The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 29, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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    0 A
29 Women Active
jn Cnmpaipi for
Seals in Commons
IT. 0. Vrllt Kunning on La
lior Ticket for University
of London; Communist
London. Vt U.O'.y A. IMAr
rancwinrnts bflnwn CMisorvatlva and
coalition Mitral not to opposs on
mtlir's rati'lMafns In rartaln con-stltinitrli-s
ara glvi-n rntiiln(inra In
today's, antl coatlilun riwiiapi-r, A
thay lia It tlia arranttmrit for eo
opi'inllnn nr mutual runnirKiltlnn,
ara aiTi'iKlluK Willi an obvious drift
toward rrliiaUtln; coalition In th
ovarii ma fit.
It la Ilia contention it fraa lihsrala
that this situation reveals t hrjt the
country la tiring ahi'iirid taik to It
old polity, tlm only ililTnrrnca being It la In new hand. On tha
Tory .Ma tha extram ilia hards ara
dourly rcxtlva ovr thla supposed
Their nttllud won tununatt up yas
tarduy by a din liunl rnndldata ad
draaalnf tha voti-rs In on (if tha
YoikHliIra division. Ma told them
ha "would rnthir vote for tha devil
than fur any coulltlnn."
The rrntrul cotmirvative axecu
tlvcn, Imping to nun tha growing
dlrnutlnfiiirtion among tha extreme
aliment of tha party, l,urd state
ment dttnyliiK that any pact axlated
aa tattwern their organization and
the coulltlnn liberal. The statement
aald that entire freedom win left to
the lornl cunacrvatlva enunciations.
Many local arriinaomenta fof1 co
operation or notilnterferenre have al
ready been made by Krniip of coall
tlon liberal and ronaervatlvea.
I'ubllrutlon of the full lint of can
didal!' reveals that lnnl Fernioy,
who la known In New York a the
ann of fMmtinrt Hurke Koi-he and tho
irrandann of Frank Work, from whom
ha Iriteritad a larira fortune, la the
unlnnlat candidate for I.lnrisey.
flwllym IJoyd Georire, ann of the
former prlrpe mlnlater, la liberal can
didate from the diHtrlct of l'embroke,
Two communist are running In
Pcotlund William Oallacher, who la
oppoHlnir Winston Hpencor niurchlll
In the Dundee dial riot, and Mra. Helen
Crawford of fllaairow.
There nre 29 women candidates be
sides Lady Alitor and Mra. Margaret
Wlnti'lnKhom, the two women mem
ber of the laHt houae of common.
Mont of the 23 belong to tha labor
Engineers to Start
Bank in New York City
Chicago, Oct. 28. The Brotherhood
of jA. iiuiutlve Knglneera ezpocta to
Ktabli,ih a bunk In New York city
within SO duya, Warren B. Btone,
grand chief of the engineers, asserted
In an adilroaa here before the third
annual congress of the Co-Operative
Air. Stone advocated control of
credit by workers and farmers
through the organization of co-operative
barika which he aald would,
"a .time, secure control of the basic
Industries and the rallroada for the
people. He predicted that 10 more
cotigrcaamen and senators will be
added to the farmer bloc at the next
election and aaserted that 29 direc
tors of 13 Interlocking financial ays
tarns control tha rallroada of the
U.S. Will Not Cancel
War Debts, Davis Says
Spokane. Oct. 28. There will be no
cancellation of tho debts owed by the
European nations to tho United States
ob loana tnade during the war, James
I. Pavls, eecretary of labor, aald In
an addres here. He spoks In the In
terest of tho candidacies of United
Slates Senator Miles Foindexter and
Representative Stanley Webster of
Washington for re-election.
'Trealdent Harding and his admin
istration are unalterably determined
that Kurorw shall pay its debt to us,"
a. affairmed.
Radio Waves Appeal to Her
n l 4 m. 1 .11" .
IP ' 'TO ? r
1 A
a jhy i . j
ixuio Lorraine, leudlng lady of
"The nadlo King," a scientific motion
picture, evidently approves of the pro
gram being broadcasted by tha L'nl-
veiHul t ily hi nUIng siaiion. Homo
features of tha play in connection
with radio are ronKklererl ao danger
ous that tho atiir has had to take out
life and accident Insurance.
School Girl Here
Missing Since
Last Tuesday
Parka Wearing Apparel nml
Says (looilhy to C rand
niotiicr Authorities
Without Clue.
Myrtle lluth Ijimlnrt. II, enacted
the role of a aeho-jlitlrl ao well that
until ahe disappeared from her home
i In Ht Tuesday afternoon her purentu
believed alio was enrolled and attend
I li g claMnea regulaily In the llenson
I HIkIi ch'HJ.
Her paienta, Mr. and Mrs. M. A.
I Lambert, 6037 Itlnney street, appealed
to pollen to aid In finding llyrtle Krl
I day night.
"I sent Myrtle to school the second
: week after the fall term started," aald
I Mrs, Lambert yesterday morning. H lie)
left the limine regularly each morn
ing, before 9 o'clock.
Maya Hole rerfrrlly.
"Once ahe anked ma for money to
buy a composition book. Another
time she told nia of having an argu
ment with her teacher. Bhe returned
home about 4 o'clock each afternoon.
Hha even brought sewing home with
her, and I thought she was taking a
course In sewing,
"Hut when she left homo lust Tues
day 1 inquired and found she had
never registered or attended the
Myrtle took all her wearing ap
parel, an1 even her toothbrush when
she left her home Tuesday afternoon,
according to Mr, lmbert, who I
her stepmother. She left a note to
her sister, Lolliib, 17, saying ah
would return some time, but giving
no clue cf her destination.
Tall for Age.
"Myrtla aald goodbye to her aged
grandmother, Mrs. Mury Lambert,
before leaving," said her atepmother,
"1 was not. at home and she had left
before I returned, rihe Is large for
her ago, tall, with black hair and
I llli e,-s, Hhii liltt.iMl Was a good
it 'I I, til' li-mull khe tagir to gj
out fViiuniiH She was a gou-l
The LamU'i'ia appeals! to Juvenile
amhorltli i Wedin wlay for aid in
Kmling Myrtle, who they say usually
calls heivelf Itnili Mis Kslhrr John
on, In charge of the Juvenile oftlce,
aid their reiiri h tins Iwn tinavalluig
IWoraan Ailrtiits Placing
Poison in Husband's Food
Chicago. Oct. 58. breaking down
linder persiateut qtitstionlng, Mrs.
Tillla Klimok asserted sho had placed
Jwlson In her hut.tand' food becave
tJi waa Joaloua of him, according to
assistiUit etata attorney who quea
tinned her. Mr. KlitiK k and her ami,
Joseph Mitkewicz, are being In M and
Joseph Kliraek, the hust-aml. la In a
hospital In m avrUiua coiulltloii. h li
nn k expressed the opinion hM h
had been the victim of pb't.
l!eMirt that Mn. Kilmer had leeii
Hurt i. d at leut tlce pr louxly and
thilt her l)UKt..iiid had b-Uh died, U I lvtcr JbiffumH ltnit n In
quiry and t try ti nini P' rniisMon
ef rUt:vr tn etiiiin the b.ii's.
iVt-Iine iu World Sbi
Con-trui'tioii Kvporlrd
Vabl-n!'n, tvt. St A coiillnueJ
lit. Hii ni oil.l ii l i'.i'i! I't-u.truv'ii.iej
dm t tb amf" rriil'd epnitr
j i. la h n t v n na!i of rturea
f.,r hl I - I. iu...l I 'H tw
tf'.-- , - i it. n if the lt'.il
Hid I . f i i a i . I ' '-'l
Ull ! f -V - '' "t ,!" '1'"""'
J J ' I it. . . n .t t i ! 11' li
, tti ja, " t J 1 : i n l-ni
Radio Takes Place
of Doctor at Sea
Seafaring Men Often Receive
Treatment from Doctors
Who Are Miles Away.
Tladio by Its dots, dashea and broad-
casting has already linked up with
several professions, enhancing their
service to the public. One of the most
Important fields in which wireless la
rapidly broadening Its ability to serve
la Jn medicine. A few words of coun
sel from doctors on shore or on board
an ocean liner have given proper in
struction to unskilled sailors, enabling
them to use the contents of an emer
gency kit to the best advantage.
many or the big vessels carry a
physician as a member of the crew,
but there are hundred of ships, such
aa freighters, tankers, cargo ships,
fruit boata, tramp steamers and fish
ing vessels, roaming the Beas without
a medical attendant on board. A ship
not In the passenger service Is mora
apt to have a radio equipment than
a doctor, for the law requires a ship
with just one passenger to carry a
There is no reason for an In lured
sailor dying: or being a cripple for tha
rest of hla life because of unintelli
gent treatment, for radio has proven
its anility to carry the directions of
a doctor over hundreds of miles.
Cases of ptomaine poisoning have
been cured when the doctor prescrib
ing treament was over SOO miles
away. Even before the radiophone
was developed, the dots and dashes
enabled a surgeon to direct an opera
tion when 700 milea from the patient.
A lighthouse keeper on Swan island
in the Caribbean sea was suffering
from an Injured leg. The symptoms
were flashed to the ateamBhip Cen
tennial State, several hundred miles
over the horizon. The surgeon decid
ed amputation waa necessury immedi
ately in order to save the patient's
life. Detailed instructions were trans
mitted to tha Island, and the cook
performed the operation. Months aft
er, when the vessel docked In New
York after a trip through southern
seas, a one lugged man stood on the
pier to meet and personally thnnk the
! doctor, whom he had never seen, who
had directed by raiTTo the operation
which saved his life.
In many urgent cases ship have
turned from their courae in answer to
a rulio call telling of critical Illness
on hoard and the absence of a physi
cian. In amn the patienta
have been lashed to a stretcher, low
ered to the lifeboat carrying the doc
tor from the ship standing by, and
transferred to the liner equipped with
hospital facilities, and thu letter
prepared In conquer the lllnens. Free
inedli'ul wrvice la furnished through
many of thn Atlantic coast radio ta
tmn In cooperation with the Sea
man' Institute and thn t'nttcd Htatea
piit.lio health "rvice.
St. I.oui Cupituliot Found
in Kitchen Shut ti Death
St. I.i-uta. Mo, H I. : -il y A 1" -.
l n C fclr, rapitn'Kt and tmnier
pi vl,lv-i.l i t the Kdfc-itr Zlna imnpa" y.
was found shot to death In the kitchen
of his homo hero today. ,
He whs 71 year old and police ex
pressed tho belief that he had com
muted aulcido.
A nolo addressed to his wife was
found saying, "you do not commence
to live until you die."
He and iIm wife were eatranged.
Shoes That Fit
Don't Deform
llieatliea there tho woman who
hasn't yearned to secure a true fl?
in fashionable nhoes? When apindle
heels and pointed toes were in fush
Ion, that was, of course, Impossible
Nature didn't make feet and time
couldn't deform feet sufficiently to lit
perfectly into shoes so fashioned.
Hut now In the ' Cantilever Shoe,
women can secure fashionable foot
wear that fits.
i n
It fits, becausi! designed not to de
form but to lit. The natural sole
line, tho i rumled toes, and tho stylish
ly low heel, nil help. And the Canti
lever arch, flexible like your own, ia
tha final need. That arch draws up.
when you lace, to givo each arch of
yours exactly the degree of support
needed. That flexible arch also bends
willingly with every step you take,
giving you a freedom of action that
hold off fatigue, and allow that
strengthening exercie of muscles
hich corrects and prevents weak
Whn you slip your feot into Canti
lever Knots. ou secure your fit. What
that will mean to you in tho way of
improved i irculailon. higher color and
belter spir.ts you don't need to bo
told. Let us show you a pair on your
All gitrohwiirk eliminated; every
.hue U now tilled by X ray without
extra rhaigp !
SUea : to II. Width .U A u r.E.
lor Men and Wismrn.
IlllsintV. M'US and Kl HltMM.
Sold in lliiulii Only by
New I im I ion
ITiia Howard Strett V W. t . A.
Utile fur Iree llooLM.
r..HcS lt u l M Tall.
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Mother of Jailed
(Jirls Overcome
Tot (!ry at Hedaide of Parent
Vlii Colliipsca Withtitit
Farewell to Sinters,
"Him didn't have n chance to say
goodliy to her to daughter, who
were sent to the reform school at
Geneva Friday,"
This was the enplanntlon for th III
nes4 of frail Mrs, Uiura Humphrey,
11)09 Houth Hfcond street, given by
a nelghti'ir, Mr. A. if. Htevens, Hil
tloulh Hecond Street.
Mrs. Htevn called fniiiticilly for
a police surgeon ben she found
Mr. Humphrey gasping on her lid
yesterday morning. Mrs. Humphreys,
who has been taking medicine for a
pain In her side; I believed by police
to have taken an overdoso yesterday
"Hhe told me she wanted to die,
now that her daughters are taken
from her," aald Mrs. Htevens. "tiho
hu been working nights at the Mil
ler lox lunch establishment. Whe
Couldn't rare for her daughter a
well a she might, hud she not been
working, but aim loved thein, Juki the
Austin, 10, and 1 Silly. Mrs. Hum
phrey's little sons, stood sobbing at
hr bedside as the police surgeon
worked over b'-r.
The daughters are Gladys, 15, and
Grace, 13. Mrs. Humphrey la a wid
ow. Hho ha been endeavoring to
earn a living and keep her little
flock together at the sumo time,
neighbors say. rihe will recover.
Street Speaker
Makes Hecklers
Appear Foolish
"Hoy Orator of 18" An
verM (Question- Propound
ed by Democrat Amid
Cheers of Crowd.
A company has been organized In
Kngland to manufacture articles of
"rubber glass." The new process con
template tho tiianu fact ura of drug-
It. II. Thoipn, known a the "boy
orutor of lH'j'j," mi'! candidate fur
cimirress from tho First .Nebraska dl
trlct, made deiuiHTittic hecklers look
f" In a two bourn' ipeecii hoard
by ii croud that blocked trnlllc St
Fifteenth and Doiigiii street Friday
"I mil going to give you the his
try of th democratic party, the ic
ord of your Het.ator Hitchcock and
your 'lirotlier Charley', then 1 will
tell you the history of the republi
can party," raid Thorp.
"llnw u In ni the loiugherty In
junction suit? How about the bonus
bill? How about the tiiilff? The
revenue Bet? The ship subsidy bill?
These and othr queries were quirk
ly and satisfactorily answered by
( heerrd by Croud.
In regard to the Haugherty Injunc
tion, Thorpe stated that he was not
taking tho slump to approve or con
demn Mr. Huiigherty, but that every
citizen will have to dejiend on the su
preme court to find out whether the
Injunction whs Just, He wus cheered.
Thorpe staled that democrat In
the senate never entertained the
thought that the si.dlers' bonus could
be paid, but merely riiude It un Issue
In an attempt to elect a few member
of the senate, lie declared that Hard
ing would see that ex service men ur
compensated. He vn loudly cheered.
Thorpe Is one of the best posted
men on national Issues to take the
stump this fall.
laid. In Ihlnle.
The meeting ended III free for all
speeches, In which Jerry Howard
sought to talk on "liemocracy." Hut
he didn't last long, for be got into a
toftny debate with Irvln Klulmaater.
young tmiiiha, sttorney. that lasted
until midnight and the crowd a
given many hearty laugh.
"How many democrats are In the
crowd''' shouted Jerry, "liaise your
lly actual count, ven men ralltd
th-lr hand.
Tom llolllster, a previous speaker,
thn shouted, "Pa-publlcane, raise thy
Hundreds of hand were raised
amid shouting for ssveral minutes.
James Hodman slso made an ad
dress for th republican party.
Invitation to Peace
Conference Delayed!
Washington, Oct. 2 Ielay on the
part of one of th three ernhat--
in the receipt of formal Instructions
from Its government to emend to thi
I'nlted Htn'e an Invitation nt par !
tlelpa-e ;n the approaching conferenc.
of the allle at I.auzann. Hwllner
land, to ionlder condition for p"ce
In the near et, prevented the cr
rylng out of plun to deliver the In ,
vltstloii to Heretary Hugbtr at th
H't d"nrtmeril.
The llil'i.h anibasi1r, Hir Auck
land Oeddes, hs received laslruc.
Dons from pownlng street and Count
da ''haiiibrun, charge of the French
embassy, also bad heard from the
Qiey d'Orsay, Charge Itusso, how
ever, had not heard from the Italian
government, probsbly on account of
the disturlied Hate of th i-ablu fiotu
Ulatrr Parliament Adjourns
Helfast, Oct. . ty A- Pa The
I'lster piirllnment adjourned until le
teniber II when I'lster, premier t'raiic
announced will "contract out" of the
Irish free state. II add-d the t. 'later
parliament 1 anxious to sit at thu
earliest time pons, hi In order to prom
to the world that It had no hesitation
In the coin It propose,) t.iklng.
Hv Yeur I "' Cirmnili Cl.n.4 rd
C,U4 fcy Our Srl.nllllr fro..s
Prr, CU.n.n, Htll.n, tutintl,
T.l'urt i.4 ga (Imm
M.e' mi lt" i $1 50
till (lMn.4 .it r.4 v '
2717 tmmim ( fill
T.lef liir.l Om.lis, AT l.o CM
Sou til Si., MA rl 0010
Wellington Inn Cafe 1
1819 Farnam St.
Announcinir Our.t'iual Sunday
lt.l yuns Dic k, NpHn fltlrlcn
t'.l.rr MMrif, llMd I-ttiiM, T
nt 11.00. II . m tn p m
W hy ri'it din. hr fun (.1 nm
ihtn to sl
I,. KKAHNKT, frv.
I'lll lllUI, AIHIBMSCMriT.
William F. Wappicfi
Solicit! Your Vote for
Municipal Judge
on Non-Political Ticket
Why Experiment When Vcu
Have Capsbl and Efficient
Judy 7
Municipal Curl will ea th Polka
Court altar January lit, lZi
Our First Anniversary Sale of Furniture
Continues But Two Days. Longer
That the last day may be the best days, we offer these desir
able pieces at important reductions that will be effective only up.
to the first. You should feel free to take advantage of these sav
ings, for our easy payment plan makes it possible for you to pay
at your convenience and while you are enjoying the furniture in
your home.
0 ' o p ' o
38.00 Walnut Dresser
Anniversary Sale Price
American walnut with four
drawers and 22x28-inch plate
450.00 3-piece Living Room Suite o o q 7 1
Anniversary Sale Price, J Dr
Chippendale design suite with carved frame, consisting of 89-inch
davenport, armchair and high-backed chair; loose spring-filled cushion
seats, upholstered in figured taupe and blue silk velour.
35.00 Toilet Table
Anniversary Sale Price
Walnut with 36-inch triplicate
25.00 Davenport Table
Anniversary Sale Price
An Italian design in brown mahog
any finish, 18xGG-inch lop.
142.50 4-piece Bedroom Suite
Anniversary Sale,
DrosBer, vanity dresser, chiffonier ami full size bowfoot
bnd ; antiqtiu ivory enunn led finish.
45.00 5-piece Breakfast Room Suite
Anniversary Sale Price
Dropleaf tablo and four chairs;
choice of ivory and blue or gray and
blue color scheme.
I I t -1 1 ,
i '..)'. " I 1 ''
iiinw !
i - -j.. .. --t.
' ' ' I
I ll
s i 'tM.''i.:::':::;;;.
K, :-i ' ' t .5
V I i. J.-01 ,'-',ai4A tab a.r., , i ir
a-(I. , i
1G0.00 Etghtpiecc Dining Room Suite
First Anniversary SrIc Price,
In two-tutu' nak; tin itn h luiffrt; Ii1mc whuh rxtciuU to
12 inih, fivv iIuuh nml i'ii' u n --t ihair with hltir Iralht-r alip
130.00 Eight-piece Dining Room Suite r C00
First Anniversary Sa1 Price, J J
In two-tunr tiiik; r l-in h b.ilM, ubbmg taM anil U ihain tttlh
Id le Irathi-r tip ait..
fi III!
12 00 SUn.l
Ipr3j Ma,...4.)V firiiah.
' jOU HiU, .MU,,.,:Ui..rf
. i ii ' I - ,! , ,, ri,. I
The Carolina Mattress
'.' mi f'lhhtj rtittiiti frit jnaltri',
i!i.ih ml luf'pt win niMTi'd with hfiuv art
tit ail k'. UVlk'ht ' pouiuh.
Anniversary 5U Price,
The Supreme Mattress
(I r-'ll I'd' tt ltitl fi'lt tnatrrra.4, ilia'ittu j
I Hit- I slid toM' vntU art In Viiip. W'rtt
." j AniMrity 111
30.00 Chv.t ef
Annivortary Sale
'jT ,1
M ji.l it if !tiut;
H.iimi largt' knd tvi i
unal! tli9Wr,
aV I 1
ra t ! n
narsnru imonir.RS
.. I
10 NV.
Sal Pnc.,
1 i
Cti. t.
iTt'Sj'ti! ai'a-t-'
- m 4 r