11 V If You Are in the Market to Buy, Sell or Rent You Don't know the best prices you can get unlets you watch the little ads in The Omaha Morning Bee and The Evening Bee. They are a sure indication of supply and demand in scores of different lines. And when you want to use an ad of your own, phone ATlantic 1000 and ask for one of our competent "Want" Ad takers. A THE SUNDAY BEE: OMAHA. NOVEMBER 5. 1922. -A) T If t! f i 3 ROOMINO HOUSES. lllf PAi'lFlO IT geien-t.om fiat fur Ml. Leaving ?iiy. nargain. .a, .eng. ROOMS FOR RENT. ooooooooooooooooooooooooo TA UNA t rT. lilt, WKM.IX1. ToN INK HAH Ml'Kl.T T8. MHKI Ki vivid WITH HC- TA'lla.l fR I HIV'ATfc HATH A t VKMIf A'PTHACTIVK H Al It T' J-KKWANt NT OI'KKTS. IHH I 0 WAIL lo tK Hafcal, rj a oooeooooooooooooooooooooci OblT AM OMAHA lll.lt noon tiHKi:Tour If yog are unable lo find Hated below b ISOIS yog deU B III. loeellOO you weal, 'Ibe Oni.lt Kei ma.utaine department le gupply eu wuh ft room. Call at our 'Want' Ad louiiler for llnm Dire, loir St Hat laaued every week lor lb. bauefil ij aor re'idi-re a'"l .ilv, i re,-'. alderl lady and d.vghtcr from t out of lawn drain to r.til fur bianed eleem heated .p.ritiirtit for winur, lic.t of r.fereiict. Call J,lr. hheod. tit. buriday tnoinllig, JA. 4.14 Wank day.. HAVF.Ng hotel la osiani Iti room, alao light bou.akeeping; eiea.n beat and but luoolng water all hour., Ftalea Ibe An 4 up by day; i 10 an.1 up par week. i'lTitANANT" front "room, wall furnished, ultable for hualneaa man: private home; i, block from Faruatii i:ar Una, talking illai.il'. !' lark An. iiUDOK b'f , Je''. jjilrely furnlahad front bun or double roam for 1 or il, walking inal.li, private home; no ollirr roomer.. JIA. ion. TWKNTr-HIXTM AVK, Ml M For rent 2 auvvet frut roouie, iibrly form. bed, hlocfc trw car line, within walking Ji. lam. e liaBii, AT, 72;i. FLIIN rem wllh priv. Iialh; film, tuin fortghla, iharful: prf'a. - r.aafinal'l' . day f week limn Hamilton. AT, 4701, HOTF.I, HANFlirlfl Jtlh and Karnam. HO I'M, HKNMJIA W Uih and J amain, bper-lal talc In permanent gurata. l.lllHT, warm front niuml private fain llyi noma prlvllaga; tin ir niulri. Alao gara.a fr rnl, If A. TriTWA iluiONI.aly furnlhrd rmm fnr I nr I, liruakfa.t If daalrad; two c.r linMi ! JiAVKSTOKT T., 4134 -rurnlahrd roi", 14 and lb, lion.. frUllaira. I'lion WA. I.JJ1, NICELY fiirnlali.d romn; In alrl.'lljr prl vala bonia; Country Club; gaiaga. WA. 4111. "TKU WK, Hfitr l.ar room, anulh front, good bJtt, for two gnntlemcn or man .nd Wlfa; llilg IT ilalrd. t'iLpWKIJiT', 261 d a rnotn.,"" fur m.had At unfurnl.hd. All modern. For lawialf onli WtJltl. . WkIIHTKII Br, aula Two furlilall'4 room, fusing aouth on badi room floor, board If ilaair.d. oar. a.. If A. ! 'rwkNfr-rirTH avkT.iii'ii. v.ry Tiin lii. ruum, alao 1 for houaakoautng, JA. l.o. IIODM with hot malar h.at for fwo am lAoyni. bouid If daalrad walking dlutanca. A7I7I. JONBH HT nit Furnl.h.d room, walk ing diaianra. prlvata famllr, ICvt, and Hun, rail T. :: i.AIHIK-Tront, "wall htl room, nrwly i;mr,nd, IJ rrt 14; tlo.a ln.HA. Tfcxd. 1 HIRTT-KIRWT ' AVK K'll 5. i.urg. (ront room for I nr S umplr. HA, tH. IAlTriiT.7ii7t--AVrnrToulli room, niod m honi., II for I, 15 for I. WK. lull, i ri'iVT loom, gonil haali iiulct aurround !!., I.U llurn.y SI. JIA. h)!,6. TM HA. I13J, r-aUhion fnl. II, -Kuinlilil rm,, ard If deMlrfd. near MlAMI ftf., 7l i Kurnlahd room., pri lr boma Adullir Wa, 07BII. l,I.RAHA.N'T"ro,.tna for 1; iirlv.l. f.mlly; board If .1.-nlr.-rl, IA. u:2. IN' o mal h'n,. for 1 laillr. mitoyd. t'o-i l'rl, .IA. ling. FOR HKNT S rooma, partly mod-rn, rhaap, for right party, 14n Hn Idljl t. FHiiT t'l.AHH furnlahad room, lady pr. frrrd, nil H. J2d A. II A, 1241. j INK oaplng room.. 2027 Dodg. 8t, JA. 1237. i HANtH'OM Park, room, ir.iraKf HA. 4.'.3rl. Farnain. 3172 2 room.. gvill'r.n'!i, :t, 15, Iloom, naw hum.. 1327 B. 23d Bt. At. 1627. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. II KT A.S OMAHA I1KH ROOM rinF,t:T01T If you r. unabla to find llatad bflow th room you daalra In th. lor. Hon you want. Th. Omaha. He. maintain, a dei'trtmant, to .uf)ily you with a room. Call at our "Want" Ad counter for Room IMrer-tory. Nw lint Uaurd .vary wk fur tb. ban- fit rTour re. tier, and advrrttiiera I'lui'SKKKtti'l-Na H,io.M Two modern room, for hnu.ekping, .varythlng fur niah.d: walking dl.tanca, Hi ptf month. HA. 1115. . 2134 jo SKI room, with rlhd. I RT. Light houaeke.iilng klt'hen.tia; .varying fur- KlTi'HKN, dining room and living room, -ami () atrrala. 1'hnna MA. 4D4H Clpan. houaekeaplng ruotna, everything romplala. f27 Ro. 17th Ave, JA. 12u0. is'n (4.jisf MT. Threalrioderii furn. light hoiitekeeping rome, MA, l''' Twrnty-vlgnth rft., 4H H.. l-rnoin forn. Inhed apt. Newly decorated. HA. SD22. 1 lodge ft., -itil't tiulla of clean, neittly furn.. hi-ated rim ; aec. floor, no children. THHF.K rmaTeerytning iomit7wB. siiO. iiOHliK HT, 3017 Clean aeml-bmt. room. BOARD AND ROOM. WOIXD UOll t'lVINtl Al'I'KAU iv vorr W. Will aoepl a alrbted few refined buaineea coui lr-a. pair. f U'li.a or ..-n-litmaii. In nue tbuioughiy inoiein pnval. boma. In r...,m wllh ellta table aervlc. 'I boa. Mho! it B'-rimmatua ta.lea for ti,a tatter boiiia wilt ai pr'-iata our au.gv.- t'eg lo aer low. Ttuly V . .an atora your car K r7. 1321 It A KM: bT . " 114.' a-.nt Nov. 1. beau tiful fumiened .ouih.'ait room, warm and ikeerfu , 'e I lor I g"o. board at er tae!..r,ao!i m or Ha-' II v lt KMH', It Uofur.i.hed roon-B With taid or kltehan p.lvil.... IW -..lern, p.i-j vale i.,in.t eier V ril. we. ae.a. AS Itl.al bom to lain B -"-d to-aid Fvaty iuiiveo:k'"e a4 tifo-i, HeiaoaebiB late t , i.fia, I pe alt ! 1U 1. 1 11 and '"!1""J" i.,.,., i i... i aid r va bme, laly V, ei;? Ii I I- ' , hi at ., a, h . a ' a i , wiib ,a. IIOUSKi FOR KkNT II,. I l t ;l aie .o r I ri'o a ,-i- I . t- I ' le, ! . 41 i. ! I' . I - t . i..a t V d .i a .i .aav M J I . .. 1.1 ' g i a ia I v. ii t ,i at t 1 i ... a . , a. I- I t ... I ' . I I .'. F' k 1 ft. t at t 1 , vrivf w . a v am ! - e ' a I' .-I , ex. IliU , . 4 i- .1 ,. an y -i fcs" a . a -a l at a A i, H t ti m mi;. Hit . t. tl a : v . i . l-.a 4, ,t . it. a I . ' e ' --. ..!,.. a - aa t a. . II - a . e, Ig t i f- . o a 1 1 4.. V 14 I- fb-i'. i .- . .4 bi MOUSES FOR RENT Sfll ind M SM!:lti)iN gf all WK, JJOi. 7-ruiu atrlilly I h'U h'.uar, ITi.a Orov.r HI II A. . iT-HM.ll. mod. bJiialT Hk'hIIi"" r bua, io..,l-m MA. .Ill 104j"l'iT FU R N 1 : SJED HOUSES. Ni ! y furnilid and wH lo .il .-room houaa o I.avanworill Ifaigm. dlalrlct. call Walnut Hal. " pttTrnn TnT rrUr"ANy, "Whara uniaha Hani. " AT 0.14 7ih and Farnain Hi.. tTlfrvVAUr HT ..""ialnut nl alo.Urn Iioiii'. aia ruoma and tnmg ir'h, roiii l.laiaiy furnlahwd; rfario'a. ait hang.'d. HID N. 4bTII PT Hvrn rnoma, modarn, romplily fur,il.liad. Laaaa. mo tight In. AT. 3d;l. IVK -ItmiM rtt, fnrnialiafl; rant Ha... inu.lprii, romt'laialy KIC, lUi or Kt APARTMENTS FOR RENT. JfiT HKIN'1 roMPLETEO. 1 Ivlng room, hulrwun and kllrhao apart mania. Nw, modain, attr.i llva, conv.nl. lit lo cation, TIIR r.OMlKKI.I.OW, !!ll Howard it. Til 14 II AWTIIoltNK, Howard at. riiTKim TRi;r vhupant, "Vthm om.lia ll-nn" AT. AHi 17lh and Karnam n AI'ARTMKNTH. 4 room. No. 14. Flo !., JDth and C.pllol An., ISI 00 irj.do, 4H room.. No. II, Monllrallo, (2D South llat Ml, M. riiTKIlrl Tnt:HT t'OlltANT, "VVIi.i. Uinalia IUiiI." AT. 0144. 17lh .nd Farnam Hi.. "Tim A HA i.AIKilCHl'VBNTAI, A-KNCY Thirty-four aparimant bulldlnga, ltl .nartniMita, rallifrrd fonTat., .b.o. lutfly flrtproof. Murphy b.d or badruom aparlnirnla. Call u., and wa will tak. you out. HHAKB KF.NTAI. AOfiNCT. Flr.proof Aparlinenla. JA. Jl)l. AT. fid Cornfr 1 7th and Howard iirr.ia Klva-ronm arpomodallon apart. mailt in xf1lnt ronditlon, untlt-r ilia aiiirviaion of ownora, Thia la In walking diatancc Cull for ap pointment. TltAVBR Illl'9., lnr. AT. 18ll. Ill Flr.t Nat. Hank. Ti'iivu'.ri i',ol'ltT. Vary dralrabla and convanl.ntly arranged 2-ronm front aijnrn.iit with 6-ronm ac- ominodallona. bullt-ln falur. lt.nt ra- lur.d. Oppo.lt. Turner park. jai.iun, HA. ' 11. M. HAUHKrt, MGR.. 1101 Podna Bt. 1A',J.4' AFATlTrfNTrl AND FI.ATH IJ. "to 1100. W. -I. I AI.MMI l- . I1I?A!. LBTATB lan.gmnt. AT. apan, Keclln Ming. PKTKIIH TPI'HT COMPANV. WIIEUB OMAHA IIKNT8." AT. CS44. 17IB and Farnom t. 8T. KKUIH AI'TS. U17 h. 7lh (t. B and li-inrim Apia, HA. 4. 0331, KI.Mn apart... 2Mll and Dewey; very cholia I. room apart., luclud, aun room, f!rl floor; winter ralea. lo B Janlliir. KI'KAM 1,'ii'cd 4 room., loan-in: low rent II P KlrhblPg. 1 1 1 0 Chicngo Hi, TKNTK ST., 11I H Th. Pungany, l-r. liutHlilo apt., modaiii. At. 0312, KNTIHK firtt floor br?'k fiat; fc'ood condl liltion. 2f.22 S. 31t HI. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. ooooooooooooooooooooooooo MOKRlrt APAIITMKNT IIOTF.I,, 1TH AN1J UOUUF. BTKtKTS. Apartment, conaiat of living room, dreaaing room, kltihanette and bath. Weekly rental. Including heat, Hghr. na, phono and maid .ervlce. Klther weekly or perma nent gurata. Phone AT. S2 1 0. C 000000000000000000000000 TWKNTV-HKi'O.VJj HTRKKT, 2:HI) North, .ttlrtiy i:iodrn, flve-rootii apartment, partiy fuinlahed. WK. 11" KK. !4'H I'lrat-cliiB. apt. Ill tha llhoda, Wilier Fark d atrlct: very reaaonabl.. BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT 8TOHB FOR RENT. On 14th South of Harney St., ateatu heat furnlHhed. modern In every way, 24th Ht.. paving nt Ht. Mary. Ave. and Leavenworth la now completed and bualnesa I. good at thia located. For ap pointment ca.ll Tit AVER BROS. Inc. AT. 6111. Ill Flr.t Nat. nnk. Fon RENT. One. .lory brlrk building. 42x110. Veil .lilted for repair nr macliiiia ahop. Hood leia'ton. n.ar Farnam and 2 1 h. Plenty of light, good ventllat'on and ateain heal ing plant. Remarkably low rental of U0 per month. C. T. SPIKR CO., 04 F'eteia Tmat Uldg Realtor.. J A. ST. HTOIlKROOM, Bile I24t, aH lliudein, cen trally located, IHIO per IllOlltll. lot HUltt I nil i. emu Ji HinKKTT CO. Sid Peiaea Trim IIHIg J A 033 Hrn y Hi, : 1'ait of my b'ajtlful .tf!.-a to dea tabla parly. Hpaca tu rent 1 xll with abow w.n.tow; a '.an private n!l.a 111:, fctc.llelil heat. Hpe.l.lly. gT'iKtB roH HFNT MilUKR.N .tore room at 4 N. 4llb Ht J. I'e- t reaaolighla. Apply T. ' i lemp e aha He. AT l" eaaaB, pa, GARAGES FOR RENT Pltl ' H'.. .aiage. ftv dui'.aia I hi. moatb, MOVING AND STORAGE. r noosadao jj JOOOOOOOOOOOOO i I O alOHNvl' i-Avbiisiai IV. aaae'.t' e a 4) fee- i I ..,. ' a.,. t-ta,4 ae4 a If hi a. ai.-eei.' ... 1 t ti , . ii'- ! ,.l m i - I a. al ,, -ma, 1 la e.r llii, v ..a ha a. , a aa w, I V. a a ... . . a . , -.-.a1 t I IV II I II I v I v t I l v. I - I I Clil I 1 . tMil III) IL' saii-e'v.e , a liv k wia- i i v : va. f t atFrt4' ;5aaiaAi"t'iJJ; 4 1 Bin t . a . I 1 . a . I, - a b - a -la, v-. .. i M0VIN0 AND RTORACB r ii'i-i.rrr Hniiu'iK V van co, M.)VIM I- A I k i n .tUAi.ir'. (lliri'l.vl. llou koid fiooda and I'unna. Kadon-.f r.ia. tbi. wtk ta a I.H AN. II. I. KB. UAH M;.JO 1107-11 Howard. J A. vlll hkkTnm iw ah a Van "" rtit auk. Uih nl l.aatnwirih Hia, I'aiainx. mov ing, .loraga, aliigmg. Ali.r Aov. 4. Hiunt JA. 4I1 llmlni--I-., king (alula, a Uordon Kirvi'rouf Vt-rahuuia it Van Ca III N. tllh l l'l i, JA. IniJ BONDS. STOCKS. MORTGAGES W K finam n-u4 tuitiii-i ptrt prltt-'H (lirouth purchai nr ( t ninrk n ott.r at'urMlfa, l.rt us rortiriu tit In corori your coinptit and plmf II on "-' Wiim or whc Jr'Iitillty 94 sr-i M'irtri Compsny. 757 Vriro (xillldii lid nk li.itK , aMilllirUpulla. inn. CHATTEL LOANS vo ion skku a u'ttT.b itBA ir i;aihIT SO 10 10 I'll) lull HtllX A Kb or any oihar amount lo.nad at l aa th.a lgal rata.. Ho rad tapa, no publlrlty, aaty pay. noma, conltdantlal. 'Iblrty a.i. In bu.l naaa, nilAHA LOAN C01IPANT. 101 Krba It ink. T-l. Ja. .- gouiliwaat Cor. Itth and iJimg. Hia I'OX Co ; loan., II and up en wage, caa and furmtura; -oiirtdnlal ; la yra. .atab, 111 U nrlil-llalalil ll.dg. J A 2211. LOANS ON REAL ESJATL We hava ca.b on band lo lu.n an Uniaba laalUauca. E. II. LOUOKB, INC., 121 Kaalln. Dldg. OMAHA MOMJr.H KAHT Mil. I' AH Mb O'KKtKK KKAL KHTATH Cll , lOlffjIlm Natllk. 111,1a, JA.J7I. Varm Tnanu N" delay on rnm Veil III lAJAllO N,i, farm,, raioh.a. Klok luva.tm.iit Co, 141 Oni. Nat l IJk 1 1 uo To 111 i)00 jo.n. ni.d. promptly. F, U. Wi.AU and I). 11. IIOW MAN. 110 B. llh Ht We.d Blilg AT. Dill. KIHHT mortg.ga loan. mad. tinunptiy on Umaba real eat.te. Hhuao Co., Ural tra. J A. 4bZn. 124 Kulioa Illdg. LOW RATE WONKT. No dflay in l"tliig T. (illAHAM. 704 I'KTKIIH Tit JH.tlO. blhAlollT I yrar loatia, 6 AMus OHANr Co.. Ill H. Hill. Aritiur Hlilv. par tent. A'P. IHO UARVIN HUijH,, mi Omaha Nat. Uldg. ON IMP, I'KtJPKMTT. NO IJKI.AT. I. H.Mri'HV.N payVmi'.l for""l."lOKI!Tf HONOM 121 I lly Nat'l Hank HldK. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. ' Ai-roitmAw"" Pi.F.A'i iM;. AtX'ORlJloN, hil'IJ, anif.boV pleating, covered button., all Btyleni hcmatlt'-hing, buttoiihclra Wrlla Ideai Bution & 1'1-al-Ing Co., 301 brown Block, Omaha, Neb. 't'elephona JA. 1129. Neb. Pleating "s;1 IniU, Cov.red Hut ton. llnl F.rnnm, aecniol floor. t HIRIII'KAI THRU aecoiol floor. , J A, f70. Dr. Gemar 3U Pa ii on Hidg, Tel, AT. 23a. HIMIMI AfM'KMIKH. r.KAHNln"iUlii-iTVr '14 t'"KKi;l,T j"Tl Farnirm. CIaaa-a Mon., Wed. and Frl. nlKhta. llHliclnu Tuc., Thuia., Snt. and Hun. nik'lita. Private leaaona by appoint ments. J A. 1470. DKNTIHT. HKNTAl, "x-"rayg. 60c each f 1.1 fun"ait. 611) H, urltiea Uldg, 14ih and Farnam. " IlKIF.t Tl Kk" ilkl.lAbl,bl UciocMv. Hurc.tT Halfway KjJlldif., JA. 20(11; night, KK. III2. JAM KH ALLAN. 3I2 Ne"vllleHlk7 EvIUenca ".cured in all c.ri-B AT 11,11. ltlH.MAKINtl. oltcrationa, reua. ; MCKbSMKiJ., WA. 2440. by day. I'RKHHMAKINM Alao making ever fun; alteration.. Mr., tircene, W. Inn, AT. 0124. IKKKMAKIXU and plain .iwliigreae. Wll. navH. Ft.'HH, au Ita renin ilelc d, lei I ncd flAT"li SliT MIECHM AKlNfj, Wfc.ua7t'ti.il A. itt. KO liAK Vj N Tn ins ' FILMS DKVKLOPLD PKKE. Tha Knalgn Co.. Jnu7 Howard Ht. "fi krif.rh! PT TR CJ IteniodeiVdl reline'd.-cleaned' X UlVkJ Luicat inodela. Herkowlti Fur Co.. 21 I.cavanworih Ht. HA. S703. IVTTPy ropalrsd, lemodelad. loweat prlc. X Uivu uuhiatein V Fur Co.. 1S20 Ihiuki.b MArTRHHUKH. OMAHA PILLOW CO Feather. r. nov.ted and made m- In new feather proof ticking 1907 Cuming. JA. 24t)7,, TKN T "ATT(i KNKlf 14. J. w, MARTIN, Patent Attorney. 1713 Uoilge. room 209. Also Washington. P C. I help Invar.tor. .cll ihelr patetita PHlNTINti. fTI'YPrlntli:K Co.. S12 8. Ft. JA. BOilS "MlHt K iXl N KOI ijNNOll'KM KiVTH ijltKicVbuiifrany .fyi. and .e, Duo up. Concreie work. illcklln Lumber Wrecking Co Tel wit. 6M PKficRIPTIoNS carefully compounded at th. i t?nerman McCunnell Urug Htorc. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Fords Fords S'ev ai.d I'.ed. Cash or Tune. We lliodc htva Ihein .11 pric.a Re aura and u. befor. you buy. McCaffrey Motor Co., "The Handy fun) Hetoca Htalion." Autharued lord .nd Lincoln li.al.ia iiltt and Ja kaon Hi. AT. 7711. MCW and ueed -ie al a lai.e d'a -u(it vaatt or tin, a, ail rni'd.l eara t'vill iii and up rt I ! tt-a and w. titer l t a. tiui ual HUM Al tij Hklr-.i i n , : ni' i;'-- t liili ba'.all'B Hi u.ud I 'I"!, ptm.pt i m.L.iv .f r M r.ii r iit.v i TK. llao If .-:d 'h ii. I la - fca a ! r ; II itr.ua ..a!.a k . '144 atil ni v. I li'i it, an j c K ufli'ii lim.h Iiii tr.ael I I a 1.1 I - w.o ;,.tn , 4 wa A a , t..l tt' i r 1 i, i - ;l.i. . id t1,, . baa al iti. I i I - l ll Hcut Ml I t . I V ll V . .. - ,, Ua-a.lt !,' ., I Ma Ha i S I J lv 4 . i a. a I M a J. ' 1 a...tb i .... It I . !-.. i I. ,. a . V. ,i r viv.ai k a i V!l i ' ' lit' t lb a It I ai I V - Ii - ir i i 4 i . i a) t s t .a ., i .- 4 ' I '. . .al 4 it T'l r a i v ii , i on 4 .A .at ' r 1 4 ItCVCtt A ARKANSAS LANDS. in. n, H-. fruiu iii.uii. Ai.Toii ,1. rutal louta. larva l.ou.r, I'"- irfit, tuikii, k4ihtii. ifUr muA MsmhoIih tr i In )rl 4Tlr f; pmt i-f. i'Wffi DHHitlf. Itiiiyti, Ark. MISSOURI LANDS "llllr A FAIIM' IV Tilt. VKMNt'.S . i'di'tv i.y iiniHi'ioinirn MiHMirHr. Iiii a' raa, ona mil. from fha i'iuri buuaa, h.'ty fin.ly Iniprovad .nd vrry faiill. .oil. Ilni.ca havy rni i-ropa. whaat. oat. and at.uiMltinia of fruit. Vary ainouth, prlcad at I; 1 1 l r aura. 4t at-tra. i liiilt-a of Nvala. Vary ainootb ai.'l god liiiirovi-miit.. I l.luo, 14 nr,) .illollillig luwn oil A rainant rnnd, wry f iif fi nit and pouluy ranch, IVut). 4 ai rua, ' ry nio,lrn linprord In town, fruit and cho-kan ranrli, il,no. A atora and aloik of gooda On trt vur Imr. limit of lila, 13. it, Thrv. living room.. I'ro d .t It WAl.TMt IIKNIUIICKHOV, Off I. a N Waal HI., Navada, Mo. Ilav. tioii.y othnr li.rvaina, lrgr and .mallar, Thlriy f-tnit, wall loialad in Andraar, r, k.lli mid (l.nirv cuunllaa. Mi.iourl Crtiw fvarvthlng grown on a fttrin In Hit. ilimHta. Crop' f.iiurr a unknown wnnin trucking ill-lama of tha Ml. Joaaph IMn) in,, r k "t 1'rom 40 a'-r'a lo 100 .rraa, on aitay IrrniB J'rloa from 10 to 1110 par airu, Wrtta u. your w.ma. Tin right man ran g-t a ral taraaln. WKU.H tl INK TliCitT COMPANT, Savannah, alo. NEBRASKA LANDS OltKAT baiaaln. For aala. I aellle ealal., 32o .i rea L at qualllv corn and alfalfa and groin land In Menraaka . "ainn at.ol:" fenced and rroa. -fem ad: good 10 room houao, lurK. barn, other buildlliaai arovea iilld lima bear llg nrth.rd. All iireaa "Adrnlniairatiir," Dil Ch, Com. Ill'lg , Pottlaml, Or. . WANT lo hear from owner, of Nbraka riii,'h.. whn wtah lo aa.-heliBe for other properly. M, A. l.araoD Company, Central Clry, Neb, WANTED REAL ESTATE. WH have a buyer looking for an l-room Iioubb in fiumlee or Hiiii. l'ark, will pay from la.ouu lo IHUi'iii. with 14,0'id Call. Pros mil. I ! rtaaon.blc. Call J. N. lllg baa, JIA 47. HIIOJ'li.M CO., It KA F.Tflltn. JA. 422". ii4 K' IHio rHt1gf. CharleTW. oung & Son Ileal Hat. la. Rental., loanr.'ice, '.""L1'"."' "'J,k- AT. till. Llat vour home Ouy your hnm.. BINDER & OTIS, ftNl r.lutmt I.'isnn Hunts.. JA.Jtt.41. Tn M'lv or Htl OinbHii U Kptl, H"l FOWLER & M'DONALD Weinberg Mul I nil. J !BllngF, Hrallora. WIM, OHyTaah for good lot with linpmve- tncnla In that la pilcad right. llv. Biz. and coiiiplelo ijnarrlplloll. Hog VV -b u 1 , T""Tukey SetciTt" A. P. TI'KKY a HON. Kenltnra. JA. 4223, C. T. Spier & Co., Realtors 3ul Peter. Tru.t Uldg, JA. 4H.7, f V T TTPVTll'calty Co. Llat wllh AjKUCjINIUii. lor nulck r.-aultB HIS I'llat Nlil'l flank flldg. JA. H. OOOlT" LIMTINOScnviO TO V. WK HKI.I, TI1LM. IfrtMK RBAI.TT rp. AT. 1111. LhTt-your- pTnperty with W. Farn.m hmlih Co, 1120 Farnain Ht. f.lf'i your homej for ad" with u. Wa time the iululner. I'AVNK INVF.ST- MC.N'T 10.. lie.lliir. Woill.Tr Itenlty Co, Itealtora AT. 34112 p" HofU'WICK-77.1 "eaiate. AHMti T'l i He I ,T ae. Ulover at Morell. AT, 02. Wcalern Neil Kalale Co. J A. 1M7 VUllard (' Blah.ugb. Realtor, JA. IW. REALESTATE INVESTMENTS. New Brick Store KuiUing Paying 16 Per Cent Net New propei-ii, corner lot on 24tli atreet, near Iraimf'-r corner. Two dealr.l'le tenant, ilonilily rental I17S, Price, 116, 000. It's a Buy Clover & Spain, Realtors, ,ia. 8r,n. i-2i city Nui'l Irivestinent8 Ilrlilt building in cacellcnt repair, con ala'ilig of two D-rooin and two 6-rooin flal; 15 fe-t of ground, walking dlBtalice, tcniinta fumirli heat, water, cic. prenent I ii i.mii l:.l,40 per year. Priced to net over 10 per cint. For locution, term., etc. Call KH, 41 2S. 0. T. Hamer ISftR Farnm St. AT. Iflfl. C o u s ii i Vh 'Ft ) i ft-. irtr"pKUTy"7x CIiIKTfi.V HIM,. Ov?rT wMtt'i (it mU inm rnon-fy and will .'H Hi;s ro.- coraer vry rftnon fll.ln itt won it- oim wntitlntf good loratlun or an Invest mctit. W. II. Gates til Omahft Srit't jMiik liitltf. S. 121)4. Ar.I'HKO TllOMAH 4 8on Co. Itenltors. SALE OR EXCHANGE. 4"ft ACRKH, rhynn eounty, Colorado, uhrat la;l. ?3t pr flt-r. owiii-r wants slock hutd.vars or Kenitral tm-rt hanit-drt, ti-iit-ncri ruri.-h tn-ar Valentin. Nb., wH Inipiovt'tl. i'J )(h Hit i ia : 1 eiifUinl.isti'S, Car tr riiit-ii t til Nubrankm or it futon lo town steep ted In part psy !'i"ir, l-t ii'-h'Th r.HH h ncr Vatenlins. Nb., w.ll irnpio.t.d. $16 j'-er arr. Uitril 4 itt rixiiiaiitf l.uumi In $uod Nt- KrtttikH nr 11.1 mi t IkHK tnu n 1 1 ( u i r t-tn.-U inur North I'lstts, Ne., (! butt.hiiMn, us .r atrt. tncum an iiMti. VuL (-iiih rittBn. SIumIiI Investment Company ft J t rtafi-1rtUiut IM- J A. ..'V f:i.lHTTf rri rn(.!ti,1 $ur l,?t Urnl, I ' Mi. if fi.tm Mm.).i..n. It g ll..in lltim, f. "fcU ritll ititxl. 4 r nifalf... f' i i 4 ; ltd It t fcKnr f .1 t-r-iM in ti i t-'i. la ... rt.g-.f imI ii.!.)t. Pii-. i -. : r''n'm-l-'.i 'Mi, t' hni tti' rr t'lixh tiiytx'i'ty H M's'l ii ni'Mii " Vi,!.., ,mttn Karitei. ShM IiiVf.!n.i'nt Co. IWVtt! ,. f ..,, M.'b i,i I 3 .iiari o .i i aiViu-'il t. , l,i,.i.l t.r mi i I t i :vv ' ' l !l- ,1,1 .1 'Hill, I ah I vioak. 1 ;a. V I ' I. - 'I 111 a a-- , ' i i i , l t'. a.- la a ' - o aii' VI Ii I .. . , . a a ,y - ..nl, a i o .1, fat. I i '4 ta - a ' -a in . -, . I e a . i-a -e I i. a d I I " ri , ACREAGE FOR SALE ! booooooooo jojoooooo'ooooJd 0 20 Arrr I't't-iliiig Farm Maal p:aa for li.l faiding wall tlraUiad, Wi'll o(ald ail ImIIiIii. r.atala A ra., nkaly llliuiotad, Itiva IMUUV. O'Krt ff liVul I'MnW Co., Ht-allom, 10l tlm.li, National Hank J A. I1U, Uldg, ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooobooo 000000 40 Acre Vieiit Pari fie Pouhf In lltit ftt Ii m ' f.owth wNivMr'1, i rnflt ffinii iihw M( iy teli(w .nlulj alii, hltfh, r-jllin HiM iy m iri"g tiMni, Jfl ri in I'n-luri, lu in uitult. Til' walnut gruv. 1 mi f orvUmtii, hmimnti (ml tivMle'1. Uodil unprovf mviifa. I'rl: lt (my fur ijui. k iVKcvte Heal Fiitate Co., Kealton, 10H Oinalia National llalilt Ri'lg JA, 1710, ooooooooooooooooooooooooo Cbarlea addition, I acre, in alfalfa, ll ioi); will handle or will trail.. J. J. Hmllh, 4'3l H '.7lh MA 4111 VACANT PROPERTY, IIA'lKIAINM IN VA'rAaT" I.O I'H ISOiiir,, on aoiilhea.t corner lath and Franklin atrecK for only 171,0; with aew-r water, .idew.lk and paving all paid for. Tbla will iini Ihraa ci-fool lot. by 131 feat daep. Tha paving and other Impi'ovciuenla originally coat lliia much. Four nice laying aouth frnfit lot., e.eh H'.iao, on Iiecatur, lie I v. eon lnh and 3et h air", la, at lino each. 44n, rrnniing ho'iriU. park for 11,300, with puvtng puld fur. . lfi.170, on Nhcrman aviiu, running through tu l.r,tu Bv.nite, betwreii (hlo and Corby a'r.cK. for 14,100, W. II, Gate. 441 Omnhi .Sufl llnk UUtR .TA. r.oTH WANTKI) JIA VIA THKKK CAHII UVJKUt. 4 'A Mi J A. 2411. FIKK mr;j. JHJ'ltf 94 nt. T1nnV. ll'Sl KK lo), I. cTi I if, mi 6 ii h M t""n i- v r I'uT. nin : (attoff'n lot ; owner will cmml'lT rmi nntthlo offer. '. A, Orlnimcl, J A. I'M. 'VH.L bull-t) in your ordar nn our betutl ful lota In KAfWQOdi vry only Urm AT-Utl Ml ni 7' ns Hlierrtmii Avenue, tierir Cnrhy, him two frotiUtVvx. pfl I4.f.')0, J A, I2V4 I,( ) T H Hi . ' M. M WOOD I A UK . " J A," 414 i. CENTRAL PROPERTY HIl'HKM wh'it t-Hvtt (tin tin (hia week. Kx-ei'i-onHl hHT,tUt t-inra in, Hi, Mury Ave. lilatrl't, 1 21. 23. 2ft M. 20ih, JftfM""t fronting, II 6 foot, lt,i(?nllrig to )9ih Av-,, lun.foni fniiHMge, ht flQji fiint. H'lll grontid. 3 rot t Mat lux pctyeia. D HOO rafth rrrjulra'l; ln In rtv .'0,""0 mtg, R A I. pyincnia. Hold h( I'i'i"'") pant two yern in I wnrin it. Ciicii thin v,pfk tel ii.fciQ diai'ouni Iti-ro la a agi pr'fu, right in 1 1 Willi tit 'l-'VOlOIUIiMi), CI IAS, F. MKTII. 1 Patteraon ink. .1 A. J04I. 2781 Davenport Fine l-rnoin all modern liome, all In beat of repair; hot wntar beat, large aouth front lot, paving paid In full. Live cloaa In, aavo CKrcfare and rent out a room or two and be liidependei.t In a few year.. Prlc only ll.atia about ILUto caah. Kan Bros., Heallors, 3U Kllne llirlg. AT, D7J1. Bit A N I) "Nil W iiliPLFXkH. Within walking diataiicu, will eall one or Ihree, Income 111,0 per month for eaen buliilltiat; Incaled tiorthenal enrne. Ifith and I'vway Ave. Prlc. 114,000, Term. If desired, J.ow rale of Interewt for nch building. Phona If A. 1)027 or HA. 3101. NORTH SIDE PROPERTY. 10 Rooms, 167,566. Kountze Place v. nunr i.v thw davs or la rob , ROOMS v AND HtMlHTAXTIAI.. KXDUniNO i:ON3TIUJCTiOeV. Htrlrlly mo-iern, with economical hot water het, two flrrplacf. f'patalra, two laiKe loulile hedrooina, threa larga altiKl bed rooma, Dow nMiiim. larica reception hull, living; room and dlnlntr room nnd an other largo living room i..h parttta en trance. Ideal for ft Unra family or aa a rooming hoiiffl lnvctmMt to tiring Inrom of lt6o0. . Tw.i r gin age; grapa arhor ; aouth front; nice nifiyhtwrhnod ; corner lot adjoining run ba bought alao. Term arrnriM.'d. Call up right now and armng to are thin. Wuniliiy call Mr. lirogan, HA. 04ft. K. II. U1.NNKK t u. Kellne Uldg. H-altore JA, ftfi4. Firbt Time Offered Went Fariiani, l-room home. uh KlantlBllv, built and In eaeellent condllion 'file vuallbule, reception bull, living room, dining room and Kitchen flrat floor; 4 liediooni., tile both and dandy big .leeplng pnri h arcond; nmid'a room third, quarter aawe.l oak lioora and fln leh flrat; while enamel finlah aec. Olid; fireplace; h' Blued ,'elitng and luiokiaaea; hnuo back-l'laatered l hi oughoul ; cierai.rt furnace; lluud he.trrt l ear garage; pav ing paid About one llHid caah will buip lie. Uui.day .nil .7 A ll!t; KK. 4JI; WA. DIM, i" I'.'?.. Fowler eX McDonald, Realtors Jackaun HI'1 113" IMVNaj Hank Illdg 8 Mill tic I.uu Itargains U77 Whitinote Ave, tUaey l-rnoin burg. large I'Viiig room, rrrpi. buf! ale : beet of rtcalr. A anali ln.BliO, 1 about II . caah ! J' Tl N a. i rl K ea new K- 'inalolia haieiie; , luia r.,iti Ijvll lai,. ii.ii.ng i.in wtih , lO'iaelve l ot'- I B't b.l,,ia n' V le. orated i lh.it, a e. Ull, f e .-ii t I"' II'"". baeh K'll , I d at'.'ut I n no mi a unit f l-liBtH niu.l be a I at nil e. P. l.e only i I i t al'.ial I) I'ol e.h 114 liautoan. . t ' o., all nn one f'oor; !. In, h and luiiy i" -deiu: . i 1 -iio.diala I , u.l I'liv. hly I ' . I . i . i,o u t 4 i . ... a j HaMt Hros.t ltuil lrr, (II h. P r 71 i.'iO Dovah. 7 Hooiu mill TvMiCjr Gurrtjit $ 1.1100.00 r.i,i,i., ,, a 1 .. I 1 -m ., b in r . i a a . 1 14 i J . . a I . , . a - i i t .fill P iX i.U., Kftaltor. M i ti nt I ttu l!iiir;lh.w l!W ta I ' t . 1. i.r - NORTH SIDE PROPERTY. ooooooooooooooooooooooooo 2 North 5lde 8 O o o o o o o 0 0 0 o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o 0 o 0 o o o o 0 o o o o o nn N. tih HI . Jul utt AfflU Ave , fMlil UtMKiW ut Inolh. I bntiuDiii. tin k fitiinh mill flam , Tp-top li'e H-ilid trt k ftftin'U lun ttcriifi1 puri h, Kif iniit lti, with all ttMl fit fruit '"! t,ful,ir y .UrKe fur nn r. riiaw t timil, tr line trtd etoii-i I'll' -t imtit t I.ViutJ, but will ioniltler utir. Titiii tan L at iiHti Ovtrlookliitf MnUr ntk. wilh a I'leiHliiJ tew . m nrtiri nv I'Uli galow, high and Mlyi ti m Imtk luuma pn uuv fitmi, Twu mire rmiiria tn i flhili"1 Up. t Jak fin ni. aiMl (iimi4. I'rlt S,Uu. fl.tfifO cuaii. fit Minna I um w have a f'na Kel. lailunn ltuiigNUw. truly lo imi In. IT a 1 1 4 Urge living room wib Krenrh iI'Miia, 'llnUg ioimh with KlKu ll il'.ut p tlut f otfiit i lna-H UMtulerful till hen Wllh tiieuhfjiet room. Ttti) una l)"lrniiit wuh Hi lint h hl wi'fi). Otvifiii i ui im , Kim uU ami whHa enamvl MHh, uak fionra thruughuut. (M.-a tu a'h'.ol ainl rer IIm; a-l wllh "ii. 1 itriva. I.t UK ilu'w you thia tmlay. Niii.a all Mr I)ii1er, Kenworxl fvo; ir. iliilaliigtoii, Kenwooil Mil, nr Mr. J,aigfellfirr Kaitwmxl diaries W. Martin & Co. Heahom o O 737 omiiba National Rank Illdg. O O Allanll. 0117. O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Talk Aliout Jlargaiiin How U TUW! 81,560 Down Price $5,2."0 I rooin Blu.i'i, built four year. Full length living rouin, fireplace, i,ooMone"B, beautiful dining room, huffel, nlc. klli'h en, built. Ill feature.. Two bedroom., .leap In nori-ll and hath un. Kicellent tieigh borhoo,!. paving nil paid Hon. here'. one thai wont leal long. If A iitt. Near Konntz Park IJ4II0- ii I A HI I Rig rnnni .nd bath, Btrletly modern, cor n,r loi, ilnuldn yarage, fin. atiade, No haw but a real baleiiln. Onliorne Kealty Co., f 30 Pe'ia Truel Hlilg A Jr1.- ' ," ... ,, . ,', i . , i ,iur Aliout. 11,000 ciiah, balaine monthly, near Omaha, niiiveraily, aclloolg and i nun lie., oak and wbllo enamel, new paint, full baflrmeul. txivlng paid, bl.o'k and a half lo beat car llr.o In the city, Thla bun galovv i. ulniiial flew and a ennp. Wkl, l7. , iiii KOHMum7 I room., city water, electric llgli1. fur. nere, bnlh nd lolhi, livo largo lota, near .ehoola i. Ml car line, JAa Kn.n4i.4, Heven-Itoorn Mnlrn onk Finlah. O.rege, cnritar i't, cloaa In: want offer fall Owner, AT. imf or 1LV 1714 3717 OKCATIJH 4-Hm , Mod Kg, heat) I Inta: 11,00 caah, l-ilanct monthly. Cr.lgn I'll He., JA. n:OI, MtlW .ix-room Hutch colonial hoii.e; o.k finlali. ea.t front,ftne location i priced to a. II. KK. 040. A. K. MOCK ib CO buy end aell home.. MMBHBMaaWMMaMMNM SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY. lIi'irh-CijjKS Field Cluh Iluiuctf Smr ar.th and Woolworth Av., roonia, i atorlea, nmld'a room third floor; iitiari eran wed oak n nd whit.; r nn riu'l f Uiinh nil burner; 2-cr gfirage. J.arga at and aouth front corner lot, heau liful uYm'U tre.a. I'rhg 14,'M)0, Want (tffcr, lSiir 3fth and I'opplaton Ave,( neiirljr new, 2 -etory r)d al lie, Irouin modern ; tnnid'a room tnlrd floor, Kellitf!ori( Huevn con if ru.'f Ion; rnarlT-Ma wtd oak and rmttirBl hi Mi finlah; hot water ). cut, ganige, largi aouth front lot J'ri-- fl(i,O0O; long than artual (-out. M nut he Kold. Want offer. Quick poNnf.nn.on, :l K K. 42ftl; WA. 0170; JA. 142C, or WA, uv'8. Fowler & McDonald, Kealtore Jacknon 1121. 1120 t'liy Nat. Hank Illdg. 8730.66 Cash Uuj Dandy New Motlern Home Near 13th ami Vinton Streets 1'ractlcnlly new liiingiilnw. Houlb front, hot water hem, garage. A very comfortable, roy 4-ronm bimgulow with ,-rooiia .ccom modatlonB. Heath in family force, aalo. Ilurgiiln at 14. I'm. On terms to Bull you. HA. 1USI. AT TflNTlON HTKHKT Alt M KN. Flva minute, wnlk ten 14th and Vinton, Hevi'ti-room home, modern, oak floor., I bedroom.: on Houth IMUh .treet, u block aouth of Peer Park Itlvd. Houne In good repair. He ure to aec the Inside of HUB place. I3.M10, only 11,000 down, bal. on cn-v t.'rmB. Partsch & lluettehnaier 803 Flectrlc Illdg. AT. liBO. JA. JA. S354. o7T6 oo o b o b o ooo o 6 o o o o 6 o 6 o o o A Ileal Ilargain An .linnet new I- room and hath: all oi.k floora. built-in featurea, modern, w-ith ti full haaement, at 4 ' It 0 H. llth Ht. Muat be mid. I'nah or term.. Call evenlnga. m v anva ooooboooooooooooooooojoooo FI.VF, FIKl.n CI.CH Hii.MK Ttrautlful eight. room brick and frame, double gKiag. third floor finiahed for malda t,.mn; enlra birce lot on boulevard. Now malt Pibd right phona OKitliHNK RKAI.TT CD 11 Pelera Trut Itld ' ;"' "ifoei cTltll I'RH K O.Bi'" I nn mot tx.enl beat, one aty home, iwaled on X "th I" I1IA.4 F HFIMAV Atlamie 8:.i t:t I'ei.ia Tru-t Itldg VEST SIDE PROPERTY. $.t)0 Cuh Tlii. btrii tly modern, rac ticallv new five-room liHigai low ! now acant. We have rr.mj:tt ea.v term of $500 1 cah, I ocatrd in t hoicf ri- il'iut teetimi, tw.i hlml) l'; tar. l or dt Uil call Wuli.ul JO'JJ ..r . i:t tc. t, I , k a a .. a 4, ... .1 a - r i ' , , a , I i., til e.ae. V lad ( iifDaaiilly 5 Loans $t0,te00 w U $100,001) ii Ur.er .'Ua ptaaatif a4 Out 4 V a .tiimaii Vtu KirAvt UvsK, WEST SIDE PROPERTY. ooooooooooooooooooooooooo IMgrwood Hungalow Now u.der row.t ruction. On. of Hie ilaaeieet bungalow, ever erect ed In thl. beautiful Mill. 'U. Hlghlly lo, allnn. I'l.i. car. I'll,. IT,l.-il and Worth II, It Will ba a plBBaiira tn aboa yeu Ibl.. biindav and evening! calf Walnut Call, Hi. in A. llenaon. nenson &. Carmicharl, ,13 Fallon llliii k. AT 1140. ooooooooooooooooooooooooo , Here i. a Snap Thl. bnngolow I. brand new, Juat fady for oreiipancy. Thai. .1 five large mum. on III flr.t floor, living room, dining room, Blititi.n. twu li.dinoni. and bath. On Ih. .eeond floor Diet are lau taiga room fml.ti.d All o.k floioa, oak 4 nd enamel (Mali Well located on good paved lre lienr .ihool and ear, Hood Bnlllh front lot. H,0"; II r.ah. mimlayi call AT, till or HA. JJI7 C. T. S f.ier A Co., Kealtori n4 P-teia Tmat Illdg JA 4I7, New Iiinifjalow Vahiu ALL HKT TO OO. CI.AIIIMO.S'T ll.aay 4-roorn qoloiilal bungalow. 4-room aconminodallon with Murphy bed Included. Ileal lla.a. WOllh more bill price 14 3'.0 on eaay term., I. F.AVF.NWoHTII II FIOIITk Beolh front anaptiy buiigalow wllh long living room, fireplace, Kren, h door tiulll.lll fB.liirea, big h gh I iiaeiiienl. Cloee lo rut, only II. ffi Call Nunday IIA. bill or II A, Oil. Shronler Iiivrotnirnt Co. KAI.Tii J A ism I in bnind.rl.rd 1lldg ' Montelair, $9560 Attrartlvv l.roont, 2-iiory, all iiicdTM K elUelorii conf ructloip; onk and white engiiifl finlrthi fire plaf-H, feairahla rorner lot, ona tilu' k from Jlarnty rar Una, two- ar garage Ahout 2 '-OO radii. Glover & Spain, IleuItorH, J A. turn IH-20 I'lty Ntl'l WfHt Funiflm HunpHlow New, f6,!00; Kasy Terms Naw nan i, n-rnnm atuoon hungalow, all ritofl'-rrt, oak finlah; il'elratde atfnl, aouth of K nm m ; rawy f erma arrnngi n. Glover Sc Spain, Keullore, .TA. 26V 1-J0 City Nat'l Clifton Hill Home Mvea room, god bath, .trblly modern, wllh giir.ge, largo lot, paying p. Id ona block to .nr. It, loo ulii caah. Oithomc Kealty Co., 130 Peter. Trual P.Mar, JA, till. 3113 Lincoln Blvd. ll-rm , 3-a'v, btli k home; S-car gar. Tiled kitchen mnl ba h; tinny bullt-ln foiling. Owner muat B'1!' look It ov.r Btinday. BELMAN lit Polar. Tmgl Jlldg, ATTfiACTIVie .Ii-room hungalnw In heat location In Kilg.wnod: ono block from car, Fuel front. 1 ,200 down, balance t.mn. Cull Walnut SI34. Honi"--veur T.rrtif AT .... Grove-Hibbard Co. "'Jsftvr. Till T IcITli' " MF Hpeclalty, l)Jl,l -III 1 I,(-nni, h, H Ke.lln Uldg. I'lion. AT, 1041 nr WA. 1704 evening.. BENSON PROPERTY FOCI! rma. In tplendld ehepe, all modern nd In dandy location. In Il.nann, nig aouth front lot. Can be gold on vry e.ay term. Call Hp bar, .TA, 1793. thop.n Co.. JA. 4371. 234 Keellna Rldg. DUNDEE PROPERTY Dundee Heautlful Kvtnnlnn home la .it llr.ly too large for preaent owner, o we are Instructed to a.ll. Thre. beautifully land.capeif ...t front lot.. The linuaa Ig unu.ually attr.etiva gnd only y.ar. old. VeBltlmle entrance, aunrnom, liv ing room and dining room h.va beamed celling! dining room h.a oak paneled wall.. .T.p.ne.a br..kf..t room an4 kftchen on flrat floor; entire flrat floor In very ban, Lome light o.k. Wonderful light flgtura. On g.cnnd floor ar four h.drooma finiahed in white enamel and ma. . h'igany, tiled hath with bullt-ln tub. peiVBtal lavatory and other atiractive feature.. Flnl.h.d maid'e roam so third floor. Full b.ement with large cn.l bin and fruit room and at. Hon. ry Inundry tub., Cement driveway and two-car garage with ch.uf feur'a quartan ahav. Will eon.ider .mailer hou.e In Lockwood or I'undeA. For fur ther tiaritcul.ra call Mr. Craig, AT. 3310. Shuler & Cary, Realtors, 131 Keellne Tll.lg JA. 1074. Dundee Brick Home Owner leaving Omaha Nov.nih.r II and baa Inatriii'ted tie lo dl. poae of hie beaut, fill brlrk Hun-d-e home at a Pile, you could not duplicate today wltttiit I7.0H0 to I i o.i.OO of lb puce he la a.klng -Itaad Ih deacrlptlon thoroughly. Reception ball, living room with wonderful fireplace, auniouiii, din ing room and kitcbni. Com!. matt, n at.irway to I beau, tiful heilrooma. Bleeping purrh ahd ll! b.lh on .eeond floor. Floored i.i lie; but water beat, Kuud baat. er, B.ift ller ittd l.i-ninii eleaa. er with eie. irl. al e' ta huteitla. open poielie. on the front .nd c'f .imii.om, til to.'f i,n bouae and IHti rar garage; all ,,. toga t igaiil ih.ubbiry. . , al--I on .x.re.r ,l 7I3I. a. nee of It. bigbeil point, ta t'ua d ll a Build and .aal t'-'.uro. Van raaaonabli laeina ran b. tutifd If i.e ...ml. ea thia prep. e.ly toual te t 4 williin Ilia g.t I data Btin'l.y .i dibl II II hi. A r 1 1 . tell II Rao.. WA, l,T4 J. J. Muhihill tl , 41 I i. t ' H'aail. tfcaaiee ,i,tg Mm in; to Nrw ork Mut Srll tb . b,., t .i oii,i i-al,!;.. Vti- -ad ,a,. l' al l . -.. 'I ., . , , -- i. . a I .I.i. , . ii. a I I I 1., I - . I a..! i , if. -a Of , . I it. ' ... tl,. la 41 I 1 i' l.-'t'e. a' ,.! I.,., I Hi a- V 1 1 i-.ai a I I . . ,. ..l I I Miur Grdv I'o , At IH i I i.' tt.vt h 4g DUNDEE PROPERTY. Shown hy Ajinointment Only Ilea ut I ful liundee ireaa.d brli k modern leeiilein .. iinwusiaiia baa long living room with Ma lil.ee, alir.cllvi .un loom, b"au liful dining inom wiib eouitieaet BIpo.llB. Willi, tialllol .it' Hell, eoniput In viry ilaisil; break, fast ruoin, Oak floora gad fimali. l ualaii. ba. two l.ig any bed- luume with bain an.i in i mi i. a; g ii mi room Villi I livale ha lb White enetnel linlah, guild panel metii.galiy dooia with Itilllulg, oak floor., I.lga rloaela. Maid, room with bath ami lata tor. morn on Ihirtl floor. roll reinenied ba.emeiit, futna.a wild oil beat, Rbud water liaat.i. T.a-iir . rag. Only lll.ooo. bubal, nlial r.-h payment re'iulred. Call WA. Ill Nund.r mom, eg, Waek daj r.ll JA il. Diinilee Gorner f! Boomn, 2-Car Garage Till. iuarlar oak floora and fill, lahed flrat fi,rt iiuaitai' onk floor, ami biri h flni.h .ei ood floor, large living loom wild fllepl.'-e; aaeil opening 'to din. Ing room, larke den, ktubeii wild bullt-ln cupboarda, 4 laig. bed. room. ..i h with olo.el ; good b'ttltj rTeaaad brick foundation; welj IB hied haaein.lll: .ighlly loiatlno I'riia I HI,, no. 2 ..oil i eati. Al r.nge for Inapai lion, t all Jik ii.n till y I'ikc tt Price, Realtors II City National Hank Illdg " Dundee, 1 7,560 A very ile.iruble holm III lb llrey lllalncl BOUIIl of lloilii. lerl, .tuecn eoilaliucftoni living room, dining room, un room, b'e.iifa.f room a.d kllilien, fii.t fl.airi 4 nii-a bedroom., alaeptng porch aii4 ba'h aeeond flnori maid a room, bath and billiard room on l bud floor! bulll'ln flraplace and other feattiiea, Two. cur garag. and driveway. I'rop.ity In fn.'. claaa i oiid'tlou Glover & Spain, Realtors, J A. Ii) na-to City Nail ooooooooooooooooooooooooo a o o o o o o o o o o o o THKKK NKW IIOMFI 1,110 1. 100 .000. Arrang. (o ... fhe.e hou.e.; they air brand new, J oat be ing finished. Well built, nice ly arranged. Coinplnta In every way and eaay lernia can be ar ranged, OLOVKR HPAI.V. Ite.llorg. Jackaon mo 111-20 City National, o 99000000000000000000 0 0 00 o OOKS.N'T thl. antinil food 7 An room bom In beautiful pert of tiurnlee. fln l.h.d In quarter oak, hot water heal, rla tern and force pump, A lot lunai;:! with all kind, of fruit and grape. ,ul.ia gang., paving paid, T.rmg or might con elder bungalow at lot a part payment. Call u. gbout It, WILLARD O. ULABAUOir, He.ltor Omaha lAian Jlldg. ja. 2ICI, Jd.rnb.rg Id ul 1 1 pie Lilting Kichang. First Time Offered Beautiful home, I room and eleeplng porch, everything up-lo-tlie-iulnute, Lo cated on ona of tha flne.t Iota In t'un deo, 7l,iU6 ft. Owner .ay. aell. To In.p.ct thlg property meana you will buy It. Cell W. Farnam Smith & Co., Real tore. IIII Farnam 1. JA, 0H4. WA.27it. Two Lockwood Dundee Homes Now und.r gon.lructlon. Blz-room, brick vaneer with two-r.r garage, big-room gturco with 2-car gang. Bnlh hnu.a. are b.lng built up-to-the-minute ..I ... . . ..II T .,..-.. , n 1 a 1. n ,. n ba changed tg gult purcha.or. If In t.r.Btad R.II W. Farnam Smith -& Co. lit r.rn.m nt. J A. Of.04. Run. WA. 2171. ' Dundee Lot Vf.tl located lot rlo.e to beautiful home. All gpeclalg In and paid for. Prlred low at 11,100. JJe.t value In Dundee. Can arrange term. 0. T. Hamer 1101 Farnam Kt. AT, IKO. FOR Dtinde. property 1., E. II. Henner Co., -40 Keellae Rldg, Call ua. JA. 1664. FLORENCE PROPERTY Home Agent C. L. NKTHAWAT. Tel. KB. 14 0. RALSTON PROPERTY. FOR PJENT 4-room houaa," 111. S-room apt., 117.10, Mtewart, borne agent, hoinee, Int., Phone Italaton 10. w. MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTY "We Build to Please" Temple MrFayden Co.. 1 606 Farnam Rt, HAITINOH A HFYDIvN. heallora The C. B. & Q. R. R. has made) permanent ap;reemont with Ita preient rmploycs. Have va cancies for a limited number of Machinists Boilermaker Blacksmiths Car Repairers Tin Smith Apply tat Floor Burlington Building-, Tenth and Farnam Street., Omaha, Nab. 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 , 1 1 ,,,,,,,,, ; j (Frisco Lines i want MAchiniits, 75c per hour Boilermaker!, 75c per hour Blacksmiths, 75c per hour Kcr rrtnrf eld. Mt.ai.l J itiir I'oints in Htco l.lnrs. rrrnnisfnt frr't-Un mcnt i i!n!v f J4i4'rf I t ; thnne vitifi fn quahfv, J Af r.?mf,t ith iM.W I rmplits now tn iffcet 1 COVfrit'f WOti.li' if ti. I Ufins unit ttf of f.v, I RoeiM U9, Hutbl Cailtvw,, H I , lUinay .) Ilajwsitl ph IStK Si. TH. II . I I . a 1 l avilwl 4 . a t ..-a, I -.. . . 4 )t 4i,a. vi -- a , IHIItlllllllllMtltMtl