The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 30, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA HF.K: ,.MUMAi. ui iummi v. i.
Welshman Scons
Ilijr Triumph in
(ilasgow Speech
l.lojil Ovurf (Jiarurlrri
I'oliiv of Ijiw an
"I'rorani of Folilril Arim
ami DroMpy I :. ".'
Urfir1.,n. Kit. ;!) I'lirnu'r I'l.-ntn-r
J.I. .Ml ':uik i.ri-i iii.tlnr III-i
tnniih Nt ;uK'.w, rn ,
an ml Iiiihi.ik' I.- iti W.I i.f!
H'f 6..!', Th i i h h i t l-n nn- i
nouiK Ik Mr. ;.'.. n!, un- j
wir In Amlii-w Jimwr ijiwn ni'rh
In 'il.inti'.w, lull Mr. l.l"d (rni !
VhM iiiiUimik In min Jl." il'i ! r
h fM wall"! f'.r Mr. Jli.tmr l.iiv I
H.,ii..i'l..ii if liia mtliiti in lir-iikliig
mil of Hi" fiuilill.-n
A iii ' i "il lii- n i"l Mr. ! J
rin r i.f,f.-iMli)ii that In- ill. nut ;
) im.v. lp m til- w.i mulii! "Htimn;i' i
iihh' in'. liy imiU Win) iliiti I j
ltri..w n In rt- tin y Mi r "
Tin- iiiiilir pail i.f Mr i
;.ihkh nni'i'li ii lUvi.tiil IuhIhiw.
. i i.p II." fi K'lllvw ii. i til V i.f Mr.
It. nnr l. in n m i mil. I I. Ii In- l ull. . I
il fit it ii m if f. hl ! miiik mil ii.iy
iv., mut In. Mm il ii l:iv wt li Ihii
two i;'i'i .! .1 I III' llMlicfir
i.f Hi imI 'iii I i i i l.ii i.if In Hit. fur-
cli'n i.ff.i't' ninl iln- iil.iilillun of inlnm I
liy jii.iinli.i.
A I tin In Minlilliiii ii f I'iiiiIiiiiii. ,
'Two mit i iiiiM. rv iiv inliilHt i !
Win' ill In ii out in nnli r li i 'l Hir j
M.iu'lci. Il.uiki y, nil.lm t ri i-lin j , In
ilii' vi n mi. I rnovr lilm inrnKn ilio
mti'i'l," he ml. I.
Tin. nlnililiim of niliilmiy iifimlnim,
In. kiiI. I, nunl'I i,iii.' a liiirilnhlp
1-i vnr vlilliim ninl iiiiii'm wimtM In
Ilii. cii l lici utr: .r. mi. my w in Impii.
nil. I w.'lKiiit miKivl(.n,
I'y far th" prnvr-yl ,,.j f (,1k
Hpucli w si h ilin.liil In Hip futnTd. Ku
.... w.m In r i:, Ii" mill. Inic tn
Hi- r x in ii.litiirin fur W;ir. iiml It
winiM In- tunny m Ii nit ymr lii furw the
fin in. r .i'ii. ll y w in i culnr'-il Mi-nn
vliili', In Knvliiml, tli" mu'lnliit
w.-m -t s J ii (t tn Iln- fi'mit nml Hum!
in 'I Hie fiiiiiKl.iiniii of mii'lily, TIdm
M'.ik ini lime, I " mill, fur mi n who
m i" In ii i: n'lnl iiaro rni-ni fur iucm-i-rMiil'.n
i.f miiliil order In i:iiip-l
n ii n tli' ni-i-lv.-ti.
I'lcdyc Sii.iinl.
Sir H.iliert Id, iii", Mr. I,lnyd
0. 11. "' i l.iiiii'ellur of tlm exi lu-ipn'r,
ti'nl l,nr. ilii Ui iilii int. lord cliiiiiri'llur,
1, -iii Kml ', id' di-lK lli' ir fiiiiort In
Mr I.Ioyd f!cnrio md i li pl. n i n Lf th
ti ''tins of Hi" en;. Ill Inn.
I'" rum (IIhmkow Mr. 1Iojd loiiitfe i
went in I'iIhiIiiiikIi, wher h" .poke j ' ' liitiodiiccd to Leonard at
nv'iiln In tlin cvenln, then Koini; Id , " New War n Jive parly the lant Any
l,ci.l l!.tlfonr' home In WIiIH'hh- , '' 191". He wan a pfrKlHtent wooer
luiiinv whisle a Ki'iit wir louferciice und held fortlr hi wealth as an Hi
of ih I,iiyd ticniK" pnrty h-ader i fracHini. il wan a laviMli Hpcnilcr
will h held over tin week end, Tho'ind xiremely ulleiitlvc. 1 told him
p:rty Im Indeii Mr. IJoyd ' JcniK", ,' wan tun yunnm lhat I whn only 17,
I mil JIiildHir, Aiifli'ii rliaiiilicrhitn,,kHi hoiikIh my inolher'H cniiHciit; Hhr
l,onl Fiiiheiiheinl, lit Itnlielt llyrfl? ' prnteHI ed 1 wiih tiid yonni.'. Hilt I) In
hint ev"i;il chiefs of the coiihci VMtlve
paiiy In Hcnlliinil. Hlrkehliiiid had n Iiiiik Inter
view wlih n Henitixh cnmiel vntlvii, ami
J.oi'd'onr, liifnio lenviiix l-nndim,
Milled on Mr. llonar I,nw nml prill
fei red wi'li him for (in hour. There Im
tin tchhIik evIileiicB that Mr. llonar'li pa.ty Im wnrrli'd nhnut the
Hlrrnntli l einif di vi loped by Mr.
I.lovd tleori,'" mid It Ih not unlikely
thin the iiiiilllion may he revived,
Xl'iei'ini'lill Keai hid.
yMready Inforinal iiKreemeiitH have
li( n reached hy which prominent
tiiemlieis of eltlier side are ullowed
re i lei tlon without a "fluht and thin
may he extended. Doth Hldeg iiow
realize that to uplit the roiiHcrvatlve
vole l only making a pren. iit of Ketn
to Hie lull if party.
At Hie mine time Mr. I.ioy l Oenrwe
Ii 14.1I11!,' iiIiihiI Willi the fiiriiiatlnii of
11 i Tinaiviil parly. Il wiih iiiinniuired
Hi .t A V. ('oie Iimh ri f-iiieil from
Hie civil k rvice In lake nuinaueiiieiit
of .Mr. I Inyd ijeniKi.'H oinaiiliition.
Mr. Cope in one of the anient of civil !
nervnnis In 'Jieiil ISriialn. He fur
meily was in thu custnniM, laler In the
treasury, dud latter In Ireland, and
be was the man who did more than
any one else in seeurinn the aree
metit on the Irnh trealy.
Anl St Louis Capilali.t
Found Shot to Death in Home
si.,tM.2M.-iei8tivesof so-;
will C. KilKar. ciipolillHt and former
id, lit (.f the KdKiir Zlne roiniiany
I . ml
who was fnund nhot to itefitn at ins
hmiie here eitiy this ninrnliii:, ere
'reticent 111 dlsriiSKinn the death of mej
fiKid num. who. In tli opinion of the
p., hi t, killed hlniMi lf. He was found j
hy a seivint, touether with ii"'p-
well not ' whliii apparently had Imiii ,
pennid i-hortly lief .re his death. '
one of the rot' wan addressed to
liis wife, wlm recently filed a petition ih vol ri-. The other was written 1
to u atlcrii-y. dite. tinB luiti Hi the
VipoMitiitn of his pi"-.-ci.ioi'.. Mr.,
l;.l-.::,r .,s Tl yi'ir old.
Mailer l'.tate Ove reliiuatel
l li-.t W Tlicnil". milled hv the l.ile
J t ..nk I.. HaM. r as e.- ut.T of lit
win .Inn.. I the r-'.nte will
touch .1 ''.! msh m 1""e.
f r-i r poi t t
Sit.-h a .".l is Ki. i n.Ker.1
t-.,n .i d Mr I'h., i ii.. iii" M' Miller, the
vi ..i , U- I i. I W I I ii'ikli
t.l , an.l ,1 n(rr. ,nni MllV 1 1 mi 1 1. cf
lvri.iit In.
1 .late uliie.l at HI'2.M."2
, ft ! Wiim of J.J. Mill
I' ll IM
M . f II I
. I .i
i. .
1 1.
i .1 .
1 f ! 1.
t '
, Jl t I- I
H." "
( Parent' Prohlems
t.,1 P
1 I
kipl lit
... i .-...,
: t , o m - o
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iU oi I
IH. . ,
I 1
V. I,
O... .-! , .
I f ' . I
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,.i i? v
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t . K 1 1
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1. n.
Artists' Model Fights 1
Wealthy Husband's Suit!
j N. York, IM.
' ;j. - Muii.iiii" in-
ilvmtri-v, Vi, lilija
iynl mul l.-mllllill,
; iioii w li. ilMly
fmluiin J ntn I
i M ii ii t k ii in i y
! K'l wir. I( i. w r .1
' i ' Her ' h 1 1 i y
and oltirr fiunnli
iii !flii. of lli.ita
' iim t o ITU lui.kiM
Willi onn n.linlra
; lion. I.i f(,r hi r
niai i Ihijii In H'l'J In
j I'iiuird W. I'ol
Ini k , ilm lin r Klin
! Mill tint l I'lml
NKldH tlka I'liiv
. ihlnif liy hi r ri. Ii
yi.unK n ii ii h n d,
who In mjliiK for
1 nnnuliiii'iii,
ll ihnivi-D tint
I vn only I ill tlin
ilin of t lif-lr mnr
riKKH, ' "I In Viii.' thiit
nt lh llmi" hn
j rolllllfl M. Ill In r ()(
i loail-1 for II mi n
ink alimony,
j Madi-lliiA In I
I lulu now, fh" miyii,
f Mud ri f'ii" (( In he
j icii (filled l.iiek lull
iii-.ii li.veriy iifier
Inning iHid for
Iwn yeiit In tlin
l ii u n d Ii Itjxui y
which, wlm
In only a few ymiii
dciilnr, liinvid-
vi for her,
Mm. I'olliii k, who liven In WixtpoH, I
fiiiin , wild her inolher, Mr. Ami' !
I In ;, m (all, Mleiiihr, Willi
muih i fuel nut hair Olid Mif liluo r(K
Nil) I'liieiiU Olijcil.
I ili'l' hllHlillllll, II fl'W yi'llI'M her Keillor,
In un olliier of thi AllmiMn ('an nuii
I iuny ij Nn, ilj'i Creeiiwii Ii Hlicct, of
, which lilK falhcr, W'illiiiin, in ih" heinl.
II. in I. i the oliji'i llnim of (iln oareiiin
l fmt Mm. I'olloi k MHi lliiHi M IiIm null.
j I'n Hook 'n com iila j in oll"i:eM lhat i
j In n ihcy were inm rlcil In HiIm city I
on Ocloher , lain, the kIiI ir"leinle.l
I r.hf hum I!), when iidually only 17.
H(! KlVeH IhlM II H lellHoll for Hei kiln; I
iu Mcvoniine, Un uiIiIm, ton, that Hhe i
jwnM h wlfn In n.iiiie only, I
Meiit. ,1, M. (ioildiiril of Nn. 7M i
flioadw ny, her illlni iiey, d"i l ilied her i
' lilltrlit tlnm: I
j "II Im tlp i'iim of a inilllniiiilre'n Hon ;
wlm hud Koiii! nn a link nml lliniiKlit ,
th- lurk would hp over when ho hiild '
I f"r I
MrK. l'ollock naid:
Will I'lTiihlenI WiMM.r, !
tierHiMteiieu tlmilly tiveicume our oh
je tioriH. and mother conwenicd to our
rnarrliiKi'. He Im not teliliiK the truth
when he miivm J connal..! my tw
from him.
"Ji'or two yeiiid we lived In IiIImm.
We MWept throiiKh life on clninlM of
huppinenM. Whatever I denlred wiim
mine. An nulomohlle wiih at my din
pimal. He Kpent fl.Oitft n year on my
t'loihm. He ;ave me JM! a week for
pin money.
"But all thin I line hlM parents were
proleatinK to him UKUIiint hiM nmr
rliwe. Klnully, on AugiiHt !t, 1921,
he suddenly told me he was through,
drew Tired of Iler.
"He naid he a tired of me, thiit
he would no longer dupport me, that
would have to provide, for myself.
"I pleaded und wept nnd arRiied.
It wna to no avail. For IH weeks h j
Meiit me ilfl a week. Then this al
lowance reiined. I had koiip hack lu
live wiih my mother She In a widow
ami ill jinnr cimnnHtHiicoM. I was in
destitution when he filed unit for an
"I am KiiiK to nKOt that actlnii.
I am askim? 1 1 00 a week alimony. I
do not want his money. But ho run
not cast me aside as though I were
a plaything that had Rotten on hU
1 Tl
, r rom Murder 1 rial
i.i.i... A.. OQ . L'v,..illt1,,n
i iiiiaoeinim, v.
nf additional defense witnesses in tho
trial of Mrs. Catherine Busier,
churned with the Mlayinn of Oscar
Busier, her huslmnd, and his steimR
raplier. Miss Mildred tleialdine link
lit, will occupy all day Monday and
pari of Tuesday, the defendant's
counsel nnnouiiced.
The court had to Impish the Busier Blchnrd. leouue of the
ihilds noisy laughter, altctnated with
. ar piercltii; yells. Bo hHrd. wlm has
f cured prominently In the trial fur
rlshed unother feature of the day.
This w is when Mrs. lialph t hapille,
the defendant s aunt. ho had hceii
..ppointed Bichird a cinU'dian hy the
murl. was CHiled to the stand. ri
inoiintid the platform with the i luid
in her suns ud Assistant IHitiat
AM.U nt v M iser Imioeiluilely pro
teud aiiilnst such course, main-
U,i g Viuoioinly that 11 was mi at-
. In Infhiem. the mill l of the
PlMI I. 4lde Umatt Old.-i-'l the
, ii.i.l ferre.l I., other ulul
r Kirnt VI ill !iiratee
Htiirrlii Motor 'ar
. tk t '. ! ? III.' 111
, ,,l.lliM.f OU..';' I !.
t,. ii. I .w t I
I t.
I ,1
I t
i. I
. i.iinni
. l !
, . I - a '
Mi " Ull
,1 ll
if 11
i ...
-a, I
t .1.
. I ,l
n( ( l
it w
f il,.
in l.i.
i. i
ti M4lf ( ll lil HUH
In. In Ir. I fur 4iill
Ii v .He T- k ! -t l
st r'-) J
i " J I
r.. v nCM'it s
Ity AllKI.K, (,tHKIH(IN,
I'rolileni Hie l-'nic reatcd
nd :
J'lieii Mid i eil.
J stayed In my own room all day,
w liiiiow int; over the IhiiiKS 111', i'ettlt
had hint.. I, iiHIiOLkIi I ilespiMed my
self fur tin. petty Miisp.eions J could
not (oiilrol. Katie, still lionise nnd
palpuhly nervous, hroui;Iit up my
locals; Junior and Marlon ran In und
nut at will: my father left Turn t'hea
lei m lieilHlde long enough to alt with
me ii hit mid assure me that the hoy
who had Hiked so much wiim practical
ly out of il. inner, and J.llllan kept a
close hut utiohti uslve watch upon my
Wei file.
My mother In law I did not see, und
had not seen since her outruKeoil
uulhurst of the nlht before concern
ii)(r our nlvink shelter lo Tom Chester,
'lhat Gillian eventually would placute
her 1 wum sure, hut every fibre of In
(lepcnIi.ii:ft n me rebelled at the Idea
that it was necessary to mollify her. 1
was Kind. Indeed, that she did not
come mar me, for my nerves were
still raw and iiilverliiK from the hiu--
I n.vwiii; cApeiience in i m- iij;ni oerore,
i and 1 knew I would need ull my coin-
poHllt'o for the coilillIK Interview With
To say Kooilhv lo my little friend,
'.vlth the possibility of (ImiKir to her
nienncliiK shadowily beside her, WouliJ
be fin experience, which 1 knew would
tax mo Kieutly. To face my mother
lii law'H tenijier beforehiind would be
It wiih lifter elKht In the evening; j
v. h"n Lillian came for me. j
"But on simiethinK warm," she In- i
Rtructi.d. "The niKbt Is ehllly."
Wliiit M.kIko Feared,
I obeyed her, and found that she had
spoken the truth when J left the
warm house and took Picky' ear
from the big barn. To my relief, the
KnniKe man had found It but Hllffhtly
damaged by my wild ride from the
hospital, nnd Hie nrraiiKement of lis
curtains made a much better screen
for the tonneau than I Van able to
effort upon my own ear.
"Which way?" I asked, ns we climb
ed into the car she to the tonneau
and I to the driver's seat.
".Smith on the Seiittlelmle road un
til you are within a few rods of the
I ii rii to the llead-nf the Bond road
load leiidlni; down Into Watermlll,"
she directed. "Dr. Pettlt, who knowa
every Inch of all the territory, select
ed the spot. You remember It, don't
"Fetfectly," I rejoined, for I had
driven several times over the lonely
hut rbarmiiiK road In the daytime. I
found. It atiythlnff but charming when
I had turned Into It, however, for one,
of the damp, heavy fos almost a
, Loudon "l'aitlciilar" which eharac
I tei;:e the east end of the Island, be
'can roliiiiR up from the hollows be-
i fore we had pone a mile from home.
"ThlH is simply peaches and cream
! for our stunt," I.illlnu said enthusias
tically, "but," her voice abruptly
' soundinc a worried Intonation, "will
you be able to see the road'.'"
1 Lillian Directs Dr. I'eltll.
I "I'll have to," I returned shortly,
for 1 had driven in foxs before,
I though never at rilfiht, and 1 realized
that I was lu for a bud time. "Fas
ten your coat more tightly round your .ind net Into the front seat with
; inr, I 11 liuve to put up tho whirl-
1 -hleld, and you'll hive In wntch th
1 rlifht sale of the road While 1 watch
ithe left, mi lhat we don t stray Into
the dltrhe-t. It's abominably easy to
i aet off lb" mad when these come
i j a i tl utai ly thick " i
j ,li did ns I asked her promptly.!
i n. I with. oil ci'innieiit, us is alwa:
!i.-r wont, and f..r III" next half hour
we fairly . i iw led alomt the road.
' w h :!e ui. -ensue SM i f f,.ff rolled
..v r lis, nt nines roinpleirty shutting ,
, ;T miv flit of the f id
We XV. Ii t t Pins at t h hi.lir oll,
i, ,.. .! ." I nnd on. e w. rnedlv.
!.. nt bt Hiit wliy M.'i" Lillian ;
I I Ihsir hll'e II. I'll- Is an n :
ii I. d
. .. w I.
i i rt '
I I Ho
t aln.ul i.iue IIuiikS, I
I iii In- i a pieiiy able i l"
...I...S III Fllil" -l!l !-- ll.
hi ... we Wer In stall
mite lit In n..' t
I I in- li ll I e W id i:
f .'"l lone h u, if .'
t 1 1
, I ii
.1 ll
,l Hi, 1,1,
I tli
ii ,4 W" l,a.
M ll.idl (111
II I., i if t.o I
I. i. l
,,, I ! n l
I w
tlUHUl '
til d.f
iile. ri.
.1 f
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ll. 111
IS I -
i Imllel
I II t I' ll Ii.
. 1 t..l '
,. ,1.1. S
i Iv !..
hi II.
r I V i I . I
. I , I - , I I
1 h .1 . t ,
1 ' w
aiW'TlIK Mil.
If 01 NK.
"Wliy (IiHl't ml 'iii lo my ll
Inn liiiili" fur lin-M I f " I in la Knininy
i'ikhi imkii.l Kny ('nun nun iluy, "All
ili other fiilkn In Hi" iielKhlMirhuoiJ
nmi and ! t my dm
"Well, I'nrlit Paimiiy," Kulijr r(
idliil, "I'd i.(inin rcrit for Jut iinu
"Vlmt' tlii?" t'rn I Hnniiny In.
lull rd.
"I ilim't btdlv
I'd el r nnutfli to
I'nclii Hitniniy fimii
f It w
into rate.
"J Hive till! hlVKcMt mid l.enl imaU
lo ln hud miywhcri"," h ilecluieni
"Von nlv them?"
"Well -i im! I ell 1 hiu of
c(iiiibii," Vih'Ik Hiimmy inliiiltlvd
"Jiint yuu rniiw mid try my Uliincr
IoiiikIiI." II" nnd inuih t hut at
Ian l Fully iiKrecd to illna Willi him
ihnl vi'iilntf.
Now Fully luid ft hiiK" flpliellli!.
And n til" il.iy won- nn lie
Is.gan (0
fi-ur tli it la wd iI. In't Kt enoiiuli
thsn tb ll) P
vii rnipttf
eat nt 1 'tide Haniiny'N place. So he
set to work and Kathered up a ban
ful of corn, which he found down near
Flintier flreen's cortirrllj.
When the dinner hour arrived, down
at Urirle Mammy's ratlin? house be
ai) Black creek, Fully strpiii'd
throiiKh the doorway with hi hag
aldtiK over his shoulder.
"I'm frlsd to see you!" I'ncle Ham
my cried. "Hit right down!" And he
pulled out a chair at ono of hla mush
room tables. "Let me tnke your bag,"
And he grabbed the bag out of Fatty'
"He careful of thui!" Fatty warned
"What's hi It?" I'ncle Sammy asked.
"I'orn!'' said Fatty.
"Don't worry! I'll take itood care
of II," t'inile Hnniiny promised.
"Now bring on your dinner!" Fat
ty ordered,
I'ncle Kiimniy begun to bustle
Hbout. And soon he set a diph In
front of Fatty.
"The first course Is corn," he an
nounced with a smirk.
, Fattv Coon was pleased. He liked
corn. Quickly he ate every kernel.
".Vert course!" he bawled.
Uncle Sammy anatclied away the
empty dish and hurried out of tho
mom, to icturn shortly with the same
dish, which he set down aa before.
"This course Is corn," he said
Well, Fatly thought that was a bit
odd. But he liked corn. So he ate
what was In the dish and said noth
ing until he had finished it. Then he
called loudly, "Next course!"
Once mora l.'nele Sammy Coon re
pealed his queer performance, saying
with a. sly smile as he set the (llh
before his hungry guest, "('orn is my
upecialty today.
Fatty Coon b'i'unibleil
bit. in an
"I should think lie might aerve
something else for a change." he mut
tered. But he ate the third dishful of
corn, though he told himself that he
might as well have had his dinner at
home, for he had plenty of corn In
hla bag. Ho had hoped Uncle Sammy
would serve some auch dainty as
fish, or frogs, or mice.
"Next course'." ho ordered present
ly. "And don't bring corn. I want
semchlng different."
I'ncle Sammy Coon shook his head.
Dog Hill Paragrafs
' By George Bingham i
Clab Hanrork say he reads a Jot
ubout auto tires, but what Interest! J
(i. I'., ii it i.n h. in
lir. , UHllt Kit filial,t. ,.l.
ii.:OH la larifh It.vtu In be I I.
t if
l pd ,1 K l . . r till I ll...
I', k ,; mi of all il, ii, ,
! il lb v., h im ii.i i
f. ill ..r .i i ht4iii i i
f nt. n e f.i..,i , ,i.,.ii ,f
f... .i, t... i. et I I t i
in. teKfi in tn, f ,,( f,..,i
... .1
f r
t ...
i hi iiiu I
i "I haven't iiiu lliiiin
I H 1 1 m.i y ,
1 "Then 1 don't w nit mil thing more,"
Fiiitv told him uiiki ily.' I wish I
'hadn't come heie I . M'.'li'l a bun
di id and ons different kinds of food
"Will, you've had II in, anv
lii.w," said l ie I" Haininv wiih a Klin,
"That' half w hat oii i kiorl.wl, I'oloe
back Home other dav Mild Mil the oili
er half - I he hundi i d."
Fatty t'isiil didn't know whether
I'm le hiiminy wum jiikini; or not.
"live me my bag or corn." be said
In a gruff voice, 1 I'm filing now "
"Vour bag of coin:'' I'ncle Sammy
enpluined, "I en n t give it In ou."
1 "Bui yoi promised to l ike gm d
i are of ll," Futiy lemind.-.l him.
"And o J have taken the Inst of
care of It," I'ncle Sammy answered.
"1 emptied your bug Into my own bin
of corn, whera It 'would be sale."
"Then fill my bag nt mire nml Id
me be oiuiny way!"
"f i-na'f," said fin le Sammy
Conn, "t inn't tell your corn from
mine. It' all mixed up lu the bin"
Fatly Coon liegged und llireiiteiie.l,
i "tit I'm In Sammy Coon wouldn't move
to a mgl step toward Ills roin iilii. lie
merely handed Fully IiIm empty bag
and bndu him bo gone.
drilling hi teeth. Fatly tisik the
bug und started for the door. And
then I'ncle Hammy stopped lilnl with
a sudden cry.
"You haven't paid mo for your din
j tier," h howled,
"l'uld you! You haven't paid mo for
1 my com," Fatty retorted.
"Certainly not! I don't boy food. I
sell It," I'nrlo Sammy replied.
As Fatly took his last step toward
the door I'ncle Sammy leapeil at him.
Fatty was glad then that the hug was
empty. Ho shook It open und pulled
P. over I'ncle Sammy's head. And
tipping the old rogiiu over, Fnity tli-I
the bug about his feet, leaving him to
lie upon the Moor, und make the most
shocking sounds.
There I'nde Sammy' wife, A lint
Amanda, found him, long niter Fully
Conn had gutte. And they hud lo go
out und find soinrlhliig for llnlr own
dinner, because the neighbor had
coriiij In, while Uncle Sammy was help
less, lateti everything in I he rating
(Oipyrlwht, 1H22 )
Baker Memorial Lacks
$50,000 of Completion
The total number of subscribers to
the Hoburt Baker memorial fund at
the present time la 2,711, according to
Bercy Jl, I'yne II. who Is chairman of
the committee. The fund still lacks
Kifl.OOO, according to Mr. lytic, and
efforts are now being directed toward
completing it in the shortest time
possible. The total to be raised is
j $250,0(u. Counted In the present list.
of subscribers urn representatives of
; 47 ikdleges, while the yoneolloge sub
j scribers total 1,051). Between 701) und
tilit) subscriptions already received are
for tl each. Tho Jlobey Baker rink
will have a seating capacity for 3,500,
which will insure ample revenue to
maka it entirely aelf supporting. Jt
will be used for roller skating, basket
bull, tennis, dancing and for public
meetings in addition to its utility for
ice bkuting mid Ice hockey.
State to Try Half Dozen
for Murder in Ilcn in Hiot
Marlon, 111., Oct. 29. When the
Ilerrin massacre trials start on No
vember S. the first move by the state
will be to nollo the charges against
42 of the 4 men indicted for the mur
der of Howarif Hoffman of Hunting
ton, Ind., according to the best In
formation. Because of the large number of
peremptory challenges given In an
indictment wiih 4 defendants, Ihe
stale deems it best to reduce that
number lo six defendants, which will
mean only a hundred peremptory
challenges for each side.
Fish Chowder
It popularity hasnpreao
ovrr the whole country
fronilNewI-lngJaiHl. Sur
prise your family to
morrow. Get out your
rook book anil pre
vour rhowder' that (In.
tailing touch which
means so much
Send ikmisI for our ewe recipe
14 Win Si . New York
LLiOtjILO Daily a
IsIT Till: MW
. !. iua sml! ink si
m Qu, - m fH
i ANtt Mi; A I. kMtif
fi.iitiiti. ti.iimiMir
llmley (cr Congress
For This District
Cullciira Sciap
Are IlcMihliv
Mow to Keep Well
Quasliuns csrMig fctiaisits,
I in mi4 pisMsiioa el suk
mitua le Of f.vRs fty realtors mt
lk be, soil fcs sntwei P9ianHf
suklvcl le piapsi limilsii.'ii. nl.sis
etm.l, sddiril envvloiis n
il4-. lr, tvsns will not noli
4iliwit r i mi ib lor ledioiilusl
!.. Assists Ullut is ! el
Iks Hr.
t'l.vx.viit i yu
' nn; .ion at iiwii
AlltioUi,h tli s si riiie was Ihiiii
Inure I hull II cars nun I ! i lu It
I iigunt lu slate Ihe puipoie, plan and
inn nuii.- A inont i.f Una I., n. I is
ill. Mill ulsiul t'leiy so often,
I l etters acriiltlpUllled by stamps lilnl
inldi e-md in Vi i.n s are umweied
IWItl'lii two iliys ufier Is-ing received
nt Ihe central 111. r.
Tlu ie ure s.nial iin utiona Hint
ciiiiiMil be .insweri-d for one reiisnti it
filiotrlir. Ill eilylng t.i Ihiise ipies
lions, (he iei.u tiny raniiol be nn
sweted Is nt.iliil
Minv of the (ilnl iiiiih are plainly
, written by p. i, pie who wiinl n (one
!'i iiiieiice dlaummis or rortepoudeiH-e
' ti. - i tn- nt . A cm i ik i ii 1 1. Ii i k il ii r, in
sis ih nothing more than u cuess based
upon a Very fiaumeutarv knowledge
'of lb" facts and Is then fore liable to
iiilxleinl nml do more harm tlnm good,
i I oi i .-Sliotlilellce Ireatlllrllt IS nlMi
I l ajn dons The i huni'ia are at li-not
live to line that sin ll tn-.itlneiit would
be either Iiarinful or biirmli-NS but, at
tip- same lime, pot In Infill.
lu replying to lettcis, we can only
answer iiiesilons as In diagnosis and
ti iitiiieiil in a general way.
Ilnweier, we have a moderate mini
' In r of formulae for simple disorders,
sin ll as are easily cured for In the sim
ple forms uf domi'stln medioitlon.
Kuril of these ill we have are furnish
id to those who write for Horn.
Hubjeits that are frequently iisked
about we answer In fioine Instances,
with a simple lealtrt. In some In
Miiiics. articles Hint appearing In (lie
iiiliimn tire reprinted lu bouldria or
lenflets. 111 some Installers, we sup
ply leaflets that have been placed In
our hands by government bodies and
l.y private aorieticn
These pamphlets, leaflets anil bis.k
lets (ire sent upon request, when post
age Is supplied. In one or two In
M.iUXaK we buy pamphlets from So
cieties, und, In. that case, ih.y nie
supplied on payment of the price we
puv, plus the postage.
Ij-iicis without stumps for reply,
without addresies or without signa
tures are not answered by mail for
obvious reasons.
If tli" iiiiestlotis asked are thought
to be of fairly general Interest, these
letter mar be used for public letters
miv a small part of the letteis sent
urion.vmously or without addresses can
be used. No li tter is made public until
the name and address have been dp
htroyed. No letters, names or ad
dr. sscs are kept In the office or sup
plied to any one for any purpose.
In order that correspondents send
ing stamps may be. certain that the
letter Is not kept here, we return the.
letter with Its reply.
betters ore chosen for public, letters
principally because the questiona are
thought to be of general interest, nnd
also because the method of stating the
miration will make an appeal or It
lends Itself to an answer which will
i-i i: inter.
The article are limited to ubout Curt
words. As, a nile. that amount of
space siilflees for the presentation of
some phase of a subject, not of a
subject In Its entirety. An effort Is
made to make the matter readable.
Obviously, however Informative It
might be, it would do no good unless
it was read. '
The stlbjecls chosen relate mostly to
diseases, because that Is what peoplo
are mostly Interested In. Some articles
are for the purpose! of interpreting
technical tnedlnil Information to the
Many are on personal hygiene
questions. These cover mental hy
giene and mouth hygiene, as well ns
the more accepted phases of personal
Some deal with public health. In
this head we include eugenics and
Home effort is mndo to make the
article timely.
No Toollibriisli on Beceiliiig Gums.
Medlctis wriffcs: "A wide clinlciil ex
prrience has shown me that the agon
izing trifacial iietirulgia. und tic doul
oiiK" ux ure, in many cases, caused by
Ihe dally use nf a toothbrush. Stop-
There it is!
Found by an Omaha Bee "Want" Ad!
In the excitement of last nipht's party did vou lose
anything? Vour wallet coat bum-h of kevs a
lintr or bar pin? Such accidents are unavoidable
in crowds.
And finding lost articles in crowds is like searching
for a needle in a haystack. There's one best way
to recover lost articles- inert a "Want" Ad in the
"Lost" column of The Omaha Ie(
.lust i'.s Hion as the loss is discovered, phone your ad
to The Omaha Hee. In a few hours the news of
your loss will be told to the very person who
found it.
Three Line Three Timet Ten Dimci
pllig the u.e of the .iiibiuh fro-1
l enlly l.aillts In ,i cine j
"1 tie ih Ik-ate gwina an.l soft lirtU!
of children me in all i.i. tnjiiied b .
the tool bin Maiiiy canes of m'
in in II. uti- due In Ihe dally nutating,
of Hie n--vc i mla bv the t.totliln ush, '
"Belief Ihe miltitiiniii of
at. s.ii Pent ci. Itmt nn Die Itiigir or,
soft, cot mnati d f. ll fur the m.llttiiry I
bnetle f mil Id. I null " I
How u Sullen Toenail". i
M. i'. It writes: 'I recently read'
s. in. (Ii, i, g in ..ur column about bow 1
lo son. -ii hard Ineinnls so tin) can tie' i ut '
"I bale fnund imlhiug IctP r than i
,miice I cnMr the toe Willi l.incliii"
I pnl abunl belli i iittou on II and
itl.lW so k (ir llni uler the tne
siiluot lly, so ll to keep the cotloli lit
plai '.
1 iln this tun, or thna days lit a
time. It s lein.u kiible what rftnl It;
h is uiieii Ilie tni'iiad.
Miik in niuiiaiu.
Mln, in I wi tes' "I low docs il itae,
gus ihawtliorni i inn pan with digit, ilia
us n remedy f ir Mil Iciilar lilirllliitloti?
I, ie di feci, e eliinlniitliiti, and
r" ,
I I So Coat t!i U in wnij,
Baker's Cocoa
fjrja). a,
Booklet oj Cholct Rtclpa ttnt Jrm
Otn?.1!?. Morning fW
liKII-ill seem lo ioloi ma, bill help!
the he. ii I eiy iniuh. If iialaeiii
m a fln-IIM'. I should Ilka to use ll,
as rimils oil Ihu griieiat s)llein si I
more pli-isstit,''
lf d.g. talis bus been pi escribed f.-r
von. in v advice la lhat you stick lo it.
No other drug tun tly iluplli utna It.
Iliflll S'liool Inliin tor
Ili-lil nil Itirl'a i'.lmfi'
liciiM f, IS t. J9 t'ltarged with dm
trtliiitinc In Jiivciiils delimiuriiry, In
V. Crabb, Hi, for 1 yeark an Instruc
tor In tho liast iM-uvrr high school,
was arrested here.
ritrii'lest aii'recy surrouinled tba
i isclfie uivilsaliolis lli'lde against
I'u.f Crabb, irsullllig In 111 arrrst.
lie was in i. si id on a I'liptas Issued
f.otu the Jiiietille curt of Judge Bra
I:. I.inil'iiy.
A story, told o her purenU liy a
lil vi ii r old girl student at the hiili
srliisil, was said by the police to time.
Inn responsible for the arrest.
I'rof. 'rahh, who la married, wn
i, rn-nteil at his home.
" H 'htn the ttormy u lndi Jo lion "
and it woul J L Hood tJvka to li
It is warming and sustaining, for it
has genuine food value, and maj? he
safety indulged in anj Hour of tne
da for it is stimulating only m tne
sense that pure food is stimulating.
Jt is delicious loo,
V0T0R 'JU0G t'5E ARS
l I ! I
4..4 Vsl
41 -4 . tii.. I M
' -