The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 31, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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    1 UK OMAHA liKK: TLhSDAV. Oliur.hK .".1. tlJ-'
The Morning Bee
VHJON B. I pldk, I'ubli.k.r. . IINtWKK, li.a. Mium,
tin younif man will be prosecutrd mut be irttlej
by tha authorities fur the employer vxprtMea no
ueaire to viit on the young man any' punuhnient
mora than he already ha felt. On the contrary,
the man who wan mhlieil ha treated tha man ho
rohhfd him with the icreateat of kindneai.
Mullrit at the IIHin. ' p-opl am iilitlciil acrobat, mil they I'jty I'ri'H: If I'lilltby 'ial "" '"'ell tlHIIled to turn nUiiit
fir) .111 I leed-d gnu-nun' of Nil'iiika "i null abort notice. Pi'lUii'iuna
Mavha lh..., Ini.l,l..nt- ,.,l.l k- ...n i '" 'f KKilllU'l" lo ""iiiinv iinm-riaia ll,,. pmipma power
' " " -" " iuin,.iir.l nmnjr rti,r Alullfii. ih pooh lull of for-j aualj.i and diMTiinliuilInn, hut
tunea. They are enough to lllimtrate the point. Poe nmr ileinociatio aiiiulnmtriiiinn, "" "f nffer a wiuhliiur of
tliKK-Kunl. If .Mr, I fiiiiiTii ; I.. Ik mi- uiM'i not apieiir
to etert-ue lilin.eir much In that re-;
iM'I't. '
ur inr iuuviiu rnus , a. inif air i-iiuuko 10 iiiuiraie inc point. J'ofl nmr ueiiim ml)
TW twiM Piw. aura Tha u KMitaf. tt viatitaia aii.-k action on nrt nt lb. .nr,!,,!;.. !,., . . 'which Im rllllllol
-hum ! ., i,. i. i ,.. o..i.i. rmiix I it 1 " llon on P"rl 01 employer nave a ten- ., .
an nd - mvumi'WI'm aw .ir..i 4:uhM tiaTtnwiKt I " 10 wiuraire iinsnoncnty on part or the em- ! hm.ka titer m i
"The People's
EaManal tram r . al TVe Mri
Ma. K.aa.ia al lha Muinlaf Baa
ara iavuaal la ua lait tela. Iraala
far ataiaaami an matter al euli'M
Frita Branch K.irhanica. Auk laa Dirtmenl T , .
a Ptrtua Wanl4. tot Huht ('alia Altar I P. M l Al '""
UiunaJ l(.artmnt. Atlamia loll ot IHZ. 1000
Kovpimir of Nh-
itrv ii'iiHiiii In !
' plye? All throuk'h the buaineaa world the element l",v u"t "' r "1m' " 'h
of rices
. ataia Offiaa -J7tbj an4 Ptrnaifi
C. Bluff It H'oii Ml. a, aula. N W. Cor. Hth and N
t N" Viirk -JM r if ill Avrnua
Wlhlnlo . . 422 NUr Hldf. I'hiraa . 172 llafar BU.
Paru, rranca-420 Hut at. Ilnnura
" Inlulrralile In vl. (nrr aa In, la
(harlra. In either een earning IiIiiumII tear
own Hie parly and defeat Ha , amlldiileii, In III
liMiiienaa efirtlaiii rerkleaa of i oiie iinnea an Dial
only llrolher Ullliam ami llrollirr liarlr lie e
" prelly limn aport, we reieal and rather
a lnielra iwirt of aa." Hid In in k oil ( liai lra V.
Mryan, May I, l..
or trut and confidence i ever preaent. Ai a rule
when a man once ha forfeited thii, he haa de
al royed hU opportunity, yet the annala of buaineaa
are full of ranea in which a man haa "come back."
The employer munt alwaya be the Judge aa to
whether he will again truat the detected employe;
but, if he doea trunt him, and prove that hit faith
in the man ii well founded, he haa won aomethinif
that ia well worth while. A man hi-Ipcd back to
aelf-reaped and unefulnena U 0f far more value
than a convict, wearing out hia puninhment behind
the bara.
MoD'lli'Mil ami Neville irainifa will
4i luorM (Hi i.iiw polit ifa anil lip
iiitiiieiit. .Mr. Mil 1 1.. 11 la mi axluix
polillrlun lin la not pliiyliiK the gitme
fur Ilia lirulth or IIhi fun of It. Il
luvra power anil thera la every reaaon
lo anpiHiaa Ht Una time I rietl tin
lnotlier of "dm urem riminioner" will
lie r-iiiln-t, fur Ilia a-ikn ami -n
ami linriiiiiii', to Nliiue hla alocy with
Hie iinmhn Irmli-r. If the pi-opln of
NeliiHKki wunt Arllnr Mullen riiiixaj-
iii- mnuim in iiieir arruiia uriiT a
a chiil might underNtand
"Tliat e'en
had buaiiieiia on hia IiiiikI." wrote
deacribinir the weather thut nrevaiU.I ll,. i,i.,ki I1'"1" Ilryui. may I,.. al,l.. m f..r
n..L , ..... ' ... 1 . ,im.. .. I---- " "" n
nrovner cnariey ryan may be able to forget i " 1 um u nnanier iook me rule mat won him : iiml untl uuffiim n-ronl, but ilia la
MUuae of Marred Kiublem.
Hi iiIIii. Ni li To Ilia l-Mimr of The
lleallilied l(eH'iilance. Oinahit lee: In tha WoiM llernlil nf
X. luii.k.H'lty I'reaa: Kenatoi- Iblcli I"1'"1"'"' 1? I IHi Ihim k ili volia a uia
I'iM k now want It illniinclly umtxr- 'la iiepiip.-r to mi atverllrmi-ht
ioihI thin lie will iippiiw any effurl f-icl ll't he mid nine other
to riiiiixi ulnte tliu V olaiaml art. Thla ' deniiM-rallf ikinlli Intra for ultli a ImmihIU
h ili i lni-a In h re. rnt li Ii'kiiuii to an "weniera fur ix ili li aulea to tha na
imIitii ummh IhIIoii whli li haa for H i """ 'I muikaiiiiinalilii convention nt
pili'IMiMi the Heal nu t Inn of prohllil . New Orlenn. Ill llv of Ilia Well
lion ami a return In tha reian of ih ' known fm t that the Ainerii aii Lrnloii
I. !.! .in.) iliMtlllcr. 1 atrlrlly iii.pitrtla.iii llililirmk ilia-
Hill the .nmlur r. pi Illume come j I'1"-'" Allierlnin Irf-Kl-'I etiiMelil
Ion lute. a H iteathheil conf.aaloii. ,h" center of hla full pK Bilvrr
liiinllv anon an. .....I. ii t -i .. I llaenient. Thla illKpl iy of Itnil tiiale la
perliul of pijii'e, Ihey Mill elect Chur. I mil i'l ...i,.ii.,e n, .1. n. ....l..i., I niurh regret led hy leaiiilt nielillirr
ley llryan gnvernor. Kiilea of puhlie roof iilenee, allhoimh ll I"1"' 1,1,1 hencN ninny Voire
' ... , ... ... , , . ; u hli'h hi U til anir-nt V liaoul flrvil ll tin m
t-n .. a... . .. "" i-ii'M' mi I'littHriciirat iiriii riii v rnr : -
ratand the dc'il ZtAYk, Wlr'' '
the iniult hurled at him by Hitchcock in the put,
Juat aa Hitchcock ia able to forget th bitter de
nunciation heapedon hia bead by Brother Charley.
Hut tha people of Nebraska have not loat their
mcrnoriee. Nor, after having heard from Hitch
cock ao often that Kryan right only for himaelf
re they able to awallow the new veraien in which
Hitchcock praicca Brother Charley aa one who
"flghti more for principle than for party."
Report from around the atate-ahow that neither
Bryan nor Hitchcock can deliver hit aupport to the
legendary fame. It wai the night before All Sainta'
day, commonly et apart for the uea of all the
unholy thing of the nether world. Walpurgi
night gave Goethe a wonderful chance In "Kauat,"
and he improved it, juat an did Uruna, the difference
in the talc being in their magnitude, rather than
nature. In the Hrocken Mephiatopholea entertained
a company that oily could be aaaembled by gather
injr together the liat of illuatriou ainnera then
paraded; at "Alloway'a nuld, haunted kirk," Auld
Clootie piped for a company of "ringwoodie dame,"
illea never.
Kenrnev Huh: The lime I ripe for
a Mmklru up on ilio Nehraeka Rime
railway nnoiiilaalon. not. Unit. It Im
become atibaervient to the rnllwnya or
The aenalnr i hnm e for reelection
are very, very poor at Hit wiiilna.
He la ari-ipliiK at atrnvtn, na nil ill-owning
men ilo, ii ml with him It I any
thing lo wIh buck Dm fuvur of the
people, whether It la letter couched In
lender li-iiiuiii phruae lo win bMck
the cunfhliMice of thoae Whom ha out
coiliorution. but branu u 1.... chkcii ricr hi l!ll vied Ion or em.
craned lo be alert In the Inlereat of i pllu"" l,''",'"l'iH'n by wire lo pro- j which be point out the retnnrkiilile
the peoplo ami iho rnfurcemenf of ,,"",'r" " '"a.e Mizma thut hn I no ; Btieeil of die achune eilltur of the
lone llltchruck a cumlliliicy arriit
burin. There la a wMi apreiiil belief
Hint lii aeliM-iing men fur public acrv
c Mr. Hi yiin pi ill. ii lil v alioMa Hie
pourral Ju. lament of imv miin living
tuil.iy, He Hlahcil Hlleon onto the
roiiitry In I '. I , tin hImhvn elm in
ploneil the vtruna; miin, nml Hrullu-r
I'luiilev nml Hitchcock are no eicrp.
tluna by atamliir.l. Mr. M l, TV.
Iriliciae Third I'aily Aim.
Onuihii To the IMItoc of The
'inmhii Iter: W. K, Hlter aeema to
buve eliirteil aiiinel hlna Willi hla let
ter, "t'ollualoti With Hitchcock," In
other. The accuaationa that thee two repeatedly uh a "Bobbie" any In diaguat to Tarn: "I won-
have rant at each other in the paat can not ao eaaily
be forgotten by the rank and file, who have no
aelfiah inlereat to nerve.
The laat charge any citizen make ugainat a
political leader ia that of insincerity. Very often
voter may feel that a public man i wrong, but
uaually he ii given credit for believing what he ia
advocating. It f no wonder now that thoae who in
the paat have been loyal aupporter of Bryan will
not deliver themaelvea to be bound hand and foot
by Hitchcock. It is no wonder that they arc now
even auapieioua of Brother Charley' high-minded
It wax not many year ago that Bryan reviewed
tha courae of Hitchcock in theac worda:
"Noon after 18(10 Mr. Illlchcork beitan to allow
hi natural bia Inward ariatnrracy and plutocracy,
by favoring; the rraloralbni of Wall slreet In the
mill nil of (he democratic party, and that hiaa,
In t nianifealed when bia pecuniary condition wa
lowrat, Ira aruvtn with hi prosperity, mil II Inday
hi k)iiipalhle make dim much heller nualltleil
to repreaent a Wall afreet rnnaliluenry than a
atate that ia alumni entirely agricultural."
Now Brother Charley ia a candidate for governor
on the aame ticket on which Hitchcock ia running
or a third term a aenator. No compliment ia too
flowery for them to extend to each other. Thia
entire, changt of front ijuite naturally ha diaguated
tha honest voter of Nebraska.
The whole democratic campaign in Nebraska is
hAa. 1 at 11 CP h Onrl VlPAIIcTVl U Inainnam'i r anJ l.r
pocriay. If it wa a mimic warfare that the two
carried on for so many years, it is also a mock
peace that they are now proclaming for their mu
tual advantage. If they were honest in the opinion
they expressed of each other then, they are dishon
est now.
The plain truth, aa it must appear to every citi
r.en, is that fliese two politician have thrown aside
all other considerations, abandoned every princi
ple, and seek only their selfish aggrandizement.
Hitchcock hopes to ride the "hopeless ass" to
victory for himself.
The "hopeless ass" meekly submits in the vain
hope that his rider will guide him to the governor
ship. This plan, although backed by an immense slush
fund and supported by all the dubious influence of
the Mullen machine, has failed. Long before this
campaign brought a change of heart, Brother
Charley and Hitchcock had spoken regarding each
other. Nothing they can now do or say can erase
the impression they have sown.
Brother Charley had his innirnj when he exposed
Hitchcock. Hitchcock had his inning when he ex
posed Brother Charley. It is now the voters' inn
ing, and they are going to defeat both.
One of the chief reasons for the uneasiness of
the French nation is its low bir(h rate. No reas
aurance is to be found in the latest returns on births
there. The ten largest towns show that their al
ready low rate has fallen off 10 per cent for the
first quarter of 1922, as compared with the corrc
aponding quarter of last year. No individual town
liows an increase. It is estimated that the second
quarter of the year will show a still lowering birth
rate, as the marriage rate has been falling heavily
for the last two years.
Thua ona may fairly view a part of the Euro
pean problem as biological as well a political and
military. Race suicide ia as much a menace to
France aa any other thing. The worat enemies of
man are within, rather than without. In putting
their trust in military power the French people are
relying on what my prove their weakest defence.
Great as they are in the fine art and in science
and all Intellectual purauiti, it ia on that field that
they ran beat hope for survival, It is aaid that with
the prof rem from barbarian) to civiluation the birth
rata declines tadily. In its decline of population
Franca may be paying the penalty fur the hich de
velopment of it talent. Certainly the Fremh
weuld not abandmi their cultural gain in order
attain to increase and multiply.
If thia be a dilemma, it i" indeed a hard one.
Tawer l!)t uta.l tit go to the trongrat military
ration. To a certain drfrre industrial fur ha
rtplacej thi ! the time I icme wbn neither of
the wit) wiaM. i nuii h a natural beauty and
der didna turn thy stomach."
Other uses haa Hallowe'en, as the festival uaually
is called, and while these have to do with "witch
craft" and black art in general, they generally end
in good natured fun. Any one who "bobbed for
apples," or swallowed a love potion, consisting of
first the acid and then the alkali of a aeidlitz pow
der, knows something of this. The girl who has
tried to divine the prince's initial by throwing the
apple paring over her shoulder, or who has walked
backward, carrying the candle and the mirror, or
done any of a lot of other things, knows about it,
And the boy who shuffles gates and sign boards,
porch furniture, and such like, knows about it. A
modern manifestation, unworthy of the occaaion, is
that of soaping window. Thia may trace to the
elfin spite that led to the tangling of horses' manes,
or similar indignities visited on the farmer's dumb
brutes. It is not fun, just pure cusscdnes.
Hallowe'en is an occasion for much merriment,
and rightly so, and should not be a time for the
exhibition of malice or mischief that does only
harm while adding nothing to pleasure.
Ncbraskans will have some interest in the steps
that are being taken in many eastern communities
to provide for the renewal of spring flowers. Out in
this purt of the world the return of pring is in
variably accompanied by a floral display that is un
egualcd. Early travelers over the prairies noted with
wonder the variety of a profusion of flowers that
Sprang up with the first warm sun of the spring, i
and how they lingered on until the blaze of July
brought them to fruition and they made way for the
summer and in turn these were succeeded by tho
autumn blooms; Wherever the land is open and un
touched ueh is yet the annual round.
Back east two things have conspired to diminish
when not actually wiping out the wild flower growth,
and chief of these was the devastating presence of
man. Marauding picknickers, hiking parties and the
like have thoughtlessly uprooted wild flowers! de
stroying not only blooms but roots and bulbs, and
preventing the seeding, until now the woods and open
places are almost entirely denuded of what is the
most charming of their offerings.
To restore the growth of these wild things is be
ing systematically set about in many sections. In
Washington especially a society has been formed,
encouraged by the experts of the Department of Ag
riculture, to carry on the work, and it is engaged
just now in planting crocus bulbs and similar seeds,
to the end that when spring comes again, her advent
will be marked by blossoms instead of bare spots.
Nebraska may never come to such a pass, yet there
haa been complaint that the flowers and vines in Fon
tenelle forest and other wooded groves about the
city have suffered from the species of vandalism that
is making trouble for the east. It should be checked
while there is time.
Ihw ami ii'kiiIhIIoii within th rum
mission' Jurisdiction. The nei-deil
"pep," however, will be Injected when
roiniolaaloner KnndHll Is added to the
Genoa Leader: (Jilberl. M. Hitch
cock, democmtlo candidal for t'nlled
write aemiior, I a reiictlonary who
would repeal woman suffrage a well
as prohibition, I altogether loo
friendly wtlh Wall street; nn iiiIhIo
cnit who wouldn't wipe hi feet on
you or I, utile it wii before elec
tion; who penil;i liiOMt of hi limn In
the big title and pleanute resort In
the enat and rarely ever answering
to roll call In tho senate, mid misrep
resent Ncbraaka Hbnolulely. other
wise, a fur H we know, be la nil
right. On the other hnnd, Howell, hla
opponent, J a progreKlve who loves
not. Wall street, who I a Nebrasfcnn
fnat, last ami all the limn and who
lin spent hi time to the upbuilding
of the stale, alwaya wotklng for Hie
areateat irooil to th Krea(et number.
having necoinplleherl morn along that
line than any other living citizen of
the atate. The bosae don't like him
a little bit, but the great common
people love him for what, be ba c..
compllahed. If there anything
wrong with the man wa ar willing
to listen to It,
Fremont Tribune; There has prob
ably never been a candld.ile fur office
In Nebraska who bad a more remark
able, record of public service behind
him than R, It. Howell, republican
candidate for the fnlted Htatea sen
ate. In addition to the years of serv
lei he ha given I he city of Omaha In
developing niir.iieipal public! utilities,
tie iris served t li jitale a a member
of (,io legjldlature and has served the
nallon as a naval officer In two greal
wars. In 11, Howell wua a candi
date) for the governorship of Ne
hraska ami on tho day be was to make
hi opening speech, he received hia
call to the color. How he answered
that, call and devoted hla wonderful
engineering skill to tho work of the
navy Is a matter nf history.
A Poor Appeal.
Ileal rli:e Knpres: Just a I. a time
when there la a peculiar appeal to the
citizen ot this country who are of
foreign blrlh to forget the hyphen
and be purely American in spirit, and
purpoae, Senator Hitchcock comes to
the fore with a letter written in (he
Herman language, and making an ap
peal for vole of Herman Lutheran,
imrtinularly of the mlnli-icrx. Thia Is
a revival of the old ntjle of politic
which .aiiHed so much grief to l ho
nation and developed racial groups
and racial conHcloumien that was for
eign to the spirit of our IuhIIIuIIoiis.
It is an I'ppeal to tho prejudice and an
appeal that la caloulaled to keep alive
a feeling of rancor that was bred from
llil very evil during thn war. All
persons who want to tiring about the
development of American sulidarlly
will resent this action an the part of
Hitchcock and It will bring about a
reaction that will be In the nature of
a severe rebuke to him.
longer diiimplunlng their cause. One World ll.-i.ilil in gctimg a rHpplng
CHnnot duiiht Mr, Hitchcock' a!n- j favorable lo Hitchcock fmin the Mid
eerily of purpoaH limofar aa It relate ! w eat Labor New In time to reprint
lo theae confeaalon, but on mind 1 II the a;inie day that It appeared In
remember, loo, that there are morn
way lo ilispnae of an unwanted feline
than choking It In ileulh on butter.
Nellgh Leader: You see anme funny
think In politic. In Nebraska thn
democrat ar centering their fight
against the codn bill and In our neigh,
boring Nlulit of Kansas tho drmu
eral ara centering their fight be
cause the republican In th atafo did
noi enaci alien a law at III laat ae
the original pa tier. Now come Mr.
lireen, author of the atorv which Wa
reproduced in the World Herald, and
Hlate that the World Herald I the
only puper In Omaha In which he I
able to get any publicity about the
Federal Iteaerve vtem, and there,
fore be "cnurls" Ihl publicity. Hut
the atorv which wa commented on
by Mr. idler did nut contain a refer-
Isra, but a mini of action. He land ' unfair, merely to realize hi personal
on piiat record of progreaalveiiea ambition,
in all bia acllvltle. It. II, Howell
should he thn people choice Novem
ber 7, and ulao tho veterans' chnlce,
V. A, illtAHMlAW, La A. K, K.
Ireland and the league. !
oiuahii. To Hie Mdltor of Thn
Omaha Her: The World Hern Id I
The writer of that Idler ought lo In-
vratlgalo the record of the comity at
torney' oftlca ami note dm number
of Impoiiant cam- that have been
handled aiii'ceafuly for tha count v
by Henry .1. ileal, now candidal for
county attorney. Hn would al once
ee Hint b teller I unjustified by
the facta.
o.wi; kok hi:al, alwayh fok
law I jifoi cement,
Al any rale, an unpopular liw
mur... ... .1... 'I.... I ...... I f . .
. the . .. . rnu" -' ". '" '""mMK an occasional compliment ,u
alon of the l,.i,luin,,.,, ti.- -....i i i i... ".',,.. .... , the aocalled Irish vole. Menu lor
trouble , that whatever the republl- thai he furnished ,. advance . ' .""'''l ' '""'"'.phe.
can do 1,4 wrong from the democratic copy of the ,tee to the World Her- ! ti ' "' " l""''"
viewpoint. I'onals.em.y n campaign- aid. which wa all that Mr. (titer ..p-'i . 1 , ' , Thi . ! e , oTt .,,''i
Ing not a i emoernii,. ..I,,,, i.,i 1.1...1 , i.n.i. ' "ennlur Walsh that be would not
Nell.h Len.-e.-. w L. . !L- 1 7' , "r t"'? I whole. Hut did anyone ever hear of ''V !"" "i whom It I popular.-
--.. ' uBiitej n , ii Hii. 1 1 Aiiiiiiiin ii in 11 rui tin mi hi if rii' 11 niiiii ' . .a . .. . u,-, iiVuho u.,.. u...... ,.u
" - ""'" inn fil It I llil 1 1 Hit inu I ri rr tho li.onuuV I ll.l 1 I'HII aiMlliimi 111 IMIII r,
governor, Hitchcock ami Ida nonunion pre ! lh, .. , ,. " I .
ie wua laving off I . .. . .... . - . . . . . 1 'ri. .11.
veiling lo good sized an ice. In hope that I lllclicia'k would W'lMii ' j "i , 1 .. t oiirmg .............
IIh. the speech of Henator illlch- will, the pr-same,,. Hlninge! Thl J" " ,7 ' ? 1 T ,',"k" !m"' '
oeiiiocra'li! caldiilale for itovei nor. Hitchcock 11 ml hi
spoka at tho auditorium Wednesday room by Buying that he was laying off
cock of tin, day before v,na most
remarkable for I he things hn did not
say. Much that hn ai diviia true
which taxpayer know without being
told. When be Mlaled tho amount ()f
luxe under the Nevllln and Mck'el
vie admlnlHtrallon ho wa practical
ly correct, o far um the Mule general
fund was concerned. I In negelected
to Hlnto anrne bnslo facta, however
One of I him wa that each vear for
the Inst 20 or morn year regardless
of the party in power einie taxe havo
Increased for Dim hIhIr general fund
Hn also negelecled lo any that until
Hm Alclvelvla ndminiNlralloii the
Jie ior 1110 Mine iinlverslly were
collncted l y a special levy anil the
minion 11.11 not appear In tho alale.
ment of hictn taxes. The blggeal Item
of stale fxpendltures under AlcK'elvie
has been for road against nothing for
mi iiurposo under JSnvllle. The new
controversy between the I'resKmeii'H
tiiilon and Hitchcock runs back for a
number of year. Why should the
editor fif Midwest Labor New he so
solicitous of the feeling of Hitchcock
In this matter?
It doe aeem strange that. Midwest
Jjiibor New and Mr. lireen, whose
name is carried In one part of the
paper designated a "editor," should
have had so much criticism to offer
of tho labor record of It. H, Howell
whilo savlmr nliMoliitelv iioihitur nf
the controversy of ear In which 1 'u'r "r '"'al, Always for Heal.
Hitchcock is the giilily party. , Omaha. To the Kdltor of The
Tho Idea In becoming quite prev- Omaha Iter: I ohaerve In tha "I'libllc
11 lent that the progressive party of 1'ulse" of the World Herald of Odo
whlch Mr. (Ireen I tnte secretary 1 tier 27 a letter written under the title,
and 011 whose ticket the editor of "I'nfalr Tactics iteserited." The let.
MldwcHl. Labor New la a enndldate, ter Is signed "Once a ileal Lousier,
Joined Kci.ntor Hitchcock In laughing He Ni
nt the Irish plea for freedom, while, an' first
nenator Norn wa Inslatlng that thn
American doctrine of elf detcrriilnif
tlun be applied lo all nation.
rienatnr Hitchcock told thn sella In
that Wilson considered thn Irish ques
tion n Juke. Thn IcIhIi like Joke and
will vote to keep Hitchcock at home
where hi drollerle can mure easily
be (Intui ted.
mud pie get yn all dirty
tbliig you know someone
spring a bulb on ye, Life.
I being promoted prlninrlly In the
inleresl of rtenutor Hitchcock. Mr.
Now fur Maguey."
As a mutter of fact, thi wrller
Itlter Is not the only one with thla 'never was fur Heal, and fur that rea
slalo canllol lax was first collected j '"'f essiun. If (Ireen has anything to j sun assume to deceive hi reader at
Jjit aHettt tb I re Hia ajr in luroi brelv
at, in lU. an Otriaba msMufafturt-r ia1',!
tela hi fmale nlf.e an vn'-!.. r,. hat a Haail
X heart ta lk t him Ti nij l"), a )im( n.
tafta, he had (toien um ef i'"y from K
rAin)' th, an I Val ti.d t if h !'!
tir e Miakiif f'e r'i ta !l w kih
.wt. a lMit an I a hn. i atari r. Na ph
,ii!ly at f ,a ! f. aJ tat
t kt h4 IKa la I. 'i.tat im, but ' l
twia a far i ic'- i 1 p..ti. a tea K hK
tk ih lirn at tin Hi
,t tea lif, rwsi HU?, a jaf U
Young America has fallen into the habit of an
ticipating Hallowe'en, and accepting the traditional
freedom of action of the one evening of the year
1 when sprites, fays and goblins are at liberty to work
! whatever spell they are proficient in, the boys and
; girls extend the license to cover night before and
i after the one that might be theirs. Most of the
pranks played are harmless enough, although many
are annoying and even exasperating, and not a few
' iavor somewhat of malice. These can be endured,
' principally because there are not enough police
j in the world to stop a band of boys on mischief bent.
I One lad has paid with hia life because of an en
! terprine thoughtlessly entered into. The plan be
! and his companions were engaged in would have
probably done niuih damage lo property had it been
carried out, but unfortunately ended in the death
of ona of the perpetrator. Ilia purpose wa to
. have a little fun by causing om annoyance, but
) doing no great harm to any one. Sadly, fur him
aelf and Ihute who loved him, he miatook the dan
gvr of the elrmcttt he wa playing with. Tha wires
he planned to uc dealt him a death stroke.
Hoy thouh) brwre of wire al all times, and
pa'tu uUily at bia'hl. Pmuh has recorded a num
ber af dratha whr the victim tame unwittingly
1 r I t eiit.i, t with a b le t wirv. Hallowe'en Joke
are a!t Hi.'1't. and wi!l be played, but the p!y Houtd
ba krpt free fl.un Jaiit-rr to I fa and buih, niiri.
alar wtni K eat to J-- thvmcU at ulher'
eipena thrta tine Octt-brr rnKu, and they will fa,
h.iuld l wrtit, in atvame, and o brkava thmi-',-
that all i'l fti h-ni af.
M 1" 'i'li ia httii. al h Want Ij lVa
ka nf id l.'rt. 'i th.ll h .u ,nrf ,l talt af
"M il" t Utk, af I ttt a rU n why K i u
. :!.! ti I e-! j ta u.i at to cri'a-ii f hi
a n ftiuitt Iihuh'
"Sjatu'waa" t fc t "h' h'a," it .a neanat,
t j( k, rat f-.t h.V u f aaf
firand Island Indctiendent: For over
30 year It. R. Howell, the republican
candidate fur I nited Slates senator.
haa been fighting the battles of the
common people of all parlies against
special Interest profitably en
trenched, ami which were charging
unreasonable, profit from actual
necessities because of their monopolis
tic power. A a result of his work the
200,000 people of Omaha and vicinity
are now themselves reaping thn profit
of their own business, and the. beini?
given better service al that. II. H.
Ilowlt haa been a real public servant
In thi smaller field. How could any
one, doubt that be would be a similar
servant tor all of the people of the
slate In the, larger field if elected
t lilted Slate Menatoi? Kvcn hi col
ieglate training, al Annapolis, was
signalized with the aim of service and
In his after years thl ideal Imme
diately showed itself. Ill service to
the public al Omaha I only a fore
runner of what may be i-vpeded for
nil (if the people of Nebiaskn. And
It i no wonder that even hi hittcreM
opponents Hie free, to admit, when nof
speaking for publication, that Senaim
Hitchcock baa 011 hi liaiiil the hard
rt fight Tf his life He I. ni 11 would
I beuoi I coiiipiehen!un should i,e
people of NVtiraxkn hot i Iiim ih Ii a
ili fender a 1 ll.m. ll, now that I'li-v i
Iihvb th cpportuiiiiy.
under McKelvIe, which accounl fur
ttiwui u-.otw.uou morn. Ho slated
tho taxpayer wore, charged 1300 000
per year for flh and Bnme propaga
tion for the benefit of a few, which Is
a direct rnlsHtatemeni. Kvery rent
ibat goes Into tha fish and S game
fund get 1,0 more than comes from
thi enure,.
Llko all others tn hi class Mr.
Rryan was long on complaint, about
the extent f taxation but short on
methods of reducing them
ONelll Frontier: The Tlrvnii a
usual are fu, lining up with the big
Interests while pretending 0 be for
im common individual. Charley
Hrynn In his candidacy for governor
makes light of thn pure food and dairy
lw ii i id favor doing away with hi
spool Ion. it, look ho farmer of .Mm
i n n ry a, great: many y,,Hrs of hard
fUfhllfih- to hririB about the enactment
of purn food legislation In thn state
and nation, that thn firmer dairy
and other product might not have to
compete with ndulleraion and arll
fitial compnunfls. Clinrlev Kryan
would nullify all of this effort.
Hering rUrler: It , h
that no one will spoil thn Kcntlabluff
meeting by asking Senator Hitchcock
...r ,.M,M,ln qiienrion about iirohlbl
on or hi ta.x receipt or how he
like the IlryanH. Let i, ,,uIv
courteous to our (llMlngiiihed guost.
KiiKle Hcac,,,,; lljtchemk and More
nead arn Um ueif..i - ,.
Neither of th., , w. thy df aup.
port becaiiHO of their stnnldling cam
IMlK. Hoth are endorsed by tho As
sociation Against Iho Inhibition
Amendment, and arn -atlsfaotory m
bis bunch. Kit her they arn lying to
hem or they a, ying , tho voters,
arid therefore are not tnislworthy.
Take a taljleapoonfu! of Salts
if JJack pains or BUiKler
say on the subject thai will be con- the outset. Ills only reason In Maguey'!
viming he should say It
From an Indignant Legionnaire;
Genoa, Neb. To the Kdltor of The
Omaha Hee: In n circular letter
being sent broadcast over the state
by .democratic headquarter to nil
American Legion men Is a letter writ
ten to Senator Hitchcock by our post
commander, Hnnford MacNIilnr, ex
tolling Senator Hltchock for his vote
nn the laht bonus bill. I want to go
on record at Ihl time in denouncing
a letter of this nature, which was
plainly manufactured for political
purposes in Hitchcock's campaign for
re-election to the senate.
Did Hitchcock IlKht for tho bonus?
I'll answer: No, it was the senator's
great pleasure when the bonus was
vetoed by President Harding. Hitch
cock really wanted to see the bonus
defeated ull thn time since the bonus
issue came up In the senate. Tho sena
tor resolved to lay low and let Hm
others do the work. The record at
Washington will disclose that tho re
publican senators were tho strongest
supporters fur adjusted compensa
tion. Kvery American Legion man should
treat this manufactured letter from
Hanford MacNider to Senator Hitch
cock as a camouflage, which It truly
Is. K. It. Howell Is one man whom
HI veterans can depend on to tight
their battles in Washington. Howell
la not 11 man of a big bunch of prom-
campaign la thn faint hope of un ap
pointment a deputy county attorney.
He Is far from the altruist he wouid
have his renders believe and would
resort to any tactics himself, fair or
'Nationally Priced
branded in tnc mac
rtRHfi tm.:i
Whits Houaa Country Se Suburban
700 600 495
The Art and Music Store
1513-15 Douglas Street
What happen when the wir
ing in an automobile got?
wrong? Jt in ai'l to ht;
"miwung," meaning that Bonn?
pint in not doing its full hhaiv
of work. Something in out of
The nervri in llio humnn
body nvp like hf wirfnar of nn
MjtomnMIc. The "trunk Hn"
in found In thu r-in, and fh
hrnrh from, fhi liri r
whr anjr "dln-f nted'' ond(tfon
nn h Umk(i for and rorrrrtmrl
hy th Chiropractor. Th nervra
hrnnrhe. whn pinched Uy rtifn
plat'cd vtrtbra, do not rjirrf
a full flw of iirv-impuUi.
th aoiirre nf health ir any
lurt nf th body.
Th Chiropractor, hy a prori
railM PHlpjtation, loenicN lh
mimlHf(J vrtrhrar, and rr
tilotfi Jf, to th proppr placi hy
Chlroprartfr ndjutmcnU. On-e
rrplaci'd, ib vpru-hrn funi
tfonit nnrmally uvnin, prrmil
iutc a full flow of the nerva
Impulnf, and Irttinff Nntura r
tUnrc good HpM h. which h
will do if prmil t'd.
('all AT U2ii and mar an
appoinlmnl with tha Chlro
prartor ti day, and hn roma
tn hia office at 2 ft ft Taxtoa
Tihi ion. h meat may nodu. un,.
' I'l. "i a anilio.iiv
ho V4.JIOK na In I... .,
Wayne Herald: tl la ,M,r.e, tint e,,.,,,, ,.,,, '
when the coda bill as before Hie Th . ..
llemalKtui K.laar ......didai. ,J , , '" ";''"" I'timwt to fi
: f..r .ra. .-nt d.mi, t.. l.iii oln "' h "' m a. id, b
an. I h.1i in na l-lial I'olli i. i.ina
re uiiiAiMMiable In .. i N-.)ile to
i ImiiK their opltnwia o n.lil.-i U
They nr. oi.i'.i'Hiiiul.le in s-ki itt i
eia In llSVet 111 Oil d.le. l.on HO. I lh. ll
iil.roptlv tell Iheiii to luv.l in n .!,.
n.ei 1 1 !! y oj fi' itir.i.oii f.
l. Sf rTFMBf H. HIJ. ef
laliy 7'.H
Siiniiny ..... ... . ?l!,'.,t,'.,
rt nat win, t.. Mr
ILMIN S. HtHM, 1 1 M,.
wa a4 MW. . I4 aiw m.
l t4 al U.i.k. lilt
w M gt iv I
iWalt S...., r.v
la a i. t v.i1-
f.a .1 ii. aa M.
. Itj. i . ...
't .. . I i1'
iia a ! i ai. . I
i lt a..4 ! t..
!. a Ka .kt
le.oioe Vtvk from ih- ., .1
""i. uirv
let Hi un e..-li : tli.i rliiiiuij.iive liaau.a
to ami Ib.i ibe iat? it,,inw j
Hie .. 1,. mu,.,i, . entiia avatein,
ttii H'Ui Kldory , Ii. BM, f m
lite loop ,.f e,d. , MU 1,,,.
M1.1M1 v ..ttna In II,.- ., I,, r yf,r
.lo..- 1 , ..., f .,11 t ae.hinn,!. r
ll.e b' 1 I I r u ....,,1 (MiniCj ),4
I-, k. tr 1 rf ,1 1,1. , i!i 1(jtii ulio.i
'1 1 I n, ..i. 1,.. , 1 , , i,-n,,i,a
.1, I 1! nt p. ait-aplt aaiiaaa. ,-i.
l ' ii 1. Ii It-- aga 1 In Im.I .ih
fc' f" i.t fa' I'lmll c i! atont
f. ir ,.. . ,f .. tiVa a I tide
I-' d I'l at i i f iln l,A,i
i..-,,f,l , , 1, ,,ii, ,1, 4I , f, fw
J"i I" .r l I ! um , n ,,1 1 (..a
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itt I.
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II ..K
f. n, Ina a, ij
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u,,, t
.. I .lin . i.tla
- 'C If Hit M
' . ,fi,. i, ii I
I 1 t I
'1,1, ,
. I . ,t.
"Giant Oaks From Little Acorns Crow"
Do Not Despise Small Beginnings
Some are basing their for
tunes on the little sums that
others hold in light regard.
Financial independ
ence is the giant oak
of prosperity grown
from the small
acorn of systematic
$1 Start a
Saving Account
Omaha National Dank
larnam at ITtH Slrval
Capital and Surplu
fStSi ii
- mf,,. iiAvy
:?A The
I ':' f ' aa n ft. Sia,-la
' t.-ia'.a ft I.') ! lM
f 4,.ai' wall ( it'tj (lv U tvl MMtlaal , lk.
Hi t i I