The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 09, 1922, Image 1

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    The Omaha Morning Bee
VOL. 62 NO. 121.
lai.J ttt.ti'.Clut MtttM Hit it, lltt tl
Oamt f. 0, Hit Atl f sunk 1 ii;t.
a. Mm il turn Dalit . li nnn. I.W. vi rftia tit tin mm.
li.i.'t. IM am u.t it Mrn D.n, i. t.Mii. HJ: , sir, M.
Control oflHovvell a National Figure
Nexl IIouseL bVil'n ,a!Near East
Don hi i'ul
i puMicim l-uing y Small
Majority on Yurv of l,Htet j
Hi liiriin Hi'inaiiiifig Din
IrieU Hold Kcv.
Senate Is Republican j
York, Nov. (t-iliy A I'H-
Control of the mm Lou.. continued In
doubt, with tl,.. republicans hading,
"Oil to I'll), un ii'liuiiM received
S tonight, H full !.iy lifter tiiti IM'IU,
'flu 2fi remaining il.KlrlrlN, scat
tered "I hi '!. Ii'ut I In.' countty, lii'lil
"" - '' . c.j ',..,
Willi th- piosp., t th.-.t the liial r.-
aim i.iigm tun in: Known mini i iiiit-w-ibiy
miiI w tli a In I f dn'i'ii voles the
runt-Kin. Tim republicans licl.J lliu
s-nnle lint iy h
(hivu voles,
reduction of it half
i(f.iii''iMii cosh'iiiicm wnirn iiri.Bo iii.ll.'iitlnii Hint ii I'criKtnii'tlv.. mul
with th- ll:it r.lmtm. il"fn.litiK iiv-1 ,,r(W,.,.HHV4J j,,-,,,,,,, ) look,.,) fiwniil
nt nor Mill, r iiinl Si'iini'r fiililrr "f,, o tluit Ih to In- ilfvolil of lily
Ncv Vi'ik, rontiiMU'il V ltli m.nipwljiit (. iihiwI i,,.. i.iii uliU'li will look
. nm ni'il fni 1 1. lodnv nf iftuniH ilrlli-bli-'l
in. rurtluT ici'iil.tli'iiii Iiphmi'ii In
th" cfniiti" null hoif finil (.'uMiii'nd
unil Ktiito IfKl'li'tiirMt cr fliuwii, ul
tlioiJKli tlie ln'liiU'd i-nrKrfHHloiiiil re
suli wci mimtwhnt rnino f.ivonililo
t" Ihp rt'liulilViiiiH.
;. O. I'. Sliilwail llciili'il,
AinotiK Hi'1 ii-pulillcnn Kliilwnrt
vim int down to ilffriit il'diiltcly on rftuiiiK were Ki-niitui' KM-lr-r
of .MlnniK'iti, licntfii ly Dr.
llcriilrii'lt HhlpBtwiil. fnimcrliibiiiite;
Mutator Kutlicrliind of Went Vliirlnln,
i, nil Hnuili'r Townr.t'iid of Mlchlitan
tin; I tt.-1- IidiIhk to fortiH-r (invernor
WiKidlirlilBP N. Pi'i rlH, I hi- fli nt Avmo
cratlf c'liutor to le t-irtwi rrorn
M'chhfiin In 70 yearn. AIhu ilelliilti-ly
tlefcnted l.y S'tnitor Kendrli'U, diino
.rnt, n neprrx'-ntutlvo Miiiidfll of
Wyoming. vi.piiMliiin lloor Ifinlfr. wlm
amilml to the mMtalc.
Inlay In the Iimiw? ri'ulttd cui"
1fit the Vi-cn coiitcMH which huvo not
been parallelled pince 11)16. A num.
bcr it mil Mm? iMMrirt are In fur
western ulitte. In iithera .received to-
. Any. thi fatly announcement were
(hnKvl- The democrat continued
' f 'their Kiilr.K, totalling 67 eatH ftt ltet
flure, prlnclpully from New York,
Ohio, MlHHOtiri, New Jemey and OkM
' homa. Aa aK"lnnt. thla deinocrutlc
weep, the repulilicuna fulled to Up
et a ninKlo HltllnK ilcmoi rut.
I.odue IncrcuneH Lead.
Senator UnWe of Mimnurhimetl, It
finally turned out, has a plurality of
k,-l25 over ti let democratic opponent,
r'ol. Oustiiii. initcad of the tneiwe
1,1145 reported early In the day.
Throuph a trannpiiHltion of flure In
the AiKoilated 1'rena talmlation, Ken
ntor I.od-,-e ilurullty wna Fhown an
lieiiW reduced to 1.343 and other news
..' rilBtrilmtlu:: ne;icie in rume mainu-r
tirrlvod at Hie fume I'i'UicH.
J.osk of cuntiol of the a-niite hy Hie
f. v r.-iHiliKiniK van rot tlir-n'.eiied. al-
t!-..ii.rli tlvv tuff.'if .1 tl net Iohm of "IX.
.Kirl-t r-pttl '.lean lonatois were ,le- j
(T.i.l ly thin inrty t-nu.itere.1 l .v de- ;
J "f-tt'ic: d mocnitlfi fnr.tor. Hitch-j
i ck of N'-'mitUh end I'oniU iie of j
I .i!o. Hi' r"iuh ioi'i'i hod e:'.rril ll j
nnd ilin.ocnila IV of Hie "'i aetiatorlnl ;
IVmociH' I.cadillK. j
( if lln fix Mill in the balance,
dcnifC'V.: v.'ie leadiiu: In all Man-
no '. I t. ill. N "iv MeNlco, Weet 11- ,
I inlt end ':i -hiurton In tin- la'tei j
!h. rac" bi-i."ti SciuU'ir lVInd in r,
1 1 init'lU ,i'i. nml
former Kepresctitv (
me I 'III l nun n i " (
urn 1 'Mint would le iietnled to fix J
The outcome.
AnoHur iveinint forecast l" '
1 '
t.xas where repiil'licaiis nnminn-l i
would 101, tct Hie tle. tlun of j
I-'.nrle 1'.. Mayfiel.l. di tius'iat, who had
kit Kin Klan t udoiseiiient. tan I
would be bas.d on cliimi or 11 n. ree
. iiuiiiinaiioii lather than a .pieiitlort
cf the 1 ".It t I'f VOte,
Bcver'ulge Defeated
for Indiana Senator
ili.i' 1 1 1 1. . N--V,
. t 1, I fit Muli'
Tl 1 v btt
l.e all eU
1 J'
T '
l'i,h,ut t,;e rlr.iiuii
..l.n T In a.rl
r '
i ' ,
, i.u , ...... ft
1, u,.a t.,1, r AlUll J 'lev
pi hli. -an. H fv ' ("
t S.Crtil VI. 'el
I ..tgi 'H
ut 1 ltJ 'I
I, t 4 f r "tied ei.'
, o-tiur,
111.1 1
i.tb. ll totfl'
,.,. t H. J '
....!. 1. .... m 1,1' !'
,.f I!" .
irt Hi
, 1. .1 I.
1 a. 1 '
t.t l j'
.. f '
f . e l
t.dl.H . "
,. ., . ; 1
!. . 'Ill,' '
, .4 1" i I" '" ' ' "'
k j, ."
,,, ,,, f . ."
I OH !
I ''
'- f
, ,-, .1 ll .'i ''-
J f . ... - !
t I . W I-
.... t th
,t .. . t . i4 '
l I S-
( ... I'
l ' ' f
.e w "t
'Political Leaders in East
ing Ultra-Radicalism and Ultra-Conservatism for
Constructive and Progressive Program, With
Western Man as Chief Exponent.
lly I.I.OItt.L F. AITHIF.K.
M .lilfiglitn rurrrponlrfi 1 Omiifia Ita.
; Washington, Nov, I. (Special Tele-
' gram V Th victory of It. J!, Howell
lover Gilbert M. MHilii'ink In tlit" race
I fur (he NWii'iifkn senaturship In given
unusual lit I flit lull Jn v li Hli 1j i k 1 und
j throughout "'f ''' where
lender M ( attempting tl) IlllllljZe
W,'a' "ll-'l lil cle.'tlon.
! A'""7 ripul .!!.. i.h. Howell vie
I"" "'" """''"""" " -
ji'inl ili'l' in the direction nf the ilfin
'oijutM In. i kill tlir iii'tlnli of N.brnksu
( f imlilli'iiiiH mi fvlilriira of the re-
mating power uf r"ullivn prln-
j Clplf.
The vii'tiiiy at Mr. I Invvvll bus
,r((llKl( vnh .- t., really.1-
(,in if 1(, fll,., lh(( -llik (iniJ
fill! nf tlii- party Ii.ih eoiuiiilttcd tlx' If
lo two things, (mi- Ih tin' elimination
nf ultra-conservatism, nnd the other
In rejection uf ultra radlcalbin. Mr.
lluU't'H'a election Ih regarded a un
lirolilfiiiN Hiiiiiiiily In tlit' fni; iiinl wll
not be afraid of an attempt to milve
tloni. Mr, Howell n Inked upon here
un r.'preKciitatlvi) of n movement
which nitrin to move forward but with
duo refenrd to the condition of bra ken
Election Results
in Far Western
States in Doubt
Official (loiint Probably Ncc-jTwo
eary in Several Contents
California Remains in
Republican Column.
fiun l''raiiolHco, Nov. 8. IU.milta of
thn Kencrul election In many of the U"""'1 '"-(.'alive on the four nlule lawn
. . t , , , . submitted under the referendum
far wee ern tale wan In doubt to- . ,
I Tuemlny, ax hud been generally foro
nlKht, due principally to a heavy votcnH(,
and lenthy ballot. In neveral of
His Ktutea the return were o meager
and the candidate were running o
cionely that it wn expected that an
olllolal count will bo neceHH.-iry to de
cide the result.
('ollfornlii remained In the republi
can colnmn, with the election of
l'Yiend W. nhards a K"vernor and
Hirnni W. JoluiHon n United States
ufiintor. In the 2,732 precinct out
of 6.B81 In the state. Seen tor Johnson
polled 312,102. Jtfcliardmin, In 3.759
precinct. Vecelvod 2!'3, CIS votea and
Thomas 1.. Woohvitie, democrat, 212,
1S4. rpton Sinclnlr, aorlaliat, re
ceived 2J.3S vote 111 the precinct
counted for l.'n 'ted State aenntor.
Ario.-ui lletliocratic. I
Ari.i iia v ent ilcnocratic, returning I
Senator Henry Ashurst and Congress- ordinary persuasion, unsupported by
Mini I'nrl Hayden to WashitiiJton and I pressure of niimhei . It was vigor
elect in" George W. IV Hunt n 'gover-j ously opposed by union labor. Never
l or and an entire state ticket, accord j theless It carried Douglas county by
in" to latest t'tuiiis. Colorado re- 2,400, Lancaster by 4.700 and 2u0 out
turns v.eie meagre, but they iridi-1
cited that William tfvve.-t, deniocrat.c, ,
v .as In the lead fur governor i.y a lew
hundred votes over Benjamin Griinth.i
r, puMicntl.
Sllchtlv more I hint half of tlie pre- I
clnet In Idaho reported C. Moure,,
r, .publirr n, leading in Hie race fi.rvot unufficiullv. Returns received,
Alexander, demo-
.rHt nnd a former governor, win third ,
i inn 11 ill the race, with II. 1".
progressive, second,
p,,ion K. Wheeler, tlie dcmocrntle
,.,,,,,1 ,;lte fur 1'nited ctnte senator
,n j(,,tlim,, had a comfortable leud
pXr ciirl Klddkk, lepublb an cm
j giessm in, wim sougni i" precinct out in i m "',r'lman w a obtained from tne anrwun
jtogi, in the r.tuin from more thanjj,,, 4J,;:i; 1,0, jo,:2. (dealer who recognlxed the rope by
' half tb stale. i T ratify the antl plekMIng Uw: j .cullar knot.
u TL Nevulo.
N.V...U w, another ..ter iU.t.,'"; , ' , ... '
ilmuet .1. too. r.tie.
... . ..nt
n. i.trii e. m.i i iii.i-. t'i .-i
tun-., lo' eiaimro nn i."
!r.u. . .' -
Kr IMtiuau
11 Li. h ints.
. 1 t Nei.l
id ni. r.iti'. l!l r.e
t, l..r b"i
H. hi 'inrh.un d.f.a(,'.l jiiMiniiu i"i.'" ..----
. M.i by
t. foi
Signi Sini Signt
If a ie lu.4.Hif fu
ruvui. i(iniit. raiiiv
,1 g nf huutt, d' Wft
l rn !rdgti g -
trt '.! another
U'S.I'i! I'T "lv Kent"
kt.t, i"v . an-1 dvw
i "fef l;t t 4" "
I'd . ! l
, M-... 4 't
4 I t 1 1 I ml, ei H t
I i. I t '1
Li. it f Ik 1
J, if ) ol la
A I f f ' 1
4t UhlMI M f t
"im" U
Ul, ' tf ") -l
4 Hrg Hfltfl Ri' It
imr Cc
See New Movement, Reject
In ciii'lid traffic: a Iiiowiim ut tlait
Hill rnupci't 'l inclpliH, but lll ro
Jcrt fetlHheM,
Tlie NebniNlian' victory maken Mill
.1 tMtloniil fiKtire nt nine, While he
will nut have the coiniiiltteo nnfiiKit
mentK that foiuf) with lontt yeurit of
nervlic, he will bue xofnetliiuif (treat
er than that Hie reputation of Htand-
ItiK for I'liiicreto priiiclpleii n ml of he
liiK the Hpoki Hfiinii In a Mlnuiflcunt
fiinvard movement In American poli
tic. Mr, Hum i II Vi vli lory baa Hlill iiii
iitlier tii'inlhK, In the opinion of
polltliiil etperlM In re. Tlie "wctit"
have won place In Hie election. No
iiinotint of cuMiilMlry can deny that
Mr. )loweH' tleiti,n in r.,'ii riled nu
linlii .'illriH the vIvorotiM r'HlKlance of
a "home" community In the went tlie reaction n;ainMl the prohi
bition movement.
With Ivlward elected in Ne Jer
Hy, with Kinlth vl'toroim In Tain
it mi ii controlled New York, und with
Volntead beaten 111 MlniieHola, iflvlnif
Hie "wets" thn cbalrinan of the Ju
diciary committee, the nevereat tent
of prohibition la now In nllit. Jt will
be an iibHorblni iHstte in the next
jcoiiKieen and Howcll'n prei-enco In the
iipiiate will be a tower of HtreiiKtli
to thoHij who will neck to continue thw
nrreat moral couniRe represented by
the dry niovetm nt.
Voters Study
Referred Laws
Before Voting
Meatsuref, Anti-Picketing
uiitl Bank Oharlerti, (lur
ry Others Are
N'biiisika otera Uld iml cote a
Instead, tho electorate picked ila
way with cure. Two lawn tlie nnti
picketing atatute and that authorizing
denial of bank charter In cornmuni
tle already well supplied with such
ItiHtltutlons wers aproved. Two oth
er, one removing political party offi
ce from the direct primary, and an
other requiring reitiatratlon of voters
In rural districts, were defeated.
Vote I Decisive.
Tlie vote in .acli cane wua decisive.
The primary amendment loet by more
than two to one. Tlie rurul reRltra
tlon law carried In Douglas county,
but ran heavily bchlrnl in the country
A dlutim t surprise was the strength
of the antl picketing law. This ineas-
ute prohibits
any interference with
by strikers, beyond
Htate precincts by 4. r,00. , Its favorable
majority 's constantly Increasing as
.emion m j uuinu.
Returns Are Slow.
Ittturns on nil referred laws were i
,,.,.,,,,, to. i manv urecliiets
,,uun1 mst ,ar,H failed to return tho !
however, apparently were fairly rep-1
n ,1,. folluwlui.' fmnre. Lancaster
i county 1 not Included. Tho vote
represents 174 tNmgla county pre
cinct and 211 out state. It follows:
Referred I .aw.
To ratify Hie bank charter act: 3SS
3S5 urectn. t out of 1.921 In State
1.921 In state 1
,1 h.!.. 1 111 ? 1
i ." ,T. ' . I
lull ma i.f m: In state give, ,
s i.'V iio. ,'..:3.
To retify tt i tii tl l' itr.itiuii law.
i..,m,t out cf I.2I III ' it" Kv
in, 32.J'.
1".," o 11
fur 'W rt.' ill 1'. I lotion
!,;. N..V l-lri.tll li.-W.JI'VI5i
fcrli.i4ie ft;i,hlt' l.ole I h I'M r-l -I hi
lite "W I ' l.ltu li'dll 111 11"'.f
.M.'U. i f llie .V,U-li. l. C ' ltt'll 1-4
l'r l ' oi ' the o'l'i'n 1:1 !
mltl nv ft I i'l l"i Oi I tel.. I.
1'.. " .,i, I hv
It... il Iw IhI-mw l" 4 '"I no
. .rl un ., .1 . t ' " ' i! 'l 1
k.,..A I. ......uti,. H.I t .
., 1 , . .,
l, u.1.1 la ,..11 .' ' V !' I
, . .,1 .... .1.1,... ia'. M ti.lti.'l. a
luthif..'. .!. 't.i.'lt Hill
I4 tfc.ll.uH la (!! . I lS iv, .1 j
.. 11 m,'i 1 1 .! '! ' i
1 1 l 1 - . . .. I .... . ... I 4 '
4. Ii" ! ' ! 1
U.'. ... I ..!! AmU' -
. . t. ,
. I
i t. t i.
i i
I ie in lloor Nrtl.
., ..M S , I 'l i u 1
VI . a t . t . . I I ' I , . . . I .'
a I H.I . ' 1 ( . , I '" I".
. t. ! I J' C f ' .
. . n. i . I In I.1.M t l M VI..: ,
hint t-.-t - . a i itli.t -l
1 iti ' k.t, a. 4' i-
!Daiier in
i 1
; Lord Curznn Vt'ariia Turks of
Sure Dinahlcr if Tlioy Op
pose Allies With Mili
tary Power.
'Menace to World Peace'
London, Nov. 8. (Hy A. I.) Great
Hrit.iln refuse to purchase peace with
Hie Turk at the cost of humiliation
'ind dlHKinee, Marquis Curzon, British
Mecretary for foreign uffair. declared
today in an address.
Thn attitude of tha Keniallst, re
fiected In their recent demand that the
allied troop leave Constantinople,
will not be tolerated, tin added, and
he gave flat wurnlng to tha national
ists Hint they will como to sure dis
aster If they venture to oppose their
military power to "tho strength of
Creat llrltain anil the might of Ku
rope." Tin: gravity of tho situation In the
rear east was emphasized by Iord
Ctirzon when he termed it "tha most
definite incnaca to tho peace of the
world." !
Ileplle lo (jibe,
neplylnii to what ho described a
iribea made at himself by former
l'rimo Minister Moyd George and
Winston Kpenrer Churchill, he de
clared that Lloyd Heorgo did much to
win the war and that his record would
be inacribed In lasting letter on the
pnges of history, but that some of hi
action as prime minbiter had not
been helpful to Curzon'a department.
When thero was a premier with
tho peculiar glfl of Lloyd George,
such a man must exercise unusual In
fluence on foreign affair. General
opinion, however, ha thought, waa
with th? new premier, Uonnr Law, In
1 Is declaration that the work of th
fort'ign olllre, which 1 largely expert,
must be done by the department It
self. Biibject to the control of the
cabinet and the personal supervision
of Hie premier.
"All Hint the foreign, offlco aks,"
flccliired Lord f'urzon .' that It
should not lie Interfered with by lr
responsible amateurism, however bril
liant t may be."
Common Action for Peace.
"The foreign policy now," he added,
"in the foreign policy of tho British
empire. I lay the cardinal principle
that penco can only be recovered by
the common action of the principal
nllles who achieved tho victory In the
In another part of his address, deal
ing with allied solidarity, ho said:
"You will only settla the reparations
t.nd near cast questions if France,
Great Uritnin and Italy act loyally to
ward each other, and with each other.
What we have to do in get back to
the condition nf mutual esteem and
regard which existed before the war
between France and ourselves. The
resuscitation of that is much more
Important thin any written document
or signed pact.
Falls City Store
Robbed of Silk Goods
I Falls City, Neb., Nov. 8. (Special.)
i while scores of pedintrian were
i traversing the main street here during
their ouest for i lection news, a rob-
outer. .1 the J. C. 1'enney de-
nartment store. and mud" off with
,,1,0111 $1.0imi in merchandise. The
,.olllllj was packed in 10 suitcase
. ...... The loot WAS
blilli'll .."in
almost entiily to women's silk up
turel. Entrance wu pained through the
skylight by the mean of rope pur
chased at a local hardware tore Inat
I Saturday. A god description or in.
r.ctnn Wi l nmnnr !
VfdOkwll II x. . "
1 1
n . pj q .
Kecount in tiay jtate
I'...,..,. v... s --M.nutt.r
....... i 'i.L i.i.,1 m i.iurnlitv of 1.121
.i.4 o-r Will, no" A. tlMtun for it.'it. eriod the Farmer t-uik of Mut-j
I iiite.1 H'Htr stnator, a ' cording nnd in I ' v uff td th bm.k ,
a l. vi'io i of retuu. from Tut.Kt.iy , i Ktu iii, j
m n . Th- rv.-.l oi roi i
, a . UvUe tU.-U. G'ori
4 't-U i rl l!ttt'li aiiiii'tii.c d Hut h
..,;! - k a i ti w ui M.oiifct of
Stmna Note fr Mll N iix" ,
....I l!.'-r I ' t.l in II liilttlt '
, t i; t i.i t ii' tit
1. ir.'.i. i ....1 t f to ih
1P. II It bill W .1' I t ' I'l ,p
mi ;l4 I'f l
(4 . l..
,.ljl, I 1 1 V .r l
; ( ' t 1 - ik m-i' I 1
. . It
. Ul rt'W'fl III "r ) ". 4 4 I
t. a : i .11 ' M
t ,
Vh HrltUh nuimllft
I I'uni.t ll. I tt Hit t
1. .. : . v.. . , I
1 r .".-d-1 I - v
...I- P-.l ' ft ' - - I '.
1 1 I
, ",,'. I.l.. ,1. J . -t - 1 .
I.l Uo'l .. I f ' l'4
l.,t( ' i t .f IS'U.I
. . , , .. t
I I t ' I . I'.
ijit. l,tk..i vf L . . t, a t 1 1 .t.,n j
11 .i iiHa,.iit !, hi 11
INITKII stati;n kknatoii.
It. II. Unwell (It).
harlr V. lirian (111.
Flint llUlrlcl .l.iliil If. Morrhead (ID.
Hrst District (short term) It. II.
Thorpe IK),
herond Dlslrlrl Willi J. Kear (K).
Third DUIflcl Ivdgar Howard (l.
Fourth DIMrlrl M. O. Mrljiush-
llll fit!. -
Fifth District A. C. Khallrnherg
er ID).
iSlxth District Knliert Kinimon (II).
Mxlli Dlslrict (short lerm) A, It,
Humphrey (It).
Meiilrnant Covernor: Fred O. John
son (It).
Secretary of Stale. Charlrt S.
I'uol (D).
Auditor: OiirK W- Marsh (It).
Treasurer; Charles l. ItolilnsAn (It),
Attorney General: 0. ti. Splllman
Land Commissioner: Dan Kwanxon
Kail way CoininUt.ioiier: hrl A.
HuikIuII (It).
Staid Hiiperlnlcndent: John M, Mnl
zrn (nonpoliliiiil).
Supreme Court Judge; George A.
Day (nonpolitliull.
Shel iff: M. L. Kndie (D).
Counvy Allnrne: Henry J. Heal (K).
Treasurer: Olio J. Hhiioijui (D).
Clerk: Frank Dewey (It).
Surveyor: L. K. Adam (It).
Iteglster rif Deeds: Harry I'earce (ft).
County Superintendent: Henry M.
F.aton (nonpolillral).
First District Henry 8. McDonald
Second Dislrlcl f. II. Kubat (It).
Third District VV. J. Curran (D).
William F. Wappirh.
Frank Dlneen.
Max I. Walker.
A. N. Lalon.
Kalpli Van Orsdel,
William C. Itamsry.
John HeUins. ,
Jennie Callfas.
Third District J. Cavaiiatigli (D.)
Fourtli Dir.frUt W. Chamber (It).
Fifth District 4'. L. blunder (It).
yixth DJafrkt J. W. Kolihln (K).
Sevenlh District .1. W. Cooper (n).
KiKlitli District Jame Allen (R).
Ninth District-K. K. Slrehlow (It).
Tenth District Kd A. Smith (R).
Klcvt'iilh District . Collins (D.)
Twelfth District C. Koulsky (D).
Thirteenth District A. W. El
sasser (D. and P).
Fourteenth District F. Helding (K).
Fifteenth District . S. Collin (D).
Kixteentli District (i. II. Dyball (It).
Seventeenth. District T. Dysart (R).
Klghteenth District H. Malcolm
Ualdrlge (II).
Nhieteeiilh Dislrict II. Tlmme (R).
Twentieth District.!. E. Qilinn (D).
Allies Admit Equality
of Claims on Germany
Washington, Nov. 8. (By A. P.l
Lecugnltion of the equality of Amer
ican claims against Germany with
those presented by France, Creat
Brltuin and Belgium in connection
with the maintenance of troops on
the Rhine, Is understood to have been
slgnilied in allied proposal communi
cated to Secretary Hughes 'by Am
bassador .lusserand of France, Am
bassador Ceddes of Great Britain,
Charge Bossl of the Italian embassy,
and Baron dc Curlier, the Belgian am
bassador. The diplomats are. understood lo
have pointed out tha view of their
governments a to tho impracticabil
ity of revising tho whol system, of
reparations allotment at thl time to
meet American contention, and to
have outlined a counter plan for
American reimbursement which their
government believed might be ac
ceptable In Washington.
Farmers Bank of Bennett
'i 1 j I... It .i.utti
laken inrr ut oq '
Al, , nn.-oui heading m The M..m.
'inn lle'l that tlm Farmer tmiik
htiwrt b id t'eeii taken over by the Imtikliig depai tinrlit. The I'em
.Vfit oik i Oraanhfl
. mfiioi In I'fholil
liithl in Carl ooui
N. 1 - .t... uui. f
iio. . bi. I tn 'iron
V lik.l'- - ' ."
in a u iii.i. 1 i.i 11 la, h .
I'liOt I 111" I. .ant
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i, i ml l'j l r Hii lieu.!
in ". "an I,, ,, i.. h, , I. tl.. till li
. i . 4 Hi,- Mi. ' '
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!.(. I I. a . . t .. . , t k .... h.'.
lilt.. ,.. I ... I ... .. Il I
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, (. I ,1 . I, .11 I 1
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.1. I .
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Wllt.ll .,gi
1 f,., .,'t. b l, .1 .i.J .M
iv di 1.1 t it. ta kl kw .fv kn
R. B. Howell Leads Ticket
With Largest Plurality
If ' :M$A
It, llcerhrr Howell, ri pnlillriiii senn -
tor-elect, who headed the republican
ticket 111 Hie geneiiil election, led Hie
What They
This statement was Issued yesterday
by It. H. Howell:
"The large majority afforded me In
yesterday's election was in no sense u
personal victory. It was, un In tho
cnse of my nomination, us 1 then
I rtated, on economic expression and :
now Is un economic expression repent-
. . ... M.. .
I ed In no uncertain tetins, ( " he people
; of Nebraska have ever Ind ented their
j connervatisni, yet they Insist on mov
;ng forward not backward. I hey
look UK.n the continued dev lopiueiil
of monopoly as lliu muse serloUH men'
ace In the econoinlc situation. This
fact has been particuliirly Impressed
by Hie 'nactineiil of the, Lach-Cuin .
mtn !;, which has inWIcally d;-
veloped tho rulhoad Industry Into a
yoverninent protected privetj iiioimp
r..:y Jicve .oet fu'th In the two ;
present accepted method of monopoly
control, punitive laws find legal reg
ulation, and are groping for some
other remedy.
"The people of Nebraska are also
(Vmanding more Insistlvely thun ever
before that private business methods
be employed In the conduct of public
affairs. There has been a sort of
revulsion against Idealism In public
business, as exemplified in the
. . . 1. 61 n ti,n nt,t I n tn
nnuiuiiig 01 ine i u,iiwi'.uuw,uuu ou
L'urope. .
"In view of what has been ncoorn- j
plished In Omaha In the conduct of i
the public water, ice and ga plant, I
. . . . , ,
the people nave evidently conciuueu
that they would welcoino tin utteiript
to apply some of the principles sue
cessfuliy utilized there in 11 broader
way, us, for Instance, "public competi
tion for Hie curbing of monopoly
where other methods continued to fall.
"These nre the considerations, in
my opinion, that caused the remark
able majorities in yesterday' election,
as Mr. Hryun, democratic candidate
for governor, has advocated similar
Senufor Gilbert .v.. Hitchcock
acknowledged his defeat for teeleo.
tlon In the following note addressed
to Mr. Howell, for many years hi
personal friend:
"Iiear .Mr. Howell:
"At tins hour tlie partial returns
Indicate jour election by a very large;
majority and 1 dislte to tender you '
my congratulations.
'Tho campaign bus been hard- j
fought and fairly won by you. I
can not wish for you anything better t
than that you may enjoy the crvice
as much a I have enjoyed It,
"Your ilucerely,
ti. m. iiitciicock."
Iowa and California
Vote Soldiers' Bonus T
IV Mt.iiies I.. Nv. 8 ltelwd i
tigui t rtrtupiltd hy The Aw luted
Irian rtliini fr.Mii M pre-
i io. t on bll. r bi.nm li'i '. ,
v.y Irui.UcH. Nm. -Oti iIium. an.l 1.I11.K I..!. In Hie
Lite 4e ltr.e 1.4 Hi!. 111.1t um
In n.i 4i-4i.iiiuii..imI iniirtiiliuertu;
lle b'H rnf.trtrnieiili r,
V u .1 Hi a. 1. 1.-. I.....J.' mm
.J.'mv Nh
al 1 n?r r JtidiMil Writ
ill MiilLiml I'jlkilllJ ItaH
o . t 1 S... lb I I lit l,K"
L.,1 p 'l.. 1 .' !.' I Ki.'t. I In H.i'l'
t,.', 1., M ar . b .'.
'!,,. ,M. . Ill 1. . t HI""! 4 I'l M l
1.. t'.'h.l.a t'.4l,tti I' n-. , ,
Hit, I M..1.HOI II . ' ..""' will "t I
ltl...,4 t.41U' tall'. ....I'l. tKu.l
' I .it I d.rtl L.ia. Ill X
Hit l..t lt".t .1. 1 ' ( l
1 li, a f."ii ('.' - .0 ti . It
; . 1 l-ill .-in, 1 f iK, . .. 1 !
, it ,a L it., . 1 I. I. I. . -
1. .1 . ".i ' .1 I I- -
,:ii . 4 I a .it. 1 1 it '
iia lliliiil il fill tl V'4tt IhiII
t.t.'l Mi Mifc4w, if
1 . t 1 w lit "W. I -. I ...t
I a, (,tf lm It, , Mt.ltttl'
. tk 1 1 r In It ..4 . I I I ! . .1
t'l ,- a.t i.r.i.l la ei.'
Mil twi.iil 1,1.1.1 f. tuall lu'
ticket Willi Ilia tari(r.f plurality polled.
Charles W. Itran, brother of Hie'
commoner, William Jennings llryan,
' led Ills republican oppi.nenl by almiNtt
a large a plurality as Unwell led III 1
riiiiim rutin opponent.
The Vote by Counties
1 i 1 1 E
i Is c
f .'" I
sr!?! S
- i f-
i a
' i
, Ailmiiii ,
.1 24, :i ix-r irtv t.on
i if,, rii k.ui; 1.H14 1 . i.01 7
.1 i! zo.11 ml nt; 111
.: 'i n 1041 lot; ist
. tl! 1i S,17 1 , 7 2 1)4 J.llH! 2.ltf4
i ) 141 .if, I.IIH 1,1'MH 1,411
i fll I.IIKI1 lilJ! 1,f.l 1,111
.; I Si !! i.i'H, lil'ii I, MI l.Hl
.' t'l III 'i.-iVl I, (III 2,124! 1.114
.', I'll1 2U 2,l', 2,i,7:i t, '..'', 9,7
. IV , Z,01i 2 617 2
.1 2."' 241 I ' 2.1114; 2.40; 2. 4
,1 zil it' 1,41 Wilt: S.ili
' tr,. ii,i 7n9 m;,i 43 11 3:1
. 4::i 1: Ik! f:l (40 111
1 1J 11,1 1.41' l.lll' ),2I'2, 1.2(2
, 14, 14 1,71l t,4li I.IHI 1,7
' ill 21 1,7I4 1,l)ll l,Zn 1.41V
boon. , ,
j n mine
H'O'I ...
' '!,"! ",
liuii. r ..
i,'!""' '
lf'mir ", ',
j ( i,',',,,,'
11 211 1,7441 l.UJI l.tKI! 2. HI
M l 3,l"9 72
ll IT Mil 1,072
ill I' J,S40 !
24' ll 3.111 1.411
P II ll J
2, n I
Osnli-n ,
rhmiiiir . .
ilrant ...
' in; 101 i.ikii 1 , 0 r, ; 1 7
I 12 1 22 I.7H3I 2,472! 2,162
1VL.! 1 , :.l,Z2i, IZt.1.2 21, 1 I
22, 642
1 . r, 2 1
1 i 04i 2D4I 117
2lll 2' 2.13M 3,10111 1112
)7 12 1. 2M 172 1,1.11
il,! 2.j 1,044, 1.4K! I, IDS
0t 2D 2.(1471 1,61.9 1,721
l,94 2, 11S
3, IDC
llll 14'
2 1 1 21
11 II
ll H
t''H'l ".
unit ...
I. H0
am' iitf m.'2 i
4lll 31 1.0.'" :,
107! I,14fl
2 I23 K
1,030' l.:i4 111
3.0211 1,440: l.l.'.S
.lohiiiniri ,
X"Hrney ,
K"llh ...
K lin ha 1 1
K mix
1,11" nil
1,1. 111.
M I'h'm'n
t ilu
H. W'lnw
fti u
to 11'
1.010 1,2111! 1.402
171 17 1 1,701
121 0 605
l.;u, 1,212
io:; zi: 341
2101 k2 171
101 1
2 77! .1301 210
34 27' U.ftl 1
l.Hliil 2,(42
Kill '! 2,003
4' 44 2.93, i,r.nj 2. 1 30' 3,n i
34II ll'i,, U!l
344i 101 2IIHI, ijl ir.s
'.',6I4 1,422' l.t.55!
l.f.tml H I 7- 1,061
cut, tf
I 33, 20,
! I4i I Hi
I I7i I'M
l.HHn! Ill I,I4
I II' IO! 1,7111 1.211 1.273
I 20 2lli 2.r,M l,4li l.HOZi
I 23! 23! 2.721' 2.1091 !.4t.
I 14' 1 4 i l,l2: 1 f,73 l.Slill
I II 11' U 720 1111
I 111 1 :.:i4.-., I2 1.3SII 1,112
' 10, 14' 2.07; LOIS' I.H45I 2.020
I i-J ! B . 1 0 1: 1 2,t,"i2! 1.HSI 4.131
' Hi 11' 5,1181 1.117' 1.031 1.H
! 21' II' 1 147! I4I I'll l.!l
I S4' f4i 3 21!; 2.I.H21 :.074l
I 14' 14' 7, 37 t4', :
! ii ll! III1 1.247. :1( t.4'.
I ,11 IV t.lti: 1.1771 1,145' 1.717
' '."i; sot 4 1771 a. a 1 ' I.II.2I ;
."' "
S,i . I ti
.V' I .I'lUII
I! 13! 1,512, 131' 177' HI
ii. ri! 1 t.i"
th 3J' IH' 3 41) 401
ll H' L7l! 173! tl 1 nil
H' Ill S07I 1711 242I 244
13! Hi I 30i 71) MSI Llll
!' 17! S."4l 1,412! l.SfcO
7 t 421) !"! 171
11 7' 7ts! :.' S7!
1! l;l 1 tut HI I Ml
111 111 1 !!; 1,7. I 117
T lintim
1 14
I 1)54
I V.'l-r
1 w tnston
W'o n.
j W..,!.!1
1 is h.i.r
1 .m
I 171
I 11!
1 15
' ii
1,412 I O'H
1.1 I .1l
t.'l llll
I "Hi 1.4741
t nt; 1 on
l.tnii j 11I
:'i' 417
7 l lll
Ih.w.H ..
Hit, hr,it' ..
Ilrv.,,' . ,
Llll pn. iti n ut ..f I 111
,, , lit "
111 ..lis
Ill i:
-- ""' -' 111 - , 1 tiiiiniiiiiii-r, .lid itlmost wull
Oinahuii Fatally Injured, j piiiiiin Kr
Minn. 1. F' 1 , Nov, Si Ml V A I O h Mollman, t-iblu a.i 1 ind
i.,.tii, In h.n IH14 kel wa found dnia f.-r ni't.iiu y, h I lb
mid b-ir.i.g tf name (r .. 11, Mt
lrii. 31 Hrwstd sli.n, th.iubi
w.i tl; l.t i.lKl.t In it lrt.
bt.lty lltllfd al H lfuil of an aolte
i, 't'i.ait Ih ttiixsr 'l th
4l I'lldttl !.
l ull. 1.01. . l.ikrn lo Hi 1 it V lo'
pits) sad 1 i.l elprtlfd lo U.
The Weather
I Mrl
t'artlv t!oi.l) HiitVi
nartnar bt "tliun
N. Ii.4i.4
i t ut 1 1 1
I a . l H
,.,..1 It .It . , 1,.:
l!If. I ..l.v
I.H t llt.
km tv
1 . ... 4.1 ,
; 1 1. .... utf
loi.. I M' .
It mitt
I tt.,4. 41 41 1 1.
I a.. .
. m.
la 1 a a.
I a a.,
1 I m.
t a a.
' I p. a.
a 1 m.
. a.
I .
a, a
II . a.
li a a
. . .! - ' I .'
I ...r..! , Ml.' - . .
I. I'.-l I '
' I .4 W . -. , . . , II I.l . 1
i I . U 1 it 1 . . II ,,.
IUil.1 ... ... ! Il'l .
Br) an Vote in .Similar Ratio
to Thai of Sfiiator-IJet t
;. O. P. Ha Kilpc
in Slate,
Congressmen Split Even
The steadily mounting plurality nt
it. II. Howell, republican I' Htatf s
si nil tor elect lo succeed h'cnalor G. M,
IIHeheiH'k, defeated democrat, readied
piopurlloiis nothing short of n ma zing
as returns of Ttlisday's election In
Nebraska. lieared tomplitloii Inst
In 1,7(4 i.reclnits, llowull hud 200,
141 votf against 1.17, .1.15 polled by
I llltcbcoi k. Howell's b ad of f,i,0oo
appeared likely lo m retch Into 75.O0O
by Hn; tlina the remaining 170 pre.
clnct me heard from. This I tbr
I times greater Hum Hie laid of any
other senatorial
Candida to in th
state's hlstoiy,
I'luralily M-iunliiig.
All during the day Howell' plural
Ity mounted, llitchcoek'a lend of
8,n00 in Douglas county where h
bad hoped for from 10,000 lo 16,000
wn a mere drop in the bucket com
pared with hi disastrous losses In
county fiter county out state. Indi
cation were that he carried not liulf
it down counties. Howell's lead in
Lancaster rilonn was nearly twice that
of Hlfi'hi'ock in Douglas.
As Howeir plurality waxed great
er, o did that of Charles W. Bryan,
democratic governor-elect. The two
totals the on sending a republican
to the senate and the other seating? a
tlemocrat In the statehoue moved
upward in a strikingly coincident
In 1,781 precinct. Tlryan had 197,
41 votes, ngninst 151,096 for Charle
If. Randall, his republican opponent.
At this rat Bryan's final plurality
wa estimated at over 00,000,
HliU Office Divided.
With tinte two winning such un
usual victories, the rest of the stats
offices fell betwixt and between, with
the lion's hare going to the repub
licans. Democrats won three seats In con
gress, formerly held by republicans,
Congressmen W. K. Andrews In the
Fifth district fell In defeat before
former Governor Hhallonberger, demo
crat, and Edgar Howard, the Colum
bus democratic editor, administered
similar treatment to Congressman II
E, Evan, republican eeklng reelac
Hon' In the Third dltrlct. Former
Governor Morebead, democrat, defeat'
ed Walter Anderson In the First di
Congressman McLaughlin, repub
lican, was re-elected In the Fourth dis
trict, white the Second and the Hixth
districts added Judge W. O. Pear
and "Bob" Simmon, respectively, to
make tho republican congresslonul
trio. II. H. Thorpe and A. H. Humph-
rey, both republicans, won seats In the
First nnd Sixth dlHtrlcts, respectively,
to fill vacancies until March 4.
Legislature Split.
The legislature appeared to be a
spilt, with republicans certain of con
trol In the senate and the lawer
house In oeubt, odds favoring ft slight
malorlty lor the democrats.
Fifteen state senutor are known to
be republican and four democratic,
with 14 unreiM.rted. Thirty-one repre
sentatives are republicans, 26 are dem
ocrats, with two progressives and one
listed as vepublicaiKli'iiiocrat progrc.
slve. 40 unreported.
Oil the Mate ticket below governor,
eveiy republican wa elected st
Crawford Kennedy for secretary of
state Kennedy wa defeated by
Charles W. J'ool, former holder of thll
office an I mie-tlme democratic iiom
I nee for (tmgress In tha Sixth dis
trict. Charles A. Randall, republican
candidal for tat railway commis
sioner, piled up the Is'ge.t l'luiiilliy
ef any ran.IId.ite on Hie stals ticket,
lending I'ml t'. Ayres, tleimwrat, ly
rn'io of
S lo I. luii Swii:ii, re-
publican, leek ill g le il-i'tluu land
, i .i r.i. t . im ak of miv of I'm t
' pul L.nit la li.i... a on Ilia klala II. '.
littiiin trt n. t "4 ft I : ptf ittc'l
ibiv l'i Ij", lllil'l 111 '
m fur hetiifth M. Inia!1 l .Iv.te
'al. fl'lH.i eot
J M Mullen. UI
r .litrti.trl
, t. .. h.ln. l- ii 'I 'M '' t'1 rtl ink. I f-r tti.l ('' V
i.i. IS'iinit t"'.') ' ""f
I! It it'll I'Oll. a.'. I -I'l I'" "l
I.' !' t.'t ' tU IH'IH " 'f I'l
I tt,4 I1I4I '''
live l H'4 'vlb.
' 1 . , ...I I.II..I. ft ,ll. a Jj1k
I , 4., I Li. .1. I I 1 't' W'l siW,
1 .'.I. l. I. til a .i 4 MH.I
V Ila ,lt..i4 1 i" 1 tfv.u.1 It itfc
1. 1 1. i w 1 1 !. 1 1 .1. 1 '.. aa
I .... . I M ,
l... . I 4' .1.4 ,. ft. a 4 HI It
.1 I. t 4 li t O ' I
Ik. I . ... tl ll'IM it" ' I !" t
I . 4 . "I llb ' l .. I
V .n. 4 1 '.:. 1 I ..'i
il j- M. I III I 't 4! J I f U
f. I. ! I 1 I 4
, I I .4 ' 1 - h , I 1 I t t .
a... , I. . 4 I.. . I .1 .'. Itil
I tM I" ik t .'..Jl i -. ii'i. 1
l K .,."i .14 t 4j l.ta
Ilk .
U'htl !! .l..i t . 1.-1 l.. .'-
llM Mi f taa, talasMiHto,!
I H '
'. la I l. t.4t i 4 -. ... llallinSI