The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 31, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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    lilt OMAHA bhr. : iu-mi.U, (k ioiifc.u .ii. r..
P r 0 (1 11 ( Broker Good Will Delegate
Who Wooed Movie
Fan Is. Released!
to Address L
Young Couple NuM.r.I Here
ly rnrornantic Sleuths
V. in Freedom in Po
lice Court.
lipid tin led a rneriy chaa for
W. H. Morris, Hanford hotel, produce
broker at Twelfth and Howard
trcet, niiDrilliiu !o police.
Aiiirrm, ai cording to hi tory lo
Chief i)f iieiertive Van I'ruwn, hue
long licen In love with Mnry i'lthiaek
a comely young woman who live at
.l I iui(lim airi-iii
Hi mc(1 for a din no to 1hi
In r lo inn altar, h told Van Iruen
1ml ahe m 11 nut for i career In the
motion pictures.
When p-n Turpln. ro eyed film
ciuiiedbiii, whs In Ouuih recently, she
had mi audience with hlrn, waa given
one (if ill personal csrds, anil in
formation o to how to Join a produc
ing company in Ia Angcle.
ltd urn (or Coat.
Hhe an. I Morrl iiumreleil, he an 1.1,
Hint h. returned lo lilm a tV.ih root
In' hml given Iiit. anil started on a
IHlKrlnms"; to California.
Morris' Inert ws luoken, tin re
UimI lo Ihn attentive, chief, ami In
his grief I, turned to an attractive
churn alrl playing here In Hhulwrt
Iler winning way ntid coy smile
enmeshed Ina lnn i , ami, aicnrdiw;
to I li' Ii' iul of tti lcuih, h howcr
ed her with costly gift on the oo
i.imIiui nf Iut birth anniversary whllo
In UniHhri.
Tim wedding bells Wore about to
ling for her ami MiiitIm more nut
i.f Kpitn I Hum NiiythhiK. Van Ucuscn
declared when buck camn Mary
I'ulMwk fnmi movieliind. anil Mortis
realized l once" (hut. ehc, Htid she
aliuir, was hi one true love.
Yestcnl'iy morning at 2:3" Detec
tive Tr.ipp n ml Munch tiHiinlcrcd
Into Ihn 1'iiMllr hotel. On Ihc register
they enw Ilia name nf Morn anil hi
sweetheart, registered for separate
Ilnlh Are Tul.rii.
Recalling thai Morris bad b' i'ii ar
ichIiiI tm'olii-r 2.i ax u f vi from i
;timtir- In roiini-' tloii Willi a $.".0i j
i hii k which later wn atraiKin
nr. I mi'
ll lulu 1 1".
til .Mlia ralasfk'B room they foiiml
tlin pair. KverythhiK wan convi-ii-IIi.iihI,
mi. I In uleillha were about lo
ilepurl. when oni of them dccldcil II
would l fHfcr lo tkn thfin to hnl
ipiartpra and lit tho powcra that be
So both of thPtn wero arrpalfil for
S..VCH lon liouia tiny rpmalni'il
In in toil of thn law, Morrla padim
feverishly up and down tha roncri-tn
fliior of thn room next to Van
Jinim-ii' prlvata fflc, porlnu forth
i-AprHhloiiN of hiii love for Mlas Mary,
hiij avownla of hla Intention to nmkt'
l, r hln wiftf uh Hoon aa th-y ahoulil
get thia inixnp clcateil away.
Krarfd I'libHrlly.
nut hu f-arcil the n-WHiiperH
would Hiiiad Ihn, ftory of their ar
ict abroad ainmiK the reading public,
nml he niado liberal offer of cimes of
run ami 'ha like to pollco reporti'iH
ahouM they aiipl'fw the tale.
When tho pair faced Jildgo Wap
pich in central police court, yedlerday
inornlnn, Detective Trapp at"'
Munch, like lh kind hearted ami
alncere officers they are, uteppcd lo
the lailln:,' In ''"lit of the bench and
pleaded with the niaKifrute to (Uh
miHS the (line.
"We find liothhiK against them,
they HMld.
"Mr. Morris l a perfect getitle
limn." pretty Minx Many Hiippleinent
ed and 111" Judtte opened up hl heart,
too, and eltachiirurd both of them.
The lovera left the courtroom arm
In arm.
.ft-' h
' '. i'i .1
Frexh from the battlefield of
fiance. Mink Knlhirlne O llrieri will
tell lh) pninbern of Ihn I'oiiuliiK
county pnt of lh Alio rlcan l.enlon
how the old hill of Montfaiicon np-
peaia now, whether the atatiie by Hie
railroad elation In Cb.ileiiU Thierry I
mill etiiti lliiK, With what altitude Hie
frenchmen now lejjnrd the doughboy
of IMH, r.nd what lum I n done lo-
ward reconatrm tlUK mc h town an
the razed Vaux, tlio worat nbolup
town In I'Vaine.
M ihm oiirlen who recently returned
from H'ritice nn ono of The Omaha
lice Cood Will il' li K'Hioii, will talk
to the legionnaire tonight Ml In
Hie illy council chamber of the city
Home Industrial
Exposition Opened
l)iinoiiilruliori Are Civen at
,f jjny Ho(tli-- Ai-S ll Mem
liern Allend in Hod).
I il.i.-j h.i'i ' coiid niiiiiiiil Home In
diiMtrlnl expoHllloii opened at noon.
i M, j tin. nlulitii Hum- fif the
the ale.itha trnide (heir way , ,,,,,, .,, ,,.,, thej
lai'Ki-Mt. of II kind offered here, will ;
be open every night until W.
At many booth there are demon-1
HlrntloiiN. In lb line food ;
lurer bud, but oilier line nlo urei
i-epreenled with like display.
Monday a "Ad H"H" night. After !
the regular weekly dinner of the;
(im ih.i Advertising Helling league, I
which I now thn largest org.-inlwilion I
of it kind In the world, the niembeial
visited the exposition In a body. Ivl
Meyer saxophone bund of 10 piece
pin. veil.
Three, more candidate for election
a "Maiden Omaha" have been enter
ed. They are: Mis (itrtrudo Htrunge,
MiSM Irene Taiichen and Mis Ko
M nicuso. More candidate are prom
ised by those in charge.
Kd Meyer's land will give another
concert Thursday evening.
Viclim in Athletic Clult
Hrawl Discharged hy J"de
The concluding chapter of "The
Atl.lelit! flith Urawl," or "A Walter,
a fonk, t'otatoes and Ulslie." was
written ill central police court yea-
li : day.
T. M. Allen. CHI S Itougla.)
rnnk. who reiirimiinded .1
negro waiter,
seventh i-lreel,
Six Suspended
Shriners Sue
Tangier Temple
Mason Seek Restraining Or
der to Prevent Officers
Jefuing Them Admi
rion to Meetinji:.
8i iipenied member of Tangier
temple, Mvstle Hbrliie, the play
Kiniind (if Miis'uiry, have filed nit In
district court aeeking a reatrallillifC
order to prevent officer of tha temple
refusing them adinliori to meeting.
They are Fred f. linger, William J.
laibba, Nathan Hernteln, Kliner K.
Zlinmernian, It, V. fola and Walter
Alacf ue.
They were iiiemled at the Imper
ial council of the Hhrlne In Han Fran
clseo In June, linger Indefinitely, fole
and M.icfue until July 1, lid, ami
Zifnmeniiaii, Iteinslein and I)obb un
til July 1, mi.
The auspenloii fnlluwed, according
to (heir petition, an Investigation Into
(hinges against the divan, patrol unit
band of the temple by Imperial Poten
tate It, A. futl In 1U2I. The charge
wera ruled unfounded, It I ald.
Action In the suit U directed against
Tangier temple, John T. Itysart, lllua
trloti potentate, and these oflli era
who roinprlse the divan: Howard M.
(ioulding, II. O. Wilbelm, J.ime Kit.
gerald, A. p. falconer, Frank ('. rat
ion, J. Himiisoil, I,. II, lloyt, W. K.
Kboade and W, T. Hoiitke.
Tokio Y. M. C. A. Secretary 1 ' xw rr"- J"u"'" ' ' v; h,r" r r -.he im.i (:(irt1((11,P j proposed
...... ... . . , ,j T . ! There will l no legnliir meeting of f ghosla ami ("''lilis In cel.hi "
Will Atldrea l.lolls t.fllb the I. ion' tltib Tuesday, Nnvetnlier T. i of II illoween, Tm lionnr giu.t nf 1 fur Municipal C
J. Mcrla Pavla, eerretiiiy of the , because of eb i linn day. NutHitiir
V. M. f. A. In Tokio. J.iiuiu, will: day will I l.lon' day at Creighfnn
reak lfor the Omaha l.lon' club I fl. 1. 1, when frrtghinti football trim
iislay nigin In lh I'alm room ufwiil meet the Hint Ii li.ikoia team.
Hotel Kontenelle. Mr. Pavia an Thla evening iimaha l.lon.
American and w educated In the, then ei, and "ii' thuin will at- Water, when rotiveried lulu steam, ; 'n. t .!,. f,,r ohimi ipsl cinirts somhI they illuph,,ld Nmtt a sugi
i mteo mate aim iokio. h i sun- ienn n rein campnie, leaving ins im reaea in mug h.immi nine i n.ler lh the cny would py tlnn.
the (iiiin'y tioiiiiiial sum for r nt
The ofalteiitig room f-.
ipdl l.OlMi I I ..ill t pilipoar would It' about I.'
the oecasioii will be I,, f (lilie ,.f fnintv i 'oiioiif.iiin. r fbarlt I n It I Oihi, aiconling to I mil.
I.lncoln, meinlH-r nf the al.ite Isiat't cf . i,t tofiiy .ti' an liir-n on So aiier li.ia Im-i-o ie..Hrd fn.ui
('intinl, who Ilia Is-en act e in bosn'i Mioi.Ihv uonimI lh.t (he county ifity Aliotiiey ho i.ieii yet Wlult
work for yea I a. . t n-Me fi.ur fs'iiia m the groiiiii) the county i oiiitnlasioiii i s have lint
I fliMir of :ie coiittboiiie on the lluinry iiitr.) on the priiim!, it Is undi r
Ai coiding to chemist, paper enough
fur the whole world could be made
from the bamboo and grae of India
much ohciiier than paper can be
made from wood pulp. j
I Vole for John M. Matzen for Hlale
. Hupi rlntendelit Adverllwment. I
tAp You're Welcome In
iWttVlim, When in
jr w nwwni t'Bi
Am t.nrii:MK: r.
Reward Offered for Finding
Missouri Sheriff s Daughter .
Two hundred fifty dollar reward
lias been offered by Sheriff Katulall ;
of MaryviHe, Mo., for Information I
le.idint; to the return to his home of!
bis daughter. 17. black haired ami j
blm k-cye.1. who boarded a Wabash ,
train .Sunday and i believed to have!
come to Omaha. Uundall com-
tnuniaited with Omaha police, asking ;
ihem to hunt for hia daughter. He;
gave no motive for her departure j
from home. I
Vol ice Asked to Hedouldc
Search for Missing (lirl
M. A. lJm'ert, .137 Hituiey
,.,.i,..i- ,,f Mi rile Ituth I,am- ,
17 lteiiaon High school gnl, !
who i alleged to have been hading
a dual life and then disappeared, i
new convinced, sh.. told police M.ui-i
itv. th.U her daughter ha been -lured
a iv by some Immoral woman
She appealed to juvenile authorities
to redouble their scat en for "' '
oh n luillas,
11!) North Thlrty-
for helping: hlniHulf
some potatoes Katurday and thereby
drew a fusillade of dishes about his
bead, was discharged by Judge
Wapplch whin I 'allfiH. who was
hooked on a charge of disturbing (he
pence, failed to appear and forfeited
a bond of
Arkansas Anthracite
For Immediate Delivery
A High Grade Fuel
Clean Economical
Satisfaction Assured Whether the Weather
Is Mild or Severe
iro re
Lumber and Coal
4500 Dodge Street
WA lnut 0300
Have you tried
Fontenelle Hot
tVU. lout hot fil.t, OUp,
meat, h a la and tlexert pre
prJ in ih Imitrntilf k.ti'H
f aia er, d ! from
tl i t lo p. m si r-
fit!jr l .ti., pil.t
Mr m ft
Keep Free
N'ou ar id to eokia every
day liont lall to apring At the
a lore, oa (he afreet car, in the
ihaalra-avervwheia paravna i
anenn and (ouSin. pal nf
okt erm.
Ttwtwanii at u.n M eek'
Hrwk up (Ui 1 ablet tut pf
tevttoat ini tuck eajwauia
Ikaaa tablata Uialiv ana)
(oaiaia mIhlh ikal wuteaa
you raa-tlaiu t tvki a4 opp
IU tkaaa tabUi a Knt m
tkal os tea taa ie k amnut
tow ttal any a il a 'U Saal
tiatia ! a diu etuta, t a
Makti a Family Supply
of Cough Remedy
Heitllr heller than ready-marl
tough ormia, ami aea elwal K.
r.uill aim iiu my pruiarro.
If you combined Hie curative prop
erties cf every known "ready-niaile"
cough remedy, you probably could
not get a much- real curative power
as there i in thin simple home-made
cough syrup, which i easily prepared
in a few iiiiniitc.
Oct from any drujuist 2'J ounce
of l'inex, pour it into a pint buttle
and till the bottle with syrup, ufting
either plain granulated augar ayrup,
clnrilied Diolanses, honey, or corn
ayrtip, ng desired. The result is a
full pint of really better cout'li syrup
than you could buy ready-made for
three time the money. 'iite plea
ant stid never spoils.
This l'inex and Syrup preparation
pete right at tlie cause of a rough and
give almost immediate relief. II
loosens the plilcL'iii, stops the nasty
throat tickle and heals the sore, irri
tated membranes so gently and easily
that it is really astonishing.
A day's line will usually overcoma
the ordinary cough and for bronchitis,
croup. Iinaritenens and bronchial asth
ma, there is nothing better.
i'inex is a most valuable, concen
trated compound of genuine Norway
pine extract, and has been used for
generations to break severe coughs.
To avoid disappointment, auk yoir
druggist for "2'2 ounces of J'inci"
with full directions, and don't accept
anything else, (liiarantecd to give
absolute satisfaction or money
promptly refunded. The Pinex Co.,
Ft. Wayne, lnd.
iBmrgess-Naslh Company
In the Downstairs Store
Bleached Sheets
llx0lnrh sit of b
bleached muslin center
ind wide hems.,
Hargeaa-Siavili IXieiulalrt Sirrr
Blnra i
7 Yd. Outing Flannel
f7-lncli striped outing flannel
heavy qualify llh warm fleecy
nap. Specially priced
BurirM-.Naah lorilr Slurs
7 Yd. Bleached Muslin
in Inches Jo width, this muslin
ha wide vaHpty of use In
very household
BurcM-Mash Drmnslalra ir
4 Pillow Cases
Ae mmlB 0f g,g)() peaty round
thread muslin. Slw 4UM Inches.
Triced for "JollaT Pay" only
nur -r.,h ftaHiutaln aiora
o Huck Towels
Sirs 18x36-Inch bleached huck
towel with Jacquard borders
Serviceable quality
Barges-Nash Downstairs ler
( I
5Y2 Yd. Linen Crash
Irish linen crash toweling, 18 . aafl
Inche In width, natural colored Tl
with white striped borders...,"' I
Burgss-ah Ifunnstsira Store I JBL
2V2 Yd. Table Damask
Bleached table damask, 08
Inches In width. Attractive pat.
terns from which to choose
Biirgi-..ash Donrwtalr H'ore
Felt Slippers
vVomen'a felt sll oners in eiers1 . dk
stjrles atTd colors. The size are 1
somewhat broken. Umlt, 3 pairs
Dnrgrs-'mh DnwnstKlra Store
5 Yd. Romper Cloth
A heavy weight cotton material
In plain colors or striped. A
cloth to give satisfaction. 5 yds.
Burfes-h Downstair Stora
( 1
5 Yd. Cretonnes
attractive floral and Persian
design In Mailt and dark color.
Cnme In 33 Inch width. S yard
BurfeM-.Saab Itoanatalra Mtor '
10 Yd. Curtain Scrims
While end ecru icrltn In 3.Mmii
Idth with hemstitched fdge
and fine lace tilmmlnc 10 vards
airia-aa kwicHlrt klara
7 Yd. Dress Oinshams
flsld and cl.Siki-d Ii, at tit In
I, Inch wi ll h. 1 hen will nuke
piit school dreai for itia
lrf) ' llaM.fa m
Women's Shoes
i i i ii a
ii a "uiy
II uh h x-a br dir
an ur hlH t e I. lis
a iu l'l b.i. ' a ii
litj.'bi ial i abio J
a -iwa '
T I urn
I V v 1
Women's Hats
Our entire tlcjuiiliiicnt will lie ifivcn
1 ......a 4 .t.l ,......,4 I I.. I
ori Mr nun c.-ni -1111: gicuiisi, joi-
Inr-Day Sain in mtny afiisoiiN, vlifii
'JX) 1 inter ll.'ll Hill lie M,I I at, ffli'Ji,
' Halt
too m
J Cloth AUrt
Hats U j?
ttyil rl
Dress .
Hats I rfT!
Matrons' V
Hat. fl)
Turbans -y)
ChiUrcn't Halt J
liir(eM-.VlilloHnsllra lor ffft '
V -.ariV 14
m. Tft r 1 i ; ve- - rj
it! ' ti.'TT Jt
IT M w " Mr 1 ' '
22 Handkerchiefs
24 Bars Wool Soap
Men', women' and chlldron' a n
handkerchiefs In while or colors. ( S I
. A
This Is an opportunity to pur
chase a supply
Wool soap for toilet or bath
Umlt of 24 bars to a customer.
No mall, phone or (.', O, P.
l'l I)onlalr Niore
Navy Tricotine
This popular woolen In Sfi lncIA & aafl
wldih la one of our most excep- f
llonal Items for Dollar Day. Yd.V I
nnrg..N.h-floniMtalra aiora )
Bnre.i-h lon attain Sliwe
4 Vests or Drawers
fhildren's lleece lined vests
and drawers In white and gray.
Itroken sizes, priced 4 garment
l' ),i.l,ir, More )
Men's Nightshirts
Infants' Shoes
Winter welaht tilifhl shirt nf
heavy outing flannel. Slightly
soiled but In no way damaged
Made In all sizes
no way damaged.
Izea. Kach 1
Talent leather and black kid
shoes, made with hand turned
soles. Sizes 2 to 5.
BurrMn-.Wh lloumtulm Slors
2 Pairs Boys' Overalls
Plain blue and striped overalls A aJ
that will give execptlonally long
service, r'rlced, 2 pairs y I
llurj-... .h Bonuslalra Mtore )
IJiirrr...ali DoHnnlaln Hlora
3 Sateen Bloomers
Misses bloomer ol luntrous
black or white sateen. Elastic
In top and knee. 6 to itj year
Biirt..,Nh store J
9 Linen Handkerchiefs Outing Flannel Gowns
Pure linen handkerchiefs, nlain
white or daintily embroidered.
ihese make acceptable gift
Br(M-.Nah Downatalra Worn J
Women's and misses gowns aJ
made of heavy weight online, $ Tl
llannel attractively trimmed r
lliirjc..S.h DnMiwtalra Slur J
2 Boys' Blouses
3 H. & W. Brassieres
Well made of rhambiay in plain
Dili or In rarlou colored
tripe, a special price of 2 for
BargaM-.Vaea Itowaalalr SI or
llurr Nh.Ii-Ihmwialn aiara
Perfect fitting brassiere ul
troche, hstlsta or Tieco, tail
nreij or lac trimmed.
Girls' Rain Capes
2 Kitchenette Dresses
irciilar cape npi, ljfM1,
tcne! Navy, red or checked
with plain llnlnta. Hue
l l:ac,'
Usi.H kah-harMlair '
Gingham Dresses
Plaid, rliKi.a and ln.'i rionia
tnada with nii. .tl,. pi.i a
ta and iep hnu ai'd iriMimalf S
t"h eatol aiiitroldrrt. I t .
tolur In .Mr ? tit 1 1 t h ,1
Iiuod ul; In of peicate mid ylnr
h iiik, tiiiuuied with chanihray
In roi,italitig eidoi. Sites
aoiiiew ht hniken . . . , , V
Bur(M Nal- lsaMilr kiof
5 Pair3 Bloomers
riir tbtiilieii lld o( ro inn
)i , 11 ) a 1M1 rlt-'i,' l aaiat aid
ai,,. i-iiiH k .1. 1,1. a hi,,.
J tu l h pa .. , , I
ttt i - ltwia
No Phona Ordprs No C. 0. D 's No Deliveries
R. & G, Corsets
Kor slender, averaK or full fig
lire. Cambric or btlt In full
or (oplea models ,
Hargaaa ajaab llonrwtalra inra
Fur Chokers
luiiislion fur rhokei of flu
uuallty material. 'Iheso were
made to ell at a higher price
Htirfrah f tiin(ir Mora
Black Neck Pieces
Made of silk lift, and ribbon,
these are attractive for elderly
amnen and elva added w a until
Bnr(M.Mh I'owmlatr Store S
22 Yd. Laces, Embroidery
Sever;,l widih In a wide tail
etr of pattern and design
Some have Insertions lo match
Bur"-! Meaaateir tor
2 Pairs Rompers
Made of fast color romper cloth
In. attractive shades. All are
bund embroidered. 1 to 6 years
larfr-Nab tontair S'ora
2 Drawers or Vests
Women's drawers and vests of
very fine wool and cotton.
Slightly soiled garments.
Burg-Nh Downstair ftara
( 1
Fiber Silk Stockings
Woven with double feet and gar
lr fop. Black and gray In prac
tically all sizes. 6 pairs
Bvfea-nah Duwaaleir Mora
13 Hair Nets
"Tlllz" double mesh hair nets,
fringe or caD shape. Made of
fine quality human 1ialr, 13 for
Bur(ra-Nuh Downalaira Mtor
21 Spools Thread
J. p. Coats' Dest fc-coru inreau,
all sizes In black, white and
COtor. i apuinn
Bara-ah lonatira Store
30 Hair Nets
Single mesh human hair net,
cap shape only. In all colors,
gray and white excepted. 30 for
ftvrgM'aah-lowiiela4ra Mora
Wash Blouses
New blouses for s ratals and
suits. Peter Pan, "V" or Tux
edo collar. Site up to 41 Kach
BariaM-Maah-Dawaalalr !
5 Pairs Stockings
(111. hen a heavy and tnrdl mi aJ
sl'it col ton i.xaln with re ( I
bitoired knea and feet. Dlark, w I
In Uea !', to l'"i 1 A
BaM Kak-iaaa4 tiac
Washable Rag Rugs ; 1 1 a t h hj a i ia 1 1 i m
eolma lime. ilt. lirii.lei
an. .ma
linear , ,
I. null ul l.i a i
P S(M - tM !
f I00SU