The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 30, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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The Husinesb Hurometcr
Week Outlook in Gitnnierie, riiiiinee, Airririiltiire
anil Indiihtry llaseil on Current I t -l ttpii uti t
Kef Ulare
a. raum ornrf
Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManu
iCpyrmht IVZ3I
II ' I acO ----wSkSSS:St I ;zJ
tmc coat::
Hjr llirolHtKr. II. I'KII K,
lltr ( .mm mere. an.1 I Inanra, Naw Wk.
Tha . refnry i f ngn. uPura, Mr. Wal
m4 i . JxitV ff-I an lt"H l at ek HI
vault ft.i ten -,$ implant im demand
ing tuHrr frs-.gM fi fr farm foJ-
ii Ah H la unilkefy ihttt ih crriry
f agrhuitura c u l hva apiiaeaj u fonl
lily H hi u( i ha at Ltiuvul i-f t ha ri
Vnt tut apae- ti t ifhjs th inot tin
tenant n w of trw Mnk tu id mlattun
$w rtoiuKwtit Nffiilii,
Tha appeal lr lwr f-t. -a vol. ed by
(Hr. W'jtiiot ru. joat im Ih r.-nii)'!.
Vm( th- N-d'iK it Wmirn ami ihiih
tlirr rm'i ni ttiuiuuit) it r-auinpiioii
fit yrt dividend, and niri' hpar
trii ii irtt:n (r -oyila and tia"rlfv"
U rv.t i iff-t 1 1 Im f til nil i
imb-na 1 ha r .ptf nf tri!n i an Im re
1ud I' ' n ! Ml us it It la imt aurpi latog
hat (hi r.i;fund toivhlhMtion fur who H
thw ht' h umni.ii lull luv'l'- are again
being m M"iiftiy dm ii"d. Th. ll ji.tu
under n th N.-rth-rn Pacific, th
Hfui . tfirfri n.J th- Hu' hogtmi WuuUI
be ij.i.j tn nvntefi, t agnin li'ini
c1t4iari, i f - ..,r ttiMt tha N-w
Tk i.iitrr.l Mill ttk" "vr lha Hi-item
Mn!i"l hi'I tunny ohr amalgaitiiutinna
art . tt.g auifurnr. ,1.
Aa thy take- hi ft U probably b
di'jvt-l (tint fi'itny la.jwity itui H If a
linw r 1 1,) 4 at ilinioujii hiv a vaiua
In' hi f j uin iilu 1. 'I hie t-x pia in lha
riUfHr fiuiMtoM i.f lutiway aliui-a In ihn
a- i.ntietj nHikittii, wim h liHvr ln't-u
uthifA - ti '.iiti'l at a oiiit.ttiiitt luwi-r
ranaa nf miu fur tmih lunula and a(i ki,
The 1,1'ftiy IbtucR hvfi rttuHtntftl tn r
flc t ttia ri.ii I'-hiiiK ut Otn miMify ruBiUttt
ati-l vmii ttltry Mrltuit ni'w,4'a mrn
I i " w t itt t mi iirn n, Tiuh I -In hutnts
tlttVe of I HUIM ImU'-II Ihrlr liM f 1 Ki(V
rnirt-itt ..-i ui ill . i h"y, tiu, Hie ihvnM-r.
Th a'(" 'K'txla ilitiiu'tly
ilr, hi iiy aa a ifijlt of th' ton!
rut In i t r , mill the rft uf lha lint
hi In-ill .tlhr ilr'iyy tiipH th riifttiil-
u. 1 il hii-Mf jn ,.f li vi'l nila hy
aoiiiv if th uil i -iiiitifij a and lh fK-l-Im
iii of t li iiif ki by h'ii a ho ha va
i"'f"l I hu i it i u hi u Jo 1 1 if ii of activity
WUl'l ft'allfait iifi-Ulwtinn.
( oniiniiillllra I Irm.
C omrii".tii-i. oti tha Mli-r hit mi. hnv
htu t f.ini i'it'1 in ma'iy Inipurt.iiit Ntaplra
ii ttiltuM-e in pi lit w ' tirlf-t-a hit a
rf'n i't'irt . i, i 'uMoti unl KiMiila
havu h. n i nnii U'iuty utrmm. ho huv
wo. I Htnl vnul.ii k.mU, Jtuhhvr ha hiild
put t of I ha ai vmu a ri.-vtii ly rfiurtf(t.
Th- lfii'.-iiy )n the t.rrtiii miiiKi-ta I mi 1 1 J
Ui.woM i'..rf'. t-4 atnl rh . ho vi! n
rlitivly linn. I'M rrup unr Un Naaln
ftilwuif "1. A'ii nl Mr.mjty until tun
( toi uvhIUI.Ih a hnlH iii.! n the
uni ati K :n t'ttha lmv a Iillnl lu
only 75,'")D ton.
Arming tha in t ropirr In lha only
Irkm'ikI It'iri, at"i hikJ tin ara all
In nmxl itfiii;uil Ht mil prlcf-, t ruay ba o i in i.f I h at ii pi i omnKxlilii'M ara
rn-irlnn i i-r.'-i h-vp tit whu h mnuump.
tin will ! ih'dii, Lu t Ihla, I iloulHful
tor ii;iinnmn l M.ncrMl hhi! in thu ntira
at JiiiMl tht'in i$ ni) uiifmpl'iyinant, (Uun
.h nr in ln liml ly all th"a wh ara
1 1 Mn aj to work.
(.olil Inflation,
Tha theory i.f auM inflMllnn f.i which
I him. pirvii.iiMly rifirr"!, la h-roinmif
totH-nilly u(--iiti-i rxplalnlnir th con
ti HnliiiK at r-na' h f thn roimnnrlii y niar
htstn uml in .-iikiM-H of tha ai urlty mar
k'tn. Th hi'.-nt aiKhurlty nf dmtlnrtlon
1n Rfrrjit thla theory la tha Harvard
orniiilt la of 'onomln rnar h. I la
tlmirjiiHii ir(litfi pUnily and idvunrlnif
prh r fni- th- ti'-xt (if d", liMi-aim an in
nuMl itH-tHHt of lir.MiiMi.Doi) in thn wnrld'a
tin k nf iiioni iiiry jftJd fr tho mtt right
ycHr id I it .II. .mI. Hlr (tent itn I'aUh of
l.oiMl'tii. who Ik itvor hara on a ii'ture tour,
la tiiikniK In ihn Htima atrriln and many
t'oriio fvntiva in. rt-hont. Hnd financier
h. for ii't-rl Y wtT dlHpoii'd to ponh-pooh
whit t t hi-y en Hi d rolu-fu prof?Kiir'a vlrw
of fi rm. .mi.: ii u uttona, uta now ronilnK to
rriihzH Hint thn ui h.ihlrtg powar of gold
an pupri-iM-l in otlur rommodltlan. in
dm'linltiK fi"'l will prohnhly cuntinu to
6 Una hi luiif as tha l tilted Statea re-
Bunk narlni (Drailitriita In thou-
!Iu.:i..wb failure. ...7 .
frVrt.-rnl H.rv... r.-.ll..
Kirui'lty prii... New Vnik Hioak KxrhaiiKa
'ii Imlu.irnila -
1!0 r ilh nnilK
411 l.oii.U
Commodity Price
UImi, I ii;.'. delivery. Chicago
Corn, Ipc, di-Mv.'iy, ChlraK
H.f. K11111I dr'-il l"Pr, ChliaKO
l'ork. rll, Oi l. rtclvry, ( hlcago
Huuar, rnflnfil. New York
Coff. Rio No. 7, N.'W York
Cotton, middling, Sew York
Frlnt I'lolh. Now York, ilotni-.ilo avaniae. New York ...
Milk, No, 1. Hlnahu, New York
Kuljber, rrude, planla.. Now York
lnla, naik, No. 1, New York
Iron. No. 2. I'hlldel,.hl
.Stool Llllata, 1'ltnlMirnh
Trade Review
Hy R. G. VIS TO.
Kvldenre. of business expansion multiply,
and the galua now cover a wider field.
One uf the beat features of the preannt
aituatloli. marking a further, departure
from hesitation, 1. the tncreaaing dlapoei
tloo to provide for forward rwuuirementa.
While this tendency I. not yet general.
It ia dovrlnpliig atea.llly lu various line,
and 1. "M.ectnlly noticeable In textile chan
nels. Purchasing for tmmedlate or nearby
need. only, which hx.1 long been the com
mon pra.tic.., la being succeeded In nu
merous lustancea by demand, lunnnliig
Weil ahead. Indicating a better sentiment
and more mnfldeiice in the future. Instead
of continued active competition for or
xlera. with price conceaalona made to stimu
late buying the point baa been reached (
in some cases where producer, aro so well i
uiigag-ol that additional offerings hava I
been w ithdrawn, and many price, ara ris- J
(tig. W th f.-w exceptions, statistical mea-I
sures show that the trend of operational
In baic. indu.'rles Is upward, outputs at
tome plants being the largest In two year,
or more, and repons of labor shortage re-)
fleets the d'.lded change In employment
condition. Losses In wane r.aultttig from
re it protracted strikes have not been
without restrictive effect on consumption,
of commodities, yet the retail turnover la
heavv In the atgrfgale stal general tiade
In the south respond, to the noteworthy
advance in cotton price.. The business re. i
Mill la not confined to any single geo.
giaphkal action, but extend., in varilng
ilegre.. to all parts of the country, and.
revorda of bank clearing, commercial fail
ures, car l.. Unite, and other indice. reflect ,
the improv emei.t.
oltoa Trlra I iHursj KtUmlral. I
The plus moenient lu cotton has con
tlnu.d the .vcr.h..l- vvuu. pul,.tive t-a-ture
Notwithstanding the taptd t; dur
ing Ihe (list three week, of ivtoter. the
ail.-an.a extend-.! this week, with the opt "lis slid lha ml spot duotation
r..s.t.g the 2tc bss.s Not oniv la this
the i.u, level of tha current wr but It
t. the l.lrhesl pMnt s'laltlej 1111.
l;tl, when price ot pi.t!.'llv lie
aa'aMishe.l Tfc main rmpellmg for. a be
fund tne pieaeal p'l.e upturn in .oniunc
In.a tth h tt..Me,a' c'P h
th. .tsv.:,.T lii..nt ot a Mo I deii.-iod Ooin
Hade n4 Ik lotting l.r In
Hi mit ha ! 'h t. .uoe to
htiog qalc ..! from aelk.-
r.u- l t r-n ft! The Tll l
.nstS hre HI IMnWl I !'J-1 'h.
s..a. .!, a '' . '". 'I0'
hi',., wh h i 1 .! ' "'
Ih. .m.oiat "! h m li l'l
xr I it I.I ! mot 'k.n
tU. U,f !..' ! I' th. .Jl.eol
..sow Cn .,'' 'he tl "J
i .i.g .1 ting ' ' ''
".. - .k. I I ' '" " "
l !' "''
r.ttil. Iietlta aM lew
l.xl t'- ' ' ' '
k.( . ... I tt. ft. l V i
, ik. ...i.. a '
m ' . ' '" "' " ' "
.... ,,,,.fc,M. I..,. r.r-
i i m
i , (
i ' ii
W. .1.. . I 1
. . .. " "
it e.
a -
. i. 1
t -
... e
'.... J ' '
a ..... .-
ik. I
u - '
c al
MO. r-a '-
a - r
. . v. S "'"
. 1 . .1 .
... ,,. a, vr th tm'y Important inuiifry hi th
"'"''I "'" ! ' ili.r..
i ' t It' miff IIMIRI 111 (fl IMtW UIU
due aU,
i I'nwrr uf liutil.
'I m tha puiImio pur of (old
la diHiimna; u lui mthr wMy uf
mi vina t hat th Valua of t'.hiii)di(iea an
ak.rfid in t.ftu tf K'id, imi ad
vn a aiid that th pri ca of uritira
ni'mt d Una. fr th talua ut lha ial
ir ia only that of Kil
KrM tlma I rrtuln.
rmntmiiK tha rut ret'tn of th'a throry
a further adam lu i miiii-liti. uml a
!'. ilm Hi 'imitli. -h.- ,ily h'-nd",
ii to ha indi aid Mm It I rmi io
Im rxiitit thiit any of thu tiotinui Mill
j.M'KHni i "iii!iiii'uiy in on du ti-ut.
tiol.a m ot i ur from la hum and for
'i. h rt-a !" iritcllitit tu hiiHin"'i mfti
h"ut1 pr para ilicinirlwi No rula t hat
win a unlvmllv apph iihla i an ha lur
fnulati'd mi mii ni. in ni, armitKil hy
i ton ohrt Ion, tnunt at ill ha uvfI In
n tha um bartxi i hanriitf o( bua
lni"D W li'ii avryotia hnt a-c p"l tha fhrv
of itnld Inflation, It wtll pmholtlv ha found
that pa affr t haa but n d.a 'Mintd.
I a Aim-rlraii lollitr.
Mv rapurla fn.m ahroad art I hut tha na
'f lha Aiirl''Hii d'dlMr ar an um.ff i ih!
lindliiin nf ni hailKM, liif riio; Uicuijlt
ont runtincntiii Isutopa, Mhd I lie ilf- linw
In f run-n, lira, nd ot her i nii 'ii -i-m
! la nttnhijtd chl fly lo tha auM-r-m-aa
to rn.h'inKf Hurt hli-M pH (' ninricy
f-r itirrfiity of intinriiy thut la pn
at'ta in icoid.
4'harii tiloi Wlrlh'H propomil that tin
(iiTinun no artiiniftil h'uld df Ijii )i Mlf
I -i i.l runt Ima i .um'( actin nx' ( nn lion
tut"nir 'h- thouti hl'-nn, hut with nun k
wrliiriK at aV i-i-iiim a hu.idiid th-' hank
rupwy of ti.rnutnv wiojid m-itt to hava
li-n unuff i uily i onfin' l nod It la to
.. rfmcnih.trd that tha h:inkruptiy of a
K"Vi nni nt dor not moiniurily Imply
Ihn tmiiktupti y f l' p""l'lf Th.- truih
of thla (ihfi v.iilnn la Hit'.'.!! h th- r
orta of Iniproid huntinnd in I'.utopu that
ant now hrlnK tmiUnl.
At a ni"tint of i hi? AtiHil'iiti Mlnllfl'
tnriT l;jtpmt aur!)- laiion, ir. Jiihua
h irin, a aoy it n merit cxiH-rt, .xpri'poo-d
hlrm-'-lf inoat niiiiiiaii-ally in n.ttl
fomlKlona In lliuoi.o and fn.nd of nilna
who l a Ur- d.rfUr In nuvHl fii
mo iht h hn.1 .old 6,' hrrei of I
.. .... 1. I.'.. .k.a r,,an tl.
ihi..i Uhi u.-. k For in. r.min n i
wtiR piiid In AniTlian dulliiin. Mm !'id
t hkl it wuuld prohwhly ha ufi'd in tha
ihriuf't'ii" "f amip, a".) ad.h-d thut imw
that tha h.ilHhuvli't w-ra ( miu mi n m K
U-.i imitp thnri -aa h"p. vn fof KurmlH.
r nn-iition thn trm.aiMlm fnnripia avl
drn'o of th thn! lha rhminHfj nf
Kurop'in ini'lo r bvSn unidually re
opfid, ftliitlMtlra Not Hlitnlflnint.
Th w-'-kly autlMh'n " cnpi'liilly
Mivnifirtint. Tha rwrvp. mtlo r "ia iu n-toTvi nyMii'tn ahuwA h K;iin
i.r 2 .
u.r rfnt. It now aiiitolH Ht
77. ti h a roin-
A ullh tit 2 a Wfro
nun. inn nn-
hlv Mil,' tn ilm IIimiI'Iu
in,,, nf itbiIiI lin l.l.tit l Iho rflnirlliuMiin
n( lh iti.v'TMinf nl lioinln riri'h'lv lirouKln
mil Tli.' K-.lil helil h"W n rilu.'li"ii of
il'-Hrly 2.0ilO.HI"i, whi.h trlm lily Ttrc
ih .nnUnu.'l illi.lMiirni.-nl of er-
ilfii if .r "yllnw Im. k" l.y ihf lmnk.
Thn i'inoM.nilni lii-lwo'-n K.'lr.m-n-liillvn
Krear and H." rHiiry M-.Wm In ri
iriir.l to lh Kl.i.-k iIivKIitiiIh rm'ihtly il"
f'larnl ly 0 Hii.n.lnril oil nrntmnO-x nwiy
fri'ha.l.iw him n Unit will bo
dpiKiifl to nmkf mi' l llvi.l.n.i tuxiiblc
PrrHlilKIll Illinium Blivnin. y ...
,hn. in lha Inw or n unii-nilmi-nt
......uiiiMtlnn that Hilt C I.iim
lo l Muruitlon null r.ntrlil the
tr.K-rlirniut MUrlM. in nnnllir ivl.L-m-
of Oi illnlniflllnn to Iho Imntciii'p
i,l tin. Incomo Im law tlmt nhoiiM not hi
iKnoted. It my hv a v.ry tiiirtnt
.ffKia upon th enilr. ..rurlty market.
Ornrlly Kprnklnr. Iinwovtir, thrs euni
fvery rcanon to rxprct a cnnllnuiinen or
rniinrrll m-tlvlty durlnn tn wlntir iiniT
a rnncurrent and Inglial prlo4 ol nulea
cnica In tha aociirlty market.
Knd of Knd of
T.a.t Week Prevloua Week I.aat Year
18.912. HI
15,993, BSD
"II .
91 (II)
91 13
1 ll'i
in so
, in; lift
. 1 o '4,
.07 U
.-2 a
1111 211
90. Oi
1 12'4
.'17 ,
HI. Ml
?.J 14
"2 7
72 2
TH 9
1 HI it,
15. SO
,0k '.4
.01 '4
29 no
IIM mainly for oulck deliveries, the bulk
of spring purchasing Is yet to develop, and
sign aro not lacking that price advancea
are tending to Induce dealers to anticipate
future requirements more freely.
Weekly Failures
Business failure, for the week ending
October 2 number 372, which compare
with 39 g last week, 470 In the like week
of 1921, 219 In 1920, 104 In 1919 and 139
In 1911.
, M. Iaitils Grain.
St. l.ouis " .Mo.. Oct. 2X. Wheat 0
ccmliei, I.I4; May. tl 12.
Corn Muceinher, C7c; May, f.f.'c.
(lats Itocember. 4"c; May, 4;ll.c.
The Care and Control
of Securities
All securities require and deserve close attention. The inaugu
ration of a Customers' Securities Division by the United States
Trust Company is the outgrowth of a demand for a service that
will secure the depositor a safe and vigilant custodianship of
bonds, stocks and interest-bearing securities, without the loss
of personal control.
Under Such a Securities Account,
This Company Will:
leposit jour securities, subject
to your order, in fire and
burglary-proof vault.
Kxchanire temporary certificate
fi.r permanent bonds, thu elimi
nating annoyance.
Advise of maturing principal,
thu permitting immediate re
inetment without the It', of
Present promptly for pnynui.t
hii due, both Intetl ami
principal, thu effeetiinr eon.
enience and inreaed baUnc".
lAerute the ale, tratisfrr an I
dilivrry of turi!ie depo.ted
Our f for thi lerviii i try mHlrte, drpndnl upon Ih
ntur tf th urttit tlvpoiitatj nJ th ri rndrtJ.
W vdl b plJ to submit Ih dtil upon rqvtit.
Mmtih jtntra Sruat (itmpmui
ehf Unttrh Statiti Xatlmial Uauk
1 1 1 1 m pill I lt"f on, and hlhfr or nut tha j . I 3
hnanc a "ZWZ'ZM',? Omaha Produce W " - " :-,V:,;::.';.;'T
1 lUUIIblUI vll and th. r.mll.iuut..-- ..f l.i..lna c VllldllO i IUUUIC I .....-. k, '.nf....... i a ..... - - . " ..... k..,. . . ,1 , .
N.'w Vidli TIiikh.
O11111I14 lira I riwrd H ire.
NfW Vork, Oi l. ,'2'J. Mont fliiuiiclul
mitiki In cf Hip iia.Mt w. U, ilimliict nml
lininlHiiikililt' iim w:ii thn trt'iiil of
vitliKH, were Miirriiiiiiilii Willi u curl
minly InnnHiHlcnt not of I'livum
Mtunrrtt. The ktock tinirhot wan fall
I11K, 1 1 id 1. h 1 1 la I ami rnllwny
kIiiu'cm liuih JulnliiK In the downward
muvt'iiii'iit. Vi't roporlH from (he
t'liiiiitry'n IniliiMliy ilexrrilipd tho fill ti
nt Ion thi' lii-Nt Hiiiio thu Inte irinK (if
IflJ'), roMirt of rallwuy truffle
inovpil that the tniriHnortntltin lliif
aro workins thflr maximum of on-
aiinourircinont of In-
rr. HH'il dlvlilondH wax bolng iiihiIu by
both klndj. of coiiipiiiiIcn,
I'llifg were kHIiik way In the
tiiiiikct for fonipuny bonin; yet
moiii'y I'l iiialticil euy uml the fmh'rul
ti-m rve hliowcd liirrcUKe In tha lure
fxlHtlnt; iiiuikIii of uin'iii)loypil credit
farilitlox. Tho old Mlitrly 4IH prices
iloi llni'd to 1 to 1 polntHbi'low par;
,yi t half a billion new I'nitH Htates
4111 jileceH offered for par In canh,
wen; applied for nearly three times
Oirlliia Nut New.
Tie. wtika rapid il.xlln" In thn atnek
market under aurh aeemlngly ronttudli.'
lory i-lri Ulualarieen la not ul ull a. new
phenoiiieiion. It uaed, indeed, 10 be a
vety familiar Incident to thn beginning nf
a proeperon. autumn a.-non, tho convinc
ing explanatlo on all auch occaalona be
ing that aurploH Imnk reaoui-cea which
were 11..1 engaged during th." unlet um
mer nioiitha had been borrowed on day
tu day loam by Wall Hlreut apeciilatora,
to bid up Iho ato.k market In anticipation
of profitable ucllvltiia.
Much of tlila credit h id been racallfd by
bauka whn reoulremenia of liuaineHa ttor
rowera In. rented, and that tho mock .pec
ulator", aeelug that they had gone, too
fuel and too fr, aold the atocka which
they hart been carrying nn audi lounn.
fome, tlmea the downward turn 111 Iho
market came. In immediate .connection
with a very aharp rise In atork ejehange
call money ralea, nmetlmea, a happened
even In the "war boom." it occurred al
most automatically.
((Mention Hled.
It nccuirence alwaya ruiil the ques
tion whether thn riueatlnna of trade pro
perltv liad not been groimly eagg.-raled,
or wiiether eomethlng elxe might not have
hnppeni'il which would prevent the proi
perlly from being realized at all. Some
time, one or both Hipprchenaiona turned
nut to be Jilnlified In tho autumn of 1KIII
and 190C, for Instance. Hut everyone ih
inemb. ru also ru.w the aamo ml.glvlnga
prevailed In tho war market, of "
CI15, without bflng In tha, leant fulfilled.
JVrhapa Iho historic Instance w.'ia tho
overwhelming crash on tho Mlock h.x
chango In May, 19(11. when the fall In tho
extravagantly expanded atock market oc
..rPA.i n the verv eva of one of ma
greatest trade revivals In our history.
Reaction In an autumn bond market la
even familiar than the autumn re.
action In stocks. Unmet Imp. It has been
ascribes, I to actual tightening of money,
which effect. bond valuo. adversely by
raising the Interest, ratu nn cnpllal (there
by automatically lowering valuation of ex
isting aecuritle.) and by inducing Investor,
to convert their bonds Into cash which
they might lend In the current high
money market.
Itig Investment".
This special Inducement haa not exist
ed (luring the present Benson. Hut a very
well-known element In tho advance of the
bond market since a year ago has been
tho Invealmcnt In such bonds of the actual
business capital of merchants or manufac
turers who could not use their peraonal
fund, in their own business under the
prevailing dullness. It Is eusy enough to
see how "t en a moderate Increase of trade
activity might make it necessary for such
Investors lo realize on their bonds.
Whether they would reinvest such
in accordance with the owner's
orders, thus accomplishing the
immediate consummation of or
Present and execute ownership
certificates required in the cob
lection of coupon. This relieve
.he investor of an irksome do.
r'urnih periodical stateim-nts
i f imtm e collected en your,
thus aupplying accuri'
nd iisjtbltt information.
Iltpt'it upon the condition of
our imetttments hm re
1 1 v 1 1 y anil or irntin tiiMan.ia on rrvuil attur '
lha "hirn ..f th yai."
Food Iiulfx Aain Higher
I'owi index yigain
II. 1. tint 1 e. I . f-..u(i In. 1. x iiunib. 1, 1
I 0:1 tho wholesale prln-a p.-r t.outtd of 31
nrli .. need fur food, I. 1,1,3... compai.d
with 1131 last week and J for ini-
('k ending October 27, Till, week's
numb'T slum, a gain of I,' per cenl over
last week and of 12 per cant over the
lika week of last year.
IncrcHiicd Corn flour, short ribs, tnllntv,
butter, ( hee.e, augur, refined; roffe.., peaa
apples, eggs, poLitoi-a, currants, b.-ave.,
live; lambs, live; oleo oil, colton, print
cloth., gray goods, blown ahaetlngs, hay,
leather, car wheels, old, Chic; tin, speller,
liecreased Wheat, led; wheal, spring;
corn, oats, barley, rye flour, bird, cotton
seed oil, rice, ralsli.M, hogs, live; .lieep,
live; pig Iron, lless, ; pig Iron, southern;
car w heel., old, mil.; ateel scrap, J'ltts. ;
cast Iron, Chic. ; coke.
Hy t'pdlkn ilraln c
Art7 'P'JlHiIn
Ml. Oil, 2.
j (Mole. Yea
I lee.
1.16,! 1.M' tll'a
1 14
1 M
1 UN
,l'i '4
1.06 V.
1 M
.91 'i
1 Oi
".tli 14!'
117' I
.17 V,
.if. 'n
".29 W
7S .as
12 V.
.4 2 '4
.40 U
II) 40
9. 32
10 40
110 40
1 .4B
9 32
J J mo
I H 17
rhlrniro 1.lvaMfork.
rhtrairo, xt. if Mokw Httralr-ta. H.noO
hand; rnflrkit wHk to 10' lower; hulk 170 i
to 25-pnund tLVrnt(nn, f M.i)Oep0.OO: top.
9 ftO; hulk heavy piicklnK nowi, 17. 255
); pla morly 1.7590 ; etlmat-.1
holdovr, 3.0(10 head: havy hngn, V0fii
9 00; niPdlum, H h5f9.0O; Wght t Ibfr
i tot; liftht llKht, $h.7&& K 0; parktriff unw-a,
fmonth, 7.7i?f ft 40; parkin now, rough,
$7 0'(r7 SO: killing plK, IS.N.BO.
fattlp Kefi-iptti, 3.000 hnd; rnmparait
with a Wft'k no, utrh'tly rholra arnl prime
matured nfillvo h--f lcira ar Mlronir to
a .hftdo hlKhT; tviirrifd -up 8nd hitrt-fd
kind unrywily '2" to 7fiT lowr; Npots off
rnor; extrnma top lontr-ffii noiturfrt utapra.
ft 13 60; bot yarllnKM, 113. 2I; weilcrn
Brnmira t. ady to 2 fin lower ; byf mwi
vry iiiavn, 23f to to? lowr; hff htff
ra ff valiirt'to nell bpfw $7.00 off ronsld
rahly more; cannrs and cuttftra wenk to
J fic lowir; hulln larKfrly 2Pn off; vnl
calvp in out $1.00 lowr ; hPftvy foi-di-r
ntnra, 2ho, to 40i? off; dfii ruble IlKht
m tor k I'm ahout atpndy; wppk'a hulk priraa
for bfet atppra, $9.0l'fft 1 1.75; wnttrn graaa
era, $ f . S 0 tfjo 7 . 4 0 ; tork?rfi and faadem, $1 2f
r7-7. 2S ; hfpf cow and hlfTM, $4.2f)tfit7.?lli,
rannerfl and rut fern, $2.853.40; desirable
vpflkr. $10, BO & 11. 00,
Fhcrp ftccplptn. 3,500 h?fld. montly di
rect; compart?d with a week go, fat ami
fidnr lamha wra lOo to JB lowt-r; fat
nhfcp 2&i' to 70c blKht-r; pxtrema top fat
natlvPB. $14.75; fat wi'storn. $14 RO; frt
western lamb and yaarlwK Romparn lively
numeroua; choice fd westftrna. $1 4.R0 ;
bit ahorn larnbu. $13.6" ; top ff d y?ar
llnKS, $13,00; oloaiitB; top for natlvea, $14 50
to city but (hern. 914 40 to pnckoin; bulk,
$14.00JM4,2R; culli generally $l0.O0ffl10.RO;
henvy fat pwph larpniy $405.60; handy
weiKht kind upward to $7.75.
aw York Vry fiond.
Npw York, Oct. ntton (rood and
rntton yarns wra vry firm with mnrksta
lows art I vp. Wool Koodn for linnifiluil e
rutiMumptlon In nipn's war werp sold at
concfMHlcmn from rpr--nt top prlrei. lrf no
roo'Ir advaiifcd. I1rlnf"d crppa wpt
popular In silks, with thr spring dpmand
broadpninic. Hurln ps wera atpady.
(0 IM2 y Int L FrTu.i Stuvice. Inc. 0-3o "kTiT
: . .J r.
Hy Sinto r.p.'irtfiint nf Aiftlrultita
Huruuu ul Mmlu'U nnl Miirki-IihK ;
Oartnt njiort for 24 Imuiii MidltiK. 9 a
in. Hut uf da ; Tniipi-i at ur wi-uth-! , at K
I a ni., ! dra-ri'i-ii, i lcar; 4 Idaho, I Mnuia-
artlvpj; 44 nun on tri k, lli' lU'llliK hroki'il.
i'i m ii ml and inovnnrnt mod era I a; iiiurlct
nhUhtiy wi'iikri; Kiippll.-a heavy, t'mlol
Kiih M, Mlnin'Rota mi ked ltt.d Itivur ifhh'M.
t niti'di Htati'B itrada No, 1, b caia at
II Hi pit cwt,
rronnmry Kxtraa. 4lr; 10-lb. tubs, 44c;
ttuxluida, 4lr; fimii, Jtfr.
Hairy Hiiyirn pnyuiM r.iv for dairy roll;
2h.yy f.r packing utork.
m' i ri;it fat.
M .it Ium prlr.f, 24r; fl-ll vt-rt-d, Ouiuha. iZ
Htrleily frpnh, dplvi'nd Omaha, 34r do ;
No, 2, ''ir. ciark. 17c; aotna buyara pay-
illrf t 'ht, I'M Nil t-uuni.
JuhbihK l'rn to Hrtallcra Knah No. 1
faoy , a-; wlei'lM, ; atorafta ac irtn,
iiu; liddt, .(it-; No, 2, 21c; cherka, J sc.
Uve HroiU'tn, 2li-; npnngn, Ifir; hanvy
tirttM, 17':; Hktbt hi'iin, 14 ; roonli-ra, l"r;
t-Hpoitn, over tl Ihn, 2fr ; hot n ttouMry,
about 2r- Itnn; durlia, fat, lHc-; yoiie fat,
full fralhTrd, 14r; itulnr-na, 4nn ai,
tvirkpva. 2 it to 3f.r. arioidlnir tu alxa and
! a.'otidltiiiii: tiliooiot. dnx.. it. 00: no ulrk.
cripplt-d or tully poultry wanttd at any
IreM''d Hprlnfri, 22U 23r ; brollt-m, J0f ;
hi ni, a:' ordliiK to tiZf. Ztp'Htc; rooalna,
Kir; du- kn, 2Nc; turkeya. 40 46c.
V KA la
Local buyers nr i.uotlng tha following
pni -a fur fttiNh vpuI dplvred: i-nrn-y, tfii
to 116 lb., pvr lb. 13c; b'Mvy, not over
140 Ihn , pir ll., 10u; liver, hf ail and
lunga inuHt ba J ft in vcl.
itlbn No, 2, 2lt;; No. if, ISi!.
1,-iinn No, 2. 26c ; No. 3, l&c.
Hound No. 2, i;tc; No. 3, 10c.
ChurkM Nu 2, 10; No. t, 7c.
J'latea No, 2, ,tir; No. 'i, 6c.
fvt cofoanuta, aarka a,bt J00 count,
$7.xt(j. I.urgu hickory nuU, per lb.,
ti.'. Him k walnut n, tu nacka, pr
lb.( fic. Hirily round ftlbrta. aarka. par
lb.. Hi. I'cf Htii,, arrordlntf to aize, nat:k,
lb., 27i:c. WflMlifed Hriilli, according to
aUi, :b , 13.V I'''1- ''w Ki.giiab walnuta,
100-lb. HHtkn, 27o, Callfor-ila Lraka (me
dium Koft ahell) per lb., 2)c. California
almond', fift uli" 1 1 auck. lb., 2Mn. i'fj-
according to alza. aarks, 7-ap
SV-'- i'f.'nnul, roaatad. ucuordlng to aie.
tat.ka, IiIUVjC.
Amerkau Lh-pa No. I fancy, twlna.
':"( ; alngla dalaUa, 2c; doubla dalal',
27 4C; young Amerlraa, 2Hc; longtiorna,
2ac; aquara prints, 29c brick. 2'J'ilc.
New extrartrd. 2i, J6-ox.f 2 dozn to
ruitt, per 'uh, $5.f'0? new comb, 24 :
llotia pr rune, $4 60; new axtrarted clov
er, JO-lt. ch, C rann to caaa, per lb., Ific.
i HVl't
HananuH Maxed on Hailing prke of $'c
prr lh., $:t.7fi'ii').75.
OranH Extra fnnry California naveit,
200 Bl7- and larger, p"r box, 10. CO; .10
aiza, $10 00; 2t,0 alze. 19 00; 2iR aize. $s.0C.
vv " - e
: . ala. on
;'4 Ki.ra, t
v;-2'mi.. in ni,. , I r,M,
I.amoiiftKstti I'nllfotiiia, 3H'J, i' ta,
Pr bi. IKi.iiti 11 ti'J. . Ituh e Sim, it)
tt.K, $'.' fi'i'j l'i i", I.inoh. ui. Ill no
liiapi'frult- l'of)d.4, 1.4 l.a, $;, fl-70.
') .-, f.O, kI, uf I'MM'fl Ml Kt) "li (I,,
I i, wi.n f-4 i:4 ;i'-ii ft i;, $,', ,',u
Cr;intMMi-l'B I U) Juo Jua.. $120(1; bog.
i) 11,4 fl, fill
Applm l Iii loua hnt. ar'ntdlnK to
nit and (juniit y, I- .'hi k 4.oo , mm hi oh ton
.lonai h;i n, .ir (on, f 1 , U 2 fi't; M.iho
Jormi liiirtu, hi. i , ", Lu li-h,, II :.;
Iiil'iim (Jold'-n, hu l."k , $1 f.0; K.ii I Mi v in
f i a f iiM . ffd", f ti mi y lo I'linoriri,
I. hi , 14 Z&, fan. y ioik I rnprria In, pfl
I. i'l , 7... Winter l...ii,,n(i ttr hox, $:t imi
iVnra- .Mb'htvuii K. lf. i. hu. b-ik., $1 71.,
folorudu K if'-r, pr doi, ; f nuy
S nchioKtoii Im Autou, pi-r bo, $;i Mi
I' At h- 'anliirifon Kr.Mitluna par bo.
Cr.tpi'H Tki. 4 I'.tetkrt cralf, $2 7K.
KlK 1'iiltfiiriila 24 r.i ton hot. tZ '5
60-i ,ii t'Mi bin. $;i 1.)
J fati --Mollowii, 70-lb. btitln. Ih , 13c;
!) inn 'dr y i fie-p. $ I .0 ; ho m. i, 7f.
A vo(-aliii--i A M for - ir). according
to .m., $4 oo'i fi (Hi.
Cidi-r -w N'bniHka, 14-gal ki"ga, ptr
kc;t, $: t-U.
Pofntii' h Mlrihi't Hp Ttf vr Ohlon,
Vo. 1, $1 40 per cwt.; Npbranka I'.snly
.fhtoa. No. J, il.'i p..r cwt.; No. 2, 1100
plT CWt,
HhvH Poliifo'-a Vlrtf inln, hi!. buk.,
$1 io; bbt.. $'! Ml; n-nilhctn, hu. blk , $1.1.0.
I( ulnt.ii ran- -i'.-r Ih., 1
Jlpi-tn, Currola. Turnip, Purfnlpg Per
mik"t bpk.( iuot iuv
J'ppptir Mitt ki'l Imk., $1 00,
Kkk I ii.nt Hpl-o ii-d, doy,. n, $1 26.
Tofniitopa--1iomrf own. mntki't bak.,
$1 f.o, holhouM. ti ion box, $J.b0 per
ciirton; t'jilifoniti Iuk. $'i.00,
Online imii'Krow n, .lorn 4Jc; whit.
h'c., 'i tt ; I in port . I Him iiih, ppr cwt..
rwt., Si r0; y.llow. pi r t wt,. 12 00; Iowa
ri'd. lb . IV"
'iwtilr I'.'r Ih., 25c.
Ii'tturt- ''olorHdo hn 1, $ and 4
nVijtin, ciate 1.7i4,c C 00 pt,r doz"n. $1.60;
Itiaf, doe n, 60c,
Hplna-'h Per hu., $1 25.
t'aultflowrr California, crntra, 12.60.
('ahbtpi? CrntiB, per lb,, 2c; anrkd.
lc; ml cnjlihHKe. 3i-; ci.ajy caohaKt', per
lb., lOn; ItiUMoll aiirouta, Ih,, 2bc.
Cj-y MichlKan. par dozen, 80$75c:
Idnho, ) er dozitii, I .T ic I "ik
Umiry Ii.-w Melon--, ratf, $2 00.
( ucunil ivr M,irkrt haalct, 11.60,
Pumpkina, b'juiia.ii p. r Ih, 2 Vic.
Virnt pntcitt, onp-fotirrba, $72; fancy
clear, on -halves, .j,7 j ; tjuotallona are
t. o. b. OtnHh'1,
Prirpa at vhbh iiiiinufartiir?ri and Job
bera aro ilMng f h lr product! In round
lotn In Omaha follow:
Hran 1;4 00.
Drown Hhorta IH7.00.
tiri-y Hhorln $2K.uO,
MiddMnga $'!0 oo,
H-l Iok$;!2. 13 00
Alfalfa Moal Chcmw!, $2,fi0V2 0; No,
1, $fl.5it 27.01); No, 2, $4 f,o$2f..OO.
!,lnp-d MphI $.'.2 5m Sj' 63. no.
C'of tonff-d M -n J 43 per 'ftit. $IH 00.
Iloriilny Teivd White, $-'6.00; yellow.
$: r.o.
liiiitflrmllk Cond. iiKt-d. 6 fo 9 hbl.,
3 1-10( per ih,; flak butlrrrnllk, 600 io
1,500 Ihw., 7 He ppr Jb.
What our kind of public
service means to you!
We are now operating two of the largest and most modernly
equipped terminal elevators in the Omaha market and we offer the
services of these elevators to the public at minimum charges.
The Chicago-Great Western Railway Elevator located at Omaha, with a capacity
tf 1,500,000 bushels, and the Chicago & Northwestern Railway Elevator located
at Council Bluffs, with a capacity of 1,500,000 bushels, are at your service.
Elevator Service Charges:
(unloading, elevating
Storage of Gram, pet day, - - - -Storage
of Grain, pei month, - - -
We are also in position to unsack, clip, scour, smut, clean, mis, separate
and condition grain and charges for service will be quoted upon application.
Subject to the Following Conditions:
Wo pa, all lira insurance (no tharga In (Kippnra) nn all tram nanJIael tttreutli or .(area in our
levator a.
(.rain ikippaa) In ui lr tiara ill Wa bmnetl utilK (raina af liao rJ, uaranlaaing ikit ,aa
al lima nl sal or rattiipmaat
Al Inn ara in puttliun lu spatial kin Jil(inl kmJi nl (rami Ikal ia, prara ka
gram Hu,,J lluo,, in litis tata Ik it i t u a 1 1 1. 1 lu, n)ilitn aJ aknnka
f laa a.n nkilo alwtaa pltl ttt..a.ll ara , lu, pvtl binuina
Wa ill ntaka ta.k Jat al ,rul.r ralet l us grain sluiaj in am .ItitUtt,
Nkipata, I pat all taikin nail imsiatliun k,i.
Write l tor yurthtr IhtnU
Updike Grain Corporation
H 1 1 1' 1 1
f.oral tnivati ara p,ilna th fuMowlim
pMcen f.,r field P.I, d llvelr-1 l loin h
W'intnl i.iob .it- f,i,- humlt'i'dwaiMht nii'aiira.
Alfnlf4, $1 " u ihi ; t.. ih.vir Itiioo
f "! "0; n lu. lid fill',. mi; ttiiiMlhy,
It r.t),r 11 fiO. Hiolati Miii- ll'.'Oll; w lilto
.!... -ni hm.-m i Inv.-r, 111 ny, , ,..! t,iPi
:( "0 , or hard irrj, f l r, no , i e, $ I on ;
fancy mllU-il, $t.Mt; yM-n ttiiltftt. I't.Ml;
Hinhar noiKhtnii cahe, $100.
New oimhittonN iMni.d hv I hi. nin.iia
llnv hniifc" nhow Ilia hav imirl t to
rc mu'iniv hiKhi-i i nr abortavo in ntlli
I'liumriif ipuy in hoi ii nlnr iH.-ni. i,. on,)
from riinha ami In affiM-ttng tha mmkit.
Tha ili-iii i ml la takina all h 1 1 ntw In
thla iiuirUel. aipecialiy for tha batlnr
griKten lie. rlpla Cilitlniia IlKht
Prlcea l.etnw are for turhmd h.tar
rplnrid Pmlri No. 1, $ I 4 tuifif 00; No.
1, 112 oii'rt j io; No. 3, p 'in 1 1 mi
Midland Pratrla N. 1, f 1 .1 Mi',rH &0;
No 2, l 1 5'i'. 2 1,0; Vo, HntlOOM.
I.owlotnl Praliji No. I, 19 00 ft IO.00:
Nn. 2, Ii. tMti 7 f.o,
Alfalfai'luiim, $;? 011721 f,n: n.
$10 i O', :;i do; atandard, $17 !'i 9 imi ;
, 1 1 1 i. " '( in no ; iSn. A, 91 7,nrt 4 j 4 00.
Mlraw Mat, $7O0&.00; whrjt. $6 OOfijp
8 50. v
Tha feeling anioni tha hldn trada la
hoprful. aftliouih tha ti'itn ia aoundid
that tha prlit? of hl-l-a baa bpen forced
up too rapidly. Tannera ara planning on
curtailing their oiniMit In an effoit to
at n-tiajtheri tha l-nl b-r inai ki't by pro
ducing Ifna and In that way eaujng up
th pri'fMiire in lha hldn market.
However, tha local market la firm and
fijuf at hum on bld.a wera advancod nltghtly
Mi.itjrday. The calf akin market la unlet
Home hide uro quiet alo at unchanged
Wool and alwep aklna ar firm and
buyer ara Inti-reatcd In both.
Tha la Mow and gt etiaa mar k eta are
at l ong and hitn ca b a IiAp been ut l4t:
advance ovpr prpvl.-ua trHden, Thla prlr ,
however, la reKartful by buyra aa ai
trrrnn and Dot to ha r'Hd Ujon, Thut
n-rmilna to be determined J t r and loial
huyeia are picking up all that they can
get on r i'ii norm hit, if mm.
Tha quotatioiia given below ara on th
bpaia of gooda delivered Omahn:
t'urrent receipt hide. I 3c and 13c; grepfl
hldea, KV arid 11c; bulla, loc and 9c;
branded hidea, in; kip, l'.c and lii'c;
calf, 17i- and lo c; ileacmia, 9o eai h ;
gluo calf and kip. 7c, giuu hldca, 7c;
ponica and gluea, $1.00 each; rolta, 2r.c
nch; hog kini, 1 Ui: each; borne hide,
$4 50 and $.50; dry hid". No. I, H,l-;
dry aalted, 13c; dry glue, 7r.
Wool pelta, $! 25UI,fiO for full wooled
aklna; aiirlng la in ha, 75i90e for lata tuka
off : cllpa, no value ; wool, 30i "Ar.
No. 1 tallow, fj'ir; H tullow, No. !
2 tallow, 6c; A grenae, fl-ie; H greaap, i
He; yellow grea.Be. 6n; brown grpaae, 5c;
pork rraeklinga, t0 ppr ton; beef crack
linga, $;0 per ton; beeawax, $20 per ton.
Ht, Joaeph iAe Htock,
St. Joaeph, Oct. St. I'HlliH TlPrelpta,
700 Jiejid ; market com pared with a week
ao: Hotter grade nativw ato'k Hnd year
linga and b'-at beef rowa steady; common
and medium grade, weak to 25a lower;
weHleru graaaera, bulla and calvea, iady:
atoikera arid feeder, 2 Si? Jowr ; week'a
bulk price, bt bef and killing ateera.
$!i.00'& 10. 50; ol hep native, $7.60 H.l 5;
and reloading) lc per
lc per
.4'.... suwtg! -: '
if cowa and half-
, $ 1 Mi'fj light
.i.'i, ... imi y n (jo;
. IM' ij T
a'' Ucih
HohN I
tik atoii
hut i hnra
oiil)'Ui a
l in I ivv,
p. H Mug t-
4 IMI (
In nd, ahlpprra
"f f..i Haiita and
I HIM 1 III tO '.'40
It- I lit K I Ull t I IP
ti.. i k ,
r tup. I 3"f
Ot, I'll
Il.i 7 i ,
with h t
a lii'in-i
U lo ion Itmer,
low - I ; ah
lull it pi i.
? fi"0 h-'i.d; market
k a.i : Iim 1 1 v i ( ii Ihhi'ii,
wi'ni'iiii", wak to H.'tl
eiiiii( to hu h' i , week'a
wcmi i ii fni laiiii.a, 1 1 4 ""'if
1 4 Ml, on1 1
'rt'tj 14 00; hiit i M'l'd
l iiohu, II :i "in vr 1 3.
fill rv
7 on, feeder lllll, I.e.,
3 f , Hi I 3 U
Ht, lefMila Ihe-lo.U,
Kaat H' I.oUta, 111. fh t, 21 - ("all l n
ceiiH. 2''0, oiiipiiied with a wiili ago;
Coud anl choi. v h"ef Hieeia Htid bologna
bulla, cm m on mh. in "'lima a '-era, lit: hi
yeiiillngN and Iit'ifcm uud l"er cow a, tl
ln- low . r ; w utei n el ci i ti w nk to nhada
lower; c itinera, 1 Ii 'j .'! nwei', light vpjiI
i.tve, $12 0 l.5t) lowei; alu' k aleera.
veak to ii-f lower; lop for ek, hPut
aiera, $fl.(Mity 2!.; other $7 9 l-o;
cova, w.Kicin fti era, $ . 6; 4"; livht
.'ii rl I ri i , $'. ')'tji (tijj eowa, $4 HOtyU ,o;
n.tifiera, 4'"( tl"; bnigiia bulla, $4 oQ
44 75; ato' lcr atfeia, $ 4 tn i.o,
liiiK - It ' H'la, ti,50U; l'i'i;,3 (owpr;
pioal decline oti good wight buiihpr hoa;
hlli and Uitht liahta, lic iHer with apott
aiea'ly , loi IV lo on U" to 1 -pound
u vera g a , H hl on Sf pound hut ' her ;
hulk I r.o to :2.' pound average, fv 75W
hu; 1km and Hv hi iiKhia, lit oii ) lu;
n iter ao ww, J 5 i-m low et , bulk I .' .'' 'if
rh"p and Laml Hiilpli, 2,f-'iO; mar
ket for week, Mleady to 'i'ur. lower on
liimhN; aieady imi all other chpi wi"'k a
lop im hnnl'M,,; bulk aaictf, 13 5H'U
1416; itiiu. 11 tiKMO: ton ewea. $r f.o .
bulk light .;', , mi, heavic $4 004 50.
Kan an a ( lly Mvealmk,
Kanaaa City, Mo,, OH, i 'um Ue
reipta, 4, 6 'mi bead t or week, i bolt a and
prl inn h"f tee i a, pract i-h J I y normal ;
fl her grade., wen k to 50c lower; top,
fll,,0; fat aha atock, moatly 251)500 low
er; caiinera and cut i era, 26c lower; bulla,
atock cow a and hp If era, Iwuii to 2 "'
lower; killing and atock calve, atoady to
60e lower.
Hoja Iterelpta, H.500 head; m.-rkel,
nteady to loc lower; ahlpper (op, $t Mi;
Iiacaer lop, tSO; light llghta, nmatly
'$i.204V'ti ?6; Ihi) to 220 pftundera jto alitp
pefa, iH.aoy S.60; to 230 poundera to
pa- kern, $U" H26; mixed weighia and
iiuallty, $h. tiotg 'ill of aalp. $h.oh
40; packing aowa, a'eady to weak; bull,
$7.157,26; afO'-k plga, V"idli to 20c low
er; bulk. $H 20v I 40.
Hbeep Hocplpta, f,oo head. Mirket for
week: Lamha, J0;.5c lower; top, $14 to;
ah-pp, Sft'ftjOe higher; bett light awea,
$7.26; feeding lamha, around 2ic lower.
Turpentine and Rosin.
Piivunnah. tla., ):t, 2S. Turpentln
Quiet, II 5t-j; aalea, noire; receipt. 5
l.Mn. I ahipiotinta, 45 bbla; aturk, 13,24fl
Koaln Htpfldy; aalea, none; rerelpta, 7S7
crtsUa; ahlpmetita, caaa; atork, 91.074
rank tyuniRtlona: H 1, K, K, H, II, I
and K, $5 aft; M, $5.70; N, $5. SO; WO,
$;; WW, $0 85,
wonti-i i
ria, 14
veal i
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