THE SUNDAY BEE: OMAHA, NOVEMBER 5. 1922. 5 B Hi 1 Silence Period to Mark Armistice Day in England 50,000,000 Flinrfrri Poppiea Ordered Death of Father Vaughan Keralli Pictur fque Life. , London, Nov. 4.iUy A. PV-Arm-letlre day, or Itvmtmbrance day, Nr- vember II, will again ba obaerved by twomlnut allenre and by tha wear In nf KUndera' popplsa. Tha de mand laat year for popplea ai ao rsat that tha 1,001,000 auppliad were lint nearly enoueh for the propie anilnua tn waar thrm. However. 106,000 pounda aterllns; waa ralaed for benevolent purpnaes by tha anle of tha 1 1 ml tad aupply and thla year, tha aulhorlfl-a in charge of he arheme nra Inrivlne; nnthlnir to chnnre and have arranged for 10,000,000 of theas emblems. Waa 'lrturrua Figure. Tha death of Father Bernard VauKhnn, brother of tha lata Cardinal Yauirhun, haa rm(ivi ona of tha fnost lili'luiraiiua flauii-s of tha Knaj llah rliTKy, Catholic or I'roteatant. Father Vauuhan win a member of nna of tha oldi-st Catholic families n Kng lund. I'ndi-r tha Influence of hia mother, ail of her aona rcam priests. They Include a cardinal and two biahopa. Five daughers twatnc nuns. For many years Father VaunJinn waa a commanding flKra In tha Kng llah Ciithollc rhtirch. Ilia eloquence kept audlewee apellhound, whlla Iila utterance nnvr tha newspapers un limited copy. Ha entered tha Jesuit Cidt-r In 111. hla ability coming under tha notice of Pope Leo XIII, and ha was transferred to Ixindon In 1001. J la flrat worked anions tha lower claaaea and . aMin became known throughout tha kingdom aa "un arlato rrat servant of tha aor," loiter ha aaurned charge of a fashionable church In lierkeley aiunra In 1900, where ha delivered hla famoua aer mona on "The fllns of Society," which created tha wldeat comment. Theaa aermona denounced modern dreaa tendencies, Father Vaughan do daring that "women used to dreaa for dinner, now they undreaa." He attacked birth control, asserting: "The nation la traveling townrda the cemetery," and "there are mora pedagogues In London than children," and "A woman tella me ahe expecte to meet her net dog In the next world; aha didn't Bay where." Destruction In Ireland. That caatlca, Jlimlly mansions and other property of landed gentry In the 26 cauntfee of HoUth Ireland have been deatroyed during the paat three yeara amounting In value to ubout 80,000,000 pounda aterllng, with 400,000 peraona made homeless or refugeea to the United States, Eng-' land or other countrlea, la the state ment made In the rcporti of the Irian compenaatlon paymenta bureau, which la endeavoring to obtain re drew from the flritlsh parliament. The two clnlma are divided Into two parte 10,000,000 pounda for the prctruce period, January, 1919, to July, 1921, and approximately 40, 000,000 pounda for the- posttruce per iod up to the present. s It la aaaerted In the at a lenient that there haa been a bolshevlst movement City Hall Singers Forming Glee Club mi 70 Tough Job Killing Kussian Lice; Pests , Thrive on Bug Powder, Says A. R. A. Worker Home of the young people ot the city hall are promoting a mimical organization which may devrfcp Into a glee club. A preliminary meeting waa held Friday noon In III 0 rily council chamber. The engagement of a male ill- rector la contemplated. Tlioae who appear in Hie photograph are; (In the floor, Grace Ifanna; flrat row, Minnie Isaacson, Grace llayilen, Georgia Nelson, Ida Levin, Bridget lloiiahoe, Helen Koae Daemon, Ann Fa gem; bark row, llerlha Llrlitnowaliy, Clura rtwatcla, llorolhy Clark, Helen Hwlft, Mary Keller, Kileen (ilddlnga, Florida Krum, Freda Sadler, Gertrude Mmltli, (ilen KrlpiH-ndorf, , Noted TheoHoirliiiit Will Give Lectures in Omaha L. V. flogerH, national president of the American Theoaophira! society will give a anrlea of three lectures In the convention hall of tha 1'axton hotel next Hunday, Monday and Tuea riu, Mr. Hogera cornea 1o Omaha un der the atiHplcea of tha Omaha Than aophlcal Hoclety, Hla lectures will be free. tfunduy evening he will discuss "The Ghosts of Khakespcare," Monday eve ning "The Kvolutlon of th Boul" and Tuesday evening "The Inaplred Life," Each lecture will begin at 8:15. Moscow, tcuaala, August.-(Hy Mall.) "rthut's that dangerous looking weapon you've got In your hand'' nnl'd the Inquisitive newcomer to Rcasla. "That? Oh, that'a an antl (ouse gun, explained the young American relief ndiiilnlatratlon worker, who waa at II lug out on a trip Into the Volga vullv to limped child feeding prog reH, i "(ioah, do you have to fight 'em llko that?" "I'll aay you do; why they thrive on the ammunition we ahoot in theae guna." v "K'atno?" "Sure, Thla keroaene oil lotion la bcller'n that. Vou rub it on your body. The amell Infuriate the cootlea. They loxe their temper, hunt a blood vewu-l and die. Kaay, one-handedl" "You can't kid me," "One day ono of onr doce caught a fnt Ioumo. lie covered him with bug powder. The louxe awain through it a if it were aurf. Then he aqulrted nomo of thla kcroaene atuff on htm. It knocked him out ijulcker'n aome of that bootleg they peddle In the atat4." farrlea Stove, "fl'atHO?" "Sure aa I'm atanding here." "(loMhl Tough, ain't they?" "I'll aay they are." "What'a in that big package?" "Stove." "8tove?" "yep, How do auppoae I'm more Intenae in doHtructlveiesa than that In IiuHKla four yara ago, with tho peaaantry cowered, Impotent and huifcry; that the destruction haa been woraa in the countlea of Cork, Tip perary, Clare, Klnga and Oalway, eapeclally Oulway, where hardly a alngle mansion or prospcroua farm houat) la left atanding, and that thla campaign la employed na the only method to get rid of the gentry and their families. gonna cook when I'm riding In to Tiarllzln In a glorified freight car?". "Oh! I can't cook.'1 , Neither could 1; you'll leurn." "What'a in that amall package?" "Knough food to tout me a couple a daya, llottle of water, three hard boiled fgga and a chunk of bread." "That ain't much." "Lot more'n a lot of 'em gut." "How long you been here?" . "Since we atartcd feeding Ruaala; laat Heptcmher." "Llko It?" "No." "(iotta Flnlali Job." ' "Why do you atny, then?" "Ootta flnltih the Job; ain't we?" "yeh." "Certainly." . . "Uecn alck?" "Yea, typhua, dyaentery." "lieen Innoculated?" "Hure. Made me alck In bed for two daya." ' "'How about a little drink? Whlaky or Humpln'." "You can't get .nnythlng like that In ItUHHltt. Aa dry aa in the atatee." "It'a a tough life, ain't It?" "You eald It," "Good luck, A. R. A." "Oood luck, brother." "S'long." "S'long." Auto Wrecks Landmark. Leytonatone, Eng., Nov. 4. An an cient atone placed here by 'the Ro- mln 8 and a landmark for centurlea haa fallen before progreaa. A wild motor car driver upaet the atone which the centurlea had failed to displace. Nearly 10,000 clubs aro registered In Great Hrltaln. United Slates May Enter World Court If Changes Made Ifurding A(lniinintriitiiii Has Favoralilc Leaning Toward JiiHticc Body Created Iy League. IJy GRAFTON WH.tOX. Ilmulia He leased Wire. Waihlngton, Nov, 4. Recent dla ctoaurea that readjuatmenla of the machlnAv of the International court of Justice, operating at the Hague, are Jielng negotiated with a view to making It poaalhle for tha T'nlted Htatee to be rypreaented officially on the court, doea r.ot Imply change of view by the Harding admlniHtratlnn toward tha league of nation. The International court of Juxtlee 0ieratea under aunplrea of the league of nation, and though tha Wanning ton administration thlnka well of it aa It la now ronatKutcd, It would not sanction official participation In tha work of tha court by the Unite Htntea unless this government had tha right of nomination In the proceaa of selecting lha personnel of tha court, In other words the I'nlted Htatea la not diapoxed to aupport anyone who has not been nominated by this-gov-' ernment as Its representors. Election Change Required. Changes t lint would be required In the machinery, It la assumed here, must be In tho present method of nomination and election which would permit the I'nlted Blutea to hftvl a voice In naming ita representative although not a member of the league of nations. John llussett Moore, an American member of the court, waa named by tho league and not by thla government and officially haa ng aupport from the I'nlted Btatea. The International court has been in existence about a year. Its organ- ix.tilmi was ati.tiilx-d under thn covenant of tha league of nations (Versatile treaty), article XIV, Two pUna for American participa tion have thua far been auggeated, and both are said to have found sympathy at tha hands of the mem beta of lha leaau. The first of these provided for approval by tha I'nlted H'Btea of tha protocol eatuh Lhlng tlm permanent court, with-' out any acceptance of the league of nations ts each, The second provided for representation of the 1'nlted Htntea on the council of the league for purposes of nominating Judgee. Just how the matter will bo worked out rennlne to be aeen. Hughes Kxplalns Position. Tha attitude of Becretary Hughee townrd the international court Is shown In a recent speech In which he said: "I may at thla point take occasion to any that we favor and alwaya iave favored, an tnternntional court of lust Ice for the delegation ao- cnrdlna tc judicial etsmlarde oX Justiciable International dlsputaa. I believe that eulteble arrangemanta can ha made for the participation by ihia irnvernment in the election of Judges of the International court which haa been set up. ao thnt thla government may give Ita formal aup port to that court aa an independent tribunal of International Justice. I don't mean, of course, to Imply any criticism whatever of the present Judges or to say aught In dorogutlon of tho confidence and eateem In which the eminent American cltlxen who slta upon thot court la held. I almply mean that to aupport an Institution you muht have proper provlalon for a voice In ita constitution and I think that provision to thla end can be niailo." Son Slain by Father. Purls, Nov. 4. To save hla two duughtera from mistreatment at the hands of their brother, M. Victor I'e- trokin ahot and, killed hla aon. After his act, the father, who la 72, guve himself up to the police, saying he regretted hla crime, but that hla son a continued misconduct merited the death penalty. Omaha Furniture Man Opens Own Store Here V, i Claire. W. J. Clnlre, for the past 12 yeara connected with one of Omaha's largest furniture stores, la opening a new furniture store at 1 DOB Howard atrert. Mr. Claire saya his store will curry a complete line of furniture, rugs and moves. In Is an active inomher in the Concord and 1'rettlest Mile cluba With Mr. Clalio will be associated A, L, Dunwell, also a well known Omaha firnlture man, . Women Admitted to Bar. Cincinnati, ()., Nov. 4. Two young women were among thf clasa or 10 uittorneys who were admitted to prac tice nl tne reuerni oar in i:incinnaii recently by Judge John. Weld Peck, They are Loratna B. Cain, who has acted aa city anllcltor for the village of Ht. liernard for aome time, and Reglna U. Closs. Big Baptist Tent Revival to Close Kvnngelirt "Hob" LewU to Conduct Three Meeting on Laat Day. The big tent revival under tha ao apices of the Trinity paptlat church In the tabernacle at Twenty fourth and II atreeta, lll cloae Sunday with three big meetlnga. Hunilny mofhlng at 11, Evengellet "Rob" I-wia will preach In tha church building on "Your Neighbor'! Heart aa Uod Heea It," At 1:10 In tha aflernoon, ha will apeak In the tent on "Dr. Jekyll and Mr, Hyde." At the closing aer vice In the tent ha will tell what la "The Rlggest Hiialneee of Life." The chorua choir wilt ting at alt three of theae aervlcea and Mr. and Mra, Lewis will give special number. Hundreds of men and women, noye and girls have been converted at theaa meetings', and cards have been signed expressing preferences for 25 different churches In every aectlon of Omaha. Tho boys' and girls' Hunshln chorua was made up of children from all purls of thn city and waa a great euo-ceaa, It Pay to Advertise. Freetown, Africa, Nov. 4. "Jan advertising" haa penetrated even Inta tha Innermoat reglnna of Africa, Allmainy Hunglq, the "sympathet ic undertaker," in the best Afrlcaa exponent of "Jnxs advertising." H has placarded the countryside with the following message: "Young man, time la short. Eter nity la at hand. Ha la dead! Arc yoi ready? Hat good food, drink toot grog, be praying for a happy death and a decent burial!" n Allmainy haa secured wealth by being tha "aympathetle undertaker," and he travels over the country In an expensive and luxurious rlckahaw equipped with a Are engine hell to announce his arrival. I I AMiaiCA FiaST CAN J " ' Cdw's Tail Knocks Out Eye. Ogdcnnliurg, N, Y., Nov, 4. A swish of the cow's tall while he wal engaged in milking the bovine cut out the eye of Walter Tremblcy, herdsman, em ployed on the Woodford farm. Bee Want Ads Bring Results., Dodge Broth MOTOR CAR The evenness of performance so often re marked in Dodge Brothers Motor Cars is due, in no smail part, to the thoroughness with 'which each unit is inspected during the process of manufacture and assembly. A trained 'staff of 800 experts is employed In this work alone, and approximately 5285 individual inspections are madeoneachcar. So exacting and rigid are the standards ap plied to these inspections that the slightest variation either in workmanship or ma terial is instantly discovered and rejected Dodge Brothersare almost over-scrupulous in their constant aim to make each car as sound and perfect as is humanly possibla. Te rrfce la ftaMM stivers O BRIEN DAV1S COAD AUTO CO. Vayo & Company 2036 Farnam Street, Omaha oAnnounced as JSfew Haynes 'Distributors OMAHA. NCI. Herasr at Jia Street HAraef 0121 council Bt-urrs. ia. 33-3J FMrlh Street Ceaaail Uff. ! u raiHROUGH an official an nouncement of The Haynes Automobile Company, Ko komo. Indiana, A H. VaVo &. Company, become distributors for Haynes character cars in Omaha and the adjacent territory A He Vayo & Company will maintain their sales rooms at 2036 Farnam Street. The acquisition of the selling rights for the popular and desirable Haynes character cars is considered a signifi cant business triumph for A;H Vayo & Company, as well as a tribute to the inventors, designers and builders of America's first mechanically sue cessful automobile. . Haynes patrons in Omaha and throughout the surrounding terri tory, who have already placed their approval on these high-grade cars of character, will more keenly appreci ate and value the commodious new headquarters of the Haynes A. He Vayo & Company, through the company officials, extend to alfown ers, users and lovers of fine motor cars, a cordial and hospitable invitation to visit their salesrooms and to famil iarize themselves with the perfected mechanism of the famous Haynes built six cylinder 55 and 75 motors. In their 1923 presentation these char acter cars stand forth as an engineer ing achievement that has been made possible only by an unparalleled record of jSventV'nine years of suc cessful automobile manufacturing Th New, 192 J Ilaynei 35 Sport StfJan, 5 rasCtt The New, 1923 Hivnei 5S Sport Touring Car, 5 r"ngtn MM i 1 " 1 " . 1