP
10 bart
POTATOES U. S. Grade No. 1 Fancy
Nebraska Early Ohios, -1 7
per peck 1 1 v
Roasted, per lb
CABBAGE Solid, Crisp
Heads, per lb
CELERY "Jumbo"
Fancy Stock at,
each . .
Sweet, Tender
Chipt, III not
Juit Inaide the Door Genuine French Briar Pipe,
50c value, pkg. tobacco and pkg. pipe cleaner, 27c
Pkg. Army A Navy Clgaratt and 25c holder, 27c
Spaghetti and Macaroni,
3 packagei ,
Soap Saturday,
10 bart
35c S
Holly Brand Pie Berry, II S'a
Extra Fancy Bell & Cherry Brand, lb . .-llf
With every pound of thit wonderful coffee
we will give free U-lb. can. A J
iva. j. b.
Saturday, 1 li Iba., vacuum cana.,
I 'l . V. . : II'
rml aa Ae a '' ) s'fe- .
t !..( t - ' ' " 'ii.. i"i mm
iUfc.t, t l' -a V , i f .'t Hi?: SY
i -.l, aMinis 6 , j
r.. . I . I t. .a . IM i k ; -rfeiaaaaa",.
Vats i a - e l j J ''L,
V W't a nilii (' -" 1 , iff f
u v. - , .,. i i. ., i V iL
u., ea fc a. ' rf .1.
i.,. , i i t.i, I,.. is ft 4 I
M..,'C-t T- ..... . H , ' Vi jC efl
i . tv ' v , u
. I fJ Y
mt . a . I iNir 1 ri '
, , i I PP.' J
BUTTER Sunset Gold,
per lb
SUGAR Fine White Granulated, HP
10 lb, for JL
MILK Carnation, Pet or Wilson, 1A
Bby, 5c; Ull 1Ut
LUX 12c sie,
per pkg
OATS Rolled Quaker Brand,
per pkf
BEANS New Crop California
Lima, per lb
"I kitJ, i r tan
Shri-Mv-I Wh.-at, p. r iif. 1 lr
(itie Nut. r kit....l7C
t r.m ..f Wheat, . . . ."J'JC
Zt-p. tr i', i"r
K'i Kiunil.U.J Urun Jt
I' t't I'.rn fl i'r . . . I- ' C
IM;hur ' llfi I t
1'i.rU v. gitiif wr ( 1.' fJtc
Ke.i ,'-'t kfumi... . . . .
l'ml a:l, . r i V.- ..Jill"
nii ,fs I'Dtt im. tnxk'l . .
1 . ... Ill
All fUv.r.. per 'kk 10
Knox titfltttuie, ikij., .f iie
for 2U
i'muki- Flour. r o-,.c
Uuikwhrrtt rlur. i-lvif ... 1 7c
Mi iLur-i ti: 7 Ic
Tt-1. pi. -iC
Wrtieaj Oil a4 Mat.U
I it '27c
y art !f
!..!f tf'!,.rit ,. !Mr
I'uunil tins . , 150
' poumli
I pomula U7
tut ..,
tuaria ,
SI. 10
IW .Ur. .,rt ki . ...
if'.t.t. it -7r
I It. Y I u
I Ik. Ikaaa A ak,a
I Ik laJ Ali.e
What WowlJ Y B Paiwt l Groca-rt if THr
i . .a oa- K. a if
a , m II
rat ft'" 1 'lt
w I j X
i..t.. i aaaM .il I I i XT
Come in and wel a tample of Tree
know you'll like it.
I,. lb. package
Tea. Wa
Tilled at thete pricet 3 dayt.
Satitfaction guaranteed.
Pkoae AT 4603 1H"
Spcil a inn is-lt,- AKNAM M
'"t MW HM.ti tlMH EiJkJ
It jut like California noizlt and U
drlifhtful (ottd-ination of iweetnen and good
urn. He. "i;td daddy" and tale a package of
Prlivi to th wife and k!ddir today,
lake I'al.i Heme la Hik
ia fiei tj-a-t d fak
Mai, tka .t.e Wa k ,.,.
la (tiaitka, i lata, Ctiaad
'a ., tut ( v