TUB SUNDAY P.KK : OMAHA, OCTOBER 20, 1922. Letters From Happylci7id Readers (taul Insert from I'sne Hw.l A Nuiprlse. rar Happy Thin- iiini' w.ts a little !' iiml Kill, 'l v y had Ju l gniiH In I,. . I unit It was on 11 I'tinn mas i-.i;lii 'lin y win- both mil. been use id. ir father wlm win u rl li man, said H.i lit .t t'l.tuse would riot coin tiiii'Kht Hetty b.i.. ' Hilly, lire you ad'-i p'"' "Nn." Aiiswei.' Hilly. "Let u pray lo lod llml Hill. lit Clause will dime,'' said Hetty. "All r.iclit. let tin id.." hi I t Hilly, Hn Hi lly Itin It ili-wii nml n ay !. "Innr JfHiiM, Id H.iiiIji ( 'l.i mni" to uur house ii in I l.rlUK m a I i K doll, ii sewing In. n in w illilii.n, ml it ill. II cm. II.-, Aini'ti." Thi'ii Hilly it i I iiini prayed fur a sbd, riil in i ninl nimf, a l. t knife anil ii m l of tools Meanwhile their father HihiikIiI, "Oh, h'-awna, I was Immy Id my dar Unite. I will en up hihI kiss tin in HimhI iiluhl " III- went upstairs nml miked Into Ihflr riH.in Just Im Iiini' to see them praylnif fur Hnnta In (.'Utile. lli' then tlinijKlit, "1 will lie Hunt i Clause nnl ifet the IhlriK liny wished fur" Ho tbu millionaire faced the storm nml lioiiglil a f 'hrlstmns tree nml I tin preainln tln-y wished fur nml riin n jr oilier thing. Km then went liomi' nml decorated th tree din! f I iti'l tin' incHi'iiid mi il"r It In Hie Minrnliiff the children came ilnwii Whi'ii they saw 1 tree ml presents I li-y rnn nml IiiikkciI there fuller iiiul llii'ti heyaa) ti f i wrappliiK the presents, nii'l Hilly wilil. "I It rf Ik llif tin 1 I wanted, " nml Ih-lty said, "Here Is the ilull I wanted " Ho tlii'y liml n huiiy Christmas Your little fin Hawk -tlracc Klini. Vi.i Hi I'laltc. Ni-li A Si'vrnlli liruder. Dear lliii'py: I w It'll lo Join th" flo lluwlf m Happy Tribe. Kni'lnsed you will ri ml a 2 cent stamp for mv tin t i in. I am 11 ii'iiilii-r of He "Hlm-blrd i lull" HI IN Mn!ii"H I kin 12 yi-iirH olil and will In' In lli' acvciilh grade when school ntnrts I have i brother 8 years old who s aim) it H'ucblrd nml I hope will Co Hawk. I will try linrft to live up to the fin Ibiwk plcda"". Ida, Wlnchcll; Ak. 8!0 Oili'lt HUiii'l; Webster City, In A Sinlli lirnder. I im r M'iipyliiml: Miiy 1 Join your haypy corner? I hope I may. I am In I hi' sixth (trade at school, nml 1 am 111 yeara olil. I wrola onra before alsiut two years m?o. My tencher'a nam la - Mini Johnson. I Ilka her very much. I have a twin lajjr anil two hiolhrra. One In 4 yeuro olil ml on la 2 yt'ttra nM. Wi ll a my li'lter la nt Inar lonn I will I'l.MiK. Miimart Monk: IMnon, Nl). That Fern Nlchnlna of I'nrkera burn, 111., alwnya lonka at "I'olly'a Conk Hook, flrHt on the liniipylnml page lint! la cutting out ami trylm the reclpea. llnlliiwlt. An olil laily wan wuIMiik itowu Hie at reef. The ruin wan pmirlnn down. Khe had ml umbrella, but it wan difficult fur her to bol l It up for her hnnila were full of paicelH A bi k'ht fitce.t tiny ran up to In r ml naliJ. ' I'liii.ie, ma'am, iili'iine I Want lo tie up your parcels. " So In took out no in.' nil. ilea ami toil tin pan i Is tone I her, ami politely hainl ed them back to her. "Thank you, polite Htratmer," nbe Hal. I. 'That In all rl.-ht. I like In help people am! be ii ifi'ixl ( In lla wk." I liil.la IlaiuiM. .iiii 10. Ci'lumbiiH, Nib Ileails 1 1 a laiul. T''in 1 lappy: I'd like to Join youi band very much. I am 10 ycni'M old and in the Seventh Kia.le. 1 have out' brother named Hubert mid no rlsti rti. I read the llappylaml p.ie very Monday. I am nemllnn a two ecni Kt.unp. Hleane nu1 mi' niv hution - Irene Hnyib'r. ii- H. Wm ", Vcli . Many I'rl. V:tr Happy: Tin In my (lord It t. tir In von, I will rnmle tn V' kind to all pvia I hive one tine, three Mttn five piiitH'tm and I I i a auiii'j I can in; off of a hli: Ihu M1 H'liiiuiH. ase 10 New (iolltwk. I'.'ui Hippy I hive real iiiiiny of i.'iir lettera And would l.ke u J. mi th (InlliwW't I am i yean oi l nut am In the rVuith ma le J m n Im you a S i-en i b( on p f l the I ui'on. 1 WiHil l lik to bear fiini "iii of the 'n . 1 1 i K I J tun, i l.iiii n. tliiin , N 'b Firl ltler ir llj'', 1 i h M 'on lta I am i. l n a ; cent for a pia I am T yen iM .11 t la Jh'i th.ld aru b. ro i ( a ) ! t 1 lutVH tv a little Mt.r. It i 'Ulaa ill Ire my h ha pl d-a I'l 4 see 1 '1 ..'UI Ilttrlliif Mulhrr, ho l.iki-K lun- i vi.ii win ii you i.M' ill In ImiI W'Ihi n.mfi.iiK uliin ou ll'IIKI'l ll 1l'llllHI Till, VVIiii .l i lh ymi wli. ii i. Hit ii won't , Ami In your ihil.llnh fnnltn, iIhim hIii- miy tlon'l' Win n yon iir tuiuulil tiii't m lit to 10 i it t r riKini Who riiiii li ni-r j nil mi ?ry hoi in; To drliiK you hwi-pIi, whin you 11 pi-nt Ami from whom wi-rn your flrHl ir'wna m-at? Who ritanila yoir rlothlnK anil your nocka An. I Htiimla up for ymi whru your Hi'linolfii'iti' tiioi k; Who hiinifa your ftoklni on Chrl"t miH l'Vi, Who for your trmilili-a ilima om fort nml KrU'Vp? Who liivt-a you lii'ft of nnyom Who tnlka to you whi n chorea ur dune Why w in thiTt' i-vit aurh mother An y.iu ilnrllnit inollii-r? --ftnrhnr Ae, Ae 1J. f.15 Kant Mllltnry iiviniK', Kri'tnonf , Ni-li. Illnlr rnrpMiter of Wityne, Ni h, worka In a dru ntore nfii r whool, and ao k'pa pri'tly huny. WitnlH to Join. 1 (in r lluppy: I ii in t yrnra ohl. My hlnhilny in OrloW T. I will m In the lift ti Kriuln thin term it m'IiimiI I urn nm lonlni; a 2 ri nl fillip for my tiutloii. I woul.l llk-t lo Join the Happy Tiltw. I hnv five ilnlla nii'l one .lull rarrlntfi'. I 1'iive one Kl.'i plnx mill. I wonlil llk) ID hute Home of the (lolluwka wrlie me a 1"Hit, An my li-tli-r p KctUnn lotix I muni iIomi' Wrlo WKin Aili'llne Hmllh; Ak, '): Him HI, fl. neva, Meli. . New Mi'iiiImt. Iiinr Hitppy: I w.hIi to Join Hie lioldiwka. t inn Hi'mllnjf 2 rent Hliimp for which m-rnl rue a Uollnwk p:n. I w.ll h H) the Klh of November. I fjo to Ci-n-irnl I'nik Hi hool, I nm In the fifth A, 1 will I'Joan for th: time. Al:ee Thnll, 40211 Hrnwne, fimnh.i, Neb. The witch cut wenra lie myhtlc rliiif. The hlnck cut HprimlM it h (frui'Mome wlriK. HuliKolililiH wi'irilly chant int. I villi: On HiillnWD'en. A Kind Deed. Dear Happy Once upon a time thera lived man, Ifn wan cruel With him lived a llttla do. One day the man took tha don and put. him in a field. A hoy found the doc and took him home. Thn lioy'a ala ter waa a Ho Hawk ao eiie took the doe mid fed til m with bread nnd milk. One day he Rot wet. Hhe wrapped him up, mid from that day the doir wan very happy. Kllzabclh Kuiwa, ngpi II, Mill Kan. N. b. Will lie Kind. llear Happy: I am a Kill 13 years old mid I like to read Huppylntiil t have decided to Join your happy tribe, 1 nm ettcloHlnn a 2 cent Hlnmpi and the membership coupon, 1 prumiHe to be unod to all dumb animnlN. Dorrln l'liikerton, Tryon, Veb. "This In the nlcht o' Hallowe'en, Whi n it' the Hltchie may lie actn; Some o' I hem black ami Home o' them frreen, Some n' them like a turkey bean " Kind I Moi l-.. lieai- Happy: I am xcinliiiK a '.' cent Mtanip for a !o Hawk button. I am 10 yearn id. I nm In the aixth made. A little bird fell out nf a Hint. i climbed up the tree and put the bird hack in Ita nest neltuin Wilson. Aued 10. 502 South Third Street. Norfolk. Neb. A Wyoming (lollnuk. lvar Happy: I want to be u (lo Hawk 1 am (I years old. 1 kii lo si hool nml Sunday school, and like theui Will be kind to all miiinuW nnd birds Itussell Armstrong, 1027 West Thirteenth Hireet. I'npii, Win A New Meiulxr Hear Happy I wailil bke I . join l be tioH.ivtks 1 am senliiiK .veil the i tip"H in.. I the ".'cent stump I pmin e to If kind to all dumb iiumatH and In. Is I am 11 .ai i ll nnd In the Hioth Ki id" My filend tier .Id I" K'Unn to Join W ell I InuM rluse - J.iineH lt.ib. it t'liut s'H, Am- 11. auioiu. N'b, I'onie art'iml ill NatirnU nil .lit. Iirvssc.t fi..iu t p i to in v h.t" I I WITCH. , Hy lll'l'V. Old wlti'li! I womli-r where you ' hidn All throiiKli the year, till lime to I i'lll Vour hriMiii, stick Htei'd? You'ru only aeen When KoblliiM coinn on 1 billow a'en. t I 'rr hups you live behind lb aky. Ami thiil 'm what imikea you liurry by; It must be fun to ride the air Amona; tha clouds, no ona known where. ToiiIkIiI, d'lir wilch, if you ask 'lie To ride with youlhen you shall wf I low f ist I 'll come oh, plea so will you ' Take me lo ride your broom Htick, too? If,- Is ii ll-illoutt'efi fiitilt'Hl fur you. In thi-Nn mixed names you will find a Lumber of lhlna you oft "ii see at a Hallowe'en party. AiraliK" thn lellera In their propel order nml r-n what you wilt find. 1- Chllwsn B-Vfaft 2- Si'lfhHt 7 Halpep 3- Avjo tarli'ifSin S Hoyb 4- Huntecha 10 llobi( 5 - Opi ocpn What, wan the made? flnit bet ever Answer The alphabet. Why In cold cream Ilka a (food chapcrone? Anawer Hecatjsn It keeps off the chaps, Why do Hull hints In their rieata iiKree? Answer Hecause If they didn't they would fall out. Which of your relative lire de pendent on you for a living? Answer-Your uncles, aunts and cousins, for without I' (you) they could nut exist. Where would you send a man to p't tin appetite? . Answer To Hungary. What iiuestion must you always answer "Yes?" Answer What dis a Y-lt H spell? Catherine .loins of Hlizabeth. N. .1., Is only 5 years old so lo r mother reads llappylaml to tier every weik. In Field and Forest. How often have you hoard, "' tn bid Willi the blrii.-i and iret up with the chicken." That is lie cause the liltilH want to o to bed as sunn as It In Uaiit. It seems sir.inK". then, that so many of them like to Ktart on their Journey smith in thn nit ht. Tiny will fly all niitht nml rest, ail day nnd keep this up until they reach their winter home, often thousands of nillea away. The wrens, the thruehes and nth er llinld birds that live in (lie woists ai'H the ones choosintt to rl nt iiluhi, while the holder buds with slri'io,' winei do not mind I .el mi si en and will fy by il.ivlixlit They w ill ft V m i y Inch and ko fast er limn a nilln ad train. Ill tile . lU'llHJ l ink the.V Will Colli" I nflm wonder bow tiny find 'hell way. It Is s.dd they have leiruhit loads that follow the riwis and shore hues, for they are all aM" lo see the water ewii by idi-bt !bw wise they Hie. tor liny kin w eio'tiuli tn rest a day ir two iib nu ibe wiy Hill thus ll"'k their l"li )"ll'lle. I'olloW llu-in itll IovIiiK llliilliihls, for ii"i' and n. ie t"U in- le'iinlin; Wllilt le.itH " 1 ll'iiilili til" I'U.ls are to Its W i:IU' llltlll n 4t Huitd.iV I 'M I H .Ii il I MM Tha tin llnwks. "Yea, Miirjont, J do think you aliould do Hoiueth iiK about H . Only yesterday t auw sevi'ial lioya and Kits atiiu'tlnif on the ill walk leiir the park, I'jn h of lliini hud it id.liKshot In their bun. Is ami lii'V were really f yhi.tix uboiil who had k lied tl fiiiiHt turds. " Th s.euk er waa Helen Hiidiut. Muii.rie liurlnn, a i loss frl'-ml, w.ia very tlioiichtf ul, Kor mvinil wi-ks tha boys and Klrla of tlia town had been killing birds. Helen and Mirjorm wers the only ttirla in town who did not I k to k.ll thn till 'Is. Htnldenly Helen tut in .1 about and saw tier father cnin'rut up thn path. In hi hand tie held aoma papers. "Hello Rlrla," tie said. "Why nil I ha sober faces?" The K i Is nuid nntb UK, but Helen blushed nervously Hit father hand ed her It paper. "Ileia la little club paper for children, I niitiacr.ti ed for the Hutnlny lice and this part la for you," tie said. M.irjurl and Helen snt down nil the pinch sw im anal tnKan tn look Ibe paper over. "Why, Helen," em la rned Mar Jorle, "th'a la Just the kind of club Minna Klrla and hoya should tolonK to, I.et'a nrnni. it In fbla town." A few daya later the two trlrla wi re the proud possessors of pretty tig Hawk pin for each. They Im mediately net to work lo oiKiin sie n dull In that town. A few weeks later every hoy mid x'rl In town had thrown awny their si iit'sliots and now each wears a pretty roil pin, with thn words "I'm a tin Hawk -tlm Happy Tr.be," mi it. The ctuh wan a ko'sI thiiix fur those children la-cause it tiiucht them to protect Instead of molyt all b rdn nnd dumb animals. l.'ll.an Nelson, An 12. Woll.nch, S'eb. I'oor Old Jack. Ix-ar Happy: I thank you very much for my plh, I war It. when ever my nlnter la not wenrlnic It The Imya tease me about It. We have a cat that w call I'rofensor White-foot. He'll calch rata, mole and mice. One nluhl my father and mother watched him call h a mole. We had a pet iIok tliat we culled Jin k, llo'd tun down rats and tin n calch them, but lie ot no old be died mid w missed him very much. - Hot lfollwrewc: Imykln, Ni-li. tilenn Hmllh of Kansas City, Mo,, Is a hoy scout, hut also wishes to be a Co Hawk. AIMciilc. Dear rio-Hawks: I arn writing you a letter to tell you where we went one Sunday In vacation. Wo packed our It.ieki tnr arid went down to Oakland to l fin park. When wa got there we went over to the nwlmtnlnn pool and watched the people Hwlnrn. About half pant four a bunch of us went Insw Imnilnn, We had u (rood time In the water. We stayed In till 6 o'clock, when we Kot out and ale our supper. Helen Hemicl, W'St I'oiht, Neb. VlrKinlii Allen of Hhreveiott, Ia has a ncrapbisik of Happy la rid and looks over It almost every day. Dot i4 I a 11 II 7 lo. '49 47 a 48 a At 44 4b i I " Helen' letter. tr..l,.f. fli.l. I. ...I I I.- I..lt..r mhm wrltlnit and put It Into tha fiivelopa. Then having aointi nf her work t do, she told her brother to take It to Ilia posloffire a mllu away. Jim, lur bioiher, went slowly, on hi way, when suddenly he auw a beau tiful butterfly fllltiiiK by. 'the letter uml everyihlnK als was foiKotien as Jim tried to catch tha butterfly. He dropped the let. ter and It waa carried seveial tulles by Mm wind. At last It knocked aK'iiriMt a hoi nnd settled down. Il'm It remained for nearly two weeks, when a tloic tipped over I he lo and a wind attain picked up the letter. This time was carried only a shot way, befiiK dropped Into a small barrel. Now It happened that a bird was tonkin for Home thills' with which lo build a nest. The bird spied the letter In , the barrel, "That Is Just th MuriK I wnnl," i said takliiK the letter In It bill and flylritf away iin'll It r ached a tree In which was a part of I tie nest, l-'atl cam" and the blids nil flew to Hie south " fin day Helen chanced to nee nest with nomethlna: white In If. Him took the nest down and looked to see what It was nnd found It to lie the letter 'she tiad eciit away. Stia I ben knew why It was that her friend had not niiswi'ied her teller. Mary Jfrasch, aK II: vn Madi son street, Omaha. ,V-b ficoiKi.' Henry fOW of lloolbliay Harbor,, Me., bkis "I'el.r'n Wmk shop" ycry much and make ihlriKH fi ..in It Ursl ltfer. Jicnr Haipv: I wh-li to Join tha (ioll.iwk Tube. I am years old and In the third H, I 'im nembni; a stamp. I tiki; to I'-ad your paxe. - Ivlith J'tillltpn, 1100 West Koeiiltf Street, Orarid Island, N"b. That Illta D'Kntremoset of Ktona hmn, M ish,, and some of tier friend often flve "' "f the Kalry Urctto plays they find fn Happyland. HITS 01' IN'I-'OHM THtN. The f!nrrieKli! Institute magnetic observatory at Watherwoom, West i rn Auntralla, is tfi" only one coup plelely cqiilppcij (n Hie solllhelO hemisphere of investlKatlon relat lint lo he earth's maiiiietlsrn, at mnspherlc i-lectrlely and the larlli'a electric currents. Old raxs are used in the form of roll roolln? and prepared shlnule for housetops, After the raga lira reduced to a pulp, which makes a raw, coarae fabric, of Jong liber and Kr-at durability, hot asphalt I poured nnd pressed into every ojvn IriK and pore. Then the material Is covered on both sides with as phalt nnd crushed nlate. An inventor In Japan lias pro duced a remarkable paper, strong lu texture and capable of bcinir crumpled up ,-md w.iHli'd with soap and water. Owiiu to its durability, it Is UM"d for the covering of um brellas and when Holb-d, taken off and w ished. An a wrapping paper It can be uncd uitain arid niialn. be ItiK w.'iahcd an often ai Decennary. Puzzle 16 17 9 21 a ' 25 . as ? I 3o 24 s 23.28 2,1 '.32 3 27 34- a 35 a 39 37 a 3 3 4i 44 i . i 1 tj liiiur, iiuw Hi. lUm lioM, i"iiib4 t II i IMU 1 in net ! -'. N