r THE OMAHA RKE: WEDNESDAY, NOVKMHKK , lie: The morning Bee MORNING EVENING SUNDAY JHt. SEE PUBLISHING COMPANY MUON B. ITlUKk, i'ybh.h.r. II. UHiMfcH, l. Maaager. MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PKESS Tee .,id Iimt at lu ie a Maw, ie eictwmlf WUt4 U It,. UM IH J.Niral'. u ft, I tftl.l iImJiImI i it e H4 lfc.fwlM rtMjtl4 III U-. tf, aii ftj 1 14 al ! .h,ll.f ewa. All ratea U rtibltiiliti f ee al dwetrfaM eie MMf.ea. DEE 7LLEPIIONU Prlie'e Bramh Pi'hiii. A.k f.ir lae Diertnint JJ antit w f irioi nniii. i tir n,irni v ant n-r je r. m i Editor l Iir.rinnm. A 1 Unlit liul or 1 0 4 i. 1000 OFFICES Mai Off c-U' an4 Fernem -' Bluff It broil at. Hu, Side, N. H. Cor. 24th i4 N N.w York-t Hflh Avenue hlrflin . . Hi Mar III.!. l'h o ... 1720 Bur Bid. Peru, Frame 4 lie Hue tl. Ilunure while the votes are being counted. Many thought com flickinif into tho mind on election day. Foremont of all conns mlmlration for ho spirit in which tho pimple aircpt tin juilcnifnt of ths majority. The willinjcni' to ttliido by the re. ult of th biillotintr it the conumtoiie of the Amerl can republic. Though thin is written in advance of . the return from Tursilny's election, yet it can be taid with all confidence thut loner itnd victor alike will accept with all Rood yracu the verdict of pop. ular opinion. N'ehraaka i one of the thirty-two statei that plc-ct n governor at thift time. Throughout the na tion an entirely new coriifre i being choiten. In "Ji'rty.four tutci the United Statei aenatorahip is at b'pke. All thou! content are conducted with a minimum of HixonJi-r. Where changes arc to bo mode in representation, the new men will be in stalled with the support of the people solidly be hind them. Ours is a representative Kvcrnmfnt, and more fully ho with tho advent of woman (iulfrno. The serious munncr In which the feminine half of the lomiu ion is lulling its duties is having its cfTcct on the general conduct of theso elections. If there is less enthusiasm thun in some contests of the , pant, there is more seriousness of purpose. The fullest discussion of issues and candidates has been had. In N'ebrnska tho weather held good throughout all except the last few days of the cam paign. The tours which took the various enndi- dates into all corners of the state have brought " them into close contact with the minds of the peo ple. There is not one of these men that is not ', better fitted t'j occupy ofTlce today than when he began his campaign, for each is better acquainted with the needs and desires of his constituency through the visiU he has paid it. Tho people, too, recognize and appreciate these acquaintanceships. Tho duties of public officials oft-times tend to keep them apart from their con stituents, and some mako little effort to maintain as close a touch as is advisable. But right now, the people feel themselves on rather intimate terms with these men. There Is a way, by pressure of public sentiment, to continue these relationships. Tho sunshine of election day personifies and en courages the hope of the people for a growth of good government. Heavy voting is an evidence of the strength of faith in the American government and of the determination, also, of each individual to " fulfill his duty as a citizen. other mill products of corn, but th quickest ami easiest way to caxh in on this crop appears to be on four lejrs. AMERICAN LIFE IN FICTION. Now comet a Chicago woman to retent what it supposed to be representation! of American life of today in fiction of the hour. A general Inclination to agree with her it irresistible. Furvoyors of fiction, at It-art those who aim at the higher grades, have al ways sought to mirror actual existence, usually mix ing it with their own preconceived ideas of what ought to be, and cementing it with such philosophical binder as they evoke from their own experienca or aspirations. Tho result Is a conglomerate, in which certain nuggets of truth may exlut, but mixed with a vast deal of stuff that is worthless. Consciously or unconsciously, the novelists are prone to exaggerate, one way or the other. Intent on rounding out a paragraph, following the trail of a creative thought, but bending it to conform to the general purpose of the tale, they are apt to shape rather than record events, to elevate or depress the elements wljh which they deal, that the work they turn out may be symmetrical, whi ther It is actual or not. Fiction so produced must be regarded solely a fiction. A painting la not a photograph, nor should one expect a novel to be a transcript such as might be submitted to a court of law. American life Is about the most baffling thing a writer can deal with, for it is tho most shifting. Cer tain of the homely virtues are fixed and Immutable in our existence, but tho surface stirs so continually that tho kuleidoscope affords the only simile for its changing aspects. Authors are not wholly to blame if one novel diffcreth from another novel In the quality of Its realism. The only safe ground Is that taken by thoso writers whose output Is wholly imaginative. They at least are Immune from tho challenge of fact. "From State and Nation" Editorials from other newspapers "lliiaiiirk Is (iiMid." r'r'.tu lha Turka Stale Journal. 1 1 ioii has dccrrimrd. The aversx prlc j ri-i-t-l vel during tli four months. Do- For the l)r-t time In two years, wys ! I,,b,'r to January. 101S I. was 15 cents Amour's monthly buainra review, it turn bei-n imUMl'U to write tho wnnla "lulin. Is giiod," uniiuiillllmlly. Within a reiimrkahly short time, In iliiHiry h it n-( iivi-i from the m-rlous 111k which were horn vt tha coiil nii'l h poiimt. The averaa price received during t tin orrcpoijtiiis pi rUxt In l:Oi :i win 32 cciila a pound. In .Soil the I'l-nmis fluuira ahnwnt (,,'U4.ilBS turkeys on fin-ma In the I'nltert Htatea, while In 1910 there were only 3,6k,. I'.i.." . ' i. .., 7u. und lu !:' then- were ,827.n hv now has t.roKre.l to the point at ' ""J'1" "",t V"" .h Prl:" ,,f which it I. posHihl., to say that a en-1 t"rkv' has Increase,) to the producer era! utahlllJitlon ha been effected hy , "l"re ",,a",1"u !"'r(CC'it. while during all Industrial o-vupatloi... It aemw 1 'h y,T 1 nu",h.,Tl,,f 'urr; mil rv V l.rolu, , . auva llm rnvli w. """ 'i that the level cm which huiiniui Is to "The People's Voice'r Editorial (ram raa4ara a Ilia Maraiaf B. Raadar al Tha Maml Baa ara Iavlla4 I Uaa ihia caliim fraal ar aaataaalaii mallara al public latti-aal. , i-P colli. TURKS AND THE TREATIES. A line in a dispatch from Constantinople carries what seems to be the keynote of tho situation there. It says the Kcmnlists will probably climb down from their high horse. Turks are notorious as bargain ers. It is characteristic of them to ask far more than they expect to get, and finally' to strike the bargain when something near their real hopes is of fered. A few days ago the Angora government was aa insistent on tho retirement of the Allied forces from tho neutral zones along the Dardanelles as now they are for the evacuation of Constantinople. Just as the settlement waa reached then without bloodshed, so it will probably be again achieved. Tho overthrow of the Ottoman empire and the establishment of the Ottoman republic is a note worthy event, particularly because of its being bloodless. , The Kemaliata, in proclaiming their new government, ask to be considered as having re leased Turkey from the bonds of feudal despotism, and to have opened the gates of progress to the people. All tho world will say "Amen!" to this, but the accompanying announcement that none of the treaties entered into by the deposed sultan will be regarded by the republic is not so reassuring. The Turks will have to learn that national In tegrity carries with it recognition of bargains mado In good faith. They are going to Lausanne to aid in the establishment of new agreements with the powers of Europe, and will show to a much better advantage there if they are not wasting time threat ening the peace of the world by demanding a free hand from people who do "not trust them any too implicitly. CORN ON THE HOOF. Although only 10 per cent of America's corn crop Is used directly for human food, yet it is the princi pal source of the nation's food supply. Nebraska, at one of the pncipnl states of the corn belt realizes the vital importance of this crop to its prosperity. The Year Hook of the I'nited State Department of Agriculture for ltl r'es farther in showing the na tional importance of corn. Of approximately tl.OoO.OOi) farm in the I'niteJ Su:n. nearly o.ooo Mint produce com. Nearly 100,. ioiO00 acres is devote. I t) it production. In te iil rar the total output Htu re.n-hed more than S,0O'.oiD,in0 buhcl During the wr it !ue ren. hed more thii 1 1 .00itHH,mi0 mr, n,l in l!.M the en p brviis'ht 1 1 .:tot.tiiii,000. Y!r'ii, ci r li ! lo tht !trt .t,mU, will prthtu.-e IrtrUMOi'O bu.heU of corn in ty.'.', i current market piif thi wouU tii't lo,$vl,tHU'. !' nly thi I wonderful ihowtii t- t a crop tf huh cn'y oil tenth la r!en by hn u te.l k Corn, htwer, ia the l atit f tha li t k to iicm, KigMy-rH r (it vt U t throu.s lh ronauiwN.nii if R mi atul mailt rlnit lU. oii, pof'k, beaf n4 WJlluk ely other f pi'W iff colli. w n s' K- it fa'im v 11 patr rPi't f corn t-rop. a r snj m id pt .!, I I ft , 1 pr -i-t. I hp t r first. t"S ! Ill t4 t k bet A ftrn. 1 rr ."!; -.aii in mrhM 1 ft tiht; sum"! f i on frm 3 pi pUt, I I ft ft. ssl l K v f 3 r fat. l'' ltl P'l frJ4 Spoilt ir f Hi sf ls i!4 s iPt'r sf . Of t Nkins fntf4 4ti,. t sVwt fr t. I se I I' n .s trvJve Piii D" (' t-H a -hf t s Sffs i l rtitf iw r si I I tkt tJ Ht s4 '" f t ' - f f I f ' may ,ai t I titt u r'r'-'' B c w t iiun.l i J PROBLEM OF THE PRISONER. Tho National Prison Development league is push ing its work on behalf of those who are confined in tho penitentiaries of tho land. None of our national problems is more difficult of solution, however easy the approach may seem. Experiments of muny kinds have beecn tried, meeting always with partial succes, yet none actually doing what had been expected. Theso failures or partial fnilures are not to indicate that efforts will be abandoned. So long as criminals exist prisons of soma sort will bo maintained for their confinement, and while wo have any kind of prison, no matter how humane it may be in conception or management, the treat ment of the prisoner will bo a subject for consider, ation. Mr. Charles Brandon Booth, president of the so ciety named, is in Omaha, setting out the aims of the organization, which for the present have to do with the employment of prisoners at useful work. It is agreed that idleness begets crime, and it is quite as certain that it will not conduce to reforma tion. Useful, constructive employment is the great est factor in human happiness, In or out of prison, and correction is impossible if it be not ac companied with healthy occupation. Mr. Booth says: "The penitentiary Is not dCKlnncil to wreak the voiiKeance of society but to rebuild man Rood and womanhood that lias gone astray. Prisoners should be taught trades that they might fulfil! their obligations citizens when released," This is not a mere platitude of a professional re former, but a simple statement of an admitted truth. Society will be benefited just as inmates of our great prisons are taught self-respect and self-supporting habits. WHAT AK-SAR-BEN'S FAIR MAY BE. A great many people wonder if the race track and its big pavilion and grandstand is all there is to be of the Ak-Sar-Ben field. These are not aware of the vision that inspires the board of governors. When they determined, three years ago, to break away from tho outworn street carnival, the central thought was to put the annual celebration on a high plane. The race track was part of this, and setmed the easiest to realize at once. Accordingly it was provided. Following it, though, is to be a great annual exposition; not just a fair, or a competitive show of agricultural products, with the accompany ing amusement features, but an exposition in the highest sense. One of the earlier discussions of the plan men tioned the Toronto exposition as on example of what is intended for Omaha. This great show has just closed its annual two weeks of exhibition, with a record of attendance totalling more than 2,000,000 spectators. Exhibitors were in attendance from all over the world, and visitors came from Europe, South and Central America, and from the United States. That is what the board of governors hopes to establish in Omaha, a great exposition that will display goods and wares from all the world, and draw attention equally as widespread. Tostwar experience has not permitted the expan sion dreamed of and it has not been pressed, but It has not been abandoned. Ak-Sar-Ben will yet have I board If Lt would not be more seemly lay Is to become the trim normal from whieh the I'M) and flow may be llg lired for sown time tn eotne. Th 'AniuillNt nay in 11 recent It Mie, iIImcuhmIiik the bilHlneas Hit nation: "(ienerul hiiNlncMH condition con tlniiH to be of a hluhly sutufactory character. Development! Iiavn served merely to further emphnnl!! that thin liiiHlnest expansion' In being built upon Round principle, and that It may be expected to continue nt an IncreiiHlng pure, Jt would be natural to expect that business at thi period of the year would show Improvement, no matter what might have been the rec ord of preceding month. We are ad vancing now Into tl)e holiday period, and thi In Itnelf serve to Htiniulntn activity In retail line. Furthermore, at thi time of the year the purchas ing powtr In all part of the country In at th peak, and thi I particularly true of certain ectlou till year." In continuation the "Annalist" cay: In th touth, for Instanee, thero ha been heavy marketing of cotton, and th south him received a price for this Maple which afford an excellent re turn on labor and capital Involved. It I ulto true that In tha west a goodly portion of th (train crop ha been marketed, and the buying power lis been correspondingly raised. Thu there I eHlabllslmd the foundation for Increased activity In nil line, and It is thi which bear a direct Influence on condition thi year. To a certain extent the demand for the holiday period are peculiarly seasonal, and It often happen that with the turn Into a new year thero i a reaction which leave Industry, so fur an retail line are concerned, In something of a prostrate condition, There 1. how ever, no reason to expect that such a kltuatlon In It broadest Interpreta tion will apply this year. Tho record of the last nine months ha been one of steady progression In business and finance, and the under lying situation has not been changed in the least. The money for business purpose Is In plentiful supply, and will probably continue so, and under uch circumstance there i no reason to doubt the correctness of the view point of business men that operations can continue confidently In tho full expectation that prosperity Is more nearly of the present than It has been at any time since the process of de flation brought drastic readjustment unit staggering financial losses. lt is common knowlmlgii that tor key are not easily bundled, for by uaturo they are wanderers and they usually give considerable concern to those whose duty It I to keep them on the home premise, Th almost unconiUi-rablu Inclination of turkeys to wander Into the Held of neighbor ha often caused strained feeling and many owner of Hock have aban doned the buslnes of raising turkeys on that account. Turkeys are also seriously airlifted by a disease known a blackhead, which ha caused heavy Iossi-m, and In soma Instance the bual lien ha been given up entirely for thi reason, These cause of loss, to gether with the frequent ravage of wild animals, Including dog and rat, have all tended to discourage develop ment of tho Industry. Tower of Home Ten. From Ilia Mlnnfipoha Jioirniil. Matrimonially Speaking. Omaha, To th Kditor of The Oma ha live: In reading over th ar ticle In your paper In which I ad vocated a matrimonial bureau, I can not help thinking but that the chmt would be both feasible and practica ble, If carried out In the proper way and In a manner which would allow for no publicity. Take th average buln woman, who ha be n too busy raising ind educating a futherle family, to hav either th tlrno or tha Inclination for miK'li i.oclablllty, but who suddenly realize that her family ha grown up and libit to cur for themselves. It begin to dawn upon her lliut the cozy home I rather lonely, but where I she to find a pleasant, suit able companion; a good, home loving man, who would appreciate a good home loving woman? That 1 wher a bureau would be of real benefit, where n charge w uld be mad at a guaran tee of good faith, with pliotot and au tobiographies Cannot wt hear from other lonely men and women on thi iibect? "Jt'HT A WKB HIT IONHMOME." Are the Odd Against You Missouri Valley. la. To the F.dltor of Tht Omaha He: Most of U can Whether the novel or tha drama j not let the pay envelope suffer for the hn exerted more power over the u . ,,i.ii,..i,hv in h raa lie human Imagination, resulting 4 such "lk" ot Ph1Io-oihy. In tht era. b efTeetn a tho emancipation of our '"' liosse, time docks nnd warning south' slave from Mr. Htowc't whistle Interfered with the mental novel, or n the emanclpiition of ' ura, a great ileal or tnoumit was ! Inflation of Tires, From the I.onflnti Tune. What degree of Inflation tends to safety end economy in pneumatlo tires? There are extreme prohibited by common sense; a "soft" tire may creep on Its bedding, suffer abrasion against the rim, or transmit danger ous pressure to the inner tube; over Inflation lower the resilience, which Is the chief advantage of running on air, and If over-heating be added may even cause bursts. But there must be a happy mean, adjusted to the weight to be carlrcd and the qualities of the Individual brand. With regard to that mean there Is a dlverlty of advice and practice. Makers, almost without exception, insist that under Inflation causes more dumage than over-Inflation, Taxi-drivers would seem to belong to the same school, generaly keeping their wheels hard. Hut thoso who hire out cars, a ma jority of paid drivers, and many prl vute owners lean towards what mak ers would describe as tinder-lnflatlon. Each system has some collateral merits. Slightly under-Inflated tires glvo greater comfort and hold the road better when there Is a tendency to skid. Hard tires give a greater turn of speed, mako maneuvering more easy, and, If they tend towards "skidding," also render the recovery of rolling motion more- easy. Hut the main considerations are freedom from punctures and bursts nnd dura bility. It should not be outside the bounds of Ingenuity to devise con clusive tests. It i W'ell within the scope of the Automobile association and tha Royal Automobile club to apply some of the revenues they de rive from motorists to assist their client by settling this difference of opinion. Dancing In Schools. From the Mebmska CUy l'reaa. Whether dancing by students should be Indulged In in Nebraska educational institutions I a problem which face educational heads again. Students at the Kearney Normal, President George K. Martin says, have not been permitted to dance on the school premises, but have en gaged quarter elsewhere and, with out chaperones, have disported them selves without let or hindrance seem ingly. Mr. Martin ask the normal women In Europe from Ibsen's "Doll House," i a question some critics have been discussing, lne of them thinks th novel or the drama Is hut the megaphone, that Ibsen merely registered what already was happening, that the literary docu ment is but the attestation, so to speak, a a deed I -of a sale, and never the cause, the Instigation of a movement. He cite Dickens' "Nlchol.i Nlckleby," which did not reform Yorkshire boy schools, but de scribed what they had been before they were reformed. That I the fact, of course; but no body can deny that Mrs. Htowe's story aroused Indignation against slavery, not only In tha north, but to a degree throughout Christendom, No doubt the civil war would have occurred, hud "Cnele Tom's Cabin" never been printed, but the book did stir the north and did Inflame the south, so that It I fair to say the novel hasten ed the crisis. To what degree the Russian novel ists floured a mere megaphones and to what degree they operated as cause of the prodigious effect the world I witnessing, is Impossible to estimate. Home guess can perhaps be made, however, from the effect produced by Tolstoy In other lands than his own. Ho powerful was his hypnotism that 15 or 20 year ago right here in America his disciples were seen proceeding to action, act ing somewhat as though the griev ances here to bo repressed resembled those in the great writer' own land. The thing was palpably absurd, but It was actual. No, the power of a book Is a force to be reckoned with and often It can not bo dismissed even In America as "wind" or "Impractical." It Some time Is terribly "practical," Just a a tornado is. It may be fallacious in doctrine, but many fallacies have cut furrows deep and long in human his tory. There is a book which la not a novel, although Its fundamental con ception are really romantic, and that book works day and night an effect all over Christendom and actually aoounts for tho stupendous and stupendously disastrous experi ment of jenln and his associates. That book is Karl Marx's "Capital," and but for lt Lenin would not have done what he has done. "Capital," the book, actually characterizes the Hussion revolution, as did Rousseau's "Hoclal Contract" the French revo lution. Material causes are not the sole causes, although Marx's celebrated "material Interpretation of history" supports Just that conception. Intel leetunllzatlon also operates to pro duce effects, material ones. Thinking that does so, may be sound or false, good or bad, but the fact that it does so operate cannot be denied. As Carlyle once remarked, all liter ature is an echo or a call. The larger part Is echo. Some of the most f.'immi aliilY In erhv Tint thnt whieh I Vina ha.n nt- im II11 ffi fi.i.,!,1lto. a power comparable to harnessed Niagara. stowed by while free mind upon the self raised, but. nevertheless stut problem of why, when and wher of most everything. A first-class librarian can convince you In a minute that there I abso lutely nothing capable of raising a doubt In the mind of man, but which hn been eagerly set upon by a score of mind. For and against. I'lek tip a volume of Darwin. The llbrarlun can Immediately lay before you a dozen others, each one proving con clusively that the great scholar was a crank, fool ond a liar. Hherman teem to be the only one who did not raise an argument. For nnd against. They balance, however, at thnt. Hut how about us? Lucille may be the "screen" of th beauty shop, and th despair of the dancing teacher. But how 1 It, that she alway marrle the young mil lionaire who happen to have brain enough to take care of hit roll end Is satisfied entirely with one solitary let of feminine wiles. Some of your frlende spend their time convincing the rest of your acquaintances that you are a crook, a thief and a fraud, but if you have a good Job in sight a baker's dozen are Wot V Do. 1 If I twee A fZWedt-.&fh V I ff2 inter TUT ,'' "r V 'f V' y Color ! if t , v coat jwt vw f l 'JwJL " J 7 ! TTVPt -lo. ir T, i 7alks McAtloo Needn't Worry. Former Secretary McAdoo says he "would hate to give up the west for the White House." The democracy wa kind enough to him not to ask him to give up New York for Wash ington two year ago. Perhap lt will again be considerate of him in 1924. Houston l'ost. Th energy flowing Into manu facturing plant via, Ita elertrle powtr linn inuil be kept flowing, or the plant will alow down and perhaps atop. Th human body may be likened to a manufacturing plant, whoae product la ability in one line or another. The plant muat be kept in good ahape, and each of its parte muit function amoothly or the aualltjr and quantity of the product decrease!. The power line of th human body la found In the aplnal eord, which carriea narve impulaea from the brain. Branching from tha aplnal cord ara the nerve which divert theae governing impulaea to their destination. Health it a condition reiultlng when the nervea carry their me aage ti the mind intends. Dla-eae in a sign that the nervea are not doing their duty. The power line la not carrying ita load. Tha Chiropractor, working only whh hie handu, adjuate the verte brae of the aplne to permit full flow of nerve energy from the mind. When thl flow ia eatab linhed good health reaulti. If your health ia Impaired, make an ap pointment with the Chiropractor. Phone ATlantic 9244 for an ap pointment, then come to 206 Pax ton Block. J.A.riarfovdl CHIROPRACTOR. its annual exposition, where the wares of the world will be shown to the people of the world, and this with no diminution of the summer activities n the Den or the wondrous parades In the fall. for tha state of Nebraska to permit I It young student to dance under the supervision of proper chaperone and i I amid an atmosphere mora conducive; Jto their morals and deportment, This Issue has !en raised many time be fore. Jt I recognized nowaday that i youifg people w ill d im e; if deprived i of it by those w ho have power to stir : round them with safeguard, then l... .-!.tn 'amid circumstance which are not. t nave wnurii . .h.i. .,i.. h-h. bung. Hfh eeliiMil heads have bad OTHERS RIGHTS. Resident of a little town in the heart of the Pennsylvania anthracite coal field themselves down as law !.. They seised two ears of coal from a train, and appropriated them to ths the prot lem to e.m.end with f ,r m-.nv , " .. . . , . 'year. It hse been splendidly ove Ue of or silinois anil enure net. juttincation lor , m,nv enmmunitl. e by reovMrn: their action they rind in the fact that school hal lieen tloci for two week for want of fuel, and the ol company jad tefucd to ell thetn any. Self preienstson moved them to the demonstration On the oilier hand, ouiwhre up in New Kn is land p0le re waiting for th te two tt of coal. The nhnrtitire of furl m jiio . by the proton- I t ef n.inera h not heen Mitcly relieved. r;umit will ! nude t te rU'M of I hots nearv.l al bund to nhrf. tut thU it fd on the -!f and not cf .ttti.e Ti mn ! on a lit riirf wntiiie- for nr "imwti .p.n I t w t i one k u, f!-. ty; fc h in, i'him.K tno'hrr b rd- ke f.rwl it further !'H th waitH-.e' fc that car an I that the f e,o i U d.U ! , Aed to ' ' ! tt t i, f ir tH thr In I nn a!) ' nr l, if h' i t'f I p' c. IV at . Ii th fwl '., IV-r-! i thai tl: t wn ra I i V ol t'teJ d f i.it .ifctr t.'i! !.,, "Hm e erl sif ..,,tur.e, fc.il at th M t t-w'Wt ' th tr-.Mt iiily pMni!, IS w"M .' iu la!y U eel e it ' liW ,. I .,.-., ts !.: JB(h!'t 4 ji '' te iba proper "niuioapliere." Youth will b hert.!. It is ! tha !ntrtt of pMente nnd fil-n.la of the oueg i pie to so tliut thu service la b-llbf ul. Turkey Tne Cntin(. ,., ifc i , : i i 1 ? - With appro- h of Th .Vil.ng lb averu Vtuei t. in, be i f tn-M. r,.t M-jn, bfrs ii lo --nidr llo turWv liiretii n. i' e I 'olU pru th m-in thin a he ! t- l,'i.in I th.it the loihey rro In I 111 W:!l h ot.irwh.tt Ur-r l iifuil mi t O .1 Ih-i HI be to'-i I lt-t m -i.b f Hie b t'ii-ts t i it t ewt'l-iv lite tioio tftio io I t iii tf !h. I It I fil. se I l the we ,. I tiho I il' i M- I he lillini v1 e t ri I t It ! f,iiti WitH .Vtkr ! aril , ,i,(,i,a T.ilkr f,. kill l.S U. .1.1- li f I l tint lit. Ii l -i" Mi Money to Loan on Omaha Real Estate Present Interest Rate Charge Is Out ate the Oro Wat'h (. I I i a i fiet le- ,, r tel iM h!i f w I a aif e'-H eat r.. a anitll t a 4 t e e ... a I t.ne, a k l". tV a r" ll la '4e4 ready to write you a perfect letter of recommendation, About the lima you are sincerely convinced ths president 1 a knave, and the Havlor otikht to return and clean out, thi time at WashliiKton, soma fellow with a littla sense comes along; and to your satisfaction proves that about half thn lawmaker are. really honcat men, and the president Is Involuntarily In a fix he'd give half hi life to be out of. For every divorce hi honor passes out with cost attached another pair of loving; heart wonder why ond k!v the irame a trial. Tor every maid who turns aside, many other are content to wait with homely heart for l'rlnce (.'hurminir, who I sometime oh o lonK In comlnK- For and imalnst. A long; ns w are not all Kolntf the nam a way, doing ttrn same. thln, want the same Job, m lov with the name K'rl or mad at th sama president the odd ara not against you, F. W. II. A Book of Today I "KTIyl.'ET. IN HOCI HIT. IN Tlt'HINKS. I IV I'lil.l'l ICS AMi AT MtiMK," br i Kmlly l'nt. Funk tVauiiulle i'. I For the lust word on tho custom and manner of polite eoclety one hhould rend Mrs. I'nin J'ost's new book on itli(Ui-t. From her social po- jsltlon in America and F.uropii nhe in 'able to deal Willi this subjict thor- loiiKhly and authentically, with charming llteiury style. The book carries H full-pUKS photoKruphli: re- 'production, ahowini; In detail table NctlljiK for nil occasions, wcdilinK, homo interiors and clecor.itlons,. and ;doe not dwell at length with trlvlall tie of polite conduct, but rather treat with fullnegu of information and ac curacy tho taste of men und women on tha matter of clothes, houae fur nishing and tha training of their I minds to social Intercourse. s w m JlAiIt WV. 'TOL II i iii Welcomes Ihe Frientl i Warns ihe Intruder! THE brilliant porch light welcomes the friend and warns the intruder. To the friend it shows that the hostess is thought ful. The guest feels his company really ia desired. To the -intruder it is the sign of warning. It notifies him that the piercing eye of light is ready to expose him. Because of the extremely low elec tric light rates in Omaha, the cost is insignificant To burn your porch light for seven hours costs only a penny. A light all night for a penny and a third. Nebraska S3 Power & Gradually Disappearing In thf.se days (if rising prohpt'iity ami cay money 7S' securities will prat I ua I lyl isa j poar. We offer a limited issue of Keal !tat First .MortjiuKe 15m! hasetl upon hih eratle new business Tojerties. ThU is-uic will not lat lung. For years we have oflYrol t inctors the time-tntti real eftate Firt MurtgaKe l'otuls, owned nml reeommer.ilfd bv Ibmip I! iilders ( Inc.), for whieh tluie has alwas been active demand. Ak for full Infoimathm about thee hi-veial k"Ui" of bonds. Call ir write American Security Co. BROKERS ISIS anj Dodi Omh, Ntb, NET AVERAGE CIRCULATION ( ocioitf. i:t, i THF. OMAHA II EE Vaw :.mh anay 7.!:-1 MCWII. te. M( UUII I. CMO,C il t$ aoS 4 ee 4 -kt II ftllMf i w i M.t r- Yellow Cab &Baife$e (b Telephone AT Untie 9000 r-dvi i!ti t !-" k ..tui m it V i j at K' I' - " t it. t,.t- I, ' 'r li- It I ' " 1 " ts t?...i.4 f k. iM H il