The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 06, 1922, Image 1

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    The Omaha Morning Bee
VOL. 52-NO. 121.
fit M CI1H MfttM ) J. IM. II
(mu P. W. mm Ail 1 suit I, ill.
OMAHA, MONDAY, KOVKMI'.!.!. 6, 1922.
ul II (') i Dsllt ( ,, I): IM. niwi tin im,
Oiiaiw im 41 hn l (Mill 6iil '. 111! ), M.
V ictory Is
NeJraska' Meet inn J Re
ganled as National Event
All Eye on Miildle
Candidate for Senate
Mnhrg Final Statrtnrnt
on liue$ of Camjtaign
Campaign Issues Clear
Hy I' ll L (.rtl l lJ.
From a national standpoint, (he
Most Interesting and Important elec
tions Tuesday will occur In tlio mid
lilewcst. Tho Influence of thi agri
cultural section, particularly in th
i iiiipii ninii'i si nine, lins grown
leadlly In the last few yeni. Kin Ii
men s Norrl, Capper. K.-nyon, Htcr-
hng mill Kcllngg have made the ViiIch
of the farmer heard In the national
ounclls. Whether tho middle est
ulll elect morn men In express f ti In
point of view or whether It will mini
instead thi' Kurt of representatives
ihnt allow themselves to be awed ,y
eastern influence In a great national
In Nebraska, the republican party
l confident of replacing H nimfur I fil
bert M. Ilitrhcock with It. ft. Howell,
well ii n electing (i republican gov.
irnor mill tho entire ticket. Hitch
cock, though it di moo int. bus been In
the past denounced by W, J. Jlrynrt
tin " weMern man Willi eastern
ilk-ant" Instead of co-operating Willi
the farm bloc, hu luia vot'-il with the
southern democratic- bloc and with tho
custom group sometimes known nn j
the Wall street bloc. ' j
Ncnalor I ,( Touch.
The new spirit of i-lf liwAi tlnn rote.
in the mliidlcweet whlln Hltrhcork
mm HWHy In Washington devoting
himself to th linprai tln-ork-a of
Woodrow Wilson, Ilia rrltk-a assert
(hat he haa been nway from Nebraska,
so long that he la completely out of
touch with thi- homi! folk.
When Henntnr Jlllihc.ock returned
to Nebraska, to campaign for a. third
l"i7n, hn found the farmers anil hiiMl-io-ai
iinii up in urma OMalnHt the lilKh
fi"iht rati-a IbvIkiI under ttin f.w-h-I'nninilna
law. ll hud votrd for that
iiriiiir', imd ii liuin'-tlluti-ly put ut
u (liMiKlviintaKO by lila opponent'
MiHid for repeal of the an-ruU'-d guur-
nniee rlauno and the rectoratlon of
c ompetition and atate r-iilatlon. Or
K(;nlwd InlMjr dlao wiih rfaintful of
llitohcork'a vote for tho antl atrlke
MoAdoo Maliea Mlalalif.
When William (',. .MrAdoo appeftred
In Omaha to apeak In behalf of Hltrh
i. irk'a candldnoy, ha nmdo the tnc-lu-al
mlatake of ilfnoutnliiK the Kaih
:uiiinilna law and waa rtuiltuinl Jby
i voice from the nudlrnoa that Hitfh
rrck had vol-d for It. Hiinllar em
barraaament waa cauawd by the com
ing of W. .!. Hrynn to Nebraakft, to
appak in tho Joint Inti-reate nf hla
brother, Charlea W. liryan, the demo
cratlo candidate for governor, and
Senator IlltchciHk.
For yeara Hrynn bad attacked
llltchcmk aa the tool of the the
'wet," ne well aa a lender of the
riHctlonarir. The more faithful hla
f. llowei-H were, the more atirprlaed
they were to wltneaa the audden
ihamre In the roninnmer'a nttlttnle.
'I here bad been no prohibition plunk
In the democratic platform, except for
a ciuioiiHly worded remonalrance over
the aale of liquor on ahlpa at aeat. I.a
(Turn To. I oluma One.)
K. B. Ibiwatl, reptihllran noinlne
for UnltM fatea senator, mini the
Mlnwlnf aiatement rit nljht, donlng
hla eamiialfn:
"Tin conteet bow drawing te a
clou h bn waif" nlon eeonnmln
rather than pnlltlral tinea and I be
lieve that It la rlrarljr evident thut
the propl are r'dii to make their
derlalnn In accordiinc with their
eonvellii reepeiilng' econnnilc fnt
tr. They are detriunilliix that pri
vate buiiltiea nii-thcxle of efllt If ncy
Ii .-ill h applied to putillc affulra and
that 'ma new mean a ahull be ib
vlaed tut rurldiiar monopoly, nllur
than punitive lawn and legal i-kii-Utlnria
which have lamely f.ilkd.
! hiva foiiiid a J'-t lniiitt In
theae itieainiia nnd am ronlMent
that Tuewlay'a election will prove '
nualn, aa In th" recent primary, tt
further iHJdltlve eronomlo exprm
alun u Inn theae lllea.
"Hlni'M lieeomlnir n candidate, I
have made between .'100 and 40m
Hpi-ei'lim lliiniiKlioiit the atate and
have. nVfply apprecliitcd the emir
leay anil ranikldenitloti that baa been
airoMid me tbroiiKbout,"
McKclvic Says
Bryan Plan Would
Aid Bootlesccrs
in Control
otrrnor Srorm Proniie loJof Til 1 (3 V
Alioliah State Law Knforre J
The Serenade!
iiifnt Office Math ly
"Urotlirr Charlie."
I.lneoln, Nov. .-
j arain V tiovei nor M, '
' i miilititii.i.l
pi online relte- "iar
lie" lit the U. w , .iieetlnif
jbmt nlRhl thn. ratliah the
ttate law nfiyf bureiiii, de-
i liirr1 that hid h I. .m would loae the
fate I.i i Re aiima In flnea and would In
reality hn liceiialiiK botlCKkera,
"III iiroporiil to dlacoiitlnua the law
mforcement 'department cannot he
aupported on the theory of economy,''
the governor a-'ld, "fur durlmi the
yi-nr 1921 thla ileinitineiit collected
MhD.Ooii n fima.
t'nlli'iled Many Unea,
"Jt conflacated automobllea contain
I n It whlaky that were eold for 121,14(1.
In co operation with the hlchwny de
partment It collncted delinquent auto
mobile Hr-enHi-a niiiotuitlng to 140,000;
In ro oM ration with federal law en
forcement olllclala It collected flliea In
tho ii mount of !I!H,K72; In ca operation
Ith local atoilffa and oin-r peace of-
ta It recovi-ied and returned auto
mobllea to owner In the value of
. ;H'.', 4MN; It made 1.4H0 Inveatlgatlona
Five Killed, ?() Injured llV i 'egai.llriK the Illegal aalo of liquor;
i-t-ii 4,n-w runt, aii'i nun iii'i-iAC'l (,"
automobllea that have been atnlen In
vuiloiia parta of thi I'nlted Htatea.
All of thla eervlcu coat the atate,
during that period, $37,71. IS.
One Deduct lull I'oaalble, . .
"Therefore, there la only one deduc
Hon to make from the promlae of
Hryan to diacontlnue thla deportment,
and that la hla tleup with the Hitch-rock-Mullen
iiiachlne. On the record
of hla brother, W, J. liryun, he ex
pecta to obtain the dry vote, and on
hla prom Ice to dlaconllnue the atate
law enforcement department he ap
pea I a to the bootlcgera and othera
who do not believe In law enforcement.
"Thla department wag created upon
the recommendation of Oovernor Ne
ville, and the wladom of It ha been
cleurly proved. To dlacontinue thla
department would aiinply be the
grunting of local llcenae to bootleg
ger, for It hn been clearly demon
h( rated that local aherlffa have neith
er the fund nor the force with which
to fully enforce the lawa relating to
prohibition and automobile ateHllng."
I Hafct Pnalia Axetiinei Power
j After Minictry of Sultan He
fdgu. Gendarme Move
Into Neutral Areu.
Seven Dead. Many
Hurt by Storms
in Two States 'Z-
Tornado in Oklahoma Oil
Fit'ldn Two Die in
Democratic Harmony
Succumbs to Assault
Inumrlglit, Okl., Nov. 4. Four
P'iraiin are known to iiuve la-en killed,
:i) were Injured, aome-.erli)UMly, ami
many are winning on the reault of
toriuiila which atriu k In the oil field
Juat aoiilhwi-Ht of here etirly tmilxlit.
The tm m came In a noi l lieu Hterly
direction. It mleaeij the town of
JJruinrlglit. All the 1imiie reported
waa to houma and properly on the oil
The known dead:
Jiie Jennltiga,
Mr. Jue Jonnlnge.
Finirteeiiyearold fcon of Mr, and
Mr. Joe Jennlne.
Dohba, 15.
After alilklng aoutliweat of Prum
right, the tornado taiaed and demand
ed, near Manuaford, about 25 Inlle
northeiiit of bare. An oil worker
named Wall waa killed on an oil leaao
near Mminaford.
011 Field In Par knead.
Several automobllea filled with
Phyalclani departed at once for th
atorm nr from here and Ollton. The
total dnrknena which covered the oil
field aa A reault of the deatructlon of
electiio lljhtlng equipment in hinder
ing the work of reecue.
More lhnn 30 hounea of oil worker
nn the Roxana, Frairle, Pure and
Oypay lwiae were wrecked, and oil
rig and pumping machinery trewn
about for mile.
The Joining family waa living on
the Iloxnna lcae. No trace of their
home hn been found. Their bodies
were picked up a. quarter of a mile
Two Dead In 1 oloriulo.
Penver, Nov. 4 Two peraona dead,
iiii miwng. aeverai injured anu
properly damage upward of 130,000
waa the toll reported tonight In the
wake of. a aeriea of tornadotl and
thunder atornia which gripped aotith
ern Colorado today. The damased
area waa the center of a aleet and
anowatorm which hit the Rorky
mountalnn Friday night and reached
the height of Its aeverlty late today,
lill.zaiily eundlliona prevailed In moHt
1 wentern aiHte tonight and Heavy
lauowfnll with lower temperature j
j wer reported alinot generally,
i Wire ciimniunlcation ntiuth and wct '
nf Denver waa ilcnurnli'.ed tonight,
i telephutie anl telcKrnph roinpanlea re
I porting moitl of theli- linen out of
i l otiimiwion.
Two Uvea were lost at Kugar Oily
In a tornado whli li wepi near inni
Demand Allies Evacuate
f 'onatuntiuiiple, Nov. 6. (I'iy A. V.)
The aullan'a rninlatry realgned Hat
iirday evening mid Itafet J'a-dm, r p
reneniutlve of the Angora nntlonnllnt
government, ha annumed power, I In
leaned a manlfeato today which de
clared that fiom noon, November 4,
the aduilnlatiatloii of the great na
tional anaembly of Turkey In entub
llehed In Oonitnnllnopln.
Th Turk have torn up the Mud
aula convention and gendarmen are
moving Into area known aa neutral.
Turklah natlonallat gendarme are
advancing into the lirlllnh Chatink
area. The Keinnllatn have ealuh
llnhed an edmlnlntratlnn at Bcrjasg.
Jtamlil Jley, repreaentative of the
Angora government, In a note to the
entente power, demand withdrawal
of the allied troopa from Conatantl
ir pie.
The nianlfento announced that the
auIlHti'a pimlllim ban been clearly de
fined by the declnion of the national
anaeinbly and that the rlghln of cltl
ssenn are abaolutely aiifegimnled by
the law of the great national anaein
bly of Till key,
The allied high commlaalon ban ac
cepted the new regime. Thla leave
no choice for the aulfan. All the
Turklah court are auapended and
Jtiifet Tanha, the new governor of
Conatantlnople, haa ordered the attor
ney gencrul to dinpeneo Jiwlicn under j
tho JurUdlctlon tit the Angora, gov- j
eminent. ;
The municipal coumll forwarded to j
Angora ita acceptance of the national j
naaembly'g reaoluflon respecting tho j
nultan and the trai;fcr of the aover- j
eign rlghta to the aaaembly. A mayor j
waa then elected, and ho, in the pre, j
ence of Itafet I'aah.i and other kemnl-
lata, took the oata of allegiance to tliu !
Angora aaaembly.
of Germany
Is Married
Former Finperor ami l'rin-
llerniiue of Henm
Friends to Honor
Woodrow Wilson
Officers Seize Body
as Funeral Starts
Cleveland, Nor, 5. While mourner
were aaaembllng nd final prepara
tion for the funeral aervlcea were'
being made, police wooped down on
a wet aide home and took the body
of a woman to the county morgue un
der order from Coroner A. P. Ham
mond. The coroner announced he will per
form an autopay to determine the
cauae of death. The woman died In
a hoapltnl hre Thuraday after an ill
neas of two day. The funeral party
waa Juat ready to atart for the church
and the body wad about to be put into
the hearne when the aeiaure took
. Police questioned the woman' hue
bond concerning the causa and man
ner of her death and waa told that
ahe had been taken III Tuesday and
removed to the hospital- He nld
he did not know the cause of her
death. Police are searching for a
woman who Is expected to reveal dc
tail of the wife 'a death i.nd also -Will
qucetlnn hospital attaches. It was announced.
Program Arranged for Armi
stice Day Former Ambas
sador to Speak.
Omaha Be Leai M Ire .
;Vhlngtoii, N6vT a.iTMeiiila and
admirer of former President Wood
row Wilson are planning to remember
him again on Armistice day. An
nouncement waa made today by Mr.
Kate Trenholin Abrhani, who wa in
charge of the Armlatlce day demon
stration for the former president last
year, that a short program la being
urrangtd to atart at 3 next Saturday
afternoon. Admirers and well wlshcra
of Mr. Wllnn will Join the committee
in ni;4j5iig a pilgrimage to hla homo on
8 street that afternoon.
Tha- JIon, Henry Morgentheau of
New York, former United Htatea am
bassador to Turkey, ha accepted the
Invitation to address Mr. Wilton on
behalf cf th visitor. Word has been
received that a largo delegation of
Baltimore and other nearby resident
will Journey to Washington to Join
the throng.
J.ast year on Armiatico day several
thoiiaund people from Washington and
the various state went to the Wilson
homo to pa ytheir respects.
Efforts to Stop
G. 0. P. Speakers
Halted by Police
Rector's Widow
May Tell Story
to Grand Jury
Citizens Seize
Coal to Supply
Schools of Town
Democrat Attempt to Break Mrs. Hall Ready to Sign j Crowd of Over 2,000 Marelien
lTp Downtown Street Meet-'1 j Waiver of Immunity in , to Railway Yards and Con
Investigation of Double
Murder Mystery.
ing by Ordering Re
publicum? Away.
Tho political street meeting at
Fifteenth ami Dnuglari Btrceta Hatur
iliy night a thri-cTing affair, Jtc
publican speakers .inivi-d on the cor
ner firnt. fnllowcd a few minutes later
by progressive who occupied a truck
on the Fifteenth street hide of the
Not until one republican speaker
had finished and a second well ad
vanced In bis talk did democrats ap
pear and squeeze In to stage a ring
performance between the other two
A .democratic speaker declared ho
held a iiermlt from Mayor Pahlman
to occupy tho corner. Ho declared
the republicans were violating the
law by .lppearltiR there. l.aier an
other- speaker called for a police nf-
I fleer to oust the republicans. Not
New Hrunswlck, N. J., Nov. 5. (By
A. P.) If Hperlal Prosecutor Wilbur
A. Mott goes through with his plan
to lay tho Hall-Mills murder cane be
fore the Somerset county grnnd Jury
next week. Mrs. Krancc-s Noel Ktcvens
Hall, widow of tho slain rector, will
Hiirn a wa'ver of Immunity and de
mand the grand Jury hear her story.
This decision, announced by one
fully authorized to speak for Mr.
Hall, was reached. Under the New
Jersey law. It was stated, her de
mand could ho denied In only one
way by withholding the case from
j the grand Jury until after arrests had
I been made on affidavit. And In that
I eventuality, Mrs. Hall, tf she wcri
I ono of thone arrested, would be In
! a position to force a showdown of
all the evidence In the caso by means
f ideates Two Carloads
of Fuel,
Wedded at William'
Fxile Home,
Children Are Present
Xr...i ii, II, .Hand, Nov. S.-llly A. PI
- Tint fin iiier ; 1 1 1 hi ii emperor, onca
all hlnhext of the cm pirn, nud Prin
ces ileriiiinii of liriisa were married
today at the Ionise of Hoin'i, where
the lord abides In exile. Thin second
.enliiie was In mi'iiuko. i-onlrnnt with
that dav in liiM. when, an crown
'prince, he w eddi d Augusta Victoria,
eiiiinhier of l .niiid I Mike l-'iederleli of
.SehlehWig Hol d i.jl.
Scleral of the cliitdivii nf thai first
union were pres. nt to set the seal of
: f inilly approval to the new alliance,
l Thus were two i ereuionles, a civil
'contract drawn up mid sinned hy
"Willi. Im 11 ' and "I I'-rmln-, ileus"
an liny affixed tln-lr nann-; the sec
Olid, a religious ceremony lelidllete.I
by Hie former I'oiirt Chaplain In-.
Vogel, according to the Lutheran
! 1'lten.
The air of m i u i v iii rounding the
ut lie affair bus been , maintained
throughout. The climax of the ays
I, -inane inyst llical ion adopted by the
household came when the bride's sis
ter. Princes Ida, who rcm-nibles her,
successfully pussed herelf off an the
lu-lde lit the Allier.-foort station Ifiel
evening with nn army of cattle car,
whereas Princes ib-milne left the
r;f!n at Apledoorn, hulf au hour
miller, and move to the castle unob
served thiitc within the palace making
milch of this, us a huge Joke.
Sine Lutheran Hymn,
The ii-liuiuiiN ceremony began with
jibe singing of the Lutheran hymi,
"Jesus 'leh Voran" and Pastor Vogel
reached from the text: "Now ahid
eth faith, hope and charily."
The bridal couple occupied carved
' gilt armed chaira, eurmounteij by
crowns, while tho numerous guests
I were seated in row behind them.
' "Now the Joyful day ha arrived."
declaimed the minister, "when hia
majesty mid her serene highness join
! He recalled that th same tcx. ha
' served at the golden wedding of WIN
, llam I, and at the bridegroom own
sliver wedding. "The bride," said he,
"hu left fatherland and frlenda to
unite her life with that of hi majes
ty, whose faith haa sustained him In
circumstanced which would have driv
ii others to despair."
Aa evidence of fafth he pointed out
i hat the "kaiser" conducted religious
services on every Ixird's day In his
home. He paid tribute to the virtue
of the late empress and Princes Her
mine' former husband, referring to
the "kalserln" aa the Ideal of German
(.nest Number US.
"Love each oilier, as God lovea
you," he admonished, "and you ehall
prevail over all evil report."
Then followed the reading of the
marriage aervlce. Rings were ex
changed, and the hymns, "So Nlmm
(Turn to l'ane Tho, Ciibuna Tsn.)
Much vaunted democr-ille
baa tone the way of the
Mcmoeraic candidates havu been In
creasumly restive for some time over
. the way In which certain ones were
mono policing the county oi-jnnlmtlon . ,v t0i. jt waM ,,.i(nrted. An
for their own bem-fit, while other (,ttjff tornado struck that place thi
were combining In a separnie groiii. . lft(,noon 11( ,-aused property dim
The showdown came Thursday when nn-muitlng tn several thousand
M. I., lindri s. deniiM -atii- nomine for ) , dl.ti-H, accoi'diiti: to report i. No
'sheriff nod 1.1 d Miunev. il'jtll 1 Were r-HMte.l.
b- ..umida'. fr . u.ny iiiloine, r Tii KeMHIeil Murine,
fused to lay th. .. uf the cunty j A n( ,, ,.,, ,ul-
orat,iolio,i w., ,. n.olM,. l -a-l of l.iiuv".
"We are fccing . 'be sub j ( f ,Wl H, ,,.
' ""lr ' "emed " The '" j lBg lH. iarni..ii, a mim her- and
of you can Jump " he lake " u wf, ,h( ,.,.,
. . I folli.wliiK- the .h-et ruction of their
Cetlar Counlv In (1. 0. P. IYLr""' '"J""'
K-'rt limt lw- p re-xii weii kilh-d
(Tun !' T, t'lan.e Into i
. i . s
ZUU,(JUU Bushels Oi Boats Burn on Ohio River;
Potatoes Menaced
Column, Says Rcjx)rt
II illO'K'
III .!
if .
1 1 1 I'ru'iH'i t I as tit rtldf
for lit; iic-ir l roiltielion
W ..W.I..-.M-. N ' ' ;U"I .nl
i t. r !' ii ' iii.ii
ii," . n . r i in l e n I .11 no
l uiwii M. i I'l'iiiim 'i""t
I Im ( iiliiliHiev dejH! Itti. n! tl"l I I oi.
l oftilelmnil.. r l.iytOk l !t ll ixna
tlllBUli 1.11 . I'll ti 'l"P 1"
. 1 lr..!le.t H IM lolnl
ai M-rwt m thi vouniv s4 in fht
,n I n (ii n4 f el l'n i
f 1 1 cf inn nm
Gtuilon, Neb., Nov. n (Kpecial.V
Shortage of cars will cause the loss hy
freezing of nearly CnO.Ofifl bushel of
ootatoen In Hherldau county alone.
Car ordered ta toU-r R for the ship-nii-iil
nf a tralnload of potatioe
bruin bt In one car on November I.
Th.-n- wen- hut acres of ki
tatoes laUed In Sheriditli coiDdy thi
jwir and lo k of cam has caused the
piling up of the crop on the ground
where It Is n-.w covered with straw
Mint earth. A severe freeie will catch
then piles, sine there sre not cellar
mailable to care for the crop still on
hand. Willi pol.U-e worth but from
1 t.i "i ontn iHr bushel, the OUthH'k ,
Is 1.1 h.-r .1 ...ui' " .minimi..!,, .... - -in u n.w
-- j move to die. k the luoPtt-ering 111 n.,,1
until Hcr-t. J. H. roffey of the city I""- habeas corpus action,
police fori'o utured the deninerats i Whether Mr. Mott would consent
that tho tl . P. sneaker nln held I to have her appear before the grand
Loss Oiie-Ouarfer Mi lluni a pcimlt did they cease their at-! 00,11,1
Cincinnati, Nov. 6. Three Ohio l""P rt''v out the 1 .publicans,
river steamer, the Island yueen and. There wag a threat deal of banter
Morning Btar. owned by the Coney ' lnK ll",ww tlie republican end demo
Inland company, which operates a : '"" ""linkers, who occupied earn
no. u lew it 1 1 iijiiirt.
summer resort 11 mile above Cincin
nati, and the Tacoma, a passenger
itml freight steamer, and twu wharf
bimta. the property of the Coney
Island and (!ie.-n Line tompuiiy, weie
destroyed by fire, A fourth,
ihe I hunt Ijieene. eiuidoyeil In tow
lout . vice, caught fue and wan
Unity daniagrd. The total loss wa
esinnatetl at lwteen tJ.'iA.omi and
Sjieiu l.aniit lies New Mtne
to Stop Coal l'rofilniin
, v I.
if 1
l v f V I V 1
llnir Multen, ,1- i
I it ir , Mi.Riv h 't
f.iMi.kil l.m)-,v,
nf the pibt;cmi
I l.t.U.
it.n.'s in.- n'lk r W
J Htn dvwa t .. if the isndl
tnlt il.ftnjiif.t In I'. luiioarv
--soil a ir'-.-t
I liS 'I lni.ll Iks . CO
oioiiv c.-ii,in;('re
I'oli.e R.rrr Rrue
Mjh l iutii Infnrtjl I !
. i
l. I, Hi
fiiW4 i f l'...
Wim-ii iHsv.
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ll ,
in.' si i-utne ioi,, n in
err .f .u( than ii ever
hn .iMr.h 1 i r. p oil I I f
ih ll,i. I
t h tit . ,e ? ' - -' I 1 !i
lr,'vr I-.,.' ,f if - .l , i. .(
. ,,l4., I I... ,. t4
1 ; . c 1 '
it, - nt l. i- . t
mr all if i w.'l tkt ltM 1
U ie Mining I 1'rnM
inm uin t ttrlutn V uh
Htnl Through W in.nH
Child Shot hvBoy, 14,
Succumbs to Vounli''
it.i r4) ill rhW hm Uv
fixiti u titiiU fltvt'lfl4lly rovitrtl
! ft t ti'ie h.t by Kl.ter An
,.r.n, 11 H !,tii-r loiiitiiig a 1!
, .1 tr rvlvr 1' h t hlUI and u'l
i.g th li 'user lie f'ew.t hn
.1 t 11. n knew Ihe fill )-M Th
1.11IVI ..... Ihr.iii.H the fill 1
.1 i.ii.i l,i IM tft r tl tn
, - !.i . I I..,, i'l bl f
ti' Ibntiiluitor Hn-n ha r iii. sle.l
anil.rieiie piisiiucin in.irk.-l,
I Olll)' llllollll . .1 ,01 ,l. I,
nn"l. in ti, .-iiittiMte inter
ne, t.sto niiiililien f I.,, h Iwn m-nt i
rc i iii, in vim- ., limn tif Wi,, 1
The crowd was the largest present
at any rln-et nncting this y.-ar, de
spl'o a riilxrlliig rain. II.-. kleis In
t. if. ied with ,' at Intervals.
"The tailff 1 the hen protection
tile l ilsiiiiiK tiiaii I n-:.'' dei'l ired S. K.
Iir.t; during hi-, ail.lie.-e "It la the
In 1 t; u u nity he has of a liv 1 ri u ware."
He talked on the nt riti, of the
I bill and flayed Senator lli'clu o. k for
his stand ag.iliut w.ioi.-o'n euffiaa".
I "The women of Nebraska will nut
forget next Tiitsilav tout llitehcoek
eii.h'Rvoivd to k-ep tbeni fiom oh'Mln
HU the ballot " be ib . Inr. d. "Ilowrll
ion tf.o oiti.r b.ind leis itlWii. n fivore.1
i woman fiffins "
' loln-ii who !'. I." wie 1.ics
iWnlfc.-i. ! W .u r T"'i M el. stir.
K1I-1 .Miit. 11 in I I'bai'.v
11 .1 hi 1 ,n,,i..t,,ii. t r 1 ..iiy
i.O,.- loir of onii v t'hrer
Voouoii hy Hum Ikutt-r
at RtaumalJ ViVei
n. . 'I du-i-1
, it, V I it
., I . t t',
I 4lr I'. j..irlhu'nt lrrl
liufci.e in 'itlt tnrul,!. n N,, 1 H l.i !
it ro 1 u ,. t .1 ., ,, t H I-Wl f
ri.-l I t i i i in'., t 1 1 In, r In
a I--.IH! m mt-Hh t iimh
t.mi. J la I" f H. II M.' I i.l .1
1 I ' . u , I . I . d I 1 . !'
-lis , 1
h ft
ftak M
. I -. i f It: ,i'le.t
(. t,i..l. 1.1,
lth Ish.4 Ml.
Nn ,mn. v, - l-t. t y if
i:i.-r f-r Cut, slin. at i..i. .,,!
pn-' I pr.nn. by V a i ,
'"ill'l I I. on I .llittlil fniMt ll'S
hihoi., i, . t. i ., s,
i 4 Jiimi i an i:i i i,
1 n ... tv tt. I ,!. .. .!,
1 , 1 h- i , ,a .ii 1, 1 .i ..n . , .1. .
It. 1 a a.m nJ. I
I il. I IM S.. n.. I. I n, 1 () ' ..
((riit ral l. ini.rulii'jli.iii
Rejiui ii-il Vnii. Crrnum
. . .1 ...1, 1 -11 -. - 1 to- r -row
li- ll if I tlli,", B 'f.Ml fiultl
i- 1 1 d ii-eini.4't.iii, ahull H
11. 11 -if ( .0. t in iS be-11. ii M lif t
if Ihn l'tt 'tin 111- If. tl,l
nf e,tl "lit,, nt, I ;.. Ih.i lt.,vti,
i'i!il I 11 1, 'i it .in,'!., 1 a t, 1 Ii
si - ti t-t u r . n ,.1 l.'K lil
I1-" " - I i M li
I I I 1.1. if I I I1 1
t . , I VI ,,i ,.,.n
I - - I f I I .0 t . . I
not lie ascertained. lie
announced, however, that he would
coiihult with the foreman of the
.Somerset grand Jury next Thursday
at to when the case should be sub
mitted. This announcement, coming on the
heels of an Interview at Newark with
I Chief Juki Ice tiuuiniere of the supreme
j court, wan taken to Indicate that Mr
' .Mott felt be had bin case well In
hind and thia mcsuiiipll.m wan con-
firmed by person who have worked
with bun.
Mr Mo'.l, It Was declared In these
ejiuuteis, has si, rt well
rinimbil rn-i-i built around the stoiy
of Mr. ilibMui,
It w in reported that be had two
"senil es e witness ' M meii who
weie neir th" ncene and saw the party though they did not
nctuallv nitn.n the ,vin( of pr.
Hall .t 11 I Mis Miiln 1
Ameinleil Cuntiiii":ii Iteort
N 1 ili-.l hy llHiliii uiih
a -bill vine, N..V. j An aui-iilot
. .n, nil ! ill inritl hi a . . i- ll. it
two i' pi i I . hi -ii I t. nil.. en pr j
v., iiiv l.- oit..t b.i.l len In ids l
l v $-' 'ii f t'..i.lrtbul..i innlns-t of
Oitinhn lire f.rune.1 M ire.
Hcranton, Pa,., Nov. 6. Angered
by the failure of the state fuel com
mission to furnish them coal, more
than 2.000 citizens of Olyphnnt, near
here, marched to the yards of the
Delaware & Hudson railroad today
and confiscated two car of coal.
Tho coal whs loaded Into auto
trucks mid wagons and hauled to the
nine churches and 10 public schools
in the borough.
The schools have been closed for j
two weeks because the coal com- I
rui.iiaa lini-A ...... 11 1 !
' - ,i.i coal in
Olyphant. ulthotifch thousands of tons
are mined there daily. The Olyphant
citizens held a midnight meeting
Thursday with memliers of tho coun
cil and school board.
Shortly after thin till l!llf II D" t V.
fire gong In Olyphant was blown. Thia I (1'iv.l,,K n,i.n f",nn "
as the signal for the seizure of Ihe ' 1 "IR 18 'no " "
coal. Klro trucks loaded with fil.e. j he llllvlK ""' I"'"'li, p of 1,,w
men raced tbr..i,-l, ,v, ..,.i. I here and being elected district judge
got the citizens up. Score of other
vehicles. Including aulo trucks, wag-!
una and pushcarta joined the gath-j
erlng In front of the Uirough build- ,
Democratic Mayor
Converted bv Norris
Heaver City, Neb., Nov Ii. (Special
Delivery.) Senator O. W. Norrla,
spoke in the auditorium here Pntur-
day evening to n crowd of 300 people
j who gathered to hear him despite a
Ing. Hundred of men and Is.y car
rying shovels, formed In the line. The
enunrllmen and school directors, nil
with shovels on their shoulders, led
the caravan on the half mile jaunt
to the railroad yard". Hundred of
women ling the streets, y.lleil words
of encouragement to ti1(. livis.
tiet us coal fur our nehisiln nud
I from this place.
Friends and neighbors took a keen
interest in Senator Norris' sensational
expose of Senator Hitchcock' record
in voting for the protection of wealth,
and against excessive Income and war
profit tax 11 nd hi many etmencea
from roll call 011 Important measures.
Fred Kiihti, mayor of r.ea'er City
for ce;lit years, mid a lif" lotiK d' lno
crat, the stiileuii nt tluit
us a result of 1 1 it. hi o.l. s in old if
voting for the iinun-j ed IiittTcsi as
laid ban- In' his loile.inii.', h" will vote
eniirrnen. r .a it for rue r 1.01.'
have 1.1.- weie some of ihe d ies of "'" '"',M ' :""t "''", h'
the women. 'friends to ,!.. the s. me
Texan lliTtioii SiiialMe
l.i II,. lt..r,,r.. iin.r.'.iiM f'.ii.-f
r r . ....... v
noy Xouts Missing l,."
Troop of Eight Puehlo
1 ruei.l.1, 1 .ii.,, Nov. S -A tii
eifct.l Hov ' o.lln lili.irr lfi
lion i f H.e.r s. out . .,., h fi Cm l.t.j
II. . in. .1 11:1, ,t for a h '. .Noun; x h is
U.-U hrni.l of ib. 11. nitir 11... n oiiii
bfok aU1.1t J 311 ,. h.oseUi.k
hi,v li ft I'lii bl.. in nn effort lo lea. ti
t ii.rli li.xisw, ah, I,. !,.., wins
l-l..i the bi,i 1 iv l-i sf- It,
tin, T' , Nov, I The liio-
injuiii-iion mitt seeking tt, keep
I l:,rl It Miifuli n in im. off Ihe gen
It "f .1 (I lie. I', ill billot tll
I.I 'C- i 1 1 n nl lie sltl-l - ti r .'..lit I t"i'l S' 111, if li
on .11, pi. 1 , ill. .11 fi-r 4 ttiit of .ir.-r
I'o 1 ,11 . . .. 11 ( of .-lv I ,.p(.e.l
1 1 mil 1. I to, - morii nr. kt
Ii, eel it K .IttIS aiiltolOK e, !,
Ill IIHII lltfS., I l.lllt.ltl M, ,.
1.1. rg i- .t of O.n .,k't -f lb lwu,Wrp n, te,- ,.., ,i ah , k ii,- 1-.. .
enl i. l Itirl a. s.,1. r . ,11 i
irsv.. f,.i Ihfir nufriv
t .., st-.t 11
' I' H'l" '. I. 1. .I II
.! i It,n b 1 I l.t (of.
nit In . 1. 14. 1 a k
a .1-. N
,'i.t. iIuj's Who tnllt,l 111.!., ir lo
thn i-.riy nis.i,..gtin a m f .l anh
h i'ik i f t'i n.irntn t f tb vib
iiisfi nvi.i .ii.kl 1 iii....iii r e..,ni.:tl,
1 In. 1 ,ini.,n -.. tt tol .iOta ' ',
4ii o. v l.l Urn rt..l.i. llir.ii. h
. 1 1 m I i ' k I .1 1 f I ... nt ,11 h 1 4
f 11. . . ml,, M-.n, F I. 1, 'I if
t 4 le tii
AI Up tins Its .i.i.iu'ln
a.s-l i . l)" I Ki'iOiie ist-uit .if
i,.i. l 'si.. J i t ii -mi t ntoa
II .1 .. ,.t l lif f(.SMH I I S ' l4 ,
It 1 in ..-a. ..f H .iii. inni ' 1 f. w r . ,.,
l''H tn II n nn I
lot h. V
I ilil
P. .1.1.'
'i I
llin nu...n
ei y i' o' . ..I K . 1, 11 mi m
I 1. 1, 111. I .N.vii. H t (' f '
f -i.-.n, t.i. I -I.. y no. I 1 t
ti.n cviitiot -r la
.ml M n !T tt f'tinl
Cow Urif lliir In IV41I1.
wni,.. In, N.. 4u.p,a tt,
'. ii , f 1 iii. 1 - a '.1 h I 1
ie in iii a ' f ,-.. b . 1 , t.
h Ml T. i . .nf . ! I . . ,.f 1 j
f" . I 1 t.i . 1 11 11 (ml , fini.1 1.,,
'' h 1 I'Ji'itij i .1.. . I
I . a-. f- il.. n. 1 u I ,
- t..r Ih.. 1 '. t,i, i
Me nil I V i!s, ton I
Ti i
hsrftf.t Vn U
r(itii t i.liiuuii.lif t.i ''in',
Ki'ltt'' l ri4i!t I. Hill I
oltlli MjV.hI.1 Sei rrtarx
of t4le 1'ie Si.lilrttlf
I - ' 1- ' ' 1 t 'IPS I
I ,1 -I I t ' . it . , f .1 , Ir -if
- I'll U. ft ! . .. ' ' I I I I
. ii-. l.t,, l,.r.'l ... I - a
.1,1.., s-.
VI i.,,f .il a ,a :i l.inn
--...ii. I,, .it X. it. a tr t.J l
.in 1. i tilt l-..i 111 ! I...I
mi i, ....., 1 ih tiin- i -
"n f .1 1 ' "' ''' ff Ikn
I ne f luhf r I "' e'-e ... nn
, , , ! .1 tn-. I,, 1 1 1 i 1 o, 1 1 . -.1- t
' . kuinj, l Ih (...r..
("! ! ansa Kta 1 kM,. it,....
kU'ta il k it n. snl
nV NI . K. tl ,.! I .. r
Wl-'i,.,. In a . t !
. la nn.H I
, 1 n N ft - . 1 1, I t I , . ,
u men if . , . J. 1 1 ii
.. . inj 1a ln t i. v.
I I . . .. , I , ,
, ll n- f hm t , I ..... I
W l, swi .. ....!
a t hm l., .1. ..1. 1
1 .!. I 1 m tt- .
tl- . I ,1 . ,. I .
u . .1 i t I
. .!
I t tl. i. 1 1
. I- - !. I
.! .,,., .
?t litem rl t I 't )!
I i.,t.
' t I. I I e b ' t ' '" '
.4 t... U,i.. ,.. ..- '..! - -i" . t
' n, III IH i i -l l t it bl t - IH
I . .is , t. an.. . 1 ' 1 '
it n,iu.t4 .. - 1 - t
Ion I ik itfi l 1 1 Ci V tf
Mill. 1. 1 I. Pi-i tii;.
I r l All Ml lloti.Kt i,
. .. 1 . S l-Hk I m . !
V ten (1- '- - '
ta i t. , ! - - i -
r ! l4 liiW'vi
a m
1 n a.
,1 a,
It asaa
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, K
i" l.,H
t' riti 1
'! .
1 '.-, .w.e fc.-v j ,,. .f
It. tw h I .--- 1 '.il (! ! i I'"
4 tut k k'l li- I . k -. - is i laivvnk
, ! 4 It 4 k( Mtwl , Ike win -i,
1 .1,
in aa t il I a
m m
I ' a. iissinniieil
: in.,
4 I, - . .. tl- bsl - ''" "A
in niork fl
"lllltU ,, v., N ;, , . ,., , r-
! - n 1 ' t .. , i f , p.. ' tji n
- , ,, 1 . , m I ..'-.
I .-. . . n 1 ( ,. .'.,
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' " a-'' I. t . ..,---. I ,. . . I t . , . , ivi .-.,(,
' -.. tin t - t Jji I -.s i It
'" t t.- . 1 a . . . I nt
.. 'r . t Ii-, , m . 1 V . ,.i , f. . s- -l.n