1C THK OMAHA BKK: SATURDAY. NOVKMliKR 1. !1'J2. THE GUMPS - iv 1. N. 1. THIN rn -won or oh im-th, TO Mutt atv.Abc, Look: Li . li6MtM(N& Ltrt trwivr LA If You Have sedan, coupe or any other etyle of auto in the used car market. Read the BEE WANT AD RATES II M' "'I 4ar, I or I Hay. Ifa ptf Hn aai'li day, I lo I dart. tie iar Una aach day, 1 day vi inn ft, Th hov rala aiply aiclualv.ly to Hani Ad wblc ara corniiwnly i.rm.il "liuhlla wanla." anil da ll"t Ini-lud ailvrr- I'a.m.nl uf individual! or inr.rna ailvar llsln r iliiilln ilwlr bu.lii.an.a. TH OMAHA IIKP) r.rv.a Hi rlatht lo 4liriial what I'uii.iltuii'a iJuUlin want. Want Ad ecit.d at It follow In nfllraai Main uf'lf lilli and Karnam Mia. Houlh Omaha..N. W. tor. liih aril N Hi a. Loum.ll llluff.,..,,., It Mcult HI. Talafhog AT-laatla JM. Call fur "Want" Ad I'. parlni.nl. An pri.n(rr4 "Wanl" ad lak.r will laeclva your ad and Mil will ta mall.d lir. Th rat. iiuna.d abov aiiyly tu althcr hr vr L-ah unlaia. CUXIN'I IIMUKM IXIA WANT ADM, K'v.nln i dillon It:4) a, m. Ilarnlnc Kdpllen , V m. kuadar E4itlua I p. m. Saturday. Th.a rat ik!y lu tb Sunday ll.a a Kail la 'I ha Murnlnn and Kv.nmj II... Ail w.liday drtlamanl avvaar li both morning ad avvuluf cdUMt l th on o(. THE OMAHA M'mNI.NO BKB. TH K KVItWI.'.U tt.t DEATH&JPUNEKAL NOTICES HHIfc'l.lJv Marlin, attvd mi, dlr.l vV.ln.a day w. m. at hi. r'-.i'lftir. TliTn are I. ft li mourn hi. li'.. u wlf mid two anna, rairiik ml Jumi of iimahn, anil two n..hw, I'airuk and Hnrtln (in I. laih.r of Omaha, Kun.r! HkiMritiiy, Nov.nih.r 4, t. 1:8 . m. from family roaiilani., I " 1 2 lionaa hi , lit Hi. I'alri'ka i hun h at a ni. In- (arm. at Holy Xtpulihrr i.in.icry. Vi- r.'llon of llfufi-y H.ar.y, MMITH conn, ' AM, ai.l S yr; 'rhurailay aftornoon at the ralif.ni', IJZi Konh (Id. Ii.raaa.d la aurviv.d hy on. ann, (l.n., at homa, and one lif"ihr, Frail ilall.y, of 4nmha. Kun.ral rvna nniuriiuv, i p. . v Kram.r rhap.l, 4U Milllary v.nuo Hoiiy nhlpp.il fo fh.iini, Soli. CEMETERIES. VI MIT li'liHKMT l.AWN. Drd.ra ara now balnc racalv.d at lha (ra.nhou for planum of "P I"!1'" '"r apnn bloomln. alao ord.ra for winter wr.ath and vrr..n lilaiik.l fur (ha wlnl.r .aon. Ulrica at th r.in.lary Inorlh of rliy llniil.) ana iiu rnaeia Th.a I. r Bid. BURIAL VAULTS. WOOPKN boi. oon dacay. Kt.al or Iron vault will ruat cut and i-ollapa. Thara lor you ahould Inal.t upon your und.r tak.r u.lna an Aulomatla K.allnr Cnn cral llurlal vault; waLr proof and avar laailng. Jlanufatiur.d only by th Oman I'onrr.t llurlal Vault Co, 1210 N. loin t.. Omaha. Inap.ullon Invlt.d. enr? : ' -rs FUNERALJ5IRECTORS F. J. STACK & CO., Omaha' b.at iind.rtaklni .mabliahm.nt. fSAMBULANCEVoii" Thlrty-tUrd and Farnam. HEAFEY & HEAFEY t'ndarfakara and Kmbalmars. Phon HA 0Z41. Offu-a 2ll rarnam Hulse & Riepen, run.ral Dlr.rtora. 2JS4 I'umln. "LARK I N B ROTH ERS CROSBY-MOORE ORJSTS; HAY IT WITH FLOW KUM FROM HtHS IIVllHliPA 1 4 1 ft FARNAM HTRKKT. LEE LARMONat JOHN HATH. l4 .amain, JA. I". I. HKNl'Uhio.'., JvOI Far nam. J A. !!. PERSONALS THB HaT.'A TIi;N Army ladu.tnal ham enllclt your ld clothing, furniture, mega, tine. W rnllet'l. We dlctrlt ule. Phon it. 41H and our wagon will call, ' all and Ineperi cur hJine, Illo-lllS-lltl 1ite etre.r OIKi K pile. lr, f. uulaln pen. ni In N....k waninl Call nr wilt Nieua Delta I . 171 llraml.i Theel.r Hldg. THKATR1CAI, bi'luilial menu .i.luii.... Iff . and e.Hiw, at l.l.fcen' oio.li. MA Hit cared f..r, cadMt nure rel. fit. ale hm. Hi: ISI4 S4 Uin.lM. IMl.HU VTIoN llu.in.M advn uf all kln.ti utJ. Call AT wmri; n Urn. Su, fr et ,.ut ,i. fc.-r f 14 W X 1I4) 'l o iiiWI k: 8 amiftll e.eh n.,1. .. Kf $! fcNT ( i. i H I t PlllH 111. t LOST AND FOUND. i ..r on r..i i Va.M S 41.1 l . I HI! ! iwM -' ekl . .. ei4 tMe 4 wil'eiai tail, t ( M . , i rn.M nit LUl'li. 'I '! " ( l a. a. tllk M 111. ..!,... .. . ll .!... n W., M Illl TAN Vi.. I k a . r. ; j ti-s 14 ... Ir k.t.i m s.i .... I liia.iiM .i.l ked m , 1, 1. 1 .- ..-. i. e.t S tph . 4 l.lli.r ft ,!. t C' I .,r . i 8 ... 'i.i e i ii I I tl.ll INil I .a iii.ii.i l1! . I t at . v. . 4 , Mill k" I ' a Ak.e- I1'.- i . 8 4 4 1 alll .-.il.i..,l it ..-..a In u ti I ..I I t I k ' ) I ll'l A I ' ! -. I l , . lag a.-1 4 11..1. S .... a: i.ii .. .,i k..4 f ' i I . at C... I.a l-l .11 li ..,,i ia.ll,. il4 $4 I U'VCATIOKAL Ilklll- MM ".4 4 a I Ult 8 lM. tvaiaa. I.a, 8-e) .aa.4, l.4 8 tM leei'ii-4 , i w ! I ' i Rtc:t ''-t, IT IN COLOR THC SUNDAY Bit JU1T EDUCATIONAL DAT HI MOO!, NIOIIT NCItOOL. lompl.l roura.a In aif ouularn-y, maahlna iKHtkkf.plii, oomptiini.lry, ahorthand ami iypwrinia raiimaa and wir.i.aa t.i. raphy, I'loll aarvlra and all Knjll.h and ciimm.ri'lal tiran.h.a. Wrlta, rail or plion JaikMin lilt for laraa llluxral.d caiaiuf. Ad'ir.aa liut,v,n COI.f.KOK, Poylaa MM , Omaha, W.b, TIIM NaMnnal Auloninl'll Hi lmol announi' lh.:r uptniiif Oi t. 1, It'tl, Cuina In and a ua, I'lN. ln t.. Omahir for taialuc ""van ant"Vchooi, i,r iiiiiiivkhh' f. K. for. Mn.t..n'h and iulaa. DO. III. AN'N'IR; K. OI.AMUOW, volt and piano, i.nj Harr.aiR itix. ia, jiki. " MOl.KiriTAlt IIKft OI.I.KilK." 110 H. 14th. Wrll. for lalalu. MALE HELP WANTED. A f'w IIKAIi miiIiiiiiiiii In anil m.n'a liiiliir-mailn I'loiln. on w.nkly piymi-iit pliin. X'm Mr. Krlln, i'l M. Ilnh Hi I'MirKK.S' pli-ktira naiiint ai on'.; mod' rrn plunl, yiur round ilr.N.iiif, rilpnty oi wurk and 'ii,d prp-.a paid. U'lra Mi-r. rut SitaMlir t'rtaint'iy Co., (rent Iiuml, Kan. IIIUKKN plrli.ra wanlid. KlrlliK nr Ir.'it.'li ; i,i' .trjiiKhi. linoil woikln ron illllona, Hoard ami room, !7. T.l.phonii or wrlta b-for iiimlnif. North.rn low 1'rodur ('., Mrilr.Kor, la. V&VMMMKU "aorlilcnt'tnil bo I lb In cur nr .Mli-ami'n. Why wlnl.r In th cold norih? t:orn to T.ma, lha land of milk and hon.y. Ilavo had food iropa and prlia Una y.ar; bualn.aa b.at In hlaiory of a'aia. Chani-. lo iii.ka but mon.y ip rm.iillnr on of ih b.at A. A II. com panl.a in IJ. H, l.aulnir pollili-c for all i-!. with no r.tri'iiin. alao ona lhal paya tlclma promily. Alimcllva flr.t ruin niiwloii and ri-n.wal ronirail. Writ or wir I., y. L.ihm-r, 4D1 ttuiupltr JJud. IihIImc, T.x. KX I'r.KIKtfi'KK furrl.r want"!; cutt.r and np.rulnr: cood aolary. ilnldat.ln Fur Co., UZO Houclaa HI, I'patalra. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FIVK I'lltNACK INHTAIXrjng. MlT UK FIHBT CLASH." ArTLT AT ONCK, HOLLAND KL'RNACH CO, 414 JWUTH 17TK 8TREKT. 0 0 000 0 0000 Op 00 0000 00 00000 HCN'If you nro out of work iipply Itoom 12, 1H23 Farnam, after 1 p. m. Muel be of n.at Hl'i'.ai'iinre. MKN and women wanl.d to illalrlliul. li.w lodfa .inbim. One man In rarh lodifa nin be uail. Thla la lha IhIi-mc In Indue i-inlil.ina and ha taken the .act hy aiorm. Wrlta at onr for fr.. aampl.. Hi-t In on the bin Clirl.tmiia bimlnraa. I.lbirai niiii tnlaalona. Ham It, OUhoff, JUIIU 14th Ave. no. k I. laud. 111. HAI.KHMAN A aplrndld, permanent opening la available for a real ni.rchan- dlaer of proven ability ami man paat record to a. II lb lnrge.1 line of quality auto producta In th. 1'nlted Htat.a to dealer auto tra.l.a. Territory will lin luda Council Hluff- and H tt l,,wn countlee. If you can lurni.n un ueaoimeo . reier. .nee, nnau-.r thla ad. glvttig ua all detmla of your pact recent y.ara' celling pxperl- l encea. We will pny weekly drawing ac count aKHln.t lurge t ommLMnna and honua lo the men that meiiaurea up for thla poalllnn. A.ldreea. W. L. 1-unhbaugh, 1(34 ft W.at.rn Ave, Chicago, III. oooooooo 00000000000000 000 WANTF.D Wood worketa building uutu iruek l.odit-a. ANDRHW MIRI'IIY A So.N. Omaha, Neb. ooooooooooooooooooooooooo WANTKU by an old .elabllahed houee. Man for aaleewotk. Muat b. I foot. I Inchee (ill end iner titan $8 eara of a. tliv bu.in.u end characi.r ref' rr.nc.a. al.o ak.teh wf la.t 10 y.ara' em p!onieni. Addre.e Hog Vi ':. omah lire WANTKI A few g.M.d b,yi with l,:-.-l.. j t'an u.e f.w a.huAi bi a if tlt.y ran , w.itk th morning. Apply -'it n ' W ANTI D W Mle nur.e maid Muel ha .i II r.iMB fjPliU- A Muft.UfM Iki A. tMTVLLtCt-MI AN SMhIE MNftt 1 vi cwh BlRt'S CKCt Cft y P HoPvE " VtnV TOR- -fwis f S.I l : I A CMItrtN lN a - ' . i i t--fj.x dr ii f rr . -i-. i , v .."ii "w j k h ,- r: j ,i i i . j t.f.rei..... Mia. M i lleim.y, SSI..t.Nr to t.m High - h.'l Av. . Council Hluffi , WASTKli M-a r,d nnm-ii f .r i. illrr I lureM.n at.e.lv vna, d . e.-.ri aj i o . i "ii.iniiui n.e. W AN r.D l..n... ..iVll.g .' IM-.el kt-, t'lt rei.i.ni . .et re.lOf r pit,.Mit...a I. C St iiinee I Nit MAM Tli T IAWI llt Aewaluwn ..i.e.. Innei.'l, Ow.eh AGENT WANTED. ilf4Vrln ' "' " Ik r t'.f-r'l H it"' ejuh. t. g ....aMi,... $vn Mi'aw, lii(i, I . ,f la.. Iti it o ,'. t.,r u nil 'w"1,', mmm liiii.t aj,,, keiJeui. i -,...,,., U T '..I' FKMALE HELP WANTED. . 'kl 1-1 au , ii . ( a. 4 t 'i rmiai. Ml -I! .i4 I ti. .-i ll III Ml... Hi 14-1. a li. I". II. II II I nil. ei iV., il II t- tl ' t Ii ii il ll I 111 . .... 4 kt..' l i. -aw 4 . Vi t b. an- ! . 4 -i a .4 ..I.,.-.. t o 1 $ I l ll ( .1 -l I -1 1 . i . eJ , H-iafi .. lle-'C... a k . I. .,".'1 I 4 ' I II la N I . . ,l 't 4 av a -a. I I I - I. a ...I H - ti r- ( . a .. II I - I I ! k il 4 4i I I IMI' I IM 1.1' I a I . ,,, ' (, . t , ) liv U . a mill i. . i. - w '' .i e) . ,1.1 H i . j t. ... t , . -o ).. ii , . ... , .,,4.. . .. ,;',, OH, HOW I HATK THAT GUY! Been Thinking of Buying a now is the time for you to take advantage of the low prices which prevail at the present time special bargains which are listed in the "Automobile" column today and every day. SITUATIONSWANTED. WANTKIi Fly rVfln. d nililill. acd i oT or.d man, ran furnlah b.at uf rrfiTrti'-e., janitor In flat with 1 1 v trier room.. Hv y.ara' .ap.ri.ni a fir. num. Will rom. for liit.rvl.w. Adilr.aa Uot X-2UU, (Una li H... t'O.NTItACTOK ut v.ry wld ap.riniir prairie rnnni tlon with cniitrai lln find In any t-apuilty from aailniMior lo aJp'rlo t.nd.nt. Il.f.r.nr.a .acbanf.d. Wrl Jl.. W-r,ll, Omaha ll.a 111 ITTK M l A'k Kflf l ral Tl'aaa, waiil p Itlon; I y.ara' .kp.rl.nra b.al Mam .rl.a. Arliir..a V-27li, Omaht Ha.. IhiiNINiJ or .n. hou.work. WK. 'n,a GOOD THINGS TO EAT. OC 000 000 OOOOOOOOOO 0000000 Wrinphr Hakpry ZJI3 l.KAVK.VWOIITII Saturday Sixfcialu liAMHIl AND H'VN'KV COFKKI; CA K K I'KAl'H IAKK , KUKHII AI'I'LK I'AKW. FKKMir KHIMT CA K K W. ap.''lallr. on Kr.m-h I'aairl.c, ror iioO'Im Hnd K..iiMirniii. 000000 OOOOOOOOOO 000000000 AI'I'I.KhV AI'I'LKS, AIM'l.KH ALL KIMiH- AI'I'LK ClliKH llliT Yot'lt WINTKIt HCI'l'LV. HKAVKK KHI'I'I KAItM. rulli'a W..I end I mile couth Ak rlar-B.n I'l.ld. WA, H.14 CAKKS. MOIIKMAIjH i'AKKM. Ann. I f"Od c api'i'iulty, oihvra mitde to or- d.r. AT. int. CLOTHING AND FUi 3 'ULL IKKM8 nulla and Tutcdoa for r.nt .ia in N, imti Htn.t. I. r.ianian t'l'H CAI't; bargain for anle. H7I lt. WK, ARMY alm.a. It 1(1. luX No litH HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Hlnnk.ta. comfort, rue, rurtitina, aprad., i.inmunlty plai and 1H47 H'wr Hroa. .Ilvi-rwuip; trvah n.w atork ilirnrt from factory. Turma If uV.lred. Call nnd .t IUHlnf.il. vv, r, litii'K Aiercanuia o., I7H1 Hod ire Ht, AJTJIHL TWO lola of houachold ci"la. from alor- ., to na aoid for rmni, win na incnio- .d, among other furnlturu, In thtt Halur ilny aalr Kt 1 J1 p, rn. at Ht.-pli-maon Aurllnn lloua., 1 fro, Capitol Are. 001)1) tc ,, 1 , 1 ii oak dining room tahlc, IID, a.rvltig Ulile 112: 4 chulra and Art in r Itind tma.liuin.r 116. Large la'. KK. aom). iTxPl.UI cawing machine repairing. MICKKLS, lth and Harney. DO. 11 V I ' R NI T I J It K A T A L'l 'T I O N . Thlc afternoon and tomorrow night. DOWllH ACCTION MOL'HW. FlIRNITLHi; Al'CTIO.S. All nt we.k, 1 Ht h and W.lialer. DOWDALCTIONHOl'SK. t" lOt K KVl KC K all over uphnlalend a.t nd vlctrola, v.ry r.a. 27'ie FarnaniHC FFRNITl'RiTfor aal reaennabr; M bar gaina. 4114 Icnrd Ht. fall WA. FRW hard coal heat. re left; very rimaon able. Call DO. 41J. FOR BALK Axmlnater rug, 4: 3'. 12. HA. I .MA.IKriTIIJ Mil eel coal range, cheap, WK. g.,,-,;" ,,;. rJom kiich.n table Tel. AT. 1227 oooD heater. $15 bargain. Call AT. I0.'.. COLKS hot.lilaat h.aler. III.. KK. 4l. LIVE STOCK, VEHICLES, ETC. tToATH for'aale."-Call Walnut i'siif. TKAM, hain.ee, waeoil. tlii all KK. 3:n. POULTRY AND PET STOCK iH pf'HK bred Leghorn hena. elllHi Maple Ht. WA. 4i. CANARY (luarante.d aimteta. KK. 4742. WANT TO BUY CALL AT ?4.i firat. (lei hielie.i price for furniture, rug, atovett, and office fur nllur.. Nalion.il Futnilure Co. 3n N. Idth DKMKIl. IHlHK DESKH. New dul.e. Ii.evl de.ka beuaht, ...Id end Iraded .1 C. R.rd. IJUl Farnam. AT. 14n W A Vtl II U,.A,.,t fcin,l leel truck Ke.fe U I. mil. a, hvdrautte or hand htll.t i'.,n.irueii..n Coiiipanv. H uux Ci " 1 1 V.NT T IHIKKOW. l: ha ti 1,4,1)1.11 Kill e.lg. pet-mul . 111 lire I 1 "" ll.lt.liA He,. FOR SALE JEWELRY. I - Hi Heel eMitl.ee : DIAMONDS r,-..';V t bu le8) l wH p'ofU. o(',, , ,u1 o,,,,, lu ta. I.. uu i...i w.t.l, JlNVtlhr I'mik. Nk, 4$ N.lfh iin,b .. in,. il. lea J. pallllKkl, Ink T.l.pk. In I'll i i , em-t'ly wnk loom it l ur e-w. , . Vi .hi A 1 i. uxur foe li ...i .1 .. lull, MHCiril lklTBIIM.'NTl in weivnu ..,..,,. .. . , 1 m i, Dl. t !. i-niee ai.A r)i..i te a III per ut.eik 4 Heiti, ia nil lene ei. ..;.. j I J4 1 i t i.v . . ... fi u. i I... I ia ... I'v...e4k 1'" D ! : . Htgil.tU klM'lUi PUN. i W I K.I MUCKl LANltOUS l-OR SALE I li I ll M I Ml . I ki-. HI i iTOKai a omit. tQun'Mtsr OJvvjOvO ooftc 3 J ' I4"i)va I I I ..(, Ht mo 4 1 ball. ..,l 4 III llM ill I I a. II ..1..V4, 4.1 .-- Aal III l. -- .1 I 'a4 'ex m. lir'tA IV. A 0 9 It .1 il.' Mi.l.lO$ l..iim'.Jiv ' fc 8)1 t a l lt. a l-l.. 4 j a,l It.. t '(' ' 1 a.. - I'l I I 4 C a.'ll (I ! " a a iiil, i i 1 . k I- a ,,, .., . .. , i 4 I a. . . I a , 4 - a.. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ooooooooooooooooooooooooo BALK. Al'AIITMHNT III ILDIMiH On raiiaoiiHlila Irrma. Ju.t roni pl.li'd and all ori'llpl.tl; flna n.ichborhuoil. Loati'd In Mloui City, 1. CIIARLK8 KLOHTKfl, Lcvldaon iildK, Hlouii CKy, lowu. 0000000000000000000000000 I'ltCil end Jewelry .tore In weatern St bruaka. Win. k and fluiuria Invoice chuut I jd.ooo, Will all ilth.r. Can a.cura Ion tune Iraae, Factory town, 3,000, end large lfrll,-.l t.rrltnry to draw from; caeli l,n. T.rina ih; would carry part l ink nr rnneld.r good farm ea part. A4 iltca V-2071, Omaha He. IICILIH.V'I furnlah.il for millln.ry atorc; good buo.m.nt, toll.t and liaihruom; beat loiotion In town of 4,000; will l.eae 1 or S y.ara, H per iimnib, Inqnlr cillaen NhModcI bank, 11.11. I'lalti., la., or writ It W, Ario.liong, Miami Hotel. AIIiIh, la. Foil BALK l'aylng nowiup.r In Craw ford county, Iowa; ov.r li.000 laat ynr. Oood luy for print. r-edttor; 12, loo takr. It. I'art ca.ll nnd balance turma. For ftirih.r paniculate writ Hchleawlg Leud- .r, H'-hl..wig. Iiv. im , VTnB Hru'irwick bowling tilly, at moat ti. w. Automntlc Ilackua plncttcr. o, T. Jnmi.on. II.Hlrlc, Ncn. i, ,ii Mil l. A.rm houe. modern. C'Cl grocery atore, Z Iota. do N. 24th Ht. KK. 'Mi, ROOMING HOUSES. 1 1 (l T .. PACIFIC HT." H. vrn -room flat for ale Leaving city. Hargnln. J A. 000. ROOMS FOR RENT. OUT AN OMAHA BKK KOO.M DIHKCTOlty Jf you hre unehli. to find Mated b.low Ihe room you dealro In tho location you want. Th Omah Uo malntalna a department to aupply you with a room. Call at our "Want Ad count. r for Room Directory. New Hat leaned every week for the benefit of our r.adeta and advertlaerf. HAVKN8 hotel la open: in rooina, alao light liouaekeeplng; atea;n heat end hot running water ell houre, Jtatee 60u and up by day; $2.00 and up per wck. DOIHJK Ht7"3oOS Nicely furaiahed front room or double room for 1 or 2, walking diaianc private home; no other roomera. HA. 20J. FUR. 7. inil with prlv. bath; warm, com fortable, cheerful; price, reaeonablr ; day or week Holel Hamilton. AT. 4701. HOTKL HANFOHD llh nnd Farnam. HOTEL HKNHHAW 1 ttt ll and Furnam. Hpeelal rule, to permanent KUeata T'KL. WA. 4o;5 Nicely fiirnl.hed room for 1 or 2. breakfaat If desired; two car line.; garage. DAVKNPORT HT , 424. Furnlahed room. 14 and I'., home prlvlkgee. Phone WA. 4. 7 I . NIC ELY furnlalTed room; In alri.-lly pri vate home: Country Club; garage. WA. ! 41t. TF.I.. WK. Ii22, l.ai'Ko ronni, aoulh front, good hent, for two gentlemen or man and wife; 1,'arag.i If desired. CA LDWKLL KT., 2614 1 roonia, fur nl.hed or unfurnl.h..!. all modern. For .lewit.h, only. We. m. WK MKT Kit HT.. 3HIS Two furnlahed iooiil facing eou'h on bath room floor, hoard If ilci.lred. Hai.gc. II A. 340j. LAHiiK fimit, well hcute.l room, newly decorated. $:i and II; lin.. In HjJ5"- PLKAHANT nil man. pnv. fam. a and w expoa , gentle l'l N. 27 Ave. HA. 2427 I.AKB HT , 2016 Warm aouth mom, mod ern home. 14 for I. $5 for 2. WK, Illl, TKL. TlA. 1632 Furnlahed nil., near Cretghton I'm. Hoard If ile.lred. VIAMrK ate home. 2017 Furniihed roome, pn Adulle. We. 0710. PLKAHANT to"u for !; privet family! board If dired. MA : IN mngenlal h..me. f..r ladlee employed. I n beard. J A. 3i. irilOT i l.vHH furnlahed room, la.Jy pre- ferrrd. ill 321 Ave. HA. 1211 ; I'INK .'c.pit.g looti.a. 2ft:7 Dodge Ht. J V 111! ! THIRTY FIMS1' A K , 1." M fr..nt ri.i.tii for I -r I people HA larg ! -D I $ J ru..ll.. -! ti i.; ..oil- inrit P ....in, new borne. S1SJ H. !Mt. II. II2T. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. m: T i N oVI All A lli.ll iuh.xi Dllil.i oH .. ....... m l e i n.i.,1 k, 'ew Ihe l 'l i.iJ'l .' "' I ' It k.e I i .-I .a, ...re ..1 iiii...i 'U. aKKFl.lkl h.H.int f. t n..ii. ,uu)l t,.r i,uhinv . ...iiia i, f.u h.i.4. t.ei..g .).i.,. ;i i muMh ' li: 111 VI c I . t i ill hiii8m.i t, ..i,i'. filOl.g I . ' Mi i K. U III ' , ; I . i. I "4 I V .d .' . I.... U I-1 1 j ' ' l 4 I a I I- ... ,, a HvlAKtl AND KOOM liOi'ilf If . . I ... 111 via .IN' i . I .' II I fne iu I... 4 . . . . la- - - k a 'I a a I a I . a Drawn for The COMC CM VtfjW tONu 1 VtlVtf HOUSES FOR RENT NIFTY 111'NiiAl.ovV. Five rootna and Imth, liulloin buffnt bookcaNi-a, fltl-pllicr.; oak fllllah.d. A real home north of Miller park; fiio. It, 10. IHtrk Co., .IA. 11,43. II ROOM mndrrn bungalow, nut 40 per month. JA. 12I nr WA. 24a. S.lttiiiM huu. modem, it,2U Houth I4IH M..I7.I0. CallMA. rlVK-ltOoM i ounce, .frjcfly moil. -i n. gu rage. t',0. 2017 Mortlm Ht, II A. an. 5il42' No, tlJli" HT 7-rooiu, aM-iinnlerH, Willi garuc. II WA 'MID. HOIHIO for rent; five motna end liuih. el.clrlc; 2I1. l ilt Ho. 2'MI. (iiOOM Inuiw7 3 7 OK "i;niv. r HI," H A. MK, I It M "an'-mod. ""houa", W i:.OI7 L -r bona, inoil.rn M A. 024K2K5 J HI. tj-rooin, alrlclly ntoil.rn coltace. J A . 2 a l 2 . FURNISHED HOUSES. 1310 N? 4r,TI( HT Hev.n" rootna, modern', completely fur.ilahrd. L.ae, nmvu right In, AT, 3832. FIVK il()(;.vr cottage, inodcrn, compl.t.ly furnlahrd; rent Ilia.. Kli, 2243 or K K. (24. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. f IMA HA LAIKikST R KNTAL AtlKNCY. Thirty. four epartment bulldinga, 861 apurtmenta, reinforced concrete, abso lutely fireproof. Murphy bed or b.droom apartmcnla. Call ue, end w will take you out. DRAKE R KNTAL AOKNCT. Fireproof Aperlmetita, JA. 206. AT. 70 Corner lvtn and Howard tr.eia, TL'RNKH :OHRT. Very d.elreble end conveniently arranged S.rniim front aiiMrlnji-nt with fi-rnom ac commouai inna, nillll in leacurea. jv-ih re iluced. oppoaltu Turner park. Jui ltor, HA. 1(890, a. M. HAUSKR, M'JR., JIOJ Iodg Ht. lfA.714l, TKlThaT Tl24'Urlnda, apartmcnla, 3 i ait and Farnam, 6-room apartment, for thoaa who dealro excellent eervlu end a home like place. APARTM KNTSTn I) FLAT8 1 1 3 to"! 1 Oo! W, ,L PALM KR CO. RKAL KHTATB Management. AT. . KLrlil"Ljll'lK- M(iKR,S apartriienta, 2 to 6 rootna, lo cated within walking (II. IHlnc. The Chl o.lo, 2i) So. 25lh Ave., or The Floren tine, til Ho. 26th Ht. J A, 1422. PBTKRS THt'HT COMPANY. "WHIORB OMAHA 11KNTH." AT. 0644, 17th end Farnam Hla. BT""RKOI8 "APTsT 617 b. 27th St. 4. 6 and 6-room a pic, HA. 033. KI..M8 aparta., 26ih and Dewey; very choice 6-room apart., Inelud. nun room, firat. floor; winter rutea, Id'i. Hee Janitor. A DKHIRAHLK 4-room and bath apt. for r.nt. gaa nlovo furnlKhed. M'll Jacknon Ht, $30 per month; leaae. AT. 6260. fiTKAM heated 4 rooma. cloae-ln; low rent (i P. Htebblna, llilll Chicago Ht. TENT H"T.7" II I Hi The 1 n n aa n y l-r. outcldn apt., modern At. 63112. KNTIRK flrat floor brick flat; good tondl dltlon. 2622 N. 21at Ht. FURNISH EDAPARTM EN TS. TWKNTY-SKCOND KTHKKT, 2310 North, atrletly modern. five-room apartment, partly furnlahed. WK. 1105, KB. 2460 Flrar-claaa apt. In the Rhode,, Miller Park diatrlct; very renhonahle. BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT ooooooooooooooooooooooooo SMALL. MKHICM AND LARCH H I Z K 1 1 DKHIRAHLK FRONT (IK KICKS. HINCI.K OR KN HL'ITK. KKNNKDY HI. DC., 19TH AND DOI'CLAH. APPLY F'OHTKH HARKKR CO. C i o 0 1 o ooooooooooooooooooooooooo DKSIRAHLK .pu.e lu the Iron bull. ling, .tillable for broker or llitbt manufacturer. Rent reai-unablc. ltuiulte of Janitor at elevator. H. K A CUT IN AT. 071.V 1306 Flrat Nat. Ttk. Hldg HTORKROOM, m, ;J4(, all iw Irally loea, 'd, $luo per month. I Thirteenth Ht HlltKKTT A CO. 360 Pet. re Trul l!lg 111. c.lt 3 Houtn .7 4 043$. H.rtt.' til , lood Pari of my b'-autlful off', e In de.lrabl. p.ltv. llpa. lo rent t'Kl with etiow wiict.iw; e'.n t'Oato off!., ttlt Fx. ellelit heat Hlallv. -- j dToKKB Foil RUNT llODKHN (or room at 4 N. B Ht f,.r rent r.ah.ii.abl.. tplr T. J. t 'lemple. Omaha. He. A f Au GARAGES FOR RENT II IHACK Hl.ant III 1131 liiU.tlK ie,r ttf th tit .nil, ill e si t. 0,1, e p.omk MOVING AND STORAGE. I 111.1. 1 fY ctnHAili; A VAN CO. l .V INii-P.'fci.i ' r..t .ii: hum I mi I H .,!., -4 ii.- .1. ... I p ....'. ; H'C, .4 i.i.e lha a li I ..a, AN,. i It UNI" l'i( I ! -i . 1 ll . 4 J ! . 1 1 u i u ix. n.t .i ' -4 : . '(..,. tnti. i in. 4 r i. . I ) -.e.. to. J4 4.4, 4 1 J .4. liiMw i i 4 -.. .. HI k I N ' H ll 4 IIS II t 1 1 CHAT n.t- LOAN! t i I ,i., l i in mm t in t I N I ( ' I 4 i , i i ill .. a it lOANt ON Ht At KttAtl. HI la. .all a a . 4 I , I I 41 . - .H 111 I 8 I, t . I- i a a I ...,,... k Oil I Omaha Bee by Sidney Smith (Copt right Icvsi HUT TUtt . - OV- V40U) V.CNO ' - .v- 0 I J-OANSN REAL ESTATE iVrm"Ians";B Klolia Invrattnenl Co. 84ft oin. Nail Hk "' 1 00 TO 110.000 loan, made promptly. K D. WEAD end H. UoWMAN. 310 H. lth Ht W.ad Hldg. AT. OIIL FJItri'l' uiortgag loana made promptly on (Jinahe real aetata. Hhnuen A. Co., Iteal tma. ,IA. 41.2a. 234 Keellne Bldg. ".iW"KATK MONl;r," No delay In Hocing W. T. OHAIIAM, 704 I'K'JKItH TIL IILI. STItAHJUT 6-y.ur louna h u, per cent. ATIJHO AMOS (IRA NT CO.. 201 H. nth, Arthur Hldg. IIAKVIN HKOH, (146 Omaha Nat. Bldg. ON IMC. I'HOPKRTY. NO PI!Uf, I. II," MITIIKN "paya'mnal for LIHKRTf HON DM. 2l City Nat'l Hank Hldg. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. " Al t 'OKIIIaV" I'l.KATINfi.-" ACCORDION, eU'i:, rllilfi', Iwl pleating, covered button., all etyle; heniHtllcriing, liuttonhclra. Write Jd.al Huttnn & Pleat ing Co., not Drown Dlouk, Omaha, Neb. Telephone J A. l:i. Neb. Pleating ''d'Y.' Hutfnr.. loa yarnam, aecon.l floor. J A, H70. IIIKOI' It ACTORS, Ur. Ccmar ;io.i r.xion Hldg. Tel. AT. 2303. IIAM INO At Allr.MIKH. T.KAUS " tfe ni'T for 14 at KKKl'rH,flll Fnrtintn. Cinaaia Mon., Weil, and Frl. lilKhta. Dunclng Tucc., Thura., Hut, and Hun. nlghia. J'rlvaie leaiionc by appoint mnt. .IA. 6470. HKNTLST. DKNTAl" X-ray," 60o each; "l3fuli " "iicT. 613 Hecurltlea llhlg., lih and Farnam. hk'ikotivkh. RiU.IAHLH Deti-ctlv Ilur.au, Railway ICx.Hldg., J A. 2068; night. KK. 312. J A M KH ALLAN' 312 Neville Hlk7Kvldenc iecure.1' in all cij . AT 113. IIHFHN.MAKINU. 1 'It I0HH M A K I Nil A lao making over fu'reT alteration.. Mr, tlreene, W, Inn, AT, 01J4. MKH. MeNul. dreKHinaking, 2I23 Dewey Ave., Tallnrlng. iilteraiiuna. HA. 2024. DRK.iHMAKI.Ni and pluln acwlng rea. WH, 0688. DRKhHMAKINU for liny tote. Cull AT, 4H26. FI RS, Billta remodeled, relined, HA. 1 lit KSHM A K ) N(Lwk. Ki"laTt'dH aT K OH A K mini li N 0 . tiS04. 2492". FIL.MH DKVKLOPKD FRKB. The Rnalgn Co.. 1607 Howard 8t. Fl KHI FIIIS. TtUTPQ Hemmleled," relined X UIlO Latent models. Berl leaned. Berkowlla Fur IHin Leavenworth Ht. HA. 276.1, TT TPQ repalrid, i cmodeled, lowect prlc J. Olvu (.lol.latein Fi j'ur Co.. 1620 Douglaa MATTRKHSKS. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathere re novated and mad up tn new feathr proof ticking. 1907 Cuming. J A. 2HI7. ATKNT ATTORNEYS. J. W. MARTIN, Patent Attorney, 1712 Dodge, room 2(i. AIo Washington, D. C. I help Inventore aell their pat.nta. l'ltlNTIN(i. K?TV PrlnTlna; (;o,.2l2 H. 1.1 HI. JA. 606. "ll IS H I.LA N t.tti n A N NtllNf KM FNTH. UAR AOKS bunt, any atyl and all. 1110 up. Concrete work. Mlcklln Lumber A Wrecking Co. Tel. WE. 6661 PP.KPCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at the 6 Hherman McConnell Drug Btoree. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. ooooooooooooooooooooooooo o WHY TAKK A CHANCK W 11 KN O Vot; CAN UK Kl'IlK? Drive any used car bought b-t a week, If It fnila to live wholly up to repre.enl a llona, drive It bu. k nnd get en. ther or your money, 'ihe real eat of any automobile ia It. perform.tice III Vour ban.la. That'a tho way we aell u.ed eu (..tnobilta. Varloue Hlea. M.kra and Model. WILLYS.oVLRI.AM. INC, S5 Farnam St open l.i.nii.ga. ndi)e. OOOf OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CADILLAC I. l Lolling only l" e. Ir j, t,i.l.el V-l... Wanl.'l . I,.-. r.r Lir w:nlee ,.. ,11. tut kn.-w ), nr tlioo n i. .t I llnl ,1.411, Kill Ikhicl grc. t r- .t I' Ii.'ii ai t: Pi. ai ; Hi lit Y H II Vl N l A DILI. A' CO , am at :..lh 11 .MfcAIIN kVp.ilf e? le I I .1 Ibi. Pi.. ,4 A UK! I'l t L lo III I D IILSH V l tl Htl a . a ' alt - I I I 4 4 I I I AUTOMOBILES FOK SALE. f.lMvMNS iumifli.. II'MI1 i'urhurl.ir U-Kvlsl H -Iiiii lliai ktiuHh tVulk P li.Mr. Hn. J A, I Mt-: I Put. I mui iii h.iif i'iii. I'mi'K f'lr li ttamUrtl inuk htu. Aula Tail. I 'm llrn m , ' I hi;ii"i'aii O, ft. II. mn MiXnf Ca., Its 'rnnm. StW AKU 1K TIIIKS, IIU AM) LI' II, at II TIIIK ANU At'TU :H lnr...ni HI PA Tl" IMSl-l S Al'JO I'AlNTt.SO AMI ItKi'OHATINU. jAtlti i'.'ilS H.igtn lllh HI. I'HKIl rull lTilt .M I- Ur1 " S'KIIIIAHKA (1I.I1HM1.1IIII.K C' . Il-.f, , AT m. Toll al nr Iraila i riilulai' rolltli'r ytA arMnn nr nil Ml !. J V A J Mill If.S, I7" ffU'lir rialr. till 1 1 r IC'I.I V, i'il auiu miiiiiir. til M. urn BICYCLES 4 MOTOKCYCLKS. l ull HAI.K lli.rk l vhl mli.ri ). Ir, HMl IHII Ml I '! It l, fklrA UMiiil rnit. .Iillliiii Nvmiiihii, Ttiik Avr HA flblk. NEBRASKA LANDS HA.NP lu hi'r fr.nti oii"i if Nt-tirU ratii'lici hit with to hnK fur ot(n r I'toijiTiy. 1. A, l.nraon t'uiu.iiiy, CiHftJ CKy, NVti WANTEIJJKEAL ESTATE. 1 U AM' lo liiuyo t 4 Mux hu muii Mini Mil nt t'l Imy 4 b r i fiinii liiiUM'. 1hm t H Hid I'lustt to tilnrt'i) ri'v. 4 M ft )'ny 1 1, DUO ti f I Mil) mull; wmi (u -..y turn UnIhiii'! Ii- (tin iiiiHiih; m iv full ilint'Mp. iHin Hii't hoimf ttuhiln'r himI hi nt jrii c, Krfil Mi-ithrt. (VnirMtlts, Umn Charlcs VV. Younff "& Son MBl KralBft. n'Ui. JltbHirHMl, iwi r"x J, at. m. I.lvt '4iiir li"in Jluy ymir h'tu9, BINDER & OTIS, Hfat Kulnf ' .tin, Honl-tn JA, ZT-U. Ti fuv nr ' i Ortitihfi H'nl f H. FOWLER & M'DONALU M.mh.re Multiple Llatlng Fw llcliltora WILL pay I'u.h for Ko.nl it wltii Improve- menta In thai in pticril tight. Oiv. .ue and comiilele di.cilplliiri, lli.lt Willi, Oman lie "Tukey Sold It" A. P. TCKFr HON. K.iilinr. .IA. 4:!J, C.T. Spier & "Co., Realtors U4 I'.tera Tni.t Illdg. .IA 4H.7. C, F? T I F N T C, 1 "" 1 1 ' ' LiaVw 1 1 Ji VJXVU J-ilXlU,,. lor .lul. k r.eulta. 141 FlratNiit'l Hunk Iiuiir. J A. " oobij i.isTiNiiH comh" to "ua" WK HKI.L THkM imMH hkai.ty ro at. nil. LIHT your properly with W, Farnam HmllhCo, 1120 Farnam Ht Llrl'l' your hmnr. for m'l" with im. Wo In o the euaiomcre, PAVNIO INVIJbT VI5NT ( ().. llmlli r. WORLD "Realty" Co.7 l(olture AT." 42 STv.' iioHTWICK, real lir-AT."la(i' fo HKI.I ci(iliiv.r " Mor.llATaii2;i! Welern Reil F.ataoT'ffa JA if vvinird c." hi hi uch7hTim ja'. iiii REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. liivpblinciils Hrl.-k bululing, In excellent repair, ron- ei.tlug of 2 five-room and 2 alx-room flute, 66 f.et of gruiind, walking dla limee. Tenalitc futnleh heat, wnter. ele. Pr.aent Incoinn 12 (UO p.r year. Priced to n.t over 10 per cent. For locution, terma, etc., call. 0. T. Hamcr, 1606 Farnam HI. AT OOftO. AI.FHKD THOMAS A Hon t.'u ,f nealture. ACREAGE FOR SALE Mnny people will want auburban h-iinea during the next few yeare. The auburban muvement la very evident In every American city, and we advice tilat InveH.oie, both largo and email, get In on th ground floor of thla movement and purchaae dealrable aubutban acreage. w. have cold over $200, no worth of homo eltee In tho Weat Paelfln Dl.lrlct aim June J, In Lnv.land and llldgfl wood. Th third unit la now be ing cold In acre and one-half act tract on ey terme. Roger Dftbi.on, the great financial expert, refer, to the auburban movement, eaueed by paved roade and auto hue aervice, ac a revolu tion In real eatat.. Make an appoliitm.nl wllh ue to look the Weat pacific iiropertl.a over during the next fvw daa. BHLLUn & CARY, Ilealtoia. Third Floor Keellne Hldg. Charl.c addllion. 6 acre. In alfalfa, $l,0H, will handle or will Irado. J. J. Hnilth, 4280 H. 27lh. MA. 4Jlt. SALE OR EXCHANGE. FOR Bale nr exchange, flu) acre., located In Loup county. Neb., wllh light Improve ment. Will trade for anything of equal value, worth tho money. Hox W-649, Omaha Bee. Pott" KXC H AMI E One half ae. tinn good farm land In Cha.e Co., Neb., for Income pioperty. Income property muat be clear. Phone or write. K. J. llughea. orctna.. Neb. riilae7. gO(rcherry Co, land for aal or exchange. $10 per acre or will ch"K for omahii properly, cepecially good hoUhe and ll. AT. 1723: TWO Allen touring care and one O. M. C. truck for h.citl properly. CARL CHANtlHTROM, 2.,.,.. caiuii.ii . SlX-i'om houee on eoulh eldc; will trad for grocery etore. W1-: 4i'Q6 VACANT PROPERTY. LOTH WANTKD 1IAVK THRKB CASH HlVf.llri. CALL JA. 2119. FIKK PRICK, l CHy Nat. Hank. WILL build" to your ordor on our beauti ful Iota In Ldgewood; very eay term AT-Inlle164e. liTxlTO ON Hh.rinnn Avenue near t.'nrl", hue two frontage., price 14 6"". J A. I.4 I LOTH HO KI.MWOOD PAIth. JA. m. NORTH SIDE PROPERTY. Here's a Hunpalnw THAT WILL PLKA.-K Large living rem Kim ve.tibul enlry w, ruiil room with loirmr dour N fiv flrepl.,.n end built-in u...ki..-a. riee.allt Ullilcg loom Willi bUiH-IO buffet- Hull- in kil.b.n .! loom. I :..orr-l a'tto ba.emrnl '. f ir ..' Ho-Kll f,..,l lot 111 MM. lie Iiu Moil! hum tlnoumi.tui T.rma t eon ,.-ii. I-,,; ,.. . I rtl.i D. i:. Uu. i. 4-; c.l. ; i' urch. v.i l..ca i" illl V.lllMi' V . (' i ... on mi. w.t.e. ei lie i gk. (' h .u i I. r Hi.. J A I .141 The II. Q It. H. niailc rirmani-nt nv.-revmi'tit w th It 4 (.icarLt inl'tnyr. IUv Yev tainir fi.f l.mite.1 fiumbir f MAchiniats noilrrmAkrr niAckimith Car Rrpirr Tin Smilh Aapl lil Hf Bwliiia Blell, I .alb etaal 111 Nlre.te, OeelKa, Seb WANTtD By Mittouri ru I Ik , 4( I aail, . till (ml Rk, U aai cik. IwiMiiUal r-lell Mlattiailtl. Hailiieeetna. lllibiK.iik. i akiail Mii.ii. atb H.iUei 4aati4 4i 4al wiWi d,'.KI A.iil .1? 5aiH Hih s : OihaKa, !Sb, iiiliiiiiiiiililiiiMiii NORTH SIDE PROPERTY. ' " uTTiTii HiK.m Jio.i.oi oak 1nieli. li.iac, inner f i. !' Hi, ""r. Call tien.l' A T CHS. or II A 1114 IllJ DCi'ATI'lt - C-llm , Mod K. heall I I. oe ,.vu i. ah Hliii.t iiioiilhly. Cl'icH. m ii... J a e:n M V tik-iOHit I'uteh I'llnrilal liuue.; oak liiii.h, f'nnt, flu luiatl.m; pond l KU, ei. l L " hi ck" 1 1 bur end e.11 hniiiM. CENTRAL PROPERTY " HIIAMl "f:W I'l I'l FV l.K " WHhin v..ul.iig iii.ian.v, will ell on or Oirie. In. ti, a $l'. .. i monili f.r ea. i liulldioa: loruie.l ti.nth.a.t coin.' ,.nd Dvwev A" I'm, II4.DII0. Term If ileirrd l.'.w rat uf llileli'.l ful em b liuilillng Phone lit nin ni It A SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY. $1(10 DOWN f ii) Til! I -a il liM'H! ).... k Mini lTf luia iivinir u 1'iAt uliy m ht arm f tfrmiri'l. ft, too A fur rxuiti i. '! IHi pln-li.t I K.ili nt4 tcx- I'liy Wtitrr lit tlim (iki.-I A t.i" k llf ftum lh t.'ioaniuwii lafllii', lit 4 mU Im uhl, l,if'i- A "i rirn h'Mit aial Itfilf t, n in uf Krnuml. .'wl m ijumlfr uf mi. uf( (li iitBVctl fit ml I'll ni fif eh irk en tMtniiiir r Hftlh I l.tuO I'lrti it. ally li w lour imiih ImuM Hllli ln lulu Tim In 1 1 unit tint'l' '1 fr 111 kM rriplnjf J,00O-Tlnnc tilmii frnu lli thtl, rti-i lug i; h nt u bi ri"ui, n(uiy rtt h-if n.'tngi-, Tlim hmuII tit ! hIm m Me Kfr-i MdiiM l?.tnn Kir furl h-1 In itrnmt tun mi any ut h 1H HpUha, AT. ur ("ffl- UpMl III 9 III t AMOS CHANT COMPANY, HKAUOHS AT Kino. Jin H lnh HI. Arlhur flld, 0 00000 000000000000 ooooooo' A HphI Kargain Aii elinn.t new 6 ronm and hath; all oak fl'M.re, built In feature, modern, with a full he.emnit. at i.i t). 14th Hi Mux be .old. Celt or t.rme. Cell cvcnlu(il, MA 3.'2 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I WEST SIDE PROPERTY. OOOOOOOOOCOo OOOOOOOO 00000 el Q o o ti o o o r o o o o o Ci 1 o o r Q O (J O ej 0 e o o o o el o o e) o ej liilgt-wooil Himgalow Now under coniitructlon. One of the lihM.leMt bui.giilnwa ev.r .reelfl In thla biiiullful aditlllon. Hlghlly loeati.iti. CIo.h lo car Price 17, !.'.u and worth II, 11 will be h plen.itre to allow Ihla. F.v. lutiea cull 111 ant lietiHon, Walnut 1 AMI. Hew-on & Cariniiliapl, 64: Paxlon Hlk. AT. J640. ooooooooooooooooooooooooo Beautiful Hcniirt Park Homo on IlawllioniP Avr. Klglit large ronni. and extra large ele.p. Ing room Finished In quarter aaw.d oa!4 and while cninini. Dnwnaialra haa living; room, dining room, aun room nr library, iiiih.il' room end kitchen. 'loii.t and lava, lory on flrat floor. ('p.tiiha haa two large bedroom and tnald'a room and bath room. Tiled floor, p.de.lnl lavatory, (lood garage; pavct alley. All paving paid. Winning l.wn, 144 f.et frnntrig., Thla le a decided bargain at $17,6'in. Can hi? .hown by appointment only. Aak for Mr Murphy. Ifahtiiipn iSr Ifoyilpn, llraltors l14 Harney Ht. Allantlo 00IO. Clioicc CraigHlonc Bungalow Five large rooma end aun room, all on one floor; oak end whit, enamel through out; beautifully riiil.hed; dandy lot, con. venient fur all Farnam ear aervice, $1,100 caeh, will handle end $66 a, month. Onlionie Healty Co., 630 P.tera Tiu.t Hldg. ,1A. 22HI Clairmoiit! Clairnionl! Swell... t r,-room bungalow and breakfast nook, double garage. 61-ft. lot, Tlullt on year. Reduced price. Call Scliioedcr Invehlinent Co., JACKHON 3Zfl I . New Hum.- --Your T.rma AT, 416,! Grove-Hibbard Co. ?ZV Illl rp I? ITl' II o m a a My Hpeclnlty, llilll III J I t f 'nmpb.ll, Keellnn Hldg. Phone AT. .041 or WA. 1.704 evening. NKW 11-ronm Montcliilr 2-.lory brick. 2 car garage. Owner muet a r-1 1 : $1,001) caah. HKI.MAN. AT. 626H. BENSON PROPERTY 3114 No. f!Tli HT , 6 rooma. .uniiner liilchen. W..I1, clat.rn, c.tnent uulka, 41 lola, full b.arlng orchard., 110.000. .;Uay term.. Apply ilK'lli Chnrlca Ht. DANDY 6 -room bungalow; lot t;4o; half block from car line. Price $3,860. C. A. Orlnnnel. phone JA. D.16. RALSTON PROPERTY. FOR K KNT 4-l'onni hnuw, $15. '!., 1 1 7, 60, Nt I'wurt , tut rue iigeiit, 2 -room h'tini-a, fll K. & T. LINES : WANTS Experienced Machinists and Boilermakers for Permanent Positions in MISSOURI, KANSAS, OKLAHOMA and TEX. Standard wagei and working condition!. Apply la Room 112 Hotel Carleton I I 417 So. 15th Str.et ..J 'iitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiitij ! Frssco ; Lines i Want Machinist., 75c per hour Boilermaker, , 75c per hour Blacksmith., 75c per hour I- uf .vj'n!!g'fn !il, Md., ,, t!hir I'i'ii!? ! KriAtM fii.i' , r. i n .iiu t.t fiij. .i nn-m pi.i.'iil'iv fgfJdlAIifri.I 1,1 thi41i4 wiVl tail l,!a!tfi ,'trrl 4! I Hith M.VV I -HiDloV t r 4 Iiu A r ff't-it HHfi!ljf WDlkittrf inC.lli I. fM kf I Uti' i f AV, ri until IIU, lluli-l Carlliui, Hi-iwiirn Haihi'V ami llvo-aij vr, Sl!i M 1 a o o o o o o o o o II 4 4 - 4 a 14, at IN.il , 14 Fit, . ,. 4" lla All Hi - a I. . ..ti ' I I aal . ll ..' .. ' 4" Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Wit ' '. Val a b. H)A H.4 - a A Ii a AI. , $ la lam ll