1 Q mm ! I uskers Rolling Toward Scene of Syracuse Tilf Golf Celebrities Play on Field . Course Todav Walter Hagen and hit imiling map, together with Joe Kirkwood and hit bag of trick, invade Omaha golfdom today for a two-days' day. Today Walter and Joe play over the Omaha Field club course, while Friday these famous golfers play at the Lakoma golf club. EDDIE'S FRIENDS Tha I'luah Thai IsUH. Till' OMAHA DEE : THURSDAY. NOVEMHEU i i ,'4 j w a. i 'f ' i - i yjwwf til i wi ( r (,'oarli Dawson Visits Crrigh Ion Vt Vtliirkilay and Jtttnn Tram at Station. "Sure, we'll defeat Uyracua " With Una word on his Hint, Coach "rinnp It I'p" mmm of th t njvr ity of Nebraska fio.t f II tm, term ed ho "wonder f rit of th t . 1 '1 I ho ratlhr at Partington na tion Inst IiIk'iI that e carrying till 22 lluskcr grldelcr toward Hyrai-uae, N. V., where, mi KaturdHy afternoon, .Nebraska ml Hyrarua lnh In their Ho fin, 1 1 game. Conch, X'ti whoii breezed Into Oinaha ycati-rdny morning and In Hm after noon vlaiied Coatch "Mm'" Pnldrig HI Crelgliion 1mlvori.il', The llunk'T head rin h also niont part of th aft ernoon wllh member nf the N'bina kit alumni of Otuulin talking our tlio iri'W m fn II i I in which Will bo construct n mi Ni In uakit field l.i f.iro th iV'JS fiM'Imll aon open, 'urine IiIh v ImI t lit Crelghton, Cow li Iinwsoii Inspected the large Crelghlon gymnasium mul commented favorably oil the large li.iMkf t null floor nil vhi Ji Him Nebraska hoopalci a and 'i ilithion logger piny either March 3 or 27. Headed by Assistant Conch Frank, dm 22 lluskcr left. Lincoln lit 4:3i in Ik k Wi 'iliii'mliiy afternoon, an ly ing nt tin- l!ui lliiglnu station lii wia lui at fl Hi i. in , wlt'ra Coach Ruwawi Joined the team, Only One Team Not Scored on in .ewr i.l-il i hnmpiinishlp, York, Nov. 1, Michigan, toward a Western conference with ii of thn great i m, gridiron ma chine "Hurry t'i" Yost ha drlllm! In i i'nl years, la the only major college In' t h country whose Vfri lnia not been scored on thl season, accord ing In ft cr(iilt illa tion of ifionla to- (llllc. T li e Wolverines Were held to a scoreless lie iy thf soiilhrrn iiii, Vuii dcrblll, but. have v ii i decisively from oilier opuncnl. KleVetl Willi hut HUM touchdown PTiiiiiii'il against Ihcrn Include liar v.-imI, by Centre; Notre Hum, by Jie 1'niiw; Minniwotii, y jN'oiihwrnltrn, mul louii, ly Illinois. Twcnl two (limit aliow utnlcfciitcd nlKtra. J.lHtail ai'itlonally, they In ilinlc: Went S IkcoiihIii, Kitr Iinni WlrlilKim, Town, Ni-hniMka utnl Mlniid pi t ii . I'.ir AVcut California, WiiithliiKtoii iiiVOivkoii, Ktjt info" Welpt on Lnosen Tank Captain Mellaril 'Wi'lpton wiia chuaoii to riiit;iitl tilt; (.'riitnil liltill awlintnliiK tcniii for tlio i:onilng indoor kciimoii nt a nio'-tltiK lifli! luxt iilnht nt th Hill tup m hool hy nil thn inembora nf Ilin ftqtiHil. Wnlptnn hua been ahowlnif up wi-ll durltifC thu early tryouta for the aiimid ii nd win a immler of tha rrurk )vnip'r Military acHdnmy awlmmlng tuftiu luat year. The new pilot for the Central team hna a rnonlrd In AVeatcrfi A. A. IT. Indoor BwlnimlnK rlrclea anil lina a atroiiR list of bnekera to ph K from In fnrrnlim th Ptirple aquad. 2?o you know that "Sioi" BiirncH, who helped pitch tlio .Ww York Gianta to victory In the worl 1 w-rlra aBulimt tlin Vanka, pitched Sunday at Topeka for llolton HKalimt l team of milarled players rc-pri-Hf nttnK Valley Full.i. Hoy Sandera of tlio Kaunas City Blues (liptiHcd Ihin. The K'i'iio went 11 In nlnita to a 2 all tie. with Valley Falla Ketung five hlta, llolton eluht. Hd Iiiikh cmuht for llolton and Tony lii h'aio iiLyed Hhort for Valley Valla, Tuny made two error and jioled one of Ma team a lilta. Iren .Miirchlnaon, former nailonal liHi yaid KprlntlnK champion, will, In the fill in-", iniikB Ilia homo In 1'erth Aiiilmy, N, J. and npfit thu color nf tli Niwiuk Aijilctio club. Mur chiiiwui, who touipetcil in tha iiama ,.f the lll.iHila Athletio chili In the recent A. A. I'. ehuiiipuiiidip fvvnta In Newaik, will t compelli-J to run utmtiai In-d for four month, after whi. h h will h lmibl to compel for th Nw Jersey irg,nrMtlon. lie i a i . U ui Uy. yyORC (iUMMIaJ'' OP TH A f r- i y s . L . 5 I'D $u;caki r I'll Be ixw- TlOW HV)C'TAC MAwfc OF, JOt-,-1 -TQ.L OS r no PuAyiioi- 'rr Ta HAOC SCBAPCD AjOU) AM' V1 joe: t nFH TO 4UST LtE OOE!" HtS rJANC CUAS IP r -, v s - ( Ctufci- '"' I"1' ,'" ' ' 7mI H H Florida Gridittcru Have Alligntnr an Tftim Mancol (.alnravlllr, Ha., Nov. I. Willi a four fool ulllKatur a iniianil, thn I 'liivi-raily nf Horlda fool hall aiinad left here today for (iiiii luiilue, Mani,, In meet llarturd Suliiiilay, Tweiily-two player wcrn In Hie aiiiail llr, ,, A, Miirphep, prixlilcnt of Hie iinlvei. ally, hci ompaiiii'd Hie plajira. Midland Faces Undefeated Grand Island Gridsters Today i Manager Jack Hendricks Will Round Up New Baseball Team for Indianapolis Assn. Fans Jnilliinapolla, Nov. 1, Indliinapolla will he reprcaented In (Ji American asaocliitton next year hy practically a new team, according to Manager Jack Jlendrlcka, ' One new outfielder and a new inflcldcr already hav len ohtaliiBd and thn club la cuatlng around for other hall player of ability. A new airing of jillchera alao will ho In Indian uniform' next aprlnK, Jlendrlcka ald. llaidly had thn Americiiii aaancla- tloti aanaoii enie(l when thn tnunai,'e- C.oiuh (!lict Wynne'h Elfvcn May (iliallfiipp Orriglitoii to l'uhlrraMin (iHlllf. T'leniorit, Neli,, Nov. I .--Midland' Ki'liNtera emcrKf'd from Hih Hliiuxhler of i'eru'a nilKhly eleven and lira on tlio warimth imiiln aeekintf the aialp " . ; Desi Grid Play 1 Tolfyp Team ha hull on opponent' 4.1 yard line, fli-Mt down, 10 yard to mo, for aecond time, at aturt of a Kanie, Yea tfiday w (llHCUHMcd what to ilo when ymir team hna thla opporlunlty for the flrht time early In a kiiiiib, To day, we pii-Miune that Hi llrat method of at tai k did not work, that you I unteil after falling to K"ln and have forced your opponent tn return your punt. Your, end run falied on tha former ncciialon. What now? Try the oppoaing line. Tent It to tlnd lt wukneanea. DlHiover what oppoaing linemen you can break throiiKh for gain. Your former experience. In end running ahould have aided you In learning aninelhlng about tho op posing line, na end run generally fall hecHtiHO of the BKtjreHKlve de fi'imivo play of a tackle. If one or both tacklea have been breaking them tip, drive y.mr attack at center or a guard, ortontlmca, apllt bucks will work hern, a the principle of a apllt buck la to draw a good tackle too far out of poaltlnn to permit him to recover in time to atop auch a play. Always remember when yon have the ball early In the guinn in your opponent' territory, that alniplo prin ciple of generalship govern your ac tion. It you fail to gain you can tot 111 keep the play here by punting and then playing a hi iff defenae in order to force your opponent to re turn the punt ami enable you to try again. of the undefeated lira rid Inland Hook Keeper at Ilia! place Jhuraday. A big eacort la planned for the team when it, embark from Fremont Thura day jimniliig. Leading Hie Nehrahkit conference, Coach Chi't VV'yifiie'a aggregation of mauler are In thu pink of condition anil In trim for a hard hall. With the Midland goal i.tomhciI but once Ihl tu'iiHim, thn warrior are alnt.ed to give Crand Inland lta hardeat battle of the autHon. The reaiilt of the con teat will eliminate a contender for the Nebniaku chiimplonahlp, Should Midland aticci-ed In copping the college honor In the conference, (itlempla will bo Hindu to Kermis a poHlMcaaon game with Crelghlon uul veralty, if tha demand of tho fan will have any bearing on the matter. Inereaacd enlhiiHlaam liaa reaulted from Midland easy defeat over Peru imd the entire population U boosting Midland from the aide llnp. Tho mimo team that faced Peru la ai hedillid lo lino lip agalnat (Irand lalajid Thurwlay. The lineup: Nixon and Harmon, enda; I.uachel and I-ockatrom, tackle; Inimler and Taehudy, guard; Klllolt, center; Cap tain Horn, quarter; Adam, fullback; Hrunnlng and Ooodacll, hnlfbacka. Rain Prevents Soccer Games for Third Time ftaiii caiiHid pnatponenient of all game aehcduled today in The Omaha I See grado achool soccer football tournament. This Is the third con secutive day rain has prevented the Juvenile contest. Today' game will be played off next Tuesday, Ilapni am! Kirkwooil Play in Rainstorm at Tojx'ka Topeka, Kan., Nov. 1. Walter Hagen, Hritlah open champion, and I Joe Kirkwood, Australian trick ahoot- er, played In a rain storm and made the 18 holea on the Topeka Country club coume yesterday with a score of 1 "0 each. Pur for the comae ia 6!. TEE,FAIRMA GrWtf-FINJ IS. iiiciit. of thn Indianapolis club started In the field fof new niaterlal. A a result, I,e King, a centei fielder, was obtained from the Gianta. King play ed In the final game of Hid world series, getting one bit. In the only time he went to bat. Jay Klrke, Mlilgglng Iotiiavlllo flrnt packer, waa obtained In exchange for Tex t'nWng lnii, who had guarded thn Initial hag for several yiara for ludiuiiapoha. Klrke la a. slugger and Ilendrlcka be-' lleve he will fit. well In the Indian tlneiip. I''rd l''it-slmiiion, obtained from the Miiattegoti club of the Central leugnc, Is the most promising hurler lined up for thu 1(123 Reason, accord ing to Hendricks. He ia a right band er, big and strong and ha plenty of speed. Ho won four games and loat three while with the Tribe last fall. A batting slump practically In tuld seaaon, dining which four of tho lo cal club'g star Itinera dropped an av erage of 40 point under their IM1 form, hurt ho Indians' chances In (he 1922 American association race. Regh, Covington, Hnlrd and Schrelber struck snag ainl fell down in their hltllng at that time, Hendricks Hinted, Tho losa of pitclur Jotinnrd and T fill lo the New York tllants also weakened the local team. Indianapolis finished fourth in the 1322 pennant race. Says McGraw Not r t i t m ravor or union Walter l!.ign, Itiitlah opn cham pion, and Jo Kirkwood. Australian till holder ami noted trick shot golfer, will play exhibition matches la Oinab tomorrow and Friday. The golf llliimlniirie will ba at th Field chin tomorrow aid Friday thry will lake a crack at the dirncijlt !. koma club course, which ha never ien shot In pur. hilanley lUivlen, the httky M club pio, and Jack llugliea. will fur-ult-h lb opposition for the linaiier In a morning IS hole match, and Ham Reynold and lllalne Young will act a pace-makers or maybe pare set turn ki the afternoon. tiiiod for Iron. Following 3 hole of exhibition play, th Aiialrullan chatnp will make trick shot for the fdlllcatlon of rx perta and duffer. Kirkwood la wllhoiil a pr when It roine to making the fiutta Pcicha do at unts. Regardless of Inclement weather, I he matches will be played, It I an nounced. A a result of rain for the last few days, the Field course will he In great shape and furnish Hagen an oppor tunity to show aoin of the wonderful Iron ahot for which h la noted, hllff Opposition. The Fl'-ld director have mustered am h stiff competition for ih two golf celebrllli that the exhibition will aa vnr of a real battle, of course (he In vader will be at a dlHadvnntug result of being unfamiliar with the coma. Davis and Hughe shoot par 72 wllh regularity end ft nicy some time clip a Hlrok off this. Reynolds and Young can glv anyone a battle on th pasture, for they know the lay of every blade of grass. Ham recently smashed records by shooting the course In 67 two day In succession. Ab Mitchell previously bad hi Id the pro record with a 71, Crawford High Team Undefeated Omahn lie ,useit Wire. New York, Nov. 1. Charles Stone ham, part owner of the New York Cianla, and Secretary James T. Tier. ney, denied emphatically today that Manager McC.raw had permitted any of hi players to Join the new baseball union. Raymond .1. Cannon, Milwaukee at torney, who ha been retained by the union as counsel, earlier In the day, Is said to have declared that: "One hundred and Ihirly-six of the 15 player in the National league have joined (he new baseball players' organization. "Six of the eight rlulia in the league New York, Cincinnati, Huston. Itrooklyn, Philadelphia anil SI. Mill have Joined almost to a man. "Twenty-one member of the cham pion (iiant have enrolled with the consent anil approval of Manager John Mctiraw." Crawford, Neb., Nov, l.(Hieilal.) Coai'li Hniilh'a gridiron wiiitIois of Crawford High, although from one of tho smaller cities of the alale, are Attracting a great, deal of jilti-nllou In tiorlh west cm Nebraska. The Craw ford fen in has won four ronsecnilvn games this season und are still In the running for the stale championship of Nebraska. They bavo scored total of I Ml point while their goal llnoliaa been crossed but mice, Wright, lHllirnp, ono of tlnlr baekfli'ld men, la no doubt one of the fastest, shifti est and haideat-bii ling halfback in the state, while Captain Curl Ander son Is a fullback of undisputed line plunging ability. Chadron High school, Newcastle (Wyo.) High school and fiordon High school have already fallen before the onala lightering at tack of thla hackfleld. Next Friday afternoon the Cnw ford team meets Alliance High school of the latter' gridiron. Alliance has already establlahed a reputation In atato football circles bylcfentlng 8yd ney, Scoltabluff, flrainl Island and scoring two touchdown on Real rice before Coach llugliea' boy were able to get started. Arrangement are now being mado for a, special train to accommodate tho eiilhusiaalic root era of Crawford who expect tn necom any their team to Alliance. This will be ono of the moat Important guinea during this weekend for wealern Ne braska, a It will determine whether Crawford High school will be elim inated from, the state championship rare' or whether they will pus to the next round In the championship lad- jder. L' of tn Vngliml thera I ligUihouse to rr H mtu el ciwat, In 8vtln.l, that I on t 'iy 1 ml!. 1 tn IieUnJ, en to ey 3i pule Oh' .V l 7T THTNIM PAR SWIMS' Arrow Collars F.T US lake for the text today that bewhlskered great granddutldy all mialnke in the pluvlng of golf. "Ki-ep the F.y on the Rail." Rig-iiilles nf all else you do in making a golf stroke, rmthlna much count a II you fall to keep jour eye on tle lull. The stance, the upairuk i of tha dub, the follow-through all Is lost In proper eflectlvt'iicai If tha I gitse la not kept, i "l.. oU' !y, on the ball. t uihk i -ii-l I i. id The null of the pkiatei, an. I It i.iliro.l be ",. n ilkln-J wh..i pi h..i v,u ,,f keeping tlin rr auiN-ittafully until tlie plner liua pro-j ti tha Iwll I d up In M woiU, rael tn the point where he can una.-oiiiv, , l um lv foiail'' the iiit iuvolvtd in I lhr are two w.. of watching the; ih t:klitaj up i f the iltih and bnuaingi Coat-li Adam Is Drilling His (tririatrrs in Kicking The I'nlvcrslty of Omaha football team went through a hard workout yesterday in preparation for the game with Trinity on frelghton field here Thursday afternoon. With only 15 men out for the team thl aeuaoii, Coach KrntW Adam Is guarding against any Injury to his men by acrimmnge, an I drilling his kriiNtvr In kit king and running l ic k puni. . Trinity college has a strong Irani and I (onalderrd the f.toi He' in the coming fame. tall p.foi Die ,!nt l.ei t tilts It, con Uiusty mul in . .a, i. only, gu-rft in toy 'U ( Muk i' -y t v ki t n i t, thnr on th iwil whrii a mat r if tl tin ) in !.!, .!, i mil fiHu-l Mirrrlv B )i ,ln..t.ri of Ih lull Thn it a fin an I in r'.uil pt.r hue hh irvulv a .irt f ip an I dl r iomiui aitt Oi l.. .itr iiit Ira in t d Hnjiph Unit iv IW.i. !"" Kwllr if kttOln tk r oil in ! ! I e m i .r.t l I iMt OKI ('!, h.t h.. ' lo. l. I ttila i ij Ur ltliil : l til $ v ii t h-i I h lUe lei ' iih uim l iil 1 r. H m, tt It. , ta acii.i!iy et u l iim-i ti 11 !.- ae . at .t 1 1. ii..t k i j te X t I . k . a i i ii t-4't i t f 1 - te . j IV V- , .... ta . a i- i- 1 t-. a I Hi . Ml .f I . (!( I I. ' i I 1.. t- i . t t I ttt f.. ' .. , , t i-l 6. Ij..I n ill ht-l - I - -t -!! li.. . I . ' a , .1 l ti "- ' it li mn lint nitty : u h t:m aa he ran wioh the li will he ,tti(t.i go of In-coming an avt-urate (.layer . .4 1 m. t-lie of . . II .i Hut i.no' lloi phiv i !,., . lii, iii. i lht iM-ifp It,. a tr (-'i,. .tiu-i.. ,,f ,i mg I Kill wlif he tuakr h stii k Mill h. find Inn .-lt in lii i. t l ii, ia i ig li ue and stintit Bhol MoiM,tvr, , w II I -i I tr l in Itie liat.it of UV ii a it tl at it will I .1 ult t r hint .( i 1 rvll h th i.ffl, 14 la I tt.a VVol.m 11, .if uiaIIi.ii al.l ,l. VI, ifc.!,,l.l. III fill 1. !.. pl I.i h t (M Mils witH tha l ' if hi . ,h a.. Hi.. , .1 I .l.,l. lb llii, i1.il! i f a ii-l ah .fit t ilutl whlt'tl : v i ,m i,i 'i.ii r i;(o ! H I. li . t aii t i.n la ii ' .Ml.l li i.'U'int il a "Ilia , I I mil .1 i(. i.li li.e t,.!l f f i 1 1. .il Iii l 'I tsi il , . t l I . ... I I a 'I. I. i.i l I .,- M u . n h i i...i,l u. ii.. 1. . . , 1 4 - !' f !- ..I t t I l u. I i . !. -,u I , t (ialllirfdX Heat J.tt k-nll. l'1-ll...l, Mlih . Nov. 1 --Ilia, l atins f.X of Naw Yolk won both tn point him ka In an elliiini.it. mi in.iti It l,er airr l ,y In th nl.o,nl i!ur i n.h ion billiard championship. I ..nn.fii ibflil CUiam Jaikaon of l-wlrmt, : : p. li. la n 11 In 11 Inninaa in Hi first Murk and I In In IU " "i. gnie, wt ii It want II limm 1 l a i.niinii i tiigh run w .s t ami J a..i fmi. I gtu.i lnt I I aimaf-il in t-fi l afiar - 1 n alt l.sa K li I i . U u . n i i i ii ii i. ii 44. a il I Itr lfc.ll- i i a. a llatuai tluuar, , i I M.ui Wra at Ih la-uistana it f 4 a-sli Iraiu acp' lM luataa WUh a Ihieaaai Waial In ataiMiaaaa Willi a wiillM ii,ir4 all tiKiik am. ti a. 4 la wuitl Wr m a is IV I !- H.44 Vsrl k tfcsrti tiM-aas, an lnloiHJ u Make Ih litKl l ihsit tin ta W a take a thai iK.( I bit at t ink, I W.II ki a HUI!t 9 A FootBallFacts WorthKnowing Q. When Is a football game over and the ball dead when time up Is blown by the linesman or when the referee blows his whistle? A. The game Is over when the referee sounds bis whistle declaring that the hall Is dead, Ruin i, sec tion 1. Q. On kick off which crossed op ponents' goal lino Into end zono a player of tho kicking team held a de fensive player In thl end tone and kicking team recovered hall, claiming a touchdown on grounds that penalty for holding, after ball had struck ground, bad to be glveiion next play. What ia the correct ruling on such a plv7 A. Rule A, action 1.1, paragraph (I, states: "If a player commits a fnul behind hi opiHiuent'a goal line which would give the aide defending Hie coal iMisseaslon of Hie hall on I he field of play, a linn hlmi k shall he de-(il.ti.-il." Holding on a Mik give Hi , hall tn I he offended able at Ih spot where luiil mitir. Therefore, the i pi) should he ruled a tnui hbai k ami put a I urn hdown. 1 y. I'liivi-f fumbled ball and la on j ground. As an opHim lit dine fur H he kins U -i It out of lamada and to 1 waul hia own amil, On of hi team- li.nl. s ininria lull What dei islou .liii'lM la klMll on thla plill" . If Hie mail nil iriilllld hallrred ball lnwaiils hia nwn the ball slniiilil he awid-4 l npiMiiieiil at the ' spot where the fnul mt urrrrf. Iltll H, an il.ai J. Vj I mi.,. I., plaint on pint from at i mintage loti.Ye I'rt'l In fi Id of , plat and It thru lolls out i f tumid lln f ills on ti il.. ii- I b Kivin ball M 1 1 ,. Hll .ll I It I- tt ll.l) Of t-!v rs lie hall ! ta In learn i whet M iina.r I ha sub line Rule t, an 11.41 11 I le'J ' i '''''', '?'' Ai t . J ' 'l 'V ' ' ' ' Central's Hopes for Victory Slide Backward When Star Players Answer Sick Call Weather coiiditloim aro not hindering Hie Central high grldsler In I heir preparation for the annual clash wllh Lincoln high, Katurday. Coach Hchmldt held Indoor practice In the h(sd gym yesterday and sent his (iiad of followers through a light signal practice, Tlje purple mentor bus been laklng advantage of the rainy weather and ha been con ducting a fiolball class In order to diagram every play and formation. Heveral of thn Hilltop regular j it hard knock In their championship failed to report for practice yesterday because of liillirles and Illness, Oal lowajc Central', all state fullback, ap pear at the head of the slek list and I.iiwaon, who Ii;im been playing bnlf poxlllnn, come next. Mellcrinnll nod Pcrclval were also nut of tho gym nasium drill laft night. The hope of turning back I he Red and I'.lack (li ven took il iee((( fall as tlm re sult of the alisi nee of lliese regular anil Hilltop followers again received expectation. With only two more days of prac tice to put, on the llnul touches, Coach Hehmldt. wjll have to do wnu fast work 1n tinding a good comblnii. (Ion lo fill thn vacancies left open by old man Jinx. Coach '"Al" Hill made an an. tiouiieetiient hint night that, his gold limcyi'd reserves will lock horns with the Capital Ciy second squad In a curtain raiser to the main event Hat-in-day. Mid-Western A. A. U. Has a Busy Program for 1923 Pilot Question .Worrying Coaclr of Syracuse Team "Cl.it k" Mrrlian VnAn i.lnl lirllirr to Start iimnoiis or l'iiipmne (iainl . Hiiskrn Saturday. Byr.'icusa N Y , Nov I Com h John V. (i 'lin 1.1 Milium of Hi f'wa eus uiinerrdly foolball li.iiu la n d I'lded tod.IV Whether lo shut l!o . nil' moil, the Chic ii,o fell, or J o OiV Frugoniie, the ;i.,o,l)n sine, at qiir leibaek In K.itiuitiv'a clilt w.lli lie Nebraska I 'ornhnskei a. rhmiimiis baa been anff"ilng fioin an attack of pleurisy which hud him low I.ihI Auguft lit th sinrl of I ha fsitbnll season and bus not been In form all seiison. !,nl year piived a Whirlwind gun at nuai Ii i b;n I: fo the "frnsli," and Was looked upon as certain Varsity ninleiiil thla season IIIS4 illiiesa, however, lias hampered bis wink, and although he baa siailid several guinea, Ins work ha not been up to that of last tear, ft uiemnn calbd sil-nnls ill the scoreless e against I u Kliite haluidny, and his work Wfi of tlm highest (l ies. I'nlesa miiniiions (llnpla a sudden leveism of form It Is almost certain FrUK"Mi will start the fray agilnrt Ih Coin buskers. Ihillid In lln-ker Plata. Ulirllitf the fnt pall of Hi w. ek Ih freahmnu and second vmsitv teams wn given long, delailed in slriicllon In r.'ebrali:i pbtya wbleti "Heavy" Van Arnifin picked out tn the battle with Oklahoma Just wcl! While lb second string tnn wi getting these Instruction the vsriltr wa given only light signal drills, hut a soon a they had been peifeileii the heavy acrlmmage wink sinned. The westerner' pl-iy piir,M the var xily at first but after a few hour they iiioeared tli'in all over the pt ic. Tho Cornhuskets, regarded as on of the grealeit giidlrou tiiacbliies in lie country (oila.y, will nnlv liei Friday. Dawton'a squad will sliqi off at Chicago and Niagara Falls for hhort prin 'flees. They will enter Ihw game a slight favorite over Kyracuie, ' Relieve He Hue Rest Traill. Mcchnn b'li"es llnit li b tha ;l,e,t aggreg illoti of football men In 1 1 he cist, but says they did pot play as (hard against J-nn h'tale as they did lagalimt plllnburgh. "From a foolball standpoint H.vra Iciuio won the Piltshnrgh gamn despite lho fact Ihat figures Indicate other. Iwimc, he said. They were on even lleriii wllh P"mi Mtnte, according to (the figures, but 1 If v should have ! beaten I'enti t'1'i'e. They playwl the greatest game of their liven niialin t j Pittsburgh and they were benten. They can Improve on their show in I against I'enti ftat. (Jliaii)iioiihlii OoRipfitioriB for (.'omiiig Year Include Many SiorlH. Much athletiij activity In tlio Mid Western association of tho Amateur Athletio Union is piomUi'l in tho 192J schedule adopted by tlm associa tion. With the exception of handball, basket ball and Indoor track, u wards of which will be made at a later dale, tho schedule for JH2I I complete. The championship competition for thn oomlng year include boxing, wrestling, track ami field, gymnastics and vol ley hall. A committee has been appointed hy tho directors of the association to prevail upon the Nebraska legislature to amend the state boxing laws so na to permit amateur boxing and wres tling. I'nder the present boxing and wrestling laws of tho state, all per sons, whither amateur or profession al, must be registered and licensed by the slato boxing commission to participate In boxing or wrestling ex hibition. This, .according to officials of tho A. A, U., i a decided disadvan tage to the amateur. With the exception of tho Junior track and field championship and a part of the swimming programs, all of the Mid Western A. A. IT. compe tition will bo held in Omaha in the coming year,, The awards i f tliecom petitions by the championship com mittee of the association are; Roxlng, Omaha Atlileliij club; wres tling, Crelghlon university; gymnas tics, Tel. Jed. Hokol, Omaha; outdoor senior truck and field Jiiei I, Oinuhu, Athletio club; outdoor Junior track and field meet, University of Iowa; volley ball, Omaha. Athletic club; swimming meets, Omaha Aljilctlc club, Crelghton university, L'nlversily of Iowa and Nicholas Henn hospital, Floyd Johnson Knocks Out Vidas New York, Nov. 1. Floyd John son, Han Francisco heavyweight, last night knocked out Joe Vldfii of Philadelphia In th second round of a 10 round match. Jolinson outclassed hia opponent from the start and landed the, finishing blow after a minute and 30 second of the second round ha.l elapsed. Roth men entered the ring weigh ing 1S5 pouiida. Iowa's Acceptance of Yale Game Deferred Until Next Month Iowa City, Nov. 1. lowa'a accept ance of the invitation to meet Yalo In another iiitersectlonal foolball game In the Yale bowl In 1(123 prob ably will deferred until afler Ihe meeting of the western conference faculty committee scheduled to bo held here early in December, It was said in athletic circle today. The western conference rule In re gard to interHCcUonal games is not Ironclad, It was pointed out, and does not absolutely prohibit 'games with member of the "big three" or other eastern elevens, but was designed primarily, according to foolball ob server, to prohibit games such na Ohio Kiate university undertook when Iho Ruckeyes played California In the annual New Year's day game at Pasadena two years ago. The faculty representatives, In parsing the rule, desired to stop the practice of schedul ing games that Would require; long llliM mid keep member of thn eleven away from I heir clnisn for too long a period. It was pointed out Hint Ohio tilato university, as nn example, could play Yale, Princeton or Har vard, or other eastern schoola, in the same time that it would l'"iilie lo inako u trip to play Minnesota at Minneapolis. Chicago nhio could play Princeton and not keep the student away from I heir clasae for a. longer period than it would require ttj'mal-.'i a trii to Minneapolis for a game with Iho (iophers. Ma.,1. John I., liriflilli, fommlssioiK r of athletic In the western conferi nee, declined to comment on Hie Yale in vlt.iiliui us It. is n question for Ilia faculty committee in heitle. FATIMA CIGARETTES rVtvit'ci iVl I'utf'L; ttiUis Nat. l.t tit.iouaM liMlWalt tiuad al ca(hwri MMiirtsilr M an t l a in ) Im Ji In M4iltt mara aiaiii'i tl liil m4 ai4 I a. II l l.ao... wr4i4 II lntM BstuaiHa IW ri Mm nik was fctlwrd k Ma I k t-waaie) ra whhli IWa t til) I. Mt imiM 4) .1 a lk.isi merit ttn.i I 141(14 4f t.4- ! f now j) tTt for TWENTY ami after all what oilier t iaiftlo mi highly h'mm u d 1 y hi many incn.'' Irt aM iii l i mi Ik Vino ltt Ca Ik ia MM a