The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 31, 1922, Page 12, Image 12

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    i nr. OMAHA TU!.U. OCiOHKlt .'SI. IV'JZ
CbacA "Mac" Baldrige Ironing
Wrinkles Out of Creighton Line
Omaha Tech Resumes Practice
for Coming Game With South
Nebraska's former heavyweight wrestling champion, Joe Stecher, it busy preparing for hit "comeback" cam
paign. Stecher it ready to tackle the champion, Ed (Strangler) Lewit anywhere for any promoter. Stecher tayt
that Hanton backed out of a match and therefore mutt wait until he (Stecher) it ready to meet him.
M1 tmMMl SK3KE
I'm, the
.'luf a'i
if. lylih.i
I '"'')
X"p k
.1 rondo
I K (mill f.l' III
II Ulli'i'laltV gild
:,i 0 itr'.-l pi h
( I c I II It J i I "l.l v
fur tint gallic ' t
f ii I u r il h on
Culi-ht'ii Mill. Mi'
fluM iigiiliiel III"
H iiiiIi f 'ii k r tint-
rlly 1-lcVIII.
('.till tiiellng III"
H to N pill of il'
f. nt hi vi ii lln'in
l;:t Hiiiinl.iy by
M,il".ii-lte, f h
lll'l" V il p!
I I H I. ili Melt ll',W II
Pi Inn. I ki.ik .'
litiliiy iiii.I, Judg
ing fn in 11c If
W I ki.HIH, lilt Vi- KUl
I. it In gt leviiige
r Ii. Ir urn
i ii lh" H'.H'h I'l'tiita i levin H.ituriliiy.
Tho Mouth Dakou
Aki'! in. 'I linlvi i
H y tee iim I it ' 'i I
I'l II 7 H 7 (! !!! '
Hit uxl. y In il.
( Hill- Wi'll I
Atfgli ft t .'H 111.! ', -I
ll I'tl'.tV ."I tf', U
' ii r ri r 'Ii im
Twli i In tli" 11,1. 'j.
i.'i ioij lli Akh'i
ml', linn . Din
It hill IliD l'l ("nil
ilrif, '.lily In I
held fi r it i iv tut ii i
I l.nttni'l Cyi.t,.
line tl-htemd
under iim iil'inif-
ill IT l.f tll!
ak:.'Ii-i r i n 1 1. ,
Oulfll'l, ( 'J; J v i ;
y lift half, re-
c.viitd iiti Aggie
f'uchlii behind hi
mill goal line and
I ' I tin oughout
Kin iiitlro Agtfin
i h vi-ti fur a l'.ii'-li
iln". n. I-ana who
W 1 t fl c l t II"
Mine elate tii,, I
1 Jiiintnl i-iMini."i
I II IJ 1 1 ll II I (f ed
I'.iiin if .Mar-
Ipll'll" V.'il'l flipped
' Ii i' is ti i, Ii ( h e
.1 Villi. tl leaill fur
'i pair i'f 1 1 . u . I -
i.h l.n.t Hi.lur-
' ' ' I V I'.il; Kiiil
i; .. I" :v'u in tli:
''iiiiii ;iij'! t'lj.irli
nut yrli-nliiy In
''.I III till' mi. nf
in tl
' i Irlit'iii .' 1 ii qui ;
' Mtl.;" I!:i),l j
i 1 1'riinK tli't I in
liijiii.; fn'n l Inn ' k,:'.i-i" y I'm
I n i.iUi.n. ,
fHirinii I.iiin, iju.irli r, lin w; in
tuMil in tlm Dniil inirli-r h;i! lit liy,
dm! J'lnyil J'nynliT, i i;i, v.i i nut In
tin mnli'i-klnr yiidi-ivl y l ut will lie
ill fur iiaiti; t.jiili;.t.
"Tank" Mal'iny anil t'apt. iilri
I ! ri. In t; t; , xiu iiliiyiil a tf'"'1' Kaini?
fur ('ri'lxli'.iii, will ' t iiitn (hi' K'nim
dC.illict Kulilh li.ildiln uiiiVfiKlty.
Alntili-y dink ft varallnti yrKti'ivlay, (nil
Games Slated
Tnik. Oil, ZD Tliri'8 Irif .-r-1
M'l-tiuiial rutid'HtH nil ti(;xt Hatiirilay'n j
football hi I" iliilu in dm ntt (itiimltw j
to fttiilvin ii irot.;iam wliirli ollu-r-J
wife murk noin what i,t a. lull In
.ff)ar;.Uoii tut tho rniiclliillnif lil(f
Ulilll'-H (if fill If.'lHllll, I j
ll.irvard will .innmo Klmiila uni
-xily In I'lip'of (In! iiitni .-.ri Imiial
lIllKhlK, ttlli!o till! lllllIT tlll'llll.l'I'M it
inn "Hiir Thifi'." fiiliiliiii: fur lli
lilim Jtiliti'iii i-vcitt.1 nf thfli- K'lifd
hIch, w!il faci- iiliff tf-MtM, Vain liliy
iiiK lirown, while I'rlnri'tnn, frculi
from it hrllllntit 21 to IH victory'
over ChlcKO, will iiiiofi the nturdy
Kwarthni'ii flcvcn.
Tln other Inli inci llonal gamp will
litliilf IVnn, the coiniuiror of the
vaiinti-il Xnvy t.ain, in roinlmt Willi
Mali'inui, v hllii Kyiai UHC. which
l.laycil n won ! i V" Ka!in.lay with
I't'ijn Slut'., fici'H (hi' utrotiK Ni'lirux
l..i fh yi'ii i n tin' iftnli'm' sriitli-on.
2)o you know
that liNrK ll' 1'l.irl. rmii'ti of th
I nlii-nil.v nf KutiK , wtiii l iinril tn
lNllll .ITLllllll' nlMIIlt htm, IIIIW hi
-i hi i.f l-i. i. mi, lr hi U th fnlhrr
of it iltitiiitilrr Ii.iiii lnf WiH'k, lli
liMim i i'l. In MO J Ml., rlrflt l ulUlif m iiln ivt u"liliii- Kniuriliiy.
1 hr niMiI'Mti1 nf V ill1 iim muklnK
H rtl Itoit iriii'r nirllimU ar luil lir
tine nt it lil lhr Lh'IImII iiMi lirt Itl Oi
111 In. 1 11.. 1 1. .n, I. Ill n . trill ilt'ir
! illrt'i-tril nt lint'., Iimiil rlwirll.
flu Htuiiiiil iy lln riw,-!ir Alulilwirii'
It tllik In f ill milt. Mirllli il hihI r
fil t, ilitr.l III" fiirwr,l M lli
irliHrnl. 1'irt io Itml If Itiir wlm
ni.lir il-'r. r-.l it -lil tlrl t'ulnl h,I
llr.HH ! 1. 1 Hut lll lr III
4 l.iki- it knl In Itlhlrlli. Ihrn.
4-li r.
n nniwwil HilHf Im thl
rrk ttra tlllMm M.'iln nf I'hlla-il-l.l,.,i.
Iwilliall Irtnrr. tertm.t m
,1. .I.I...I an.! l.l..l Hi iiim "I
!. I,Ui t tiliimlilit rf Vtit
,,lk, .lll Srtt .h at
lu rn ,lrtiiril tb tm ' "
ft 1 Ii. 1H tr.f.M.1 Hotila
Ilia ilt Ilia i.h w
b.ll .lo.H Mum ' ft J lu.bawit
Illral4 "
M lilll 'f Hi l'lt.l1 Ulitlt
atiny r !i 1 Iv lo inKrinmn
ntl ii! t iiT limit limrnln i'"'-1 lit
frl n.mtnii r ai. l III ' lH ty ri.m
l-tir. Tt.i y iit' iuat.i'al!y n -M n1
i,.t,.. t, liiu'l i ly. ilm lu "ti l in
t.rf! It, all I itl hi' 1 pfff ntii all 'I
lii 1.4 .;. I'l'rH'i tt..llt4 H
, ,!, ,,! it I til' in t 11' HUtt-
will rfi'ort for .i.ilin ttiii Mfiainoi.n.
H. iiiniuiiKii n. Unit w-oik will h"
in Hid 'ituriiiiii for thin nfliriioon.
IlK attitn of low ii la rtil for ft
lot noi (iiiiiDi iiy from "nn
oilier ourm othr tlmti il
wrcatli-m ami foolliull tvnin.
'Mil f Hint It la a, liftivywi'lKlit
flKliier who Ii KlvitiK thA Mnwkry
eti'o a lit II 'Ulili I'y a a n ninliii-r
of fmtln lattli-ia.
HoyiJ ,lninii, It ..illl!i.i:i)
yotiiiK In iivywi IkIiI now in Now
Votk, la an lowim. Johtiion Imlli
from lica Molnra, mIHioukIi t'
li'Hini'il moat of hla lioxltia; on Ilia
I'Mi'llli! ronat,
Jolniaon'a IiIkk! i laim of finm
waa lit recent victory over Hob
Miiiiln, tint A. K. V. rhamp. Tha
I wan vlao l.arry Wlllluiiif
In New Vork.
KlK'it Tll"' In K'-w York ara
MkIi In (heir irala of Johiiaoii,
i hey all iiKrer, however, (hut tha
loWlltl lieeill tl lot of ll.'llllllIK, Imt
1 1. ilma ttiiit lia la the heat looking
ii i aiect nf mil ii y yearn.
l'ctiiiaey luiiKht moat of
t lit In It el ' rlrnf k nnwleila;.
IIi:ui l.AH "IX'T IP" In JuU
IviliiT, faujiiiu wriillur, wbo
tliowa liD w tia (piillei '
noltl," which lit) liiveiileil.
a '
' - ' .; ) I
Vif '. ''
Kmiwa licit er.
Iletnpaey Inatrncteil Hoyit Jolin
ami, Ilia nw henvywrltht a'na.
lion, In Ilia ni t of biff 'em anil ban,
bill, you haven't heard Kloyit chirp
lhaf ha wanta to meet IJetiipaey,
whlili ihowa that aornn Hirhtera
loiva Nomethltic U.UIr heahlei
Anyway, If liiiyd Hckrtl on
llini. cy In- probably miiiiIiI Imid
like ( hi ii liter, hark m Ilia rlnx
II nor, face inlnleil lieaxenHaril,
Ami Hoyi woiililn't l.ear hi
"ni'iriir'K voii," Jin wmililn't her
If II tin mi 'I for lcmicy Ilia
tiinilctillii iliKi' inli'lil be ill III im It
tifbli'llc flam for "Idihn" ICulli I no
b UK' r mi alfracllini.
llcloiiK In .New York.
Tho irenent alale boxliiK coiniiila
fioii iniKht.liH termeil a aticiem If
it coiilil delhrniia h champloii or Iwo
every ilay. That prlvileic'i helonK
to linj .New York cimimlaaion.
Tim New VoHt rtiniiMiimlon r.
eolly iniiili' a rulliii; wblcli fiirbltl
rcfcreri, hover or fichlera tHlkinf
lo neivpiiiiir ineii. Soma nrllia
.:-oliably wrnln llm truth ahitiil I lie
Jiint I .Ilia llu'iler.
"IIhIIIIiik" Hlkl, ncconllMK to mi
KtiKllali HkIiI. acrlbt, I nothing inure
nor leu than a aaviiKo who ha
learned to walk on III hind leg.
Kiiineniie I nlway atari iiiff Koine
tliitiK In Hie world of M'ort. Hmiday
Ilia Hv ilay bicycle rare alailed in
( lib hk.
Wat'hlnK a r.lx ilny- bika rae
mum be na Intei'ertlmc a watching
1' rtim of Otimhn'a fiKhtr flht.
The only larwum Inlerented In
nlx il.iy race are Hie rider. They
have l be or Hue they would not
have the race.
The rider peddled till niiehl I'tng,
And nay until the moinlne,
When he (Jul ii juicy illl,
And now Ihen-'a lots nf iiioiirnitn;.
'Tin llutl fur Slicu.
CoxinK ( 'ntiiinlnrloiier I, inn liuili
): net burred Irfa Khea from referee
lux in Ni hraka twaumi of hi mtap
wlih CoiinnlrHloner John Klimartln.
Won't Khea be lore when he learn
of tha coinniliwlofier'a act?
II'n heller lo have bullied and lie
burred Ihim never In have battled
at all. Shea.
Ilnw'ti the cigiir hlore buinen?
- Same fbjhlcrit are heavy,
lilln olher are IikIiI;
And Koine Rel Imoikeil out
Kvery lime they flisht.
Mim lie They Ihdii't Look.
SiM'it kin' of the ii.nilim Hhaile.
Schoell hKht, "Kill" Hchlalfer mid
he .wondered how the I.esrion pro-
ill.. Ill lllllH,-cl him,
Miiriiielle' het moiind (iilnrr
lit -t Satin liny "Ked" Hiiun,
uml fiery lime there a pile nf
human on the cnMiiid the lam
Ibnnichl he wn, hut he wumi'l.
The football pbijer'a head wa red,
III feet were lame and heavy,
And when he lilt Ilia ot'imnlnx Hue,
The ambulance mi alwa ready,
OierliHiked Kulea,
When Htete li l!..uit. a.n.l that
Nrbraaka nlild llav Yala 'i'liilti
ilnV, ll.miinl I'll. lav a ii. I leiilia
Hniuiil iy ami In all Hu t Hain't
be ,t i .1 ii t Ink lain atb n
tlml there' i i ein rtilea bar.
Ilia; Intel annua
The k r lien didn't hat f
hall team Ibl )re Ihey bid la
ley and lnd Nrhrali p"ab
aeaanai famebar pnbllilty purHea
If tim bint el,
KUra! t tr!
h I V in . v will apiwar al lb
Wi-ild titiiii iiinii..t 4 an, yen
i .ilr In .fll( l'lir .
pn. i'
Suits and Extra Pants Made to Order
$32.00 Worth $45.00
It . I a i;l..r i ' Ii "i n t o nllrMu H. Ki U a rii...n
' nl tut Mt', I ti t'd ne -if HvhV Th ate W! alt ! 1. .tt
l. t!,ii.' v4i .f'tl IK tiih I ui.t arnmi-l, t what i.rrn t i . f
ant tnira will mm W iivila k ti. t artful ItiUi if till
ii tilt (f.mueu J W K itr f 1 1 1 . H aj t(tih men f uf ; )!.,
MacCarthy-Wilson Blf Dayliiht Tailor Stort
H0 tt al Wi4.. t. I. la. Ill ) Mtiatf lit
t" 1 X. y- e-
.il ... ' . . I 1 " . 1
ifj . f ia--r
rlotilh but In .Ma u ham f.lticnln Iliad
of I'oniiiil lllilfT la at Hut nrihiy, a team
Trill eaally iliifeiited. Ijml aaiiaon,
hijli r, Hoilth liitomeil Tei b, iii lu 7,
Big Ten Han; Is
Toss-U Between
Five Contenders
at. frMm&mmmm
Trotters Gaining
on the Pacers
When 1'ete.r ilatinlnu trolled tn a
new world' record of 1:5 14 at the
OoMen Jnbllei; meeting of the Ken
tucky TroltitiK llorae, Kreedera' o
elation at I'Xlnxlon recently he Ui' t
the calculation of IhcorixtM who have
been iiHHertliiK tliat the day would
never com; attain when trottliiK and
liarlnir record would be on ft par.
They were eiiual In 19U2, when Nancy
Hank and Mawcot each had a record
of 2:04.
That day 1 alnioxt bete once more.
Indeed, If one rmmliliT all coiiilltion,
lit hna arrived. The 1 :&(! 1 4 of l)ati
jl'alcli wim made at Ht. Paul In 190(1
bi-bltid a wliulMhleld, while the 1:5 4
of reter Miitinlnit wa achieved In the
(open, villi tmthlMK In tint way of a r ive the voice of hi ilrjver,
Tommy Murphy, and the apur given
i by K-'tlloiilmt IhoroiiKbbreda driven to
Imilklea and (n linif na tiacemaker.
j When the dtiindard for hartieia rae
Mnir wna ndopted an nllowance of five
Uecond wim eoii'eded to the trotter
Mn mixed race Ihoae In which the ill
iiiKonal nnd lateral talted type met
' In competition,
That J'eter Munnlnir hil- reduced
the ap to a aeennd, flltliouKh the ad
vnnt(re when (he t'-at wtta made wa
In favor of the pacer, la evidence fhat
the trotter 1 overhauling the pacer
In the matter of apeed. If further evi
dence la needed the alatlatlc of the
recent f.'rand Circuit meeting ut Co
ItimbUN, (., may be cited.
Iowa Athletes Make Good
Showing at Legion Games
Inn Moinea, la. Oct, 30, Athlete
from Iowa mnd a creditable allowing
In the emit, hi conducted tit (he na
tional convention of t lie American l,u
Kioli held recently In New Orleana,
according to alallHlic compiled by the
low.'t J.CKlonalre,
Captain Karlu DeKord, IT, H, Afor-t
merly of Vwlley Junction, Im., h grad- j
Unto of the college of law, Ilrake nnl- j
veralty, iitid a charter member of Ar-i
gonne poat, won the Legion iieilal
derby nt the aoutbern city,
Krotn a atainllng tart h" flew five j
tlmea over the cily, covering a ill- ;
tnnoe of 0 mile In 43 mlniii".
leonard I'aultt, famoua firlnm ll ;
aprltiter, won aeeond In the 100-yard
iIiikIi nnd third In the 22'l, In the truck
and fli Id meet compi tllloti, A bud
track hampered the Iowa flaeh con
aiiler.'ibly, according lo the report.
The big point winner for low.a wa
('. II. Hi'hlolletback, who finished
f i rut. 1n (he dlacti with a heave of 125
feet 1 Inch; fourth In (he high hurdle
and fourth In the Javelin throw,
A. Wallen of Iowa won aecond In
the, aliot put,
Iowa acored a tolnl of 17 point In
the meet, flashing In alxlh place.
Hoi Tiuth-r, the famoua negro ulh
b'tu whoao prowen at l)ubuitie col
I . e, l ubuiie, la, won him a pi n e
on the Olympic team, wore (he color
of New York alute, but all the aouth
em ttthh'te promptly nfuaed to com
pete with him, aitf'ordltig to tho re
port. The difficulty wa aeith-d by
I deciding that be ahotild run by him-
"if ogaliial lime, lie did not figure
lu (he acorlng under the arrange-in'-nt.
Harry Wills Will
Meet Jack Johnson
New York, Oct. VI Harry Will
and Jack Jolitmon, former heavy
weight champion, have been matched
lo meet for 12 tonnda In Newark
noiiiii time Iain next month. Tha
boy on the other aide of the Hil'lhon
are waiting to how the cat will
Jump In the coming election before
announcing the definite, date for (ho
fraciia, l!ut, no matter which way
the wind blow over (here, (he pre,
ent boxing board ha anveral more
month to crve and when they give
tlie word, Hurry nnd Jack will pre
pare for the big row,
Tbla much la known, Will and
Johnaoii have aflixed their algna-tut-ea
on thu lino calling for a bout
of 12 round to be conducted by (ho
National Athletic club.
Resolution Is Tough on
Harbors in Fori Worth
Forth Worth. Tex., Oct. 39.
I'lMilbail player of Texan Chri
Han on ieri.ily, Hbaibed by their
Hiring of ileleat (hi year, Noleuin
ly nuil veil at a niectiiig today nut
lu h ive iiulil Ihey achieved at
bant one victory. Their next name
i with Oklahoma, A. and M. cnl
lege here next Kalnrilay. They'll
all have heard by Sal unlay and
there may be more heard If Ihey
don't win.
desi Grid Play
A eafety device ha been auggeated
in the form of an attachment for
automobile to be u"d In caie (lie
driver low control of hi car or trie
to avoid an accident. The device
compi liiea drop nIioc with heavy roll
er. Tho ahoe are dropped under
the rear wheel, and the wheel con
tinue their motion on the ahoe, while
the car will atop nt once without In
Jury to the mei hanlBiii.
Team ha ball on opponent' 40
yanl line, fourth down, one yard to
, gain, game a tie and If la fourth quar
ter. Tae anitiHhlng laekle play, either
off tackle or Inside tackle. Huch play
1 giiln well and In auch a Hltuation you
iniiet drive hard and fuel for the op
ponent' goal-line, otherwian time will
iaoon be up, Time ia al a premium
' In the lnt iiuurler of a tight football
game, nnd (lie running of the team
hna lo be ndjlialed to meet thi ele
ment. Karly In a game, a al might
line buck I a good play with but a
yard or two lo gain, but now you
have to aeek greater dlMtance in
your attack to cheat the exaction of
I Yank Stars Praise
! Canadian Player
! New York. Oct. .10 llaciiiet alar
! of the I 'tilled Hlntc w ho returned
today from Montreal where they
participated In tho Canadian Indoor
lentil ch.inipionnhlpa were enthiiela
lie In (heir pralae of W, b'. Crocker,
(lie lull Canadian, who won the
Iiominlon'H national title, and pre
iHcted that be would ahino among
Aiieiliun etur when be make hi
debut till aide of the border next
year. Crocker would have appeared
In the I 'lilted Kiate open champion
eliip thin year bad not hi entry been
received one day too lalo and I
nluiimt. ii Hire beginner in the next
t it let event..
time. Time grow ahorter wltli eacn ;
play. Your object la to win and In! To map 43 per cent ot the Cnited
order to do an In the Inat niiaiter. you ; .Slate the topographic f'nglueera are
not only want to gain fli-it down hut j eetimaleil lo have trumped an aggre
to gain them on fewer than four : gate of ,000,n mllea for the everage
trial. Launch your Im-hI ground gain- amount of walking variea from five
Ing playa now, and they ara usually i mllea for every afjuaro mile aurveyed
taclclo buck. Inaiile or ontBlde one or in ordinary country to 10 or more
the other of tho opposing tackle. ' mllea In rough country.
The Moat' Wife Kits In.
c3T The
I I I L t-T )
- f Ti?
0(? IS IT SCvtrJl
Tut AHlf gut
LKtS, HlKoHy
V Tine.-
( iHUM
( TlMEi
V f
!'." XI l:'t :xi XXI; I :i
tiOu'T act
tjAiiyt .
Sue. 4 ot
A CCtUAi?..
X Mil f
AaJ' riu. .
'I .ln-m I
xn f
v V 0TVtO2 KCV" I
J z ' l lift iir
1 I
Hill, I
1 t ..M J. . .
v I ''VVUlHtiltf
V . ll. ,
, ( ' V,i3 (
t. '
Pur)le Starts
Work for Links
Whether or not Omaha will remain
In the i mining for Ilia annual alute
high a' hool foot
ball champlonblp
title .'111 be decid
ed lit. VVeatern
I ,',1(1111 park Hal
unlay afternoon
when retitral and
llncolii, two tinde
fea ted eleven,
Central and I,ln
"In failed to buck
up agaluat each
other Inat year,
'oaih Hi'hiiildt'a
I'urpli.i gridite.r
won from North
Oe Moinea In art
week and during
the coiiient CKnlruI dinluyed cham
pi'inlilp foriiball.
Work (hi week will be divided
among the line and huckficld. Clyde
and ha developed a driving combine.
lion In Howell, Oalloway and Law.
ecu. .Vlcltermolt may be ahlfted to a
halfback poaltlon becaune of the In
Jury received by X,awHon In la week'
The Central line ehowed up better
Mat iirda y than nt any oilier (line (hi
eaon. Hi bmldt ha got big linemen
down ot a point, where they charge
together and charge well. Tho front
wall 1 aure to caune the Link con
alderable trouble.
Omaha Terli, eie mii aged by In Ml, ra grliUlrri put f tha coining
iihowing agulnat (lie atrong I.lni'olu game.
High 1 1 mil laat fnturday, leaumeili
practice yeaterdiy
for III coining bat
tle with Mouth
High at l-cnaue
park next Friday.
Krlduy'a game
will le Ti h a (I rat
eon l al with a city
eleven and tha out
coma of (hi game
Will help clear u)i
the city high
achool football
A little con, pin
lai, n of Tei h and
Hi hi It can be giitli.
ei ed from the
acorc of the Houlh I.lni'oln and Tach
Lincoln aamea. Tha Link amothered
tli 1'arker under a top heavy acme,
7 to 7, while tha beat the Capital City
aggregation could do ngalnat Tei b
wua 13 to 7 and the Link were lucky
to win, according to fan who wll-
nceaed tha con leal.
Tech eineigtd from (be Lincoln
game In fairly good aliape, Klitut and I
Kel received Itijurie during the bat
(la, but not aerlou enough to keep
! xs
; , - i
Foot Ball Facts
Q. Man carrying taJI from 1 yard
line Koea acroaa Una and ll thrown
back to whera he atarleij from, Doe
ha aoora a touchdown?
A. Ve, f'aragrah 2 of Itule tl,
Herllon 14 cover Ilia rae. The ref
eree ahall Iminedlalely Mow hi whia-
; tie and declare a leui hdown haa been
J made a aoon a the hall haa la-en car
ried on, above or acroaa the goal line,
or upon (he legal rumple! Inn of a for
ward pan In the end zone.
14. On a punt both back down field
Klgnnl for a filr catch. One of them
la Interfered with but other make
catch, Cun a iwnalty lie given for In
terference with right to make fair
catch In view of fact catch wa made.?
A. In view of the fait that the
catch wa made by the player olher
than the one Interfered with, ahould
eliminate any ienally. However, Itule
1.1, Ncrlloii give prelecdon to bolli
men becaune each may have an "op
portunity to make a fair catch."
U. Team triea for field gonl from
acrlmmuge. Jut o ball rl defen
alvw player alug opponent. Doe goal
count If made? How la penalty given
for alugglng?
A, (ioaj count If made. Any pen
all r ran he declined by the of feme
Wmllb, aaxiatunt coach, haa the back aide. In the ae of dliiallflcallon.
the player dltoiuallflrd muat leave me
game under all clrcuiiitnrea. Kula
23, Keclloil 10.
tl Team at templed field goal from
acrimmage and, ball, after belntt
kicked,, waa touched by defenlv
player. Kail rolled over goal line, lin
petua coming from kicking tm. Ut
fenaive player fell on It. Wa it a
A, It I a touchdown. , Bale , lee.
tion 11. The moment tlie defending
player touched the ball, he put hi
nonenla enable. Recovering a ball
j behind the roal line of an opponent la
, a. I.ilicbltliwn.
Q. At kick-off and while ball I in
air one of the player of the aine re
ceiving kU'k bold an opfairient. What
I the penalty?
A. The offended team' ball where
the foul occurred. Rule 19, Section
East Beats West
and West, East
Hli'Auo, Oct, io.The flKht for
Wicrn confei'i uce football
title u( preaeiit 11 toeaup belweeil
Iowa. Cblnigo, .MlrhU'iiti, Mliimaola
and IVImi oiinIu, will nui row lo four
teniiia next Kiiiiinlny when tli two
laat nii'lillotieil cotitender latiglo lit
their annual game at Mlum-apoli,
Willi defeat meaiiliig certain ellinlna.
lion from llm cliamplonaliifi race,
Ibl game will be the oullainlltig on
'11 a 'ley that iuiluili only one oilier
coiileet belweeil coilli 1 1111 11 Ulllleiel
tie, (be Norlhwi nil in llllnol uameat
ft buna.
Liu I tf.ifurduy guinea furnlMhed III
tie excitement within (he rotifi-renca
and only aerved lo tighten tho bold
of (he leader and (he loaeiN on their
reapeitlve placi'a, Michigan liicreaaed
her at ting of vlctorb lo two by !
ffiitlng llllnol, 21 to 0 while Iowa
won It aecond conference muiie from
I'urdue, to 0, and Mlnneaofu defeat
ed Ohio, to 0,
The drnuiatlc battle nf laat minute
ralliea, ataged at Hiagg fl'-ld between'
Chicago uml I'rlnciton, fui nlalied '
weat with tha greateat illapla'
football firework It ha eve
and ended one of the grealeea ind
accllotial aeaaon (he wctei roti
f,.r.,l,,.u , bn,.u,,t U'llh .I,J l,,.ttlA
out of Hie Way, I lie air I cli fied for
llm coiicluaion of (be Hlg Ti f chain
plotmhlp race, I
The bultle at Mlnncupolia.'icf ween
Hie fiophr-ra and the I!.nlgerl a to
up. Tloth (earn have esl.ltcd ef
fective imaging luetic, hf'h have
alrong line and both haveC-n-at. act
of running and plunging I
In (hi game will depend
eralahlp of the quarterfai'i
wldotn of (ha two eoacn
dlltig their men.
The North weal ern -llllnol game will
be a battle between two flitly atrong
leoma fighting for poalina at. the
lop of the aecond dlvbdoif Moth team
liav ahown flaahra If atrength.
Nortbweatern flgalnat ti ntieaota and
llllnol agalnat Towa, mil the outcome
of Hie buttle I hlKhly fiiibkmaticnl,
Michigan I ejrpccferty (n have little
trouble In d' fetitlng tbl Michigan Ag
gie at Ann Arbor, but f 'urdue and Ju
illana, each of which tifb a lloo
let contender, will probably find (heir
hand full, Turdue with Hie at rone
Wabaah eb-ven and Indiana with
Rockne'a Notre Dame warrlora. In
theae two battle, (be noneonference
eleven are given a alight edge. Chi
cago, Towa and Ohio will real.
Conference atandlng Including yes
terday' gume follow:
"Ikhlftn .2
biw ,,,,.,,,,.,,,,...2
Wot!IB I
MlnniTtei .'I
ihli, 1
t'urnua ,
Inlliin 1
' ka. Much
h the gen
I and the
1 In ban
Chicago, (nt, 30, The wet baa
been cant and conquered; Hie euit ha
come weat and won, and the curtain
haa fallen on the cbiaalca of Internee
llonal football. It may atny down
for a long, long time, but never o
long tliat the eat or the went will
forget what happened.
Princeton' 21 to IS victory over
Chicago haa gone Into football hltory
with Yale' 8 to 0 defeat by lown,
and the cunt and went, the "Hlg
Three" and (he "Hlg Ten" In a way
are on even term. The cloe margin
of victory in both game make It o.
Tho camel hair brualie are made
principally from anuirrel' hair and
have nothing to do with the ramel.
Iowa Coach Gives
Varsity" Team Rest
Iowa City. Ia., Oct. ,10. After run
ning aignal le than 10 minute.
Coach Iliward Jonea dlamlei the
vanity player tonight. Five mm
ute later the aecond Hiring wa
ordered to the ehowerc, and the Iowa
mentor fcp"tH the remainder of the
time witichliiB (he third it ring go
through .Minnenottt firm at lona
brought back by Iowa acouts from
tha .Mhmcaola Ohio game,
j "Pro" Golfers' Assorialiiin
j to Give Own Prize
j N'ew York, Oct, 31.--1 laving at
! tamed alri ngth to eland 011 It own
let- without aupport, Hie I'rofeMeional
f.olfera' aoclation next year will
provide (nab prize out of ll own
fund Instead of accepting donation
from individual, a it pievlounly had
At. the aaine time the committee
will ciiiisld'T the propoKnl of itivid
ng tin- fi.uiilry into two gei-tloua,
earn and wet , a a preliminary elimina
tion in jii'plng Hie field of entrant
in the 11.1I loliiil chaiiipioiihhip toui nu
mi tit down (o 1 .10. pi veiity five play
er! of each wi -lion would lie qualified
to enter for the titular event.
iml aflcr all, hat
olltcr I'igari'lln hi
highly itHH tnt hy
mi many nu n',
llM 1 Mittl rttvl
A 9