HIE OMAHA IJEK: THURSDAY. NOVEMCKR 1922. Chiirel. Council BRINGING UP FATHER Bo lotorotf B. I'IB Offlr. see jiucs and maccie in run. PACE Of COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManus ICiprrmht lUJil v. Unics Voters to I'M iORT-C)UT HE'5 HAVlMr4 LUNCH WITH MK.DlisrV m n mm I i ' T VMS .VALOl tJIVINQ STORE Living Room Furni ture Sale This Week Hack Prohibition NV . ' s . Slatcinrnt Appeals to "AH (!lirili.in JVople" to Se nire Impartial Knforre. merit of All Law." 10 If I WANT rOLi TO KCEB 1 lff I K I'LL. tCC THE AND I 1 1 I'M bORf -MUM 11 VOO TELU HIM I IT AVAff TtPOM DSTY l r HAVC H'M PUT rCUR FlCND BUT THE! C APTAIM HR't T U IKJ 1 i MdnliltiKtort. Nov. 1 Ilfffirilinir the prem-m moiit'-rit in a rrltirnl nn I in piohililtlon l Klulitlini, th Kederal ) 1 1 1 ) 1 1 llf I 'llllll lie till lnl''d HII ur gent Im-nniiife to the rfmrrhe. It appeal to "nil t'hrlnllalt people" to ert I'Vitv lif 1 ii-nc" to mmre th lu.iu.rtlil -1 f .i riK ti i of nil Ihvin mil , In vry dliito ii' llv ly to nupport for piihlln i'f fi n Hume who are lovnl to thH ronllttitlon ii ml to their outh of offl.e lo maintain It. AmnHM- Hi" Iiii ruler if tli dpii'liil committee Wlilrh prepared til nlaf.-lll'-lil nr William .1. ipipIukn sran iiinl former llowriior Cut K, Millil.en nf Millie, Thi luiii"liiitH iHnixloii fur Dm Mlllt"lll"'llt iH t llC lllltllilllrrli-tlt lit AViixhliiijinii on Ort'.l.ir 11 liy the or " aaiilzeil fnivi villi h nre flifhtluir fur , tli r'pe.il i'f tin- prolilMtiori Ii-kIhI.i-' linn thiit they me oiiraiilzinK nuppnrt Ht tin- roiiiliitf elrrtion fur riindl'hiteo hn will vote to legalize the rnnim- failure and mil if Ix-ir and win. , Kut only Mil "ifii iilt.uk u i n prohl liillnll, lint n I ho Ids more nubtl ft fori to prevent th enfuriemeiit of tlm rxUllnir leglnlatlon are pointed out it ml Ihi! iiwi-Mnliy of urKlnir Hi . rliiirrhen now to I'l.iy im vlfc-oroiin a part In the mu I n t-nii ru-" of renpert for law ii h they formerly played In e . riijinir the i-tinrtmenl of the prohibi tion I k l h 1 1 1 1 1 i n . ( allllol ltclKillli'fl. Th nlat'-ment follow n: "Thn public iiiiiioimrrmi'iit of the program of ttw fori oppond to prohibition I a direct 'hallen: to thi rliijri'hi'H imil the friend of orderly govern mint. They demand the repeal of the natloM.'il prohlbl lion Hit and thn restoration of tlm . Manufacture and pale of lieer and ' wine. In the fur of tlm furl that it IidIIi are Inlnxlcnflna; and therefore cannot bo legalized without flmt rlumKlnit tlm roniilltutlon, "Kui'thi-niiori', tho mln of Ix-rr ntul wine wouM rciiwlre om ' HKinry for illdtrlliutlon ni ho wonlil leflil Invltnlily to )ii- rrtnrn of till- olltl.'iwnl Kllonn with nil ItK iittrnilniit rvllii. "Kvrn tnorP Mrloiin thiin tlii iipcn cnnipiilRii iiKtiliiHt prohlliltlon nr thn nlriiMtfr liifliirnrpn roiiKtii'nt ly lit work to jircvrnt the honoKt piiforirni-nt of th (xIhIIiik law. To illmihry or iliHiff iir'l liny l iw en- nrteil hy the properly iirrrHlfpil jcprrm-ntiitlvpn of lh pooplu In to ji if thi rniiH( of iiniirrhy nnil to tin ilrrtnlno th foiinrtntlon on whlrli nil ilrmorrntle liiHtltiltlons rent. Jn the rlnninK wordw of I'rpnlilrnt Jtiirillnir: 'Whntpvir hreeiln illnre Kpcct for thn low of the lunil in a fori tfnilinK to th Kpnrrnl break- ilown of thi Horlnl owmlzatlon.' IntrrniiMoniil KmpntlHilillitjr. "Thfl Fnlrrnl Tounrll of tho f whm of rhrUt In Anirrlra thrnfom nppmlM to nil ChrlMtinn , proplc to rxrrt evrry Influence to Hwiirc th Imp.irtial enfororment of nil laws. Hinrn th fop of prohi bition nr now nnltwl to rtrfcat the rnnHtltutinn It In hlRh time for the ChrlHtlnn forrrn of our country nlno to unltA nrnt to t' n conlntent at th ballot box In their nnpport of AIVKRTIIKMK.NT. Be Sore to Eat Plenty If Troubled With Sour, Gar Stom ach U Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets After Eating. Jut bocHuim the ktomach tctin nour aflrr raLinK don't rar yrunnIf into starvinsr. Hwectun your stomach with T Bi( F.ll.-. WIm P. ih. Big Wk Arc S Sli.nitr Tku a nr l Stuarl'e li'i TaMrO and U.-kla lha Mil nl .'h. ut foor 1 ho ovvrata per"n Haala Ut rf .H,d IimhI lu auel'lr Kia auffuiant tHiiriSmnt. And if tho LhI aeitia 1mm tn.t vatlH-n nil Ih L.mavH tho o'Vahna of for I tt r4 nd "U inn ni I prir lionn'H th t rlulilr Ma h,i' trtkl Ik. 1,'g )Ul.a f lit. .10 B .lre. ' i.ki.i. ... ...ii. i. .,.,.k. iw. mr-no inniu.d 10 iM.aa.Hun Lai hiir bel i n sited 'U'lii tune to t l,o ia . n..f, im ... (, im, ihi lume mm. IrMd aod or fcawd tit and Wi lharo lalilrla kp ii..r awa.a-ll ( ood a-tn- i (..il.la .. kloort !' .an ori a ..asi ( ta.at. vl a,.. dvt.i.l 0 0 t. "- o OO-OO O -04 o STOP CATARRH! OPEN NOSTRILS AND HEAD I rm tpur la irll KtUe llr4 1 wldi ta, I 4 o a o o o iriHIM.MI O-'OJ o.o II ..i. H I M Mi I I. l l 1 I I N ' J ) ...IUI 1 i ' .1.1 I .,. I J ( ll I ), u. n... . r . . i t-f i ai a L..H 1 1 I . m! 111 0 ' a I ( h f a,, I, a,. It i . t.i an ,i an I M li i li t . 11 .4 r., s.al j I I a ' H I . HO In ; l, F l (f - I . t l 1 - I I III l'Uht l.t,F i ii I'. -0 .( I K a , .it , .j I : . i"ih v at.uoo'.e l. t i (. ' r .. 4 . a I I i. M l-.ai , I , I t . I . I U - I tli roniitltiitlon lln nrmlrM nr In ottfinptliiK li nullifl' iitlon " At thn iiiii tlm the Kl'rl f'ounrll of t'liunhi' rn'lvil from FimI II. Hmlth, ilmlriiiHfi of It coniiiiImmIoii on rounrllH of rhliniirf, ii rriort on thn lntirvli-w of the 21 iiUIpiI Chrlntiaii Korlftl to whom l'i 1'nlili-nt Ilanlliitf npoke brh-fly on irolilbltloii ainl tlm Intrrnatiunui rmponnlljlllty of Atnriru. Th ntati'ini'nl of th prrnhlrnt r-iortl by Mr, Krnllh follow: Not' Worthy of lh Nam. "No doviTnmi-nt I worthy of the name If It (Im-n not Httnmpt to n forre It lawn, but It In pretty diffi cult noigi-tlinrn. ( will tell you n rather liifi-rmtiiiic nlry nlioii the i;iKhtrriith ni-iiilnii"iit, when It l ilfnop'l rnor fully. "I Imp you will look upon your Kovern merit with no lnn coiifuleni nn we turn to a peculiar method. With the law hh It ntiirifln no vnne In the worl'l. with any Ititoxirnnt on bonril, nealeil or unnealefl, -nrj tollrh ut'nny of our Innular port. "I am prmneil to tell you, becaune I know your ponltlon In the matter, I don't believe that It 1 practical. It In the law; and at the prent time nitint be enforced. I only fclve you that to ntiow tne nirricuuy in efifolrlim the law. Of coume It munt be Enforced, "I think we ur better off for tho KlKhteenth amendment. It han come to ntay. 1 do not think we will ever depart from It.' Large Prunes Not Best, Says San Francisco Man "An unfortunate mid contly mln taken Imprennlon prevalln gi-ncrully nnionif both tho trado and connum er," nald I'iiuI Flndley, rrtull itn-r-rhunillner of llomlK-Cooper compuny, Hun Kranclnco, at u larne KiithcrlriK of merrhnnt and other In the Chamber of Commerce Wednenday nlfiht; "that In that the larKent prune are the bent, That In not true-. The Inrgept prune are really Imperial plum. They are dellcloun to et frenh, out of hand, but when dried they have neither the fine flavor nor the delicate texture of the true French prune, which rnaVo up mont of the medium nlze. "AKnln," continued Flndlay, "any averiiKe crop will run only from about 1 per cent to 2 per cent extremely larse lze, With th presnure of de mand concentrated on thone, It 1 cany to nee how and why the public pay what neem like an abnormal price for prunen. Teach your cus tomer to nnk for medium nlze prune. Pell them the nlzen from 40 to SO to the pound. You can nelll thone for from 40 per cent to CO per cent Ichh than the extreme nl7.cn and the public will get better value and natlnfactlon for much lesn cost. At the name time you will make more money throuch greatly Increased sales." Flndlay' talk covered all the fun damental of retail merchandising. In cluding a demonstration on the black board of the rlisht way to compute inarKlns. T 1 1 talk wan enthusiastic ally listened to, the audience being quick to appreciate lis thorounhly practical character of real helpfulness to both merchant and consumer. Omaha Divided Into Thirty DistrM-U in (I. of Drive liny Kiddoo. Omunn Trust coin pany and chairman of the districting committee in the Omaha loyalty an niversary celebration of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce, ban been assigned to one of the most difficult Job of the celebration, that of dis. trlctlns Omaha no worker can can vas membership prospects with a minimum of time. Obtaining a late map of Omaha from th city engineer' department. Mr, Kiddoo divided the city Into 30 i dtflrirtn, naming each after a past , president of the ('handier of Com- mere. The teams, also named after j previous administration, were n- signed to the dixtrirts eorrpoudlng with their li.mirn and put lo work under the direction of O. T. Kasl it ;in. i.-fiu-rui ihnirmiin. I'. T. It Mar. tm and Frank Mer, lre i h ili iiu n. There are now almost 1M' woikei In the iiitiiiUi.liip rnri.pii;ii, iiinkliid their mniiiwi fioiu Ntr. Kldloon plan. n ,,ln,) . dllllrlllig Hie city, Mf K ,.l d.lo. ted th ..lt H' i fircular i w ,.i. Ii tliiu .rtirakjn ?apl ? . - la, till I 7 in V)'22 rV.lcral I', H( 'ii'l.O III L li I l l.4- .Ifrrt i. 11 1 io t ii ij,jh "( s h.Ai it.o mini if ' i 1 tii. l.i a ai . isl kin r of Ot ...Oii.li-I risll t V lltlrltitl IUvnil 1 . i,,r A H Alton V . rr.tti ti'-li lu Ih th too In la I'"M.'. p. Ih llai.al'.'Hali m l 1 I ; i . I V I 11 ir.o a. 1 si. I luim t 'll IK' II" Ika eilU) il.u)a 1 1.0 I. e ! 1 l an I a.'.n m l t'.ani l U. rn a,'l.i lii,;i.. I l,, T t.O u.,, t4 l-!.-. a'a- a i l l I i I ' lUiit V lir Mil l In 1im.i df lliim.il llili i!i'n-l I Hl.l.i i I ' I . I t. l.l oti Ht inii I on! L ta i(.,o l I ' o I - f Or - M 0 ' - I I- ii d o l .m4.I l I i t till. I .. ft I o-a 1 t S I .a o- kt III . I,- k t a' . !- i o I fi.a - i t 1. Ih .. 4o I --a fc4 I av4 i.,y.td How to Keep Well By PR. W. A. EVANS Quttlian cenorelng fcyfl, n nation wi prevention of iiutt; ubmilltd I Or. tvtnl by fmim of The bmm, will noworod parMiiallv, tulitt lo proper limitation, wharo a olempaj aS4roaaoa onvalope I onclntod. ' Dr. Evone will not maji a diafnoai aor nroocrlb lor Individual diaoeaae. Addroa lottor la car el Ik Ho. Copyright I 1(22, ritOHf.KM OF TIHK WATKK. Water from a driven well a com pared with that from a dug wJI I mora pt to be pure beraue there I Ira (tinner of pollution at the tup, and ici-page Into the pipe In the flmt ii feet I not likely to occur. When u driven well I pumped to Increane it rapacity there In roriHldcrabte dan ger that pollution will be drawn In, There are Instance on record of aafe water from driven well becom ing poluted and spreading typhoid, when pump were hitched to them, A a rule, deep well furnish aafe water If the top and upper ntretche of the well ure waterproofed and prop erly protected. Artesian well furnish afe water stipplle a I mont without exception. Flowing well are doubly safe becaune the water In It underground bed I safe and the pn-nnur of the water In the pipe prevent inflow of pollution. llaln water I on excellent source, provided roof and gutter lire kept reasonably clean and the storage fa cllltle arc properly protected. Home people do not like the taste of ruin water. 1'riniarlly, the tante 1 duo to to the ubnenee of mineral and the small amount of air in thin water. Not Infrequently, stored rain water develop secondary flavor due to roof and gutter pollution and the growth of ulnae, J'crhup thin I a good a place a any to say that hard water are not a harmful u people think. They wasto soap and are hard on Home fa bric but there I little proof that they are harmful to health. Houston' book give formulae and method of Improving the tuste of rain water and, for that matter, of water from various olher source. ' Ktored water tend to purify them selves. Any disease producing bac teria die off In a short while, On tho other hand, stored water are some time mado offensive by birds, rat, mice, llwird, Insect and algae. There is no fundamental objection to torlng In underground cistern. Such citern must have seep.proof wall and be covered against bird and rots. There 1 no health objection to a clslern in the nttlc, llkewlae properly protected. A glassed window In the top of a cistern, permitting Runlloht to reach the water, Increases s safety. Rural home should have a water supply In tho bouse. A yard privy, comparatively Inac cessible and very unpleasant In ex tremely cold weather, Is productive of constipation one of the most wide spread and one of the most harmful of all bad habits. One reason why the younger gen eration leaven the farm, is the lack of plumbing In farm houses, Oerhart cite the following study from tho United State Department ot Ijahor bulletin: Haby death rate In hnuma where water In carried by hand, 107.9; with no bath tub. V4.K; with yard privies, 1M.3: piped for water, 117 3; with In side cluls, 1M.3; with hath tubs. 72.. Of course only a smnll part of this Improvement from 179.9 to 72.6 I due directly to plumbing, bath tub and Inside toilet. , Most of U I due to th higher health standards and higher mnltnry standards held by the public who live ill in-- ii"iir- ,i- i -- i' Mild Infection Mliely. Mrs. Z. t. writes; "I am 83 year old. POLITICAL Al BTISI M r. HANLEY ENDORSED For Congress KIN MlOltr, laiar.K of O. vtMiad 1im.i. ft.r t.fi ai iha haa 1 t,i ibo Mroal I a Mo a I mn. nul. I ha.o an.-vn Ja.ua II tt,iav I f .. ai ii.ii ad I saio 1I110 f ..it huo id ha ftr a.,l .,.-ii, i--.aid .'.tfonii. lai.-r and fial ihi I II ! a ax ...i iai-il-10 n ia-a- a t; . l l.o po-'pio ' im 111 v.. umuiwi, i.d 1 . i I .. li ha Ho 1 I oi.io nad i-'..inl pad o-H o.aia :i rt inatt 'ia r-l 10 ' -.4 d.li.t IH aikMMiaa.e in WaH, tr.i-o aiil I 0 aa I ia k ' I i.'. h. 1 tail fc .1 ki 4 ibal a1 Ij -o I-. ae iith i' Ha 4 iil i'a aat.. au. iihi ia a ad.amc I aaal 1 . io k . I IIIOM4I B M ritlMt'V axon 1 : i -- a at r .ja,a, aa-l t a l a O"--'! l ka. ao-a 0-d -4 al M-f ,i tk I'..-', aa a ii. I alt 1 k a t..'o -I ia ai-i'a-i. oa.k ka d 1 .! I Mm la. I Ita- i ia .. o I -., . - 4 a. a ft,.. .4.0 art'.' iho o-a a U ill auud J .''I'rt l 14 a- Hi !,, f t.-o a 4 t ka ia.a. a d . "a ' l' i lla a .. O'.i oa -I a-o a llr. .. .a na ia '! t .ia o. . . aa a a. 1 a 0 ,i,..l h'ver aincu 1 had Inhuena, which was In the flrnt winter it broke out, I have had temperature during the nuuiiiier and a ooiiiplHu osn ot append.-. Uist winter 1 had pneumonia and recov ered very slowly. 1 hud lemprratuie this last summer am) It still holds on afternoons, though, not tnoro than ''IM 2, beginning about II a. 111. I do not cough fiiUrh.Tusl occasionally a harking cough, though I feel a tight ness In my chest, an If I had taken a fresh cold. "Could my lung have been affect. d lnce the flu, or what could the nature of the trouble, have been? Can a lung be lnferte( without being til berculonln? "It em that I would have de TT(OiJv7V Cash Refund No-2 ? AMV VV o For 200 I oral Wftmpn o You Too, Can Get This Refund Our BIG 3 CASH REFUND OFFER spelU Economy for housewives. Today, for instance, we have mailed out 200 checks for $1 our second cash refund to 200 Electric Washer buyers who have already participated in our "Big 3" Electric Washer Sale. Though two refunds have been made since sale started in October before sale ends in 10 more days we hope to make additional cash refunds. You still have time to share as others have if you buy your Washer NOW and imme diately after your first initial payment you receive a $2 refund. Full details are explained below. Ask your neighbor who has one. "Cash Refund" Partially Pays 1st Installment Included in this Big 3 Sale are three standard, guaranteed Electric Washeri THOR, MAYTAG and AUTOMATIC you choose the one you favor. On each machine special low prices apply and you need pay but $5 Down and $1.25 Weekly. When the first 100 washers were sold the sum of $1 was remitted to each of the 100 purchasers. When 200 washers were sold the sum of $2 was remitted to each of the 200 purchasers. When 300 washers have been told the sum of $3 will be remitted to each of the 300 pur chasers, and when 400 washers are sold the sum of $4 will be remitted to each of the 400 purchasers. Don't Delay-Only 10 Days More Remain ntfl Cash I Gsi Monthly "V I ViNoX Puts This Jail. - llf 1 A a. T Home , JjjM ""'"'.fU' 5T"H, 'v t 3Jj Cash in P 3ss8 . efund ! 'M-ErXZZii TtlAn s. Sf5, '.-, 1 Check (cMji. I MAYTAG NfC . I fiFzgfl or AUTOMATIC fK ' Washers-Your jdMU jWrJ Bk J Choice for- Uk M I...I.U vT nd Only Cash Required J I udoM t'aiii p m li as r irit I a) mrnt l . . y We Refund $2.00 AT ONCF. V V Nebrdslti m Power . veloped the disease and been dead by thin time. j "Would tho fact that two pregnan cies on uir Ml during that time have 1 kept off tubernilosln?" I itKi'i.y. It In quite likely that you have a mild Infection In your lung with some germ probably tuberculnnl. Consumption In not Infrequently a very slow disease. xli IsoiieudKrw etaoln etaoln efaoln Io not overwork. Sleep out of door. llat plenty of plain, nutrition food. Iteport to your physician periodically- do slow on the baby proposition, Woriim In the Flour. K, Jt. write; "Could you give me any Information In regard to little black worms which I have found In rlee flour and oatmeal before rooking. 1 It harmful to cook and eat these eoinrnodllle with worm tlll In them?'' m;;ri-T, I Judge this I some of the several kind of meal moth, cereal moth, or flour beetle. I cuiinot Judge which, from your di-Mcrlptlun, What 1 write appllea to all of them. 1 liri Irk ay of the meal moth: "They are undoubtedly ground up with meal and we probably eat the re main, greatly diluted. However, none of u seem to be any wor for It." Most of us like "crackling bread," Maybe meal moth bread lias the same fine, mealy flavor. Uncle Sam Says Parent-Trarlier and Woman's Club rrngrani. The I'nlted Mule Iiorenu of Ivlu cation ha prepared a booklet In re sponse to continued demand from parent teacher association nnd Worn- en'i club for material for study along 1 the line of child health. It tells1 about teaching health In the schools,! school lunch, nutrition classes, cor-j rection of physical defect, recreation, j m-liool sanitation and good housekeep- ; Ing In the schools. Header of Th Omaha He may ob- j tain 'a copy of thl booklet free 11 1 long a the free edition last by writ- ! Ing to the t'nlteil Mate Itureau of Ivlucatlon, Department of the In-' Banish Washday Drudgery NOW! 4 Our liberal offer provides the way to shorter wash days. Buy Now and save labor, time and money. lerlor, Washington, TV C, asking fur "Health Kduratlon I,enflrt No. 6." More than 2U.0IIU hiryrle pas over London bridge every day. Constipation Is Relieved lnpt-PennaUert-Rdkf CASTER "f Lima LITER PIUS rarely fail. Purely . vegetable an y CARTERS mamrm m aso ai anaaa trM lieva tndige, Xrli gem; improve tlat couipiarioi--iightia Remember! There's a $2 check awaiting you NOW if you buy your washer before sale ends. mm-, &i j ii fOr-.lt) ItUofolll J29 '5 $175,110 MiilioKiiny anil Cant ."r.-.sLoo 1.(0.75 Library ? 1 Q 7C Tuble V IV, i J f J7C00 Three l'irci' Ovcrstuf fcrl rr: ..$178.65 Tt better acquuint you with our lump department, w are offering-; Mahogany Finished Floor Lamps complete with S 1 7t lar,e silk shiiJes. , vlOu A heavier (standard and liirpe size siJk r-hudc, C 1 Q 7C complete, price , . V 1 1 O While Enamel Kitchen Cabinet at s:ko.7r Oak Kitchen Cabinets $10.75 Galvanized Water Pails, larjre size, heavy handles, special at I'M Wah Boards, concaved, hc;ivy brass finished washboards at r5 Cnlvanizcd Wejh Tubs, medium mze (not small) heavy calva nized tubs 65 Earthenware Mix ng Bowls, full set of 5 glazed mining: bowls, at Gli, Mixing Bowls, set of 5 clear glass jnixinp; bowls, graduated size 70d Mahogany Finuhed Footstool covered with Mohair, Velour or Tapestry 7iJ Golden Oak Footitooli, covered with imitation lenther. .7J) Clothe Baikrti, heavy oval shape flat splint clothes basket at Waffle Iron, every housewife should have one of these fUj Galvanized Ash Cans, heavy ribbed 10-gallon ash cans at g 1.0.1 zsnsssssumi mm (ail.itnl (las Hnnces. .S."0.7r Other Styles, up from SIiO.73 v ' P5 mm lea rein III ffll I I llWIIIHil.ri ILI 1 ha t oil y ..i it f 111 ) ' ,,i IK. a ii- at. (tint ,1 ; , , I.Kll.if tto'l i v a. I ,, j I H a a 1t m 4 t!l", . Ir.la .. . Jt .V- 1 t I H i , -., j( oil t tl tost U WaaJ Haata i 4 ' ffjBown (3. Mo. . 4 SI, Vol Itik ta4 Ilia .". I t J -