The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 05, 1922, SPORT NEWS WANT ADS, Image 14

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jCeuzs - half
Pcnn Slate Hows
Before Navy, 14-0
UnJcfeatcd in Throe Years,
Lions Lose in Hard Game
to "Gobs."
Washington, Nov. A. llemi Stutc,
undefeated in throe seasons, wan de
feated here yesterday by the Navy,
14 to 0. Forward panning gave the
Navy It flint score, while Cullcu
scored the second touchdown vith a
lu yard run after recovering u fumble.
I'enn State, twice carried a threat to
the Navy In the first period, once
with line chaws and passe and
again by recovering a fumble, hut It
lacked the punch to carry the hall
over and on each occasion I'alni'g try
.nt a field goal filled. After that the
forward and double pnnrlng panic of
the Lions carried Imt little of a puz
zle for the Mldr.Mp;rien until t he clou
tng minute of play. Then It was too
jim Thorpe's Team
Plays Marines Today
Jim Thorpe, famous Indian athlete
and his squad of Indian grld.itera, will
meet the Minneapolis ' Murines, fa
mous "pro" football tortm in Minne
apolis tcday.
Four member of Thorpe's team,
Thorpe, I'ete I'alao, Job (iuyon and
John Fu h, won all-American grid
honors from Walter Camp.
Special Bowling
Match Tonight
A special bowling lnutih helween
.Wale no t Olson mid Wilts arid Wood
lull)' will be rolled toiKfcM at the
Fnrnnm alleys for a side I et of fi5.
Five gauie, total pins will count.
lireuk Hoxrr
New York. Nov, I. in Tunney
of New Yntk, f.-rmer American liakt
luav) weight cli nnpiioi, broke Jack
llnnl m jaw tomii'lit wlo'n h
knoeked out the ftrovklyn hmef In
thu inin , I i,f ik J.' round mab-h,
'funnev I'.mred tinloi tne l fre
I l ft h-'k ended th lml tiftef nn
minute a -id SfcotnU if the upemng
loviri t
Toiimy l-4 i:t an I ll.uilun
Kt H?Ulul
Lrni Ki ) Title.
HtOI)l4 l V.,. 4 Ft H tll-
him I t n i), f.itJ Anti it Iti-mt cf
ll.lnn.l b lt n'M la Klntc hi
tills, iiiniii4 'hf frt f.U in Tt lulu
t,U "h H ini.i l h sm I itio "
we J lit MH i,iu( .iil A
kn? Tittm
W !
Ji tf f ... . . , , ffl J M 3
Tigers to Clash
Vith Harvard in
Annual Contest
lly WAl.Tl fl i;( KhltHAM,,
NTKIMWmoNAh lrugl Imi-
twet-n Notre uma and thu Army
(it West l'oint, annual clash be
twecn 1'i lnceton and JfurviAd ut t'ani
bridge, arid Impoitunt Bamea sched
uled in sections of the country
will command attention of football
fans on the week "lid.
Aliliodt;li the niinie which brought
I'tlnceton and (.'hlcuso tiis'-tlior in
one of th ftreutest battles ever
stnucd betwei-n two elevens of dif
ferent parts of tho country Itaa sort
of taken ttis edKe off similar games
to bo played durluit the remainder of
tho year, the result of tho Notro
Damn-Army mama will attract tt lot of
Notre Dame Team Hrolitr,
While Coach Jtockno has not the
formldttblu HKRrcKaljon of last year,
lie tins a rijuad which has shown Im
provement In every name. The
MiKMiars' victory over OeorKla Tech,
13 to 3, was a creiJItuble performancg
and plainly showed tho team Is Im
proving with every umo, Like
former Noire Uanio elevens which
have met the Army, the middle west
eleven will depend mostly upon the
aerial attack and Major Daly's men
had better prepare for plenty of open
work, Coach Jtookno will turn every
play loosu In this encounter, as it is
onu KHnie he wants to win.
Princeton and Harvard will (luraKc
in their annual contest, which Is gin-
era lly looked forward to by every fol
lower of football, Ticcause of .the
many yearn these universities have
met on the Krldirnrii football fana
have been educated to look upon the
Bams aa one of the season's classics.
UnliHs the Timers play better football
than they did against Chloatjo, the
Crimson should be rt turned a victor
Princeton was Weak ftKiilnst tne
straight lino attack of the Maroons,
who showed a wonderful weakness In
breaking; up forward pauses. Hoth
teams, however were put to the test
and should profit by mistakes.
Vnl:ali to Flay W. A J.
Aside from tho Interseetl'mal game
between Notro Damn aud the Army,
other contests are on the schedulo
between i levins of different sections.
Wabash, known In middle west circles
as the Little (Hants, will meet Wash.
Innlnn nnd Jefferson on tho latter'
Krb'.iron. Wubash was beaten by Itnt
Ur r ccntl.v, 9 to 6. llutl-.-r's nine
points were the result of three field
tpiils by !i !.
In the rilildle wist, mines of co'n
ferino linportancj will be played.
Chicago, which las nt been defeated
by a His Ten eleven, will meet Ohio
State nt Colombo. It will be ?
Maroons' first appearance since llmr
:t to IS difeiit by Princeton. If Chi
ciiRn plays a little, smarter football
anion tho pinkeyes than they did
sitalnst the Tigers. Ptngg'a eleven
niiould win. The tturkeyes have been
defvited by Mlrluwun and Minnesota
And cannot be hi Id to be as strong
In farmer ytinn,
Iowa and (.ephers (lah.
lo,i. far's confereme inani
tion, ti.i n t in. t with liefest this
)rur in. I defeated Tsis, ( iii n, il
ntl i-il opii jiiinn In Mninemiia at
j ittutt i hi, ii win i numn oimoK ir
(the llitilif)M and His Uigrsl riond j
iwh;ili vser a ri.l.r.m (iiiit In!
will ! on h ind -MiuiiriMila met f
Win i nsiit l ist H.iui l-iy ,f the j
1 Cei'l pi i nine thrttosh vonte
in i 'l luf. tl- sti .i l 1 fciv la
tl i intrrt-tliof ,-,i,tsl
V x uion l Illinois i!l lioiis'if
si St ul oit In m ot ioi.(i.r ,
ni iKi-Hl,(f The Pilii ar (
Ivwrif.l atkiit!ii'H this hat. h I
I ' I'-i a r'l t.m I afcohij tin
ptvivt ii i nl In t f f '"
I'lHiloe si Smikeli.
I'm It t Mi t ih ii ii, ! '
im Hi. k hi' tn lf( t iaiit
i;.h F iii- h:U Fi.,4 i!l
i u in an i .iiw.'
t i ii a i f i'H '''t'e
ti t l-i. .i..-MJ Ml.l
f t .- ! a. S-lji4
Si. t i.. in, i .. r ,f im I tie
u. ii t.4...ii 4it r rine.
I ! Ki t iii. la
t t-H ts.i k t -1 a,.kia iil .
7--1iiiiiuiyHi.ii, ::.iinfry m yuui.f,- ::.:nilllllll. M - JJfQfflffg 'A P
Seeded Draw in
Tennis Favored
by Australians
Indication that lha American sys
tem of seeding the draw In tennis
tournament I approved In other
nations and I likely to be udopled
by them bus been received In the
shnrm of an article by "Austral" in
the Hydney (New Mouth Wales) Kef-'
eren. Austral Is the most poled tennis
critic: of Australasia nnd is gem-rally
rejrnrded ns lh mouthpiece of the
A urtru Insist) nHSix laf Ion. fciys he;
"Tin,- success of the new ystc.m of
seeding the draw has been so pro
nounced that tt surely must be adopt
ed by all countries. It result ha
been that the weaker player have
had ft good game aijalnst pluyer of
tlelr own clas for u round or two,
ami then better nnd still better play
er have met up to the finish.
"No one ha had to play on ex
haustliig mulch against n champion
one day and then, If he ha won
meet a player the- next day who bus
had an easy run. The best players
meet only when the have all been
tuned tip for the occasion."
Auatral' comment Is undoubtedly
based on observations of the Auslial
Ian liavls rup players in tills country
last summer, The coinnvnt 1 not
quite accurate In that the weaker
players do not necessarily meet others
of their own class in tho enrly rounds.
They iiro finite as likely to be drawn
flKnlnut the best players, who, alone,
nre given the selected positions.
Bugs Baer Says:
JIMMY JOHNSTON'S heavyweight
incubator ut Ktillman' knuckle
farm is hatching out some tough
eggs. Topwelght of all size and uu
gle are punching one another Into
yueenshury bankruptcy and disorder
la being brought out of chuo.
When the purple blankets of twi
light mingle with the diluted rays
of the absconding sun, Jim steps
around Ills clown college checking
up ,on the cars and teeth. Thanh
to ptmillsl' slant toward expensive
bridccworlt, Jim is now well (tarnish
ed with gold hpemlinu teeth. He u.ics
silver fllinc for small change,
Ills most Influential prospect Is
Gypxy Daniel. Though there uro other
Ibirlem eye gougera up there who
artn't white whltt-washers. tiypsyhas
bulid ized his detour through his play
mates and looks good,
liypsy and IJoyd (ieiirgo hoth were
elected from Wale, (i)psy lias been
in Amrrica only annul two weeks and
ha to wait another week before lie
know whether his home brew reripe
I a Ulceus. Johnston' iiietlon
nalre slums that (! Is a ro)nl and
renal prime. Hoys I being the nam
of hailing powder and Kegnl the
title n( a shut.
Jimmy stslea (iyp wsa born In a
wagon nnl his old man Is a Mng.
Just so lung as he stay on the wag
on, A sl.iht at Cyn turns !.. the svl
drnce that be hope to ills In a hi toll
wa II.
He is an astronomer and a prnless
or if b'ai'k mssle. When Dnipey
r tak bint t-r a ll.ud slar,
Ibal will be meal In t.ip's rrfllttr
at" Hi lll read Hi star and Ihey
ill (Uide dim.
(,;! tl.iiiii Im i 11,1k til
drp-tllrd. 1. tl 1 1 .. Ihr i4ll"l 1. I'll
rr li s .t siol tds latin.
Cti h bin I Willi antlhio t-ul
m .iln and he i'l i t 'r el !
ari into rur MP
Ths t roa I'litox of ,
h eren nn.l !lwiM hvl .iMf
i.r t I I is eiuiiiue tj
t- th Ih l i,H t- l
lt l,!'S kl t 1 ,t. ! rn a
hi (liitk H m t"mi ii
I if f )e i. I w -k (its ti
tM a ii Ut k- 4i -i vm1-1 '
W it 111 1, U ) ' ' It
i I . w IVn .'t In f
iy , i
Tommy Gibbons Seeks Title -Bout
With Champion Dempsey
Tom fllbhon want to take chance
with Champion Jack Dempuey in a
little lS-round 'engagement if It can
hn ssMsfactorlly ar
ranged, While there
are many who would
be .inclined to rn'itt
at the Idea that Olb
bon would have
wnny cnance witn tne
chain jdon, y t tt
1 f would iein thul
I ' ' W Thomas I at lea
' t entitled ta H fi
' deal .in the mattei
. .V-'fy A.',.! 11,1 l,,ir rn
Not so long ago
Olb ban handed
Hilly Mlske a beau
tiful tanning In the
Tommt ulliliONiI. Burden and It will
ITltnifNg i'boUi.jbo remembered that
Mlsko was one of
Uempsey' opponents a few years
l.aik. Hum enough U -iripsiiy made
short woik of ioor Miske, but for
that matte.r (iibbon mado the same
Mlske look like a rank counterfeit in
thut Inst Utile melee,
Tom 15 Pounds MkIiIit.
of course, It will bo argued thut I
fllbbons will have to spot Dempsey
In tho neighborhood of 15 pounds or j
more, ull of which Is true. P,ut then
tlliibons is more likely to build up for
a match with Dempsey and no doubt
Joke Five-Men
Teams Eliminated
From Big Meet
MIlRuukee, Wis., Nov. 4. Joke
live men teams ' will be eliminated
from the llrst week' tournament ut
Milwaukee, starting March 10 nnd
continuing until April 10, according
to Secretary Abe Lungtry, For years
tho A. II. ('. has been tilling the first
few day of the schedule with Joke or
booster team and passing back their
etitranco money In special prize.
LaiiK'ry, It ia said, will not solicit
such entries this year because of the
limited time allowed for the use of
the Mllwaulteo Auditorium, which
must bo cleared by the night of April
lH for a concert. It I stated a record
number of teams will be received
without the booater clubs. With Chi
cago bowlers only a few hour run
Mr. Fistic Fan, step right up and meet Mr. Dave Shade and Mr. Frankie Schoelt.
These two gentlemen have signed what ia known at a fight contract to do battle with
in the hempen strand at the City Audtioriurn a week from tomorrow night. The bout
is scheduled for 10 rounds.
Sbko?U J fay
i f 0
i j -I I
would step In with the champion
weighing more than 175 pounds, which
In I hit opinion of the champion him
self enough for any man to weigh
in tackling boxer above the light
heavyweight limit.
(llbbnn I a smart boxer and a
good lighter, notwithstanding hi poor
showing ogalnxt Clreb last, winter, Uu
showed in thut jam with Miske that
In) was a cupiiblo fellow and if Mr.
Jivmpsey 1 unable or will not take
on Harry Will tho suggestion Is
mud" that pe-rhap ha might consider
tho Ht. Paul boy.
May (ii t Will Match.
Then, too, theso la a possibility of
a Will Clhbnn frucm. Tommy would
not bo hiding If the jlusky Mr, Will
hove In sight with a set -of term for
a dispute and would likely be" glad of
a (liuiice to try hi hiftd with the
That troublesome person, Harry
Gli b, caused Thomas L lot of money
and trouble lust winter. Gibbons wua
about set for a. nieleo with Chumpion
Dempsey when he wa mutchtd with
Oreb, Whether Gibbon wa not
rl'ht, Orel) at top form or a combina
tion of both ha not been thrashed
out, but at any rate Oreb made Tom
my look bad and put aside all talk of
a bout with the champion. Ho Gib
bon i on the trail frnoe mora and
this time it look a if he might get
a crack nt the crown,
from tht tournament city, Secretary
Langtry figure with the Windy
City' help he will register about 1,600
five-men team.
The tournament building I large
enough to house 28 alley, but only
24 will ho Installed, Secretary Iitig
try figuring that will be a sufficient
numbnr to hold a tournament of 1.500
team In a month's time. It looks
like a man's size job to turn the trick,
but Old Abe ha never fallen down
In an emergency.
Harvard Coach to Prepare
for Track Meet in England
William J. Ulngham, Harvard track
couch, will visit Knglund In December
and begin preliminary preparations
for the track and field meet between n
combined Harvard-Yule teum, which
will oppose Oxford and
next July in London.
How A. A. JStagg '
Fooled a Photog
How Director A. A. Wfl, who
lil been turning out footbafF team
at (lie I diversity of Chicago lor
81 years, hoodwinked photogra
pher for a New York newspuper be
fore the game with Princeton wa
revealed by III friend.
The photographer wanted to snap '
Hie Chicago liam. Nlagg granted
the request, but guarding against
the piimlhlllty Hist the picture
might full Into (he Princeton hand
Hie crave "old man" put a 200
pucod substitute nt quarterback and
a l."0 pound freshman at full back
and otherwise mixed up lha team.
The photographer never knew It
and all concerned were satisfied
Willi the outcome of the Incident.
Sarazen May Leave
Pittsburgh Golf Club
Tltti but pi), Nov, A. Officials of thu
Highland Country club have arranged
to talk business today wllh Kugene
Harflzen, national open golf champion,
who Is under contract tn serve the
club a professional for another year,
but 'who, it Is generally understood, la
anxious (o accept a more remunera
tive contract from a club In th
Metropolitan district of New York.
Karazen will be offered an Increase
In salary, tin official of the club snld,
but this contract will be cancelled If
the young champion feels that he can
make more money elsewhere.
Closo friends have declared' that his
New York offers will permit Barazen
to travel extensively.
Minor Leagues and
Landis May Battle
A merry scrap between high base
ball Commissioner Laiidls and the
minor leagues Is anticipated at Louis
ville next month. The battle 1 cer
tain If the former federal Judge has
not taken action by that time on the
complaint against the White Sox for
playing against Ineligible players.
Certain members of the minor
lenB'tf", particularly those opposed
to a modification of the national
agreement and Judu Iandi' demand
that the selected draft leeome uni
versal, uro preparing ft hot time for
the comm'ssioner at the December
Robertson Has
First Perfect
Game Since 1908
I-'or the first llmu in the history of
H Amerlium league no pitcher In the
ISan Johnson fam
ily was nblo to
ring tip a one-hit
gums In the 1922
race. Thl con
stitute a freak
record for the
lively ball.
There have been
many season
without a no-hit
game In the big
league. Thl year
there were two of
them, one In each
circuit, including
that rare per
formance labeled
u "perfect" game.
(Til DUNE PbbU.)
In which a hurler doe not allow an
opponent to reach first base alive.
That makes It all tho more peculiar
that nobody In tho American league
wos able to deliver a one-hit perform
ance, although there were two of them
in tho National.
flohertson Has I'erfect '(iame.
The seaaon' records furnish another
proof that the slabmen have been mi
ubli to recover their mastery of the
diamond pastime In tho face of the
lively ball and the 11 built Ion of freak
deliveries, (James In which a team wua
held to three Ml or less In nine
Inning were so InfVeouent h to com
mand comment. Half a dozen year
ago they were ns common as home
runs nowaday.
To Charles Itobertson qf the While
Box belonga the glory of pitching the
first "perfect" game that ha been
recorded In big league books for many
seasons. Not since 1908 In the Ameri
can league and 1x80 In the National
lenguo haau, pitcher kept his antag
onists from reaching first base during
nine rounds. That the White Sox
rookie achieved this distinction In a
year when low hit (tames were scarce
and difficult to pitch lend.-i ureater ef
fulgence to his halo. The liiHt to earn
it before Kobertmin was Addle Jons
of tho Clevdund team. In' the historic
gnmn In which ho triumphed over
Ed Walsd) by a count of 1 to 0, late
in the ISOg race.
Ilarne Hurls No Hit fiaine.
Jesse Ibirnt'S of the filants pitched
the only no hit game of the year In
Ihn National lemue nir.-iitist the I'hll
lies. Douk of Hi. Louis twice came
within a smcle of nmkln a nn-hlt
niche for hlmst-lf. Mo held the illants
to one safety In May nd the Phillies
to the same low mark in July. No
oilier huiler tn either circuit got that
eliwe tn a hltls game.
This year there were 20 fames in
the tnd 29 In the American
league In which three hit or let.a
(Turn In l'ut Three, I uluma T.)
AVic York Wirtf lUwrd
nr Rfft-reea from
Talking to Keiiorters
I a:hlir reiniiiissl'iii tilth nlly
lotriuH In wind lip ll tareer In
a ill el tun, Ibry iw.h a 111 nut
ul lh unliirlunsle tight itisnscri
and armtri slid tlirit lidlottrd M
up oUn liKlriHlriiiw II any ef
Ihrir eftmaU eiriliii tl in nf
h H;hl rluh ri isuiihl liHoo
Xllil ltrir lll, lluj Kwutd
l liuiiir Jul l WMleiitrd Ik aValh.
(an l ' J"' "
r..r Htill Weuld l M
IMIWN r-eH lit Ulh )! of
I list a'M't M. I4 r, th
'woMtJ4 al all lr
tl.f Jrs IH.W4 WNmIh (44
hnJ km ! imi in aixt wtt
V4 IM 1 1 4 n4 In Hl
fia tl"' N iwm ,( !hl
.U ! will f !'
t i tlH 'tm llkw
(4s 4tti tm w I tl ate
m. k Ml
a I ,t,4 auies. tu4 ii 4
lMSrf ! t i M It
t. .. h w u a iai
a I'm ! t IW
l.t' t.Jim Ht
.. V . ' I ' '
i, tt ' IMI -
ll I (A i
Cap: Gardner o'
Western Varsities
Build Stadiums
Interiist In varsity football through
out the middle west I on a big boom
this year. Nearly
every college and
university eleven
I playing to
crowd that far
overtax their
meager seating
and most of the
large r school
have turned to
erecting modern
stadium which
will give even
mon fan a
chance to see the
king of college
sport with great
er comfort. In
fact some of th
otomn Hurr.
schools havo been forced to advertise
"all seats sold," to keep fans away.
It ha been estimated that between
3,000,000 and 8,600,000 people will
watch fool ball' game throughout the
country thl year and that game of
the western college conference, tha
"Jllg Ten," will draw between 1,600,.
000 and 2,000,000 with about halt
again that number being turned away.
It I estimated that the recelpta from
this assemblage will total more than,
Many New Kfadiums.
But the bltf thins is that more room
and more ground Is needed. Mot of
the fields are urranged to care for tlje
crowds of 10,000 nnd 12,000 that turned
out for the games when footbull wua
"just another piece of college fool
Ishnefd," and thus their capacity Is so
far overtaxed and officials of the vari
ous school are scratching their head
and fliruilng on how to Increase the
capacity of Ihe fields.
New Mediums have either Ven
built, nre hslnir built, or lire planned
ut marly every school Jn tho western
conference. Ohio Ftale hns the neir
est of the stadium, a structure which
will seat fairs which was opened
last ino in h. I ! nt at the opening game
there were 7;ewi fnns Jammed Into
the Inclnsiire which show that It
won't be Idtiir before mori seat will
have to be added.
Ontario Doulilftil Almtit
; n'iiiis'y. ill Match'
i Windsor, Out. Nov 4 fVinM ht
a i )ii mill "ti :'li , i bout between Jack
Isjinpiv so l Man Wills will l ir-
i ni'tts.1 In (n. I.i no, ji iiretsd hers
toiUv t V off h., il i f n sthl-lle rluli
ten)io,K h, h i nn nct ion reientlt,
Th unUrtu Atblrt.e r"mmiinn st
Turniilii 4 rr.)t'.t to bais frcm.
on ih .io...., !rr'rt fim t'hi.
' -!'i sneial ! i Ml-I l'1"y I
r'ttid'einoii. ll,e rci -aur. pUimed
l.i l..k ihne ,f I.-, it tloh Will
He hop ! a ' -lislnploiitli p kiHit
' K I .' eiirl b-re
ho' t oMt
(iaioini Tat or
in MMl, tl'rtl
'ri.ea I..k4il U st uin
Ir HwuImh lha .
In, Ms k Biklata weal
tit lesru, Ik a lMtu4 (
rnwi 4 ' a4
trisilhs !. IH4 IN IHfrl l
a I ti
tl, MI I lirll4 llM
t uiMiKh, in Mikt iu im
l l IMNI altIMwa
! tlw. trf MlltllMl
4 I iw m
et4 Ui.i lb wy aMi
U aka lit,! Mi
tH I i la sl.i I ,
tMMlM t'lfcal HWI I His
W, aiia4 ih Ikaiiis
I Imi I- taor lK Maw 4
Mw tl ai !' t
Kil'0 It tiw, I leitM el
r IM uutkil Mteulvt, uul4
suki 4 as tltil H4lHS,
tw4.i4 lM 4iU. I WA
I ka itmltixi at N u I U
Wutw (sum ktt SMuatli m
HinMMl Itw ln tk4 -ti
llw ft IU rikj Hi Iks us.
Itiawet ')
kiWw w(,it.4 '4a4 M
t " f K U4 I' li4
ta I sW ! 4 t W,a
) 4 IIM l l.,Mt i ni U
took, kts, ttM
4.tt4', tk ami
tfK'4 kvs. k m wm lit rwl
Ike l 4-i
li i I iis Mi j
kn K I.V !( J
jtl lUi'li!) Tram I ulrf
f ir V in!r I
! lit M H -!l 't '
..' ( t i j
l MHt 4 i I t it j
ai .
Hrvihrr rti Mtlrr J in
ill rttttuH lrV (.4ltr
! mt k t H .1 4
I l. - H- k
in I -a s4 i b Ijh.W, j
l l U .', . KM
Wis i,.t l , , al iHt
. i-, la -i,i
.tit V4 ifc.. 4.
i !. i
. I
i i .