The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 31, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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Whisper Attack
Is Answered hv
Senator Randall
Krmihliran CTaitHIal for
Governor IletorU to Stir
ring I'p of IMigioiw
ti (tiillniinfl from ) 0 )
Atniriinn ciiririt of avoiding inn
T1 1 ly rlliiilnstlnif '(hi lunliii from
lh uhtlr .
Hi Hirl.iun (irh Hurrril.
"Th b.I i'f 1019 rnnklnf provision
k ili at Ihc wi'urlnir i f rsliKions
grh hv (rarhrr In public hoo
mr fouriili'i) up. in thin fiiniluiriMiliil
theory. Th it I limited ulrlrtly to
Juililii- iihuol anil lis no uilUtloti,
cliri'tly or Indirectly, to denomin
lliinnl or religious .hool. If anyon
rontend for th right of a tjtli
H' hunl tfH" h-r exerting a seitstltin In
11 'ii inn ly weiirlng a rrllglou guro
while teaching In th i t j 1 t ihool,
thev re cunt ending agnltist Hi In fun
la i ii fill 11 1 American principle.
"I fsvnred this hill when In (h lt4
enate. I have not changed my vlw
(in th suhject. I ri"W auk my op.
ponent whether. If elected. h will
fiivor repeSI of thla law and, If mi,
"Secondly My record In 1ih ll"u ifd
In th 'whispering;' eiimpnlgn In the
mutter of Hi so culled pinochliil i huol
low. (('hspter 1'."., I,nw nf MID.)
"Thla law M m pnsseil to hrlng under
uperviatnti if the ststi) all prlvste,
denomination il anil pHroinlal school
Insofar itinlll)iatlna nf teacher,
grade unit promotion nf inplla are
concerned, and tn liiaiire a rnurae of
tudy In auch clmol eiilviilent tn
the pnMli! arliiml curriculum and to
enrlwln any acllvltle or propaganda
ftuhvernlve of Amerlran Inalitiitlona.
" aiippnrted thla hiw In th fat
enst bemuae of my flrat conviction
I hnf th future of our nation la In
separably t led with the wilfitre nf our
puhllo arhnol system. I hold that
conviction yet.
Appeals to Americans.
"I now auk my opponent to state
whether, If he la elected governor, ho
will -favor the state abandoning lt ef
fort to rslss the standard nf theae
private, denominational and parochial
"I have never fnvored any Ihw aeek
lug to ahnlinh pnroehlnl achoola and
do not now favor such a law.
"Thirdly My pnnltlnn on the lan
gunge law la challenged. In common
wun ine American i.egion, minimum
of whom are of foreign birth and for
eign parentage, I dentin fur the chil
dren nf N'ehraaka a common language.
I have made my record. I now aak
my opponent whether he favora re
taining or repealing thla law.
"Fourthly I think there la no need
or demand for further legislation upon
theae questions now.
"There may be thorn who disagree
with my poaltlon on theae measure.
They are entitled to a frank state
ment. If my opponent la equally
frank, there need be no misunder
standing. It la time for frank expres
sion and an end to vague whisper.
My appeal Is not on any ground other
than true Americanism. My appeal Is
to all Americans, whether native born
or those who have become Americans
by taking an oath of allegiance. I know
the hearts of those naturalized are as
pm el v American the hearts of the
native Imiiii. I am RpHallng an
Amcil.un to AmeiUttiia."
ClttMils ,r (iood Slrd.
About 10 huine men, fiirmers.
end railroad men heard Mr. lUnilall
In Wymor, where he was Introduced
by lyconard lienamnre.
At I-'alrhury several hundred IIU'il
and women heard Mr. IUndll speak
from the steps of the rnurthniwe. past
Kxalled Ftuler Fmnk Ilaln of the l.lkl
was one of torn who greeted Mr.
riant ill.
The opera hn'iee at Hebron was
well flllid when Mr, Itandall arrived
"We are hiring a man to run the
stale government," said County At
torney ll", who Introduced the can
didate. "We want one with a recoid
of acconipllnlmient, like Mr. Itiiudall,
not merely a man who over recom
mends himself."
A puncture delayed Mr. HandaH's
cur while he was driving to llriinlng
A motorist who was going In the other
direction turned around and drove
Mr. Il.-ind.ill the 12 miles to Hrtinlng.
where i big crowd was waiting In the
opein house,
Mr. Itandall must drive 0 miles to
night to Lincoln to speak at a mil
verslty convocation tomorrow morn-
Montana Bishop
Says Pastor Slain
for Refusing Love
I'linva will I hi ics.-rvcj for fiatenuil. ;
sih I.iI ami K-lliiloUM organization with ,
which the Kev. C'luisllcr wuh l.leiiti-
lied. Mrs. fhrlstler will remain st
her mother's homo in Auburn while .
In the 1'iint. lUirml will lie it t M.iple
rove rtim-tery near here. i
Drtlarfs Mr. ('arltMnn Killfd
tlic Kcv. LninarJ Clirillir
'Iipn She Failed li Win
Hint from Wife.
Mure, Mont., Oct. HO. Thai Mix
Mart-are (arleloti deliberately at
tempted (it win the Itev. loiiiinl J,
hrlller, rector nl hi. Murk Kpls
ropsl ihurcli of hU (It), from hi
wife, and that fulling ha the
nilnUter and then berxlf, N the belief
of HUlinp r reilrrli k J ut her, head of
I lie JIrrM of Montana, according to
a statement made by hlui today,
"I believe as a result of the InveHll
gallon 1 have made of the tragedy
which occurred u,9 fhriKlhr homo
early Friday, and after (Uestlinilng
those who know about it, that If thla
woman had been alibi tu work Iht
will on Mr. Christler he would be u
lso New iflurder
Mysteries Puzzle
New York Police
Hoily of Wnmaii Hurled From
Koof of Office Hiiildiii
Man Found Dead
in Cutter.
Ing at 11. At noon he speak til the live man today, unfaithful to bis wife
llavelork railroad shops.
Frm llavelock Mr. Itandall goes to
Hastings, where he speaks tomorrow
evening. He Is due In Omaha Wednes
day morning f.r political consulta
tions and lit the evening st Heatrice,
returning to Minn ha Thursday.
U. M. W. Urp-ft Investigation
of Middleman in ('oh I
Washington, Oct. HO.A committee
representing the Tutted Mine Work
ers or America nas men wim nit
frilled Ktates coal commission, Inves
tigating the Industry, a report con
taining comment and suggestions.
The document is signed by Kills
Heai les. editor of the union's magAZine;
John Moore, Its legislative represen
tative, and Thomas Kennedy, a Penn
sylvania district president of the or
ganization, find seeks to lay liefore
the commission the Union's Idea of
how It should conduct Its Investiga
tion and the objectives to be attained.
Absentee ownership of coal mining
areas, the Intrusion of profit-taking
middlemen III marketing, regulation
of coal production and the survey of
transportation and storage fiidlitle
available for cnal distribution, the rn
port emphasized, should he Investiga
ted by the commission.
Bandits Haiti Chinese Railway
Peltln, Oct. 30. (Hy A. P. Hundlts
estimated to number 3,000 have inter
rooted traffic- along the l'ekln-Ilan-
kow railway between Yencheng and
HI Hsiplng, m the province of Honan.
The marauders are said to be former
soldiers of Chrto Chi, a brother of the
lute governor of Honan. They have
fought a skirmish with government
troops sent to dislodge them. Ono
force or the other tore up a portion
o the railway tracks.
tho bishop's atate-
Suhniarinc R-3 Safe.
I.os Angeles, Oct. 30. The sub,
marine R-3, which last night wuh re
ported floundering about in the Santa
Barbara channel, off Anacapa island,
its engines out of commission, is safe
in port here today.
Here you are!
Here's both nourish
ment and goodness. A
real food, delicious, ap
petmng and satisfying.
A complete meal, with
well-balanced nutri
ment Ask your grocer
for a can today. Make
it the main dish of your
next meaL Just heat
and serve.
Republican Speakers
Csmllilat for Lnlu.l Mate anstr.
riavld city 10:00 A. M.
Bralnara 2:00 P. M.
Wahoo 4;0l) P. M.
Frtmont 1.00 P. M.
North Bend 10:00 A. M.
Schuyler 8:00 P. M.
Columhui 4:00 P. M.
Central City 8:00 F. M.
Fullmon 10:00 A. M.
0no 8:00 P. M.
Platte Center 4:00 P. M.
Stanton 8:00 P. M.
rtlser :30 A. M.
Went Point 1:10 P. M.
Scrlbnfr 4:00 P. M.
Hooper 7:30 P. M.
but still living;
ment declared.
Regarding the investigation of ac
cusations involving the namea of Mr.
Christler and Mrs. Curletoo which ho
conducted a yeur and a half ago,
Itlshop Kaher said:
No formal Charges,
"No formal charges ever Were tiled
against Mr. Christler. Letters came
to me containing statements detri
mental to Mr. Christler' characler.
I came to llavro and lnlete. that
the persons making tho accusations
present their testimony. When they
learned that their evidence was to be
taken down by a shorthand reporter
they would not testify.
"I set a second dato for a hearing,
and later, when I could stay no longer
in Havre for that purpose, the vcHtry
of Mr. Christler' church fixed an-
other date, but the testimony was
never given.
Douht Inquest Theory.
Chicago, Oct. 30. Mupportlng the
doubt expressed by Mrs. Joseph II.
I'yle that her daughter, Mrs. Mar
garet Cnrleton, killed tho Kcv.
Leonard Jacob Chrisiler at Havre.
Mont., and then committed suicide.
E. Booth, one of tho ofllcials nf the
MutualElwell Chautauqua bureau,
by whom Mr. Carleton was em
ployed, today made public; a letter
written by Mrs. Carelton last Thurs
day, the ciuy liefore the tragedy, and
received In Chicago Saturday.
Tho letter speaks of her lyceum
work and her plans for her little
daughter, and contained a promise to
call on Mr. llooth when nho returned
to Chicago.
In expressing the opinion that Mrs.
Carleton did not murder Christler
nor kill herself, Mr. Uooth said the
letter gave no evidence of mental de
rangement which a coroner's Jury In
secret session decided caused Mrs.
Carleton to shoot the pastor and take
her own life. Ho expressed amaze
ment at tho verdict.
Funeral Friday.
Waterloo, N. Y., Oct. 30. Tho fu
neral of the Rev. Leonard J. Christler,
slain In Havre, Mont., early Friday
morning, will be held Friday nt 4 p.
m. In St. Paul Episcopal church.
New York, Oct. 30. Two new mur
ders, ona of a young woman who was
lured to the roof nf at) office biillldhig,
police believe, (in. I then hurleifto her
leath, and the other of a man whose
body was f.iun.l bullet ridden and
wrapped In it biirlup bag find lift In
tho gutter In front of St. Paul Luth
. ran church, arc being Investigated
by the police. The Identity of the vic
tims has not been learned.
Aaron Hwalhcrg, a day watchman,
told the police that as he was dress
ing to go to work yeestenlay he saw
a dark object hurtle past his window,
strike several clothes lines and land
In a courtyard which separate the
house In which be lives from a seven
stnr yofflce building.
It was still dark, he said, and lie
could imt see tho yard 'front his win
dow, fin his way to work, ho found
the body of a young woman In the
Defective liivestlgnling' her death,
found that the office building was
locked anil that the door leading to
the roof was barred. Finger prints of
the young woman, however, were
found on tho coping of the roof. Indi
cating slio had engaged In a struggle
before she was hurled to her death.
Hhe was well dressed and wore dia
mond earrings and a gold wedding
ring Inscribed from "V to P, August
13, 1.116."
Examination of the man's body dis
closed a broken right shoulder and
other Injuries and led police to the
belief that he wa slain after a light.
A Queer World
l'lauling Parrot Prucln on
Prowler Itnll Kipjiters
of Mexico Deimiml Hot
ter Woikin (itniilititiiin
ami Heller IttilU Li
quor .Sunk in Pacific
(!onie Vt Aizaiii.
"IM Me at That Itlrd."
Paris. Oct. 30 Tho police last
mgiii pi. K. il up a IioIki on
a bench beneath the Kiffel tower. He
was carrying a hag nf rags, a crust
nf bread and a parrot. At tho sta
tion house he was searched but the
police found no papers on him. When
being questioned the hobo pretended
he wm a victim of amnesia, mur
muring "I don't understand. I don't
Hearing his mauler's voice, the
parrol screamed, "Nacre Menard."
Tho name Menard sounded fa
malliir to Hie desk sergeant, who ex
amined the st nf people wanted and
discovered the name nn.l detection
nf the In 'bo, who was wanted for
house In-caking.
"I confess. It is me, (iraiit me one
f.Mir and let me kill the bird," said
Menard as lie whs being (alien oft to
a cell.
been curried awuy piece by plc,ee
by thousand of curiosity seeker
tioiu all part of the country who
have visited the rhilllp farm since
the minder.
All Free- Almost.
Ilcillii. Oct. 30. illy A. I'J The
midnight soiree In ultra falil..nlic
salons of modistes In (he Tiergartcii
seel inn Is a new form of adterlUIng
In which the people of the melroixill
are now being treated, Saturday night
one of llerlln' leading customer
staged an exclusive cabaret perform
anen In shim Ing fall fashion In liats,
guMii and furs. Tho entertainment
rnnlliiuril well after midnight and
afforded I lie guests nllernalliig diver
sion In nature lianclnr, monologue,
singing and display ot fashion. No
good wrrn offered fur sale during
the romblited faslibm i uliarct show,
hut cbiimp.iene could he hiuinlit at
:,000 marks the bottle.
Town Named After York.
Knoxvllle, Tenn., Oct. 30. (Hy A.
P.) Acyork, a new town named In
honor of Tennessee's famous world
war hero, Alvin C. York, has been
founded in Fentrens county as the
terminus ij the Oneida Western rail
road. It Is located near tho farm
presented Kergt. York by civic or
ganizations of the state In apprecln
tlon of Ms heroism overseas, which
elicited wlfln comment after the close
of the war.
Indian Summer Draws
Out Chicago Rnthcrs
Chicago, Oct. 30. Chicago a mills
to find Indian summer still here to
day. Tho mercury climbed to 78
yesterday and tho lowest tempera
lure was 55. Kxrept for 1001, when
tho mercury registered 78 on Oc
tober VJ, It was a record here. The
warm weather brought a few bath
er to the beaches.
"IVn Want Heller Hulls."
Mexl.o t'ily, Oct, !I0 Two unions
of a rather iiniual nature have
bein formed here, the lliillllgbters'
Syndicaie mi. I llie.l'nlon of play
wright. Tho former has as Its
members nil men who appear In the
corrida from the mouoauhlos, r
helpers, to the highest salaried
matador. At the inaugural meet
ing it was decided to establish a
wago scale, demand better bulls
than were afforded last season, and
lietier "working conditions," what
ever that may mean.
Tho playwrights, acting In conjunction-wit
h the Cnlon of Theater
Kmploves, are now demanding that
nono but their own work bo pro
duced on the local stagu, except by
special p i mission.
Can't Keep ( Mipior llown.
Ken (tie, Wash., Oct. 30. Much
good liipior has heen lost on its nay
from Hrltish ohimhia In I'uget
sound coves and creek because
revenue cullers gave chase and the
cargo was thrown overboard. Hutu
smuggler have solved this predica
ment, ,i icpnrfer learns.
HocU suit has this much of the
rock about If (hat II is heavy. The
rum smugglers mm' put their
lliitor into sinks with enough cork
lo m.ili.' the whole flout . And so
that if will sink when cast over
board they add a big cl link of rock
sail, lit an hour (he sack reap
pears on (he surface, and when he
ha a chance the smuggler come
hark and picks It up.
Man in Masked Band
Slain in Kidnaping
Henrietta, Oklii., Oct. 30. A pistol
battle In which one man wa killed.
ti not her probably fatally wounded, and
at .-ast one other man shot, ensued
when a band of masked men called
Thomas Hogus, cinsiablii from a
imitlou picture, theater at Hpclter
City, near here, last night, and at
templed to kidnap Mm In u waiting
motor car.
The dead man Is Koscoe Adklns,
one of the masked parly. Hogus wa
shot through llm abdomen and It Is
reported at a local hospital (hat he I
In a critical condition. One oilier man
Is known (o havu been wounded In
tin.' kg. lie was not identified. A
second constable, tjeolge lavls. who
arrived on I ho ceun as the bund fled
In their car emptied his plst.d after!
the men.
Seven Couplets Married.
(seven ninrrliigi are announced by
Rev. Charle W. Havldge. Tho cere
monle were performed by him for
Mis Nannie Carr and Robert K.
Moyd. both of Pender, Neb.; Mis
Marie Knrne of Roomer, Ta., and John
Thompson of Council Uluffs; Rosle
Rich and Pete Klien; Tlllle Unguo and
Harva Justice, both of Council Rluffs,
Laura Farllou of Omaha and William
Hamilton of Weeping Water; Mlse
Dielyn Hatmsker and Frank O. Ma-
slnda; Mies Kniinii Hryson and Wil
liam Cone, both of Council Rluffs.
Nothing I .eft.
New Rrtinswlck, N. .1., Oct. St.
The crab apple tree, In the shade of
which on the morning of Septem
ber 14 last the bodies of Rev. Kd
ward Wheeler Hall, rector of the
Protestant Kplscnpal Church of St.
John the Kvangelist, and Mr.
Kleaimr Mills, a singer In
thn church choir, were found mur
dered, is gone.
Leaves, sprigs and limb, It ha
Ctntrsl City :00 p. M.
Columbus s:00 P. M.
Omaha 8:00 P. M.
Dsvia City 1:00 P. M.
Saturday. November 4.
Orleam 3:00 P. M.
Beaver City I. DO P. U.
rambrldge , 3:00 P. M.
McCook 1:00 P. M.
Candidate fur Concreaa, and
Candidate for concrrw, short Urn.
ftulhvlll :l)0 to 10:30 A. M.
Oordon 11:00 t 1:00 P. M. 4:00 to :00 P. M.
(Conditioned on train rannactlona.)
Mernnian 7:10 to :I0 P. M.
tConditlontd on train connections.
Whliny II 00 to Ij no M".
Oaxfnrd I H to S:00 P. M.
Harrison 1:00 to 4:00 P. M.
At S AO to I. SO P. M.
.(H;KM a. R. M'KEI.VIE.
Sianlon 11:0 A. M.
N'.rfi.lK , 1 JO p. M.
Mli...n , ,. 1 m p. M.
A , I 00 P, M.
Nl' II. A. M.
-!ainiaw J p. M.
H. mmtilt 4 P. M.
I. aur.1 I f, M.
Wi s. n t a. It.
p.i : p. m
. r-ft 4 P M
I. air t P. M.
lHll:l ... II M A M Wat r I F l
ra.-u , 4 P. M,
Tu.l ... . . I 44 P. M
ATI SI' , s . (.net
"" II A
Mta!4l ..... 1 j Y
Paasx err s P
a , ....... ta p
ii i -., L i, Mi -
Come See the Value
of the Essex Coach
It May Save You Hundreds of Dollars
' l.l
'l j
vauei fit
t a
!- 4)
t sa -
M .,,
Experienced buyers demand more in a
motor car than accessories.
In many moderate priced closed cars,
however, such things as dome lights,
cigar lighters, clocks, etc., arc featured
as against the more important quality
of performance, reliability and reduced
maintenance expense.
Come, make a close examination of the
Esse Coach. That will how its rral
utility and cha&aia quality.
Then you wiU appreciate what i most
important when service is enmnfrrtd.
And you will know that the chawi that
carnea cloted tvy is always the uut
important part of the car.
You want more than the fittings in the
body. They are n:ce to have, but don't
sacrifice car quality to get them. Don't
accept a less able chassis, just because
the body has an accessoryyou like when
its cost is taken out of the motor, or
other essential mechanical parts.
The Essex Coach provides every closed
caret mfort. It isreliable.and convenient.
It has a!l the details that count most for
utility. Thousands are in service. And
yet it is mounted on an Essex chassis
that is better in every way than earlier
mode Is thut established famoui records.
A clmrd car offers advantages you will
hke. Hut don't let the extras over-weigh
the contt ruction of the txiy or tho
charncte r of the eh-mis.
Come see this Ee Coach. It is nn?t
than important if you an vonstdcnr
your ftitt doled cr.
Omaha Cattle
Wanted in Kast
K'jislfiti Packer Siirniil at
Mjfriiilmle nf Stutlli Side
Packing ri.inl-.
1 -on Is ticili, rirriti!niK iin im-.
IliK lioiMO of. Junilisi'ii k Kuns of
Wdriosti'i-, Miis , yum a visitor ut tlie
stiskyiinls yrstfrdny, en roiili in tlic
rust from ii trip nf two month i.n ir
I'lii'lflii I'dHHt,
"I'sltlo fllllll Olllllllll Iihvo it 1 1 lll
ri'liulHtliiri In tin- runt fur l.ut' h.'i
i UK imiiicMi s," Willi Mr. (i. rli "This
I iny. flt'Nt MbII nt the (Mniiliii jiii.Ij
I mi.) I wis itrcntlv surrrisH nt tii
j iiismnfi.'tiiw ii i i.l Hi.- of tli siliMi.i
, t'u. Uinis Iumiki s iiml ilii rffii it-tit)
j liiiii.llinii uf iivrMii. k lit tin' yrt1x.
'I'hn firm I Is sit triisivf
H 1 1 .! -.) (,f llVl'StlM'k ill I'tllllllR SlSl
IllIK lHli:lit tllillln.ilnlH lit li.-ll'l fill' Lllll-
niiiiit..n lii Hi.- mt."
Mr. Il.'ili wrii H (ii..( of Kveri'lt
Hit. kiiiKii.tin, K' lK'Kil nmiii.i.'i'r of tin)
I." ..I )iu.l4, u it I mi t h kin on a tour
if )iii.'.-.I ii.ii iliiriiiK his visit, II
ivmihici Ills joiirnry t-i tils Ms
sm luisclts Iiiiiiis Inst tvi-nliie.
.1 KilN-il in Wreck.
Now I.rsiiii.-tiiii. ti., Oil. 3 Thn
men crn liistimily killed sn 12 othri
Hi'ilnusly IiiIhiciI tislny licit run
itnwti l.y a ZhiichviIIi. It Western rsll
r.intl yuril enilnn mi a shnri i-uri"
iieur I'liiti.tili im. Knur of th( Injutoil
me sikl to he In it ilyiiitf '( lit t n
tQEING distinctively
dressed is more a
matter of knowing
what to choose than hav
ing a great deal to spend.
Even a small sum can pur
chase "distinction" here!
- l orrrrrrrrrsn n n n o oooo
o c n c n n o '
36th Anniversary Sales
Commence Wednesday
Merchandise from every section
of the store will be included
in this Annivers.iry Sale event.
Prices will be intentionally lower
than such qualities are really
worth, affording- an opportunity
offered only on such an occa
sion as this one.
Tuesday Evening 's Papers Will
Announce All Praticulars
I I 1 1 M l. WW I Kril:t T.
HH lilt l iitlMtl MIM.
"St IN K I rias!"
( ' V
Vote roR juocc scars
fAITMruUlV and ir
fKltMTiy AS a mcm
house cr rMpRtStn-
or rou OtJTRiCT
ht wiwu seavt you
iqtMw iiotinv and ricttnc v
Mb i
1 y
I :
I ',
i ..:;..-. OMMU.O.S.A. ;;;;