THE SUNDAY lith. U.MAHA, NOV'EMBCK ft. IV-'S i 3 Changes in Douglas Prefix Business Numberr Effective November 5th Alphabetically Arranged The prifixea and in soma frutanrri the numltcri of all Douglas excharifre riiimbers have been changed to other numbers and r fixes effective November 8th. The list presented below fa revised up to date and la arranged alphabetically, act'oHing to the nature of the business or service. To be accurate on Douglas rails, clip and save thia list. Al TOMOHII.M. .toHNDEKlIE PlAjW CO , 10th aa'd How ard, i hanged from DO. Jlfo la AT. 1401. tWNISkN. ('l it fo7rii7iiumber Do. 0941 hee been changed lo AT. 1493 Scott om.he Tent aV Awning , Kill Howard St. HA K r m TmiMAU bakery, tie ' changed f r..r iu 674l to JA. (741. joii.v WF.DHEIil,lTll"l,eBvenwert $C, tn,m DO. 4 ? 0 7 In J A. 4 '67. Html A'! MASHA4.M. -MY new phone number i JA. (177. Margaret F. Bendg. ' mr.i i ki TMi.r awh ai ppliks., at Fsrnsm 81, wse I'". I4K. huw JA. 1441. HIM I IT COMPAMKH, OOOOOOO OOO 00 OOOOOOOO OOOO o o o o a o o o o o i.nnnr. wiles biscuit -o, imi end Davenport our number hee been changed from Do, 49 lo AT. 4t.l. 0000000000 0000000000 00000 WHIT AMI HHOKI4. Yiorakf shoe co. 41. N. lath at., hee emanged la JA. 6221. BOTTIr-H Af nAKKFLe. CiTHAV BTKiNHKH'l. Boill and Bar. ret Jobber, changed frnm DO, ll(( 10 J A. IH. ("ASM KWilHTt.Kl. VORR!s"rAill REGIS! Ell CO., changed I J A. 11)1. CHIROPODISTS. Wfc rtrarclaa aarvlca caU OaaTI. Con lannnn. J A. till. ( lllrMIPSWWTOIPI. CAU, JA HOI. Aak for Dr. J. 1. ta ranra. No. , lolrd Block. fftfn. oaw Mumliar laJA. 7M. ' Olbaona Mjar Htora. 1T enuth ITth Ht. PHONB 'Tha Hporlaman'' JA. Mil tot fha lataat Id apart nawa. II.KANKKH AM) DTKM. i"iTTl number ha lin hunirffrl from TlO. III lo AT. 4.J Jnnn HI. Tha Pariltarlum, lilt riiOTHINIi RBTA1I (lUl bualnaaa polli y. Tlia nnly'eT.nsa la Mir rkona nunilmr, now JA. I7IU A. Banoff, I4itf Doualaa at. f'OAl, PKAI.r.rVI. For Quality, Service and Economy r-ALI. Congumcrs Coal and Supply Company, Tarda an) offlra at tb an Mlekotaa, Otrr raw talphona numbir la AT. i!4. VrmKK Lumber artS""Coa1 Co., Mramh fard, 1421 Wahatar Bt., Jackaos 44ia In ataad of Doualaa. COMMINHION AND TWmVCK. OUR fnrmar HO. 114 kaa baan rhanil lo JA. z 1 1. Klrachbraun A Bon, e..tjlijjirtlr'5rta;. OUR fnrmar number ha bean changed to AT. 57. Omilia Col4 8loraa Co., Alh an. Fajnajn. mi OVH nw l umber la J A. t04. Hlcffmaa Mutter Co., 4IS tfouth I2lh St. rorr.rTioNKRV. TnH new number la JA. &. ralaca of itweeta, H: liodae 81. t'lUHIl.Ti.VO r.MHINKP.Ra. fiRINCK-NIXON J5NO. :0., 4lT Patera Truat Hli1, from UO. ITU to J A. 1734. IUM INO AI AIIKMIEH. kTr.KP UKNCINtJ ACAD KMT, 1I14-14-1I Vurnam HI.; my number chanced from I'D. a44S to J A. 1470. liKI.ICETIca.l4!: BTORE. 000000000000000000 0000000 o o o o o o o o o o BRICKS IELICATESSEN AND FRUIT 8TORB. Itlf Podfa St., an nounce tha new phone No., Jack eon fi. o O5C000000000000000 0000000 THE "NEW '"LkUCATEHMEN 8II0P, 1104 l'arnaiii, Hlltinuni'Pa nuw No., JA. &7T3. iktit. I'll. Al.e'RKI' O. HUNT. 4',2 IVIra Truit NlilS., new phnin- No. la JA. 4kJ4. Real lema lUrnpy i)2:J. IIM'AHTMKAT UTORICK. ORKIV Brio., Conant TIMr. our number baa I'trn chanieit from I'O. 4 : 4 ta JA. 43. 00000000000000000000 coooo TUB BRANDE1B HTOltrS announ.-a lha rhen effertha N.ivinbr 4. 14-J. ef la rhone nunil'i'r from O j it PMtiNka. i.e. t4 Je a i' it aeot.a. .e No. Iiuik I'". "1 la Ttiai l i. tap-" ef lb JA. (! lint t iiM f aiiuP. 4iiiiVv'4 '"" r.a"' ak.., ' t uiet, Hva e-v-e (k.ed I J A, tit. ft.m an- Men' IMI sum a, ..,.. le .ealgad l-' l' "I4 le : t.ej Jour. A - Ui4 t e. I R e M I, l kt I.IWItv Mk-4ealet at tk it wi t'i '' iee .4 vl IvO'l -e I'l II I tirfc,'vl nil ll'viv. lv.vv-( eke it )" a.e. lr, I'V tell le J It a i" o AT o o 0 opc aoooecoooeoo 00 ffotoeoo 1 i.. m r--'. "I '" Ka.i.k. , f.oiH ! I" JA 5 ' j ... mJU)iK ""! I I I e ri matoh ami i.nilv. I IIUH'I.M, ELEVATOR 11 A CROWEI. LIIMIIICIt A (iHAIM CO, 624 Oram Kg rnane. from I hi. a o 4 lo J A. 4104. Air. iiuuKI.I KLiMrTllli: t O. an noun ee the change In their number frnm i nil i.i j a ' Pun t buy until yn ley an Apes F.lecirle cleaner or Itoiarei weening Machine, AIIICHN Itl.ElTltfC CM, 24M Leaven wnitti, from i(i. tin) li, J A. 4407. JAM f.H I OIlK ELECTRIC I'll,, 1413 1'ouge, rrum no. 441,4 in J A. 4lt., IHI'MimCU AC. .... AMe;lll'AN I.IC'IION KMl'IiVMKNT III) HEAII, rnurllioute U 1 'I , frln lio. IHt lo J A. ai. r.NIHtMta AMI I'HOTO'.HArilKHH THOMNKM KNIIHAVfNil Cj , 414 Houlh I4tn M , tram Hil. 4I'. In JA. 4141. KXI-HKHM CIIMI'tMKM. AMKnK'AN RAILWAY KXI'IIKHM ft). HO) Karnain, frnm Lo. Hill lo AT. Itil hrh AprAB.iTi a. A NI'KRHKN i'ii, Kira Ai.paratna till rarnam si,, our new lelnpliona Mo, JA. er.Ot. riHH AMI flVHTKRH, KINO I'OI.K CO, H.h ami Orilara. 11 a, mm. our new teJephmie No. la Jarfc aon iiiti, VlAtHlwt. W Ktif a vi.owy.uii. :m aD. 17111., our talephima number liaa been clianait from M KNAI'M. HOLLAND rUHNACK" CO., 414 S. lTtnt m. our new telepuona number la JA. eua. KI RMTI RK HTOKK. ooooooooooooooo 0000000000 O o O n 0 HARTMAN FI'RNITirRB 4 CARPET 0 COMPANT., 411 Roulh It Ik at., anaeunce tha ehana of their pree ant phnne number frnm lo. 1R74 ta AT. b7, alfectlva November 4, it:t. 0000000000000000000000000 GRAIN ('OMPANIF.M. ITPDIKH OltAIN CO., 61 Oraln f.'irhena n 111. uur new pnona number la at. nil. (iROf'KRa. CENTRAL MARXIST, lo Uarner. Our new phone No. la AT. 7176. TAbLK BUPP1Y CO.. J7ih and Dout-laa, from uo. a ta at, at7. BoariTAi.a. OUR number kaa bean changed ta JA. at. (;aiarlnea hoanllal. OCR naw number la JA. JOJI. Clarkaon Hoapital, Slat and Jjewey. HOTKIJ". OtJR new phone number la ' AT. ' 777. Hotel Klatlron, lllh and Bt. Ma rye Ave. OCR phona number haa been changed to AT. hl. Carlton Hotel, Uth and Howard. OUR new phona number la JA. 0740. Draxel Hotel, Uth and Webeter Hta. REMEMBER nur new number. AT. 7364, Hotel Ixiyal, 18th and Capitol Ave. OCR number la now AT, H4. Jlotal villa, 107 N. 14th 8t. OUR phona number la now JA. DI4t. Park Hotel, ir,02 caaa nr. MERCHANTS MOTEL. 1B0I Karnam. AT. H2I. MOTEL MEN8HAW. H0 rarnam. AT. 1. CONANT HOTEIi. Uth and Harney. AT. MM. Our number la new, AT. Hotel, nth and Doudaa. III). Millard JNHt RAM E. I,OVE-HASKEI,Ii CO., 20 W. O. W. Bid. Our telephone. No. haa been changed from DO. 0380 toJA.344. THE COLUMBIA FIRE UNDERWRITERS 2nd boor Maennlo Hldg., our new telephone No. la Atlantic 45:i2. MUTUAL iVifbIns. of nT"t., (20 Flrat Nat, nk. Mldg., our new telephone No. la AT. 4124. JEUEI.LHM. H. GOLDSTEIN, 1510 Farnam St., num ber changed from L'O. 67S3 to JA. -78.. I.Al'MIHY-llOl 8KIIULI) SOAP I'RODtCT HWKN'SON MHOS. CO. !0 MOUTH I0TK STREET. Announr-e the (hanae of their phona number from DO. 6607 to JA. 6607. LAWYER. KENNEDY1, HOI.LA.VO. DELACT AND M'l.AlHIHLIN". I .'"i 2 city National Hank building, announra tha chantf of thrtr prrmnt phona No. from I'O. 0330 to JA, !?. HROOAV. lil.LICK. " rXyTiONIj ion K1HHT NAT'L HANK HLDU. Announra the change of phona number from DO. hbit In JA. 6611. MI'l.KINiIEK A. M'KUn, ATTOH N K Y8-AT-I-A V. 431 World Herald Hldg I""""1'' ?A'rl',,, KKtfl'i W. ANHECKKR, Attnrney'at Iiw. 4lo Hrandela Theater HMa , annoutirei i-hanaa rt rhona number from Do. 4k0 til JA. 4940. MKEN.I, COX, Hl'RToN. HARRIS an nounce change trnm Do. 4314 ta JA. 4314. I T.TTI H Ml PI ICATINO. DARLOW AliVERTLSINO CO, 410 8.s lllh nHrtiiii.-. 1 h. n tit Kn frnm till. 4714 la AT 1511. ACUtC Dl'I''ATINiJ CO.. 5:i.;4 I.e. fiai'g R'la . annoutu'e tti rhanga of No. ftom I'O 614J a JA HtJ. l cMMKMi'lAiri't IM JCATINU CO IIIIS I'n.lge. announra Ineir r-i ln. JA. 4164. M t rt Ti H UK l-UMHIMI. Kt 'lll I R't'OT Wfia'. f eaaiii'l"i lainKli.g.' tr aw t!.)uiiie nuii'Wr la ). 644. Hl.ta. T4li at I'I'I.Y IT'H and l..u ee !ir Miti.r b-e 4ea 4 hanged fti.rix ! I ... r m t iv. si H l, viilinv,' - ia aHr Vvr aew eve vr te AT 111. ntii. tin ainaiti.r H I'll ' V r I II V t h . ' It'l a tit ,. I a X' a . e !,. ke e 11 t. t 1 i 1 i I V V v, , , i t S ... , ee' ea t,a e BEE WANT AD'RATES I ar Mne n I r I dare, lie per Una ee. h day, I la data ia per una aaca day. 1 daa ar laager. Tha abava ralaa appir aaelualvair ta Want Ada e,h!ta ara ornmtiiv termel "publla Mania,'' and do ri! inriuda aUver tieenienta t.f tndivi'iuaie or can.etiia advef" lielng ar enplaning ineir bueine..e. THE) OIIAIIA RKO reeervea the right lo detigiiala hal voinlllune liubllo a-t Mailt Ada accepted at Ika lollewiei efflraai Main I'f'ite Uth and Varnam ite. anuih iimane .N, V, nir, . a 1 It erd N hn cuumil iiiufia , a even at Taiapaoaa A'f-laatia 114. Call for "Weill'' Ad Department. An ex perienced "Men!" ad laker -III receive jour ad and a bill ll be mailed later, Tha raUa quoted ilwii apply lo allher ekaraa ar caak urdera. ci.oaiN'i iiouae roa want a Da Evening ,,..11 4'i a. m. Morning MHiua, p la. 8ueday Kdlilna ..... S a. aa. aaturday, Tfcaaa ratea apply to TBa auaday Hea aa well aa to ISa Morning and aeniag hea. All weekday adverlleenieala appear In both Dioralng and aeealag aUltluna al Ika aaa aoat. THC OMAHA MotANINO BEE. a THK KVeNINj al-( DEATH t FUNERAL NOTICES HAIIN Mary, Nov, I, l2. Age t yeere. at llerkeley, Cal. kha ta aurvived by one aiaiar, Mra. Look Hunt her of Omaha and one byniher, A l"l'ti llahn, of'lmmr, Coin. , Funeral aervlrei rmm Ina r"elirrire or her aleer. Al I e (lumber. rarnam atieai, Mnmlar, November 4, at 10 o'rloi k m. Inlei in'iit "tri er I. awn r-niierr. CEMETERIES, VISIT koREHT LAWN. Ordera ara now being rereierg at tne gre,-nhouee for planting nf I'lllp bulha for apnng blooming, elan order for winter wreetha and evergreen ManWela for lha winter araenn, omre at tha cemetery inorth nf city lliuita) and ISO Hrandela I heeter Hldg. BURIAL VAULTS. WOODEN boara anon decay. Steel ar Iroa vaulta will ruet out and rollan There fore you ahould Inalat upon your under taker ueina an Automatic Sealing Caa- cre'e Burial veulti water-proof and aver laetlng. Manufactured only by lha Omaha foncri-te Burial Vault Co., 4214 N. loth St., Omaha, inspection lavllea. FUNERALJDIRECTORS l J. STACK &"C0.. rim.h-'a ht iio.l erf e k in a eetabllebment. ARROW A Ha T)T 1 1 A XTP.'IH"" PIERCE'-' AJelAl VA-HA, D044. Thlrty-inlrd and Farnam. HEAFEY & HEAFEY fndertekara and F.mbalmera. Phona HA. 0246. Offloa 3411 Kerne ra. Hulse & Riepen, Funeral Dlreitora, 1224 Cuming. L'ARKIN BROTHERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 4411 8Q. 24TH CROSBY-MOORE WH, 0047. Kin wnt FLORISTS. 8AY IT WITH FLOWj;lt(4 FROM HE8S 8WOBODA. 1414 FARNAM STREET. LEE LARM0N!'1M, JOHN BATH, H4 rarnam. JA. 1404. HENDERHON, .607 Farnam. JA. 1161, PERSONALS RENT HOOVER VACUUM, II, JS HA. 107L c hanges in Douglas Numbers NOVKLTV MANI FACTI RINfl. nr.oBK NOVELTY CO.. 1204 Faranm St., our number changed from CO, 7671 to AT. 7670. OIL. SINCLAIR REE1NI.M1 Co , n Wt O. W, Hldg, Our number hee bc-n changed from DO. 4140 to JA. vnirrtHiE OIL CO.. 410 Leavenworth. Our number has been changed from VJ. 2702, to AT. 2313. HHAKFER OIL ft REKIN1NO CO., 1133 Omaha National Bank Hldg, Our number haa bean changed from do. ii to j a. 61(11. BTBLK-ATKINH OIL CO., 206 Keellna Bldg. Our number line vcen cnengcu from DO. 1831 to AT. Ill, MANHATTAN OIL CO. OF NEB., 1443 North lllh, from DO. 6011 to JA (111. Of V LI TH AI l Al RIHTH. DOCTOHH W. F. CKllfee. W. A. Caealoy, r. uifford, Hatnora nuroru, . atton gnd John H. I'otta. 600 Hrandela Theater Bldg., announce tha cnanga in their phona number from DO. 0112 to Ar. (410. JPACKKRS, HtKAyjirOHK. A-virti'M m. i'n tsih anil Hour el. our number baa been changed from DO. 1066 to JA. 2666. PAINTS, (III. AMI til-AHS. PlT l'HUCRlill PLATE 'GLASS CO., 14th and Jackaon Hts oi;r number has been cnangeu irom DO, 0731 to AT. 8711. SH Kit WIN WILLIAMS CO., mm aim Dodge. Our number naa oeen ioii from DO. 6010 to JA. 6Q4Q BARKER BRUM. PAINT CO., I40IW far nam Ht. Our number naa neeo nit from DO. 4760 to JA. 4760. PAPER AN If TWINE. no i"v.u' MtlVuMl-MITII TAPER CO., lilt Harney, our number haa been chang- frnm )iu. nigj to ni. " i. , , .. .II - h,'laaU. 6a N. :7i)l St., number changed from DO, 111 J to JA. 2764 'IIOTM.KPIIErW. L'i,,xt -'crlilll ana Itroin ev II og. our number' hea ben changed fi DO. 477 JA. 477. u Tiii'mivl. Ill Ki.uih 14lh HI. Our number bee oven changed from I'O. 4eii JA. 4;.4. -- - RODHTROH HlU'l'O. Itl I ainam l hanged front DO. 6:J lo J Pll.-H lM4. OCR nvw telephone huml-r la J A. eie. Dr. hea M-'Maitin. ' I'v National. 1 R l AANUI H. 614 llmaha loan Bldg. our n-w te.rph.uie numto-r le JA 61. 1 11-.' ir.'I.T U II. Il'dg. Our , l.ew Irlepbetie liUlltber la J A. 4l"u PI .iim.. Nttt l l..Vll't lt Vtatl T' IHS'l ' M our new ..jph.v natv.v.r le JA. eets. Pl.t M 141 64 kl It'll! . iw, I.i 6' vl m ,.weei.-r be ty la a e 1 ibj i . cl 1 I .IM l" VA 11 I ljA"Mt l:l I l"l .i4l.r b l-e ikltn Irene I ve. . '4 I 1 Jl I I kIMI M' M tit i'(lt"itl . . I t l" ..It 1 I H li- . aa:M.e I kIMIMi. 1.,. l 1 .l e"l i 1 , e l ' I-. .-si la a-I.- I a, v a. .. I M v I I v 1 1 . M a ..I. ' v ' e llll' .HI 1 a . . 01, I 1,-1 I'll V .III I I'll H e v. .. e t I- . I "' I t' reii iv a r 411 IIIlM Ave i- I IB - a is a . a , l i , I I ti l riHI II kllievaillllka. It I llltt I ... 1. If, ...... . . ..a., ,1.1.1 I- V l.a "I e t. I , I lull illllk ev t. I .. vn 4a I' ' '.a 4 4 I'. , I N-a 4f 4 I , I- fctel II aia I "el' u ' a a e i , , ka' I r a-..,a.,r e 4 I I' ' . v.a, .at See I ttea i 44 a. ..4 e-,. a it" e PERSONALS DE.N riMTRT . All kinda of d.nt-l ul. ilour. Ur. Ur rare, ful aut-erU-nn at lh renafii"M umvereiiy i nllesa of Deiilleiry, raraer 14ik and I a;i fornta elrevle, Omeba Fee motleraie. Take Marnay, t'luaatowa ar Cuming tlnei THE A.'..'ATI' ff Army koma aoliilta yaur aid elathifg. tornuure, l''ga tmea. Wecllvl. We dieirl-ute. Phona JA IIH end our wei'in will tell Call aad Inepeet sur pew koine, 1 1 l-lt 13-1 II Irndee aiieet. Y"l It plenele, ope la veiuebie In yno. will lirlc un.leroand youreeif and ollieil, Will f'r p.rll'ulare No ll lanle M. Maeoii. lo7 Telegraph Ave., Iierkeler. el . iMKi'ei proieftor, foumain pen, aaetita m warned Cell or write Selena Delia Co, 614 llrandeie Theater Hldg. THEATMIl AlTlll-toili el lnetua uoetuniee, for ple and pertire, al l.ieben'a. (imaka, rtAHIEH" ared for, giedue'a nure! ref. Prlvete home. KB. itU. 144 Caradea, INFORMATION of ' ell" kinda aetured. Huaineee advlre Call AT. 4it tVHITK Una 114. beauty, eye. heir iimaha. Neb, for beat fe'e bik wiWN biillilliii nd"e. eveiing KE. 44 kTOIt Maaakmada, g'eiing reea K K. 7l ATTRACTIONS "m i ' m 1 1 ' I a n ' i ' e i ' i ; n k a " HEIiarEll o7DI, liMAIIA. LOST AND FOUND. LOST OR MToI.EN Fr .m N. Met at , vear-old ay khetiand pony Wi-iaht about 4", roe'Beo mane and medium abort tail. Libeial ra- kbiiI I'lione WA 1"I LOUT l'iw "f beaver akin between Per nam nn llli "d lih Weiltieaday morning t.'lwn 10 and 11 Otlotk. He- aid WA. ljf. TAN brl"f eei ' between -41 H and Far. nam and 13th and Dnrrae. Duro Helia Hair Neta. llelurn In Hamilton hotel, Reward , Jtl lVmt iiark tirey eoor i.l, between I'nlon ata'lnn and IJ'h and Ceeteler 8'a. Reward. AmrbntallnjyEirea I a. A I.aRiVe. oblong aample grip containing office bonk and teiofde. No velua lo anyma e-ept ownr. Reward. AT. 7474, LONT In Fremont laal Hun., iadlea' wrlet walclt, email aela Literal reward. Mra. Frank Shepherd, Fremont. Neb, LOUT Light colored Alredala dag. Lib. erel reward, fall KB jfi ,77hT Har-k comb with brllllaiila. llewerd. Cell II A. 4374 i77gT lira w n t eg. n-ward, J 0 H I u f fJIL LOUT Pair aliell rim glaaeea. JA. 8118. EDUCATIONAL rTXr "uicHOOi nioiit school. Complete rouraea In acounlancy, inanhlna bnokkaeplng, complometry, ehnrthand and typewriting, railroad and wlreleaa teleg. raphy, civil aervlra and all F.nglleh and cnmmarcial brenrliea Write, call or phone Jackann 1644 for large llluairaled catalog, Addreea Hori.ES BleeBldg.,Jmahei Neb, fto WF,Klter better forakliied"automo. tiva eleclrl. leiia or mechankt. Our gradu atea In demand. We feaob you atartlng, lighting, Ignition, battery building, me rhanlcal repalra, adjuatmenta. Wonderf ll work; unlimited opportunities. Booklet free. Special ratea. Jnhnaon Automotive Tradea School,. Lept I, Vit Broadway, Denver. EARN II 10 to 1260 monthly, aipansss paid aa railroad traffic! Inspector. Poeillon guaranteed after three mouthe' apara time atudy or money refunded. Excellent op. portunlllea. Wrlta for fre booklet, K-21, Htaiid. iiualneaa Training Inat., Buffalo v un it, it Men, iadlea and boys to learn barber trade: big demand; wagea while learning; elriotly modern, fall or whlla 1401 Dodge Ut. Trl-Clty Barbtr College. KF.AL EHTATK. C. T. BPf ER" CO.rpeUra' Trust Bld. Our new telephone number la JA, 4-67, REAL KSTATIC, O H. KNOLER REAL EHTATK Invest menla. 414-17 Clly Nallonal Bank. AT. tliM. m ameril;a"n recur lTr., lith ami Dodge, changod to JA. Oil. ROOFF.RH. 0 U A R AN T EE I HTANDAiTfl RH6HH4 CO. our nrw telephone numbar la JA. 4144. HALT DEAI.ERH. ;AREV HALT C'O. Oranl Ex, Hldg., an nounca their phona Nn, baa baan changed from DO. 1413 to JA. (433. SAHIf, DOOR. AND BLINDS. adam8"akVllv co . im 'Nicholas m . announces change of ptiona number from DO, 1041 to AT. 2041. HIIKKT MKTAL WORKS. MO N R 6 Ft " 8 1 ! E E T MBTAL"WORKS7T7l Cass. Our new tel. number la JA. 40(1, HMF.LTINO AMI REFININO, WE8TER.N H.MELTINO AND REKININtl CO., 17th and Douglas, announce the change of phona number from DO, 1424 to AT. Hit, effective November 4. MICIF.TIK8. O0OOOOOOOO0OOO0000OO0OOOO OO000 0000O00 0O0000O00O0OO 00 00 OO WOODMEN OF THB WORLD 00 OO FRATERNAL LIFE INSURANCE 00 00 00 00 Announce change of phona 00 00 number, effective Nov. 4, 1122, 00 0 0 From Douglas 4670 OO 00 TO JACKHON 6221. 00 OO OO 00000 00000 00 000000000000 0 00000000000000 00 000000000 HYHIPS. THE D. H. FARHEL HVRCP CO. announck their correct phone number AT. 6219. TAILORS. PIONEER Tallnra, 1H22 St. Merya Ave., number changed frnm DO. 6b Jo ta JA. 626. TAXICABH. KAHII TAX I, 320 " H. Uth Rt., number changed from Do. 6100 lo JA. 1100, TF.I.K4.KAPK COMPAMKH. 0000000000000000000000000 "DON'T V. RITE TELKOR AP1I." To send a telegram, rail AT. 4141. For all other purpoaoa, drpertmenta or Information all JA. 60u, WESTERN I'NIo.V TELEGRAPH CABLE CO. 0 000000 000 000 0000 00000000 iM'iarurk-. fi)FFMAN""H'NLItAI. ItoMertMk) a a 4' Ifdge, our nw ui. phone number la JA. !l. HAM, Molt 1 1 Alt Y 111 . Ill k ;tt M ur let. phone ttuiii.r beg beva ibang.d j to A r an I j-im 1 AililART k.V. uiid.rlak.i.r::il"i'u'm'; lag ai. fur ne tel. number le JA, 4111 I I Mil Halllia. .'1116, I lH!e,eil ahN'.uevee tbelr , e pa ae No, aa Atienua site V II I. fit-Ill. II AHA W II I, 1'III.K Co n II ll,.e I I l " noml.r -I, I le .ha.g d lr.Ml 1" I He l J A I'll HI t nat-.l fc.e p. 1 v ke ,-d fi .'at I' 1 t. JA. t II It I. Ili.mi, li il m r m a. unit, 1 alt el a, .. in , "e a r vl,. .e a 4..I . X li.ea I ' e I 1 4 10 J I vit k MM l (-III aii4 j H il A e. . , ... -a , a... I ... 1 ,. i le J t y 1 in! 1 . Be e l Ml e. . - A I I fill. iii i'i e M l i a ii ins VI It t ' b e-e a i i r. i n I al it.-il e, l.w I- 414 la JA 4.41 WMiillellb flllk a i v 1 1 v a I 1114 , . .. I've Baaae a. e-. vSa..6 i I l 4 I tali. a lii lii ril h e u Ii 1 a I .' 4- e . -.. e a.t t . I tl t. O a I I --e EDUCATIONAL l'lle a.ia.iiitiiii'lf) t 4.n I iti Nlt k utile l : B4 latfiral. i i f I tl I J ail trl. t'urMt yiii Iiaii nJ.(rti and lelepb'ine number for imnieHlela ep. ..M. AdUre.e Hot III. Unielie II"' DKTaTcTIVEa needed evrfieht'e Work at bonie or lievel lllg pay. rirrruog wurk. hit eiferiene neeaHry, Free In formation Inleraetlnnal Dele, live y.. Cheng, Unill O'll" li 'lg, Chi' ego. Ill ! a "(loVKliVMK'n aante lieli. Hell. er ti.ell llerke, la ka el W eebllig inn. len.winen over ll'o i ax. month, I .lei peeitlona free K'-'-Kno Inetltule, I" lit l I', llni-h'ilfr, N. T. HK a 'lelei'llv, '.o il no v,ckl, lrv-i ever world; eepeneioa unne, eeeeiy. Amrlfn Detective Agen')1, 743 I.U'ee, Mi. Lnilie MEN WAN fKlV fnr" iiel' llieHnrkEr. perien.-e mine, , eea i r V'rlte for Helaile elplalniog guerentred poeillon. J, lienor, foino-r llov t lleleclive. Ml Louie. M MENrAge"T7"l'i 61. bspeiienra unneiee aary. Tiavel, mike ei" ret ti,veetget"tie, r'pnrla, gelariee, ekielie Alliell'en Furelgri Detectlva Agflfy, 476 HI, L"ijle "mf.m" wenied"lr nuellly for firemen, brekemen, eeperien'a ueneceeery Tiene. poriaibm furniehed. Wrl'a W, ll.ggeea, kut( , Hi, liuia, Day or Evening eeevlnne f'WoltAK fICHIM-MH COLLEflW. Weed 1414a) , I'lh and lerneio ATM4I6, THE Ne'lonel A iitomot'lla H' bool announce lbe:r otenlog "'I. 1. 112'. Come Hi ana see us 3I4 N IC'i , hi . Omaha for catalog il.eae VKAII paid women aver 17. fieady work. V a, governrneni jooe. apply to dey for Int. V-20J, omaba Ilea. "van "aAN'r" m-Nooi, of iichinemh- 8 F. Cor Nirielenlli and Douglea JA 6'l. ANNlV,";-OI.AHOOW,""vni. "and piano, li Kerbe'k Ink, JA.Jnnl. M'' LF.It "llA ft H V, lt Ol.LE'l h. lis a. I4ili Writ for reialov. MALE HELP WANTED. A few IIEAfT aalesmen In sell ineii'e lellnr.mede ijotba on weekly payment plan Ha MrFrlls, "," H l'h Hi. CIlickrN pi'haTa"rsnied." Htrlrig"""or benrh; 4'' e'reight. Oond wmkina con rllllorig. Moard and mum. 17. Teltphnrie or write before ruining. Northern lone Produca C , Mc'iregnr, la. oooooooooo oooopoooo 000000 o o o o o o EXPERIENCEn 8T0VE REPAIR MAN, H. R. BOW EN CO. ' WAREIIOUKB, Til AND FARNAM, o o o u o o o o O00000000000 00O0O0OO 00 000 EXPERIENCED furrier ""weniedi' riiiler and nperritor; good enfery, Ooldeteln Fur Co., 1020 Douglas hi, CpetnHe Illtllf grgde magazine aaleemnti; alen crew manager. New aelllng plan. Call Mundsy Pav.lon hotel for I'. J. Ryan, 0000000000 000000000000000 o o o fi o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o a tj (J INCREASED I'RODL'CI ION. Opera additional ferrllnrles Tlel opportunity open for men alio tan qualify. REAL SILK MOSIKftT MILIA o o 0 o o o o o o o 411 Securities B'dg o o 2 o o o o o o 0000000000 000000 00 0000 000 Then and womerrWnUd lo" diairlhuta a naw lodxa emb em. One man In 'D lo.lxa can ba uaerl. This Is the latest In lodge emblems and ties taken tha east by emtio. Wrlta at oma for free aample, Oef In on lha hie Cbrletmea huellieea. Liners! com mlSBlous. Ham II, Ol'liuff, tl09 141b Ave. Rock Island, III. MEN 190 a week to special men to travel by auto and Install new etova con verlnr In every home, Wonderful In venllon. Cook and baka all year with out coal or wood. No gts or electricity needed. Wa furnish tha auto. Hatnpla free. Thomas Mfg. Co., Convenor Hit, Dayton, O, MEN: Do you want to earn money In your spara tlma? Wa have a wonderful offer lo rneke ambitious men and women: no DravlouB avaperlencs necessary; no money required, Wrlta today for plane, American Products Co., 9111 American Bldg, Cincinnati, o. MEN I2finur, 1 any. Distribute 15 household article free to 10,000 naw cue- tornera for our guaranteed gooda. Part time entlafactory. Hand for free aamples snd giart quick. Jennings Mfg. Co, Dis trict D-643, Dsytrm o. PLAfEME.NT free In any Una ef work for which you are suited. EMPLOTERM' FREE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. 1111 Harney St. Atlantis 6342. SALESMEN Our line of calen dars, leather specialtiea, fine, Xmaa greeting cards, monthly mailing cards anil bank auppllra la known lo every bank and mer chant In this stale. If you csn sell and would ha In tereated In a territory that hea been covered by us for yeare, wrlta ImmediHteiy, telling ue about youraelf. Your letter will ba eti Ici ly confidential. THE RRODERICK COMTANY, ST. PAUL, MINN. BALLSY AN In Omaha. Highest cash re lume for real bustler, real ttuaineee get ter, alive ''from heck up," alert and am bltloua ta get lulu auct esxf ul, prosperous class. Htart no: llttlldl Hrowt Esisblieli yuuiaelf aa the looked-tti eal"sinsn for hlgh-gratle edvertlalltg specialtiea, Indoor edvertteing aigne, convention hedgi. cam paign and advertising buttone. eiiibleme, etc. Every Industry and entetpriee e piue pettive cuetniner. flood cuiiiiitiaeiui'S l-a'd affurillne better Income than any tt.ii. eeiatr lny lueii eening i"u lo ll fcu B'oolhlv. kerne opportunity tme as tepie. eentaiive of aaliuiteilvanoti loitii"!) Uol lae inanufa lui.i.g lon.etn. Hul.'tt'l o.iiv pule a element of ability and ei ri. n. e an.l Ihr.e letters I not merely nam.Bi e- g i ralerea.e ftoin sul'vun'lel buvne.v ti.e.le Ileal eU Hloa l . I-besiel, ... BALI aM AN - A ei 'e.idld, I - ineoetil , ,..lig ta avaiialt a f- r a ol i" "'" die.r cf p.uv.i a''ii'ir at I vl a" l-et 1., urd le e I Ike le'aet l if uue.ry ault prtMtu.-te l i lhe I niUd ..Vle'.ee lo U.'se i a I'tJ l I ri.l II.. Il'ta t it It llivitt. e'.. W l .we ...l.. a If ten'l u ', I aevi , a I 'e, ,n.. aev-ve Owe tl a' "4 '-a e I ! ta B j ten ..l l )a"a eetlie etteil. ..,.. W, 1 p. .-kl. J'eeog e . 4 liv't at . V : S ' V n.te .ealei a e -4 k,.,.e I. lee m- t eottii.i up ' O. 'a p-ei"h A'll'eee. 'I I I enue-ta, k ,,!,, Iv. I k. g' , I IIIIIUIV i ..... B v.. ,.e Iv 4 .'I e e'l." "1 vl 1 1 -, I'l . vl ' e - e l, il I a l i e .I .b '-a...ra-e' 4 ' ' a i' , .. . I ta. eeie. .v e l... a a 'v ...... a-' . I I ' - . B f ft h V' a S'" " I"' '' ' I I I v .1 1 S a... . I -, I - -' g a a - . S k it I .. , . v.. I v ", a I k , a v i - B "' - . e a . a .aJ j MALE HELP WANTED. a.of h A it KN an.ili aj on t'ttntia. HicJ Idaiiir tl It I 0 wr flMirtl U ( Hfra (.11 h lMtill'f Uf LM l' i ntU itii .t. v;i ( iit i'oi,. leen.pie fier. t 'nn. mieeloa t6 per cent paid oil ul nrtlaie. Al.ilei l-v" a, liua li;, i 'iiiion, u vl A 1,1 a r ,.i e. t.i .11. I., e,,lii It i' ,ie. ..r lerei"t peell lieclil'ice I mirertl El. ltlelxe lerrllmy give,,. hpere lime. If ne,-eeeerv, an in n II ml o.i.k with tine h'eh i la e propo-ilinii. Urile for eelea plan lu. ii l.j.i i, i'ii Fifth Ave, N. i City, HALIMA - Weiii.d for N.l.r.l, by wboieeila leelt. ilonr efld millvi,rh h"'ie" Diva full .art',uiei aa lo ti .hf'r.n,,,,., alary eipwiled, etc, in ffet letter. Ne oieeka A, llliuik l."., I.ifiioln, Vea MALKHMtN I all.oioa aale, m. u anud Hiiel'Pieel, lllrei t fn weeler III!" on l eHtl Vlisln Vronl iiiet.nn lelloied euMa or over mate. .e en, tug I'miunlceione No eitia iheia"e. Iluuae of Ceiiipl't'll, 4' 6 a. Stale, I'llliBS" lAI EHMEN- If "lOd e"t . at) the liret t'r wrlle imiiv. H'roiig line for re. to) .!"'. ,S.,tlol.elly elv.Hlv-.l Ruell i-eoli lieie, Libeial wrkly a, lvalue In pioilmeie W T Mai, l Kuilld. I'leveleud, Ohio I "it I'll. 4A LEHMAN, e'lvertleing. who hee made liuiftia i" r year nti aireight riinimieeion I,. i. Ilig t'Lopoeiiion or many yeata eieii'lioa I'll Morion, lit Vad HI., Cimmiiafl, ' Mi il.l' 'IT eitounle for lelge cnlle. lion eguiny, 1 1 "li wckly raelyy tamed Apply HotnriLelely r (eluel.le lnlry. Illlri'.ia A'ljueling loii'orelioti, 12 Van lluten HI , i 'tiU'-go, 0000000 00 000 00000000 0000 0 We nod t.Xl LIIIIS.VBD E'i'l fANDI.F.IIH a I en f'MICKEN PICKERS Until N'ald and Dry I'l. k Work OMAHA COLD kfOWAOE, ih and Feme in C0O00OOOOOOO 0000 00OO 00000 000 000 00 0 0 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO V. A S T Ell - Wood wnikerg for b'liI'Li g autu mi' It bodice. ANDREW MCllPlir A oN. oiinl.j, Ni'li, 0000000 09000000000 0000000 WANTEDA' f.ey 'iod bore with ylea. i 'a n ue a few e, h"0l boys If Ihey can work In lha iimrtiitig. Apply 307 a. Itlh Hi, WANTED Hi "pay'l"" men every where illalrlbutlng eamplca, tmoklals, aln. Whole or spate time. No cvpeiieti'-e r"iulred. H. 6leyer, 211 Hevenlli Mi , l.oulavllle, Ky. WAN'I UD M.n"and wiim-n "for poullry dressing. Hedy wo It; good wegea, Hwlft a t.'o,, Columbus, Neb. WANTED Haloemeii lo e-ll radio re ceiving a"t Hood propoBltlnn. la C, Knhn, fust Farnam Hi, Oiualta, VollN' MAN HTUDV LAWI """-venlna downtown aeaelo.ia, l.'nlvaieite of umaha Hea seciatary, 10r ruiiehe Nal. Ilk, Mida AGENT WANTED. A'l EN'f 8 7" Jl ai -a'a "l lie ' Irea't llna""ff la vote, food pr''lu''te, aoepe, ti"rfuiiiee, to. let preparatinne, klti h"n and laurnlry spe cialties ever offered. No capital rio en p'l'letne, company. In bualheis If, ycere. We start, you right. Furnish com plete outfit, kellnig plana the a have prov en auiceeaful. Laigcet. comniis.'.iona. Write today for motley unittlng plans, Ainerl'-en I'rwlU'le Co., a 1 1 4 American Hldg, Cin cinnati, '. A 'I EN TK -"HtijiTi, 1 7' I M L HE I , LI NO Fool) People itiuel eat. Federal distributors make big money; Ll.oui) yearly and up. No caplinl or experience needed; guar anteed gelea; auroid goo'ls may bo re lumed. Your name on packngia hullile your own bueuieee. riea aamplca cuatomera. ICepeat ordera anre, ec.ilva territory. Aek nnw. icoerai 1'ura yooa Co., Mil Archer, Chicago. ' AHENTH (6 lo li daily eaey. Your py lu advance. Introducing'' new atyle guar, nnteed lio-ilcry. Mont wear or replaced free. No capital or experience required, -luet show s-rnplee. Write ordera. We deliver and culled. Elegant outfit fur. nlvhi'd, All colore end gtedes, Including ellks, silk and wnol, flcci lined, heathers, MacO-Cheg Mills Co. Fall 4047, Clncln nail, (. AtlKNTM caali In on coal ahorlage. Make (10 to $20 dolly, Tliouseride everywhere buying new Invention. Home coaloll. kerosene In nay atove or furnace, Noili Ing complicated. Just set in atove and burn, Cheopep and cleaner than coal. Hend for free aample end ettirt 'ulok. Ter ritory going feet, Jennings Mfg, Co, In vention D-f,43, aylnn, o. A'lENTW: 15, 7& profit on every Imported gaberdine order, Jlei buy nn llio market, Miide-tn-meaeure and guiirunte'.d to sat lefy. He the flrat In your locality lo write for free gaberdine and complete out fit. Illtr season now on, Act iiulck. Lib. erly Mfg, Company, 763 Liberty Hldg, hayUm, t,, j A(IEN"rH Nineteen full elite paTliTgca, right out of atock l'nrryug caec. Free edviit'tlalng matter Booklets. Coinpleie net or ziu raat eenere all for postal card. Represent a. nationally known manufac turer. Direct to contoiuicr. No capital or experience needed, All or pert time. Dept. Ol 6, llerlcy Company, Dayton, Ci. AUENTH IJIg Money Inking orders over coala, auila, penis, blankete, direct woolen mill to weerrr. lllg valuee. Donahue made 81 08 fuel week. Hayere tnnkea 200 weekly. No capital or experience re iiulred, Taylor, Wells, 2742 N, Paulina, Chicago, AtlENTH: New Invention enables people to burn coal oil In Ihelr coal atovee. Hels III file hox. Very simple, Agent takes orj dere. Wa deliver. $r, profit, Can clean up Ing coal shortage. Don't delay, Hamples ready Parker Mfg, Co, Hunt 2630, Day- ton, o. AOE'NTH Amaxing auto hiveniloil Junt toit, l-'ord rriHkea 40 lo 67 mllee to gallon; other care allow reiniirUtthio ghlne. Ili- reaeea power 20 to :,it per cenl ; removea II carbon. fneliill'd In five trilnutea or "a. Hells It. Wrlle for full ictrllculara. Htraneky I'O, Pukemm, H. Dak. VilENTM!ilrO monlli. Hteady pay. New- eet atyle written guaranteed linelery. 6luet wear or new hiiBc free. r.xpertonce tin- ne.eevery. Spare lime aellefactnry. Hum pies free. Jennings .Mfg. t.'o. Line A-l'HI. Ileyton, O. A'.I'.NTX: Million ilollur btiellleas, lint ton- All y known, weitte one men to take cherne eiM h county. 7S illffrent houeehotd necee- sllles. "Hure Hh"i Belling plan wllrt free gift ntekce eatea ee. Wlxnld I'ruducls , 1414 W. 57th Hi , Chicago, AliENTtt MAKE IH'U IN 10 DAYS Selling Magic Mervel vtaehing eolupotind, new aoap. rlehea end bluing peddle. Illageat eeljere. snetly 300 per cent profit boS:ne.s. Free eantpleB. Mltibell Cu,, Hon K Clat. Chlteg'1 A'ilCNTH ilet.eral es-ote Travel arid I aopoiut local ceiiva.v'iia ageri'a for toilet. fehrk. 'ail eut'iliy ertlijis Meekly earn. 'I V, 111 Id I"' I.)II4B CO, 111 I ogellB- I'.irl, Lid A'il-NTH . a IlUe hot tak-e. b.g prt.fil. new Itutid'v a'4.t. p.ifnrtes tl"lbee with l-.litg vl. .1.1 il.ii,..' Wrtte for I'Srll,', U!4I 1 1 ..... I Ol..r',l'.B. 211 Al.antW Ave, ,'vn. .V Y ti l M Bi.e'klicg . II-. a. I t. t H'.t-'..le I" Vtials A l.i.:.i,. I,'.. Via ef Vour own loaSS pl.t'CV. li Uli,0' ' v. It,, ,L i I'i. '.a, e'gl.. tl s V; li alii d f'.e C, Palmer 1 i o VI N 41 ea , I b . b- 4 t iS 'I l I tut il : 4 ' t Q ti a : I H tat l(.il.ii) 1 0 :i.,, V i t SI . u l, r ,i i 1 W . i . Mil I I'll. 6 I - - MB I I Ma- .Oi'.i v a tl.BS a I a I ... a ' vasi -e e a . a a- a a ,a .B' -v a.v.l ,ea - - eea . . t4 . 4 lie M MAI t, HHP FEMALE HELP WANTED I l it Vl Vt, 1 P S V in., kiog a"d smell femfiy. t I I.OUar-w rt Ifall t 'tltf I, l.'ilry II A VI I XI'KRII NCEli roiapiumeiar apratra eie eleeie In ileo eiol it teu e'a l"'l en oprralor all eight ara.e' couree In ttie l iMai loll" ler e l I vtlll III 6 hold ne of d'eireh'e plll,ile Ihel e e elvtete oprn If )"U inoai wink, wr-y not prepaia ea thai U -III get lha moet for nur 1'iiivT I..I ne I. II fun alHiut our uey end r - e ng l-.r-ee i "vllMuMr-ILII Hi llooL, !" i iium.-r ink "Hie a. thai llrnll'iel. e l eperlg yki'l.Rlr.Si ED tn.'k,' hn-. e". ee. "i ioel. obi'e M,e lletlvn Al'lieid, III N Itlh Hi II 4 tli'4l llllll. k WANTED-Ailibill'Ue g t le lu lalie I b'iBlii'ae or niuei," i nilre. W nrk way ' "I'ougli milvge. Will give i h-im. l. -ettl and vn, m in "tun ii"iii i.ib'm..., .-a lliaiae, III tll'ou g tl for g'nerel hnteort, ref' rrences te,,iilied. IVA S I e. 4 MOl'HI K IFI'EII "v.e'il"t, ll'Oe in fa III lly; etate are ami II. f gleeper, Noifolk, N. I. LA DY renvaaeere eaiiUd I" .t kein Haiillary liainie. Keln I e' loir, Meiioon, III. LTl'ILH- I .ji ii jour (pais lima II I.) IIH Yu lie do It, ttqr p en l a looip maker f.r you N.i iii'-tt. y neicBaei) No eipeileme Wrlie n,.y f t our piens of turning your epate Hn.e litiu money Costs h'tll' I 10 lliyeallselc. Alll'tP .lO I'roducie Co, 1114 Amolieii Hldg, tin cinnetl, t LAI'leH Teeil MJ' " I l'e Mule load 10 Agents Wi'i'el lolUIOII III Ill's paper HALI.H fepfeeelilalllcs to Sollclf OPl'ie for lerget pearl It.'klete .omern Ll' elusive ii.iriioir guru Hpeie lime. If neieeeery, leu lain ll"V Willi inia higll-claea plopoelU'til, Wrl'e lr ssles plan I lev I'eail to, Hi HUH Ave, N. Y city, I SALKaWllMEN- llue.lvej Vho Wlell In eatn inoriey ti'ir og th'ir epeie nine win learn of a vety v"ll peHng, ee.y en'i r.'eaeant niet,,,d by corieai.-.ridilig with lha Frelii", Ao'cfOetl Higl'ine C paoy, lit Kitvl I t'll Hlieel, I hi' ego, I'l, SAIFaWo"ME.V for radio tones The hew pick-Be of pliotograpby on metal. Liberal cotitmieeo.riri THE RADIO TONE COMPANY, 13' J Farnam 10 I'OW p, ft eeellig loei hloa npere'ors vn radlstor "n ere a'"l top t ov, rlnga. OMAHA A I "I'O T"l Co. SOU Ho I Mil H' WANTED Women for geneiel liouae. wo'k, 296 8. Hi HI, Co Hluffe I'lmlie 1141. WANTED W Idle t'OlS'i maid. Mot have rfreh' is Mis M I', ID lineseejr, 211 High Hi hool Ave, i.'oumll Bluffs WANTEI'-. 'Hulesisdy to mil on business houses, line, W'b79, I'nisha II. e WANTED compel, ui w lilt cook. Mrs. H. li. i piiii' , ha. mt. WHITE, lilltl- T'i AHhIH T WITH HOI HE WORK, WA I. 'in. Wlf.l, pay tuition for girl ttitoiieli lojelnevs lollige In ej.'benge for light nff a wok, Dlrl Ihat can do some lypi wrlllog prefer, red, H'ate eae end edutetlon. Wrlle Hog W.1.74, Omaha lice. situations Wanted. work of all kind hitplikd free TO OMAHA EMI'l.'iYKHH AND UN EM l'l(YED. KMPLOYEHH' FREE EMPLOYMENT Hhlll C0. 1911 Harney Hi, Ailmlic 32. WAN'rEliHy". fined eniddlcaged ol ored man, can furnish beat of referem ee, lenltor In flat, wllh living rooms. Five ye.ara' eitperlilica se fireman. Will tonic for Interview. Addirsa !og Y 2074, Oma ha !. ctrNTII ACTOR of very wide experience deelrea conne. Hon wllh contracting firm in any capacity from estimator ,, sJperlrt tondeiit, Iteferericee ex'ltatiged. Writs Hog W-641, omalla lice, WATCHMAN dosliea p'ejllion t. r nnie. References, Wills to Una W-69J, ontalui Ilea, IRONINO or gen. houiework. WE. GOOD THINGS TO EAT. API'LEH", Ai'PLKrAPPLEK "ALf." KIMlS APPLE CIDER IET Vol It WINTER aCPPLT, HEAVER FRUIT FARM, 2 miles west and I mile south Ak-Ber Ben Field. "WA. 1634 F.J. CLOTHING AND PUI S FULL" DltEHH e'ulte end Toxeiios for rent JA 3I2. 109 N. 14lh Mtreel., I. Eeldrnetl A It M v"boee' 12 90 7U3 No 141k HOUSEHOLD GOODS. I.lenk'eta, comforla, rugs, curtains, apn-sds, c, mmiiiiliy piste and 1M7 Roger Hroe, silverware: fresh new sunk direct fiojn factory. 'IVrma If desired, ''all nnd get licuUBlnied. W, V. Duck Mercantile t o., I7'i Dodge St. AT, MIL KXPEICr "aewlng macl'ilna repairing. M1CKBI.8. mh and Harney, ..-JJ!L FCRNlTlillH AUCTION. " All next week, Kill and Webster. DOWfl AUCTION HOUHE, roil HALE 3 comblnsiloii fialures, 1 oak bookcesc. Mornings. 0i( 4o- 'lal Fo'il8ALlS 3'Plece dining room eel; rocker and kit' ben table. TelAT. J 227. KCRNITCRE for eelo reasonable: nil bar gains. 4114 izstd at. Call WA. ; FEW hard coal " neatera left; very reason able. Call D');4I. . Ft'R 8AI.E-"ine eltnltlo washing ma chine. KE. OS. I. Foil MALE Aainluater rug, 42,1!. 1x12 HA. MA.IUH'IIC coal range, cheap, WIS. M64. COLE'S b"ot.blBeliieali r, 116. K E. 41t), LIVE STOCK, VEHICLES. ETC. VkAmT liiirncae. wngoii, 1126 all. K E. II 9 11, POULTRY AND PET STOCK CA NAHYH liu.iraiili'cil singers. KK. 47C2. WANT TO BUY CALL" AT. 7490 ftret tint blKhcel for furniture, tugs, stoves, ami nffb-e fur nlltlie. National Eunillura Co , "6 N. JJUh DCHKH. IrEHKkT DEHKH. New desha, need rt"!." hnuutit, aold and traded. J. C Heed, I'-'11' Farnam AT. 4140 WANTED Hriiiiiilliuud steel truck tiodles, bydiaulic or hand hoist. Kcufe Coitetrtii tton Corni'iii'V. Hioux 'lly. I. t WANT TiriSOHKOW WAN I' to 1,1. now gilt e.tgs peraonxl Ua W bin. Omaii I; li""; have r.r,rn)0 s. i unties aa collaleiat. 1 He FOR SALE JEWELRY. diamonds;,';'pr,.",:;;: lu buy baik at email profit. ulioria JtWv.l.ttr Co., Omefca. Neb., 4J . leih bt T.Ui liuoe .I t. t'l MUSICAL INiikUMliNTS 0000000000 000000000000000 o 0 O S HUH: i KS Vol1 1-1 ll.l'4TK O ft 1 Ma-ali.: Al . I. " 0 U 1 O j i. pt t r "t 'ia.y -' i I - . I Il.l I H I . a I r,i a ai-it... o 0 ..l I-a 11, t . . H . .' . I.l ll.'S' 1 1 e ii i i kill 4 I , O I .1 1 o i it d tl . i a j i ,i 4 I I I v I MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS kl N hargeins'ln ' lew. I fh-nog tapbe. Hhieta I'l "g'el'h "". " iS' mi vii . l.aieain. hn ger A 8a pieoa loerer with lee mile W . m.6 Je' iarte twaaiiilTlia, ;'' "" MA ll . . iTlKlu'l rATH end email IH' A f STORE ft OFFICE EQUIPMENT 000 0000 00 00 OOOOOOOO 00000 f - i vi e wh I i y.MB O a .a All mskea knughl are! ao 4 rented and eepeired B"le eseo's fur the corona, tlet our p'l ee before vu bur. Vj'ery mavbloe g'ierenteed ,. IENIMAL TTPI.WRITI.R FXf, tl sun 1911 rernein ooooooooooooooooooooooooi; SAi; tnony by 'eiimg i"' f"f ' ngie'er co punoa ecaiie Uro'er, but. h er end feelaUlallt lutuna of ell d-e. rl" OMAHA MERCANTILE fit ll"l II I'l Allattll'' I'l -e. I'lLEI'O i g. od eh -1 e .inpunng ro ale, y. id I'U' kl liotil.icr II TROYEII ITiueleet JA Die HIIEItM AN At K ', n"li'r "f Hlnnei, nest 10 Mien. I Theater II I loie'.on for arr ,-eiy or drug el"ie Hletiui heated, tail 11 -47 M L Hug,inii'il WE IK Y, sell safe make deeke, ehoe) .ae.s, ate. omel,. I' A "l'l' a w comer lllh aod Doueles JA '7J4. "lM HALE- HI n llElt H I' tr. I'OS ail beat . nndl'ion. A Naegcle, I 1 T l,eeven,o'h HI I'hole I A 6.73 , 'oRll"ed Hp.vtlller karaalns, see Mid land I'ff. e Holplv Co, 14"4 I'mlae Hi MNE 7iui.iii Wel.e addlcg ma' IHoe for eele, 1913 laihito III Cell JA. 4I2 JIUSINESS OI'ORTJLJNJTIijS. II KHTA I'll A NT I" a munly aal town 4oA; lam ni"di n V etory building; hoi, e In. alien on main aireel peer aa. pot , all lailroed and Imneieni iraite, I out I'lele eu'ltpmetil. tiood, i "wll stot k, I Olilplele, .',4U" f H i ... ,,v i'i c'''.vi ,l"Vv (ounly e'il loan LloO, own building l .' ' 1 Iokii loleie Newly Invtall.d loinplele dty .leaning dent Doing 4'0 a iverk. and fleet rleaa e'lutpmeril. A wonderful uppoi tuiilly at a reasonable) prl- e (lA'MHi: AND MACHINE HID 'I' .-fllibe. eola ss'ttnty seat Iohii on Yellowstnna Ins hey A line innnern miiiutnai shop very completely ftiriilebd A gii.uliie outfit In lo.l palt of slate. I'ri. c, lll.i'on noil stock. HPNFHAI, HfOltE- -Minneeola Iwn tri oimeied coiinlv Reel brl k building Willi heal at f.t a liionlb ileal etore lu (nan; exirllen) lernloiy lluod eel ,. Me etock Sli" 'l I Illtl'JO. Will Sell at ipvol. e fli;HTAI'flANT-lov.a town In f'luy Co, only real realintranl. In lowp. Rent epace al 10 a month. Coinpleie equip, nuiii. lining 11,200 lu 1 1, ')') a month. CI,, hi, at I'' "'in OKNI.RAL MEI'CHANDIHK Mloneenl Iomii near Winmia Itenl. bulimng, warekoiiea end l-erii I1" a montti. About ',,onn slink. Fixtures belong lo build ing Invoice or lump. MFAT MARKET Wisconsin town 6.004: Fond du Lao aecilon; location on beet street and doing fine huelhees. Tee. story brick building wllh living room a above Euulpm -lit ery coinpleie. A splendid insrket and A good building, 13. 1'K). POOL IIALLTown 4,f.o near St. Paul, Rent only i,0 Main Street lileellnn. Fine eiiulpment and soda fountain, Huslnees very good, Miihraiit t'i'i. I'ool and billiard fables, cheap at 17,010, GENERAL 8TOTIE Idsha locsllon In good farming aeeiloii. Doing about 11,600 monthly; also poatofflce In con iie.tlon, Rent low; fine atock: good future. Owner sick, r'hesp at 3 f.00, BLACKSMITH ANf MACHINE HHOI Houihern Minnesota lo.allon with good buildings, also 10. room house and build. Ing suitable for Implements, Have 14,000 worth tools and equipment. Might . oiieider farm. Pric, (17,000; atoi It lira , HL'HINICHH EXCirAN'IB CO, Hi Uumin Bldg, Ut. Paul, Minn. exceptional opportunity to obtain localed at a flrst-clsaa tlnrt building I 40TII AND CUMINiJ STREETS. Ideal locntlon foe novelty shop hard. Hare or dry goods aloie Fine window display.' Well ;Khlcd room vvllh good venlllsl.lon: aleain heal; 1,0 ft. deeo. 1 ft. ft uiil el,,,.. i 1....1, elitre, '" Near Cathedral gndefivalnut Hill dlxtrl tx. Rtit rcaaonable. For further parlluulara rail M It. VL'. TEMPLE, OMAHA HEP!. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0 00000 0000 FOR HALE APARTMENT HUy.DI.NtiH On reasotishle fcrme. Just corn plated and all ncc.upled; fine neighbnrliuod. Localed In Hwui t'liy, In. CHARLES Kl.o.rri.i!, Davidson Hldg, Hloux City, Iowa. 00 000 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 O 0 00 O 0 0 0 0 0 o I . IO a day Iniereei vou'f Hugh Kent of Kanaaa madn I:, into in 93 lity- with lliu Hamllloi, Beach Carp, t a-aeher. R. .1. Kelly ,,f Tcxtie l.'IDO In nine. Liya. c. Wlildifieid f chic,,,,, li4, lit two home. Twelve miiehinee in ue by I. H. government : 111 i,v ni.h,., u IJviatem: In greatest bulldllta-. I Our Inemniig inn,, oi.k gives all th money-making facta. ', I0W , ,. 1 elsrlcd, what suceaa nlliers Ilka you ba a ' how big the profit are; in fx, t, BiiBWein every (ii,alloii. If j,,u ,,! lo be your own I, n.., send leltar ,)r p,t P,r, for free book. No ohl Igi, I ion Hniullloli liesi li Mfg. Co, 1 110 Rupida Drive, Ratine, ATTENTION I Wanted A relleliie man who can Invevt l-oi) lo II Imi to futan.o himself In no of Ilia paving plopostliona on rt narkel To the right In. II we nffer en l poiiunlly to noiite big relunie wiiti Ullllllllted poavlhimn s. Willi heailquai 'e. 111 Omaha Writ fur appointment. H" W in, omaha Hee Dlil'tl I'taak. I. '..I' CO, ml je .ty n'ura lit wroirrn Nt- "t'li h nn f 1 t Ui . 1 111 V 4la g .tOl S t eu', vilher. jii . yrei itr time ! ase y tn, 3 ttvif vt.a Uir Iff (Bail i (xistHII icinimc In tir ,v limn, itikl. Teritm ; wutilti (4ny i i.-nlrr '.utl na 1,(1. Ab, ifi, f'Htal.a. t-w i1fa V- A hatltt-t. frartfauigi riit l;,.t (, H . it. al in .11 h ip.i.. t y (n. HImI I4i rltiM I .'Ii.M .i, m i -i i'nii I.,"" r-A.4..1 t(, . "I uin a Ht"i tiki-M I u lh li r mi "i i , ; i if, ti.i in . u i,tt, ... V.VII i-1 I t l. .,ir I., Bll.i. I, "' I ' II e. I , i -1 - r K i e. ' a. I , I 'lu I.i It I h l.a l. . I.l I I I iS a I - I .1. .11 I a'atal Bat I VI tl.Bei.f ' oi . la t W I'l i-t a ,.. I ui a v ' 4 .. l- I . I .44 1 Our nhine numUT will 1 ihat.irfi, effective eVov. 4th. from 1H) IMIQO to ATlantic 8511 ii at 4 . i. i e It -.. aiMtn lit! a t I - ."4 I, a a 4 -a I- e i e - tali - 14 I ea ' kll Ilk l4ttSIh ' 4. l-.l a, v I v !... a a ' a , . , . kta 4 6. . i i A It, l I li t. eg l ... A ' t V ' tl. I 6i.t eg v tl a. t ,e I -a I