TUB OMAHA BEE: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER VJSZ. Over Half States Bar Women From Service on Juries .Minnesota Awarded Honor of Heing Manner State All Oiialifieatioiu Keinoved ly Amendment lo Law. Washington, Nov, 7 Twenty seven suites nnd (It f)tirt i-f Columbia (nil deny women the right to erve, "II Juilea, nnordliig to h riHl Imiw Mm Investigation ut jury service law Just llllli,i Ud ,y , lejj,,! r,.w.f,,.,h rt,. rarlment of the woiiuin' party, in iti iiiMiinii for tho fiunl righta ion. f lewa meeting In Washington next Nilurday nnd Hunday. M In neurit it I awarded the honor of j being th banner Jury state, rom the ' woman'! point of view, the report j stating thHt the Minneeots, law on i Jury service "Is unquestionably the it k relative to women Juror," On April 19, 1921, the Minnesota law was amended to apply equally to both nin and women, loth to qualifies lions and exemptions, th amended law declaring that "any and all sag disqualification la hereby removed. " Nineteen state now allow women to serve on Jurlea, Including Arkansas, California, Irlewnre, Indiana, Iowa, Knneus, Kentucky, I,oul:ana, Maine, Mlrhlh'tn, Minnesota. North Dakota, Nevada, New Jersey, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Washington and Wla rotiitn. Jn two states tha right of women to aerv on Jurlie la doubtful, owing lo coriltlcflng Interpretation of tha lnw. These aiatea art llllnol and Hah. of tha 19 aiatea where women mny aerva on Jurlea, f.'allfornln, Maine, New Jersey and North Duknta allow them to eerv on equal terms with men. a. t- u. J c Jm u Z WEDNESDAY ELECTED Tha Moil POPULAR Food Stor In Omaha. Step in and Shop, or Phona AT. 4603. FREE DELIVERY GRnnFRiFQ Potato,., p., pack (IS lbs.) J5 ""v V ! I bl Elltliorn Milk, oar 16 -oa. aan . . Ils . . ' Blu Hau Head Kill, lb It Extra Standard Hawkey Corn, Oiark Tomatoes or Monarch Pork and B.ans, apodal 9c Food Cantor flour, 4S-lb. sack, II.M Cold Dual, larf pk( 2. Lara 10c liar Hard Water Caalila Soap 7e Mlihifsn Navy Beam, lb. . ..ri'Sc Japan Tlout Toilet Pspari regular 10c value, 4 for 2fic FRUITS Tokay Crape., lb K) Cooking; Apples, pk Good Bananas, speci.il, per doxan JJ5, DELICATESSEN Fresh. r; V W.-t a. u 7. J 0 2 u. u z Our Own Make. Mad Daily. FRANK tURTFRS . , . a lloms-mad Sauerkraut, lb 10c KNOTK WORST ..V'o I h M 1)111 Pities 10c WFINIKS I I R LU. I 3 Pkled Pif's Feat, MINCED HAM . . " W W" I (or 28c 1 ,000 Island or MayonaU Pressing-, pint , 35c Sliced Swcit Piiklaa, spoclal lor Wednesday, 2 dosea for 25c "Old at 73? Guess Not!" s mm Pure Leaf Lard, 8 Iba W) Steer Rib Boil, lb TiC Stsar Pot Roast, lb 0"C I Younf Pi( Pork Chops 24'c Frssb Cut llamburger, lb. . 12'iC I Sugar-Cured Bacon, lb 22','iC MEATS FIS Smoked Kippered Salmon, lb. .ftOc Fresh Halibut or Salmon Steak, lb 25c4 Meadow Co'd Butter 47 Checked and Cooking Eggs (in cartons) 25? Res Nut Margarine 20c DAfiRY P and G SOAP Wednesday, per bar 4. SKINNER'S swP,Sry:.3. pk.": Mr":o.n2V; PEARL WHITE iT.r. 3Hc JD W will give FREE M pound can with aaV every can purchased Wednesday, COFFEE f10r.u:d."' 47c i TTOC'Cr TrTA Come in and get a sample package of IlllllCs It-Mthls wonderful Tea FREE all day Wednesday. H -lb.- package 35t The one high-grade Tea that cost ao little. in fj Phone AT. 4S93 win "I'm not old at 73," dlra Mr. Piler fniinrll of Hyraew, S. V., who donned overall to lH kliingle) the roof of her home v. lien a rarpfiifrr vn- gagrd lo do the work liccame III. Nhe didn't get AUtf three atorlra In th air, for aiie Iih niiiilc many flight tvllli her two aona, who were In lha aviation arctlon of the arm In the world war. .2 JX . NEW FOOD CENTER 1814-16-18 FARNAM w .,.,. ., Li 0 Radiolettcr as Cheap as Mail x .. a:.. a "mil" '.orporaiion Makes liates for Commercial Messages. Kor llio lnHt time In the hlKtory of iniFrnanoniti communication, the Kinllo ( orporatlun of America haa an nounced a aervlce which cnahh-a the pulillo to ar-nd inettmigoa to London and Oermany at a rale Hlitly higher than pontage. The rate announced la 6 cpMb pur word with no minimum re quirement. It will he poBslblo hercaftrr for In dividuals' and biiHlntaa hoimes to aend nieaNagca of us f.-w worda u three or four at the llxcd rale of 6 centa for each word, aa for limtance, "All well," would coat only 12 centa plua churgca for address, and algnature, If any. The arrangement was made with a vjow to acrviiiR the public as well as tho busint'K Interests of Greater New Tork. For the present, the service Is confined to London and to Ger many. A message tnny he filed any day In the wek up to Saturday with the designation "Iladloletter" or Its ab breviation "RL" and It will be trans mitted In time to reach London or Oermany the following Monday morning. While registered code ad dresses are acceptable, the text of the message la restricted to plain lan gunire only, The new service is called the "rtadloletter Service." e ft. r..j V Kit the SiSiiny side q$ winter Snow-capped meant aim bordering a summer $ca rertcct motor roaas aua i tell keptrli linla Esxdirnt schools forthechUdTwUXcty inns and luxurious retsxt hotels ; or you canmtta bungalow and enjoy your own ros?ardn daily trairwto . California Sparks An Interesting experiment for the amateur bothered with severe capac ity effects and tube noises, la to en close each port such as the tuning units and tranHfnrmers In a metal lined case, the linitiK belnj; (grounded to the riirth connection of the set, By following out this idea It hits been possible to use six or mora singe of audio frequency amplification without (he howls ordinarily heard when UHlng so many tubes. A photographer's rubber developing tray placed under the atorago battery will prevent leaking or creeping acid from entlrie; through the carpet and the varnish on floor. The bureau of mines of the Depart ment of Interior Is seriously consider Ing tho problem of equipping mines with radio apparatus for use in the event of accident. .The airing. ng of telephone wires la Impracticable, but officials state that It would bo fairly simple to equip certain distant room, or chambers with crystal receiving set ao that rescue parties could com municate with imprisoned miners. Road Conditions (TiirnWirrf hr lb Omaha Autfl I'lub.) I.lni'olri Mf.Uway, mi: JIukiIs "Mil riwiyli In 'ft' In a to penisun. liood east to Ci-'Jur Hsiilils I.lnrain hliehwsy, west! Detour 11 mllus west on Ix, Una hi. On mil north, I hems west to Lincoln hUhway n-aln. lintour north lit Vsll.y, on mils east, thtne north to "rmont. Itond flr to ood. ri'.rnewhat ruusti In ttisuiio to Orsnd island. O. I,, T), ; Itnsd rsportad sell pretty roush bstnncti Orniin anil Anhlaiwl, Just fair to J.lnioln. IJ"tour Imtween Dor- chester ami Krland, somewhat roun srnunil llantlns". Mouirh betwoen Oifuid ml Arnpahos. Fair lo ituoil to uenvor. Mirlniun highway: Henna icnofl. . f'ornhusker lilnhway: Koada good. MlKhlmi'i i-Uloir: Hoails rood, Wnhiiiion hlhway: Itosd fslr to ooil, Homawhat rouiih around Jtlalr, Uoo.1 north lo Hloux City. Oinaha-Tulsa highway; Koaus sooa to Tuoeks. (iinsha-TopfKa nisuwsy: iiosos rair to food to sta's line. Kin of Traits norm: nouns rousn in trcti.hes to Missouri Valley. Clood north to Htoux city. kiiik ot Trails, south: nosn soon to lllawttlhft. Hlver to Hlvr ro4: Roails fair to food. Whim Way "1" lllifhway: Uosds fair to food, still somewhat rough (n stratube. I, o, a. shortllne: Itoaijs food. lllun lirass road: Koads (air to food som'-whst rouifti In stretches. VVeathur reporti-d clear st all points. Street Car Leaves Track; Hits Auto Couple in Machine Talked at Curb Shaken Up in Un uual Accident. A southbound street rnr Jumped the rails near Twenty fourth and Wirt streets nt 5:45 Monday evening, made a sudden turn to the left and dashed toward the North Presbyterian church, at this address. Before the motonnati could stop the car It had reached within a few feet of the curb on the east aide of th street. In the path of tha car waa an auto mobile headed north. It waa thrown onto the curl), with minor damages resulting. Mls Dell Potter, 1(!0I Emimt treet, and O. O. Uolan, 2673 Fort treet, occupants of the machine, were shaken up but not hurt, ptreet car officials were tumble. Mon day night to determine the cause of the Jump accident. ! New f :,000,(M)0 Theater U Opened in Cleveland Cleveland, .Nov. 7 I'loluiunced by art and dramllu ci It Its who am here to attend the premier performance to be th flneat Ihenfer In the t'nlted Hntea If not the world, kelth'a Palnee theater, In tha new S3 story Keith office building, constructed at coat of more than tVOOO.onn, waa formally op timl here Inat night with several hundred (rotiiliient personage and ...ml Icniicra from New York, Pitta burgh, t'lnclnnntl, Columbus, Indian spoil. UmiisvIIIm, ftytai'use. Washing ton anil other cltlea In attendance. Among those present were the gov ernor of eight state; K. F. A I be cf lioston, president ot (he II. I'. Keith circuit of theaters; C. J. .Murdoch, generst manager, and many other rP reaeniatlve of large theatrical hold Inge throughout th I'nlted Htstee The theater seat more tlnm 1,609. . i . . i It Want Ads produce results. Railroad Say "Careful Crossing" Drive SuecenH New York, Nov. 7. Itallroud croae Ing accidents during the four summer months of 1922 mounted to 4.411 In the period of the "careful crossing" campaign waged by the American Hallway aoolntlon, that oigunlaitlon announced yesterday, Although this represents an In crease of 3 t per cent over th same period in 1921, the association clnlmi the campaign actually eaved many lives, since 21 per cent more automo. biles were In operation than last year, and nearly 10 per cent more railway cars were transported. The report reveals that from June 80 to September 20, 0i persons were killed In crossing accidents, an in crease of 24 over Inst year. The Inhabitants of Canada use 27 pounds of butter per capita the high et of any people. f Unbelievable Achievement X ' I The $9Z5 ) Vera , fIU ti fleeaj Ceeyes, N.l -sl rtl. l Aae, a-al kIH tft l.t,t..,B4 las'tsJ 4 la MMaus Wdt file MlHi"s S4 ) SUV l t tf ! dT a4 e -"4 ce t.a sMSlMt rrJ H"T ! "all tk " at Ml ' lUoiawf 4iUe -a r t '4' ll m dU4kMl CaMie 4 l,ta, 4' tadt. tutrttix atr ALL MEN AND WOMEN When in) Need uf a Tmtie hhustid hii mi the H"d ! rllull by i,ll..wbi 1hk Adtke, tMVeii. a ' lT. I'lai-s nit i .i.d t, n fitcii in f dully h lit o Mii 4ltr I r t st I'fttra v1 I i l4tit ,t:n!1u Msl.'l I's iiij' i t a" I vt st tr i thn. t..ti, s't'a i.r nj ti. i f a ln a, Oi l wit Witca Mikl t.u. ral uJ u a .itth I'iM'V Ktitti.i'M ' t ,( .r In luim . il I l l it.on lit-l I. h!', f- M t t- l k.r isiduia aal.i l ! t !.! Hi Si'H) m ,iXf l -t:4 at! aal "Uut ' V la h ti.ft at y- e..ie iui ii If, I ou. i t ae . f - I v ii I ik tt-e stal .. is I - .. ii,i.sil g ia) is-i' ! tt 1 '. 9, lil.SHk. I. v' II M i ,i I Im( i !. S. l illuat I" 4.s ls.,l ! ,!, lit n't l t I f, I V i Is I luilding Bone U sxiueJljf Important ti 1 butklntf llcaK. food, that J MeUt Nktur. fv lime) in th boieMrdtcthrtBcritiaJ. I Scott's Emulsion pur vumln.ljlrif aw In :i . i (n tburularwe ! tnrtt thai nti ih hoiy U4 tUlUI la k.a ..I assei s w ,-. i . i , Oervj tWMI iyJ 44WVJ ltS cd ff ADVKRTISKMKNT. Hughes Is On Job Every Day And Feels Fine 'Since taking Tanlac I am on the Job every day, have gained several pounds and feel better than I have In years," declared David I. Hugnes, 2602 8. 31th Kt fit. 1-ouls Mo., em ployee of tho American Refrigerator Transit Co. "I suffered from stomach trouble two years and got so I could hardly eat a thing but what It felt like a lump of lead In my stomach, uaa bloated mo until I was in misery foi hours. I had terrible headaches, aw ful pains across the small of my back and was so run down I could hardly drag around. 'Tanlac helped me from the very start and now I have such a good appetite and such perfect digestion I can eat Just anything and nothing hurts me a particle. I am only too glad to pass along the good word about Tanlac." Tanlac is sold by all godd druggists. Wlf fen One Tube Free A 10-Day Tube. Simply tend coupon. Other new idea Modern remrch Uo discovered two other esitntit.li, and Pepao dent fulfills them. It multiplies the alkalinity of tha saliva. That it there to constantly neuu-alli th tcld which cause dtcty. It multiplies the ttarch di gettint In saliva. That It there to diieit deposits on tteth which mty otnerwite ferment and form icids. Thus Peptodent, twice daily, glvet manifold power to Nature great tooth-prottcting tjenti la the mouth. The Mistake That millions have corrected At most folkt know, brushing teeth in old ways proved mott dis appointing. Teeth still discolored, till decayed. Beautiful teeth were teen lets often than today. Tooth troublei came to 49 in SO. Millions of people, nearly all the world over, have found a better method. The glistening teeth you see everywhere now show one of the results. AH due to film Most cloudy teeth and most tooth troubles are now traced to film. Film is that viscous cost you feel. It clings to teeth, gett between the teeth and stays. Food stains, etc., discolor it, then it forms dingy coatt. Tartar is based on film. Film also holds food substance which ferments and forms acid. It holds the acid in contact with the teeth to cause decay. Germi breed by millions in it. They, with tar tar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea. No ordinary tooth patte effectively combats film. So, despite all bruah ing, very few escaped those film caased troubles. Two new method Then dental tcience, liter long research, found two film combat ants. One acts to curdle film, on to remove it, and without any harmful scouring. Able authorities nrored those methods efficient Then leading dentists everywhere began to ad vise their use. A new-type tooth patte wai cre ated, bated on modern research. The name it Pepsodent Then the.e two film combatants were embodied in it for daily application. New beauty come Uteri of Peptodent gain new beauty, new charm. You tee that everywhere. Note how many pretty teeth ehow teeth which were once concealed. No woman, no man, who once teet these re tultt will ever go without them. Send the coupon for a 10-Day Tube. Note how clean the teeth feel after using. Mark the absence of the viscous film. See how teeth whiten at the fUm-cottt disappear. This test will bt a delightful revelation. It will point the wsy, for you and yours, to life-long benefits. Cut out the coupon to you won't forget ate US VwaaaaaaBBB The New-Day Dentifrice Now advised by dentists the world over. All druggists supply the large tubes. 10'Day Tube Free 10U THE PEPSODENT COMPANY. Dept. A-23S, 1104 S. Wabash Avs, Chlca, III. Mail 10-Day Tob of Fepeodent to Only ea tub to a family. Two types of closed cars sell under $2,000. One features its fancy body with fittings of clock, vanity cases, cigar lighters, trunk, eta In open models such a car sells at about $1,000. The other type is the HUDSON Super-Six Coach Official tests mark it one of the truly great automobiles. More than 120,000 Super-Sixes are in service. With its new improved motor, it has a smoothness unknown to earlier models. And you will like the Coach. It has a sturdy simplicity with all essential com forts. A trans-continental tour or a shop ping trip can be made with equal confi dence and security. 1625 3? GUY L.SMITH timer naif If ... . fbaa I a. a. I ,V... OrVUvAs.U sV l0.il. HIS r -.. , rsiirii if..- il4 ili I I lie Im...i ' II l.l (.. hv , h It f fce sbi. ! ..i ,11th W i M' DIUNW Hltt ti