The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 29, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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9 A
11 Candidate)
Are Endorsed by
Progressive Club
It. B. Howell, C. H. Randall
an.l Henry Deal Among
Nnminrci Approved y
Ili Nthraika Progressive dub,
who. member numb'r nwr than 3'i0
in Imugln county, unanimously en
dorscd II candidates t it meeting 1 VI
il' V lllgllt,
Th endorsement wa mad after
fh member heard tli report of I lie
executive committee ami a iprch ly
Hum Klavcr, tlie club' president, who
declared (lint now I tli tint to de
throne llitilicock from the senate and
t"Jt a inuii In th governor' chair
who has been tried ami proven.
The reason given for the endorse
mutt of itm audidate follow:
' It. I!. Howell for L'nlted Htnt
Pen.itnr -II never iult. la efficient
uiul iiJudjn looking after tli people
i ii I ei A big iii'in Willi progressiva
"('barbs Jf. I iambi 11 for fJuvernnr
A successful liuslnes man mul law
maker, lie him llif right stuff In him,
iivi' fads Instead if bunk.
j'i client Itecor.
' i). 8. Hilllmiiii fur Attorney Min
eral A county attorney of I'lef
lonnly ho linn mini." mi excellent r"i
,r'l fur Impartial law iif'iii fiiii Ml, !:
Ii if mi x wi vleo m ill, Hplllmnn In u
fishier mul nlll ihanipion the taums
f I In' i " " I
1 1. Lohiiisou f'r Mate Treasurer
Knjil ears iik minify treasurer f
Wdilcr couiit, and fniir yurrf ex-
umlmr nf county treasurer.
"W. H. I in fur enmity Trearurci
'I ho h"t r'liinty treasurer we vi r
llll'l. II" lllinle IHI ll'llllll lllll" llll'l I HI'
i ii nt rworil In t hut till".
"Henry Heel fur t'ouity Attorney
Ai deputy onnty attorney under A,
V. WlOtWcll, Ileal )!! made (Ill tX-
i.clli nt record. Ih a married niiiii,i
ll'nn I'ljl, 11 taxpayer mul worthy nf
f 1 1 1 1' i" i I oft very n-puhbciin voter.
I reserves Another Term.
"Mike Cl.jik fur I'uuiify Klu-riff
II ih made mi ifiblciit sheriff, Clin k
is lioiit'ML iinil lit iJi jk rvina another
"flinil-K KuUit for ( 'ininly I'oiiimls
ii null - I'Kfli! m-puty county allot-
iicy .lllil llMttfl priil'WHotl.
"l. ui .' il'ii"!- fur i ''iiniy Knrtovor
- II- Ih fir till- pupil- if IXtUKlilM
county fn.f, last and iill Un; tlim;.
Ha livnli' k'mmJ.
"riiarl' x I.'lKiiitrr fur M rtl. ir:il
Jil'li;!--I 'iilliprti lit atvl well iiuallfii'l.
"Wllli.iiii Wapplch for
JiiiIk Kalrnenit mi'l JiimiIi'O to fill.''
'rim nflliTr of tin- Hub are Wain
Klavr, prinlilcnl; r. I. Hnwrimff,
r pri'iiil'iit: J. J. 1' .- 'luiii ii, hi lor
nvy, KTri-Kipy, aii'l A liii.'i- Kaliiiim,
rhaliiiian of 111 f ).'i-iitiv i.iiiniltti"c.
The Cottonwood Tree
I Parole Denied
Manford HiLrjrs:
Term Reduced
Long Skirts Doomed by
Muit lie 7 Imlui from
Ground, I'otr SK-vifieB
300,000 N.Y. Women
Sir Hqrry louder Sqiiilrlic
Hetkli r at I.tton 'I'lieatcr
I!itiiii, cut. Wh'ii Hir Harry
LuuilT, lit III turn ot Hi Himtun
iprn liotw, waH MiicaklnK "i-'
frii'iulKhlpd uf 1 he two KiikIIkI' uprak
j lit? nafloiiK, hrnlhcr Hi'ot, wlm rvl
ilinlly liml lii-nii In'lulKltiK ton frri-ly
in tlm lutoxii nt;iiK flnl'l mail': f.'timiiiii
by hlH ancPMtors. lilt' rrupti'il tlin (ii r-fiii-manri-
b oklns Itih)t how lio
woiili) like lo li! liaik In the mln'H
Tliu Ki'otch runi'illan rfpllnl tlmt
lie wnuM bo If Ih- "hailii't any mure
Inti'lliRiMire" than the hrclihr. The
nU'lli'iire hioku Into iippIiiUHr.
Moloriht Dicrninhcd,
n. I'. Ilmiver, I'liivi'iHliy of Ne-liiasli.-i
iiipiliral nlmlpiil. who via nr
nnteil fur ii'ikN'M rtrivltiK nevcral
lays an. wax illwliartseil by 1'iillco
JiulRe Wapplrh yrstrnlay mnrnlnnr.
Thnre a no tinuiii(my HKalimt him,
in- hii rnmpniiinii, H. V. Tulcot.
Omaha Hank
(Meat iiig.
wee k
ihi' rlearitiK were:
InrrfUHe $5,fi42, 4.i0.63.
Omaha bank rli'ariii(; this
were: JtO.OI'J.SI .21. Kor th
week lint year
Th rolliinuiMMl In Die rrnk
ftiit'ely ll d In Hi Ihin uf
Ii iiiiiipln il.
The wlmle i-pii- uf r-ili ni. I Ain' t d a
V.i (idn inU'l with the fun-Kin, Tho
1 1 aft uf the ba k wi'iilmniin won hiini'
In the w lli-i ii'-r, the priwinn mul en
Iniaiuc of the Ii u i it r ami nomail wnn
a BU UKKle fi r lllwily, MiKiallun ovi-r
llm Alli-Klienle fnll'iwIiiK the ri vnln
liiai wi in mi iiiiii i' In the Ii o il 1 1 k
uf the wi.'ili'i il'.nililn, While the
Ameiliaii In the wkhI. he wuM
In bin ii.iil'.i' ili mi ni .inn! he ih'Vil
ieil a iimilf i.f fi- ii nil irialn Ird k
the (r ule, i veii a the ililik altalfU'l
Wt li fi'i t
Illlt tin: wlimilig if the wenlern
philii wiih ii illffcient matti-r. The pi-ifie-r
hail to iJeM-lfip a vw nidile uf
hf-. Vin!i -ni ft Kave way to n rraft
of he prairie tin h-XM m.'il velmiH ttli'l
If'illv a-i pi-liir-;:ii'.
I Kiiiiiivi-I from nvailable Iok as
j I iiihllnK material Hie pi, tint -man n c
j ali-i a bIiimI.v of soil. Having no
I flrev. ixnl, he c iIIiitciI hijffalo chip
j for fuel. Ja-prive.j i.f the lime hon-
ore'l voiiitlmi of MplltHriK railn from
willed In hullil fenif, he rfl '1 without
fi'iti i-H, ami ijevelopeo' ability with the
l.iiiat. Hut Ik- hii'l to haveaeorml for
dm w llil broie hn ami be lia'J to have i
pole from whli-h to bull'l It.
Only Atallable Timber.
The whole H'rh'-me of winning the
fl woul'l liave liml a Kreat iK-thack
liKht li' ie were j( nut for the eottoii
woods tn-eii that fcrew alonK beiiilx In
the creik tint torn, ami draw of the
upline!. The laittonwood wa a trc
flint volunteered to leave the timber
belt, arid mlfc-rulu on downy-wlnged
nei-'l to the unfriendly noil ai'iox th
iVI!tourJ, lo be preHxrd into Hervlee
by the pioneer, who' nleo had ln-eiv
IratiKplaiited from the wooded domain,
Jmllepiimable to flu; fronlb-r un It
i wan, the ramliliii;; rottynwood had
many hoitcomlnH thnt'th oldtlme
wiHtt-rn mlbu:' ran remember with
I'iKtim -tiii-Mt. It wa uw-d for' build
ing the corral, hut only Iieraune It wan
the only wood to lie had. And It w8
ti:e'd fur other ihinn from Hlern
i:c-c-eil '.
In plom-pr dayH on the NVhfaHka
plaiiiH, a few lux hoiiMf-x were fin pro
vim d from eotlonwood, but t bey were
iiinkeHhiftH,' even a the other une
lo which the p'TVi-rxe tree wan put.
Loci of n i-onveiiicnt diameter for
housebuilding were loo Hhort, and by
the (time the. tree grow tall enough
for a . hoimelopr, It Is too thick and
heavy to be handled readily.
Ilili-iuna fur I'loneer.
Kali snaked and heavy, and with it
iniii;li hark making too much friction
for facile (IniKulns with team nml
chain, the cotfonnood houne log pre-
botloiii of the pmiri coiuil ry wai lull
men who line deupcrule elrenilt mid
l.ciiied n I i I r? 1 1 1 ,i lor the rofourceful
pion"r noil lili Invincible brum hon.
It wan that p.iridoxlral problem of
! phyi of Hie Irn nleiible force acting
'upon an Immovable object. True, (lin
man with llic'' mh;hl. pe- the bark
from th log, and II would llil along
1 1 lie froiify ground much more enatly.
i I'.ul, nnyoiiB iitternptliig to peel the
'hark from a cotlonwiMid tree hopped
down In fall or midwinter, noon come
to the roiiclueluii that Hi broncho
are elected to holve the problem by
tiiain Mrciigth. Ivven though the log
I incorporated Into the houiie with It
bark remaining, the vat amount'uf
,ip In the log, Imprlmmed by th eov
erlng. ctiue the wood to rot and to
become wormy. It eem Hint the
barK juet hn lo come off.
After a half century of painful ex
perimentation by murdy. Indomitable,
reroiirci ful pioneer, the neeret of
building a hahltetlon from cotton
wood ha been aolved. It eem. An
old timer lip In th islaek Thunder
country of Wyoming; write a letter
to the Wenton County Gazette, In
which he dlacloiw the ecrct, which
no longer liotild,-b a eret at all,
but ahould be reltetfit-d It th e'-ho
of Whlngtnn hand pree all along
jibe frontier, where the "far flung bat
Ill line" of h'inieieader are atrug
igllnif In the domain of gpiiriie noil
and mean Cottonwood.
Secret of Tree,
V'lmt, fell the cottonwood In apring,
and early summer, ay the veteran
plulnHman. It 1 mere child' play to
chop the Kofi, nappy wood at that time,
he dlnclone. The bnrk inunt be re
moved Immediately, antf the proeeii
1 no ay at (hi time , of year it
cornea off In Jut that length of time.
Trimmed to the dealred length, the
log hould be allowed to remain for a
month or no, eaxoiliig In the prairie
tiunxhinc. tty that time a large per
centage of weight lin evaporated, and
the mnooth log can be wnaked along
canity over the buffalo gra. It alo
I enally rolled and adjuated in place.
And there, bleaching white In tho
wtHtern aunnhlne- the completed cot
tonwood cabin aland, a belated reve
lation. Mad thi aeerct been known B0
year ago, thing might have been
different. For one thing, pioneer
plalnMinen of the Nebraska undlill!f
would not have been obliged to live
In od house In the long year be
fore the railroad were flung aero
the prairie with their cargoea of oak
beam and pine aiding.
Hut the .aecret wa not known 00
year ago. Home wa not built In a
t&y. Neither was a cabin of cotton
wood log.
All t.KTIHI'.Mf.NT.
Hack hurt you: Can't straighten
up without suililcn pal n. fhuri ache
and twinges! Now listen: That's lum
bago, sciatica, or maybe from a strain
and you'll get relief the tnoineiil you
rub your buck with itnnthing, penc
illing Kt. Jacob Oil. Nothing tle
take out soreness, lameness and still
nes so iiul'kly. Von simply rub It
on vmir K'n k. and out comet th pain.
It is hnrmli. and iioen't b'in '.he
I.ihiUt Uf: I'on t suffer! (!. t a Sinsll
t ml bottle of cUI. honest HI.
0. 1 from my drug store, Slid after
1, mg It Jum cm- Joii'll foigel thsl
veil eer h. buck f he. lumbagrt or
scUtba, t.iiui your I n k tl inver
hurt, or chum scy n.' ts itimry. Jt
hover itlS'iplHwnt. snd hut bien in-viic
Pirmlxl for H ri.
j Shoe Merchant j
Routs 2 Bandits!
Dealer So Enraged He Knoiks
One Down and Captures
Hail Insurance Losses
'ill Be Paid in November
State hat) insurance lyone will, In
all probability, not be paid until the
latter pirt of Novemlier, according to
an announeemcnt by the state hail de
partment. This delay .state official
say, i due lo the fact that county
treasurer are not compelled to remit
ail the funds collected for the 1922
- - j premium until November 1. Since
Wl.i ti two Mexican held up Anton i loxxes exceed the premiums In the do
Helali in his shoe store at l'.T.X Hoiith j partmetil all funds must be In the
Thirteenth street at 1:30 Kmurday hands of the state treasurr ebefore a
morning he became ni enraged be voucher (i n lie drawn for the pay
knocked one down ami captured the ' ment of any of the losses, official In
otlmr. ; the department state.
The floored man, who bad h'-ld a I
revolver pointed nt Hclnl;' head,' Wi'h a ilew to making all possible
dropped the weiiimn and ran. senp- effort to overcome the deficit In th
l,m-. ' slate budget in Italy, It has been pro- tin ii turned los allmlam to I'osed lo return to the us of war
bread The bread I to b mad ot a
mixture of wheat and other cereals to
decrease cr.un purchase In the
ai iii r.
Tells n T ( Sof,ed N
inl 4 I m 114 t W.
th fini'iil liandlt nlio. while hi
comii.uiion had held ltelak nt bay.
bad gone lo the rear of th store and
was srli it ii! fhoes to be carried
Jacobs , away.
Thy struggled furiously and neigh
Inir who he.ud tln commotion tile
i phoned to "l. i e. IVtet tue t'.eorg
' SuimiHit and Aiith ii.v Krainl found
i I'-rta'i voth a iuMicd prisoner atul
the mm th'ii Ini l tl.eni the tuny
! of the tioUltii'.
, 'the i "is I o,. kul en
i clmrr lniiiie,.y i.ii.Ury He g-w
h:S H4io s 1'ian l:nl-j
!' w.i I'likki'g out Hi vuv lt I n
!Imms" lMik till poll. 'It In -Is
j me I -i1 I I t bid lo li t the gun-
' lo.iii "
fnlted Mtiitis
Pardon Board Reeognizrg Ef
forts of Omaha LmbezIrr
to Prcu-nt Jail
Lincoln, Oct, '.'H.Tho stale lioard
of pardon and parole did nut do
! much for Muiifotd V.. Illgg of Omaha,
I but It recognized hi effort to pre
vent an outbreak of prisoners from
the Iiouglas county Jail, HiKg re
ceived a cut on Ihe head In hi ef
fort to prevent Insurgent prisoners
from obtaining the keys from th
turnkey. He succeeded, but now
wrui a rear on hi shining pate. Ho
I doe the deputy sheriff, who hud Hie
I keys.
Mlggs Is a prisoner in tho county
jail, becuuse the penitentiary I too
crowded lo receive more men. lis
wu sentenced to serve from two to
live jcurs In th penitentiary. The
board of pardon declined lo grant
iiiKg' reiiicht for a pardon, but It
commuted his sentence to two year.
When he serves that sentence with
good lime allowance, he will be sub-
J-i't to parole. He whs sentenced
April 17, Vi'll. The two year with
four months' good time ulluwanco will
expire Jieceniber 17, 1'.M.
lilgK wn convicted of embezzling
II 4 from the Omaha Ice and Cold
Hloiagi; company. He wu treasurer
of several church organizations,
v iios'i funds he I iilfo alleged to have
s;ent, lie is M and married and licld
a responsible position for many year.
His downfall is attributed to Infatua
tion for women, upon whom he spent
considerable money,
Neiileneed for Murder.
The board granted commutation
of sentence of two other prisoners.
John Norman of Dodgo county, serv
ing 12 years for murder In the second
degree, had hi sentence reduced to
eight years nml six months, which
released him from prison October 21.
Archie Ivlward of Hog J'.utte rouuty,
serving a term of 22 year for mur
der In the second degree, had hi sen
tence cut to ii year. Kdward wa
received at the penitentiary October
2H, I ill 3, n In 'i years ago. lie shot and
killed IJen Jordan, a police oHIcer at
Alliance. Norman wa operating a
hoarding and rooming douse at Fre
mont, Ibi shot and billed Henry
Moore, a loonier, as thy result of a
quarrel. Ills sentence commenced
November 24, l!i. Sheriff Oondit.
favored his release and Wallace II.
Wilson wrote letter in hlw behalf,
J'earl Hamilton Jurt of Ith.-ha rdson
county wa paroled from th reforma
tory for women at York.
Jtlcliard Mark of Douglas, ervlng
one to three year for larceny from
the peron, was beard by th board
but action wu deferred.
Keep llooze Car. .
Oeorge Coulter of York, who uto
wa confiscated because it wa used
for transportation of liquor, wa de
nied any relief by the board.
Karl Bruce and John Brown of
Cheyenne county, both aervlng from
one to seven year for grand larceny,
now in Jail, were given parole.
1'arole were denied to Carl Walter
of Douglas, one to eeven .year for
grand larceny and receiving alolen
property, and to Jame tjlanden of
Box' Butte, one to 10 year for grand
larceny. Both men are In the re
formatory. Tli following case were decided
by the board:
Psroles tniiitrit'. i;in Block, Douulm,
tiurxlsry, 1 lo 10 yesrs; Rolt I'ops,
New Vork, Oil. Id. The ml.le
skirt li been officially and uemia-
! lienlly rrninvrd from III wardrobes
1 of .lOO.tVtfl New York women by Ih
action of delegate lo Ih rnnven-
i Hon of the New York City I der-
i lion of Woinrn'i Club In inline
unanimously In wear drmse no
longer Ihtn seven Inihe from (he
The rrtnliilion sounding Ih death
Kuril of Hie lung skirt urge wnnirn
1'irry where l frr thrinselvrs from
appsrrl now tiring InlriHlured and
hating edge that nearly sweep Ih
ground and carry jerni laden dirl
into I tie home.
Ho ore
Up Hightsl
Bladder Weakness Quickly Cor
rected by Recant Scientific Dis
covery for Old and Young.
50 Cent Package Free
What wonderful comfort to ilrep all
niifht and not Rtt un at lesut once, snd
majrbs six or eisht time., tverjr niiht be
csute of bladder weakness. Hove you for
otten what the rmtfulneas snd lunurjr nf
sn unbroken night of untroubled ilcep it
HSJ. f. iAIltY
Lincoln, Ntb,
This imiiiution ii lK only on
f. -!
, - i I i
f us In a f" li.i'iicn"
h.l h i'i hi i:i
. . r ilok-d !' 1 1 a will ' '
I ... S( 1.I4..I ft lU ltl i-l
a. t Jul . i - f !' '
li i m .., i.r i4. " f !' 1
o.ff n f .-.,.Ti t Uhlrf fl ll'
!.. ex ii..( a .. t .' a l
la l tout .ii ,.. ) m mt .t a .
U.I I i f t i ,.4114 ll n A t' 1
I ' i f -i. f.s,(nt ni..a 1-..; ii
la 'V s,iit it l It -. .ui
tHas' Stf i.M. ef l. I
li I k 1 I t.i,-iii. n(. u
i .. k n. :.. t i.U( i, ma
It , . I 1 I I i
l ft- iff ..... t. .1
i ,!t b . 4 w...'. e.
I di liter Pii uic
A'l Hi I'i I'll "I I
i t.- ,' s is l- l i r
!( ! I '. l.o..l ..i V
1 1 il.'. ..
i tit '.!
I'laak At I I
ll;.it-l I'i
il n'1 l Ii ' I t4ur ftrtnrr
f r Ih ii-(i t lo.arit "f si t I- '
. v bus. I t l a I ii'o l i ii. I s !
nd . s-.tlllt rl tH Ih U PsM
a ..I ii.!.r limit a i"i.l h.ftt
1 1 al II I ' I u l
lailV rl- --tut ' IW.vtf Hi-I liM
'I e i :it i.-i-ss if I.'n. t.
ll.ii re 1 win X nuili
th rrntisl tt with trparat
buiUmg itutil in their own
groumU, ytt tnlirely iliUliHl, n 1 1
fendeiicf It poU! ttt csMify
iitci Ik cm tulUl:if I ting fli
ts I fop u4 Urvetfd ta Ih treat-
itaul f goiirot.Uriuu an4 fiohmn-1
11 diaef. no Cth r being InVt-
14; th othr lttst Cult.' bin
ilaik'iS'l fef n4 lit voted Id th
!jn tusl'iutil f !( mental j
cats rnuirin( fur Inn wit.'Kfjl
tai nJ t'fil adtaiiif
Wm..' Wssdtrlul' ltai t.lkt
Tt All Niikl Law I Slall.u a Braas
Isllttt MaSa Ost tssl ltus Atia,
AmSf Iht tirlncil'sl cauaat ef til
treubit it cbrssit tnlsrstsiiiit sf Iht trai
ls! i tnd ant blalil.f irriuiwa sn l
thai snd f 1st arienlitlt tliasiarli tit-us
ki.k k.H"t a bnoaa lat'l.ia t't laiad.
aia4 wnlKsl taiaunty tarn trme
taaistia suit it sassllr s-hit.a4 ttt
ISt frs-juaul istssiaat Is urisslt ti4 lha
rairriie lr st IM itaas
wnk IKit ttil ttt ba.t Ihi ba4 Is si.
I akaai faatt
.iai nan. iiin sn I t 4 ih-jl l Iff
lajit ntlari'sl l.asin.a.1. Il its ws-.j
Ifca V aJI.. U i. f. ..I l a liul. iSal a'
.nr s I 'll f inl a s).t f
SS'el s-iif
s.t Miie.s l-da., ik a.t m
ii,.ea k.'s sat si si-1 rs-ao
( s l. ka t k ,
lo in, nl'iiij ki -ii l. Ill Huff,
ataii.r R....I, salt a I , Mil
This U th Right Tim
to IUv Winter Clothti
The Pantorium
III llH.I til
lit M -frmaaiaa
kail I ta is
iMily tm I raa s 1 t
In-ill l.ii I a. an I as. a.
l I'I'll 'a s li i III
at , ,
liiiiislaa. ahont to klil. t I : )':
llrl Nlalay, Kurnat, g'tlitj tHrraiir, I t'l
7 ara; Olan Hrutiuiiatl, llardtll, hoia
i"alli,s, 1 lo to aa'a; Adrian HioU.
Thiiralon, hurglarr. I to I rttai Hair
I'uwan. Ksrpr, ahoot lo Sill, I to 29 fraara,
I'larU fCvsila, bllli'oln, mu'o sleallns mimI
lari'ii)r, 1 In 7 yar; llslpto Kaplar, kulh,
liurslary, I In It vraia, llarrr Mbmiii,
I'i'Usiaa fraud larrenv, i lo 7 rNr: ftt,il
ll MrN'lihola, iAiUflaa. Insrialauf lilrr, I
til tt yeaii.
I'srolca ilen led : Klllls-tll, l.uf,
a"aull, i to la )ura 11. i la.-, I.un
ea(er. f.irirr, I lo JO y-trt; Krd I..
Ols'irelfMr, l.aneailar, hlirflarr. 1 to 19
-MrM; Alfreil Kar, Iin.-SMlar, itn-any n
hallee, I in 10 yaara: i-'rsnk Martin, lain
eaalar, frnlid lalianiy. I to 7 ': lla
liee.her, liiiiistaa, laaaklns snd anirrins,
I lo 10 eara; l.'rslg 'hmslaii'lald, t'ndsa,
f"rry, I lo So .ra, Lewis Kuhnr,
li'ius'as. stialliif ami recainf tlolrn
SUloa, 1 to rHra.
keftirmaU'ry foe Men,
I'arolea srsnli-r); l.ralar (ulli-f.'aa
fir, l.rKln and an.rlii, I In )o ra;
I.uihar lliliirl, f.aneaalar, braakliif and
entering, I lo 10 leara; John Kulf, Ijin-esslr-r,
lirenhllig and enlerlrif, I to 10
yeara; t'Hriwn O. revliiftnn, tlouslal,
breasllif mii'I snleriiif, t fw 0 year.
4 nil (sses.
('iiiiiiutid: l.'iward Ksvnnr, Thiiralon,
rereiving stolen proper! r. J srj Man tool
K. Hlsss, Imuslaa, enilelrienl, i lo
t vara (o two ars: ,loaih Knneer.
Liniiftaa, hraaklnf snd an'erins, I tnnniha
to b iiionihs.
Stale Kxpense
Totals .$912,691
for September
Uprnditum for .Month $100,.
000 Below Atrrape Df
. crrRse 60.0(M) I'rom
Superior Pmbytt-rian
Will Lay Cornerstone
Buperlor, Neb,, Oft. 2 Hpcea,)
Th cornerstone o ft he First t'res
bvterlan hurrh will bo laid Hiitiday.
Mr. I.uey t'omi and Frank Hchmel
log, two of th tJIdest member of (he
church, will have churn of the cere
mony. The plan call for a very at
tractive structure, In the library or
clasalc design. It will he of light
frown shade. The auditorium will
seat 400, On the ground lloor there
wilt be ample facilities for Honday
school and social work, including a
well-equipped kitchen with completo
modern plumbing. The cost, of the
st ure I expected lo lie about
. 16,000.
I.iikoIii, int. fit injn'. i a W or
ient totaling t'jH'Ji wet drawn
upon Ih stat treasury during Hi
month of heptmlier, in-cording to Ihe
report of I. F. Iiriiss, finanro err
tary, Tim Is I'i", mul less than th
month previous. Hill incurred by th
slat for th last 15 month amount
to I15,4''.',0(I0, of which iim;3.oii9
hnve been audited and paid, This
show that state rietuie for Hep
tember wer iilmul 1 0,'0O under th
average for that period. t
Th four big Item In th list are
toad mid bridges, 1:1,73 s.'o; stat
Institution. e3,202,nnO: state univer
sity, l.i,7l.iini; n ml normal . hool.
MTI.OO'I. The ode dcpiirtinsnls drew
l,:ili7,ni', tlie enecuttve officer,
M.'iu.lii'u, and ol her dcpaillneiits l,
u.1l,0'iO. ('I.'isslf.eil. the ekpemllttiies for III
hist li months are; Halarles and
wages, 14,714,000; supplies, 2,II09HOU;
office and traveling eleiise, )l,ti,13,.
0')0; nuilnlennnr of buildings, f 3" 5.
000; office S'liilpment, hiborntory im
plies, etc,, land and build
ing. $l,7fi.0i)0; publln lmiirovenienl,
largely fur road construction, $3,720,
(iiiO; fixed charges, slat aid and con
tributions, iri07,non; revolving, store
and stale activities, 1104.000.
Legion Opposes County
Red Cross Office
liraid 1. llll'l. ii, IM. : - S't
rial 1 1 iegrmu.r Th American 1.
gloii passed a resolution ihsUrlrig
that th post hud been requested for
un expression of sentiment a lo it
attltud regarding th lied Cross
membership roll call and it was th
srre of til Legion that will! th
sen ha given by th local t haptrr In
Hie past had brill variable to th ei
service men, It did not beliei the
n ceils i: these liu'ii In the county to
be such st present as to warrant Ih I
lied t'rosa In their further inalnte
nance of an otfi.e wliosn prarticat
lunclliiii was to be sucli service,
Membirs of th ttil I 'ros t ru- i
live l iiitiimits are li iiiianlimnis In i
the Convlt lion limit be maintenance '
of a sms la 1 i hspter here is further
wsrranled and it it hkily the
roll call Will In- out for tlie cbsi
ItreJ 1 1 In f purHiaes of the natloiial
Woiticii I.rmliT to aSuk.
Maud Wood t'arii, ii.iHon.illn1
known woman leader and president of
th I e.igus of V'utiisn oter, hn ac
cepted an invltatlnn to b Ih guest nf
th Onish vluipttr at a dinner N
vrmbrr II. tilio la (i be on of Hi
principal apesker st the stat rrni
ttntlon of th leagu In Hastlngt No.
v ember 141 and 17, and w ill atop her
on her wy est.
Plutk ssd Vtlvtl Cssl ss Wrasi
aclaslltiitllr Ciassad d tltsaittl
lift I una ftlraat
Ttltfiksaaai Omtls, A T lanlit 0J4S
ink ldt, MAiktt O060
sssssssssassass) tst-saaassassssHsssaasas mshsmssssjsw sw
yik$L THK progress that MO
Gnifva Vr'ill Tak Ovrr
Strang 'IVIfplionc Offire
rieneva, Neb,, tict, 2, (Kpeclal.)
The telephoii ex' hange at Wrung I
t b discontinued and ulerlber will
lie given service from fiensva after
November I, Hlxty telephone will tie
added to Hie local awitcblionrd, milk
ing IlOfl connected with the fieneva i
cliang. The Ktrang plant bag not
been pa; Ing fur some time, A pay
station will be maintained at rilrang
In the future by the Lincoln Tele
graph and Telephone company.
May field Is Lligilde.
Austin, Tex., Oct. 2. On advlea of
the' alt'iniey general, Hecretary of
titatn KCiples tills morning certified
by telegraph to all county clerk the
name of Hnrle H, Maylleld 8 demo
crtl! cMt'dldai for L'nited fitate sen
a (or.
nHP progress that
A has been made
by this firm in giving
Omaha the finest
Funeral Home surely
guarantees you
against imposition.
We Maintain a Twenty-four-hour
Pirc-Arrow Ambulanc Strsic
F. J. Stack & Co.
i'unaral Directors and Cmblmr
' 3224 Farnam Street
Omaha, Neb.
Aeb AuanEO!SEiceEniieiia GEaafl ho dm
A lot of talk has been caused by a
itory only fairly begun in The Red
Book Magazine. We refer to Rupert
Hughes' story of New York. Readers
have already decided that it is this
Sifted author's best piece of work to
ate. Many have declared he will
write nothing in the future to equal
it. But those critics who have proph
esied that succeeding chapters of this
new novel cannot possibly sustain the
interest of the first tew already printed
are wrong.
When a leader of his craft has
achieved his best, he is aware of it,
and his public is aware of it. We in
cline to agree with those who say
Mr. Hughes will neverwritc a greater
novel. It is certain that he has written
the big story of New York for all
time. But we would emphasize the
fact that there occurs no let-down in
this story as the story continues to
its conclusion. Iiach chapter leaves
you with the feeling of having expert'
enced what takes place. Sometimes
it is a scene of early New York -so
real you must make a conscious effort
to return to the familiar objects and
people about you. Then someone's
mental processes are probed so deep
his thought and action seem star
tlingly like that of your own, or
someone you know.
1 1 is ama ing to reflect that a writer,
however skilled, can lay bare, for ex
ample, a woman's impulses a wife's
inner feelings a mother's heart.
Patty Jessamine becomes the reader's
ward: to follow her through her
eventful young days is to feel actual
responsibility for her welfare. It
might be one's own daughter who
in a full moment throws nerself on
the grass beside the husband whose
anguish she has caused. And through
it all New York is in the making;
growing before your eyes. Those
who are entertained by their eager
reading of "Within these Walls"
will incidentally have acquired a
a knowledge of New York which
many who have lived there all their
lives do not possess.
A generous installment of this
much-discussed novel is in the
November issue of The Red Book
Magazine on sale now at every
news-stand. Those not familiar with
the quantity and quality compressed
between the covers of one magazine
arc respectfully requested to reflect
on some of the authors in the same
number for November Rob
Wagner; Clarence Budington
Kclland; John (Jalsworthy; Albert
Payson Tcrhune; Gerald Beaumont;
Thomas L. Maison; Bruce Barton;
Tannic Kilbourne. And the Art Sec
tion of Beautiful Women. The Red
Hook Magazine. For Novcmbcr.iclU
ing now. Twenty-five cents.
The Red Book Magazine
I. s " 1 " ' I 'as
i A t s-s lit't i4 l if
I I It 1 ' k--t t
.1. l .1 ..
a a ! I'I
l a . . . I" ' I X lent
.uaikl M . IMl alti4 Ml
...I. 11 wVi.j'J1