The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 29, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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Senate Record
of His Colleague
Read bv Norris
North Platte Valley IntercMfd
in Vote of Senior Senator
to Tax Them for
Bo.UnWuff, Neb., O.I. !;.-ISfril
Teli"Kriiiii I'lending for tin retire
ment of Hriulri' illti'hiwit, bc-cii'ite
lie li "fund imrntully wrong;," ami till
lirnrt la nut with tliu chum ut the
ichiIb, rieiiiitur (jri-(ju V. Nurrla re
erUnl mi eiilhURlimtlu response from
a In IK kiimib of Ninth I'lutte VHllry
people In thin city tnmiclit.
Henator N orris read rrpeutcilly from
tliii ('iinKi'i'HMliinnl Item r! to Hhow
lii.iv the vntu nf I llti neurit was ranRnl
n Hie Rlile of wraith J nut after el-:-hen,
Hinl raiely wti found in thu In
tM'Mix uf Nelu'imku people, exetpt
JiiKt tif It wuh iriiry fur hint
In go lii-fnre thi'in fur their hIph.
Hit Hlmvil how In 1917, whet) a little
'( neiilitoin proponed tt hlffll
iiuMiine and (scnn profit tux thut
would have IiiUiii ii l.u'tin pint of the
Wfulth nf thuets who wire profiteer
iiitf, Hinnlur Hllihrnrk reH-nteily
1 1, i il uiraiiiKt mirh prnpoaalH anil on
ii.a hIiIh if Kmit wealth.
"rlenntms HitrhciM-k u ml Penrose
uliil loft lir-i- to H.ive wealth ami
pinfileer." N'lirln declared. "They
lurneil their hiu k a upon the people
iiml ri'fUKi'il to lax tlicmu who were
making the profit from thu toll ami
.itwnt of 1 1 1 coimiioii people."
"t'li, )en." cried Mt'nutor Nmris
mnld laughter ami applause, "Mr.
I : i . 1 1 1 told the I ru I h almul Senator
llllihrork hiiiiih timo turn."
.Murine From Koll ( all.
Tlie senator referred to Hitchcock's
repented almoin e from roll rails, ex
peeliilly when there was u division cf
neiillinent at home mid It inldit affect
Ijiiii to ixpiiHM an opinion, I In talked
of lila pioniiii'MH to K"lf. and wild that
"If It whs nice, nliiny weather and
K"lf plnyillK waa good, tlltrlicock wan
not MilliiK, the record allowed."
"dive me a coIIwikuw that will add
one more to our numher and help
make thene fights for the benefit of
I ho rnmmon people," Senator Norrls
pleaded, lelllnif of the alinoBt hopeless
aspect of the fitrht the group of pro-
Kieamve In the annate In milking Mr
the common people, of enpeelal in
terest to the farmers nf the valley was
lila proof that when he proponed, by
an amendment to the Mississippi eon
trol hill, to make the government pay
half the cost of impounding the
waters of the Pathfinder dam, Hitch
cock deliberately left the senate with
out vollnif. when ills vote and two
that he might have Influenced, would
have wived the measure, and saved for
the farmera of this part of Nebraska
at leant a million dollars.
ises Ooi'ernment Funds.
Henntor Jv'orrls assailed Senator
Hitchcock for -.using government
funds to pay the World Herald cor
respondent In Washington and his
wife almost $10,000, and for working
against and voting against the zone
postage rates on Herondcliiss matter,
when he wu financially interested.
"If he were a true patriot, a real
statesman, he would epurn the oppor
tunity to draw dollars from the treas
ury of the United States for the benefit
-of hl own private property, I don't
think Nebraska wanta a senator who
will do that," concluded Senator
Omaha Warmest City in
II. S. on Friday; 90 Degrees
Omaha waa the warmest city in
the United States Friday, when the
weather bureau officials said yester
day. Dodge City, Kan.,' was next
warmest, wit ha temperature of 88 de
grees. Friday waa the warmest October
day here since October 14, 1S97, when
the thermometer reached 91 degrees,
according to the local weather bureau
To Insert your Want Ad,
telephone" Atlantic 1000.
"Tell the
Men'e two aad three-piece Crt
suit cleaned an prateed. . . . ,w
2217 Fanurn Street
Telephones: Omaha, AT lantte 0345
South Side. MA rket 0050
Will She Get $100,000
4 'S'li
ISorlh Bend Man
Scriouslv -Hurt
in Drunken Row
Aped Hurllflnn Hold DrinV
iiig 15tut One Shot Two
Held in ('ounly
DoKumtr iCryl-1
Ni years ugo, when Jnseplilno Hi) I was 18, anil her sltrr, Marie, wiim
Ifi, lliiliilinlr liryl, HnilU fainiiim nniNlclun, offered tlicin JillKI.IIHO eaih If mi
llielr iltlllt hli'llula they bail not married, lint hail dcvoled their lies to
the violin. .biM'pliine met anil Ihm iI Paul Taylor White, u I! ihton inii'-li Ian
eonipoHer. They were luairled, and she was rut ol'f. liryl Itniinl lo Marie
to carry nut his ileslr and In'i oiiie a great mii-lrlan, but Marie, IIiihikIi h! ill
uiiinarriril, announced her synipathles were entirely with her siHler.
Poison Pen Writer
Is Found Guilty
JNeliraokan Vi ho 'J lireatened
Chieago v ouian Unlcrcd
to Asjlum
Chicago, Oct. CS. Hugenn Hryant.
son of .linlgn Wilbur l'. Hryant of
I lartington. Neb,, was found guilly by
a Jury last night on chargcH of send
ing letters deinunding money to Mis.
A. H. Shotweli, wifo of a wealthy
candy manufacturer here.
Whlh? finding Bryant ' guilly, the
Jury expreaked Hie belief that be was
insane when the letter were sent and
etlll is insane. The verdict carries
with it commitment to an asylum,
Bryant's counsel Intimated that no
appeal from the verdict would be
Bryant was arrested last Summer
after Mrs. Shotweli had received over
200 letters, some demanding money
and others being of a salacious nature.
Bryant pleaded Insanity at the trial.
Ex-Wife of Billy Leet
to Wed Senator's Son
San . Francisco, Oct. ' 28. (Special
Telegram.) Mrs. Martha Ituddy Leet,
divorced wife of William A. Leet of
Omaha, announced her engagement
here yesterday to Archibald Johnson,
son of Senator Hiram Johnson.
Mrs. Leet was formerly Miss Mar
tha Ruddy, daughter of a wealthy
Aurora (111.) family. Her married life
with Billy Leet, Omaha sportsman
aqd one time king of amateur auto
tace drivers, lasted but a short time
and then telescoped in divorce court
with that of ISjis. Ann Robertson Leet,
her predecessor. '
New "Dry" Chief for This
District Confers Here
H. L. Duncan, new chief of "dry"
enforcement officers for this district,
was in Omaha Saturday conferring
with V. S, Rohrer, State director; 3. C.
Klnsler, United States district attor
ney, and department of Justice agents.
All generUl agents working tn this
vicinity , were Called in at the same
time to meet their chief. He replaces
Kmerson E. Hunt of Minneapolis, who
exchanged places with Duncan at Kan
sas City.
Asked to outline his policy, Dun
can replied tersely:
"Law enforcement. I'd close up
our many . friends that MR.
SAMUEL K. HANF0RD is now asso
ciated with us as superintendent in
charge of our construction department.
American. Electric
318-520 South 10th Street
Telf phone JAckson 1451 Omaha
every bootligglng plin-o In this town
overnight If It was possible."
Duncan is familiar with llm local
situation, as be formerly was aNxirtant
to tliu chief nf tin) northwestern
group of states before a new division
group una crraleil ami spent some
time lit-iv, lb; remains until Sun-luy
I-'ii-iiioiil, Neb., Oct. I?. (Special
Ti li giatii.t Andrew Johnson. CI, Is
in the H'Klge county Jail mid William
.,l i;(li, 4n. it bellevi d (lying will) a
bullet Idle tlirii'-foiii'tlis of nn Inch
from bis lii-art. as it result of a shoot
in;; affray at Ninth Hdid Thursday
nlfilit following 11 booze parly. James
llcbrit, "l, third member of the wild
orgy and onlv eyewitness of the
shooting, I alio being licit at the
county Jail,
Choked with emotion as ho ner
vously pa, ' 'I Ills cell, Johnson said
1 hat the wounded victim was one of
his best friends ami that lie was tin
nlile to fclvo any explanation for tha
Minuting, except that lie was under
the Inlluence of liquor, The three
men. nil bachelors, were at the John
son home, whero wtilnky was brought
out for eiilei'liiliiment. In the cotirs
of the parly Johnson and Jergeii nie
Mild to bam become Involved lit
dispute which einlcd in Johnson's ills
appearing Into the boiise. Ho renp
peareil wilh un old fashioned .113 re
volver and lired ono bullet, which
lodged In Jcrgen's body.
Nono of the in.'ii realized nt the
time what had happened. Jergen
iTiiipl.'ilned of feeling sick. Johnson
went to a neighboring home mid stag
gered to tin: door, yelling that it man
was dying at hia home, llebert left
to summon a doctor, fioys discovered
Jergen lying on the sidewalk near
Johnson's home nearly two hours
after the shooting occurred.
Schooner Ordered Released
Washington, Oct. 2s. I'ort authori
ties at New 1 ork were ordered by
the treasury to release the Canadian
schooner Emerald, whose aclzure out
side the three-mile Hin t by the prohi
bition authorities! resulted In a protest
from thn British government.
Shower and Cooler Next
Week, Weather Prediction
Washington, "'t. 21. Weal her out
look for the week beginning Monday:
I'pper Mississippi and Lower Mis
souri Valli y ,' liowers and cooler, lit
beginning, generally fair with normal
tempera I ures.
Iloclsy Mountain nnd Plateau Tie-
giotis (ienerally fair with tempera
ture near normal.
Pacific titateH (ienerally fair In
southern and central California nnd
itcc;islon,il rains elsewhere. Normal
f Ire! r0R ns TONE
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiii vovembcr
l ecoras Uat omorrvwmimmmmu
V. MsWMiniiiiiiiia
NOVEMBER and Jack Frost's finger sweetent. the
pumpkin (or the Thanksgiving pie; the gobbler aings hit
twan song, and Vocalion Uetl Records the lilticst, gayest
numbers of all the scafons call the world to dance. And (or
those who love to sit in the firelight to music there is "Good
Company" in "Dream Faces," "Ben Bolt" and other friends
of many Thanksgivings ago as lasting as Vocalion Red
New Danct Hill JV.. Siu Prim
The Mlkarfe.. .Aeolian Symphony Dance Serte ) 14.. l(, t
H.M.S. Hnafore Vertc' S. S. Flotilla OrcheetraV - i lr -n
While the Yean Roll By-W,ilt
TV n llli Vlmlnla Wv Walt!
I uai naroor society yjiu. i
I Pound a Pour-leaf Cloer
HI Build a Stairway to Paradlae Fox-Trim fremV 14434 IV
Scandalt of W12 Srlvin'i Orctitrtra)
Parade of the Wooden Soldiers -Fox-Trot (From U
Chauve-Sotiris V1441S1S'
Carmen Aeolian Symphony Dani-e ( "
Metropolitan Dance Playm
lapaneaa Moon Fox-Trot i
AllOrcr Nothlna at All - Kox-Trot 14431 lt
Yerkca' S. S. Flotilla Orchestra)
Way Down South Fox.Trot )
Emil Coif man and His Montmartre Orch. .
ftaal Int t Hate to Go Home Alone rnx-Trot I
Ycrlccs' S. S. FlotilU Orchestra,'
Tha Yankee Doodla Dlnea-Fox-Trot )
Ykr' S. S. Flotilla Orchestral 1431 tW
gaas Fox-Trot Emil Coleman & ilit Wontinartrt Ot.)
Netlte Kelly, I Lot You Walt j (Irom Little Nellie)
reUv) I
Tou Remind Me of My Mother (Introd. Till My I.nck 14435 l Rolling AlonD Kox-Trot ilrom Utile Nellirl
Kelly ). The Bat 1 iaibor Society Orcheatra
WhlW tha Tear Roll By ..Challet Hart & rilintt Khaw )
(OiUdtaood lay billy Joocal'"'" ,r
Mr Buddy Arthur Burnt)
Mary Uaar-Soma Bay Wa W Ul Moe Aaata V 14431 If
Ctuulea Hart)
Bahr "'I'" nrx 1 iau )a
llm aa ttia Nlght Brtv Lane Shepherd J 1
rton Bolt . Flhou Miaw. Hiritone
14417 I0 .T5
Kawi ianettete The Melody Male Qiwrte t
In tha Time ot Roaea r,ra Kin. Soprano
Tba Carnival Helen Barr. Serrano
laatVtaht .
Tha Sturdy None man Car en Woll, Tenor
Praam Face
Uoad mnany . . lewla Jimea, Tener
I Paaaed By Your Window , I
Fvel a Scotaey, Gaprana I
1441 ir
14411 tr
14431 If
14411 If
Mlal If
I 33
Vharre Tarantella
,lt umjm ih i dp t I
Mi'ia I u uertanj. VWBnll I
v-otaae (
i I
Iwk a Barter Medley - Inali 1
Irte Maraptaa Medley Ii k Uanrf Intred
kloniiM. Mateul Ikljn. ka l.a,rr. Rny
tUAtii an Trio ' ,v,Kn.rcenv pa
OU Blark Jaa - Intiod. Okt l'u!tat lino 1
Ntm Vl ami t'iri lvie, l'a1 I
lues t aorta txiiud tte e Me it Ail Ineee to.aj
he Ma i aa'tte I
Mia Ume an.) I'ai"e PtI Cufui I
TWa Boaarf .. . t w lMiu, llai !wl.i
Twa Mavkto Htrd
Amnit aad PWa IWMura, "Wh and rane)
I la Craea Fhlt Par Aer ioW
i la aa 4r 4 leawa ' i
i a flriiea , ,ievi .
l.aia l ate Hadw . " . V mmt
a I f ai
, ! WIM.
4 r' ti'-M m( k'4Wd4
(M.S. 4 4 . w'-
(as tfe k'4
t itfaiw. m,
eW 4444 ft 4
i Ml tm ii- av4
k m i t ft- t 4
144 1 fea 1, 4 a t tm
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ilft i t -m 40- w
ava 4 - pm.- ft 1
raMe4 , ft-
lV 'lt4t f xW fb m9
t 4 4 fts ftO.4k4B.4l
ft ' 4-4 W al.4 ftvflMl
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m a. B-aaW ' 4-a Atv4fc ftl
ftl , ft ea
" k bv .- ft)
lowtiie. Seutt.e. Hil
laawai aa 'MHMaa, ae
e a. Hmt. I,
lee, leMit, wauu.
aa fee hi e a ki a
ad l ilH..wIM ui aae.ea
M eeaee. a nee twt e
- .- aet ka
Wtt'M Sll lttK.
te tai tai
H aat ka e 4 eaea ae
t ewi, a B te tar
IWHtM f I M I lO .
14 1 Ba4we kata. l.t 4ae.
Ad-valU atada
taataa ,
a S e Mwm M,e
ia aa aae W . jm
. , . I . 4 I l 1 fwi I
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U4I 13 I II
14431 If .71
1443 If .71
1441 If .71
1443 If .71
1443 If 71
I (Ml If rt
Man If I tt
twWwa taiarit
4ta at Waea ntn ... i
Mm el Weteaaa . - i . . w a J
MeWrw Xad
UMitelnea ' i- U4)t If 71
a. tm w-, ai -i. T I
.Vaeaa Xetaeda
l ' M I
rwtxIM (a , jtitl b-wl l aiiai I4H tf
, ,.- A v..
Oakford Music Co.
lit Saalit IlllkUaal
la faaaita tra. M.ken
i 1
Charming Floor Coverings
i vim &y.
N " &?ttrzT.r. SjLSe
An rxtraordinary effort on the part of our Floor Covering De
partment furnishes the best selections in Kugs, Carpets and
Linoleums that have been possible during the last ten year.
Fine Wilton Rugs
The exquihile di'ttiRti hiu) rii k coloriiiKit tliat women liave Icurncij to cxihm'I in
these fine vih urc icon in thn niHtiy produt'ti of Whittall, HHrdwirW A Mucva
nnd other well-known weaver. It in nice to know thut the worsted ynrni
insure wonderful weiirinc (Uiilitien mid an even texture.
Dxl2 Kizo (fitaii uverHkc room), nt $135.MJ, !?l-5.00, jtl0.00 "ntJ
even nn low a 877.."0.
Other niies in proportion. ,
Axminster PvUs
The wonderful rvicc thi type of rur renuert! mukei it a favorite, wliilo th
deep, no ft colorinKi and funhioimlilc (hit, one and other (irirnUtl deiigna lenri
the churm the thoughtful home planner looks fur, A moid pletiiti( iclection
in all bizck.
I'ricoB ( 0x12 nine- $75.00, $tt3.r0, Jf."lS.50, Jil.00 and
Band Bordered
Plain Velvet Rugs
Arc riffered in oft KlmdeK uf ;:ry nnd roc in
beautiful aeiiniloM fabric.
!xl2 size, $02.50.
Room Hallway Stair
Tltd assistance of an experienced
carpet meaNureman will insure
maximum results and poisihly nave
you quite a little money. We are
now showing many new pattern
or ruirn, atairn and roonm in new
jrround shades of taupe, sand, roue,
blue and brown. Axminster and
velvet fabrics are favored at this
time. ' ,
Inlaid Linoleum
In excellent tile and parquet
effects a quality you will
approve. Per yard
1 .50
Second Floor
Oriental Rugs
30 I!eIouchilfln Kugn, dark rich
coloring'", blue, red and brown,
about 21 to 6 feet, 925.00
fttid $28.00. '
20 nerjcuma IVnian Rue, very
heavy, deep pile, soft rose or bin)
tones, about 3x4 6 feet, 938.00
and 9 12.50.
Timely Drapery
of the Kind You Will Vote Most Attractive
50-inch Plain Madras
A reliable quality is offered in colors you will rave about, sueh rose,
blue, mulberry and j?old brown. "7 CT
Ter yard $Q
36 and 50-inch Figured Madras
Colors, blue, rose and mulberry, as well an combination 1 I 11 j
effects. Splendid value at, yard ,
Fiber Silk Madras
Both plain and figured 50-inch fabrics offered in
fiber tilk at, per yard, 91.05 and
'T-TI '
Sunray Overdrapery Fabrics
Beautiful iridescent material of medium weight that has found much
favor this fall. Shown in 12 colore and effects that are "J r"
refreshingly new. 50 inches, wide; price, per yard 3-C5
Is a lightweight drapery fabric for chamber use, in desirable nha!es nf
rose, blue and lavender, 60. inches wide; 7 r
price, per yard . ; e-C !)
Main Floor
a -ir l ii rwr. ii r nr-,ai t aa l
2 w. : rLrf
Special Sale of Dining Room Suites
"in Antique Mahogany
wmJfif rky. it Cidi StrJrhm
To give needed display space in our din
ing room section, we have radically reduced
prices on four fine matched ' suites in ma
hogany. $'105.00 Adam Dining Suite in antique mahogany,
including 6rt-inrh Buffet, 54-inch 8-fool Extension
Table, six Chairs and nn Arm Chair with blue hair
cloth upholHtery, complete 9245.00
$583.00 Sheraton Dining Suite in antique mahogany,
including 72-inch Buffet, Oblong Extension Table
and six Slip Seat Chairs, complete. ., .9275.00
$785.00 Quocn Anne Dining Room Suite in antique
mahogany, including 72-inch Buffet, 50x60-inch
Oblong Extension Table, five Dining Chairs and n;t
Arm Chair, complete 9300.00
Several Odd China Cabinets, Serving
Tables and Dining Chairs are to be sold
at small fractions of their original
A Splendid .Queen Anne Bedroom Suite
In American Walnut at a Very Low Price
Vanity Dresser $39.50
Chifforobe to match 28.50
Dresser to match 29.50
Dowfoot lied in full .ize lo match, as shown 29.50
"Our Empress"
A Mattress That WillXot Stretch
I'li'ilt iii our own factory of ."0 pounds of so
kted lottiiii felt cnclosfd in fancy art ticking,
made up in rolled edtre style, secure!' tufted anil
guaranteed not to jtretch. Price
TKii V.. A Hrunswu-k
I IlC 1 Ork I'hunograph
Juit Waal Yau Mar Beea Wailing far.
' 1
I .flit lloar
Thii attractive tii
!e moilrl in Attain
llion MahnBaiiy ft
Amrriian Walnut hs
irtn irciKy di titfind
t'j Itirrt tlie tit limn I an intiiiiimt at
llii t)f Hhith in i it,
nt a tmtid (i"7
1 1 i , ir i... ., ui Hi
M "i-taj,
v" a I ! ti ii in ,i f t
n untM) ) Bu nt,
Detroit Jewel
(las Ranges Hake littler
.t.Mmiil illustrate I
tea B f:! i', ' a ,1 ki'ui at f t ,! t
fu-m s;i.7." ?l I. 'Ml
I 'l .. i. -i t'i.j r -a! h ,,M f .1. I ',-:t
t.,:t ' . ... .
1I -Ma.ei I lr
0ti f.i!l l.n.-d nn
tiili't, lu. W u'i'l top;
IM llu lira ilt'rp, I'i
in. he w i.le, 1 i iih r
hiifh; ill hul I Ijic
riant, r With I . lit ti
h'tr 1 1 1 lain di I't
an in. tii r top tarerri,
Wlnta ., .11. -lain pa'.fl
.'i . !i t .vr,
!Hiii.I .i.,l4ir
It .fie. -t S'.-'i..', Vi ht. h 11
1 r 1 lrant i I i'. 4
h iitt f !n,(f L n.i ti (
i t. . -
iWaal Nkkila
ala.aae. II U
van I ala af S .. Alaaiiaaea Rl - rJ.I.U.V
t....t ......, ? j.iiM),
Ve.iet AWeaiaaea tai Kalae Jl.'l,,
if p. 1.1 .1 Ii
t n 'l l it' t
a" I f't I r a
(M;iu.!;i u it.ut.LM n.