'1 Tin: omaiia w:k. TitcnsnAY, novkmmkii 2. i.2i. t Bystander Is Shot m in Fight Rrlwmi Police and Suspect Cupturn! Man Coiife"'. He I Kx-Gnir From Aiiamoaa, la. Woman U I Mil for Oiirctioiiing. Miffed l.'(f(U Hint Wll Nield.-il fur rmnliiK lii.mr at, 4 In th iiiurnluK ft -tr in) u nt iitKibile i-idn with a woman fi 11 ml, a t'riiiiii ii i!i(T vtuiiiiiri flirli'0 mi (In' xup't th" nrxt d.i y with limn, llllli- thliikliiK Hi'- f"l- low line would 1 mull: C.en;i lluncdck, F.iluitliin Army limnc, an Innm cut hyJaiidiT, hul In lh" dlniul.ltr, .hum luetic. V. n Twenty. Hi:hth incline. 1 ' xiiiil lllufT. cur m titer and Imr c rnl'inyer lin 1 -hided lier fur th Hut" ri'le, hule.l Into ( 1 1 ill iuli ruiirt. W. W. rryUII. 22. nf 'IiIciiko, pli.ix .1 nn 4 .1 (lively, Hinlur, with whom hIu- flii Itil, ifvciili-rl nil hii ex imivlrt from Aiiiiniiii ii'-nltcn-tiary In fun ,i und i-niifeiai d pruwler. And she lurself, A dull I'miif, 37. Iiiuthi-r of two Mond. Unwind, 7, n rxt Im-kle. ((Headlined hy Ji- w ho III tll cl alli-( tell her (if Irt'lnR In- V'lUed In recctit IiiukIu' !. Ilcl'l After Sh (jnl in if . All of tlu-lil Wire KH'cmIciI Tucmliiy n.tiht riiiiiiwinu a kiioouiik m i nir- (lllll Ull'l limine Klr'MlH between ryutiil ami jK'lei'llvcK llnnt-y ami iiilerxnn, Hancock, nil ililinei lit l. nl.lllilil', fell Wounded iii the Blu.uliler l.v a Mi-ay t ullet, ViMrrdiiy he wim wnlkltiK Bhoiit thH H.il vnt inn Army hi.mM with the liiillet mill in hin Hhinililer, JukIii Willi n m-me (if fellow hoiudi'r thcri! (iiit IiIn wound lifter having under iri.nn inn. Iilim run itch Hie fur tiiniilli!! In Kmtice with tho Klt-venUi li. fault y, wit hunt a ni rnlch. W in n Ki llled III the (.Mho (if Chief Of Detective Villi DeijMeii, 'iyntnl, 0'iiiiii lllvelv, iiilinltleil lilx till Ideii lily, the chief nlleKcH, and contVaMeri to l.i Ink' wanted tl Aniinii'Nii. lie a I no ennfeHHed, tho chief iixwrtx, In having ci.miiillteil xever.il buiKlinleii III Cntlli.il I'.lul'lH. Woilltlll Trill SI (! '. In hlH alleged 1-iilifViKlntl, howevel', lie exonerated the I'ooro woman of any 1 1 S j 1 1 1 1 in 1 kiiowleilKH nr Intent. Nhc ti.'.d t Mli xlnry: Hhe till been winkll' na Ikiiimo kecper fi r DIkkIu fur muiio tlnie. (inn nWlit hn Ht.iycd out until 4 a. m., whllo riding wllh a wninnn friend. DIkkIu leninnul intcd wllh her. Hh.! became angered. Meet ing Crystal nil the at reel, xlie Pit pifjed In a tllrtfitliiii Willi him, tak ing him to I he niggle Inline where be wiin duly liiniiillerl ax it lyonier and boarder. At th tlmn, Dlgglc wan splitting kindling In (ho lun'k yaid, but wild nothing. Two wiM'ka elapned and Crystal bad paid tmlhing for hid board an 1 room. When pienxed for Maytnent, he told her: "I have Koine women' wearing apparel over at Hotel Fontenclli'. If coil will go with toe to get It and help mu '!! it. I'll pay you with Hie money 1 get." Theft Iff Admitted. 8h went alung. They got th clolliing. iihe went with him to the Friedman pawnshop, 1-22 Doug lax Ktreot, where tho delectlves flrxt xlghled them and becaimi UM plrlllllX. Detective llitney took the woman and the clothing In a taxleuli, while Anderxon purauid Crystal, who hml fled, on fool. AndifHon Joined In th.' chaxe in tho tuxkah when ho lir.ii',1 A l V KRTIXK.M EN Y. HUB RHEUMATIC St. Jneotix (HI xtopx any pain, and rheumatism Ix pain only. Not one cuxe In fifty reiiilrex Inter na! treatment. Stop drugging: Hub i.iothing, Jic'etratlng St. Jacoha Oil right Into your xme, xtitT, aching J.iintx, and relief muiex inxtuntly. St. Jacob (nl Ix a Icirndexa rheiimatisin liniment, w !u. h n rr dixappointx. and cannot burn the rlun. I.nnl.ir no' ijult coniphiiiiiiig! (let a aimi tilil nettle ol old. nwnxi r( Jm . bx (tl ut any drug xi' ie. and In jut a in. .ii. nt you'll l i- fn e fioni rhc i t..' pi ii X' ri-nex and wti.'Tni'sx. li.nt i t i' lU-'.yt aw alia yu. St Jac x t' l i- t . 'I ax mxl f -r x. l.itlea. Bt-iual.;! . ' hu' . it.., I. a. k.n he. spi.i!n. 'i tl ll-t MKN f. J A Stubborn Coutjfi i Lixxois Right l'p I rfrf fl.f ui. k lttlla i. Uf T m4. T Hit (kMUlI l44 II. l Hi H on Ik in n up ' a ,imc a. 1 1 n ip whirl! ,t .ei V 1. 1 l-.ti I t e .. 'h lill io 't l'h' ,i.U..a . a.".. Ii '.! r t at .' I t "'V , f ,'. Il.il. .!, " t I vi H. ' !, .,.f. iK I. , i". n i it .! . ' t .. . I !' il ' n ar . '.' 'it I ," I . il I'ct I .. i tea i Ut, y iti - k l I .a. I, a i. 1. .... t,- a r t . ll I . .f -l I a . i. I ( i t h .t I . ,i,H oils ,,i I- I .1 .It 1 I I kt 1 I .... . t i w f, mi X. A ' -C. 11.' - i i" . i ... -i i a i ; 1-,.. . 1 1 i " . I ' St I 1 t . . ! I .'. '- I ill I . 4 I I.. ' - OUCH! PI, PI AGH HG JO NTS "Flirtation for Spite" Brings Dire Reckoning s mmm m 1 Mm. Adah I'mile, nlMite, with her Iwu III lie Mdiixj, llnuanl, 7, left, and Jackie, ft, right, little realized It luiiii fllrlalii.il with W. W. Cryxlal, xliown lieliiM', lefl, wniilil renal I in it xprelHcil lar gimfiglit iiml wild iiiiloiunhilii cliaie In which (ieorge Hancock, lie- fhoix and xii w it crowd gather, fear ing fur hi partner. Cryiital iiilnililid tho eluthing hu and tho I'oorn wonian were trying to aell, had been xtolen, Van JJeuxcn Rild. The Pnore woman's two little xonx ulxo were ut police headquarterx ycx teiday and won the offlcerx by their gentlemanly action and xweet iacex, "They're Jnxt ahont the two nicext little hoyx I ever xaw," xnld In lecllve Miiney. "H'x a ahiiine they have to he (hugged into Ihlx affair." niggle, tho I'liure woman nnd the Iwo clilhlreil will probably be released, detecllvca declared. Poxlal Inspector Here ! to Arrange Conference .1. W. Jolinxton, Washington poxt- otllce iii'.pictor and lulvance repre-j mutative f.f Dr. Hubert Work, wax' In Omaha yexterday conferring wllh i I'oMlniUKter Charlex K. lilni k on ar- ; rangcmentH for the N"hraxkit poatal i conference to he held In Omaha No vember 13, "Thix will be a buxlnexx confer ence," Johuxton emiil. yized. "The poxta! eHtal.llHhmenl'x buxlnexx Ix to xell xervie and If there Ix anything hiiHlnexx men can xuggei-t to Improve the xervli'e, we want to know It," The poxtmaxter Koneral, hix llrxt na xlx'ant and their party will arrive in oniahn die morning of the 13th at 7, on the Missouri l'ai'Hio from Kim kbs City. Similar confercnoox there and at Denver and Topckii precede the local one. From hire the party goex to Dcx Molnex. "No Official Authority" for Whispering Campaign Lincoln, Ni li., Nov. I. (Special I Charlex W. Hryaii, democratic candi date for governor. Inxued a xtatiment this morning in which he denies that any "official authority of the demo crat in party" has raiaed religious nr racial questions In the present cam paign. His statement Is In answer to a charge by Charles ,11. Kendall, repub lican nominee for governor, that a "whispering campaign" was being made In behalf of the democratic nominee by men seeking to stir tip religlotm and racial prejudice. Mr. Kim bill did not charge that this move d been made In the open, but xpecb fi.allv dexI'.-Tated it a "whliperlng ; campaign " Mr. Ttrv.in'x denial simp. ly covers the official and open spi kes. ; men of hu party. Jl lorid.t Hon Context ! y!-!,:nm; Chanipioitxhip (irovehitid. Kl.i., Nov. 1 one An cam Inn owned bv N INarxm, a f irm, r rex.dll.g Pear lu re, exceeded l.ulv Jewell peg living f.ut repoitr l ft. -in Tin Min.i, Vah , v.x'. t.t.iy dor lei; 3ri ,l.ii en. I i' In M in h. Hi VI. wh.U another if lha .un Irrel c'lu.tli'-l it. lie rd.un to l ! t'ouls-y (ii. n One hep leci l w i Jl e, ,ii:.l the other 3t!. I Ti e to hem were far. tiii- l l v I'. ir mi fl to H Cell t'l. ei pill (f IM. I. , who aftei b itiiii'if if thi.f ( pr..- (. nig i 1 1 ' i liiiVrUet lit ! nirf I .e v. t' at t- I i . !, It t k 'v. - I , IV, 4 nee I., a.o'1. ot 1 M V- t" a't Kin!! 1.1 no r. f t . Il't' V i I ' '' ' . fr lf, I Ii4itip(u i i. .; e I n t .1 I .,1. I I I ' f . I d. J-l , O . .1 , ' U 1 I of iv.ar. i r n . ! 1 1 i. n t v. , M tl l, Ili4 . f 1 1 i .i Id I 1 41 ! I . . tl I i IKi u ,1 C, ,1. I k. ., CASTORIA fr UUut aa4 CaUi'tt Ik ''U fOftGvCft 30 tlUS V5fU law, right, an Innocent hyxlumler, Miffered a wiiimil in tht; xhonliler 1 from a xl ray liiillet, Mr. I'liore laid police xhe fiinnerly wax a bareback rider wllh Hie Har mon H Ha I ley clrctix and her liux li.ind. f jii'le I'liore, (iury, Ind., for mer linn tamer. Youth Victim of Buckshot Shower Man Fires Upon Lad Ho He Jifvrd Hcnt on IluIIowcVn I'rankx. Police Say, Ago Anderson, 2a, employed lit the Liirx N'lelH.in daily, Filth and J.ocuxt xlreetx, llaxt Oinimrt, wax the victim of a shower of liuelixhot believed to have come from a xhotgun In the hands of John A. Nelson, Knxt Omaha loxldent, at !l:!lo Tiiexilay night, Anderson and playmates were In the rear of the Nelson home. Nelson, fearing I hut they were about to per forin llillowe'en pranks on IiIh prop erty, bid in his barn with the ahot gun, according to Council Uluffx police who arrested him, und fired the weapon at the youths. Anderson was brought to the Swedish Mission hospital in Omaha, where his condition was reported crit ical yesterday morning. Ilia body was covered with wounds from the fine shot. J In was attended by lr. C. C. Morrison. I'ollce found the shotgun Nelson Is believed to have used In the basement of his home. Queen Wllhclmlna hax been made an honorary member of the lluguo-not-Waloon tercentenary commission. Gorgeous Plumage Hats Rich Brocaded Hats French Room Hats Lustrous Satins Smart Velvets IVoliaMv the largest collection ot line millincrv that vasecr offered to the women of Oma ha at such a price reduction, Va namlalls Pluck Wins in Kattlc Willi MirvKoads Candidate Traverse 110 Mile of Mud to Reach 1 Fut i ngif Audience Cheered hy Hearer. Hasting, Neh., Nov. 1. i.lpnliil Teh gram What eenu"l h forlorn hope won yixierdiiy wllh tin! deter. Initiation nf Cliailix II. I to ii. In 1 1 lank of it. A meeting wax 1 1 heduled for Hast ings laxt lilghl. In Lincoln It Wil learned that the tililll coiili flllt get him On re until It 30. At 2 lu Mr. Ui ndall stalled for Hiixtlngs, lla tulles away, it a Kind wllh hla nephew a! Ilio wheel, Ar ning.'iiicnlx were niinle for nnolliei car to itoiiii out from llnxllngs and imet ,Mr. Jtandall nhout half way he I ween the two ell lex, nt l''iilrmoiit. Krom Lincoln the llllle cur labored tetrllily Ihrotigli Ihn d"i p, stiff mud. It xUilled mi two hills and was started only by pushing. Two hours passed and Mr, Itandall' had arrived only j') miles west of Lincoln. It Seemed hopeless. "We'll go on," he said. "It Ix xiiine Ihlug to have tiled mid fulled and I have never dlniippolnled nil fun Hence yet." On labored the cur. It wax 4:30 mid llaxliiigx mux xllll h'i miles away. And then the roads began In grow belter. The car sped on, Hornet line at a rapid pace, Dnrehcxler, Krlend mid Kxeter were paxxed with fair roads und l''iilruioiit wax reached at 8:25. "Hero wo are," called a mnn standing by a touring car with a wnleh In ils hand. Croud Walled. Mr. Itandall run to the other car, his grip In his hand. In a I rice they Wero speeding toward I laxt lugs, 38 mile uwny. H. K. I'atily, secratary, and I', W, Vager, chairman nf the republican central commlltee, were tho men who met Senator Itandall arid took him on lo Hastings, Ta miles sped past, t bough the roads were again muddy and rutty. Tho lights of Hustings appeared and I he cir sped down along ttio paved and brightly lighted alrceis. It stopped ut tho courthouse. The hour was K;:)8. "The crowd's waiting," called lookout, placed to watch for the party. , Senator Itandall Wax ushered Into Iho big court room, crowded lo the doors. Ho wax received wllh ap plause ii nd cheer and tbexo were re doubled when Senator K. J. Johnson told Iii a few wonlx of tho strenuous lank which Senator Handnll had set himself und accomplished In order not to disappoint, an audience. Mr. Hanilall's uddrexa wax ap plauded fre'iilently, particularly those portion) nf It In which ho told how the present slate administration ha reduced taxes nne-thlrd for next year and declared state taxes will soon re turn to a prewar level. Violators of Cigaret Law Taken hy State Authorities De Molnex, Ju., Nov. 1. Violator of the clguret revenue luw are hav ing no ret from the agent of the department, according to the past wcek'a record of arrests find con viction compiled by 8lute Treaxtirer V. J. Jim-hank, under wlioee super vision the provision of the law are enforced. Three arrents and one conviction were registered for tho week among Des Moines dealers alone, besides several arrest In other part of tho state. ft-clrt A M BURGESS Wallace Pledges Aid for Higher Crop Price Kaxt Ijiiibiiik. Midi, Nov. 1 Aid of the government in needling fT III (aiiuera n I ilr pi h e fr fatui pi.'itiu 'x wax piouiised ycnii'idiiy by Mecielaiy or Agriculture inline in 1.11 101.11 e tu Kimb'Utx, iiliimnl and offi.'i.ila of i.Mlclilgjii agrlculi111.1l coll. ae lu re. J "Heretofore," .Mr. Wallace deilur iid, "the ciuph.ixlx hax been put on I showing faruierx how to produce j more. That la right and proper, Hut I we propose to put the x,irni- implm- ix on helping funneix get f.,ir price 1 for their crops I. adjusting pi-mine lion to the prohiible it' in, md and by 'la iter marketing iniihoiis." jMother Betrayed hy Son, 12, for $.' Hoy Iteteulx Theft of Clothe Stolen hy I'oterty-Slrick-en Mother. Mliiurupolls, Minn, Nm, i --A mother who Mole lo feed her four chil dren and then tu have one of them, a 12-year old, betray her for a IS reward, ivii allll ut llherty today while au I hoi II leu liivesllgati d father her story of misery und poverty, I'entiilex und xlung by the pleax of her children for xomethliu( to eat, the mother three weeks ago, robhed u neighbor' cloihex line of xilkx, hm-nx and lippurel, valued ut I (Hi. When police were li mi Din to find Hie Ihlif, Mix, I. N.,Nelxon, the owner, offered a reward of l.'i to uny neigh. oorhooi! child who could give a clue that would bud to the a (real of the culprit. Sobbing, grimy faced youngster yex. lei day unci ijin,e. ., the lure of the l. and Informed Mrx, Nelson that Ills (.un mother had taken tho guriuent. Most i f the stolen goods were re covered. Since the police an: In douht a to whether they shall uriest Hie poverty stricken mother It i n iiiex Hon whether the xon who betrayed her will profit, by lilx ad, n the reward wa offered for a clue leading up to lh nrrext of the thief and no arrest lias been rnndu. F. it n i. our nun as nestm of Slippery Streets Kour persons wera hurt In arcl dent attributed to slippery afreet caused by rainy weather Tuesday night. (ioorge J. lt'iss, (12, 2324 Jukc atreet, and Jon Hath, u butcher. Hex hotel, received serious Injuries when struck hy an automobile driven by John Workman, 1802 1 2 North Seven teenth street. The two men, Omaha pioneers, were crossing the street nt Seventeenth und California at reel a. lioth received severe Ixaly bruise. lola Clark, 6, 1717 Hurt street, was struck nt Sixteenth and Cas atreela hy a machine driven by Juck Howl ing, 2S('i7 Capitol avenue. Her In juries were not serious. Nicholas Sanchez, 2722 North I'Virty-elghth avenue, wa found In u dazed condition at l'orty-thlrd and Hamilton atreet. He did not know what hit him, ho said. Ho surferea from painful body and face bruise. IowaiiH (Jo to Florida, Shenandoah, la., Nov. 1. (Special.) Iowa winter are not a popular those of Tampa with a large colony of Shenandoah folks who are getting ready to leave for tho Florida rexort. Moat of them oro going for their seventh winter. In the party will be Mr. and Mr. C N. Stevens, Mr. and Mr. Charles Mitchell, Mr. mid Mr, (i, U. tlrlllln, Mr. and Mrs. I), li. llute, Mr. and Mix. Andrew Cox and Mr. and Mr. Thomaa Spear. Ink Mill-.., rn . ..' IM EVERYBODY STOHtl" Bryan "Political Bootlejrgrrr Says State Llhor 1 lead " "" ' .M( DiMWtM. IVoidcllt (if : . i . A State Keilcralioti of l.ahor, Allarks Wel-)ry Coiiihi nation of Pcniocruts. CliaiKUi.; (hut Senator llib In ne, Ix CMiopiilgiilug for offn - at pul.llo epeiiM rod thai lie n.ipported vl clou" laws lending In i.flii:e the fa nil er and ilulcule of William Jemill'K Iti-yaii for coming from Klnrldu to campaign for hi brother (hinlcy for governnr full und the speech of C. A. McDonald, prel,ent of (he Ne braska l'( deration nf Lnlmr at an open meet Inn hi Labor temple, Tues day tilglil, " ye'1 iii;o llt'i In in I; aii l llrean Were so blller aiiiilnxt each ill her they wouldn't walk on the same slieel now (hey me political bed fellows," McDonald declined, lie called lb van a "political hoot legger" bicauxe lie "pi . Idles moon Hhlnc politic," McDonald nporled a lour he and H u Mallard took llirouuli the Mate to defeat In referendum the anil Picketing, batik monopoly, nglnlra lion mid rliuary I, lilx. "1'iirmir are wmklior wllh labor and pollllciil party lines lire shot lo I plccex, nccorillng lo (he speech. u said faimerx ui-e "eeebig led." Ix'. ciiukc prices of com and potatoes are hi low. McDonald also spoke In favor nf (he progi exclvi) parly, (wo of whose candl dale were prexi nt and spoke Inler. They Were llev. ,1a mi x I,, Hei be, running for l ulled Statex senator, and A. J. Dnnfihne, c.indlilatn for sheriff. A. II. Illgclow also spoke. The iieetlng was under auspice It's a main Pottum com In two form: Inatant Postum (in tin) prepred instantly In the cup by th addition- of boiling watr. Postum Crl (in package), for thoao who prefer to make th drink whila the meal is being prepared; made hy boiling fully 20 minute. The two forms are equally delicious; and tho cost is only about ,c per cup. Made by Postum Cereal Co., k , f4 of Ciiip iiliix lodil No I'V, c. i: U ii... lui I, u F W, iMMtli and John C. 1 1 ilium W eiii In I ii i jUnited States Steel Pay Usual Dividend New Voik. Nov 1 Duel tots of the 1 I oiled Statu Steel 1 01 p. a at Ion, a! ,ihelr iiuarteily n iiiik vexietday. de ( uie.l the leiiiilar ill Idi ndx of I .1 t per cent i n the preferred stock and I 1 4 per cent i n the common, but the i""!'p"l ilou ai'ala t nt.'.l to earn all the common, Inking 1 1 .3:it,lin'.' out of Hoi Ii i i 1 1 1 1 1 . I suipllix tu liiaKe the pavnient. Tolnl r.iinliig of f'.',.n;:t;ri. n l ouipiiled ih .'",.. m! '' , I III thi. pie (dllig 1 1 1 1 ii r I . c, i-hiiw (bat Iho xieel ii.duxliy ix i. u the Ineiid. We Can Make Prompt Delivery of 6-in. Lump, $10.75 All Coal Reacreened Our Yard at highway THE way to satisfaction, comfort and health through Postum, has become a world-wide way. This famous table beverage which has stood the test of twenty-five years, fills every requirement of taste for a hot and invigorating1 mealtime drink. Unlike coffee or tea, Postum contains nothing that can irritate nerves or disturb digestion. Even the children may safely enjoy it. Wouldn't it be well for you to avoid the harm which so many have found in coffee and tea, and protect health while pleasing taste, with wholesome, satisfying Postum? Order from your grocer today 1 Postum Inc., Battle Creek, Mich. littering Metallic Hats Styles for Matrons Costly Fur Hats Children's Hats Feathered Hats Only once during a season is it possible to nut on siub a sale. Our entire stock of ailwuued winter milliner) at one-hall price. California Klmsmcn ! Have Internal Row I Sa. iiinii mu. Cut , Nov I - n HiUiin (he ranks of the H o-i unieiilii : li Klux K In n I Hike nut vchleiday with Kleui'.le l-dgiir I I-nil' I see 1,1114 the HI lift of I' llll.t'd nielillxln oil ihaiatex of grnnd laninv and Attor ney Hurh Sd'-liaiu seeking l-'ulh i arrest on il iliatge of eiubi 'lenient. The1 illHtrlct altorneCx olllve ie fined belli upi'lli antx for wai r. mix tt the city allot uey'x othi e and the kil ler' ottli-e xelil tlieni back to Ilie dlMli-li I nlloiiiey'x i.ltl.-e with the ie suit that late toil.iy no wail Mitx had been Issued, iii i; vm Tvhh iiium. him i in 2-in. Lump, $10.25 Central 6-inch 2-inch Lump ...SH.2r Lump ,...SI0.7.ri Charter Oak 6-inch Lump . . inch Lump , , . ,S 11 .50 Smokeless Lump Wyoming $'J.r0 Colorado $10.50 KEnwood 2261 JA ckion 0840 KEnwood 2262 fok iiiAi;m 'There's a Reason' 93