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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1922)
T!1K OMAHA IU.K: .MOMAY. OC UM'Kl! 'M, Wi 1 i THE GUMPS - - juji -.T ii ' NtnxtK ibJ ' m j V.Vt Q kW MOT L cwmmu rod untsts- fM SmMyTON VHMpmt P I s. . ..r ..... . vit" f. Tuiir . PA wr'j. t i .k. rsivai 'i ' , i .a 1 11 i i ) tew -a rs: rw t Omaha Bse "Want" Ads Are Guaranteed to bring as good or better results th?n you will secure through any other Omaha newspaper and at less cost or money refunded. Telephone YOUR "Want" Ad to AT lantic 1000. 'HI! a M lixli iiimi tint nrf In ii flylnK oturt ul ih vurimiM million plrturn houwi ymtcrduy iind Kuliiifliiy, Al IiThI IX OUt f WV4-II lif till) IIIUViPH t til"! iltiwiiinwn tlicaii'iH (iill Into till rut" ))iinl iiiTBim.'ilily Ih Hip t lii'iiif itt "HUllI l"l," MkW Itll tll H"T(il nt tho I i Jji t to. Til" Hinry tiliidi'H Uoii tlio uiiiili.ff cluiiKH III liliiillly of out" tit th! riiitdcnlt'iN of the rhiiK who itt frliihl fully Injured In a full from ii n uirphinn wliiln niiikliiK hi utriipe from pr tioii. That prlnon m fnlip, liy tli way. In volvftiK '''"P from th irlnnn wull to the toi of a hif( l1ll lilHUIMgi'l tlillll I Mpi'l tllC- uliir. Mil'on K.IIh fix tho film PHHiiy; a new rule. Th iimki'iip, whlrh In flevcr, In ft I'ltC iiMHlHtiinre to him, when H Uud Hoylu hi! mimt urt "hiiid IjulU'd." An tiiimpcicd pet who tnktu to the roiid with a hobo, WVitUy liurryut thr Hun, him a lim iUn of ndvi-n tin hm, moHtly thi'.lliiiK oiico, before In1 In rciiniii'it to hl piinntK, mid the rob ber kiiiik are eaptun'd. Jiff drop from a M) foot troHtlt? Into tin) river below gnve the nuillem-e ii few ulilvrri, mid the love Hlory of liuinbell uud Mary Wanli ciiine to a HiillHfai toiy conelu Hlon. It miifft In fulrneK he ailmilteil that It In not the llrnt time Hint one of the mipponed liurBliira has turned out to be it detective all thn time, and that we have ween Wetdey do a good many of the oame Htuntu In hla other plitureii, but hi freikieff htam nenlnlly am ever, , and the theme, "From Itiitta to lllrhen" aa the pic ture la naiiied, iiluaya aeemn to evoke a popular reopoiiNe. Anyway It iffn't Wee' fault if the scenario wrltern ol viivm hand him the rams kind of a part. In the melodrama. "The JYidnner of Zendu," which ia quite frank about not jireteiiilliiir to) be nnythlnK more aubtlc, Hex Ingram tiled an expert tnent tho unhappy endinu. K'icrt tlcinic love for duty Ih vividly hroucbt forth im the lieaiitiful Alice Terry an VilnccHH Flavla heeiln I lie call of her mibjecta and putH out of her life the man alie adore, And the KngllMi lover, too, (played b.v Lewis Stone) ncreptu the a. t nation and ellpa away to i hcrlHh nlons the memory of a brief but wonderful romance. "What 1 funny etnlinc ." onn woman mill inured to another an they left the theaer. which merely Koen to fhoW that the )iililic Isn't lined ' it. l'ie picture la taken from Anthony Hope's novel and the director de serves credit for following Mir aiiihor'a .ilea of an artintlr fininl. The picture will run nil thin week nt the Sirand. The Mory of "l.ove. I mi Awful Tliintt" concern the effntu of a ynuiiK man t let the dead nam bii'V il dcatl. Put thn Tast. perm'llifUd by an old aweeihenrt, fefilHen to be burled. Owen Moore, who nan me. leadiim lo'e in thi picture at the j Kmpifx H a farceur of note and he J i suppor-te.l by pretty Marjorle I'aw j and Kiitlihen 1'eiry. Th picture wimld ! rireiKiihi'tn d bv Jinlictou I tuttim.. j U.iil... f .iHiim l an old tiim r In the j motion piture wuild. and xhe l at j lit r b-! In nihil cciotkm il nl eiteh I u the one hIm l piavinit in. "I Am liuilty." ol the M'.u toilav " j T tie-day 1 he mm v I a dtnttiatic mm In whu ti r hold lh leitti rof I tin- taiic and myn'ctv I" l"' ! lasted I nt II the verv l.i.t, I.IMlei Mi. V.v M.H'ie. the !'' f the pice. ! MI'liwlliiiif t mlr Tim W.ihl pi... hi. 11. mm llui ru i-t. in tlii. lo ' I "'" , A a n iT ' a'il'd '"' 4 lii- ,i.- " "'' ' Alitor, bu' lb- !v r to tin- t ."Ii1" i. th i.'l nit 'ii' ' I "' '' i, l.m ih,i'il ! r I bit t. I , ,., ii f j It in ! ; t e ..luiiinn .".H n"" N " 'i nil . .Hi ' ! ' -i . . , f the '.m. ' l.i- h tjii- ' 'i. ... t I dinllli. ''"e "l-ia.'. t'.f k,,H tl "'n . . t ,w .. It ut " ' t ' - ' ......... t t. I ,!' " " ' ! . !. . . - ihinl ii - , . . ... t ii iii, in-i 1 1 " ' ''l'i ' - i If MtltKICl .1 a i . i t 4 s ... - i - t ' a. Iu f i-4 t i - t ' -a k .... ... 'f . i . I . -- .a ktftUL VAULTS. 4I - I t4 - " 4 . .a 4eWf -( 4) ft Am cm fret 4 t"'4S " I t, I - ' ; ) " . a t - ' iepfetl n-. . 4 i ' n ft . . 4fc - ?,", IT 14 COIOM rut SUNDA tc Muvn. vur TH't ttV".flCi v ootl to X''sN 0 And alonf. iun uk Kl 1 1 U to BkmnT ovit. BEE WANT AD RATES la par Una aa. h 1 r. t or t tin I to prr Una aa. Ii Any, I lo day. 10c par line auE day, I day or longar. Tna ahova ratal apply I'liialv.l)' In (A'atit Aila whlta ta lununonly larm..! "iiuiilio want," ami du not lut'luda a'lvrr tteeifiairif m i.f lititlvt'tunla er cmiorrfia atlvar tiMlhH or aipliiMltiK tlialr bualuraava. I'lli; tiJIAHA III, Pi ireri Ih right tn drrlKiial what coinlllul.l a pulillo want, Want Ada accaptrd at tha tollowim nfflraa: .Main i.rr;. and I'lrtimn Ht Kiiulll nrtih..N, W. dr. 241 II ami N hla. luunrll I.liitH 10 Hi'ill lit 'jriapnvri. AY-lanilo llOI. full for "Want Ad I)..iartmr lit. An prune wl ' lAaiil" l Uwl will i'M uur ad and a lilll will ea inallid luinr. Ilia i ulna abiiv apply to eltli.r charttn or i-' uriiera. fl.liHIND IIUUKM IrOlt WANT APIl Ktrnlna t.ilill.iii 11 4 u n. In Horning Kiliilon p. unday H.dltiiU p m. haiurJay 1 hi-.. ralM aii,; W Tim Kunday iiaa mm wvll aa to 'I ha Miirnma and ivvamnk li. All wa-kday ilvariinainanla appear in tKiin morning and wcuing vditluna at iaa ona cuat. UIK nilAHA Miir.NINU BEE. TIlH. f.VliNi.'. Mr.K DEATH & EUNEKAL NOTICES TuMl'HKTT Haniiah M., piinai ii nil at th hoiiiB KrIUay, Oilolii-r 27, IH2S. Wra. 'I'oinimeir i mirvivt-d liy tn-r hUMuant, rhmUa Totup.-tl, & imliM, Jean M., ht. I. nuia, M" ; tinny J, rronk l , Kdward and I' Wlllanl, Oimiliu, Nfh", 3 iluiJKh I m, Mm. It. tl. I.lpa.y, boa Anala; Mia II, II. Juilnoii. Wn, Nel. I Mm. l.e.ier f. Itlahy, iiinahu. Ni'lt. ; 4 brothera, I). J. ii ml H..oiK I'nllliig. Vmk, Nib,; .Inin.H foiling, ilitind Korka, N. V : Kolmrt Coll ing of Jl-llrvillv. Untarlii, i anada; I .a ti r. Mm. M . A. fulling nt licllnvllle, Unla- rlH, I'lltldlJM. ruiiernl aertlv.-a from tna hruiio. 1613 bake Ht., 'i'ura.Uy, Urtolii-r 21. 1122, at 2:0 p. in. liilHrinc-nl Kori-.t i.awn i:nitsliry. I"'or InforVnuitoa call f'e, Webaier IH14 7. ll'liVlN.SM AN 'uT'i"le A., 97, wlrvTuf H ' ilroMMiian, UH27 'J'nylur ati'i.'..t, died al her home. Funeral airvli'i-n will li held Monday, October 2u, at 3 p. ni. In III.) f. P. tlayni-a chaiinl, Twnnty-fourlh ainel and Arno. avenue. Burlnl will be In Knre.t l,wn rem lery. Hh la aurvlved liy her hu IimiiiI. Irn anna and ona duughlir. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. J. STACK & CO., Omaha'a h't niiderloklng eatahllahm.nt tf&XMl BULANCE,,?Vme Thlrty-tnlidaml Farniim. "WAKEY & HE A FEY tTnderiakera and Kmtia.'mara Phnnii HA ?. iiff'ca 2SI1 Farnant Hulse & Riepen, Tutifral IMi ertnra. 2224 fuming. "larkin brothers FtiNKRAI. IllRKfTllHS 4MSPl 24TH CROSBY-MOORE 5V,! U147. Irt FLORISTS. SA Y IT V, ITU Vt.i."WKK V h i M HESS SWOHOPA. HIS KARNAM STRKKT. LEE LARM0N !;r; ILV jiiHN HATH, l'i4 KHrnnm. JA I 0t. 7T-H KNin;KSON.07 Farimm JA. lit! PERSONALS THK SALVATION Army Indtiatrlal home .olb'lta your old clothing, furniture, niaga. lnea. We collect. W. diatribute. Phone po, 4135 and our wagon will call, fall n,t in.peet our new home. 1 1 jo-l 1 12-1 1 14 Imdae atree H ALLOWKK-T HPKl'IA I.'i'IKH Pumpkine. bale, home f.veia ami deeora liini.; al.o complete line of doll, and nov elttea for baraara and Inrloor ahowa. tll.iiHIi NoVKI.TV CO. t WILL not be re.pon.ibie f..r ai.v d-bta contta, t.-.l .v my w;fe after ihi. date, O, toher 27, h:j. Karl f Itrady. i TH t: A 1 K ICA t, bi-lorlial nla..;iie roeuime., for plava and linti.-.. at Liebeii . inoaba , HUH i. cat... Prl..i home. for, at. KK. till! loate n'lt.' : n-f I ;.ot fani.ten. I r . ill VI rli 'N waii'rd i f Hal on o. I W Duff or fainl'.v V"l Her St.'. Arioti HToltM c.h ma. I,., g a.iiig re. a KK h K NT il'i.iVlll X fl III. II S. HA I'.'L It'll b .it.O -"ioa'Y ..a W lif W AN t KH h .1 i.. ' I 4. LOST AND FOUND. i.t ! v u - n i j it ' " 't , M 4 It. rt-- ... r ,.. .. n .... I ut . Htf" il II' . It I' r IH' ''l tli. At ttl ,t ,i-.-t-i. t- .(Ut 1 H , - It . ' ' f I ' , lit . a i I'tib.a ,"!' -I'l r . 1 J" "' 1 4- I ,... t I I llnv; J.I t. f. . h e' .. t r - At mm u i I'l ( Mi' M. ii ; ! " f I 4 J- i i f -' - ' I I 1 t -a! t t J . t . i ! I DlCATIONAt I'atu '- .-.- e.-a-'- ""al, ' ,, , " 4 I - I ' t . . - D ' " i a . .-,'"'. , f v 4. ' . i f . it -4 ; . . i . - , . . - I - tt : I I e i . i e v. ... , i i '. - c l i . 4 i . r ih -inrprr r ,ri m . v , s u i a. . . . e . I . t I . I r . NASTY 'UW NOV IbAAoIWC, Tf.'K "a'NtL t VOUR Of A tSTHtT """Act HS (UN TV'S iet1 HAiON, A CIlWl ( U PW'X ICRlPT r A I'Nult THINC -its, coMtN. JTrt . EDUCATIONAL K laillra Mud Iova lo lerti liarprr traili'i I'lg dmnnml; wngi-a whtl tmrnina; atttitly inndiirii. Call nr whlla 14l; iKnljr fft Trl-t'ltv ttiifl.! fnllfir T1IK NHtlnltal AolMltinlillu a. huul anliuuii. lhu:r Olielill'g "' t. 'I, IVli. folna In and ... ua 2114 N. 2Hlh HI. I Uriah, fur ralal.ig. MALE HELP WANTED. niKV ahinktia (3ti), iintn at once, fi.rn ninkiiilf 4'l tin. tin. a re; 4r par tiu. KlrvHlur, ln.iird k rol loitKlna fr.e, - faan t'l-unly Kh rin IUiu-iiii, Wiilng Water, 4u tniltft a. u. of uniHlia on Mia .fiilt'l Phi Ifti fOHN IH'HKbHH, Oooil I'otii, 40.t;,'i lunilii la ir miii. 8t with Hi-Vtfiiir. il'iud iuIih fii'.'n, Apply al i-uuniy iig-iit'a offlm, b.Maia, Ju, fHli'KKN i-li k -ra wanti-d al olo'i;; limit. i : ii phinl. i-ar round dri'imliig. plenty o woik and koi'd prliea pant, Wir. Mit. rlit Mibwlir i 'in in.ry in., (In-ui Henri, Kiill. ' f IHf KK.v" 1'H'KKHH wnniid ApplV'at oto'i, IVukefleld, Nib. Wakefield Poultry f oiniiiiny. KXl'IOHIKNi'KI ami brattb III-M.r,ii-t .iilr-mm n. Why winlrr In tba rold noriti? fomo lo Texuft, ttm Imid of milk and honey. Have hud good r ropa and prli-ea thia yi-Hi; bumneaa beat In lliatory of etui, f ini lire to inn kit big money fi-p-i fm. nt iiiu ons of the beat A A 11. com. pHiilea In I'. K.. Lolling pollileg for all I'lua.iN Willi no ri'.trli lion. ...Iho una that p.ya claim, promlly. Attrarliva flint rum ini.Mlon and renewal cnntrai't. Write or wire, I K. bethner, 402 Sumpter Uudg, DkIIiin. Tex. KMPLOVMKNT IN' KVKHV MNB. CiMAIIA KMI'l.tlVKH AMI KM PUiYKRH HHULLI' AVAIL TIIKMHKLVKM OK OL'U KHb'K HKKVH'K. KMt'I.OVKKS' KKKK KMI'LOYMENT KKHV1CK. ' Hit Harney 8t., AT 0362. KOK giioTthaad, typtwriung, bookkaaplog etc., attend in American follegt of Uualneaa. 1911 far nam, Po.ltlona guar anteed; all our graduatea ara In po. aitlona. fall AT. 7774 or writ lor catalog. ?' I : I IN iTUKB t ALKHMAN WANTBU Mum be A No. 1 and poaaeaa a thorough knowledge of furnjluro Belling and de partment atora experience, A aplnndid opportunily for applicant that can quality, atate Hg.:, ttxperlence and .alary ex preteil lii flret loiter, ltoahek Urothora fompany, 'iubuiiie. Ia. IIARNK8M MAKKK WANTKII mat age and txperieiu'e. Aluat be a good auto trip man. tl. M. DaCanip. Anita, In, LK A It N "TO " S K I, C INKU H ANC K Kvenlng ai'honl In Ufa Inaurancn. No one already with contract admitted. No charge, no obligation. Tel. JA. 11.17. I INK lll'NIlUKI) CHUN 1 1 THICK US 4Ti to 65 bushel.; atanda well, 4n and ele VHtor. VV. A. l'o.ey, County Agent, Bac city, ta Thorough! experienced floor piano 'Baleb nian warned for rnannfHcturera branch tiloro In Al Inneapoll.. I.aiBi'iit and ino.t uttraetlve r.iHiio Mtore In tlio twin rttlca ilmng a large volume nf IniHlnea.. Neel ..rvlre. of a flrnl-elaea man . lo aa.lnt lha manaaer with oblei-t of iiuallfylng fur bninrh atnre mnn'ig'T after alioit in ten. lie training. Mut be young, energ.tic and a first clou, cloi-er. Addreea llox V ;of, (linuhil Hee. W ANTKH Married man for feeder on eavtern Ni'biaeka cattle ranch; must be experienced. Wage. $nu per month. Hood hotiae furnl.hed. OOod ripening for right man. Hive age, .ir.e of family and refer e:n .... l;ox VV f.7t;. Omaha Hee. T.'ANTK V-iTfi cor n p ickers " In H utt er loiinty. tlood corn, pay t'lMiso per bu. Hoom and board. Apply K. T. Winter, loiinty agricultural agent. Pavld flty Neb. IVANTKb Men and woncn for poultry dr.n.lng. Steady work; good wagea. Swift Ac l'o folumbUH, Neb. yollNiJ MAN HTL'liY LAWI " fcvenfna downtown .eaalo.ia. t'nlver.ltv of Omaha H.e aeeretary. I0J7 Omaha Nat. Hk. Hldg FEMALE HELP WANTED. I'O.MPKTK.NT while girl "for general homework. Iteferen, e renulred. Phone W a Idol OiOiO fm IK want -d by email hotel, ineaf. ..ted family !.!le. Phone or writ. ,Mie. I'. la.uii., O., leu, la. t.X CKKI KNi'UH hll gnl or woman tor g.tieral hoile work WA 241ii II ll 1 II it (if -i ill I a,H.t) i Ki', W Illl rirt. in It h v.- ii KH4,1 h,.;u- in iuiHt-n- an4i"Pi g.i.init wun nmi-t.-wrif k. ;a,n MAU tVr n-ttftil hun-H4jik; no wiir.tiiti A Sim ,h HA -., M Uf, fful f(titu..ii. utr 14 J-r-eTrY i H num T.I ri.UI.( A I .Iruntfui Ap- y I' -1 i i. nth N -r I - l-l A I'l. K w..m,i-r fr ..fcM h..--urk. t f 4-1,1 w - r4 M 1 ill , j T' AS!"ui:h I'ti-iif n. i .j.i- j( in i n t,i i I- If 4. It l I - ..,. ' ' 't ' e 1 I 1 all I'' - t' l a - r M ' 'Mil' -..:--,.,. t fill . . n i it i.f M yfi I I'll . 'iteVlf i. .. Ul' ! , iv i i.e. k . .. . II . w It. .'I'M I . eea : e. t- li t. r , At i-. 1 i MALE OR FEMALE. t ,U,i. V . , -H ., ,, -, . ., f,f ' 1 '( . cl . f -..I ll Ui . lirUATIONS WANrtCD Mens . l i 4 . e I $ - 4 -t i GOOD THINGS TO KAT - ii i - - t . 4 -I': VUHHiNO AM IUi a $11 . ., i ' ... I I . i ,. 4 . Mel i.s . ". i a -ee l. ... I. .' I S. .-a HUl'iUIOll) OOOD4 . - ' , ' - i . t . . r rvfC MAN "vm I Pocotft rut in wmination 01 ".6ne4ut& votmciANS inviu va,. ftvMiA cy c " ".WO?. A-MO UfVJ.tV K."ll. "TH MV.N WHttt CwAACae t ftVAVMVUV S AW VHrfc)tD AlVtN VCHtt "TntJ CmiMUVS VWGK'M..- IJMfW? I'tCAUtt Vlt i a, Ut& Ut A 0'.t IjOUltO "iMM A1K 000t BNt to ri HOUSEHOLD GOODS. h.XI'I.H'1' ai'Wing ii ai'bine rrpanuig. M If Kf.1.8. 16th and Harney nn td'J iJlNINi; room a. t, iif refng.,"! KB. hit LIVE STOCK, VEHICLES, ETC. KoK HAI.K fliealcr While. Hoaie, aublerl in ri.giatiT Miin-li plga. liood oma, prlca r'ght. J II. Kpoer. Valley, Neb, POULTRY AND PET STOCK If. I'lIltK" bred f..ghorn lien., VllH Mnple ht WA 4i,f-. WNK tortolee .bell pedlgre'd fnnialt, M 1 yellow male, tin. fall JA. I'.4. I'OH KAI.K Whlla Leghorn laying helm, II uplire. fnll KK H AinKllAlVirpuo. tail Ho. 2'Uh, WANT TO BUY LiKtiKM, liKHKb. IiKHKS.- Ntw ile.l.a, n.ed deeka hnugtil, aold and traded J ("Iteeil, 1 207 Kariianl. AT. IH41 WANT lo buy complete, ael of blin'kiinll h Ionia. Muni In. cli.'i.ii; in good coinlmuii. A'l.l r.-H y-Jini'.' iiniiiba Ili'i' WANT TO IMIKKOW. WANT lo borrow $25.0011; have I.V1.IIO0 Kill edge ieriiiiiil net urlllca um collHleial. Ilox VV ft 7 f, Omnllii llee. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE kl'.KU bal.y rorrtaKe; i-ry liond condi tion. Coat new, .41. Will aai'rlflie for $21", KK. ? 1 on. t.'ITV, county mailing II. ta from rt'tordg ttaxptiyeri.). full Mr. Kinery. HA. 22''.4. UVKIU'OATH and .mall ruga. AT. 1423. FOR SALE JEWELRY. .DIAMONDS ,,r ' " i m lp .iSlTi to buy back at email profit. OltOHH JKVVKI.Ity CO., Omaha, Neb., 403 N. lth Ht. Telephone DO. 604K. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OOOOf'OOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOO DO TltV TUB HI ALTO M f 810 SHOP FIHHT. A TBKAT FOR HA KG A IN HUNTKltS. In order to have room for new ahlpmeiit of phonograph, we will eacrlfW'e our preeent atock of new and u.i'd niaehlnea, legarrtlegg n( co.t. Kvery Ulai hlne of alandard make. and fully guaranteed. Jutit to ouote a few prices; $;5 Vletor. 111. t ;t) Columbia. lf. - I a 5 Pal he, 27 611. till Victor, 147, f,0. I25 Kill.nn, 6. (175 Kmeraoii, tn7.P0. ii,o foiiimblj. las so. $i:,0 I'athe, Itl'l. :':5 victor. 1 H. $275 Kmer.on, $135. $3110 Path Period model, $l7t. ir.o Victor Klecirlc, $200. And many nthera. And many olhers. TKRMS TO SPIT. NO I NT EH ft. ST f II AH'', K II. RIAI.TO MCSIC HHOP. Kill lloiigla.. ftiatto Theater Ftldg. OOOOO 00 oooooooooooooooooo oooooobbocioooooooobdooooo o o O KAU. CLKARANCH HAI.K O O O O t'.ed Piano.! Hare llargailui! O O High Krado piano players from O O $250 up o O AIno piano tuning and repairing. O O O O THK TIIATCHfcll PIANO CO. O O O O I4H llo.lgn St. JA 3n0. o OTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THALiK ymir ile.l piano on a new piano balance aa lo.e aa $10 per month. A. It OS I' hi JV.. 1513 Douglas. V A HSH A LL-W KN IiKi.l P 1 aITo " UrmaT WA. 37fct. fliltSA I. K rhone AT. MSS. tli ii 1 1 v I o 1 1 tf or"aa"l e . " $ l i, vT;.' J j : r STORE & OFFICE EQUIPMENT OO0O00OOOOC OOOOOOOOOOOOOO AND Alt nifikT bnut-ht rA ot reutM aii'l r(iirii Hoi af ii for ihc t'oRt'NA, (Irt our .r. t I'ffor. (ivi Extty mi UH. rmriiiif 4 KM I Kim TYPKWniTfr.n I Xr oouooonooooooooonooooo joo V, t. Hi V, (1 iV tii k tUi iw h" (. tit - r. K't'ut A Mil ply to,! w r ritr mi. t! imiii ja I l liKtH'uHK a.l.tirii m t him, , t- li.r i44ii,.r. H A i t. r AT. St li .l ti,..,r,ie BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, fun Lr.NT ' ' ' ... fill" I j . I f ,r ..j.. er i,,,. i... i' c 1 I ' .' a ,.l .,( ' -"' ' ' ' 'el . 1 . 1 ' " . I ,f, i e . . . I- I ' I '-'.' .1 . ; I , a pit u. ,. il T M il ll A '. I: HA! I 'bi. " I I i. t . l Ml., I.' . bt, . i.e. - a . . I , . if 1 1 1 I , , . III. ' b, I t ' -?l " I I. 4 .1 '. ... i, h t 5 a. ti I a. . k s) . . i,o .i, . ... aoMj. uh ix s r Drawn for The r "THAT'S ivvm VA9.TN TO AS0C(A1E. GOSH- wow wA-t vt t A ' At A NCAMH 0t AMD ROOMS FOR RENT UKI A.N HMAIIA 11 1", li, KHilM MltKCTllliy If you are nimble to find hated below (be roohi you de.lre In Ih location you want, Tho I'inalta llee tnaltitaliia a department to .uppiy you with a room, fall at our "Wimi" Ad counter for lloom lilracloi y. Ni-w li.t In.uciI every week for the benefit ft our remiete and udverllaera. W K 1 i'sT KH HT , ii 21 Weil fur'n"labid rooit. for rent In private home, clo.o to i uil'-edral diairlct. Hcaaonable, Call 11A. 77 1 T. PK1 VAT K hoin.,Brmor7'arkddTwT) ni'tilh fiurit rooma tlltown logrthi-r ran rti-i oiiiiiiod.iio one nr more peraona, I'rli'ea light. WA. H44I. IIAVKNH hotel I. opu,; in ronin.. a lan light lioimi Kin plng; aleu.n heat and hot tunning Water all houra llatea tuo and up by day; 12. nil and up 'per Week. I'l'KN. nn. with prlv. bath; warm, roue rename, m i'itui; price, leiironahli : day or week Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. HiiTI'.I, SAM'ultli mil, ,,!! Karbani. IHil'KI, lll'.'NSII AW mill and Karniim. Hpeelal rale, lo perm.ii.'tit giif-at.. l.AltUK allrinllve room, HlilfrtLlei fur l, in Iniiidie; iiiiala If di-.eyed. I'liono WA, Slurry Ht.. lo2 (Kor gentlemen) I'ntirni''-I tivn warm room., all modern, private TWO furnlahed room., piivule home UHC or garage. 2720 Pralt HI. Phone K K, .'1121. ailllabln for 2 gelitlo- LA KOK front room men or couple employed. 318 No. Ivili Ht. I.A.N'lioN COrilT, " 222i; iuraimVhculed iiom, walking iL.tanee, Tel AT. 7H71. TKI, KB. 2KU9 Modern VurilT 'rooinfor"Ti good local loti ; br.'ahfa.l if ijl'tiirml. .VI A M I HT.', 2n 1 7 Kuril lheif roonia,p"riT vale home. Adult. We. 07(10. NK'K oleati eleeping rooma, hot and copl water. 211 North Lllh. 2lal HI, No., 41 I New7yrl'inam"rTriTiii room. I or 2 ladlea only. JA. 1572. 2HTH HT, jnuH TdTT hTlmform" ployed girl. IIA. 7.04. 21ST HT., DM N. Nice, well healed looma walking dliilani'e. III1KHKTTK WI-7. 2(,12, Ht., 21H 3 modern rooma. NlCKI.y furnlahed room, with or without board, for gentlemen. HA. 4Kfi&. I'LKAHAVT rm,, a and w expo., gentle man. prlvfalii,7IO N, 27 Ave. IIA. 2427. KAKNA.M (ST., 4H24. I'leatialit room, prf vate, h'.riie;ref. exi'liangid. WA, 124. MOIjI;K," sleeping room with board jf ileaired 1127 So. illat. fall HA. 71IS. Ft ' It N IS I i !: I l (t lO.Vt k il 4lNo rt . 1 7 K7 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. URT A,N UMAMA UK IS koom rinKcTi.nty "if you are unnldo to find llMted below the ro(ni you dtiro In th lofaliuri you want. The Ornrih; Iit TiiditiUlnii a dfarf twent, lo supply you with room, tall at our MVmit" Ad countirr for Koom JMrectury. Ni:w list itjBUd evHry week for the bene fit of our n-udHrs and ndvertiiors. LAKAYKTTK AVK,, ;i(.(i7Two tilndy fur iitshid nnin tr linht hcMjixclieipiiiff, In i'fd iilfhliorhood. j'hnnti HA. OttlH, 1 1 1ST-' IASN rm 7T " a Iho fl u7Tm nipfit rm.i ; utifurn. if fifairchd. H(i:t7 Lode NI 'I'. f-lHJiti stoani-hpfiti-d hminUc'plni( noni, Ftrw-tly hhnI, S9 South -j.jUi 8t. 'J KN'TV -Kur htic- VfTTr's" NlT:Ty f uriiiMlnd mud urn houstk-M-plnk roomn. Twu pleriMunt hnlipK". i""idh; prlva fjim fly; innfli rii; r.-f. n-'juin l. KK. ;,Z9. 220 1 N. 2:id .Mo.l. 2-room, a lo heated :i part r ; walking di. lance. I TI-:L. W'l'.. 2171 Tivo modern rooma on ' barb floor, no children. -OARD AND ROOM would good living appkai. To Yof? We will accept a irnrlcted f,..w refined buslmea couples. Palis of lailir. or gen tlemen. In our l hot oughly niii'li rn private home, in room Willi .lile table liervire. Tin. ... who-! di rimlliallve tuelc for the i.-U' r hoiiio will iipcri1 te our ailggea- l ion to eerie, you. Truly We can Mote your ear KK 112 IH JO M AND ItiiAHl)" for 1 or or i ouch- etlipl.-y. ,1, lurlme. $. Wi-Ii, WA f.l.'J Huod.iy ev. itlng. 2 girl. 50 per :..''i V .IT 1 1 sr enitui.Ii two. ilea.ti'l l..i-iil,.i Il.-olltlfli fuin loom, I'rlv.Ce I. erne, board If 1'. IA. 2.M. HiiiiM .ml i.iinl for IV. at Kai iiiint. ptlint. people . tnptoved i.ioill) WA 725 .' HT. . HI i - Tl, u.ant rooi0 I, .ookitig. waiiiing .li.tnii. e. Iteaa. ! VM'V l g w .till fl'Ul', a i re a. Ii". Ill fi-r In wc " toiic tod al I,, i,.. . or. I U.l. .IA. i' 1 1 tl it . I Irn M i U b no g. , !. i in ,e j , I 1 III ;-i.t l".t'l. HUUSES l-OK kLNT ."t. i ii I i IV l 4 1 l .M'Kt UNT) Met lt Nt 1 i - - - r Om&ha Bee by Sidney Smith lliipoeM lei If I tAMUT IH APARTMENTS FOR RENT. "iMAIIA i.A'lliJi hr HKNIAL Al'lKNC'v" Thirty. four apartment buildlnga, ., apartnienta, relnfon-ed enm-rele. abao lately fliinroof, Murphy bed or bedroom apartmenta. fall on, and we will take you out, HRAKB RKNTAF, A'lKNCT. Fireproof Apturtnienta. JA. 2mill. AT. 1701 Corner An and llo.ol Htieeia. f tiK ltNT 8723 lloaard atieet. J'ieaio ant 4-roum aparlmeni on aaiond floor, newly decorated, furnace heal, $4.',. full at ttiO Hnuth Twenty-eighth etreet. Phone II A. 8344. A PA It T M KS IH A NlTTxA TH 111 ta'lltjo! W. J, PALM Kit Ci I. TlKAl, KBTATK Alaliar' inent, AT. aili Kei-llffe Mldg MuiiKli.S iiprit-liiietii., 2 to r, room.. To lilted within walking distance. Til" fill oil, .20 No. afcth Ave. or The Kloren- line, Oil Ho. 2filh Ht. JA. 1422. ri-.TKItU THI'HT C'OMI'ANV. "W1IKKK OMAHA II K NTH " AT 0544. nth and Karnam Hta. HT. HKU1H AI'TS. i:I7 ei. 37th Ht. 4, ft and g-room anta. IIA. M A Hi iN . Apia, lloor. fall IIA. u room npariioeiit, firat ;ia. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. . 1-ltJI. apt, l.t. floor front, e, and a. win. , ilow.. 2 I'lOM.'la; heat. Ilalit. iHOiuirv. loan,.. I'nee 1(11. 1-42 Norlli Huh Kt. Adulla. fall VK. 3M. c i'eoit M "St." v'i i,V"i ,7" "r,T, .Zi room, and prlcnle balh, AT, 4l4li. 4 mm., (in ' Ii. fur-tii-thffl roiiirtli!-: heated : r?r. adulia. 301 2 r hu-nun ,st, ka. butt; l'AIIK Ave., 0&n t mid" n-ravin pHrt inniii furriinhfd. iri'iiI'Tn. HA. BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT O00O00OOO00OO0OO00O0O0OOO SMALL MKIilIM AND LAItOH HIKD PKHIKAHLK KItONT OK I'li'KS, SINOI.K OK KN SCITK. KK.VNKDV HI. DO., joTll ANI DOI'tll.AH, APPLV KORTKIt. KAItKKIt CO. OOC'O q o 0000000000000000000 HTOKKH KOR BUNT MODERN atore room at 904 N 4nth' St for rent rea.onabie. Apply K. j, ii Tetiinle. Omaha H,e. AT 1000 pARAGESFCR JRENT OAltAUK for rent, near Omaha, unlveiaTiy" 2720 Pratt HI. Phone KK. :;2I, (IAHAUK tttnam ni;ated7 3irH.3l.t Kt" HA. 7121. I'KIVATH garage In rent. Hl. i: HA. 4! 11. OAHAUl: Hleatn heated"." Klreet. II A. 7124. l'i i iilK NT I c"a7 "ga ra gT Ave. Call Webster 123 H. Siith lif Pa iiat 30(i4"Tieiviiy MOVING AND STORAGE. FlDliLITY HTOKAtlK iv VAN CO. MOVING PACKIMI STOKAilK HHll'PINO. llou.ehold tioods and Planoa. R.ducd rat. .a thia week to LOS A.NliKI.KS. SAN D1KGO. l17-IlHnwaid, JA. 0281. KST1.MATK turn, on paik1ng.nuivand "toilng. Contiacta taken by Job or hour, (.lobe Van Storage Co. JA 4.U AT 02:10, Sona, owner. I HKKINS i'l MA ri A"vA"-KT7RAt'i K."" ; Hith and Leavenworth Sta I'HrUin ,,..,.. '"g. Hornge, ahlpplng. Afler Nov. 4 'phone JA.4ljS.' Moving Pack in a Sinrne I Gordon Kluproof Warehouse ft Van Co 1 219 N. llth St. Phone Do. 0391. BONDS, STOCKS, MORTGAGES SALK OP IRRIGATION BONDS Notice la hereby given that on November 2. 1922. at 2 p. in. at Ha offne Itl Geotge IV Porter'. In iv offi... In rill. Neb. the Kam.hnrn Irrleatlon In.. trlct will offer for aale to the hlghe.t for nieli It. entire fir.t l.aue of boial. amount.' log lo ..;!. 4 r.r r.H. beating il p. r cent In tire. l, payable .emlannually. Healed pro. p-i.aia for the putcba.e of bonda will l received until the day and hour above OHOied, the Hoard renrvmg the right lo ebler( to any and all leda- HlJ. Nhill'.l l mailed lo J. T Logan. Sec, Morrill, N i' k CHATTEL LOANS t Do VOH NKKDA I 1 I'l t.K IlKADY C HI ? I I"- :. 10'. -!'' l.ul.I.AIlH , or .ay other amount loan.d at leaa th.a 1. kr.1 rm. a j V-i l. t tape, ci pulil'.. ny. .y pv. ,io. en. i ..nlol, -utial. Tinny yeara III l.j.l- ne. I i'Maiia loan companv. i '"'' t'l'4'.b t' k t i J. 2i tln.el f - I.H and Doug He ' i ' I . bail.., IV and up on agfa rata ai . f ,i a,. , .. , .i,fi,u.,irfi ' ua t.uii ; ' w iii-n, . .i.t i,,..g j v :.n. I LOAN'S ON REAL ESTATE w i. n, I ' M l.ll. I ..a ua bud i v-aa en tiit.eka -' II I "I ilt.K K-.iia. ei in.; tr il I N I . . ,, .1 f , t lit It I N i a (.III Nl I ttaae ri le i .. ll'.ll - 4 1 a . ii i s r " II N K 1 . 'i . 1 1 iu si I I'l - - .ii ' 41 I m rivi t u i n i i 1 . i, .... , eke Kami Ixian i ' I V 1 1 .1 St i .Itt s a i. ri'SINSS, ANSOUNC1.MI.N1S to'iaeiii rittttsi. ' " . , , ,e ' - . -. . ., .. i , 14-. ... ' 1 ' -' to -, .. . .t, i t . . N.K i'ioatinj; ... . '. , , i . I Ulkt.f a 4i fueie I'l t.i . ..I.NISS ANNOIJNCK.MKNTS ) t Nrv'lia . K y '! H t A r ! "! , i.mht HH U III. I. .rl. II 1 1 H. .i ,i . h iiti.ti. ik . ( k' mi JUM H l l V J!' Nl'Mllo lllk IMJoll.t ivvi.if.l Ml all (' AT I 1 J lHIlttIM., ! trrHmlihr, i 1 ' t 'hMltir i Hi H III U r ruth 'tf. II A li. ( ll kllnl tit M ll.r II K l I'lll.MU thIMi V IV '(.) i Ititf VI Kit i i f. i lll. K ISil, I'l'I.H, itla rru dir. I, rriiiiml II A '! -ik auarli.t II A ."lf. I. Ir.l Hnl HA " I IM'H liA'I'l ilriaM.iik.i( A I 44)11 " MHNOMS.' tlui(1. i-lianv-1 i U IVO a n.iit. ll.ik.iwKi ruf ma ;:. ?'tt l.rfltrttWilllll M I'M cm Millll ml I, mi l.l.i. k imiiiU, I'lHUI Nil.) iril.iiniil fin tli . 1 1 n . . . ii. iw lmair.1 ml 4-U I'll Mi" li.Sni' fuks .r;: irml. n li iiillil lii"l Vr ki liir i'h , IS.'H I "mil" klllUH IMIIIM.. riV.Mil .i:M."l:KI r M i: K Th l iiiinit f. Ii"' . ! MA I I'll i-.KHt-l . mi mi k 1'il.l.iiw " ro -i tii; ', a.1,1 ii.l. nt ' i' J" '' fllrklin c'ii.iii, . 1 ' " I'VI'Mr IH'KNf . i" w UAIITIN. I'a'nil AU'Hiiry. IiW A leu Waaliinglou, " I help Inv.ntora .ill lhlr I'klMIM'. i:iinr Viii'iii'g ' - ' M,"L"'. " " TKKK, Till -MlSt.. Tit KK trimming done by e.perta. full line hrune and fiuit lire, full ua for tin aitvde Hhv. agent .'iiiiimi.-inna lli.MK LAM'N' AI'H Hl ltVll I INI 111 Ni.rlll 24th HI J A. Mil. ' ('( I l ( I I" AMrkH. AI'KX CI.KAN'HH lult llf.NT With altai lltnelil . ' EiC P'r I'ltnliir J,i, hhon " 4 . Mll H I MI a" ANM'I MtKMa UAHAHKa ttuiii. any g yie and ai. i up fonrtele aorg .nienn - wrnking to t.i w(it tii vfe-i'lt i li'l'lj iMM lurfftlllV rmmlUfiil(1 l the fc Hbermait 111111 IJTUm r4 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. obooooooooo6ooooooooobo5o o 0 O IHKI CAN". O O' ALL M A K KH, ALL MOPKI.H. O O llupmohll" touring. I Itt. Naell O O touting. -'.. I'tinla liti up. New o O Ford touring run lew than l.dOO O O mllea. O O MANY OTHKK HAIKJAI.NM. TKKMH O O Antlrew Murpliy & Son, n jlih and ,Iai k.oit Hi, open Hunday. O O 0 oooooooooooooooooooooooo oooob ooooooooo oooooo ooooo o O We have .evenil Kord aedatia O O j.rlced very rea.omible, ll will pay O O you lo ecu thetii before bujlng. O O O f. K. l'aulntin Motor Co., O Autboilzed I'ord and O Dealer.. O 20111 and Amea Ave. Lincoln KK. 01 40. O oooooooooooooooooooocoooo NKW and u.i'd Taia at a Imgii ill. count. ia.ll or time, all model car. from 1-0 and tip, Kuril hodle. and winter lope. (IOI.DKTKOM AUTO HAI.KH r'O . JA HI Harney Ht. HiiliPbarga'iiiB TiT u.ed Ford.; prompt delivery of new Kied.. MTAKKKKV MOTOR CO , The llandv Kord Bervice Htatlon lCth and Jaikaoii Hta DO. 3500. ni2ii"Folll ton truck with pneumatic lirini, in very good .liape. $l.'o. C. H. PAl'I.SON MOTOR Co, 20th and Ami. Ave, KJ':. ".'' NEW "and e.eii Korda, caah or term.. C, V.. PAI'LHON MOTOR CO , Authorized Kurd and Lincoln Denlere nth and Ame. Ave. KB. JJ'i Hf2lKOIti) fed in with etarled and de mouniiibln nm. completely erpilpped with many extra.. Priced for quick Bale. KK. 01 4B. V K I KN'f i A B f,Tl t'SKI) OAKS MKKK4 AL'TO COMPANY. 2047 Karnam HI. ;4,,,2: RhTixIANN-ililgneto, Rayfleld Carburetor H.rvlee. General Machine and HloekBmlth Work P. Melibolfg 4 Hon. JA. 2650. t'SKI) Ford parte at" half price. Parte for nil Btrttiflard mcke care. Neb. Auto Porta. 1 n I II Harney Ht. t'RKIl CARS O. N Honney Motor Co., 25l4 Karnam. NKW AND UHKI) Tl R KS, $2 50 AND UP ll 11. TIRE AND AUTO CO. 2RE Karnam Ht I' A 7404 HANSKN AtTTO PAINTING AND HECORATINO. JA. 1,7(15. 2202 South llth SL T'rJrD can that can be need NKHRAHK A OI.DS.MOU1 1.K CO, Howard nt Ith AT. 1770 HAVU Chandler aedan In guod condition that i will .ell at nn atttactlve figure. Lock Hex H84. City. tlKKKNOCCH tepalra rndlntora and fenij era at 203 Karnam St, Tell JA. 2001. i TCPH. ceiluloiii and "gl." aide "curtalna; liiulek aervlce. PKKIFKKK H l-ton Irueli, condiiinn. t;: ill new puiumatlc Urea. A-l ;ia Wirt St. OLDS ' S" louring. $275, batgaln. KK. 1 7 43. fiody. fen.ier repair. 2.11 S Har. JA 378. H'lLl.Y. expert amo trimmer, fc 1 3 8. 24th VKLIK. very good, $i:,0. KB. 174.1. I TRUCKS, TRACTORS, ETC. K LU II 4j -ton Ri'pulilM' ti in ks etiulppt-d with iln in lod;PH, liyilriiulle hointw and i nlm, all in Knod itifhiinirul fund it ion f HitUhbiH fir road Kiavi-lintf or coal haul -itii? I'rlfi-d fibril t f'ir Ui H StHvfhn i . rporntliMi. Hi, JSouth Fif 111 atrt'ft, Mia t t'h pdlirt i NEBRASKA LANDS ' " A GOOD i.VK. Iler'''a n piece of laud .omebody can make s-nna leg money on: Half aectlon, a mile and a half east of Wav.lile. linn-en county. Nelt $;.;ooj lakea It on quick aale. Cha. I Nloore Galena. III. WANT lo be. ta m lie. w ho 0 open v. il, fnv. Neb ir fiimi ownei. of ebra.-ka , vil.h to e. change for other j, A. Larnor Company. Centlal j WANTED REAL ESTATE. Charles W. Young & Son It. II K.t.le. Il-n-a... ..,.,,... 1B"2 Cltil Nat, Ilk. AT 3"iH, l.l-i i,. .- a ' lei i,, c ti,.,i.. HINDER & OTIS, ii. Rental. J 2 It. I . I,. (v ,., u,.., ,,,,,,, p. He .e'"1 FOWLEU & M'DONALI) : lintrt. ih4l;;1.! ,ji.Miii t If H-nHir "Tukey Sold It" a I- run a ,- 'S ll--, I,.,, .n 4 .1 . MKKKTT ti At. i n tir, a . e..h, n tree I. a C' I C.T.aSpior& (a, Iiealtors : I !! H.. M 4. 1 (JIIUENIGr I I I I . V 1 1 I ... I .1 a i . , I v a W"'tt I Is MM. pi I a a.' t II - SI trt S'L a. t r i f lilt ( 1 I i i i 4 I VACANT V O I' t k T Y ' .-4 SALK OK EXCHANGE. h iit, i in 1 itij i mi "!- f t .I I., n, ,,f J vv imjiir I iiily .hih fli iu iiiMl.ln H( f t't iKt-f it kltK ti ( limnliH' -r lnt' A"l t.-'f 4i 'i r (..( (( lu'i'i'" i t H flirt l'l W t U k ' " t '' d'l I 4 l.'I'ihfM tUttl4 It IMft ,.tltV in (mI f. fi.i, t frf-, I. v. 411 I S .,'11,11 . Al'liri I'"1 H inn h M U I 1, Ut I ' l- 1 Hi U ' ! KEAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS, hit .u pi i i. i s r Unlnil 4 4lhiMli il.-un.r. Hill !! iir tin.. i lii.i.iiif i.-r iiM.inlt l.if r ii l iMlll.tll'V. Illtt. ll.lllbiMHf tiir .iMti mil iwvv mi'nil l'i !. 1 . T'.f'lii tf i.iif.l I . i f4'i. . lhli-ri.i.1 ( . h iiiiiMii.i Ih mi' ii I ; ,.r IM :i AIHIIIi llfliMAH .. II I u . dr ill. M ACKF.AGi: KOi SALE ooooiioooooooooooooooooooit n O o o o o o 0 o niir it 'i. i nf K.m.t Inn. I intiiir llHItlMlllil llliltl. U H I.HUH1II I Mil Hiilill.a.iti. lit V AT ! I in. 1 1 u.I lll.l. o Mi; a.i'i, ifMtiil I mi rini-lit" (iiim I l.i. n f .r Ni.i. km. Ii il ili't't"! Irfitu, aK til... ka ft. Mil lil .llirl iIiIimim. luail, r mi" will lulu Jl.tHlil t!"n mill pfif mm. lit h AT 114' NORTH SIDE I'kOPERTY. . Kl V K iti a it buittfitiow fm rale by owner, t-'lot-h. d in oau, til-'e b" alien, aoed neigti l..irlii..., l ine. K lil'n, fall 2IJ (I. 4'Hh Ht Hr.eli Mo.lern ti.k I'lm.h. llillM.e, (Oilier Inf. CO.. HI. w.llt effeT. ' fall lie,r AT fill, nr HA 3714 7S7 liKi,ATCIl--r-ltlii. Mod K. heai; I b.lg r,i-io mil t 'llaiee monihly. Cielglt, an. Itr ,f n:na NI;V al.oiiiii iHjleh i .lonlal hoo.e; oak fininli. iii.r fr,,ni, line Incalloti; prl.vd to ei II 14 I "4HO It K tll'l K tii Cm Imiv ..,! eell home. , SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY. ip r, I'llbf I nil-f I'l'lll I -Mill', 'ri,..T I r. . I,.- t-t llijiiH nn.1 fiiiv u-h(i; out- rule fliihh toilet, in South omaba. ea.h, balame niniittily pa) mettle. lni.4 111 JA. WEST SIDE PROPERTY. MIIAND tiw 9 r run il liunn In HupPf Hl h w f urnmlirti in niM lnijEauy and till natn-l. Til- flnnr and alla tn Imili rnoni. Iiiiill Itt tul'H Hti'l -ihowfr hnih. H't uaf-r hal. J'rit , 1 1 ;,f.(pii ; wilt U I va Ma-anti at fiiift 'Icrnia it dfnitvd. i'honn lluiney i-nr nr Harn. y 211 & - w 1 1 mi?i" - Veur Tvrnin AT. 4PM. Grove-II ibliard Co. ,,&",?!?,!! imxim'K!U,,":,; Phone AT 0 4 H or WA. My Hpeelalty. Keellne Hldg. fi7l)4 evening.. BENSON PROPERTY Tiu NO. I'll HT.. II rooma, aummer liltchen. well, t ialern. oeinnil walk., 41 lot., full b.nrllig orchard.. IIO.OOO. Kaay lerm. Apply S30 fhlilleg HI. DANDpl-rooin titlngalow: Int B4l0! half block from car line. Price IS.IiO. C. A. Orltnniel, phone JA. I H I ft. DUNDEE PROPERTY. KOK Dundee property fee K. II. Ilenner CO. 404 Keellnn Hldg. Call ua. DO. fc4o. FLORFNCK PROPERTY Home Agent (!. L. NKTIIAWAV. Tel, KB. ltn. MISCELI-ANE0US PROPERTY "We Build to Please" Temple McKayden Co.. lftOR Karnam Bt. HThTINOH H KYDKoT "rteallore. ni:'i I III J J,ih'iiii I I I I I I I I I i WANTED - By Missouri Pacific : at St. Louie, Kaniaa City, jjj ( Little Rock, Omaha and other important pointat J Machiniata, Boilermakeri, " Blackamitht. Standard wage and working conditiona. ; Apply 217 South 14th St. : Omaha. Neb. " ' m i'1'tl irilHi'iliil'ilalnlrJiiltilnlHlnriliiliit'il.nnliin !'. The C. B. & Q. R. R. has made permanent agreement with its present employeg. Have va cancies for a limited number of Machinists Boilermakers Blacksmiths Car Repairers Tin Smith ' Apply lat Floor Burlington Building, Tenth and Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. nn in n l l i i i i in n l: j Why Are the Railroads Z Not Furnishings Cars -to Move Coal and Z Foodstuffs? : Iters ii r. owing to their reftnal to " aettlc the Bhopmen's tnke. the moat if their rara are nn aide tracka i I nwaiting repair, while the farmeea - and fruit Brow-era are faring ruin and " the pubhe atarvation wllh the dde " , h.uard if freexing thia winter while " , .ome nf the '"Hie Hard" railroad of. " , 'iria a tcke the Position of "The rub. Z , lie be " r. . . , ,T. . . .7.7. . ' ' t l.l . . 'I I I I I I I I I ! , , , , , , , " Omaha Federated Shoucrafta Fdsco Lines vnt Machinists, 75c per hour Boilermaker, I 75c per hour Blacksmiths, 75c per hour Kot Sprii jrt.'M, Ma , arti i'hr iiit4 nn Krini t Hits, r IS rm tin-tit t n ! nirnt 'oa;tt!v ;iirtn!i'1 t,i thi-av h,i t all lii.thfv, A k r t-tt-t.t NEW t !t a (i in i ( 4'ilVir IT W T Vli f fill jj. ii 'i.t ta'tt ,.f -1,1V , riH.t IIS, llaWt I aril.!, ttM llaittay nJ Il.a n St K M o o o o o o o I I I I I - . 4 .