The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 30, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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Lincoln Meets Central in Important Football Game Here Next Saturday
Contest Will
Have Hearing
on State Title
Warriors of Two Council Bluffs High School Elevens
!SVlrakii Meet Strum. ami
Cmj:litnn Taiklc South
Dukolii I'liiirreity
in Long l!itltIo.
lly Ittll'll HAI.NKII.
rLIUiASKA university, rnllegu "ml
high s. IumiI f . .. . 1 1 . II It. unit will!
hop another hurdle In the lit' v
f'T KP i'.t-i.ri honors this wi-rk end
v hen Important games nre m hedulrlj
for marly nciy Cornhnsker field
l"'i ilny nnd Saturday, j
Uisi week witnessed tin- weeding
nut ill K'dtal hUH- (null h hnol fool.,
IpiiII contenders front tin- state chum-'
I ionnhlp race, nnd nlnji saw ths ml !
mi nr i.f Nebraska, closer to uniHher!
Missouri Vul'ry 1 1 1 . I
The. Nebraska Muckers, "termed t h-1
wonder H-ani of the. west," f aMlly '
trounced the Oklahoma university, 3;i I
to 7. The Sooner, however, scored'
in Nebraska, something Ml-suii
couldn't ilii, but once the Hunkers (tut!
started against JicMiilc Owens' gri
sters, the smil licnii r didn't have u
limine with Cnniil flaw-son's. Nehrus
In eleven.
To liny lit Syracuse,
KiitiiriLiy, Nibiasku play Syniuime 1
m Syracuse In the iluskers' firm bljrl
buttle i.f 1S2. Little In known of
,-.'. i iicuiu in this; neck of the woods,
I ut f.illoans of Nebraska are almost I
crtaln thut the Cornhuskers will rv-l
turn to their 'inlhn haunts with vie-
lory perching on their banner.
In Omaha Inst Saturday, grid four I
witnessed the downfall of Crclghlon I
before tho powerful attack of Mar-1
ilU'tte of .Milwaukee, 23 to 0. j
The Milwaukee, team played better j
than f'relghton nnd as a result won
tho contest. Crelghton apparently had
uu off day nnd tho Klue In cure to
play better against the South Dakota
university tenni hero Saturday.
To (.i t Into Action.
Oninha university will net. Into fic
tion after u week of practicing when
the MiiroMtm tackle the Trinity col
lege team of Sioux City. It hu.8 not
been ilcciiled where the (fame will be
Among the city and male high
fchools, the race for the i humplonship
is becoming' more nnd more biterest
log with only the strongest eleven
Omaha Tech lost to Lincoln, 13 to 7
S.-iturday. Tho Links have not been
il tented nnd are among the HtrutiK
'! ront'-iidoi fur th'j stale title.
.Next S-ttUiday .Lincoln nnd Central
piny at League park In what in ex
pected to be t lie liiont Important pme
if the season iiinonir high school
tenia in
Central has played but one stale
hii:h el. v n. Creighton high of thin
city fell before the attack of the Pur
ple buck. Last week Coach Schmidt's
gi leister defeated North J)es MoineB,
:3 to
I.iiu oln Meets ( entral.
When Lincoln and Central play here
one or tie.' oher la golnc to be elimi
nated from the nu?. Tioih teams nre
represent e l by Htronu llneH and fan!.
liacUfl.'l'la and boh elevens have been
well Hchooled In the aerial attack.
The outcome of i'tin contHt will (;e
a lotiK wiy towan. f .'ttlliiK the Mate
title, we believe.
Beatrice further detnon.t rated lis
s'lvrmlh "A'U" I' defeated University
Place, 4" to 14. last we k. Beatrice
plays at Tct umseh Friday. Tei uniM-'h
lias been eliminated from the race.
The CitrtiH AKi?le trounced Me
Coi.Iv. 6j to 0. This team of Afifties is
Another stionu state hiuh eleven and
one worth watchinif. Friday the Alt
Kies play jfdnlen ami should win with
ColuinhiiM Wins.
Lincoln Defeats
IVeh Hi;li, 13-7
j Kline Itat r 6 Vanl for
' Only Tom IkIkwii Snrfl
' llV OltlilllilllK.
j l.lucolii, lict. r;i.--(Special Ti le
j Kiiini ) llivli s. laii.l f ins nt a reiil
IT' . It of f.H.tball on .Vi'I'l .iku field
'Halnrday iifleruoon, when Oiniiliii
I I'. cli lit lil the nil victorious Links to
I'1 I" victory and with Just a fair
iniiioilitt of luck, would have mule u
j toin bduw n In the last four iuIiiuIck
jnf play that would either have tied
illi" value or won for the Om.uM a.'
1'i-Kllt Kill.
i Lincoln was land fouitht nil tluuuli
, 111' Kaiue, iiiul It tt.ix nnyoio's inie
fi tit it the final whlHtle blew. '.'lie
i Links Ki-oied flint, adilltiK auo:lier
'toiichdown a few iiiliuit n J i'er with '
i'ri IniC line plunk'1 s.
j Klluze 'lgaKK'il tbroimh 111" Lin
jeoln defciiw in the middle, ut the third
(quarter for 18 yards ami urnrcd a 1
DUilclown for Oninha, j
In the last quarter, Munloe, Hln-
I (tie Mild V'einetlb"l nilviinced the
jball In nerlen of line plutme to Lin
'coln'n J foot line. With only one down
' remaining, Kline tiled a fake, nnd wan
'thrown for H B yard loon.
I Omaha Tech' backfield wan a flxht-
Olympics Trim
Hillside Kleven
in Hani Came
Important Grid (lame
Thin Wuk
( dti.tlta
pl.iv I)
IVo" (iridi-trrs
! 'IV.
i nntir I caul
Will l l'-to-0
I (tit-itnil
i iitn - or i.
tatih (Hlnril in rrlmiiiii( IH
tnr.U l"t III erlnilliiiKe .. t
Kli.l il .xn. i I
lil tall) ell iIiomi '$ A
l':lMei Mllrtiii.ini , . . 't M
l'ane r..niilH.-. , a I
I'lMMew lie-itl.t.lfel II 1
r,iMr4 llllefi. pint ........... 4 t
I I . It
I'lOIIW iiii-.Iki ...... til till
I'lil.l. Niertttfe (M'lUI -l '-'"
I MI.I' '! 4
limit. lea flittered ,. :i ;(
tier I.f X :
hl.k.itf. . ,...:m III
hl.k.iff. reiiirnril i r(l r ... I.'i
IVliallle K .1
lln.ikl) Ita slli uiel. ii I II
llfilib'ka lliiur.-i-MMfill 0 tl
j The Omaha Olympic won their (
olid kiiiiih (if the si.itn.n at !,i;iue
park yesti rd.iy, l!t to 0, before a
rrowil of 2. lion p. rnni;
j The lllllaideri;' Alhletlc club of lies
! MolneM wan ill" Invader.
Atiruhiiiu I
flatlnnl eiu-h.
Ilflilr). HHMihltint
Tim I, I'lipelliii.
Ininlil HIkIi Toil liiiurn: Mu(eitii-er, eaiu'h: IVarw, llemlerum. Owen (it. Ilrawn, Wnaeimurr,
Hi. Hum:, I'HIri. U, ll.-lw l, KjiIii, llul. hlnii. MMrkwell mul Kimae. 'I hiinina Jetrerxin llliib Unnilliur :
rinu-ll; tilete, Tire, niton, t.nnluli, ThiimpMin, roiieli, lloltonil Hipp, I iiffnmn, Miller, Kiirrla, ( uteih.
Lord Lonsdale Says Dempsey,
Carpentier Not Up to Old Times
Iindon, Oct. !. Tim ood old box
Ink (lay" are In tho past, uccordintt to
Lord Lonsdale, the modern counter
part of the M.'irouis of Qiicennliury.
Jack DeniiiKey, (leoitres C.iriieiitler
and tlie rest of the modern achool of,
boxers do not count up to tho stun
dards of the old rulers of Fistlanin, ae-1
cording to Lord Lonsdale.
"CiiHtiiiK back over at least half a i
century of boxing, one cannot help ex-'
perlcncltiK a paw; of regret, even of j
daduess, in comparing thu eras that. I
lie at the beginning and the end of j
thin period," Lord lM)iisdale said. '
"For it seenm that tlie old days arej
gone gone beyond di e. lining and do-1
f iling; those (treat, grand old days I
when swart men. lusty men, went up j
against ew ai t, lusty men for the sheer j
glory and tumor of the finbt and left i
all thoughlH of cash and kind in th
locker at home.
" havo no hesitation In laying that
the ennrmolin purses offered nnd tlie
moneys made by promoters in getting
up exhibition nre going to ruin tlie
art. They nre utterly out of propor
tion to the Hclence.
"Where are the Charlie Mitchells
today, the Frank Slavins. Jimmy Cor
bet In and l'eter Jacksons'.'
giants of their age were the surces
.sors of contemporaries of
licient provocation for n real tight be
tween men who knew how 'to tight
and who had studied the relative val
ues of Jaws and knuckles. Hut today
a harassed promoter must needs
wheedl'i his boxers with honeyed
phrases containing promisen of thou
sands of pounds before they consent
to grace the ring a ridiculous situa
tion. "There would be a palliative even
for this if glove contests today were
worthy of the fabulous sums at tako.
Hut the actual fighting in as farcical
as the minis concerned. So much ha
boxing deteriorated that il is almost
with the certain conviction of being
hoaxed Unit one goes to a 'modern
Cornliuskers and
Drake Lead Valley
'" Copliers Trounce
Ohio State, 9-0
Northrop Field, Minneapolis, Oct.
2'.k Minnesota upset the dope at
Northrop tield Saturday, defeating
Ohio State, tl to 0. Minnesota opened
These fl vIciouM attack on Ohio' line
in the tlrst period ami pushed over a
-i u;i lly ' touchdown after a march of 7(1 yards
up mo iieiii, .viaruneau, ;vici recry ami
ColuiuiiUc moved up a notch nearer
the championship when it defeated
Harvard, 44 to 0. last week. The
"Hiscoverei s" will play Albion Friday
and If thtt "dope" runs true to form,
Ci.lumbui will win another contest.
Kearney, the team that put tho j
skid! under Lexington, victor over,
North I'l.itte, 1'.i'J2 champs, won from I
Hustings 1'isi week. IS to II. Kearney j
meets York at York Friday.
liavard, .WUou and Leigh were!
liiniina: -d from the race tweek. I
vlrilu uflllu ;.t-t III K'itl'MilV Tlliv'll
John L.. Fitinnnons. Jem Mace and j I' ''n carrying the ball.
Tom King.
"Have we any cause for pride when
we try mentally to match our greatest
with tlieKe? I doubt if even a Hemp
sev could have stood to the ussault of
tuny of these warriors, although Hemp-
Ohio tried desperately to score, fiut
Minnesota's defense had them back at
the' four, 10 and L yard lines. Work
man in each insance mlHHed a drop- j
kick. 1
sey Is, without doubt, the one
standing figure of our day, a groat
boxing tighter. He Is the sole excep
tion to the general rule of mediocrity,
but it is open to doubt if even he
could survive the grim fitness, tlie
fighting prowess that wan an innate
part of every one of those giants of
Uhe past.
"The old ':i.w kiimi.i.-' lights were
not such 1 1 - nr.v affairs a are
generally imagined. They wen- more
injurious, certainly, but not halt so
punishing as the modern glove light.
"In thus" Wild ilava a gallon of beer
and a five-pound note were unite snf-
. Coe Gridsters Win
Over GrinneU, 1 5-0
Kansai City, Mo., Oct. 2!t. Nebras
ka, and Hrake remained at the head
of tho column today in the Mlxwiurl
Valley conferenco football champion
ship race. Another school. tfc! Kan
hum Aggies, has not jbet-ri d'-fealod this
year but two tie games cut consld r
nbly Into tho teatn'H championship
possibilities. The games yesterday did
not materially alter the (.tinc'ing of
tho teams, all of them result'ng large
ly as had been predicted.
yesterday's crucial game in the con
ference, the one between Nebraska
and Oklahoma at Norman, resulted in
a :t'. to 7 victory for Nebraska. )e-
i spite the. difference In the score Okla
' noma played a good game, lending Ne
I braska, 7 to 6, at the end of the first
quarter. Superior passing In the last,
three quartern won for the Cornhuftk
em. It was Oklahoma's first defeat.
ivansas i. niversny iinii i ne iai,,iB
Aggies fought a hard battle yes'erd.iy:
on the Aggies' Held nt Manhattan, the'
final score being a 7 to 7 tie. The j
only other conference game was nti
Ames, la., where Amen defeated j
Washington Fnlversity, 13 to 0. j
Missouri and Orinnell played nori-j games, the former defeat
ing St. Louis in a stiffly fought game,
9 to 0, while the latter wim being de
feated by Coe, 15 to . There will be
four conference games next Saturday.
Kansas Aggies against, Missouri nt
Columbia, Oklahoma against Kansas
! I'nlversiiy at Lawrence, Ames against
j Drake at Les Moines nnd Washington
' against Grlnnell at Orinnell.
I The standings:
Intf aggiegation. Munioe, Kline, els-j
i iilierg and Singles, sent In for Sell- i
gren, hit '.he line time after time for!
(onwisterit gain. Twice Omaha threat-!
ened the goal line, one time going over
for a touchdow n, w hich wan disallow
ed for a penalty, s
The first, quarter wan scoreless. In
the second period 'J'hotnns Hrown and
Inirlseh advanced the ball to omaha'l
Hi yard line.
Lewis went In for Curtain. Krown
ran around end or 22 yards and on
tlie next two plays Krown made the
extra yard for the touchdown. Krown
failed at a place kick for (coal.
In the latter part of th quarter,
Lewis kicked 40 yards to Omaha, who
fumbled, nnd Mclntyre recovered on
the Omaha IS yard line. Krelg, Krown
and Lewis advanced the ball to the
I yard line, where lvr Ig went over:
for the second counter, frown drop-1
kicked for goal. In the middle of the
third quarter, Munroe, Km sua and,
H'elsenberg dtove steadily down the!
field to the IX yard line. Krasne added i
ja couple yards, and on the next play,
Kline crisscrossed through the Lin
coln defeime, for 1i yards, and a touch
down. Swanson dropkicked for the
extra point.
t.lneup and aimiinury :
of "lilld"
d a ginue,
Jiijiniei throughout ( I-1';'"!.
nciinnirii iii.'.i i. villi ii.i'ikt
Lincoln (t:il
.Mi linyra . . .
I In an
HA Uf i a . , , , .
.I..T. . .
. .
. . c . . .
. ft . o . . .
. H
,K. H. ..
.y. H...
,H. H. . .
Oninha Trrh C)
A'eakeifed by the
Knox, the Jlill 'ldci s
but losing bull!
i the gmni
land more as the (.'arne progressed.
Until at. the end of the game, four of
the regulars were on the sidelines.
The line plunging of lahy ami
Walsh of (he Olympic buck field HHJt
Hie feature of Hie (fame. These two
husliles Here alnas gnoil fur 10
or IS yariN, and one man (inkling
them, was never sufficient In lirlnif
litem liiiwil. Leahy repeatedly made
first iIiihiih Ihriitigli the line, while
Walsh reeled off runs (mot tlie
secondary defense of llje Alhlelics
seemingly al will.
On the line, Km ry, Kerry, !'niil."cn
and Mumi played wil. Kerry, ilay.
lug cent"!', Iniercpied three of the
Hillslders' iiasses. Lowe in the back
field, and Koss on the Ilrj", were best
for the virltors.
Oes Moines kl'ked off to Leahy,
who returned IS yards. The Olym
pics failed to gain ad kicked on the
fourth down. Watson reeled off 20
yards for the llillsideis for the only
first down of the half for them. On
the next play 1'cs Moines fumbled on
its own ,'iO yard line, and MacKechnle
of the Olympics lecovered. Then com
meneed a march toward the goal,
only after thu ball had
Ti-rti iiilit toiuih si Install pars,
lluiel.H k si I rrllif,in liigli.
sl' l I .
I nlrlf.t I'lare ill l.rlteia
I nt. II. . i.t Vx'li iilliin- al ll. lliaio.
I. liirol.i r. nl ILr.lieler.
l'.I.M.tii(WI, uf I'lenr.
M..rlll nl Hi hi,:?!,,,.!
Ilr..l.rn Huh at I. rami I t.tnil
lltiilr i. I miib
l-alla I M Ml tilliiim.
I',, .1 I ti.ii.l nl llio-lniia,
Hlrfl.'l.l si SrUl.ll.
leiii.Kiuii al ti'iimtiiie,
lletifrli r al IV. ill.iwrlt.
..Illll Muni I lly Hi (L.IMH.
Vlniilrii ,iit.itiii.t I iirtu sa at ( nrtia.
M, I iHik nl ll'ililrrse
lliiianl nl , ,,11-liliilf.
i till ler ,. V .iIiimi
II irlii.Kl.iii nl I riMilf.
.olll I 'Li ill k.'.lia,
ellh nl ll'Nrill
I nil I lit nl VI in ( 111 .
tllllii-r al lii'V. ill.
nllienliiirs mi ..rlli 1'l.ttle,
Ki-arnev al Mirl,.
II el I'iiIiiI hi l,
I una I'liie Hi a.litMirOi.
II. nl Iti'ii'-.ll. I.
III. t III I 111 al full..
I el ll,lin.
I ill.r rri-liM.en HI WrHiiril.
Ilwei.ljft nl ( trr.
Itilrl.iir lit nttrtnr
riiillkini.iilli nl Nrliraaks I it) ,
IVfuter Hi 1 fkllllllill,
f iir h( l.i.n.
M.'h'u.l f..r I f h! Ahliinil.
Siilli.n nl I lav leiilrr,
lilM-rlln I li a ii I a I Hinlrlife.
VI, 1 u,k Hi llnlilii-ar.
I heeler al leani(i-r.
U v it... ri nl Pawnee I Uf.
I r ill llhi.i. e,
NlMlil.iH Nt Ni.rt.ilk.
ti V I I ( III I M.I.,
Ni-l.rasliM t'eiilrat HSntriat llimliinc HI
.'lirukn "le no flKMlfnt t ntntr Hi
I nfii-rall IMm e.
vilrlUn.l ui,iliil I, rand I-IhiiiI si llranil
nl Storm
. . . . . Munroe
, R. Kcillfien
8ul,itltililons f.lneoln: Iuria h tnr
Tlfiii.-ra, l.wla for rurtnln, Curtain for
Thoinai; Omaha Te.;h: Hhort for iilurg,
Holrnr fur Horn, I', Hellitr'n fur Kllnt-,
Krate-I fur l''-t-rnnn, JV-t,;rnn for H-Inh,
I'nwell fur Petsraon, Khort for Horrrrf
Olwiit fur Kr nets, blliKl'H f'.r OI,iif, Went
tor y.unl, V, Well(;rn for Kllna,
Touehrlowna Lincoln: Thomn, Krl;
Ctrnaha 'i'ch: KSne.
Try for point: Jlfown (Uropklck), Swin
aon lroi.kltk .
uffntlalu: He1fr'. Johnaon (I)onn e.u-
IftiT); umplra, ' ituy iNebraakai
lini-anian, Hwaraion (NebraMkal.
H'-ore tiy iitrlodH:
Omaha Terh , B
Lincoln 0
Plan to Give Seal
Fans Strong Team
I""" which ended
""' j, !,.,; been plnnt"d between Hie standards
I'ranila by Leahy. The try for point was
) Kmxli ; m i
Hwalirim 1 "
I lie utynipicK secoiiu coimicr can e
soon after Leahy kicked off to Lowe,
who hcainliered coaluariN V) yards.
Olympics thi n held, forcfiiK Hie Ath
letics In kick. The Olympics look
(he hall on the M yard line and
f lailed another irre ilile marcli,
which ended wlien Walf li went over
the line for another touchdown. The
try for point bounced off Hie stand
ard. Olympics, it. Middles, II.
The Olympics' last counter came
In the third stanza after they hud re
covered a fumble on the Ilillxldcrs'
eight-yard line. The visitors held for
three downs, but the distance was
short and the charges were severe and
Leahy put It over -on the last down.
Leahy made the try for point.
The game ended with the ball in
the middle or the field with the Olym
pics trying to score another" touchdown.
Ilrad i
(I 7 '
0 1 3 i
Tin tillf-llt,'
01nnil. (III).
Munti ........
-Coe ile-
Caledonians Beat
Italian Team! Crippled Cyclones
Sweep to Victory
Ceilar itatiids, la., Oct.
feated Orinnell
football game today, IS to fl. The
Crimson completely outclassed the
Pioneers in Hie first three quarters,
Coach Kd ward's men failing to make
a first down until the final period.
Kich, Strong and Collins played
brilliantly for Coe, while Captain
NoicUiis was the star for Orinnell.
j Team.
i NehrttAku
' OriiUe
I Kiiiisaa AffKtes . .
: MiioMiuri
! Amen
the homecoming i Khiimis I nlvernlty
V uKhiiiicliiii . . ...
1 .IMS!
1 .MM!
The largest collection of buttons In
the world is Raid to be owned by
Frank Peterson of Fryeburg. Me.
There are in this collection approxi
mately fiO.dftil buttons, no two of I Valla
which are alike either In si.e or shape, show
San Francisco, Oct. 29. Chiefs of
the San Francisco baseball club,
which won the Pacific Coast league
pennant this year, Intend to give the
fans as strong a team next year as
they had this year, according to Jack
Miller, manager of the Seals.
"San Francisco Is the greatest minor
league city in the land and, as such,
deserves the greatest minor league
baseball team," Miller said.
Two San Francisco stars, Willie
Kamm and Kirnrny O Conned, go upikur.i. I,o
... .1... ,.f fr.r tliH hli-h. '"m(on '"'
est prices ever paid for minor league
players. Kamm was sold to the Chl-c-igo
White Sox for $Htl.0l0 and
u'Connell to the New York C.iants,
champions of the world, fur $".".000.
In their places, however, San Fran
cisco will have two youngsters. Hene
With of whom
,b. t: ,
. ; T. .
.1. ;..
Ilm-nit Ms
l4lk.', lit. I illloillit .1
ILmrie Hgnlnl 1'rrij Ml Tern.
f Ini.lron iiaHlin.1 K.-urfiey l ki-arney.
Oel'fiiil si ,itiaratKii.
llnii normal si IVelliNiiy.
hliiirn al HniiHa etiili normal.
IVilliaMa VI unlet all Ht Ol.-nila.
Morfilnvniifa Ht II.- M.ilfn-a.
I' WH Mar 'li-H'iiers nl raraon.
I'enn Ml HI nipoiifi.
M llllani-.l. xrll st VV rr n.liura Ti. ti
! Kfirtfisflelil ilorliuil ml Mtnaolirl Ha-
l fry an.
lelilral rotleire nl. Cent ml W mil-fan,
I urttiHKa Ml lain-kH.
Hi-nlti llakiibi iiiiivi rnily nt I rrlitlilon.
Trinity HKill'e.1 Oinulnt ut Lenten- purk;
IJlM'l.ln Hi l-lltlilt. j
Miieonrl Hi liillinan .4tfjfie.
bivvii sltlle al llraki. ,
l;kl.illi.nri ill Kiilliln, J
IV HnlllllKloll ill l.rilllil-tl.
v.l,rHl'. tit flinnne. I
i No m i-iiiit,T.-ri."- 'f:tne.
o ut Kit-. ;
W N,,innlii at VliiniiHofii.
Vli-lilsali AkkIi Hi Mi-liifiill. j
Norllotenli-ril ill,
' Halnii.ll III I'nriliie. j
ImlliiiiM lit Noire llulne. i
I I entre Hi Ui-iiIui k . J
Hiiiinfia iai-a Hi MlaMillrl.
1 H untilnitloli lit M. IiuU.
llUliiliiiiiei lit Kiilmiln.
i Arnen nt llrnki'. i
i (ienliiik M.-nlrynn nt .viilli-mliiirii In
'nlltille. I
Triilinylvailii Hi W.nUtiltr.
I larlliuin Hi 'lii-Ullmiliii.
( Colj nt If ul ter.
1 Hi-fivnn -il He rmiw, ,
I Hone l ily HI Mari-tt.
; 4 nne nl I filcil.
1 lllierlln ill w llleiiliiirir.
tlenlern Krw-rve Hi IIIIHIll.
U'minti-r at
WUml Hi Ohio i-nlvan.
-l. MVirra Hi Ohio lliilrmlll.
I.oiiil.unl HI Oetnill.
Ml. I, ,ii nl I ".
H HnhliiKlon ill Orinnell. ;
l.lllller 111 ! Hf-
lornll at lliltlilille.
Vorlh Oak-iliv al Nortli HakalH
llnnkill linlliom nl .Mnr.iil-lle
I J.iinfuvun A.loliiliiin nl M.
I Mio-lrl-r at Hrlelon.
N...rlliwenli-1-n I 'nllein Ml lwren!,
I lllpon Ht Oirroll.
Ilrniller I'olt Hi ItlllM'ta Menlejsn.
tilKllnlHIia Hi .(ami-n MilUkln.
tlM,.LI,,rn .,1 l.lnrelii.
Illliioln (nllrge Ml MimmollOl,
III, in, In , nl
Fallicr Pitln't Like Name;
! I'icks (rootl Otiet for Sons
j poplar JlbilT. Mo., Oct. 211. When
"Kill" St "en of Marshall was very
young Hie baptismal handicap his
parents hung on him began to pall.
There Is no romance to a name like
Kill: no suavity or subtlety; no glamor,
Illinois Teaciiera
George Sisler
Has Worth v
Rival in lilue
(ii.inli.Hi of lniti.ll S.nk for
'I'ipTs I Ids liVrn Hin ictl
HctHMlli I'roM-i
' lieiilge Sisler. great il.' be h,i --'imhi
, mil nil tlie li'iaelmll bull, hi :i',. US
lie ti,..M lip for He V CI .1 1 V ("if s 111 collie,
hi nil look to his fust I ..I -( 1 1 a boners III
Hi" filtllle fu- thl'le Is illiiitlli'l I'lllll-
bin of the initial sack vim lias been
uciking .inch rapid strides foivvanl it i:, I,, Hived In .iiiottier year or
two j.-.i ,-i Hie v.-ry l itest will over-
lliml nnd p.i.a li e VHilliler will k'T of
Hie St I, ills I! ,V1S We li fer to Ll
llliie. Hie in . ,. , i v ami i.. and di'letc
I'o. ii ilj.i ii nf No. I s.nk for the luiroit
i'igel s
illue's light (in. Well lilirlid
'inalli Hie pri.vciblal bunlnl, niin
ply In inline Mnler has at mill mil
like those Itiiaabui biiotiea nu the
liillil.n of our fair oiing lliini;s.
SWier did iin.vtlii'H; and everlliuig
any and I'll Ann i ii an leaguer did
I he (cist kciim'II nnd I hen went I hem
a few heller. True, he did mil lead
in the Inline run mailt and in mif
or two oilier ib iiioiinciiK of the
grand old itaiui'i hut when iui
hate siiiiiiniil up rt cry thing mi
jusl had In hand II lo le I nhl's
best lii l as the king pin of Iiiihc.
With S.Hler out of the rerkotili s
there Is no iiuestloti but that lilue
would have been conceded the honor
of tn-ey the ablest firrt baseman In
tin- in niits. There Is none oilier than
Sisler who can nueftlnii this. .)"
.Tndce, Jin k Mi Innis. Oeorge Kelly,
.lj!.e liiiibeit iitnl one or two others
played good bull, but they nil pain
Win n compared with Jhe superior, nil
an. mid work of Ty Cobb's ImtinI
sai !,"r.
idle is without i nest ion Hie liet
leadoff man in b.i-eb.ill, lieiug nil
I exiellenl waller (rlinmes are the
official an luces will show thai lie
drew Hie iiiiihI .es ill Hie Ilia
j us), Ile can hit Hint old apple ss
vtcll its (he next one and once he's
on I lie riuiua) he liiiows what is
meant liy speed .inl oiiick Hiink
ing. Klin's Inaiii aptienrs la he. al
most as active as dial of Ills leader,
I he (ieorgia I'eai h. When te say
this we are pajiii!; a glowing (fi
lmic to jniing l,n, for lo our way "f
lliinl;ip.' IVil.h's mind na anil prob
ably slill is the mosl alert ever
Kiiovvn to liasi hall.
Th" one tiling thri nppoars In be
ai-ainst Pine is his Imposition. Ho
appear; to b" of a fully temperament
in ettiklng contrast to Sisler, who, al
though lie plays the game with every
ounce of energy at. bin command nev
er sulks and even goes t'Ht of his
way to avoid a runin wit ha rival
player. Pine h is been told about this
trait and It Is said that he has been
fighting himself lo remedy It. How
ever Cobb wants l.itn to retain his
fighting spirit even nt the expense of
being accused of having a surly din
position. ,
Clue Is going; to be one of Hie rank
iou atars of baseball ti'-xl jear and
for several years to come no matter
what bis temperament may lie He.
just happens to be one of the Holt, who
was "born a ball plaver" and unless
we nre off in our reckoning he's going-
to make r.eorge Sisb r tep faster
than ever to keep out In front of him.
. K.
. R.
Illllnlilrr (III 1
Kinith I
Aiinntronif !
;; ' ' "'x'Ji I elan, eclat or class.
. II i-i.ilemoii afler marring",
I'Hrilallion i
I. owe roieny began arriving
Shade and Schoell
May Battle Nov. 13
.'lorn. 1 by platoons, Hill
when Kill's
. , i i i
singly ui... ;flti,,
st about for moil- j Hiu,n
ccordin'.' to word
i. night from Leo
mul Hal Khyne,
great promise.
' Sulintititii,n HI' rut,!'
Itpnley. Iln.wn f .r -Mar-Keehnli . riolon-.'-k
for A'lHiir.ori, VVlifpiini? fur Slmnahan.
.Morten tor Kti-r.v, l-Jtnery f,,r Morton.
I Crawford tor Whl'M. Ailarnmn for Ito-
for ;siiav. illllbiiletn:
He-n, I., in nry fur Ar,n-
stri.lig, ilreetn for Mi-ltiii-. AllwitriJ lor
J"m n, Mettiie for Oroom. liiooni foi Car
ilii iiion.
Seore l.y poiiodn:
Mvmuli' r. 6 7 n- 13
lllllnlilf A. (' I, 1 11 II 11
Ti.u.ii.l'iwiis: l."aliy I
I eilil H 1 1,-r tOUehil'iH II
llltil li.l
M or.'a r 1 y
: letters of individuality ami distinction.
; Kill suoceiiled. There are. nine of the
little stei-nf. all boys, anil Kill gave
them a siart i nlifo that he had never
had. Hill's buys, reading from left to
! right, or olherw'lse. nre: Koson, Tasco.
i Lasco. Cicero. Marvilo, Itocoe. Otto,
' Woodrow ami Vanzo. ,
received here
P. Flynn, inan-
of Pave Shade welterweight,
r, Simile will arrive in Omaha
for his bout with Fratikie.
' S, i),,, n, srln diilid fur thn Aitdltort
! uni.
! The
, 1 1 . -1 1 1 1
i The b
, Shade
hi Id November 1 ''. Shad" fi
i ry in Husinn November fi.
Shade Schoell fit-: I . r will be Hie
vent of a Legion athl. lie show.
,nt is scheduled for 10 rounds,
iriliir-' to Jake . Jssacson. th
Scho.-ll fight will probably be
v .,
11 h!
T.ulr-n li'r.-iKliOiitl
n 'n-lKliI en I, ii'iii.ii
II orti.ll). tllni'k.'ppr; Meiiiioii.
Ii.-ii'l 1 1 ni-i": nn o
1 1. ,-1,
Trying to "Come Hack.'
Miller p.tiV was the scene of
double l.c.cb I in the I'lliah.i l:sinct
n c. r ) lii diy afternm ii. The ,
I li IimiLh viiciKd the ll.ilii,.-! ;n
b one salt d iinf ant the LolieiiiiimJ
bfea'.ed 'i ('lu ll. I SHl'tm tiixsls
n Imtif m"i' .it Vidtr iiaik.
Th CI -., collected SimISj
while Hi- I' ib.ins unild tally but I'm
L.imri of H' Itili iii aed Aitken n-nl
P,ll of H e C . ,l.,ii: n,n wi re Hie
l ir. Tti ' l!--heliii.nia thlte l oin's
wh.ih .m fnli"l in the ' i-t ht'f
Hii.1, lo t'il t'', l '"
lb mini, l .i. lU tiilllrlr.l 111
n- -s!
Al! e i ,,! .-if ! f- I I V
t,, i . . i, .it.- .nr ' 1 1, vi t r ' iv
w.,-1 srk .1 "'i- "f 3 " :b"
iVtn.a-rH. t-'l 'h.-i- a.... in Or ti
luf I ha tut l ! f I '
rtia r M lMrttil
w 1
hi h
Mr It It
Viin s, l.i . Oct. - 1"VV a Slate col-
lege, d.-nplto a crippl. d lineup, won1
easily from I'nlvermiy ,
I ere this afternoon. 1 t f !
AnoH oitt.i.Oed W aslut'fl .ii in all
lilt one p. ii., it In tn Hind )-'r:nd, )
Hie Pile! i.,e:,.,t With a mTif of
f,i,ird .tM- "d mirle.1 the lull t" ;
I I,,, Cul.-i.t t -1 line oily I" I' r It
on .U I'M.
;.drii4 hoi ie V'i,e f'Kt loin h-,
,lmn in ilo- fi!t t" "d, citrvi' ' ,
O-i ill IV, i'e nil iWlitS 111-111
,r,( l -'n . i ii Vtoi
,, i.-i ht- uu ii th- ie.iut per
It , ta-rt. Ii , n Cfc
Lilt .
III" t
I '
' f..
I. ,Hm.a a
., n a -i
'ro'- t
"... a I I
for NX i I
IMlk Itrifnlit
V th fi.-i.
Ill) Il bhl
,s Tn i
ucnr rcau UMtur.
KTCric-r! - -POUT
'vKfET '
rrrTl) THE
U(MATi5 BtviM
0r OCAlEV - I M
I - -
Let's T-Ry
T- i. -i n
Service Company s ;
Athletes Win Meet
t ti f
f. '.,!.,
m In-
ah rv . f 4, i-i !
l I Wt I ln!
. I I '
I, i V1 r 1
. I - 1 ' '
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t pi ifca ,.if
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I .1 III
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I t - VI
. 1, 1.
I '
. I
1 It. I '
!. in
'U i. .
i f-
i v. i I I1
f t in
; tv .V,
I .
(a I -
- l
. i '
' -. iv
ft tHIf
.1 n t nt
nvw v 'A 'X ;
! V y"Vw k-fttV Av T -
lc CA'vti.rvt.
- tvicv:
vtitlttM. TV
i-ivt-t;. I i
j' ( VvCTti FA
" "jltlMl
- y .
ft" '
lYoulli Walkn 1, ,")(( Mile
lii Collriri' in .Mi.sniint'i
Columbia, Mil., Oct. IT Ketijaniin
I Leader Is u student of the old school
I he walked here for the uuiveisit v's
; Lender just coiutdeteil n walk of
i I.Mn) miles friii, i .V w York cltv to i
' at I end the I inv I sit V of M .sum i and
j Is notv einoileil Leafier earned a ,
violin mnler his nun nil the way nnd
a In. a!
to con I
Walter Hagen and Kirkwood
to Make World's Tour of Golf
, Mi ae, nre,j eriipif ineiii m
. Itovii theati'i in 1,1111 fmnln
j Untie Ins nbKiitiofi.
I lie experts I, i wn'k Inn,,,.
: V in nl foil--
The exhibition galf Imir f Wal
ler Hagen, Hie ItrilMi open chain
liiiiu. and .le IvIiUvvnnd, Ihe Aiih
tr, linn fiii k sliol pla.ter. who ap
pear here Thursday, is by fin' Hie
most iiietenllous cter miilerl shell
by culler. Tiny have already
i. laved e than " niiiti he
the e:isl. vel Iheir Imir i J"
Ilnuni mul Ixiikvvood will play m
the wel, i ll the Pin itle a-t, Ihe
kiiiillivvenl .Hid Ihe nlllh tmtil
Xoiil In ll I ho will leave
1,1 rid lliilaln I'''.'
In-fore part iiipat ing in the llrilisli
open i h.'iiiipiniiship at 'I l imn, l ol
lovvini; this event Ibev will un lo
Fraiii r lor exhibit ion and Hie
l-reiieh open.
They will also tisil Australia.
J ipau. I bin. I and South Aftiu be
lore lliey are linislied. While Ihe
pin Hull nf Iheir I lip vvhi'li I. jil
I hem into wune I. mils will not be
M l V pri.lil i'.Ic. Hiev are nlixioli to
make it n il "win Is) Inin" id il slid
will pluv niali Ins wherever
Ibev kn tn add Iti-it iiiiiiiIiv In the
list id I In tr jolting i on.pienl.
Cpsi Grid Play
ToUsp !
U.i il,o
f--.ii til d'uvii, i,.m.i,i nl
l V ,tl.ln to tl V
one t'-ui h,.-vv o l 'I'V e
i,,.t( i',,,fr i. r , , ,? ton is
1 1, ll 1 1, a ii,t i i t
Il,l, M l,Mi I I tl .1
. I It ,1 HI I V I I
, I II,. f ltl I I .
I- ft" ' I I
I.. I I., I In !,- I ,i
5AS Awes and Kansas Uni.
Play to 7-7 Tic in Annual Game
1 V II I I, I.e.
It.l U l-ll d
ll.i- ,!n I
Iv i
'v -s:
i k t
li I,
llllll 1, it ft,
V- -t. i t.v
I l 'i a!
I i.- t b
Ii - P ... Il
ia ,i v ,1
, I,:, ..t
..r it. I ,il i n
in i ,
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,v lo I
I to
" -t,.l'
1.1 i
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A I'
aoi'l tin n
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.tl . -i
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I. ...
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th l
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