The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 31, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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    1 at: omaha ukmuv, uciuiiu in. vj:z.
.tn rutin ut sr.
Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManui
ICipyrivtit i.'.t
I. I. I'alenl Ufflr
Uncle Sam Says
Xcnio. lliP ("Iran, Anlin-plia
l-i'iuiil. Jul What You Need
(-riy nlii'itt '.' tn, i ir I'll'."
'.lii t fi-iiiiii'i". Vim t'lin h'iMi t iii'i'i
linilihy i-l.iii l y uah .i-ni', l.tfilt.-
ui uny tlrute '"i" 1 r -r cir
l iu:n Im (Um ii l '"'
' Uin Ki in I ill'-' lilll'Ai'N l lMI'l''.
I'l.i. kli'inl", I'-l.ili Im'h, i:iiiir. a"l
Kiimwiirni iiiiii ni.i tlm Mn rlnir
ail. I lii'jiKhy. I rli-iin, ii-
l.'.niiiK, uiiIIm Mil- li i'il l I' i rnr.'.y
iii'll'il mul iiii n nun' Ull'i. In'
i ii It iiiill' "li. U U .il v J il'f
I..I..1 I.
Ti In"' i t ji'iir S ul A.I, "Ti ll Ihn
i l l.-l.lll.l:'." Alhliill.: I
Jiff Jnii:i'i.
'llu Imll.'tiii In lm mli-l i iini.ii ilv
H a Ktllilil to those Vlil itr.ilo Ik tl!"
of their null cihi or M snpi-rni-(
nil nu ll work. It oii'iiin" iiin i'f
lu better iiii llic'ln I'f trt ilitiH In
JUici, Icllli!Vlli,r lie id I'T i1i.rla.--
limb mul n I'nii iiirf il't.i)!'! spots In
lli" trunk or Itinbt.
Mut l p roiii i'ii 1 1. at K . . t w ' ( h a
littlu lurllnilmiry pi.ic'.lrr on the aim
pllcr lpci of wni'-.. iiiiiliM-tiiku it ii v
if tho'wi.rk uiilliii'") Hi thl h'MiKM
prm iilnl th"V hip fmiiliiir Willi lli"
un 'f n K"U uiul mull" (. u " i'v and
a paint brush.
Ke.lllcIS I'f TI'O (Mll.lll l H'' II1BV ob
tain M ropy I'f til!" i f i i ni l"H.'
fin the free edition .ii I'V wimiirf In
tile Plvlslon of I'ulilii-itloiie. Pi pint
fnont of Ai'ilrlillurr, Wiiidiiiiijfnii, P
V., ar.kuttf fur ' K I, II ii "
AMI pllClllllohl.l ' TUIII l obtilllH'l
fruiii the blood i'f In 'mm.
1 paotrcl-wacon:
Y COLLY-1 THOUGHT" if ' -V what in T hp
ITVUITHE FOi. J ; CLANr.-iTn " VOULOD.O i---f- xA
TINE.: -HH, Z tjl 10 C6 -lteL Oownim Bsf-"- p
1 f'J Z-X"2 THEME TOR: f y
r-p x't r- ' - S 0irTT? j f&frf X
j till r Ixrt rin atavir.:.1 Inc.
Mow to Keep Well
QuMtions concinln kyflrna, alia
ion and pravtnlion ol dlia, tub.
mllfad ta lit. tvant by raadara ol
1 ha laa, artll ba anawarad pcraonally
aubjact la proprr limltailon, whara
alampad, addiaaaad anvalopa la an
cloaad. Dr. tvana will not aiaiia
dlagnoaia or praarriba for Individual
diaaatra. Addraaa lallart in caro ol
7 ha Ha.
Coprrlgliti 1022
v.I(h;tiks ok iiitms.
For 1-fi'unnlnK P'iiihhih, tho bPst
luith Id a jt nil tuli luilli wi'h nnii,
ltli ii llmil wiiriii nUuwir. Thl l.ut h
M-luxi'H Um Hk 1 1 1 . iniik 'K Hip (lilt ami
:;rciib K' t m iilili-, ill- -.mi u. ntnl
iniicpniirH nnil M'ni'i 'M ti." iIi'H.I akin.
In thiau iiurtlciilurH, i hi; TnikiBli
luiihM ami vailmiH uth'T furtnii of
i wrailiiK bnthH urn cvi-n lieiti-r, but
in my n rot Ht.'il' ini'Mt. I took no wo
i (Hint lit liny cxi-upt Um rJinpla ImthK.
Thii iiliji'i'llnn lu llio wiuni tub bat h
i thut it imii'wmi mum kn In Iiim own Imlh
wiili-r fur it few In In 1 1 1 'H, Tlti! mrn
liuiiH, t lift snd wnNti'H in" wjifluil
iiw.iy f i hi i unn pint of thu hoily oml
nuiy rome lu fonlint with iioiiiH imrt
of thn body, when lli'.v rimy rniiiw
infi'i-tioi). Thm iniilii'i- of r-utiklnif in
ouf'H own hnlli wnti-r l not fxmtly
iili-e, but It Ih not r-Hpi'oiRlly huiriifiil
-xi'pt In a fi w inmiinrr".
For Inatmii''. thn pun from tho in
f"i;d eycn of u. buhy 1 u Inf'-f-tloiiH
Unit the whhIi wnu-r niut not
Im bIIowimI to come In rontm t Willi
i ha other ye or ths eyo of any otlur
For till piuctii al pm pom , the
rlruiiitnt, nU'fft, mil iMfiutory of
oil cleaning ImthH la tho wuim ithowfr
with nonp. It lvf an rnin-h wnh!n
mid lniifiTfitlnst hh thn avoraKs per
son nt'pils mul It. ilor-H nwav with tlml
IvItiK In foultd wnli-r, whU-h Is rc
imlHive to Home piopp.
The cold buth, whether tuki-n as a
shower or hh a tub, Hfivt-n unothcr
purpoHe. It. In not a rlfiniNlns both
in ftrfat mnanurp. The skin iiiuscIim
onntrart down and It In diHlcull for
tho wati-r and aoap to Ret at tho dirt
In th crick. Ordinary km pa do hot
M'orlc wi'il with cold water. Noft soup
.liii'M, but when the. cold bath mi h
leaner full Into dltiuii soft onp iih
iiii nlaittcr of Iho art, went on tho
Tho cold hath in unci an an lnviimr
ntor. It KunranteCH clur head, plumy
i f pep and a good duy's work. It In a
guarantee against eulila and pneii
noma. tine of tho lnt public ill teraneee of
unn of the patriarchs of medicine, Dr.
Minoti r.fliiith, who (Hod In 1B21, re
luted to shower hatha. Dr. Baru'h
wan tho founder and promoter of thu
public bath movement, rind the com
munication referred to was hi ad
ilreim a president of tho American
Association for Promoting Hygiene
and l'ublic Baths.
In thin uddrenn, Ir. Bar u eh odvo-
Be Better Looking Take
Olive Tablets
If your hkiu In yellow complexion
pallid tontue coated appt-lilo poor
you have a bad luete in your mouth
a lazy, no Rood reeling you should
luke CUlvo Tablet-.
lr. Kilwanlx' lillvi- Tablet a auti
Mitute for calomel were prepared by
Dr. Udwards after 17 yenra ot study.
lir. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a
purely vegetable compound mixed
with olive oil. You will know them
by their oUve color.
To have a clear, pink skin, bright
. no pimples, ii feeling of buoyancy j
bke childhood Uas you must get ut j
i he caufe. I
Dr. Edwurds' Oilve Tabletn art o 1
lie liter uml bowel.-, like calotiu-1
.ft hat no Jansiious after effect c. i
They utart the bile ami overcouie
i on si i pal ion. Take one or two r.ijhtly
.Hid nolo the pUmb.iik Kfiillw. Mil
lions oC bnxei ore si'14 annually at
jo nod 5c,
i---tsi I'lA r.
Her Mother's Faith in Lydia
EaPinkham Vegetable
Compound led Her to Try it
Kcctoeha, '' I cannot
u eoocga in praise of I.ydia HI 'In It-
r nam
lorn pound, sly
mother haJ great
faith in it as sr.
had taken) mth
rf it and when
ha I trouble after
my baby as U u
l,e gttr It It) mc
It helpt'.J III Sj
iiiuh nsr tfun
in th.Pij rU lu I
'. ne tlul 1 a.Nust
.i.l unMSi i'h
frmaUi trH,! l tfiv It a fair trial
fTiTTiiTTi iktiitiikiii'
J V"
! V J
nd t am sir IN I '"I a I
atxnittt-Vr suv V. II i. aJ
amrwfvls M., ker.h. W ia
A irx.ik in at has tn in u
tHSMty r.flj jreaia 4 at i
t aasl raia'-a.tatkH !
eoMlMr o I fTIfl8KU!rt la li
your rvauJoia-v
If )-4 ar aitlnr frenn
kat KMiarl ith-a foil . tkulefla
In m:u4 Uat I )4.a I. Iina
Im iiiiIiIiCi'i.-,ii.N
iaa' IihmIk-wmi, It wt ttaAf
iart4 lt tufrv( aw k lr-t,
IV lrtt faKu.J wuakt t
Wh ftt a4 vmit
mom fri W mi'--u taf
a It . Ytf b U fw
rrt it fsor tttai
i rated shower baths as a substitute for
fteili air. What he meant to ndto
rate wan hhowrr baths as a supple-
i ment to freHh air, for he arsued for
Mood ventllallori tffectod by cool,
: fri Kh, tnov liiK air.
Cold water Htriklne the xkin from
the nee. He points of u Nlinwer Is in
1 vlfiorutlnK In the name way and for
the Kiime reasons that fresh air strlk
InK tho skin Is. He ndvoeated shower
' heads placed at an aimlo of 45 de
Kites so as tu strike (he skin of the
body, neck nnd face, inlhor than the
j There nie clrciimHtiincea under
! which it may not be best to shower
'Iho bead. At any rale, the skin of
the trunk needs the Impact of the
colli water more.
Should Nurses (iriinililef
Home hints from an Invalid on
"Why not train nurses In some of
the niceties of life? They should not
1 lent he. or sneeze or coiih In a pa
tient's fuce. Hhoiilil keep self clean
and hunds and rinds lu ood condition.
Many little thlnirs annoy patients
i M n lr n lwi ii I The v shou Id n
lo think nlKiu . They Jhoiild not
rumoie ar.oui oeius imimi u. in
night that m part of their business.
They should be tolerant of the r
Hi nt's notions, if he has them.
"A property trained nurse, it seems
lo inc. should be observant of all
these tliintrs Hhe should pid her own
comfort aside and think only, of the
patient Hiid use common sense and
food Judgment in carrying out the
dm ioi-'s orders.
"Why do hospitals graduate so
n any nurses so unsulled to the work?
W hy not si ai t a crusade for better
nurses? Them Is room for much Im
provement, surely."
Cod Liver Oil fur Bo)'.
A mother writes; "I have an IS
months' old boy who Is a very poor
enter and is unite thin, especially his
let's and arms.
"Do you think cod liver oil would
Improve him?"
It miicht.
Keep him In the sunlight a much
UM possible.
Tired o' Life? Eat Yeast.
Mrs. M. F. writes: "I have cured
lark of enthusiasm und pep by taking
yeast. I also cured a member of my
family. We did not know what was
tJV e-itise,
"Do you think it would have the
mine cfTrol for low blood pressure?"
If i( cured the one, It ought to cure
the other.
Nor Tobacco Heart.
Mrs. I-'. D. writes: "1 have a friend
who is pregnant and smokes clgarets.
"1. Will this alfect the child in
any way?
"2. I have heard that it. will cause
water on the brain or stupidnets. Is
this true?
"She Is Wrong and healthy; no
lung trouble or other ullments."
I. If the mother can stand it the
child can.
I presume tho husband eats carja
mon and accepts the Inevitable.
:. No.
Parents' Problems
Is a buby carriage a suitable bed
for a baby at night?
A crib is the proper bcU for a baby
at iiieht. A baby carriage is too
rru mped.
tlreat Vuilaiu claim the credit of
constructing the biggest airplanes and
flying boats In the world for use In
the transportation of its armies in its
next war.
If you are troubled with pains or
aches; feel tired; have headache,
indigestion, insomnia; painful
passage of urine, you will find
relief by regularly taking
Tba world's standard tarred y for kidney,
liver, bladder and uric acid tmeiMes arid
National Keniedv ol Hollsmi since 1690.
Throe siraa, all druggist. Guaranteed.
leak far Um aasa Cold Modal aa oaarf
baa ana) aaeapt aa taaitatiaai
Tomorrow Atright
NKl't Taawra - fcs , . ,-4
'v aJ aa M Tnl m aiaaa
data ballaa.
Maivaa lni iM)Telal
iwi a bi"t uaMO a t -a
4 f ai'va a"t suMMi'M aitta, -ve, Li. 94 4 aK-aa-a.
aa PS) l.;.i-i'a
o-. in a ..'oal la i-l be
I'a.wm! a a.io4.
T'leaf Jap-oar
I 4La
sr. - a-
I r - ' - .aaaTlAa
(Continued fnim iratrriln.)
No word had come from the studio
nil to the result .of Mew' lest pic
! lures. There was no telephone In tho
1 hunR-alotv to rim a verbal inessaue
in or take one out.
i Mem could have gone to a druir
1 sioru and telephoned from a bay sta
tion, but she was afraid to hear her
fate come rattling out of the littlu
rubber oracle, titia wanted to meet
her destiny face to face and niako a
but tl for it If tho Issue hunt in
Hhc simply had lo have work now
because she had her niolher as well
us herself to support. Hhe was still
too new to realize that need Is not a
rerun uienduiion or a substitute for
ability, In u far as It has any bci
lUe Mn" llurJ U
I1Bnt f,. jumnility. ,l(Jb j.i-m
:..,.,.,, ,nul , 4U,m ll. at
nlrendy have them, and those who
have work lu offer rarely seek those
who are Idle.
As Mem hastened along a pulm
lined avenui: to lur street car she
was hailed by the muu she had re
fused to dance with, the hnndsotno
Mr. freighton, from whose arms she
hud fought herself freo In rage nnd
terror the first evening of her arrival
In Hollywood when he tried to inika
her dance.
Another evidence of the distance
she hud traveled was tho fact that
she had danced with him often since,
and that when he Invited her to step
Into his automublle she hailed him as
a taxl angid and ordered him to rush
her to her studio at top speed.
lie had bought himself a new rarer,
a long undcrsliing craft of desperate
mien. "I can't afford u, car," ho con
fessed, "and It's ull bluff, but when
you're hunting a Job It makes a great
effect to roll up lu Jour own road
titer." The Impudence was contagious and
Mem calmly remarked:
"I must get me a car. What do you
think is the best maltc?"
The two nonoapltalists blithely JupT
gird thousand.! of dollars and hu.)
ilreos of horse power.
"What effect do you want to rf
fertV" said C'relghton. "If you'ra bo
ing to play ingenues you'll want a
shy and virginal nuto; if you're goin
In for udventurcsses and heavies you'd
bi'ttei get a bus that's a bit sporty."
Mem thought he was nobly con
servative when she said:
"i shouldn't like to be too conspicu
ous." "That's right; the gaudy old day
are over." said Crelghton. "The pio
neers out here went In for plaids and
gold brocade upholstery and every
'hlnft outrageous. Then Jeanie Mao-l'l-.erson
made a sensation by having
her car painted plain black, and now
almtrt everylmdy is very sedate ex
cept Itoscoe, of course. He is SO bis
he has a Jumbo car."
Mem was good enough actress to
conceal from Crelghton the fact that
her interest in the makes of cars wus
a more windshield to the cold galo of
anxiety playing on her nerves. She
was iu a name. lest she should not
I 1, t.ncrfitreri at nil. He!- tmmeriLl.a
problem was not the selection of an
automobile, but the assurance of food
and raiment.
Creighlon rutted her up to the studio
gates nnd waved her good luck. c?nc
faltered when she enteied th- casli;ig
office. rht almost fainted when Vir
rey'a assistant told her bluntly tliat
there was "nothing doing." Mr. Tir
rey had so many hearts to break, mo
many hopes to sicken with deferment,
that ho avoided the ghoulldn task
when he could. rn had warned his
a.f-lslant to save him from und' r
iioinr, another of Mem's assaults upon
bis t motionn.
When Mem received this cur: facer
through Um lit tio window in the door
between the wiiiiinu room and the
outer office she blenched anj fell
The room was fu'i of anxious so'jls,
each with its despetation. Thc:x- wit
o b. rigry f it woman whose bulk hu!
ki t her employed w hen Pvlphs bad
liad to wait. Next her was a gaunt
rrc-iture who could play 1'amlrij or a
cuni.t". cplnMcr w-th etiual ekill A
bra- e of sparrow j t Iih vellowed curls
! that looked like h'liu-fuls of pin j sliu
i iut.3 walled with their mother, Tiir -a
il.-.utiful joung men with too evts ,
of oi"g il'- r p rued their finder.
Iilils for lark of nmre excltlnp lit. ra- (
1 luie. An avortmei i of Milan, firrt
I an.i second mui'i' :ri, and r ro or j
U aristis ratte ex's f. .Ik stoo'l .ilx.tjl, .
h. 'iom lli::i,l:-t t.i-llni'0, ,
I a' ' in) ainolig the laitv, It.'V j
jtby wi ull imtf p.ies.d for orl'nji vi
: folk, T' ut , gii.opi.l tonnlier, ilo-y t.H.h
I ."i a cm toai ly prof. .n;.il inuti:m-r '
1 tt j r
1 M-in tifd at tt -in anj a hot t-
ai'lil-lielll t h i Mia WOllldlU't
.pi u pi n iii m'a i if'h c f noii-
i -t .! Mi Mtul t.ivk to th win- ,
,.,.Vv fll, lO- tO Ulr llSl4lil'g
-'.i: tout dun lor ii .b adml f.-r
t. t a li-omei.t i f Mr. Tui- v a liin
lie ai'm a,d ho l-uay; but i
i. . oul-l tiot niiiih tliime el nt . '
A t If'it jautnt .Mi. I.ifty,
f f a fan n' aniom would n ,
h ' tll.'i.K'i f lUt'i-l-. ji.,-p'o.t Iho1
.leal, let M. b r i-i. ard !r.i. .J htm
., :f for rtty ijiH.inr huMta of lee
ll'tertakal. 1 ' " i i1-. a I I j
li H''.n-iflr
' 1 .1 -mi t i U ufc il ial- -' lo i i
t I .. i i i,.j !.-. 'loi. M 'i
l- i,i'i ' V) lH ttur tta i u-n ita li I
r. .i -of ! 1 .. .i I.. i ri - it i
... tva i snl it ia at. i u, piiai t i
t 'i ml ISt I I '.4 aeii. ' ,
I '. I .n I t 1 art iV.a i ;
.1 e..,li! I i ,- t-'iH I.. ... II .1 j
' . I . ill. i . a i !.,(..
I ..".i In. .. i , s . , ...-!. a ia.
i u.iNii-l ,.- i t j t-o- i la ri.a
k ( i I I ll Ull IkSpoa if p
I ... r . in ,i i a V f-wl at I
' a , 41. tar.. a I- w
. . 1... a f . . i t it t a a aa wh-
. . : ii . . . a ail f I
.. . . . t ' a t a I- a t- . t I
.i.o 1 ' 'l I , k4l J I IK'I
. .1 ! 'i- I .i a i. r . t
j .., ,f it-., .'t li ..t a
turn up. When Mem failed to go, the
busy wretch wa tormented intO'U
slight impatience. He stooped to self
defense. "You don't seem to get my angle of
II, Mrs. Woodvllle. 1 can only hand
out what Jobs there ore to the people
that fit thum beat. You came In the
cUier day nnd said you wore so am
t'.tlous and determined that you would
i r sell your honor for an oppor
tunity. 1 told you why 1 couldn't
make thu exchange. Now you como
in and try to sell ino your poverty.
That is nveii less ah, markelabb!.
There's a big line of scared and huri
gry people iilwujs foi inlng und falling
awsy out there. Home of thetn are
old ve'emns with children, artls's who
have done fine thing for us. lint w
have to turn them uway. If an old
lady with li! starving babies asked
mo to bt her play a young girl's part
I couldn't give It to lier, could I,
"No, but I'm not an old lady with
16 children," Mem peislsted, stupidly
"No, but you don't suit the director,
and he's got the final say. Mr.
Hi nkes pave you a test. He the
result and says you haven't giu com
edy at least not In that part. Comedy
Is t'lffuult. It takes twice as much
skill and experience as r mar, tic
drama. Y'ou may have It, but you
didn't show It."
"The test w.ion't filr" Mem pro
tested. "I didn't havo any help. Ho
Just told me, 'Turn your head; smile,
laugh, wink, flirt,' Who could do any
thing worth while like that?'
"I know, but It cost the company
about $50 to make It. It's the test
everybody has to go through. An
other girl went through the sune
ordeal and she made good, fihe got
the Job. I'm mighty sorry, but the
only Job there was Is gone."
Mem btiuggled to her feet and Urn
ed to thu door. But the sight of that
plank, that coffin lid. made her recoil.
Whe could not go out Into the wilder
n ss. Hhe could not go home to her
mother and confess failure, accept
despair. Her Hps wavered chlldlsnly.
She found things in her throu to
swallow. Her eyelashes were full of
rain. Her diaphragm began to throb.
Hhe cried beautifully, honestly. She
was not artful about It, or Insincere.
It was h gift. Sho suffered wltn i
rjtilsite ease and grace.
Hhe was one of those pretty thinfs
it is hard not to caress, In whose wail
there is a keen and compelling music.
Tirrey found himself more danger
ously wooed by her grief than by her
proffer ot love. Her shoulders were
pitifully round; her hands groped for
other hands to help; her eyes, seen
blurred an monstrous with woeful
tears, weio more beautiful, somehow,
than when she had tried to fill them
with seduction.
His heai't ached to draw her Into
his bofloin, kiss away her tears, take
her upon his lap, .id soothe her like
a child, one of thore terrible children
that Satan pretends to be when ho
most insid.'ous.
Mem wus a dangerous weeper. This
would be learned In time and turned
to her great profit and the blissful
agony of the multitude. She was not
acting now. She waa reacting to the
anguish of the bitter world, Its cruel
ty, its bleakness, the favoritisms of
fate, the willingness of Providence to
let the willing lie idle and the am
bitious starve.
Tirrey pased the floor, promising
Mem all sorts of wonderful futures.
He managed hardly to keep his hands
from ter by Intrusting them to eaoli
other to hold clenched behind his back.
Put his sympathy only fed Mem '9 self
sympathy with new fuel.
At the screen door that opened on
his office appeared Mr. Rookes, tho
director who had rejected Mem after
tho teat. He did not know who was
crying, but his emotional soul hearl
tho call and he peered in through
spectacles already misted.
t.iH.t. valIJs; aiviraVTTOBKT
la the Place lo Buy Your
Any Sttny Tfrm Any Ptiit
ii! X-Jf
l fu.p i laa Na H U la
CrifoooU Records
iMHeS'.ia aiivac k
owvn 0j
! MVtMa ltut
l.aa-a aaa ''i a.a lai
illil yo-31
M'-rn saw hlin and ran to Mm, im-
plorlng: "I'leMf-e, lib, please, Mr.
It'i'ikes, give nin a elmtiro"
Mr. hisikes bad a prbstly regard
for bl pilars, A work of nit ni at
gjA bee Us
-r-. -
ss ii
Records and Grafonolas
Newest and Most Popular Record Releates in Slock
Order by Phone We Deliver
Phonographs of Every Make at Special Low Prices.
y Terms
r u a
aa m
J4J6 Doutfas Sfi:
Phone Atlantic 4090
I I K fr Wa
fl(r f&3 mmmmmmmmmmm,wmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Our special built wonl
booths are very accessible
for your convenience, on the
main floor at left of entrance.
Drop In and Hear the
Latest Hits TODAY!
415-17 So.
I ROM lltt OMAHA bet.
Heal Takes Shol
at Opposition
County Attorney ('amlitlatf
Say. He Is for Law
r;en:y Baal, republican - Ar.'lul.i'
f..r rour.ty atterner. "resterdny in t
uieu.ent to The fin al a 1. te.-k
d ie. t s'mt at his .pnr'a who
a . Iiv.1,1 aio , sf'i-Hit lies al-OUt
111 ra.-u for ths office l.e k.
Hell, Tho li l-ee'l ati. "!f'll
il'PU'y leini'v aiiorrfi t.n four ye-ir
I, '...r A V- Mlotwrll hd tl'1 t' S.iy
.!, p. en wti.i se-W l' ar.fji .-emeiit
V giaat il.rfl I I ' ''',
a K'-'i i ! ! .. 'i t. i f.' , r iii !i t"tt
1 1 ,;i. ii i.f ! "t 'f I"
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.1' a -. t '
n.l' inn and cluisle a burnt offering
to bis god. Hie public, as the oblation
f liny priest lieforo flny Other ;
(In lin fiuillioird Tumwrruw .1 .
rirst for Latest
No Interest
m ear -a M
shop -n
St M- U
Jthlto Theatre
16th St.
l-OI ITIC 11. MlVKH Tiai.MKVT.
fa Henry oeal
e 1 -1
'i " ' 1 'r 1
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- ! a. ' ' "
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Have You a Well slanced
Phonograph? Get the
111 v K mi. a If
;llH thru' Ihe Mgb IVIslll
ItK'l l ouirnl Hllll
USNS re Ion I'lNplua l-alr Kt 'lull'
'I rleka I Im I ml I
.Iflwn sikhihih lUnlm
Mondrrful I nil I Pea 'I roll
:iiiS 'I arr l-;llrn Troll
Hno'll 'lake Ir I'ls ' 'tint
aH lib! la Sbr lliiinl.f (Kildie (allien
Sulr 1 1 il.lle I miliirl
riCSO all ! lim b, I'al ' Mine i Teinir ShIui
Wblle Ihe nra Hull r IMula larieli
S buuar llliiea ibeuim lllliimal
'Iho Hcnneal 'Isn Iii Ibe M erlil it.nme W llliamai
,-)flfllr llnnrr's l.oiln Anna ll riiiik t runill I
I Hl.h 1 linen (Kronk mm Hi
.nin. aiii iiio.m; iiiiiu it rnniMHi i thk imv HKtriuii
Sdunoller & Jllaelkr Flano
..o) j.i.juejsj.iii.ijij iJFf-rt.iJJiJIJJlla1 vMnrjtw
VM ?&-13 Podc St,- OmAha
Break the
Endreu-Maguey Club
Pllirrit l. Mil I.KTHr.'lI'VI'
Republican Nominee
for County Attorney
has had four years
Actual Experience as
Deputy under A. V.
stands for Strict Law
is married, was born in
Omaha, is a graduate of
Crcighton law school,
is a tax-payer.
l.iYi and half-lirt arc lf i n k told it bout
Bfttl. Don't belicvt them. Impcct his
record. Ask the men who know him.
Record Library for Your
New Proceu Records
The i rv latest NT'-V l'!M'lH
1 ( i,l Mill A UM OIIH.S are al
ways In slock In ti'ir llecord
Depuiliiuiil, Hie largest In
(iiiiuhs. Humid out yor rec
ord library, t nine In and play
tiny rerntil yuti ilea! oml vu
take tin-in li'iiim on approval If
o l so ileslte, ,
Here Are a Few of the Mont
Popular Records for
Your Choir
I'lll ITKAI. AllVKM'rigr.MltHT.
for Congress
rraiik W. Jurlnen, JoliUr, Omaha,
aalil: "I Iok.w larilar to t. a lilgh
rlaaa rnitl'man from tvery atand
pelnt. 1 hava known him a numUr ft
yrara and I have nlwsya found Mm
rrliahlr nii trmta-orllir. loal
tnl filesila and to Ma rnnilplaa and
h I t n un nf iimimiel ahlllty in han
dling public matters."
The la' Cciisrcaiinian T.oUrk, Ufin
rrilnrig troin otlica, wrota Inter en
ili.rnhiic J.iirira II. Hanley who had been
In. private nac-reUry for eight yearn.
Airvmir n'liT i-imiilimeiiiry t Itinera fca
usid: "llnnliy ba teen my ronfidanta
In all mutter publlo and purnons) and
thl confiilrnr has riMr hern ni
med. Mr. Ilnley. beai'lea fcalna a
capahla and iffii-lanr bu.lnrn man. la
a lawyer nf aluliiy. lie ia w.ll seiinlrt.
ed In the many governmental depeit
mcnta In Wa.liinaton."
W. .1. Coa.J. l'riiilent Omaha Hour
.Mill I'urupaiiy, arid: "fte'-erilly Con
grraa rrerled a barrier sround thia
rountry lliat will rnve ditaitroiia
Kiirefie will ni.t be siile to aell hr
liruilucu n u and cimueqiirnily will
not ho alila to buy our iircslurla. Jamea
II, llanler, ileinoi-rsile randidnto for
the Sai-ond illrtrict, ta opponed to high
Uriff ksialsilnii. He is a thorouprlily
i-oinpeteni it. mi. 'Ihe votera nf this
i-oiumunil ahnuld support men op
pmeil to the tsrlff policy of the r
inililii'iili purty."
pin mi m, AinmrisFMyvT
Tal M ' - m
L. J aWa ta IHi awaa
kl M - ha. M a-a a. . -
-J,taaa.a4f .aa4
-s. P - . aa . I t - -
I Ii lllaTa'a-sa-aaTatA'ssaaa
I - i I
- a i
1 .
M-.t rae k.
a i.l t aai a
iAfiman a fv Cwni