The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 08, 1922, EXTRA, Page 14, Image 14

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    I'M; OMAHA UKK: U.IM1AY, .NOVK.Ml'.KU 8,
Six Letter Men Ready to Try for Berths on Nebraska Cage Team
Prospects Bright
for Good Team
.State University IToopMers'
Are to Play ("rpightou
hVrUern. I
MriKjJri, Nov, 7.-Plx letter men
,-eiidy to try for positions and a
trln of candidates of no rnesn sbil
11)-, a the f ri' on rx Klri if pi napi-at
wlibh confronts Couch Own Krsnli
In bin effurts In hold a rliainilonilili
'ornliiidkir bniiket ball t-titi . I.imt
year ,Whrkii finished In a triplet
lie for third plio e, Tlilx year, actinic
on Icaaons learned In 1!)2I 22, practice
altcndy rns been Inn ununited.
, A biri; squad (if basket fltiKcrs
urn worltltiK out every day In tha
armory. They are confining their
work moslly ) fimllliirlziiitf them-a-dves
with lli" bull. The first run
l"t lit t'.e M Kni Mlfeoml valley
m lii-iliiki In J;i " I for January 5,
when the Hindier clash with the Jny
hfiwkcl lli Lawrence.
The nix li'llT men who will be on
dc k to W'nk for positions on fh Vt'l't
tjiin arc Captain (Hllnil Wnrrcn,
center; "Hp-i k" Cm men, John ffpear
and I'a'il Tipton, forwards, and
Adnma Ko,I and "Hob" IIiihs.II,
guards. From the members of the
freshmen squad of In"! year, Frank
Will llBV a Wlllth Of material. He
rilmi will have Verne l.ewellen, annrd,
and Iyl Holland, forward and cap
lain, of the Uncoln HIkIi school, Ne
braska Colorado ohsimplon (Mm of
1920, Iloih men wit nut of the
Kama throughout the Inst season. I
cause of injuries, l-ewellen and Hol
land ara rate artists of exeepflonat
ability iind their absence from tha
luat ynr nquad whs sorely felt,
Tt I from the men of the elites of
1925, however, that Frank looka for
Ma Mkk-kI HHlvn'ion, In them he
vill f.nd rp-cd" forwards, "airtight"
guard and Mxh jumping , centers.
Members of the lant year freshmen
sqnnd who an- expected to ahow up
wi-ll ar l'c'fy, fioodnon, Hwtt, !
Wlt rh, KI'-pK'-r, Mllo Tlp'on,
Tfu'.kn, Johnnon, 'o5ilrT, , Hfnnd.t,
Moyd, !irnir. Vol!,, Jrnard, I i-rkn
Hiid KlKtlnc, The fnluri- men of thin
group arc l'nh-r an'l Khpa'-r, dim
Inuilvn forwiirda of lh runm-rup
i.n In Mii'olu rity
lnf year. What th-y lack In aiw
thfy mate for In p'"d and liHkt
toKHlng uMllty. KIf"r w'1' ,M
Hlflble for virnliy until the wnnft
rurnalcr, l'iivln nlTfd thfi I.nlvr
nlly l.'i"' .lu nun ry.
The iliaft if Mlxifourl valhy f"n-fcr-tira
nfinca la not :niiMf. Th
ila-v of Lonxaa amo In lAncAn
him 1oen rnnoiinced, t'-nlatlvi-ly, a
I'Vhiamry 12 or March 3. Dfflnlte
lilt on the Nfliiaka achedule fol
low: .limutry Knai t I,wrnc.
January t Kn Ahkuh t Maiilmt-
.liiU4ir ' firnk t I,!niln.
.Ibhunry 0 'hlftboinii at I,lnro1n,
Jnurr in MIourl t l.lnrnjn,
.iHnuary Jt tirnkn at Ia Miinaa,
lanunry 26 Anna at Ani'-a,
.fanuarv it Orlniicill at lrlnnll.
Kliruary J tirlnncll at I,lii"iln,
Kobruari I Amtl at Lincoln. '
February 9 ''dlnhnina at Norman,
I'Vbruary H Kuna.ia Axaina at l,liitn.
Knbruary 2J H'mh'iiKOin at Ht. Ixiula.
Kcbruaiy ifMa'iuil at I'olutnblii.
Marrh 5 Waahlnaom at'uln.
'rclghion l'nlvcrily of Omaha, for
ypara on aspirant for catahllahlng
athltlf! rotations with Nc!iranka, will
mppt the Huakor at timaha either
I'fliruary 27 or Manh 3.
Large Crowd
to See Hawks
Iowa City. Ia Nov. 7. From the
number of tickets already aoltl for the
Iewii Mlnneai.ta foolbull game Novem
ber 11, the feature attraction of the
l'tilveralty of lowu'a annual home
coming, aehool odlclala ar congratu
lating themaelvea upon tliu completion
of the new atamla on the uttjlctic field
B'eommodatlng 23,00 peraona.
Indications are that more than 3V
000 people will ace the game.
Iowa alumni from all over the
country are signifying thoir Intention
of returning to tho old alma mater to;
revive memories of undergraduate I
ilaya and cheer one of the greatest
football teams that ever donned the
Old Oold. !
l.iwn has defeated Minnesota four !
successive seasons and Is hoping to!
make It fixe. I
TorchlU'ht t"'"''esl,iis, a minnnioth j
isrude and numermis Individual class:
reunions will mark the liomei tailing
festivities. j
CIipm Maatrr May
Oriinit Aaatu int'uni
fleveliiikl. i. Nov, 7 - I'oiin.itton
lif a lution it cl eas i.itlon w ill be
attempted at a ti eeting to be held
bere In November, to which ebifS
Maateia nnd eiilhiiaiaats f the eiilllS
rvuntry have been invited.
The levtmi In ti tmivrment t
f.itni a pitlonal oiasnuall.m ani
. . mmm.
Gforge (.oiV !.ir.
tr.d..n, N v i-l'i-k H.nHh of
:tlad tlftl ti'ioa '.. tlt
Australia I rm.fcl.t I. on. pi- a. la
iba, ffi..ih rund l whit
l.ava ) a Jotounl Ua at lbets', j
Ih aal iHin rluh laat RieiM
tl-a Auatlba aiilKted pun (be g.une are Nornoin r. i,,.,, mit t,,, ,, U), K ,u, .ir. law.
WlullW'l', Viblnkt n ltwrr him,. r sat m.h vhu knudx aim il..a
.... , I., it n rlu ai I ,,ui l- t "M k .M.I ( uihlu SlM.
run nerup iii tt wValain cl. touina-; NMiiii(ii Mm ti) (h(lj m
nid; Irving (ll. former lUn l , ,H,, HU lt..m !.... ki Iiim
ami Ohio ibamploii. Slid fhailes Jl. ; '' W
' i f I lViHlc1. ihimIII. lu lul tu.a 4un at imiS
tatinw-nl an 1 ll but 't hu fcia
-i.ll. :(MH SlU ' U-.t.
k hit i Kf " 'l ' "
, , , n Ik I t I i.ei ! t f
II - asi. I . i- an ii-leacl
Wtigtif .1 ,( ta-t Hla At. I m.e
tl utja tea ti.l-i-il IK
lkl luriail a '.
i i) . t tt i t-sd tMuwi-to.
tt ..e I. ! S
. at a ia .i tia4
aa) " V aHa -,
TKakaMi Oaaa. l
rta taat. Mi
These six husky Midland college football players will b e teen on th Creighton gridiron Saturday afternoon when
Midland bucks up against Creighton university.
Lockstrum, left tackle, is playing his second year on the Midland team and has been showing up well in recent
games, while Tschudy, right guard, is a former all-state hi gh echool player. "Hap" Adams, plunging fullback, is mak
ing a strong bid for all-state fullback in the Nebraska conference. Adams hails from North Platte where he made all
state hiarh school half before entering Midland.
I Elliott, is the Lutheran's pivot man. Dumler is left guard and a Kansas product He is suffering from an injured
knee and may be unable to play against Creighton. Luscher, 195-pound left tackle, is known as the "human tractor."
yr mCol i';- '
l(a ViJul Ir5! Vi pdl &J m.
-:" wBi 1 1 , . Ifefc- R, Qill
Bezdek May Manage Phillies
Next Season, Says Report
Htal College, J'a., Nov, 7. Hugh the I'iraU-s advanced from laat place
tfczdck, director of alhlctlcit at I'enn Ul a VniHm In the flrat divlalon,
Ktate coliegw and couch of th haae- j-hlladeljihlu, Nov. 7. Vllllnm J,
ball and football tenrna, tonight re- Hhetzllno, bimlncHg manager of tho
fuaed to conftiiii or deny a report I hiludt.lphla N,illon;ila, and James
that he had been off'-rcd a manager- liagan, Mecretary of the club, Mid to-
uhlp of tha rhlladclphltt Natlonul i,li;ht they Iind no knowledge of a
league bnaeball -lub for 1!23, JJeziIck movement to bring ltuiro T'-zdik hero
formerly tnanuged the I'l'taliingh Na- to mamme the club, I'rfxident Jtaker
t'onal league team, coming to I'enn of the l'hillles la in New York, they
Htnte in lillli. I.'nder hla baderahlp aald.
Frankie Schoell Begins Training
for Bout Here Monday With Shade
The rugged Frank la Kchoe!! of Iiiif
falo, N. Y., urrived in Omaha ycater
ilay to begin training for hla 10-round
bout hen- November 13, with lave
Shade, tlw crutwhile roaat welter,
who now operates out of the Jeo I'.
Flynn punch dlapenaary of New York
Kbade, who won over Jack Perry
of 1'lttabutyli on a technical knockout
at Hoaton laat nb;ht, departed thin
nimnlng for Omaha.
Shade, la looking forward to Monday
night's battle, for
he hopes to cmie
the blemish on a
record which the
liuffaln welter put
on It thla apring by
winning a decision
over tilm at Buf
falo. Khrtde, who has
fought in Omaha
aluce hla meeting
with Schoell, de
clares he was
robb"d of the do-
t lalon and ex pacta to show the lo
lory was a fluke.
Cubs Trainer Kebigus.
Chicago. Nov. 1. Andrew litahaw,
formerly tiatner t,f tliu Indianapolis
American Asaocliitlon club and now
trainer of a Chicago professional
bmtliall d-aui, today was s gtieil ns
trainer of the Chicago National league
basi -ball club,
y 1 w.ah you o0M deitr nut SI. Her.
11. -ii l fii' me it " f ih Oli.'tlii nun
k'k'. i r't-r riiui.f, in m t? m i' - i'tai wk
one t tr l iaHs Kliks; lu Iiti h a UUU
Mat in tlo.iuj t u H n runi-IDff
:l h 'l tt I. lit it h tiiif tc
nil HiUi fcti hef ia f i I h-i M. W-it
b t, k,i.")mi. t mt our AM.t fiuiiinif turn
n j( t-f gwiur I tad iri m i ilnt i.
Hfrt iv ibt f i4m U )rla mud dl
ia:tfi I u'ir t ki h u4 Uitntt
all S rW BSSB 1 I TUII F IS SMS. . 1 Bf n
aM m h ar t4 p khi-
Itrrf I
4 io Ik Iw.l al. h,.ff af r t 1
h'-i li lUi lm vcieeo-S va
aiat.!:..! f - a ieufe i-tta vt ut
a.-a J-4-i-l-e-l a.t ! .eaM -a a I
1.4- fci k l i , it. -f u..a Kim is
e e Hbi a- --4 ee 1 ai
,,,, i.
a . ! to - i-H. n.'t I t a
tii -tir-.,ii( ita
I l: -l.l '
at It, a.lHMa tai Bad Si
state Saa H-ie-lata
aaitS, aae-aMFta
a, r atl.uta - a-a i aai to-
ank kia M ant Salt ikt
tHtMM-M4a aiSa a ala atteana
la Sl. k-rt ia. atMit tm t.i-i
!, aiita aw a.taiit m aaaae a taie
asl. S, la aa a. Iwal aiiwea ta
iii.t ia Sail kai.lm ae aaaa
aaakt la ead 14 k-4 t'.kl la
v v t .. .4 a- a 1 a t'l
- a -1 - - . i a
a a 'a i ...! .
. . - tit a l--a4
h Ii i i . int. ii t- ii ia.
I - a t - "
t ta aa - fctk-aa aa lee
arta.) -4 -an a r a ad Ik
iM IwhU !.. wta ta
a a-- l- t a '
il 1 t l I.- Ii
HmI .( it m ti
a.- aJ v ! t - - " a-.-'
, . U I i at a at M
i . a 1
loakwl la ava iaa la Ha
aeea iai .a 4 l aa sail aa ta
Haa iaa aaa eta aMaj lea Salt
a. aaata I
va.t a a-.-'. a . aa
i- a - I iji I- i v I i in a-iwa
a t -
I Ike laaaj al (. Bat 1 -IHMl
, .
Schoell will workout at a local
The I-Jmplre slate product found
tho ciIhi) Nebraska air to his liking
and declared that ho would do much
of, hla training on the road. He is a
glutton when It cornea to road work,
his manager any,
Ak-Sar-Ben Still
After Big Game
The Ak-Harlicn hna not given up
hopes of nl.minga pont aenwon football
game In Omaha.
This liccnniH known yesterday when
Charlie Gardner and Charlie Trimble
of Ak-Har Hen let It be known that
they were angling for a K'"ne between
either Iowa, Drake or the Texas uni
versity and Nebraska for December 9
at Creifc-hton field,
(Should Drake or I'x-a Moines go
through the season without a defeat
in the Stixaourl Valley, the Nebraska
alumni nnd All Snr llcn will attempt
to brltiR the HulMogs and Hunkers to
gether In Omaha.
If Drake is put out of the Valley
rumilnsr and Iowa rcfuaea to play the
Cornhuskers, then Ihe Ak-Sar Hen will
go after tho Texas university, tho
team which gave Centra a hard fight.
Hulgers, l.niiKiana, 0.
Kiirdlimu, 11; New l ock t' (.
6Ee tuwa!-
to .-HurnjE. um4
aaaaya. al 1
m v
V a -V I a t
' 1 ' lataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaiaiB S L, e .-.- -a-Bason, a. aa .nia iiMiaaaaaaaMaaaaaaaaaaaa'
Ilfiit Folio w-Tliroulj.
When a player begin to slump off
in his game and his score begins to
mount, on analysis usually will reveal
that the trouble Is mostly with some
ona club, I have been out tliu last
few davs lo practice up in anticipa
tion of tho western amateur cham
pionship In Kansas City thla month
ond somewhat to my surprise 1 dis
covered that my mldiron play was off,
I had fallen Into the habit of falling
to carry Ihe stroke clear through and
making the clubhand do Its share.
liy putting the left elbow against
the body you will obtain tho best fob
low-through. This Is what I call the
"bint" follow-through. Tho player
who stands with clubs and arms ex
tended In ono straight line after he
has played la a more attractive look
ing figure on the golf links, but his
results will not compara with the
player who Is willing to sacrifice ef
fect to distance by employing the
bent follow-through.
In playing this shot I swing Into
the Imaginary line of direction and
givo the ball the quickest wrist snap
possible. This should ha dono with
relaxed wrlats and rhythmically, with
perfect timing. When this snap In
properly dona it gives, a throw to (he
clubhand that adds distance. To take
a little chip of sod after you have hit
the ball Is the way u good golfer plays
the shot. To do so steadies tho (light
of the ball in a surprlalng way.
There is another point which I find
it a bit difficult to make clear with
words, but stating it the best I can,
It la thla: You must find a middle
pround between tenseness and relaxa
tion. If you play with either too
much of one or the other your shot
will not measure up to your possibil
ities. I believe tho finger prlp is tho
best of all grips, and tho only real
tightness I cxperlenno in gripping r.iy
clubs for tills shot Is tightness of the
fingers. In playing thn full ntldiion
I nni always conscious of a good gilp
on my club.
Here Is another llltla trick In the
mldiron shot which It, Is well to know,
Ii not bring the clubhead up too
quickly on tho back stroke. Take
pains to bring It back along Ihe
ground a little ways before going up.
This little wrinkle Is a help in getting
distance and control.
It is my opinion that Iron fliots
should be practiced Jealously, keeping
A Pisir
AwueXy, JuE.VL
I aa.aaw.
v I a-WVa-l I r tT-,
I I r.a . ... . k I
.r ' i i . . t
a . .. V ' 4 a, U v 1
- . t J - 'I . I '.
uppermost in the tnlnd the importance
of accuracy. 1 'eel this way because
Iron shots certainly offer tho oppor
tuiilly to some, of tbt finest of golf
piny. When you and your mldiron
understand each oilier well enough
so that you urn ambitious to play for
tha hobs and not bo merely content
with making the green then yij will
e what I mean by a first-class mid
Iron shot and you will enthuse over
its possibilities,
Texas League
Sends 'Km Up
Dallas, Tex., Nov. 2. Nineteen
ballplayers have been sent to the
major leagues from the Texas league,
either by salo, draft or exercise of
The list of the 1952 graduates fol
low: Dallas Tom Iavelce, sold to
Kurt Worth flus Jones, recalled by
Dcrolt; Ham firay, bought by Cleve
land. Hbreveport -I,loyd Rmiih, recalled
by Hoaton; (Jus Kelix, dratted by Bos
ton, both Nationals.
Wichita Falls A. J. Weiss and H.
V". Keono, recalled by tho Cubs; Floyd
V.. Wheeler, recalled by Pittsburgh;
fl. II. Kdmondsnn, recalled by Cleve
land; Horner Humma, sold to Cleveland.-
Galveston Adolfo Plerottl, recalled
by Cardinals; Harvey Hendricks, re
called by Ked Hox.
Houston Kay Blades, sold to Car
dinals: Jack Knight (obtained In post
season trade from Galveston), sold to
Beaumont .Tohn Anderson, drafted
by Giants; Krnest Vache, sold to
Sun Antonio Fred Johnson, sold to
Giants; J. N, Roberts (recalled from
MexliO, sold to Cincinnati; Homer
Kzzell (recalled from tjhreveport), sold
to Drowns.
Gophers HrHiiinc Practice.
Mliini-apilis, Minn., Nov. 7. lc
fenied. but far from subdued, "Pill"
Hiiiiuldirg's (iopher football siiiad
started an Intensive four-day prepara
tion yesterday afternoon for their
clash with Iowa, conquerors of Yale,
at Iowa City Hattiidny.
Workman Quarrels Willi I lit Tools,
that- rof
THE- wi -
"V v '
' '',
4UT- i
Tech IVopares
for Bluffs Game
DniiiiiiKiiiil Working on Acriiil
Atliick for Siitunliiy's
j Tli Tadi cuinp la huay pra
! piirlnir for ll romliiK KH'iiii on Kitt-
uid.iy wllh I'oiiikII lllurfa nt LiiiKiia
park, Tli 'i t h i n i niini (IiiuiikIi lla
Kiuna wllh Hoiiili In nt wwk wlihoiit
M'lioua inJiiMia, iiml 1h liurd it work
for tlila Wfik'n Krii
The KHiloat iiroriilai m a (rood
mm for I he HlufTa teiini la fnlrly Una yiur. All of luat yriu'a
iiii'D are din k, Owi'iix, one of Ihu heat
IiIkIi w Ii'mi) luirka In Iowa, la at full
hark. Jli' la a dmiK1 roiia mini on
oflcnae, iiml on il"fi nae he (a the brat
the lowiuia have to off r. The liimi
la l lint foiu lied by NlKt'eiin yer, ona
! o flbe luat pl iVi ia turiiiil out liiHt
i'ui In Die AllfMiniil V'ulliy rotifer
I'niiiiiiioinl la puttliiK hia men
ll, round a at iff wei-k'a work, They dv
feiited Hoilth l!f 0, whlbt t'olliu ll Hluffa
look thn Houlbiiieti Into itinip 19 7,
Tho Tech teiim la atroug at tha pnaa-
: lux K'l'iie, und tt new t-nil, Hhort, la
i beliiK developed to Hike the plaea of
! '.nxt, who la on thu alt k Hat,
, The team lunl a koikI workout luat
n Ik li t In ariliiitniie with tho aicoiula.
'I hn line hfia been luiviria; aouin xood
workouta, Jlruniinoilil la perfeellnK
hla paaaliiK xitnie, and Mimnie la hurl
inif Ui in n I butler em ti ijuv. II'-' la
alao getting longer iliHtaurn on hi
Tho aecond tentn In buny picimring
for a grime with an Iowa teiun thu
end of tho Week,
Captain Resigns
Columbus, B, C, Nov. 7, Declaring
that he could not back Coach Hoi
Metzger and his assistants In the
treatment of tho men on the Univer
sity of Houth Carolina football learn,
Tackle Alex Walte today resigned as
captain of the team.
At the same time Waltn's resigna
tion whs announced It also was sn
tioiinced that Fullback Krle Hnlpes,
chief ground gainer on the team, had
been fired by Coach Metzger fhr fail
ure to obey orders.
Carnegie Tech Player
' Leads in Scoring
New York, Nov. 6, Quarterback
Jimmy Robertson of Carnegie Tech
continues to lead Individual gridiron
scorers In the east, according to com
pilations today, wllh 73 points, com
posed of 12 touchdowns and one point
from try aft'-r touchdown. "lints"
Prunner of Lafayette is clout behind
with 71, consisting of 10 touchdowns
and II points nftcr touchdown, while
Wilson and Palm of I'enn Mate are
next with 61 and C5, respectively.
Pin Tourney SlarU.
The preliminary rounds in the
junior division bowling tournament
started Monday evening at tho Ath
letic club alleys.
Dr. "13ob" Drake, Fred Kyler, Leo
Bevorldge, It. I!. Funkhouscr, George
Metcalf, V. M. Clanz, Joe Adams and
Goorgo Stocking are piloting teams,
Mild as a May Morning and as Jmgmni
7. I
if vt'V, wild cigar of Havana fra t
I . V " &CZS crance Mozart is waiting for
f 'a1!'! U:&fJ
i !'' ti 1 I Miaurt Clr is saaJa by fjL
I'.' ?l II Cksnlsiated ( CorpurWata I rfVX ' ()A h
M tea
ill vy - iu
Captain Alcock
Wins Bowie
$10,000 Race
l:uliln;or, Md., Nov. T Captain
Aleock won ihu IID.OdO Itowla liandl
cap for a yi'iiiMiM ii nd upwurd at a
riilto and a half at I'lnillm tlila aftr
noon. I:.hIih una m-rood ami Oreitn.
Ic thlid. Time; 2:33 2 6,
Nciln, Thlinbli., l'uul Jonea and
Mu l lliillir iilmi run,
Tb mill le la paid: ' 1 1 t t, I u Alrock,
$16 it), ,-,.i;o, $2 JO; KxihIiih, 3.S0,
2.4u; Oi'iimle, f2.3.
'apinlii Aleork won In u (hiving
fltilali ulili ;hoiiim, after Oiianle.
Who Iind art the pufe to wllliln 40
Jnlila of Hie file, falteied and loat tile
lli-h prize, finlnliiiiK third.
At thn ilae of thu barrier Hally'a
A Hi y Jumped Into ihu bad mnl round-
mi; into tit" bink Klreleh wna two
l"HKthH In front. At Ihn half Killv'a
Alley bir in to Urn iiml Miiitliuoili
with flap ne Kiinuiier up, coining on
alrong, pli ln.d up the filly on the turn
Into tho Hireli'h and flnlahed nut, win
ning handily by (line b-ngtha.
Paris Has First
Atliletie Clul)
Parts, 'nv, 7 At List Paris 1ms
on nunc ii: club. True, there nr
rtiitneroiH athleilo Hubs In Purls
They ore all called sporting clubs,
but, the l-i;iii ling do Fiance, which
opened lis doors this week, Is a sport
Ing club with an i yn for spoil.
Tlia average French sportsman
looks upon his sporting club as a
place to get a good dinner or an ex
cellent cocktail, but ho hardly ex
pects a gymnasium, and he would
never date lo hope for a swimming
pool. All theso things this new or
ganization has In Its new building at
No. 2 Run do riJIyscea.
This club possesses the only rolling
walker in Europe, Hera one may
walk or run for rnil-s without lenvlnu
Iho building or even tho spot he Is on.
Many Americans and Kngllsh already
have applied for membership, and Ihn
walling list is growing dally.
Changes in Pavis Cup
Tourney Contemplated
New York, Nov. 7. The proposal to
dlvido competition tor the Davis cup
Into two geographical zones, American
and Kuropean, will be acted upon at
an International tennis conefnrenoe to
be, held In London December 20, It
was announced today.
The conference was called vy the
United Males Lawn Tennis federation
to consider general revision of Davis
cup regulations. It will be followed
by a second conference, under the
auspices of the International Lawn
Tennis federation, to discuss playing
rules and adopt a new International
Jack Renault Wins
Over Jack Hyatt
Trenton, N. J., Nov. 6 Jack lie-
naulf, Canadian heavyweight cham
pion and sparring partner of Jack
Dempsey, knocked out Jack Hyatt of
Hattlo Creek, Mich, tonight In the sec
ond round of an eight round match.
Men who know cigar making,
also know that it is more
cliilicult to make a gooj cigar
that is truly mild, than ona
that is just moderately mild.
If you seek an uncommonly
mild cigar of Havana fra
VAv If vou seek an uncommonly J?t-
prance Mozart is
Central Works
With Reserves
Piirple Vnraity SiTnnmagri
Scrontl Strinpt'rs for U
atrice Tilt.
Coach richmldt of the Central sent
lila men through hard arrlmmsgt
with Ihe beefy reserves yestordajr
afternoon In preparation for the con-
test Friday with tho fast Peatrlc
High eleven. The Purple tutor Is
warning no time In teaching his foot
balb is thn art of "smashing ihe line,"
and If the Central eleven shows tba
fight In Friday's contest that It did
against the Lincoln team last week
the tm nls should return wllh another
brick laid toward the stale title.
The purple nod White S'tuad Was
given a lixbt signal drill last night,
follow i if by a hard tM-rimmai-.e a(,niiiHt
tho hilltop teserves. Hughes made
rut excellent shoving t one of the
half positions and Felterman showed
up w at end. Marrow, who minis
good In last week's fray, ultHrnaleit
with Hughes nnd proved himself (9
be nble (o spear tho ball out of mid
air and should be on onset to th
launching of Ihe purplu aerial attack,
For the last four years Healrlco has
handed tho locals the short end of Ihe
scorn and the Ifllltoppers nro afier
thn Jinx.
Hold (earns are fonsldcicd strung
Contend -rs for (be stale into and tb
outcomn of Friday's lilt should go n
long wny In settling tho championship
race dipt. Hlrlbllng of (he Central
eleven has been perfecting his plac
kick for tho coming content and aver
ages from 30 to 40 yards with his
boots between the uprights, Th
three-point margin mny again setibi
(be game with the mango and lilaclt
cr w, mi it has in many of the former
Uraikn Track Kcroril.
liallluiore, Nov. 8. Dominions,
from tho Allies stables, wllh Jockey
Lyke up, broke Uie track record at
Plmllco for six furlongs In tho equity
handicap today, covering the distance,
In one minute, Jl seconds. The for
mer mark was one-fifth of a second
slower, established by Kxodus, hi V.C0
and equaled last week by Knobble.
Knobble llnlshed second today. Dom
nlque carried 12S pounds.
dost Grid Play
To use
Tmiii h ball en oppnnnt" JO-vard
line ne&r end ut 11 rut liif, fourth dnn,
ID yanJn lo suln, sturn Iic-Iiik lU.n In tins
mum's fiver. Whnt Is ih (liny T Hii
srn two mt nut tens to ho coallrd. ic
( (list snuihnr (uurlntuwn will rllni-li
Ihn gam. 1'h other It M avoid giving
tliu ei'ioi Ion un npjiortunliy fo anore, and
iiius put inein m a- position lo aortal you
or tin th xmiit. VVIiln thla l an Id'M
paaitlun from which to Ilia allak
ing limn atioiitd rhooaa only such paaio-s
ara aaf, TVo-y mil earry a 'hrat
of soma othr attack. Ona of tha b-jxt
to&y horn la to linn up for a plana or drep
kick and worK . dlaytd forward paa,
tha mum hil'ling for a moment to pro-te-1
tli kkt'.i-r, bvfora tb aliglhia man
riiHh down tha flaia to cti"h ilia an.
Such a play t.-mla to dinw Ilia iWrnta la
given point and to ipn many opm
place Into which the off-na enn throw
lima. Whatever yon do hire, do not pla
u pilau that dee nol carry a lhrt of a
Uuk r run, Tha danKer la too great tl.nt
thn oppnalilon mny net It and ran for a
toiiciiiiown, Thuy expect a tuea and ara
primed to run it buck.