I -J ) 2 J It 1 f1 ( French Reported Near Break With rp 1 i i i urKisn Leaders Allied (loiiimitMoiifri in Con etantinopli Ask Authority to Tuke Any iVrot'.Hry Measures. on-iliiiilliinple, Nov. f illy . IM Three aulilitloiiul ilamtes uf TnrliMi soldiers have been rolled to I lie colors. I'.nls, Nov. 7 (fly A. IMTlia J-'renth Koveriifni-iit npiein In huve iiii'Iim the Itnlt nf t (miII.'Ikw In ili-nUiiif with (In. Turku mid la temtlnif more ntul Inrim to KflfTvn Its ullltllili) , lownrd the Annum rovi-i nmcnt. ; Thin 1 the liit'iiniiiil'ii kIviti In I'oIUIimiI elides In tin siilllng ! lny of tb lut'iiiiiiiiiiKlit Jinn Kurt from Totilnn li Jnln Hip allleil IWt at ('iiiiHt.iritliinpl'.' In the f.ieo of tlia , Aukoih government ili'iminil Unit Mi lled rnh l ! seek .et inlliin In-fur enteilriK Turkish ports, All'es IMIver I llliiialiim. Cousin ritlnoile, Nov. 7. (Hy A. 10 Ciintiifit.nnilM Ih In it fever of lip T ilieiiMloii over Ilie Keiiiiiliit o. rnunil fur the eviiciiiition of tlix allied li.llll.iry ii i id tin vol foiies, the exten ei'in nt the ti itlnniillKt l eu lino here, the ImpoHltlnn of connnendiiy run toms ilutk-s, the lontl'tnwitlim of the NewniHlle, Nov. 7. (Hy A. I'.) Lloyd Ceoririi iiiikIh noma hIiiiii refeienreM In the i xln which Imn iiilHi'i) In llm nenr cunt xliwe hi fill from the prein'crHhlp In the political ii'MienN which he delivered liefcue a liii'KO UMMemlilfiKe li'Te to- y. "Thn tienr el U beKlnnlim to Nhow filKtm of Inlliimmiitlon," he mild. "Whatever happenn, our flag tit i j rtt not he let down." Nultan a nd the liidlrn'raiiimilu mlCNt of prominent t'onetiniUiiople Turku, The ullied hinh couimleitloneie have H.vcii Kafet I'liHlia, the new national IhI Koveinor here, 4X houra In which to it'leane one of the men oriented u nd condcmind to death, All Kenial l!ey, editor of the mill iiatdnallut K.iliah. An un otifli nied report to day eaiil All Kenial had heen ex ecuted lit IniiiIiL fiihti iii'liiinn lird, Mi aiiwhlle the iillli d roiiiinlaelonera liave iiKked their novcniim nta fur In ati-ucilona wllh u view lo the procla mation of run it lut law. They held an exlraordlnai y council InHt nlKlit' at which the recent aerlea of thnnlenlriK dem inila ly tho natlnnallala wna dla cunaeil and the adoption of a firmer attitude wu decided upon In reel tunce to the Kimallnta aibltrary comae, the ciiililii f ""''i' ncUvltli-H In C'ontantlnople, eimtein Thruee.ainl other arenM, and counUractlnK tho In crcaiilnB; Infructlona of tho Aludnnlu ninilntlce convention. It la underatood the coiiimlHMloncrM even conaldi-red tho expulMlon of Kafet I'm aha from the capital In tho event , of a continuance of tho nrnilntlce violation. The commieHlonera held a confer ence with Unmld Dey, the niitlmullnt envoy here, nnd Informed hlin that th nllled ovi i nrnentM, while not ile Hlrliitf to Interfero with Turklnh In ternal affali'H, miiMt tnalntaln the aya tun of control which th allies rc-Rard-id as neceawiry durltiK the occupation of ( 'oiiHtantlnopK'. It v.aa r marked, however, that for the fiiet tlmo In many wceka there had been pompleto unanimity reached amotii; thu Url:lnh, i-'reiich nnd Ital ia na In their action toward the na tionaliata, and the belief win ex prencd In boiuo quarter that the Kemaliats would retreat from their arhltrary etandu In the face of allied unity. ( Howell and Bryan Winners in Nebraska ( ontlmii-il fruin I'm One.) Jlowi li. t;;"i; Hitchcock,. 3t; Uandall, 484: liryan, 511). JcfferHim County. fjerroruon i ouniy tine preciuci Rivrs Ilowtll. HM; Hitchcock, . Otoe County One precinct Rlvea Howell, Si); Hitchcock, fi5. Plxou County One precinct Rlvea Howell (5r.; Hitchcock. C7; Rnnrltill, 67; I'rynn, "2. Lancaster Poiitity One precinct foi nenntor Rlvea Howell, 51; Hitchcock. 55. Otoe county: Three precincia Rive cn nenator. Howell, 2 .' 4 ; Hitchcock. 144; on ir.Ai rnor, Ituiclull, ITi", Hrynn, 321. Hamilton county One Howell. Hitclnock, ' l!rym, 1". ,li ffeieli t entity, preilnct. Laudall, Ji ffi ron county; TI ee p:.-cinct II. .will. i':. Illtihi'otk. I-i'J; llaiidall. Jt'i. Itivsn, 3i') W4l'ltKln enmity: Two pv.-i-iii.tii Howell. l3; Hit' lifix k, T'l. Kaielili. 1 :: l: mi, li Vt-tcr reiinty: Two tiirciml". II-wll. 1. H.ieln.Hk, 4'!, ll.iml.ilt. tran. 8J I'hrlixi r.iinly; "i"; ptr.i. II ,11, l0: lliul.t.vl,, 4". It ml at. l!i,n, !'. Ttiom'en n-iiiit) ' i..w;t, 4 ltni-iio- k, i: in.' iii 'liij.liuildins in I d?Ijo. (lonliinte l iWlm . i, l,,i, N.iv . t.ltoU "-lit-- I hi t 4 ' I. . I" !el- f.-l 'liv i i .t ... t -1 o la. plen.U r. ! . ." ail I.. , !..! lei 1 . l.tul.l 1 ,i, ' .-a o tl I no I K .. .-..( , r 1- iinuu; I t I'l- Kli l B Ki"Hil l-t-tt.' i'.- l c..111 i ; h' .ot e vu , . e. t t r- I the j i . . . . I tM i .s 1 1 ;... ) . i I ' 1 i . i, " ( ....-. -t (..!.. ' ,i i 1... i vti w i- b tv c - t f a I o W ' - 1 I 't J M - t - t tr f k 't I ! h'" ' ,,i ' - i. uk, .i I e.tiii i ufc.ht , .IHkl.'H ' I . , . tu I III e "'- lv- V i v 4 i l '- i ...( .( i-i-. '. i" Ipw-l i, " !-- I-. ' I I t j i Amundsen wax i ML mm mm ' IJtA K.W, ? .:..... itMi iimiiiimwi mmmmj - - - - ' Here are Hie flint picture to .lniiiiileii, Muled eilnier, liiiie to fly acros Ilie North Tale, Ilie Muud, lilx nliip, In frozen nolldly Inlo the Ice, while Amundsen ami I. lent. Omilulil, liU pllid, "III live In a miiuII poitiilile ioiim at Wiilnwriuhl, HO mllm from I'olnt Harrow. Hie Ksldmix-x who helped load the Maud are nhowii (olinf ahoitrd the mhooner (', h, If olrtifM, llm last vee to ee AiiiuikIm'H. Missouri Ht. Loiiix, Nov, 7, USy A. l',h Jamea A. Heed, I'lilled Htatea aenator from MIxHourl, In one of thu moat Mtterly conleated electlona the atate of Mlaaotirl Ima ever known, wiih leadlriK Ida repiihllcan opponent, It, It. I'-rewdter, for re election hy nearly 5.H0O votea tin the face of early re turna tonlnht, Three hundred thirty aevi n ptn Iik-Ih out of a total of 3.S73 Khvb Il'-el IIS.Ti'itf, lirewater 31,10.", The entire atalo congreaalonal ticket iilan hhowed aymptoma, In the early teporla, of returning; definitely, to the denioi-nitli! columna. Kapecial Intereat attached to the race In tho Kluhth conKi'CHnlonal dla trlct, where Mr. HI. Clair Moaa, the only woman candidate for atate olllce on the ticket, allowed a 2 to 1 lead over her repiihllcan opponent, P.onch. Nentlerlntl return from 17 out of the 222 pieclnctM of the dintr.rt Have her 1,510, HKaltift SSI for Uoach. Kentucky - TouiHvllle, Ky., Nov, 7. Incomplete return from the II conKi'cHlonal dla tr eta In Kentucky ahow hut two cloae (ontei'la. In the Klflh repulillcnna claim the election of A. II. Thatcher hy approximately D.OOO vote with 5!) precinct mlHninK Democratic, head quarter claim the election of Ken- (irlck J,cwl ty approximately 1,000. California San FninclHco, Nov. 7. Partial re turn from 158 precincts ecattered ihroiiwhoitt California Rive for kov crnor; Itlchaidson (1 ), 9,(111; Voolwin. 4.105; lluir (HI, 1. l'or 1'nllcd Htate aenator SO- precinct plve Johnaon 1,01)5; Pearson, 504; Necdhain (l'ro), 4. Kor lieutenant, governor, 51 precinct give Voitni-7, 7112; Hhenrcr, 2S5, North Dakota Faro, N. !., Nov. 7. The flrat rctuins from North Imkota waa one prec in t from (Iratid Fork which pave for I'nitcd S!alen aenntor Kra zler, repuhlican, 34; O'Connor, demo crat, 2S, For governor, Nentoa, te puhllcan, 31; Lemke, Independent, 24. Ari nzona Phoenix, Ariz., Nov. 7. Six pre cinct in Arizona, three of them In Phoenix, fcave f,,r governor: Thomaa K. Caniphell (It), 1,007; !. W. P. Hunt r, 1.106. No Change in Fiscal Sysfein, New IJrit isli Premier Says London, Nov. 7 The new Kovcrn ment will make no fundamental change In the lineal ayatem. nccord InK to Premier Ilonar Law, apeaklng In London tonight. Neither doea it Intend any funda mental chanwea in the constitution of the house of Ionia for the flrat three or four aeaalona of parliament. Andy Files Campaign Statement '100 Tor Cent for the People" Candidate Blames Min for Delay-Spent $33,4&1.75, of Which $300 Was for "Baby Rattles." '!islatii;tiiti, Nov. " I'.biminu the i d-luy on M.n. h dmu a uual ln hind i lie aknH of Ins .piuti-.l wife. I Andrew Hump, the 'lu pr cent for the p-opli" mtnbdate for coiiRfr ti cat M.i! are, iii-t.f-l J.ln ratnpaltrn etpviiW .ii'iotint to the iliik of the ,Mlle of rrprewllluttvee -l-rd.y , t nn.hrd t'liftk l'is tff.ie Hue tvihn l-V p-Hil itt pv.ry n I K.rr tl- .nttur.. .-f I ; , i p lolniM-.f It! wh ,t,e bv the i U-i k a t't-tsu f.d in I f r.l with t erws .- , n'i.' a f el In l . -l-1 t-a ieOi.il -1- r . at ; I I. ik i'Aur i.tHH.iti .d ll,t Mr U.m't" " "I fvi" 1 i" f"in h-'o -t.mi.. I b ..nieitil U'e. .pt t t ' " Klltt t'.lld' H . .n.4 f- l li.a lift,. ill r, i, hi t i i u 'I n, lll ' Hi I ll..ls-l( Iv'iKl 4.teti hhii1; .vini.i- ' the ip'! !. u.t li ti.t i" tiii f ir JUr vo l. tn uk eiuju.i. ef l Jl'-h , 4 f - t ' t 4 C , ' 1.1U I t ' t I ' i ti tl t I t ..i-4 tl lu . fk I b.a i n t rf' a i ..i (! r .i ih ,-ik ii, set Ii t , i 1. ' ! i . i . a o il i, i t - ,ln, i 4 W .1 t kjfc I H l tk I II . tUl Vll 'l h-l I i. r t. .. f it . l,. ll.., )'! i i (u I ,t I-,1 'k 4 S4 i-l 1 t t Hit. VI k IMIt tl, . .1 I 44 1.H v I A ' 1 ' U lit4 It lb.Uit' Goes Into Winter Quarters arrive from I he frown north from 62 Are Sentenced on Narcotic Law Will He Sfiit to I-favciiworlli and Oilier I'Vtlcral Frisoim Some Fined. Kixly-lwo peraona havo heen aen lenced In tho United Ktatea dlalrlct court at Omaha for violation of the Hit rrlaon narcotic law. Their tiumea nnd the aentencea Impoaed are Klven In the Hat hcloW. Men aentenced to Imprlaonment for one year ami one day or more will he confined in the federal prlaon at. Leavenworth; col ored () women at tho Correct Ion villi- farm near Cleveland, O.; white (w) women at the Mhakopee reformatory near Khakopee, Minn, Thoao aen tenced to Imprlaonment for leaa than one year nnd one day to the Doujflaa county Jail. The Hat follow. Will McVurmy, fi,ur yenm: Churl livuit, Din-e yeiim; Kreit Ktokpn, Ihrpfl jri-Brn; Jul Nol'li-n, ttir yar: Will JiOoiHon, two ynr; .Inmeii an-t, thr- ycHm: Il:irry ItiKtnljih, two ymr; W nr-r-n llnly, two y rn; Merrill (.'unniim harn. 1 in'inlliM; lr. Oeerae A. AtiKiin, on yi-ur onn rtny: Miiltln tln.wn, it:) on ynr ere itny; Noah Murkburn, nn yut nnn liny; I.ennnril Harn'-tt, on y'r one 'tiiy; Jetin lif-ruifir, nn j-cjir ene (!v; K'-nry Kvnnn, oni year one itny: Verel K'lwuriU, one ymr on- il-iy; Bill Oilbert, nnn year nn ilny; KiiKi-nn fioklf-n, one i-nr m iIl-.v; I'eie liuinnreiii'o, one y-ir nnn tiiy; i'lar'-a lluiiir ("), one y-nr nn tiy; .Tnlin O'N'-ll, one y-r in ly; Dixie Miu-k (w), on (Mr nnn rtny, Wll m Merlin ('). one yenr one ilny; i'hnrl- Martin, one year one rtny; Krunrla Miller (w). one yi-nr nne tuy; Jnm- Ryan (! Mntnen), on yi-r nne rtny; !e ItlEirlnB. nnn ynr nne rty; Hunton fl'nni-rin rd, one yflur nna nay; i.uey nmon in, onp yni nne (lay; .Innephln PHnenn (e), nnn year onn ilny; Kmnm Whlln (e), orio year one Any; .luiirn-in Vllaon (w), one year one rtny; ,luiiii' Wllla, one yir on" ilny, J.ln coin NbkIi, one year oue ilnv; Khwiiie C''iy (i, one year one itny;Kntit Hfirlf-tl, flvff irontlia; .John Ilurnn, two mnnDia; Hurry i hionln-r, two innnlha: fillvi-r Huff, two mntithn; It.-ilph ,t. I.lnMe, two nionilm; Charlee Morli-y, one month; Charli-a Mlteh. ell, two mmitha; Krnnk Mnrun or Mnor, two ninnttia; I.Of,lii- MnrrU, one inentlt; Al IVtemon. ItiP-i- nientha: iluater lilK liv, onn nionih; Hohpri fimllh, nne nienih; .li'im-B Theman, enn month; Whit", two nn,nllH; Alonzn W i 1 i tn me. Iwo meiitha; Hownrit Hoin-U, thrp- nionttwi; V;mry ,tlii-r, ine innnih; Will p-wln. ihrue monilia; Krnl Mullory, t nil) fine; Mra. l:rnle Miillury, $1 fln; MnrKarPl Vnlknr, ln fine; .T i". Mi, II fine; Wllllnm Mofiraw, II fine; Hl.-tla Ahmnrp, ai-nteni e riiit,onel ; Kll Lnvl, K'-ntoni-e I,nntpnnprt ; Klnma I.pe, apnti-nce peatjioneit; lii,rilf' WalFiin, It fine. Thoa mnrkeil have filed notice of appeal. Commotion at Poll. Police were called to the polling place In the sc hool houae at Twenty eighth avenue nnd Webater street at 11 Tueadny morning when a ballot tally man appeared an hour before hi schedule either ill or Intoxicated. When Patrolman William Cummins; arrlvod, however, the election ofllcial had departed and officials at the poll aald the man hnd told them he had eaten eome had soup which had af fected his atomach and his head. Mm c.'ilb'd out to me; 'Andy, 1 forgot to mail that report.' "I jumped ntx'-it aix f'-et In the air, pirouetted around like a Cunoin' he In.u.lll end cunee.1 like Captain Kldd. nnd nnnlly anw ahtiMlve that M.n knlvdtfeil her honor with a Mimic pm A Sfmii a I came to I riihM down to the ii i. til l-i x tHt f.i.l you could have pldW I rhei ker mi my coat t i.l I in-el!.iii Ihim f.uta tit t-iiiiMiii-e you of my entire g'n ft.th" lit Ms men iiitom liui. o l.-"n!a tifi i f II i" fti oi I I" 1 lUni vol fn ni the Wi.lcw Yin.t.r II ijo.-tell I nil fluii Ul d.titll h-i pli.r.l ilt M 'l'ti. I i I i f Ii ftil ' X 1'V I . I. " t i . t. ript in hu l';ii-r ', i ,i ii, III, la l a i '!,,. Ii. Uf'ln th- (ul, K Ilia! Hi MH Miti pl.t i' t a g"i"l 4t fi.r I- Ut It 111 t. Ii I I'.' Mi B. -tkl iH t tnutt I...1 i ,., itt,ii4i"ii f-r M.o jiii I l't,.'.i j t tinfaj tit .- Ii ..in I f Ii ! f al I il Am Jia It- ! t pJ.at mi lln ul t K-,' al. I I- t'.f 1,,-H IH i f llei.ti.. Ii4i,tii lhr l i '.(1 tw Ins 1 1', ii at h ii I .1-1.1 e .i- l I. l.u t '" "'HI ii I . Ii 111 toi.nl Id , i.i.j i . flVllttl 4 lill'IIHS M It Ikaiim at ( (! u ! a. i I,,,,.!.,,, , . ion ,iij it. It) i t t) 1 1 i a.. i a l'li I ' fc.i 111 J t .1 I. ..I. t I'H II I T l . "! h immn ihe.ti.uc an In til I .a a, - . I l U .f Ml 1 .. . N s S , .1 t m' ' tie time I' a I- i-. . . la t I' e lav I,. m I I--,.! , ' " ..-l !, t,,t n-t At-4jf ItVtlW U v a T11K OM.UIA U WNKSlA V, NOV hMIU-.II X. -v.... I TtUinw-t board iiur Ik the AiiiiiikNcm parly, In which ICaolil Politician Accused of Election Fraud Kaniia 4'lly, Mo,, Nov, 7, Tom Lawler, di-mocuitio ward politician, arreated on a chaise of conaplracy to violate the federal election lawa, waa releiiBed on 15,001) hand when ar ralKtied. Ilia preliminary hcarlntt waa act for Friday, Three other di-fi ndaiita who made aworn atnti nient, m-cordlnK to the police, that they went inatructvd how to vote and under what naniea 10 vo(o lit !tiwlr'tf clitnr alore, fulled to futnlah hond and weru ont to Jail, The men were Tom Oihhona, who xa id he came to Kanaaa r.'lty a week tiKo from ht. Ioula; c, W. Heehner, who aald ho camo from Wyoming 10 day nu", nnd C, H. Dolan, who aald he waa from Nchraek.i. New York Theater, Famous 30 VearH Ago, lazetl hy Fire New Vork. Nov. 7. Tim laxl preaa notice of a theater that 30 yeara hko waa one of tho mot fanioua play houae In tho country appeared today In the announcement that fire had de stroyed Miner', at lti5 Jlowery, A blaze that atarted In tho hnlcony do atroyed a Bleat part of the old the ater and tone of water poured Into the auditorium dripped over' the atn?o that, forgotten for yeara, waa once the center of tho Manhattan apoll.ght. Mlner'a theater, 30 year oko, waa one of an Kroup whoan fame waa not bounded hy city limit; It waa claaaed with Harry William' In PlttHburKh, llydo and lielman'a In lirooklyn, the Poaton Atheneum and Tony l'aator'a. tor'a, President to Fay Wreath on Gravf? of Unknown Hero Wfiahltmlon, Nov. 7. Pri-Hldent Harding, Hecretury of War Weeks and Ki-cretary of tho Navy Denhy, with military cacort, will go to the grave of the unknown soldier on Armiatice day and leave a wreath there after a brief ceremony, which Is i Xpected to r-xlahllah a precedent to he followed throughout tho yeaia. No national holiday will he pro claimed by thu prcHldent, who la aald tc feel tho ainiple exercise ut the grave n favorable In expreaalng offi cial government recognition of the day. Hotly of Old Woman, Missing 2 Years, Found in Swamp Trovers City, Mich., Nov. 7. Henzie county authorities today were reviewing tho disappearance more than two years ago of Mrs. John Mat tlce, 84, and preparing for an Inquest to he held tomorrow over the skele ton found yesterday In a swamp two miles from her former home at Honor. Identification of tho skeleton ns that of Mrs. Mattlce was mnde hy relatives after examining the heel of a shoo nnd a few hnii plns of unusual design, found with the remains. Iilanket Challenge Issued Against Texas Candidate Wichita Pills. Tix., Nov. 7. A blanket challenge of all ballots on which M aylleld name appeared as seiiiiliiriiil candidate and of all votes for M ivfleld cast l y audi ballots was presented nt pr.ietlcallv nil boxes In Wichita county by I'eddy supporters The chnlli nte was prcmled verbally at each of the polliitir places, the ton t ail. mi bi lug ili.it the Injunction Is Sled by .IlliU e M il klni'li at (Irnrkheck ' itqii nnl I lin ing M,i field Itilllie on the I 'lll.'t is m il In i rin I. ('idilinluis Miill Aiiiintei Ait.int tn D.Hi",lierl V (aliiiiKliiii, Nov T -Atui iil u T 1IH"! of 1 ' luMll'lll 1 1 n i, I . , I - Ihi diiiiLint In Attiirney iivioi.,1 I lullll'ii 1 II I'l It i r-. Cel. tli.y i ton, II I, 'IH I l 'I ' i. 1 ! ,(! ii.'iitiKil i. le .t wveied bi ion I'tlttlia Will ttm il-1' Hlll.i I'l . t ,ia ,ir lOllhie.l, IH iMibl tloit he till , 1. 1 It i- I t i i - It' tll.la l at i -1 t 111 Wti.t I ii.' . , SI I'rr IUl,h I'tiiv ft ly Jit'lf ii film tiM f'.il Nnn utk, t 4e ah.lln p.i itx h the t-iue Ik li.hnt.4ta. 4ail4nal, . ! MiJ.iJitt iu (ltl 14. bit Ml lu hat atl II. i hut atottr tl-41.1 Me kaa 4I.. ttothiiat lt Muitltl ii..'l In f hnltl h.lMJ "iMatthatl' l r. the Ih. ! Mi Mitani l4"ha, Wltha a4 111 I l I lit III .ll.al. KU Hi altalltM I fc,t ktitill .iH. h. VM Iff la It , ' I h4 IfeMlwl l h.l4, MM4lt4 lta 4iat t ! hi Ihat ha" tlhl t. tl I t tutt hut iHl.l" 4hl IM twailhalt, I 4. I tl tit II nta H, Ittattl lJ41 a, 4t ka4 m Finn ral Serit e Held fur Mrs. J. Ilttrry Kulakofsky Funeral unioi for Mrs, J. Iluny Kulllkofaky Hill held Hf the leal 1I1 nee, Mu4 ISiitge eiritl, jiaieidtiy afternoon, I:.iM,i Hnleii of pia Molma and Cnheii of KiinHint City of f ii I lit : (a. I'Mllln iirt-i Were Hurry Wolf, Carl Ready! i" i c -IPT". BurgesstBSash mwm. Twin Tub Electric "One Minute" Washer Two Heparate wanner on bench. Four position wringer. Folding racks for extra tub or basket. Sold on Convenient Payment Terms Prices Range from $79.50 to $133.50 Burteaa-Naah HouMfurnlabinf Department Fetirth Floor NOTIONS Cold-plated Safely Pint All sizes; card , ... ,5c Rick Rack Braid Yard ..le J. P, Coats Best Thread All sizes; ,12 spools 56c Dr. Parker and Hickory Un- derwaittt AU sizes; each 39c Pure Rubber Jiffy Pants For babies; pair 15c King's Baiting Thread 2 spools , , , , 5c Iniida Skirt Belting Black and white; yard 5c Bet Pearl Button Assorted Ni7.es; card 10c Human Hair Neti Cap shape; dozen 35c "Ritz" Double Meih Heir Net Fringe or cap shape; per dozen 80c Sewon Hois Supporter White or pink; 2 rmirs, 25c Fifty Vsrd. Silk Thread All colors; spool 5c Burf eii-Naih Main Floor Boudoir Pillows Oblong, round and heart shapes in pink, blue or gold, and trimmed with filet laee. The pillow itself is filled with silk floss and covered with white cambric. Each $1.50 to $3.95 uriaii-Naah Second Floor The Most Wonderful Linens in Years At the Lowest Prices We Have Known in That Time .With the lately increased tariff and its resultant effect upon imports, women will treasure true Irish linens as they have never treasured them before. We Linen. Towels Very fine quality all white huek towels. Generous 18x34 inch size. Specially priced. Each, 59c Quite Unusual This Selling Electric Sewing Machine ! 1 Wf) 1 -T. " "a- ataatr Tlie ' I leal" M.-. Vii lrr, en.'-y ae. i ti klV a.lj .sift, iiiatitri diirMnrf a I til) ! ta 11 kU at only 3S ui-tt S .S - laMlh I'oaat Sateen , IVicalme, VarJ, 19c Mt t tnl it Irt'iti U l j.irtl In Kth. Att 'v l!Mit ili'y f t lirtiti'. "t iiil "ti tnh i,Hh In tnt ) tUi H.al a.ia.at-a Sta K'aUen' in, I'l Harm v Kully and Hi t I Iniilt Allt-l lifli-ll nf lillllllllt Uflil Kill Ivtitvlit hi 'I II. my lliiii-li 111 of I'm Mnitit-e. Voiilh Plan t eiiei' oil Cull-ill W ho Sliot Him Ja. oh Wiigin-r, pi. :'tnli Noilh I Thirteenth street, eald elenlay he EVERYBODYS STORE One Whole Carload of Electric Washing Machines There Is Most Always Need of Fresh New Curtains for Some Room :); 12; Fringed Curtains Included are Tuscan, casement and filet nets. 35 and 44-inch sizes; all are finished with fringe. Each $1.75 to $6.75 Buraa-Naab Drapery Crash Toweling 18-inch width Irish linen crash toweling. Suitable for dish toweK as it leaves no lint Yard. 25c Wait laia-faaalt $39.50 Machine is t'uip I'eil with fnot con. trul, AitntUttti wal nut l'rrlll( falae. Complete set of lirltl (Intel at 1 n hniriita with W hit h ttt tin . I k!ljt tif fancy wit f A rt ''let B Ml ' . hint t-if iifiil t ril w little 11 . It IS ma. I an I ily t4 V I Ul.l a f il.'Ht. Tint s ni In lit )n'ir t .tia. te lur, - r 'J. I would nvti.uti hiniwlf upon bis : 1 illlklll. Jim- ITi. akhrl llttlk lhat HtlOl nut i f a shnlKUii shell and dlachargiil the powder Into Jacob's thl(lt lust i Monday, "I won't shoot him," said Jacob. "I will 11 m' my ilukea 011 Ii mi." A pluviometer I au Instrument for roeasiirlng raliifnll. Special Demonstration and Selling-November 8th to 25th A factory expert will be here this week to demonstrate the most practical, the most satisfactory, and the mo.st economical machine: The "One Minute" Electric Wa.sher. As a special fea ture during these two weeks, we include with the jrurchase of the machine, your choice of the following items: Copper Boiler, No. 8 Size (or) "Hot Point" 6-lb. Electric Iron. Included is the New Rotary Electric Machine Kotary "One-Minute" washer, cabinet type machine in which water is forced through the clothes 28 times every minute, Crisp, fresh curtains moderately sliced are always of interest to house-, .vives. Recent shipments have brought j many designs and patterns that there "ems to be a never ending variety. Ruffled Curtains of Dotted Swiss Pair, $2.39 Dotted Swiss has made most attrac tive as well as serviceable curtains. Many patterns from which to choose. All have ruffled tie-backs to match. Filet Curtains Conventional a 11 over and dainty border patterns of filet net. All are finished with lace edges. Fair $3.95 to $4.50 Shop Fourth Floor list these four as representative of our Wednesday values, an opportunity that few will feel they can afford to overlook. Irish Damask Tuble cloths that will retain their satin finish after many iiiunderinirs. In size ,rirW5i, Faeh, $1 95 -ocoea ftoa A Special Selling of Standard Phonographs At Much Less Than Regular If you j1i tt have the riiiuvitn tit f a ihiitojfrttjih thi wtlitiT, rihap you will inn- to take advantage .t thi: Imtitdl nffi-r of hiirh i;r4le Ituihitir it griatlv ItdiUetS I'tlff. 3 lW..e MtkiMi-Mll I I keaet Ma.ktaea Tl 1 Iheeef Ma. tt.ae - l? 11 I l kn M.tn.-M l, a V1.I.1 M4hie-t t. ktai M..h..e Tl Msalaia tliea t Selai Ms. hit.. J IS. tThrt r ifi .'llitir jii'.l Slid hi.ulitr, h Irrti ul lit our tltt.itilalt.itt ImhUi. NiMvli tllatiHkuihlU frm tiw r ti i . If nu h a niiii with whith )t tar t"t s.tiu.l, ia km t 4t it 'It lait I'AVtitent ot. one .f thrt. tnk fkataxa' W I I aa VtlVFT ANI I'lUSII COAT AMI WKAfS SI It NT IHI Al I Y lit. AM I) AND SII.AMI II DRESNER DROTHERS 22IT fat nam Slrrtl TalafiKunaai Omaha, ATlaellr 0.1 4(1 I 6oulh Mala, MA rkrl OOltO I IIKK WANT AltM llUINtl KKsll.TS Gift Suggestions Appropriate frifts for the home of a friend whose most cherished possessions are her wadding gifts. China and Glassware Cut Crystal In fantastic shapes. Coniole Set Of glass and pottery. Picard China Hand decorat ed. Stemware Salad plates and comports. Decorated Clan For the boudoir. Burg -Naah Fourth Floor Damask Napkins Fine quality Irish linen nap kins in many pretty pattern i.n.i dttigns. Sii'i 21x21 (.uchitm Dozen, $4.95 I - .-vra) K 11 m Z- v 1 1 lit. ri (' -F M?I 'i H 1 1 ,1, ' u . (i. ,-.. t,a tilt vu-HKH l.lw tM 1 ,' .-