The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 29, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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7 A
Jurors Dry Eyes,
Women Weep, Girl
Faints at Trial
Mother IWlfMi Totiinony
to Save Daughter Who Slew
Ilii'l'urir? and Stenogra
pher Moves Court,
Mi it, (hi. 2 from th re
lit of the noihre ft Mri.
' Vnrrm, i: ,,r, fir, ,,M i,.tt fr ,hf
Mtri'ir of dir ml,nnt' atrnor.'i
h!,, lIMrM Crckltta. ram th In.
' t Wli;jaltl le f H jafl;mc
,ti-t loom (day that t'ath'on )ih
l"i Incmlg!! !t In hr youth.
T!; a irr.'f "ii waa dragged fii rn
lh mother, Mr, him Jtrl.f, by Aa
t nt Dlx'r.rt Attorney H ciaer In
i' n ax.irnl .'iij' n.
Mr. K'l't f"W hour ptevloualy
J 'l moved ih ape" tutor and two
JW'Vipn ! I'frt. whil.; W(i.,B by'
laticdiy h'railf, wt'h h i n-,iiiit of
lor on iinhnjpy married 1 f before
I'tith-iimTa Mill). Kb had regained
her ri'iiir"! whin aha returned to th
' n1 ti b examined ly tlit corn.
Mollirr Tlake Klund.
Mr, lied, flm' took th atand In
Mm morninr, arid toid detail of her
life 'in order to aave th life of bef
The rnoher fold ,f Id. etraln r,t In
arliy Ih'it rntirae through th Menel
of hr fipnlly, In ord"r lo aubatari'lutu
the p'i- iit emotional Infinity off. red
by I It it U ore.
Ilr father wne crazy, Mm. M
teaMfled. ,i.r iilH-cr In., tic. mid her
3 year old aon I an Imlierllo, with
th m'nd nt 3 year old.
liefore Catherine wax Lorn In Fori
Mr. lU anid, I c r h'iland bad
ti ii ron 'Inwtlly Intoxicated end lout
biutally b''n end choked h-r.
Juror Wipe I 'yen,
flln triig!d tut control, then cried
"I WA n irnmirilt nulcld","
and lril d -wn, wAi'Mnti Int'j d"r
handicrchlff. Mm. iUm'-r lo wi-jit.
Wicni'ii !l ovur f h cmrt room
wlid thflr ryut und tl1 aloud.
Th in' Kirln vnf"r-i a
lfr in lh rrowd. Hh ulljppt-d M
th flour III tt fnlnt mid m curried
Two-Juror opn!y wiped tholr wb(
yr with handkarchlMg, The (rial
ilO'.d adll.
w'hn rho ukuIm ' til'le to pck
Mrs, Ui'ld lold of having warned hrr
dai:iflif-r i-f Arthur Hoalor, bruthvr
nt tl alul'i man.
"Greatest Bachelor' ' Ready to Quit
m.,.-..-; J: nm. gm iiiim. in iw natwiiaiiia i rnaiMiinnianw m. m ymmmmmmmm
mi Hi wii mx.
licit- Ihn liil in n, (I'.iiini; louni and lcilcumil id l'iiic(r llciit) i,
Oli'iirii, Til')'jiiiuc uvciiim wlm iiii b-n tullcil "th uinld'a crtuttut
li.'ii licliir." "Mi,l miiii-ii li'-i lln'ir f .illcni out of lliclr kllrl.i'im," lie (..
' I lu te iuli:c in." Iilci::i never w. nt to -lil a day, yet Ix th aullmr
of II Ixi'ilm und "Wl miihi!iIch. Itduw U .Mr. Oterlrh aa lit) lonUa ut til.
Dinlrirt Court Without
JiirixJirtion in Texan How
Auailn, Trx , Oct. 2K. Tha aluU au
prrina lourt lant nlxht irnntrd a mo
tion to Huy Ihc iictlori of lh"Navnrio
coiiniy did'rlct court In the injunt'lloti
null ckln to prvnt tt)n cprtlflia
tlon of lh nnmo of Kurle It. May
fluid aa d"ni(Hrtc natorlnl tandl
Out. Tha court alio, in lt anw?r to the
certified question from thtr Dallin
court of civil ipf.iln, h'-!d that th
ui!i'alcm wero without authority tj
Inmltuie t.r.d maintain th Injunction
und thcr'-foro tins dlidilct court I
without Jurisdiction.
Lutheran Cluirch Will
())erve Anniveraary
The flrMt iinnivfiaary of Our Havlor
IUtbi-rtin cliinrh, J.lnco'n boulevard
and Thirtieth atrsct. will ha olmerved
at Kundiiy ninht with n. reformnflnn
aervicn. Miaa Helen Miller. Mrs. Wil
liam Turner fintl Mrs. P. Rolen will
aintf Mul'ia and tliera will be chorul'.
Tint "Wnrtd'a iititent li;icielor" in
ready ti '.
"H.n In Iii. Iioi.d In uU wi urii,'," con-t.'lil'li-
l'i ulc.mir li'liiy Olei.di, lift,
iit.Mt, c-lircator, -.-t. t u-t. mechanic,
Inventor imd autlii.r ofW l.uoka und i
mot than !!nl I in.ilili In, wt:oi
or" la dencrlbed by him ua followa;
' Mi.Kt women keep their calleia out
tf tli-lr kitchen I Invite mine In. My
kitch-n I uhvay ua urn t, ili-iiii und
i nU'i ly an u ; pal lor.
The kiti In ii'ulle piop' r In only 20
'.iMh.N wide mi l lil Ini In b iiiim, und la
biielielor It), tl'llneiil ut 'J2I!)
iiveiiue bat t-eii ti'i'invd "iiiu neat-
C.t, cll-tll.CHt tlllil 111' Mt C'ltlVclli'-Ill
taili"i.r ouarteia tiiat can by found
any here."
I'rofiKaor Oler i h win lonti married,
but l In? d ' fli of b.ii rhiinti'd him
Into the l.fe of a. bachelor. He uc
ccptcd t'ie t'h;i!lnii(:i ud Iccaine u
(Mud cock und mi e:;i ' lb at lioce
l.ailinoie ifihiipa the nialcut
und tnoH con-
vciib nt place for H ook to luepurn
--I nil hi I've a fine lnnil that waa ever
"The cook la linm-dlntely aui round
' I t y un b e box, cooklntt utemiilH,
'ihhea, tablewitre and fund auppllc.
j iVr Ciioklnn r ai rvlni the cook neida
: rmt make more than one elep In any
d I 'ciliin." .
California I'anclwr Is
Drowned in 7 1'vcl of Wine
Napa, ( al , Oct. 2H. Mil Tamil,
rancher and ciape Ki' renldliii;
m ar here, V ai drowned In m-ven
feet of wlnu lust tiiuiit- Tamiri
body waa diiruvrrrd at the bollnin
of n wine vat. It lit tlunmlit lie
went In lo alir the wine, which waa
in procina of fciiui'iilatloii.
l(t er, but How li ilnU bin life, th'j
old "lurx."
Hit 'helot 'hood of ell her man or
tuoinan In a loufl!', ch"i-rie;ix, expefi
vivo method of living und woikliiK,"
he declared.
"Thouaanda of men
jearn for mm ii'i'-tlier.
be well t (Nlabllitii H
monlul ctlli.e in xdiiiu
lie would have women yn there to
meet lie n Hxpii'ir,!; to conmdili.l bllca.
"lAl Women Mrl.'Oill lll IllitllUct''d
coiivi-ntlimality that aaya lliey muat
atay ut homo to the comin
of auitorii," be rrlc.
After th niatrininnlal bureau waa
alMhliahcd. ttleiich would have oh-j
plranta pay it 11,irill fee and ilcpolt
for IriHT'cctlon an iiiit ibloKiiiiihlciil i
fckclcti and a lute rh"'oKiapli. to-
Ifelher with biief demrlptlon of
the Ideal route cooitht. j
"Put clllclcecy Int. love," la un- ,
other of th I r-ifcKBor'a ideas, j
"Speedily und tlc.i':ant!'.' liinllnB a
suitable mate la una of the moat ini
poilant offaliH of any llfo" i
He olao would m:.Ue divorce and J
marrlake both cualer. ni!r!nK to re ;
coiiHtruct Uvea wie-Vel but Htill held.
1 In iiiatfimonial IkiihIh.
I The apartment that in'i':c I'mf ;
' Olerlch "the world'a i;rta!f nt bacl.el-,
Krle.l focda are forbidden In lila
1 n Mud hu Uvea on u diet of vegc.
i. . xiiiir Ok-rlch never went to
liool u duy, yet be holda a teacher'a
I life certificate, waa taiporlntendent of
and women various city achoola li yeara, and was
Would It not u,((ljtU( t(, the twr.
public nintrh .H),lfi un bnr a ,iiiy n aelf. m
public biuld- prov-muit," he iidvlaea. "It paya liuico
ilivldenda In iiHiful work and the
frulta llifrtof."
Four I'laccd May He CloHeJ
Year ity Liquor Injunrtiori
A t'occry, a barber aliop, a Boft
Ji in k parlor und a rooming liouae
may be cloned for a year on Injunction
Mint mailed yeiitcrduy by (Jeorgo A.
Kcyaer, I'nlltd Htntea dlatrlct attor
ney. Illegal aaio of ll'iuor la ulU-eod.
Thotuua O. lJucliworth'a ifrot'ery at
Sixtieth und ) atrceta. Mouth Side;
Mike Nlchlch'a place at 5224 Houth
Twenty-ninth etrect: aeveral apart
metita in the Murtla block, 70S North
Mlxteenth atret-t, whera Mr. and Mia.
(Tiarlea W. HoKera und F, (I'cle)
Duffy were arrtated, and BOO Bouth
Thirteenth atreet, operated by Alex
Temna, George I'untoa and Mariano
Mlcahmn, are affected.
irp l 1 1 u; l
iweive-nour won;
Day Condemned
by Rockefeller
Oil Magnate Attack !e'en
Duy Week un '"I'micco-toury,
ami rnjuNtiriaiile" in
Industrial WorM.
Nc York, Oct. 27,-tHy A. IM-A
aweeplnu rt.ttemnit, ! -lut inn bla pt r
aoiiul Ktand f. r the elht hour day In
Itidimtrv and condemning the 12hur
day and the ntven day Vtcck ua "uu
neeeanary, uneconomic nod unjuatl.
tl-ible," waa laaued by John 1'. H 'cie
feller, Jr. The atuteyient nppenra In
un article aliiiivd by Ml. Ilnckefcllcr,
In tha current Inane of the Hurvey
(iraiihlc, and folhma an nrralKiinient
of worklnK condltlona In certain oil
flelda of W'.VcilllllK In the HHlilii lliai-'a.
r.lna by It, M. I.ynd. who apent three
niontha Invent Ik" tlnir condition.
The aluttiiicnt la the aei'ind within
a week that Mr. Uockefeller haa tflveti
out In behalf of. tho luliorliiK man. The
prnvlnua one, laaued bint Wednealay,
took up the cudKnl in the luterrat of
coal mlnera on the Momeraet enmity,
I'ennnylvanta und pnrtlciilarly th"i-
employed by the Conaoliiluied t'oal
company, of which he la a, alock'
Women Kefortueru ToM to
Ouit (iainliliiig in Hoinea
(JlenriM.k, Wyo., Oct. 2. When il
dcleiriillon of women atleiided council
nii-trUHkC here and pitllloned Mayor
John Anaon to atop h.hiiIiIIiik und
put alot machlnia out of bunlii. ra tin y
got an "earful" from hla maJiMly,
He told them uently but firmly that
whenever the women atopped ijat'l
pluyinif und Kamlilini; at home he
would are to It that Die nun aioppiil
down town, but not until then. He
waa elUhtly more ronclllHtory ' re
gard nu; alot mm hlneH.
Mail Thief Gets Year.
IiecBiiao Art Volk ulrendy had
served neven mmitlia in Jail at flrand
Inland on a llUnr chnrge, l-"cderul
.Tuduo WoldriAigh li t him off with a
$1 line.
Cecil 13. reuae, nlao of Grand Txland,
Inilicled for HleallnK from the Unlicd
Siatea inallH, wan aiuitenced to one
year and u day at Leavenworth. J ) i
uty Maraha'l Mandevlllii broui-ht both
men here from Grand Inland.
A device him been produced by
ProfcoHor Oatrovoaky, a prominent
KuaHlun nmilclun, to lengthen end
atrengthen flnt?era of piuiilata and vio-llnlHta.
Autoitll in Cratih Flee
J'oiice are aei ..(.iiit tlii'fo nit-n who
(leaerti-d an automobile at Korty fllt
alreet and Attica avenue after crillid
ing wllh n car driven by Mr. Laura
Whitehead, 43'JS North Forty flrat
iiir"et. Mm. Whitehead cuffeieil ae
vein laceration of the head, and body
Two Women Seek Flection
lo Hawaiian Legislature
Honolulu, T. H Oct. 2S The first
women to' enter the race for nomina
tion fm camlidaieH for the hoime of
repreaenlatlvea of the territory hnve
filed their papui with the aacrctary
of the territory. They hio Nellie V.
I'ailsmlth. repiilillcan of the Flrat (lla
trlct, Hawull. and ltoaalie Keliinol,
republican, of Kaul. It la unduratond
that it miinticr of oiler women, In
cludliiB aeveral fioni this lalan.1, are
to file their nomination papera for
the legislature.
L .T- J 11 1 4,---;
A feeling of lassitutle is the
first sign of a cold. Then
e o m e s the Chill, Shiver.
Sneeze, Couh, Sorti Throat
jtml Grip.
Dr. Humphreys' "Peventy
heven" taken in time dissi
pato the colli.
Kumphre ' Number
"Forty" Induct'S Sleep.
No habit forming- Drugs.
I'rt' ie nfiil It ut Iei Hi.r, er wit
en M-tii t et rnrr, nr 0 O l lotl
H'mhlv, lii... tard;cia Ce-. 1 1
Vilijm i . Stm r. M..icl hwik Kim.
Remove bles ni
IWitM wtta CututM BvaaJ
-aMi ih taaa ttM t4 tu.p
4 imkiHt OimimsI tat kuibi
Iml ttMmut laMn la wmI
French Fund Being Rniaed
to Kill Prohibition in U. S.
Pari. Oct. IS 'By A. I'd laigi
fund reaching many million ot
franc haa been pledged. y the wine
ntcretta of Kurope to make a. "met
i'lleaa" cuirpaiKii CK.'ilnst prohibition
'n the Fintcd Slates nnd other couu
riea. The Unlit will be waned through
the newly orgnniicd inieniatiomtl
l-.atruo nainat prohibition wl'h head
oiiMitcra le re.
Rev. J. 1). M. Hutkner Again.
Rev. J. 1. M Huchner of Aurora,
Hho was recently retired a mlnlater I
of tile Mcihi'.lift ihuich tf Aurora by !
actlnii of the conference in Omaha,
will occupy the pulpit of tha Flrat j
I'niiaiiin church of oniah.i todiiy. He!
mil dia'iiaa bin recent book, "lluvv
,i.t My J. b an n IVoiicher." and
will ou'.ltno bin aid-' of the recent
entr.ivu Hy. Win n It-V. Mr. li n k
nr lai upled thin a vine pulpit Octubar
S the ch in h u packed.
Two Injured in Wrrrk
I'btauleiph.n. ta t, : -Tii t' ii-u
ana were lujund lai nml.t wten
u i t i t the la cm i f lb t'uloniiil I'.i
. t i ln.t li.itu Ii. ''ll to
w,ie d tii.i' l ,it l' tv;c . M.I..
ii'inii to a i . u it t the uiurral if
.' tin- I', nir inirt talliool
'h le tlcalid lv a il.l-c oi
it. it the tram.
; i
Ddinnun L Hurt
t t i. . . ; i . H T. i'
f f it a i. i a.' mi n : ; v t t It. o
,, , i.i, n i i I' tul'.if- I
t'.n the aoi t'i. n t I I n,; in
.'. , k. ' " f ' '
a, i v ! . . . I'll- I '
,1 t. n, . t ' . it .. . ti I- I
,' t . ' f h Be I I ' ' ' I I
tl-f !
For Pimply Skin
PeUnon'i Ointment
' ,V' tc i'Ua ii-i.ii. if
. e I'll I -- i I It
FOR MONDAY Clever New Styles Added to Om
Mid-Season Sale of
Women's Fashionable Footwear
Models for
Street at
Models Jor
Semi-Dress or
Dress Wear
The sale now going on includes 19 modeh of the latest styles in footwear for
present time wear. These shoes formerly sold for 7.50 to JO. 00.
Black Satin or Patent Leather Black Satin Dress Pumps With
Dress Pumps Beaded Vamps and Straps
With Ccverid Junicr French Ileal With Covered French lleeli
Tu o Tone Dress Pumps with Patent Vamps and Beige
Suede Quarters, Hand Stitched, Turned Soles.
Coverel French or Cuban Heel
Black Satin or Patent Leather Patent Leather Walking Oxfords
Dress Pumps Black Kid 2 Strap Dress Pumps
With Flexible Sole and Covered French Heal With Covered French Heel
The Illustrations UieJ Are Exact Reproductions of Shoes Now on Sale
Our Shoe Window on Wh Street Displays the Newest
in Women's Footwear
Third Floor Cad
I ' 'I
Reduced for Immediate Clearance
Women's New Fall Low Shoes
Paa Ktd at (i'tWia Wm. aaaw v
iu,d. J) n IV
H'4, l.a ! fvMB4) al . V J I
rl ta'. t'. ai4 ae yV r)l
II.... S..I ft JJ f f Jf
.iW D.t.tJ,
liia ! f
Sm Sfr llll la Sa
rtal I ! a P'4
l I,mi Una
Tial 1 (! faata
(lump Fails to File Statement
of Expenses; Friends Worried
W,iali!iu:ti'ii, Ott. :,-Whit la
Andrew Hump' campaign rxpenau ac
1 1 'tint?
Tiii iUiM(tiii a uKltntlng friend
and well wbilier i f th famuli "lnil
p.-r cent for the pcoplii" candidate for
i --iiigrtaH, who fiar tlcit lie may get In
lo ai-iloii trouble through iiiexperl
b't , If bo doea not make an ac-
t'liiitiiig nf bl campaign expendi
ture u it'iuireil by luw.
Mattirday la the laat day on which
to file the preliminary iiiiciiient, and
ti e lact Unit none haa come from A
liiltnp. la wonylmt John II. liolilnga
wirth, chief clerk of the houa nf
i i preaentiiilvea.
Hi'lltliKaivnrth a.iy he know that
Gump' ativmle are linking around
the bonne clerk eft ice and that If
there i tin Gump rxpinm. aivntinl
filed by tool or row night, they will
a k lo have tha "100 pr cent" can
didate' record luamlii lu-d by a charge
ui law eviiNimi and by Incaicerallon
In "in baatlle, If poaaible.
"ttutnp'a rneinlra km w that be I
prnding a b't of money tn be elected
to congreaa," fill llilliugawoi'ih.
'"J'hey huv been keeping track of the
genermi clic k Gump lion l ien giv
Ing to that big fat guy who pictenda
tu be running hi campaign, and If
(here I rut H'vuuniliig fiini iliimt'
or hla committee by tomorrow nli:ltt,
1 fear that theae eneiiilca are Kolng
to tnuka trouble."
$;()(),()(,(). Instate (
of Frank Haller
does to Daughter
Mr. V. Vi'. Thoiuaa (iiu'ti
Hulk i f l'i i' i ty N'ulncil u
Our Half Million
Halloween Prank
Results in Death
South Omaha Youth, Flaying
Willi Cahle, I Fleetroeuted
Companions UiiHcathetl.
Teddy Janda, 17, a Houth Omahu
youth, waa electrocuted Juat before
midnight, the year flrat liullowe'en
Young Jiiiida, in company with a
half do;'.cn other Inda, nil llvlinf near
Thirtieth and Harrlaon atreeta, Houth
Omaha, found u long piece of cable
tear their hotnen and hurled it over
telegraph and telephone wire. In
oiiic way It enme Into contact with a
high volt.H'e Hue and Janda, who waa
an a nding hi a wet depreaalon, dropped
The other youth, all ubwut the
K.ime age, were iiinll and Lloyd
r.iazd.i, Ld Vaaak, Morton Gilea und
1'iaiik Zejnlak. They had hold of the
wire, but wi re only allghlly ahocked.
A too hot Iron will fade the ma
tcrhil. '
Truck Rotimlii Curve und
Man on Barrel It Injurel
Hummervllle, W. Va , Oct. SI. If
you are going to r.du on a truck
lumbal with good don't act uatrloo
of a barrel. A. 1). Murriaun. well
known realdent of Huinineraville,
tried it the other day and aa u re
ault he I laid up at hla home with
a broken collar hone and u badly
lacerated brad. When the truck
atart.-d around un uphill curve the
barrel rolled and threw him vloleutl)
to the rocky road.
Man Fells 5ugar Maple
Tree; Findu Honey Mine
Piedmont, W, Vu,, Oct. 2. A regu
lar honey mine ha Juat been diacov
cred by G. 8. Klluinlller, a furmer liv
ing near Hartmoinvllle, In rutting
down a ugnr maple tree on hla place
he found a large hollow place In the
trunk In which bee hud innde a hive
and from which be took lit' pnunde
of honny of the flneat gindu. ' One
piece of nolld comb meunured ven
feel In length.
Will of tti late Frank t Mailer,
uliiinn ea'ale 1. cMtuiibd at mora
tlmn half a million ilollaia. UU Hied
fur proliiile In lo iiuv louit )eatetdiiy.
The built of tha eMate goe to Mr.
F. W. Thoiiiaa, a daughter, Wlf vt
the ue pii.dii't of Hi flrat Na
t'linul bunk. The will elate that Mri.
duller, th Widow, gel Ift.OOO In
in ane t4 y and explain that ha
waa piov ili'il for bifme Ih ll wai
drawn up laat )eiir.
Moat of the etntn I In erurlllea,
bond aid money In bank. Mia.
Anna Mailer, a later living in Dsn en
roll, I i , get an annuity In a life In
Miirnnce policy and upon her death tha
principal w.ll be given to Mr.
Mr. Thotna, who wa appointed
executor, I ef line I to talk of tha will
or of the pinvlalon made for Mri.
Haller, the widow.
Mr. Mailer, wa prealdcnt of tha
Llnlnger Implement company and
wa active In civic affair.
For teatlng golf bulla, u machine
ha liren invented that impurta u OnO
pound blow to tnetn with u club oper
ated by u fulilng weight. 1
Superior Plun Girl Rami
Superior, Neb. Oct. 2". tHpeclalr
The girl of the Superior High gchnot
mo oiuanirltig a hand. Twepty one
havo eni'oMed. Mlaa Rather Moor
will b-inl and direct the band.
Fur Garment Clainr4, Claud
and Rpairr4
Mn' two and thre-ni JI CQ
ulU tlaaned and prn'd. .."
2217 Farnam Slrt
Talrphanaai Omal.a, ATlanll tJ4S
South Sid, MA it 00S0
ii in
( r
Our Men's Clothing Department
Fourth Floor
-is one of the larg
est of its kind in the
country. Its popu
larity is growing for
the reason that we
give to men and
young men the cloth
ing they want at the
prices they must
We have proved it
often. We will prove
it again Monday by
11 Wo
With Two Pairs of Pants for
and Sport Styles
In Newest
Single or
Double Breasted
Xo matter what sort of a suit you are planning to buy you ought to fee
litis jrreat collection before doeitlinj?. The styles are so vriod, the fabrics
m exi-ellent, the values so outstanding, you .shouhl not fail to inwstijiate
i !
Mens and Young Men's Trousers
Unusually Good Values at 2.95 and 3.95
Vrllt:ti!nrMtrourrs built to Mand tho t-t of vl lr, in i .evll.-nt . tyln
fur Hiiih M-hmd youth, youttjj btwhu im n and nun of all ayes.
Woritrdt Cnuimtn CArrnn Sirgr
in 5 ilthrHs, lri'eil j.attvtns nnl n.'oiH. ltiirs' y,v old
wi.h ot, Vi can pbtubly inuteh il, iti to U.
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