The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 31, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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-:- SOCIETY -:-
PimH iut.
Minn Ttuili It.Bt, dwinhier of Mr.
nri. Mm. Cliiul. .f. J!-t nf NwW-v,
formerly if Oiiiiilui, Has muted III
marring Kotunlny af! 'riux.n m( i
n'rliic k at thn lumip i.f h-r plHti-r,
Mr. (Inulil J'n-w, tn A'frml A l'litrcl
if foliitnt.uK. Thn Ki v. It, H. Vniiil.r
llli pi'i f.irm'! Hi -ii''iii(iii'. The
Trtinit coujiln Mill riniili' In i ! u iiiIkim.
I nirdiji-Miiiit AniiiiiiiK ril,
Mr. mi, I Mm. I'', A. Hiinir of
i'ihiiii II I'.luffH ii ii 1 1 11 1 1 1 1" tin" iiK itt'"
ini-iit of llii lr ilniiKhli i , l'limlm M;i".
ti Mr Itrxuml'l A Kniry, moii of Mr.
iirnl Mi . J i, Kntiy of Auburn,
. li
M ih Ki i r I vi i y well known In
1'iiinii il :lnffj i In !, lutvlrig rrnlilcil
Ilium wiih h'-r imiiiiti tihtll H yciir
mi'i, uliiii flu- rum" In nnik hnr
I nil" with Mr. mill Mix. II. M. Hun-
I ell i.f tllK fllV.
Mr I'niiy ki :ilmiti i fiuiii (hit
k hu h m li'inl, nficr wlili h Iiii hi
I -m !! Ilio I'm v- J t y of .Win iikn Hi
l.lncolii iirnl in iiuw fjiiixliliiK hi
inlll fl ft lUflli'ill Hlllili'llt Ht l ho
t'nlvi-iHily of .WbruHkn lum In
OlilllllH. I l It lltl'llllHT of I hi'
(Mniiliu. I, iiinl of Htuilint vuluiilri-ra
for fllH-lKIt Mf'IAilP UMll H IMI'llllil r of
I'lisilun .Nil of J'M fhl iiwillriil frn
ti i nllv. Thn wi'ililinif will ho Hiili'inii
l.'i'il the IhhI of Nui'-tulu r.
Kmir'h Atmnrrsnry.
Mr. mill Mix Hlmilry "n-li'i'luim-d
In thi'ir honin on i,mt Hut
untiiy I'vnltiif, Oi'tnluT th i- u
flint Iwlim lliii fnintli niiiilvfrwiry of
tllll llfi l.tnilloil of llll'll-ll m- of III
'.ti linHloviik - ri piihlii:, Mr. Kcipim
In thn fuiimil for Czi'ihiiHloviikl.t.
'J'linHi' prnHi'iit wi'i'i1:
MInnc Kiwulii I'ii IMnm ill. Ri'Kln'i
T iui li' ii, limit' Tii ni lii'ii tttii'l KImIii
1'IhIc Mm. .Inliu HI' nli'kii iirnl Mi-hnim.
mill Mi'HiliiincH V. ''. I lonicck, JnK(ih
T, V'otnvii , JiiMi-iih .1. Mlk, Hull W.
f :i i-f ,iihciIi K. I't;il, Jos. Ji'lliiik,
iiiHt.iv K. Jiiimlii, Hlmon lliilnixrk,
.Viicldv Tixir, I'h.'irlfs I "ii v 1 1 u , nr.: Or.
V. A. Hi ill in k. 1-Yril. Numbi iirnl
Mi'BhrM. Otli Chitval, Kniiilt Rihii.
.lorn lilt r.i'r znci k, V'arlav llruburi,
J F. I'm' h"iifky.
.Mm. liedliU to Jliiuor Mm. It. Turner.
In addition to thn buffet dinner to
be Riven fin Tuewlay evenliitt by Mm.
t'liurlea i '.. Melz lit her homo I hern
will be a dinner lven In compliment
In Mm. Kit pert Turner of Miineheler,
KtiKhind, ly tor ho.-tPsH. Mm. John
Ileillik. ")n ThiiiMiliiy Mra. Wiillcr
ItohcrlH w:ll cnleiialn f luncheon tit
her homo for Mm. Turiv r.
Ilillinve'en I'arly.
A Hallowe'en party will be Riven
TuCHilay nt Mooho temple. Twenty
eighth and Kiirnam rlieetH, by Cimnlia
Hevlew, W'nmiiil'H llenellt AaHoclatlon
of Miicenliec n. All member of the
iteview and kfilghia of Maeiiihe8 are
Jolly Seniom.
The Jolly HeniniH will enlerluin at
a Hallowe'en purly Tnemlay evening
at frotniNc hall.
Card J'any,
The ladlea of I ho elnireli of the
HIcsMed Kaeranient will entertain at
cards U'eilniyilay nfleriiooii ut. their
hall. Thirtieth and CurtlH alrecla.
Will Keep lot !- on lliinticra.
It Is very annoying to go to your
clothe elom t and find xevetnl froefca
and fine Ii1ouh have ulippril from the
haiiKcm, Wind tightly a wide el.iHtlc
hand urolllld each end nf e.'ich h.iiiKer
and you will find the clothes will not
hp off.
, Kcittsnm (iinird.
HtirkitiK Iho pulnta of the missors
Into a cork before plaelnir them In
your rewim! bai will prevent holes
trarintf in your bajt.
( niivenlelit nml Kcstful.
A stool, tucked under th work tn
hie In the kitchen iiiIkIiI end the
complainla of aom of tho women, who
nro "always on their feet."
Problems That Perplex
The dill in I.ove.
Penr Mtsa Fairfax: 1 utn 19 and In
love with a youtiu man of L't. This
younit man and I were friends, until
he hud a quarrel with his boss artd
linve up his position. He tlu-n told
mo ho would not see ma until lie
a new job.
I hear he Is not working nt pres
ent. Is this yountr milt doimr the
rm'ht thlnit? 'r would I be ilmmr
the wnuik' tlilnn tn try and s.-e him''
I oe him very dearly and cannot
think of any Ion-, r. 1.
Let tlie youiifc" man work out his
on ii plan, mv .Ii ii . You initlit dm
pliuse him If you trie I t" e. h tu If
lie .i.s you he Hill see you w In n Ji
tl'.tllks It 11 Wise.
IVili.ips hu n mh.itiic.1 t be with
.11 Wh.le be is I'llt "f a p.iit loll, all. I
P.- Di.i v thn, k (lie l.- wilt lleVoIl
ii , t.ine t- ftudni: oi.e if he in not
II . i'l le t I V J, ti C let V
I. . I ! mi al-'Ue. If be ii s-iiiuiclv in
1.!.'t..l ut .'U he will t-ioe b.'ck.
II t lte luiy te a tuv H".ht niu- mid
ln ii t .li witii fir f ilms
!! ii "ll now t hink.
jfi T-r-u. ,:rvi:i
'j-.r, -r r ' .ikmu
League of Women
Mr. (.', M. II vii rt, units pimlili'Dt
of Ihtt I ,. ik tie of Nm.en Vutara, bus
unit tin In viiiitioii tn thn pit i,h-iit
Of M OIH IIliJltlllllK of Hi HtiltO to nt
li'inl Hi Mnt lonvfiitluii of th
li'iiumi .j I, lii-M at Jl.iIint lujiit
ttiimtli nml m iiii- piil ii In th Milnplum
of it Ii Klulntlv tmiKriifii In Hhlrh
Hnlin HI ol tt,'llilzitllllll IIII' 1 1 1 trt t r1
Ijmt ptiMK Invltiitloim wire m-nt Id
the iirKii'ilziillnnii mi'l ii iiuttiher r.
iottili'i iin'l piirtltlpiitcil Iti the work
of mliipfl'iff ii k'Klnlnllv proKnini
Th prenOli'til of .o Ii or.inliitlnli I
liivltiil to iilli-nd utnl m.iy iipiiolnt
Kiiini'iine tn no lit h'T plui e. Tim pro
mum to I in ojimirniliil t th ion
vrtillnli lliin yir Inrliuli llm Hhrp
pnnl Tovt nor net mil IrnlHhition iirrm.
.iry to "imii It hi'tii'llli In Ni"
hiunloi; htir tniirrluK hivm mil
i lliiiiii.itlon of the party rltrl.
Tho Mnrolti l'nj:o hn prlntil th
tiliiil tit t of thn iiiitlotiniilr
Htiit to the l'xiHj"tlv candliliit)) hpi!
hm tmiilifl copiiD to nil tho womrn
who Imvn hi llifnilwrn.
niiiy i me u coiy i.y nrrnm.iiK
niPiiilnr of th hiiKii mi'l (SlviriK th!
IIH'tlllulBllIp to tllD tll'!llllr, Mi.
Krrn I'plnii, who will tmill th ropy to
her. Mm, J. I, Koiinlnu of Lliiooln
Ih (hHlimiiti of the roiriiiiltt whlili
(.onpll(1 th report.
Pint lUlloweVn iirnlml.
HIi-hi1 Sdciunii iit. HlKh ni hnol
pnpilH will hv H Tout lliillowii'tn
iiunlnil Thurmlny, Novfrnhrr 2 Hi
tln'ir hull, Cilil.i nml ThIMMh
OhMliiiilA Oven Ihmm.
If thn oven door work a atlffly i
A'liirak rub it liltln liud on th hlnie
mi'l llm Irniihli! will dlmippear.
Ilalliine'en Tuny.
Mr. and Mr. Chtirlea N. CIIIh en
terliiliied 35 eufMlM (it a Hallowe'en
parly Katurdiiy cveiiinK.
Minn Mildred VV'emon will return
Monday, November f), from llm cant.
Mr. mil Mm. ('heater Nleiiuiti Kpent
the week-end In I.lucoit) at tho hotn
of Mm. Nlcman'a mot her, Mm. C.
W, Hmiford.
MImh Mary I,otilan KnKliah, who la
apendinK two nioiittia in New V'ork
(.'lly vlMltinif relatives and frlenda,
went to lioaton to attend the Harvard'
Iiartmotilh foot l II
Mr. and Mra. William I,. Kent of
Keiitfidil, Cal., lire, expected the end
of the, week to be the Kticxts of Mr.
and Mm. Kdwiird I. Huikc.
Mm. S. T). Ilarkalow of 'Waahlni?
ton O. Cand her dauRhter, Mia
Caroline, who hav been thn siienta
of Mm. K. II. Davla, left Hunday ve
nlnif for their home.
Mm. C. O. Ttyan of Crand Inland,
president of thn Nebraska Lenftuc of
Woman Voters la In Omaha to apeak
to . the numea who are in slate con
vention here.
Mr. and Mm, ',. A. IIornherKer and
Frank Conn attended a party given
alumni hv aclivo members of the fra
ternity' At the new chapter house in
Lincoln Baturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Daly announce
thn birth of a daughter on (-Saturday
at "the tit. Joseph hospital.
Dr. and Mrs. V. T. Fredericks an
nounce tlm birth of a daughter on
Sunday at the Kt. Joseph hospital.
Mrs. Tl. O. I.onnnecker and daugh
ter, I'ollyann, left Sunday for their
home in Keno, Nev., after a visit
with Mm. lxinnnncker's alster, Mrs.
i:. II. AVard.
Dislikes Kinks.
Dear Miss Fairfax: I bko your ad
vice Kiven very much, and I, tnu, am
cotiiiiiK for a, little help. I am having
tintiblo with my hair, and It is very
h ud to tlx it any way to make it look
presentable, F.vrr since I can re
member it has been very kinky, but
It is not the pretty kink like some
hair has, it is fuzzy and kinky, a
K I deal like a neuro s hair. The
more water I use upon it th mine
kinky It become. Vaseline does It
mi tioud, und I have tried other thlutis
:il i. I now bav it bobhed and it
still Is verv kinky, in fact, it Is mme.
tuliiK awful tu deal with. 1 am urnm:
tn ak you If you could suiinest unv.
thipi: In make it mote like other hair.
Mv hair is lute.
Thinking Jim lery much. 1 u-main,
r.i.ri: Lux.
'I la- Is. ! 1 1 ti in your muni Is prolml ly
botherintt ymi mote than th kink It
lour h ni. ItrUshliii; is the bet thn. if
I know for it. Many Hill who ii ir
l,..,.-, Imr iioiill hevt-iy thitikful
t i hni tho kink.
"Only the
Best for me!'
tleclarti the woman
who tahti pride in
the kinj of fooj the
tttthxfore her family,
Sh know i it Jtx-in't ry
to tvait her chk1 efforti
ni her gooU dour, eg gi
nj other mtfrUU by
uilng nything but
ROYALth Uit Uk.
Ing puwJer nJ.
( Contain So Uum
leawi So fittttr Tatte
; Intelligent Interest in
Maternity Care Is
! Ili'Kiiil'i wuh ft liniliil m i'niiy
piwmlilH if tut w.uil In k.ifi'KUHiil
your own In nil h nml hnv n lo'iilthv.
mirinitl lnl.y, l th mlvli nlvmi in
ipctunt nml hem hy pli Mnnnin hioI
miiK-iiiiH In InHtltiitlnti mtiuhi'il to
tli. I'lilti l HUle hofipliul r 1 1 ri 1.
Poii t wlt until it l tun for your
Iiii I V tl) I hol'll llll'l tli II I'llxh flllll'
tliully to nn itintlliitlnn h h ii riin'r.
((in y iii, Vini'll ni t th I.eMt uirn
th IiopllHl run Kivf you, unihT th
rlrt'tirimtiini . hut you won t h lv
I UK snuiKi'lf nnil your huhr u fair
J r. Wlllliim K, Mlinlilifnnl, dirn tor
of Mlnmi lloxplliil for WniiH'ii, bihI
ona of thn h'ntlitK aulhoi ltl In th
country, ri-ftVi In th "itlinMit of
workm In nlhr I'tiltt'd hofpiml fund
ln'ltulon hy HiiyliiK:
"An niinh im poi-Hllilii w try to
Imvn wotiit'ii icKlx'cr u oon tin y
hsv rHHnn to lii'lirv thr In (folnn
14 I a hahy. W o wimt tu lv thnii
a thoioiiKli tni'illiul x ii tn I lift Mori In
oidi r thiit wo miiy rorri'i t In tliii any
condition which nilijht work aKiiltmt
a iiortnirt delivery.
"It hn heen nniply di'tnnnKt rated
that preiuitiil and poatnalal cur auh
ii a our ami otner i tiitii nomiiiiii iuni
nati,,,,g KV9 decreax In a v-ry
marked ileiree the nuttiher of tfllafor
tuiiea iitiemliint on tiinlcriilty."
riuneer ( lull.
Th Vj lint I'eopli-M aoclcly I'loiu er
i'IiiIi of Hi Klrt rnlinrlan church,
will have a Hard Times I lallnwc'eti
parly, Tuesday at H o'clock, in lh
church parlors, Kyeryons is cordial
ly Invited.
(Juenllotialil Kicks,
Ibild the ikk to th IlKht, and If Ih
egif is clear II Will be K'S'd. If It has
a thick iienrmice, it Is stale. If
a black spot fa attached In the shell,
II Is worthless.
'mt?-imnsyM dt
Why Hie lliichs Missed Their Morn
ing Hip.
Fatly Coon hadn't had his break
fast. He always liked a hearty meal
before be turned In for his day's
sleep. And now hn was wonderlnu
where, he could find soiiietlilntf xood
to eat,
"1 know what I'll do," ho said to
himself suddenly. "I II K'i over to
Farmer 'livens' duck pond. They'll
Thg jumped
int tnt.
at the same
be letting the ducks out before long.
I'll hide besiile the pond and wel
come thn ducks when they come for
thi'ir morning swim."
So he hurried nut of Cedar Kwamp
and across the meadow. At the duck
pond he crouched down in the tall
grass that grew upon tho bank and
Ho waited a long time or so it
seemed to him. Yet he didn't hear
a single quack. Ho knew that tie
lilucKs coutiin t tic on ttieir way to
llm pond, fur they were a noisy crew,
always talking, talking, talking.
At last Fatty rose and peered to
ward the barnyard. He saw no ducks
anywhere. Hut he did catch sight of
a long, sharp nose sticking up out
of the grass not far away.
"Tommy Fox!" he exclaimed under
his breath. And then, "What aro
you doing here'.''' hu cried.
Tommy Fox leaped Into th air
and looked all around, mid sniffed.
Then he spied Fatty, And he smiled
slyly as he replied: "I've come to
watch the ducks enjoying their morn
ing swim." m
"Then If I were you, I'd go around
to tho farther side of the pniul,"
Fatty suggested. "The ducks will
enter the water lure mid swim across
the pond. You'll get a better view
Children Cry
Ii 1
Tim Klml Von Ilitvo A.witv Iloiiulit hna hornet th alifiui
I tiro t( lb. is. ll, I I. ichor tm iho urupix-r lor uwr
IM rura Jut In irutcct thn cniiiliihr UciicritUmis. M
not t (Jih'iIvI, All t'oitiitcricits, 1 1 it i lit 1 1 ii nml
'Jiitii-i;iMMl" Mr 1'iit rivrliiiciit Unit -inl, inner llm
bruit U i( 1 ttUilrrtl-r.H'rlcliiO HtJuUiat I .MKTliuciit,
Never Attempt to relieve your baby with a
remedy that you would use for yourself.
C'Astortil l M It.innli-Sa ailislltutl lor Castor Oil.
If oft.-, lro mii hunt liliitf Mr ll. II t'OiilaliK lit itber
Opium, ,Mj.irblno Imr lWr'Ot Id kiihtl.uti c, or
luorr ili.ui Hurl t fn nil lli.t limi In tutM.iiti ii-o lor Dim
rllll Ol Ollollp.llioll, 1 lilt llll l ), Millll I id!.' Mini
i,irrliH'4 1 nlU)iitf I fttrrt'tiuto urUlnn Hu rt from,
mot It rrtful.tillKif III Psloiii. I mnt liiwl, tlU Hit H
HuUxMiiii t I ! I Rliltitf lu-nlihy Mini ii.ilural tcilt
Ue iUUariM'a iwulirtlli .M..u..r'a ruu l,
liaart lh &'twlur tf
In Use For Over 30 Years
My Marriage Problems'l Ctrtann'i New I'tmaa of "Hev elation, of a Wif."
Ih l(i ilcl
Kalheiin Mini nf
Ik foi ) mi v. )fh in to
' How
let urn'.
ir. I'l (tit's Voji fiiltly dllpped
l-i lis IIS h liskeil the quell. ill (if l.ll-
linn, and I liiicssed that Hi reason
1 fur his f-nccsxlvn frigidity was his re-si-nltiieiit
lit thn cavnlli'i iiianiier In
nh!ih I had ibsiiilsHeil linn afli r his
in i hh.iUiiii in; unit Ihcky.
I.llllan, hoHi vcr, paid tin moie n'
lenticu to hi maiiner than aim would
to the vanaiies of a temperamental
pussy, Hh held up to her eyes III
llliimlnili'il dial of her wrist watch
a lid made a mental i alculatioii.
"It'a (I o'clock," she annuuiiceil.
"rti.nt your motor ut l't minutes past,
and MiuIk will sl ut hits."
"Very well." II sent his car nlnntf
Ih road for a few yards, thn evi
dently found thn safe parking pla''
fur which Ii mis InnkniK, mid stop
ped his motor. Th tn-xl instant his
lights went out. I waited to turn
minn off until I had turned and taken
a Ki'l look at the dear litlln friend
who was koIiik nwny from us In such
bizarre and, I feared, daiiKrous f.ish
Ion. "ivatlicrln, you d itllm,'!" I ex
claimed, and as sh b-aned across the
scat toward In, I flunK my arms
around her In a warm, clliiKlrut em
biace. "I feel as If I ounht not to b t
you ko." 1 added emotloniilly,
"Hl'-ady, Madxe," l.lllian'a voice
warned. "I feel that way, loo, hut
I'm not briiKKliiK about II.'" she
uuoted from a humorous anecdote of
"I know." I returned contritely,
"but I couldn't hlp It. I won't say
another discoiiraalntf word,"
"It's that awful rnourriltiK veil,"
Mlllan declared. "It's a wonderful
dlsuuise. hut enough to Kfve any per
. .rtr . . . . . .
u i id, crnTT ram p y
nt them over there, because they'll
be awlmmiiiir towards you instead of
away from you,"
"I thank you kindly for your ad
vice," Tommy Fox answered. Hut he
never moved a single step, sinking
low in the grass again leaving only
the tip of his nose to show.
"He means to have a duck for his
breakfast, too," Fatty Coon grumbled.
"Well, there ought to be enough 'or
both of us, If bo doesnt' scare 'cm."
Hoon a i!iuek-iuaek-o,unok sounded
from the barnyard.
"They're out!" Fatty exclaimed un
der his breath. "'The ducks are out.
They'll he here In a few minutes,"
Loud'T and louder grew the chat
ter of the talkative ducks as they
came waddling toward the pond.
Again Fatty raised himself up on
his hind legs.
"I'm going to trrafo the big one,"
hn muttered. "The others are all too
small. I'll let Tommy have one of
Now, oddly enough, at that very
moment Tommy was saying the same
Little dreaming- who lay hidden
beside the pond, the noiny ducks hur
ried forward for their morning dip.
A broad path led from tho barnyard
to thn duck pond. Close up to tho
edge of It on one side crept Fatly
Coon. Right up on the opposite side
of the path stole Tommy Fox, And
when at last the leader of thn ducks
the big oup reached the spot that
was exactly between the two hungry
watchers, they both Jumped.
They Jumped at the some Instant.
A great clamor then broke outThe
big duck ducked and wheeled and
went rushing back through the flock,
skunking ut the top of her voice.
And all her mates began to flap their
short wings and run for the barn
yard, making such an uproar that
old dog Spot, over on the farmhouse
doorstep began to bark.
Hack on the bank of the pond the
fur was flving. For Tommy Fox
and Fatty Coon had met right where
the bur duck hud stood but a mo
ment before. They met with months
wide open, to seize the duck. But
when their Jaws snapped they found
they Were holding each other.
For a minute or two there was a
terrible battle. f And Then Fatty and
Tommy rolled over and over down
'the bank, to land In the pond with
j a great splash.
It was a crisp fall morning and the
wnler was Icy cold. The two flght
! era stopped fighting Instantly. They
j let go of each other, scrambled
I ashore, and ran off. Tommy Fox
j hurried toward thn woods, Fattr
.('null headed for Ceilm- Swamp. And
'each of them said to himself:
( "It's a pity that chap Is so i reed v.
i This Is w hat dunes of bis always
trying to iirah the blegest one."
I I"P) Kill. I'.'--' I
for Fletcher's
fect lady tin- delirium tremens If sh
lu-wr saw a shot of hootch. I think
you te iif to take It off, Katturin,
buck in Hi tiitiiieiiu her. Don't turn
off the liulil ynt, Mililn., There. Now
let s hat a Km "I look at you.''
With a Jerk Katherln Rue th
niouinliiK h it and eil from Imr head
and looked at us II h so bra ve a smll.
so steadily put pnaeful an expression
i In her clear eyes, that I felt my throat
'constrict with iiffectloriiito admiration
; mink-led wild feur fur her safety,
j "Vou'rn lookltiK very til," Mlllan
; priilioucrcd at last, and If I had not
known her every Intonation so well I
would have thought that she was con
iceni'd only fur Kathci Ine's pliyslcot
j litimss for I he w ork befurn her. Hut
j that she w as us feat fill as I for our
litlln fi-iend'a safely, a mi as lot It to
h i hnr go, I well knew.
'Sony we cant Inspect you
longer," Lillian went on with an ml
miiiibly feigned flippancy In her
manner. "Hut we've got to talk fast,
Turn off tho glimmers, Madge."
I obeyed her, and then for several
minutes I listened to what was prat
tlcilly a monologue from Lillian, out
lining the tilings she wished Kalherlne
to watch in the home to which she
was going us .Ine's nurse, Katherlne
asked but twfc simple uestons, and
I fell, as I knew Lillian must, that
she would neither fail In thn task Set
her, nor fbiu h at, any danger's or ills
comforts she might be called upon to
"And now," Lillian summoned up
"I think we've covered every possible
question. How Is Joe behaving?"
"Like a lamb"' Kalherlne returned.
"And hi still s.-fys I am 'one Infely
lady,' I t us Imp he continue to
wear rose colored spectacles."
"He will," Lillian said sententiotisly.
"Hut when the time comes for bis
awakening, If I'm not around, give
him un extra wallop for m. And now,
you and Madge probably have some
thing to talk over, I'll run over and
keep dear Hrble company, bls bis
peeved little soul:"
She had slipped out the tonneau
door before we could stop her. Kather
lne re.-iched her hand over the seat
and touched my fax:e tenderly.
"What tact she has!" she said ad
miringly. "There la something I want
to say to you. Madge, but how she
guessed it I "
"Sho Is positively psychic some
times," I Interrupted,
"Sho must be, for i only thought of
this last night." Katherlne hesitated,
and I hern was an edge of suffering
and something else more Indefinable
In her voice when sho spoko again.
"If If anything should happen to
m,.-whloh there won't I want you
to sen that Jack gels this" She put
thick packet into my hands, "and
and explain to hltn, as best you can
that It wasn't because I didn't love
him that I disregarded what I knew
would bn his wishes In doing this
Do you think I'm terribly unwlfely
and undutlful, Madge?"
There was tortured doubt In her
voice, and I knew that Katherlne
Klckett waa treading the via cruris
which her knowledge of her hus
bands Ideas bad ma do of the course
she had chosen.
(Copyright, 1922 )
There's a
Difference in
c4n UnfoTPetnhle then u are convinced that
Wttl Si" V- "There'sadiffercnce in bread,"
RYPtlflllYIP 1 Vou'U f,nJ Yourself insisting
MJ9 VtlAMUl I upon detsy ROSS, for bread that
is anything but the best will not
satisfy you nor your family.
HETSY ROSS represents two ideal.
The Jay Burns Baking
I'ontiT Con tret Kxtenilril.
Th music week potr contest held
under thn auspice of I lie City ('on
cei l i lull has been extended until
November 10. 'Mi contest Is o'il
to all Omaha xcbm.l children. A prize
of 10 In gold will lie awarded th
winner. "Music Week In (imahu, City
Concert club, November 'it Hrcemher
3" must appear oil the poster. Th
Judges ai Mary I .earned, Dr. Hubert
tlllder and Maurice Hhsk.
Miss Marian Iteed. art director In
the public schools, la supei vising the
making of is art era which am to be
entered ill tha ciiniest.
fosters may be sent to Mrs. A. V.
Kinsler, chairman of the poster com
mllte; Mrs, llesler Hroiison Copper,
president of th City i oncert club, or
(iort:e Campla-ll, V. M. (', A, sct
Cake from
Pure Nut Oils
You can make the most deli
cious cake with Wilson's Nut
Margarine just pure nut
oils, refined and churned
fresh. It is rich, sweet and
economical. Of course it's de
licious on bread.
Wholeiali Diitribatori for Omaha
Material excellence and better manu
facturing methods. Neither one of
these ideals alone tutrices. Both com
bine to secure perfection. We could
bake a loaf of bread with less expen
ive materials and equipment, but it
would not contain the food value
or flavor of HETSY KOSS-ime loaf
would convince you of that.
So we uc only the finet short patent
flour, pure whole milk, granulated
sugar and refined crystal salt, pure krt
tie rendered lard and and
bake thce Ingredients scientifically.
It only takes one loaf of 1U.TSY UOSS
to convince you of the difference,
IWl say bread -say 111 ;ISY UOSS,
To Kiilcrlain at Hridc
I'riil.iv nml Satiinlay.
Mia Man Miller has issued Inula
lions for six tables of brlilK at her
lioiiie on l'i ulu y afternoon and mm HI
for seien tables on Saturday,
Nebraska Writer.
i liomihv Canfteld's latest novel
"Hough ib wn" Is now Interest In
Nehrnskans. most of whom have Just
finished 'On of Ours." Ona of lb
I reviewers says Ih most strongly
marked rlmi'in tertntut of Mrs Fisher'
i stories Is her Interest In the coin.
! men llf of the sversK" turn ami
j women; that sh has a feeling for tha
llKiilty of human experience and It
, s the common humanity of br
i li.uacleis rather than their IndP
i viduullty that mien-sis her as an
I ii r I ml, tint In "Hough Hewn" this I
especially th case, and her picture
J of th avtug American family I un.
I excelled by any recent novel.
rtDCCCL CN.w Arrival
UKCddEsO Daily l
Julius Orkin
Living Room
Mahogany lVanir,
.'t-p i e c e J ti o I o 1 (1
T.:.... $74.80
WZM) AlaliOK"y l'ramp,
3-p i ft c e Mahogany
and 0 a n e Suite,
velmir d101 ff
r.. iPll.UU
cove i
$275.00 3-iieco Tapestry
Overstuffed S u i t o
I t l i A V U V V
on sale
$175.00 3-picce MalntKany
Fnune, 151 uc Lnatlicr Duo-
r.8.".":: $98.75
$325.00 3-picee Mahogany
and Cano, JMuo and Gray
Velour (1AQ rfC
Suite. . OlVO.lD
$325.00 a-picce Tapestry
Pillow Ann Overstuffed
$375.00 li-pieee Tapestry
and Cane Suite in brown
figured QJQ AA
moliair tPUOiUU
$530.00 3-piece Blue Jfo
hair Overstuffed
50 other complete suites Includ
ed In this gain at Value-Giving
Pricfi. Odd Chalrg, noc
em, TablpR, Splnrt Desks and
Day Beds Included In tills
Free! Free!
Tomorrow, Tuesday Evt,
at 8 O'clock
We Give Away Free
An 8 Piece Dining Room
And 42 Othtr Uitful Hous.
hold Articles. B Sur and
Com in During tho Day and,
Rtgnttr, No Purchase Re-
Galvaniied Water Pails, large
sUe, lieavy liandlcs, ( al
t lOf
Wash Boards, rnncavrd, !avy
litans llnlHliPil ti lioHid.
Galvanised Wash Tubs, itn-oV
urn el (nut small) ln-avy
rslvatillrd liihs (13
Caihenar Mialng Bowls,
(llll SVt Of fit flulrtt Illli
ln bowls, at 7u
G'SS Minn So wis, act of
ri dear i.i mitinst
bllIS, l.lll4l, I(K,
Mahogany finished faetslool
fim-ri-d lth iuulitr. sriimr
or iair 7Uf
Gien Oth Foeieoie, nn
rt' ifi liiiHS'liitt lt4tir,
' 70
C'tMs Ksskeie, htsif iksI
til Hat it'int f l.ii lire
i ''t , , ti,e
Wl'f rna, ! tiatl. l
K.i, ,14 hi i' ue i h
Gsuan sed Asm C. S'
litt..,l )i(l!us SI1) i
ii r.. I sua .., a
HI"I M SrtaM luk 4 tatfc,
le I "mi "e ',
r fr
ps .