The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 31, 1922, Image 6

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    V w
Itartliinisr Good New
for Phonograph 0 wiser
Tbi Ulaatrmta tha Umiaated l'l0f'SfS
aoatruction of tha now pro- vfarf ff"fL0-iL iil, n?Aw5trt
Mm Colantbia Racorda. MtTJJ 1 3 J!s1j!YI
fllatraaa tho wch antotaar , CSzaf ffT CP
flaying aarfacaa which aro f Jn'lillf "
aada of now aabatanca ovar lO'"'V'-SZL rl J-iri ftr
aritUh Jhnaadla trael al- "t&f
D illiutrata tha much baniar
caatra car which
ROSA PONSrU.E U ftrhept
the mott dattling meteor in
the hittory of grand ooera.
Here hat been tailed tha
"voice of voieet." Fomtlla
makmt reeordt axelutioely
far Columbia.
raauu .(tto nouta Urchettra, or new Torn,
"hlvV- ma' Twdt fr Columbia.
TO HEAR Pablo Catalt it to
have born in ona an utterly
ntw conception of tha mag'
nifieenee and beauty of tha
violoncello in tha handt of
a master. Catali mahea
reeordt exclutioely far
V-yJJj V.K U U U U r'J ilv2b
mm mm
Columbia discovers a process which produces
records free from objectionable Surface Noise!
AS a phonograph owner you have always been annoyed
by the swish and grinding and scratching noises of
records. This "surface noise" has been considered impos
sible to remove. After years of experiment, the Columbia
Graphophone Company to-day presents to the world a
record that is virtually noiseless.
Tbl record has been made pouible hj the discovery, In Columbia labora
tories, of a process by which we are able to produce a surface material so
fine in texture, so marvelously smooth, so free from friction that the phono
graph needle travels over it almost inaudibly and with imperceptible wear.
The playing-retult from the use of this new material is actually astounding
no other word can describe it Melody unmarred by penetrating, obtrusive
surface sounds, harmony without disconcerting scratch or scrape think what
this means to you and to every phonograph owner in the world.
This is made practical by Columbia's patented laminated, or three-ply,
construction. The core or centre leaf in Columbia New Procets Records,
because it is absolutely distinct from the playing surfaces, is made of
a harder, more durable substance. Over this rigid backbone are laid the
(two playing faces made of the new, ultra fine, ultra smooth surface fabric
This laminated construction gives greatly increased strength and longevity;
plus the most noi$ele$$ surface ever perfected.
The invention of this new process rec
ord by the Columbia Graphophone Co.
for it is the genius-creation of Columbia
engineers and chemists marks the great
est outstanding improvement since the
invention. of the universally; used disc
With' New Process Columbia Records
you get all the real beauty of voice; all
the exquisite, delicate tones of the cello
and the violin! You get melody uncon
taminated by objectionable surface noise
that has been considered impossible
So great is our confidence in the en
joyment New Process Columbia Records
provide that we ask you to tear out the
list of records in this advertisement, take
it to a Columbia Dealer and have him play
them! Possibly he can play the same
selections by other makers! Each com
parison test; will be a greater Columbia
You -will be thrilled by the Columbia
reproduction of every note, every inflec
tion; of the most delicate phrasing
shades of harmony exquisitely expressed
that have previously been LOST IN SUR
In comparison with ordinary records, as
made by other manufacturers, New
Process Columbia Records will prove
immediately preferable.
New York
No other record can be like New Process
Columbia Records. No one can produce
anything even resembling them, for they
are fully protected by broad basic patents.
In no other record can you get the same
wonderful degree of surface quietness and
pure, uninterrupted music, for the simple
reason that Columbia alone possesses the
secret of making a material which, em
ployed as a surface for phonograph rec
ords, obliterates obnoxious and intrusive
surface sounds.
This new substance does not hush loud
surface noises. They are never created.
Surface noise is merely friction, the point
of the needle grinding on microscopic
roughness and multiplied by the sensitive
reproducer. In New Process Columbia
Records this microscopic roughness is re
fined away till friction is almost a fiction.
With new and unbelievably quiet playing;
surfaces, the dream of making the phonograph
a musical instrument of the highest and purest
type ha become a reality 1 Columbia's new
surface discovery has solved the whole ques
tion ! Reproduction of music has now entered
a new and greater phase I To-day, the phono
graph with the New Process Columbia Records
is a masterful triumph. You can now buy
Columbia New Process Records from any
Columbia Dealer.
Go hear these Columbia Records ! Take
this list with you! Note the smoothness
and fullness of Columbia tone ! Note the
beauty of expression! Note the seeming
presence of the actual voice or instrument !
GO hear these records to-day.
edged one of tha great man
tert of tha piano. Grainger
mahtt reeordt exctueioely fog
Put These New Procets
Columbia Records to tho
Hardest Comparison
Una Danube Waits. (Strauitl)
Rosa Ponselle.
49989 12-inch $1.50
Salat D'Amour. (Elgar)
Pablo CaSaJs.
80158 10-inch $1.00
Muinaira. Duel ie Kerekjtrto.
49931 12-inch $1.50
Malo4r Eddy Brown.
A-3659 lfcinch $U0
Prima hror,
Zampa Oreriaro.
Metropolitan Open Hons Ota
A4Z1S It-lack $U0
Nannfiaa Bridal Procaauoo.
Liabaatraunu Percy GniafaX,
A-217 12-iac $1.50
Two UttU Siara.
Calm Al tha Nijbi.
. Barbsrs KmtL
A.3S43 10-tack $1.00
A Soaf al Ida HUU.
Tgady MeckttnJ,
S03S1 10-uch $1.00
la Mf Kama Tewn.
Tha lth Kola. funk Cramr.
AJ6 tO-iac rSa
Tm'k HaJ Yaw D...
I Aia'l Natar IU4 NoUrfy Craay
Otar Ma, .Vara Btyem.
A-36SJ 1 0 iach 7S
Stlw? &ar.
la Kaaa Tia.
I'tul Spti ht gad His Hotel At tog
A-Jv73 Wa.h 7U
Sao4 Bath My ilaaaytaaa,
T4 Lrait ttii H.s Bead.
A34a 1ft-lah lie