6 CREIGHTON GAMB Came Called 2:30 P.M. Saturday will lie 'a big urame with the University of South Dakota. Come help your home tt'nm to win. Take Harney car to Creighton field, 20th and California. Chinese Sacred Lilies Bulbs, each, 4c A species of narcissus and tho most acrcd em blem of purity. Ordinarily these wonderful bulbs are priced conniflerably higher than tho Inferior narcissus. Burfeea-Neak Flower er Menaalne Fleer EVERYBODYS STORE' TIIE OMAHA BEE. BlIRGESSrfilASn .GCRffiAH JptlPf Men's Suits $25 to $55 Trice is an important point in the purchase of a suit, but the quality you receive for tht pi-ire you pay is of greater importance. Men buy here nsMired of Jurtfe.",-Nanh quality whi-ther they pay little or much. Newest models in standard makes are reasonably priced $25 to $55. Young Men's Suits $40 Tivo Pairs of Trousers At $40 00, the.se suits represent a ppecial value that few young men can afford to overlook. Pencil Htripea and dark checks are tai lored with the arn high standard of character and quality that pre vail in our highest priced suits. The coat is a serni-cotiHervative, form fitting model with single-breasted two or three-button front. Every coat has two pairs of trousers. Complete Assortment of Winter Overcoats $25 to $70 Groat storm ulsters for every man, young or old; raglan ulster ettes for men who have no need fcr the heavier type of overcoat. Burfrts-Nash Main Floor Sample and Broken Lot Sale of Fine Shirts At $ 45 We are proud of values such as these. Uut let us emphasize the headline broken lots and samples that explains our successful low pricing. T.oth collar attached and neckband styles. Plain colors and striped patterns of finest Madras Poplin Silk-Striped Materials Wool Mixed Wool Suits Ribbed wool suits in cither light or heavy wt'U'ht. Woven with just rmnjgh cot'on tit avoid "unpleasant" priekiinir ml Rhrii Kinsr. Closed crotch with dou ble locked scams. Suit, $2.95 Cape Leather Gloves Cape gloves wear excellently well they arc good looking ns well. Seldom do men find such values as are offered nt this low price. Hrowns mid tans with self-stitching. Pair, $2.65 Buy Your Hat Here Saturday From Our Complete Assortments Fall and winter hats priced within the reach of all men. Indl- vidu.1.'ii'd headwear that ln-uri the mark of famous makers. S(ton Mallory Knapp liurgas-Xash Hats With Mich a .'truly f styles ami with such an inclusive price rango that yu cjm".'t but find a hat to suit your need. $3.50 to sSlO.OO Winter Clothes for Boys Priced to lnU Pumita Pullover anil Coat Sweaters Kvery toy need a warm t i r ; ! h- ite pure wur-trd in hcth f !.n twid tt minl'ina. tii'O of n'.iioM, I'lU'i'd-- $3 50 to $ '0 Flannel Skvjvi. r 4 u . H i t . ti fe.t, i'ii Hravy Glow .! t t '!tt .. i b I '; ft n'iM;t '., .!' s f.. h vl ! .ii ' 1 Introducing Tudor Plate a New Ware This Ls "Oneida Com munity" warn and is guaran tied for 20 years. Tho two patten s, "Utroni t" and "Duchess" am priced Ois sume. Teaspoons, set of sis, $t.S0, Tablespoons, eet of sis, 13.00. Dinner Forks, sat of sis, $3. Dinner Knives, tat of 6, $3.79. Biirgsss Neah Main Fleer Jewelry Novelties Modiih Inexpensive Silver Mesh Bags Attractive new silver plated mesh Lags. The top is beau tifully engraved, with a strong chain handle, the bottom Is finished with heavy beaded fringe. Each, $3.75 Pearl Necklaces Indcstructable Fedora pearl necklaces guaranteed for two ycurs. 18-inch strand . . . .$2.45 24-Inch strand . . . .$2,95 27-inch strand ....$3.75 30-fnch strand , . . .$4.50 Novel Ear-rings Most attractive and becom ing are these new pendant and drop earrings. Dainty pearls, klieato silver filigree, and oriental combinations of col ored stones are only a few of the many styles. Pair 50c, 75c and $1 Novelty Bracelets Double row flexible brace lets may be bought to match your necklace and ear-rings. Jade, nmber, Jet and many others from which to choose. Each 50c to $1.50 Spanish Combs Beautifully jeweled in one or a combination of colors, or, carved in lovely designs, these huge Spanish combs complete the afternoon and evening costume. Each, $2.75 to $21.50 Plainer Combs Tortoise shell combs In a variety of new shapes moder ately priced. $1.75 to $10.00 Burf -NuhMln Floor Children's Wool Gloves Warm wool gloves and mit tens for school ami dress wear. Triced, the pair, 80c, 7Se and $125. Burf cm-NIi Mala Floer Footwear Attractively Priced The fascinating intricspy of straps, of thu ultra nw ne tif ndonial--1 ulier d veluped of tatut or (f finnt bather by mtrr craftnn'n. The Colonial Gored Trent is a il.ci Jilly modish frsture ft this smart fump with pst tin kit vsmp and blarlt sud quarter. Tair, $10.50 f N Taffeta Crepe de Chine Ceorgette Poiret Trill Tricotine Canton Crepe Candy Specials for Saturday Turkish Gum drops Orsnire, lemon, vanilla, and anise flavorings. Pound, 24 9 Cream Caramels Flavored with vanilla and chocolate, with or without nuts. Tound, 61s Cocoanut Brittle Specially made for Satur day's selling. lie sure and try some. Pound, 37 Rich IVnochi Maple ami vanilla flavored, full of freoh nuts. Pound, 41 Cream Chocolates Vanilla, vanilla cream, maple, mnplo whipped cream,, strawberry and pineapple cen ters covered with rich choco late. Pound, 37 BurjMi-Najli Mxtulne Floor Principally in hlaclf, blue, and brown with trimmingi of embroidery, braiding, beading. Almost all sizes About 100 of Our Higher Priced Dresses Reduced to $15 and $25 A smart street dress for the business of shopping or for office wear, a charming afternoon frock In which to meet social engagements do you need one or both? And how would you like buying them at $15 or at $25? Dresses of as fine quality as these are not usually so greatly reduced, you will find. Burftit-Nath Drwi Shop Third Floor Continuing Our Semi-Annual Sale of Every Hat, Including French Room Hats , and Children's Hats An event for which hundreds of women wait every year, our entire stock Millinery Price Choose any winter hat in our stock at only one-half its marked price 1 Bjrjm-Na.h Hat Shop Third Floor Sale of French Beaded Bags An Immense Purchase Offered Saturday $C95 At a Price We Cannot Duplicate. Purchased at Old Cost of Importation. Even at the old cost of Importation, these are absolutely the best values that we have ever offered. It is not likely that it will be possible to again offer hand-beaded bags such as these at anywhere near these prices. All of them are the work of French women, who are famous for their craft. Dark colorings in softly blerided tones, intricately traced de signs, silken linings, fitted with small mirror such exquisite bags as are rarely seen. Bur(s-Nah Bag Shop Main Floor Smart Styles in New Gloves For Immediate Wear arid for Holiday Gifts French Kid Gloves New Frenrh kid two-clasp gloves, pique and oversoiim sewn, lslnrk, white, Riay, tan, brown, heaver and made. Tair, $2.65 12-Button Chsimoisette Sm very serviceable because they are easily kept clean. Muck, white, brown, if ray and beuvrr. Gauntlet Included. I'air, $1.00 BuritM-Nuli' Leather Gauntlets Imported cape leather gauntlets in (rrsy, tan and dark brown. Attractively em broidered in self or contrasting color. Tair, $3.50 White Kid Gauntlets French kid, imported Iamb, and cape leather. These are slightly soiled, but in no way datuaKed. Pair, $2.65 -Mala Flleer Hoffman Wardrobe Trunk-T!i52 Carries a Guarantee of Service Full alze, rompleto with five wood bottom drawer, two of which may be made into hat hox, padded raise) toj., 12 hanger, laundry lug, shoe box, ironing board, receptacle for electric iron, clothe comprtor. Genuine Cowhide Suitcases Leather Traveling Raj Heavy tvk, rivttid rmn.r ri hifor ftm-nt. Ileal cowhide walrus grain leath.tr baifi. 18. and 2 strap ti support tic k art- ,A A t' atari imh sU (-specially convenient for women. U.h. $10.00 V.m K $6 75 rFIi i n- ti t J ii rri . iSA i ii s . 1- . Sportin: Goods for Boys Boxing Gloves Pair, $4.50 Oood leather glove, well padded, flat grip. Sizes up to 14 years. Striking Bags Each, $4.50 Triple-seamed green leather. Bag suitable for school and college boys. Foot Calls Each, $3.00 Made of very heavy peb bled grain leather. Regula tion size. Soccer Ball Each, $3.50 American pebbled grain leather balls. Regulation size, , Golf Balls 4 "Silver King" golf balls, Each, $1.00. Burgcu-Nath Fourth Floor Toilet Tissue No embarrass ment, simply ask for A. P. W. satin tis sue. Sold by roll, 48c. Carton (4 rolls. 10.onn sheets.) Special at $1.89. Burj-Noh Fourth Floor Toiletries Special Saturday Mayi Cold Cream, jar, 39c. Maris Vanishing Cream, 39c. Mavis Face Powder, 39c, Pond'i Face Powder, 35c. Bourjoii Royal Lillum Face Powder, 50c. Muliified Cocoanut Oil Sham poo, 39c. Packer'a Tar Soap, cake, 21c. Reiinol Soap, 3 for 26c. Non-Spi for perspiration, 39c. Hind's Cold Cream, 44c. Mary Carden Cold Cream, 63c. Drug Sundries Gillette Safely Razors, 74c. Good Brittle Tooth Brushes, each, 25c. Nickel-platrd, Corrugated Thermos Bottle, $1.39. Rubber Gloves, medium weighi, pair, 29e. Rubber Gloves, heavy weight, pair, 59c. Two-quart fountain Syringe, 1.00. Syringe attachment for hot water bottle, 80e. Eboay Pack American Bristle Hair Brushes, 95. Ifory Clocks, America made movements, ft !S. Government Ditty Boxes. 75c Thr are still a fwf of lb. to convenient th'ty b'nea l ft, suiit,!e fr the w I' i? ronnt, titro-ty r 4 n. M vh'Iy marrrj an J v. tt n kil (n, J, aSS tesfc Setfl tiwe Boys' Pants P.iir $1.00 lt.i)' htm1 mi 1.4 a. b od NRi in.. era k ' " t . jf .V.'t . St ! ir t. T J t a.. aiM.a is Sa AikWee Slrao f a at a, laVhf-.Ur ! Nij rf gl '.-n III an I a4lirr, SS-if 1 r ' i i. I'air, $11.00 H .S Mwei I . i . ) ; i r 1 ih 11.00 t $J 50 luftii Vi at' Mm 1 1