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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1922)
iu o THE SUNDAY UEE: OMAHA. OUlUtftK l"J. seven lug ) I" " history sl.n ting nevt riiituriluy. IMnpsey' la tha highest ailnrled viuiilevllla ever lKMked In any theater anywhera. Heven arti will I at seen upon ttie special Jtempsey Mil. This liiiliiiles the regular World pro gram of sin vatiilevilln sets, featura (ili tines iiiul with tha redoulitiihla jack aa the headliner. I'sa rheiserltith for dusting. It will adsorb tha ditt and la nndlly washed out. Javk Ih'mjtsvy U Coming to W'orll Tht'tttvr Next If'evh 1 With Jark Dempsey, worlifa chiini plon appearing in person In a vuinl" villa art aupHiitiHt ly hla fatuous manaaer, Juek Kmiih, ami sp.nrlnit partner. Jm"k Thompson, the World theater la making prepumtlons fr ly. Emphasis on the Serious Side of Life This Week Wesley Harry at the Sun Will He in Lighter Vein; Crook Roles Are Also Popular at Moon and Hialto; World Features Klaine llammerntein. The week in local moving picture art-leu promine. lo be a heavy one with heartrending a popular diversion and the reformed dfuperado going Mrong. There is the gentleman c rook, for instance, in MJ)on't Khoot," which has a double showing at the Moon and at the Muse, and then there is the crook who is no gentleman, but who is transformed into one by surgeon's art, as delineated by Milton Sills at the Kialto. , There is the girl who assumes the sins of a younger sis ter in "Colleen of the Tines," and the loving daughter who offers herself up us a sacrifice to save her father in "Under Oath," It all looks pretty harrowing and one can't even go to see the dashing "Prisoner of Zenda" without being kept at high tension through several reels for fear the wrong man is going to get the right girl and the villain won't get a rapier through his black heart. liue If In determined t'i latiwli . ' anl almply won't hesr in having hi, puis ii lentil n n1 his tArvxi pre- , sura liii raased ha had tft-r ih his I'ut and purk himself lit tha Empress ir tha Kim. At tha former ha ran snpker ut (mm Mre, who demon-. sfrnlea that "I.o-va la an Awful i Thing," and at tha other other he j run ainlla hftnlgnantly at tha amualng t adventures ut a ragamuffin, Wesley Horry, Anyway, whether h feels sen tirnerifsl, elemental rr prohlemn Ileal, or merely ha grouch, Mr. I'iiIiHc ran find a-ifnethlng on tha I lot that aulta hla ststa i,t mind and entertain him for two houra. LorriHB r;i,AIJM has full amna for tlx emotional artlng whleh la h-r forts In "I Am Oullfy," whlrh opened yesterday at tha Moon for four day. In thla vehlcla aha plays th part lit a neglected wlf who ao repta tha Invitation it a friend from her rhoru girl daya to faka last fling at pleasura. Tha rimifwn, an1 tha aland her hnshand takes, lrlng up an Interesting prohlem for solution. "Anolhar rTk gona sfrslKht," la tlia atnry related, In "Don't Hhool," to npen at tha 5ton Wedneayliiy. And It la a Klrl whom ha accidentally marries, who turoa him from hla rhosen profession to the mora thorny path of righteousness, Herbert Raw. Imaon, tha lead, first became Inter sted In criminal psychology when h K"t held up one dark night. Hla por tray (i I is realistic. PI'IXR farea holds away at ttf, Kmpres thla week In "I.ova la an Awful Thing." 0n Moor. v.ho plays lha lead, has established himself a a crmelln with a light touch, and tha situations In the play glva him plenty of openings. Tha story ronrrrna tha advonturca f one Anthony t'hiiri'hill who la en di'itvorlliC with lit tin aurrraa to con- vim' tha father of th Klrl he wanta to marry, that ha la aul'uhlo matri monial material, l! la m.iklnif', axrelUnt protrreaa tvhen out of tha pat aprltiKa a lona; forifoltrn lova affair. Tha woman lit th raw, diu-a not want to foryat It and to cool her ardor th hi'io ri iew.nta hlmavlf aa a married man with alx i-hlldren. Then tha fun heirttia. MaiKery Daw and Kathryn I'ftrry are, two hltfhly decorative memhera of tho tnat, X T M'K't OATH," atarrlnfc- Klalne I j Il.iininci Htcln, which atarted -' yesterday at the World for a ' week's en:ii(fement, is an Intereatlnif atudy of the atruKffla conatantly tak ing place between tha newly rliih and the) old ealahllHlied order of nrtKtix'rata v,h htive held their place In the ao cial aphere for a number of genera- I'roicram of tho If'vth Awful Klin "f tuara to Hlrhea." IllillO 'klll eep." f niiie "Ine a An Thlntf." HlriMil-"l,rloner of Zenda," Moon -"I Am Oullty," Halurda'y to Wednenday; "Ixm't Hhoot," Vedieday to Kuiurdajr. World "I nder Oath." Miiw-Sunday only,, "ItaMa to Hlrhea;" Monday and Tuearlay, "(olln of tha 1'lnea;" Wedneaday and Thiirwlay, "Th Way of a Woman: Krlday and Haturday, "lon't Shoot," tlona. W hen Iwa knoi ka at the door, old prejudl'-ea and auperfliinl bound- rlea diaapiieur. And tha hro of the piece la alao tha era! while villain who haa In hla clutihea the father of the lovely heroine. Mlaa Hammerateln haa a lona II"' of aucceaiwa behind her. tihe In aupported In thla new picture by Mull I'm Jtohrrf am. THK admirer, feminine and inn ru 1 1 ne, of Milton Hill' handxoma and regular feature, are dueftir an awful jolt when hla fare appear firat on the aereen In "Hliln lieep," in be ahown all thla week at the Kialto. Jdit "couraa-e, me ami," If you can aland It for two reel, you will be able to fenat your yc for tho real of thj picture upon your Idol In hla old time form. And Florence? Vldor In a nuraa'a costume will not be hard upon the optica cither, I'lantlc auiKery, one of the marvela of the hk, in reaponlble for the chaiie In the depraved phyaloarnomy of l!ud, the crook, and the author ex periment wllh the Idea, that u new face can make a new man, that hi criminal Inallnct were only "Uln deep," The picture, which wa pro duced by Thomaa Jnce, contain a daredevil ep from prion vl;t an exprea train and un airplane, and numerous nieaxlramilc Inoldent of tha underworld, WKHI-KT BAHIIV In hi chlldhoixl rieclit will be seen at tho Mu today only. Monday and Tueaday Jane Novak, one of filmland' blonde I)' 1111 tic will be the attraction in "Colleen of the Tinea," The nobility of a Khl who aacrlfice heraelf to ave her yountfcr niater, i the theme, in a netting of the northweMt. Hcene of New York' Kayeat and srrmrteat etHlt,erniite with a charm I11K old southern plantation In "The Way of a Woman," in which Norma TalmadKa upaar at the Muk on Wednemlay and Thuradny. Norma work out a "Woman's Way" to hap plneK even when aha I forced into an ill omened marriage. In "Don't Hhoot," the feature for the end of the week, Herbert Raw 11, the crook, pit hlmwlf asaliim ; , K V Y I I I ffl . ti I w WmimmmmmmmA;mmfm mitmtmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmm urn iBBBBaBBaaBBBBaBBaaaBaaaBaBBBBBBPBBaBaBBaiaBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBiaBBBBaBaaaaBaBBBBBaBPaaBBBBBBaBaBa I I. tlnj airoria "n of tha law, HIM parenla named him "Marma duke," but I hey couldn't !ueiii h hi natural spirit or love of adventure. All who revel In Wan ley Barry, tho 13yar-old boy actor, hava an opportunity to see him. thl week at the Hun In hla new picture, "IlaK to Hlchea." Here Weaeley la the aame befrcekled, fun loving, miaehtevou lad who be- IlKlited thouaand in "Hhool Day;" I the same youngster who runs the I gauntlet of glorlou scrape and aliuf flea out of them with a coolnes which ha been the envy of every youngster j and grown up eing him on the silver j screen. 1 Aa a pampered son of the wealthy j he is leas nuppy than as a tramp or a farmer' boy, but he gel a chance at all the things that are deur to hi heart in the way of ltd ven turn and the old swtmmln' hole. And there la a romance thrown In, Till-; J'KIHONKIL t)V ZKNDA , open II aecotid week at the Klrand today. The picture I melodrama, at it moat charming, with two lovely ladle for good nienure mid at leant three heartbreaking gal lant. Anthony Hope's popular novel lend Itself well to sc.Tening, for It pretends to he nothing more than plot and action throughout. It ha bean so long since there ha been a zood, wholehearted, swaahbuckllng dim that even all the old balcony semen, the moats, the meeting at midnight under the riven oak and the "h;i ha, me proud beuuty" lines go J rather well. And the audience ap- . pluuda the hero galloping along the : moon lit road Juat In the nick of time, ! a If it had never seen ona do It be- 1 fore, f,ewis Htone, Alice Terry, 1 Itamon Navarro and Uarbarii LeMurr all received praise In the advance no tices, and they are all pleaxlng In their purl. The men, in particular, j Suburban Vrogrumn Victoria HunOay and Monday, "The Carnival;" Tuesday and Wed nesday, "A Hlage Koiiiaiire;" Thursday and Friday, "Shadow of the Kca;" Haturday, "The Or deal." (iriuid -Hunduy to Wednesday, "The Hilent Call;" Wednesday and Thursday, "fellow Men and tiold;'' Friday, "I'ardon My French' Hut unlay, "The Nut." 9 llitmlllon Hunduy, "Fighting Mad;" Monday to Thursday, "Hinll ln' Through;" Thursday, "In Hearcn of a Hliiiier," Here 8 An Actor Expert on Playing the King Roles Antonio Moreno to Play Lead With Gloria S wanton Antonio Moreno has been signed by I'arumount to appear as leading mini for (jlorla. Hwanson in her next pic ture, "My American Wife," Moreno's handsome Hpanlsh type Is considered Ideally suited for this pic ture, as all of th characters are Ar gentinians, Other member of the cast will be Joseph Hwickard, Kric Mayne, Kugene Covey, Kllecn I'rlngle, II. Hutler, Jucguc d'Auray, Loyal I'ndcrwood, Walter Long and Nil deen Paul, 1 Hecoming nn expert on kings 1 the distinction which Kaymond Hat ton has achieved during tho lust few years of his screen career. He has played a half dozen of them, HI list Includes Juincs 1 of Kngland, which he has just finished portraying In "To Have and to Hold," in which Hetty Compson and Heit Lytdl have the leading roles; Charles VI I of France, in Cecil U, DcMllle's "Joan, the Woman;" the Aztec King Monte zuma in "The Woman CJod Forgot" and moiiuichH of mythical kingdoms, with Jock 1'1'kford and with Ina Claire and Carlye Hlarkwell. "It takes careful study to be a 'king,'" says Hutton. "In fact, I find it harder to prepare for one of them thun any of the other charac ters I have to do. For you have to reud deeply to lourn of your man. For 'James 1' I wgnt through" six thick histories, while "Charles VII re quired 14 different works of reference and for 'Montezuma' I hired the ser vice of a Kpanlsh translator to secure material from original documents." "Tho Headless Horseman," which is the screen version of "The legend of Hleepy Hollow" plus, has just been completed. uhcrc liiipert I trapped, but never loses hi uavlty is one of the best spots in the play. The ending is a surprise to the average movie fan. Hut never mind, you know Anthony Hope wrote a sequel. The Tuesday Musical Club Presents ' I GERALDINE v FA R R A R SOPRANO AUDITORIUM, NOVEMBER 3, AT 8:15 P. M. Price 1.00 to .50 (No War Tax) SEATS NOW ON SALE Box Offif. 0pr Daily From 9 A. M. to P. M. Hogers Deserts "Follies." Will Itogera, now with Kiegfeld, plans to return to Hollywood and pic ture making. His friends ore won dering what he will do with the (frop curtains In thu miuiuture theater at hi lieverly H lls mansion. The most conspicuous part of the decorations on tho curtains la a Goldwyn lion, lying on Its back, feet In the air. l ,,t ii W "1!! I ' 1 ' ! v V'rJ Hi1!1' nrw Mn m ii: PLAYING ALL THIS VEEIC At ll-I-3-5-7andO O'clock Feature 45 nun. Later CTA story of Royal Romance and of Adventure as breathless and flashing as sword play; and in which a love tale runs hand m hand with swift action -which defies description sAeyrisoner of Zenda in WookJorm, and as a stage play proved itself t ike most popular vZomance in lictcon . is a screen piay u is proumtf eien. greater tfian ale its tiOA" S ri m rtrX" "y a-TV VP i m m mm m REX INGRAM Creator of VAc 7oursfor$emen? Enacted by a superlative cast including LEVIS STONE ALICE TERRY ROBERT EDESOn STUART HOLMES BARBARA LA MARR RAMON NAVARRO EDW. CONNELLY LOIS LEE MALCOM Mf GKCOOR NO ADVANCE IN PRICES ll "'"'i'j!;! Chooae a cool day pillows and holsters. for airing the UphaUtrd Furniture Clnntd and Mad to Look Llka Nw by Our Scientific Cleaning Process PRICES REDUCED Men's two and three-piece 1 Cfl uita cleaned and preeeed. . . . DRESNER BROTHERS Dyers, Cleinert, Hattart, Furriers, Tailors and Rug Cleaners 22 1 7 Farnam Street Telephoneei Omaha, AT lentic 034S South Side, MA rket 0060 Mon. m and Tuei. iEIVrii r.lJISOUL "In the Days of Buffalo Bill" Also JANE NOVAK In "Colleen of the Pine" NEIGHBORHOOD THEATERS VICTORIA -"THE Rolln Comedy GRAND . - - - 24th and Fort CARNIVAL" Paths News 16th and Binney STRONG HEART (tha dog) In "THE SILENT CALL' HAMILTON 40th and Hamilton WM. DESMOND In "FIGHTING MAD" 03 WELL STOSE Voi decide t have Hallowe'en Dinner at Hotel fToNTEN'ELLE On Monday evening from iix to nine, and they scare you with a horrid bill of fare like this: Moonlight Cocktail (Not Moonshine) High Spookity Spook Elves Kelpies Hoo Hoo Nuta Skeletons Murky Night Dew Cauldron of Bats Jabberwock in Stygian Gloom Irree' .tible Imps Black Cat Mewl Autumn Foliage Jack Horner's Delight Sheet and Pillow Case Witches' Brew i Oo-o-o-o! Say, an' you find that Murky Night Dew is the most deli cious soup you ever tasted and Jab' berwock is just a spooky name for Breast of Chicken, an' you find every thing is just dandy an' you admit that -it was just about the best dinner you ever tasted anywhere for the price- 1.50 Hadn't you better hurry and make your reservation? Aiiutau Awjin aattvrv c cjj stuii:tt yi.j nfe u ii n n n n n n u u m f ii .iinvy ue- TO ' PRBSENT8 ' Vif 5sL (yh slory oTunusual appeal fo j p 'f 'Tnhtvli k. tlosc vho dcliOhf in a drama i'lfel ! ! iRvi pyA of love and adventure with a i il I llltt I "lytery lhat one cannot solve 5.f Jl ,i p I I' Vrf until the say end of the sfory. Uiff V r.V In 01M i i !lXWIIIIIIII II lJ ft II! I II 11 II " m m !. r x k -i i" : V Ml I I II I. I. 1 ' V II 11 ! if I i' tin . iii" ii 1 1 I 1 II "IV 0 fiatarinj 5 UUUIOU VJL AUM vYy JOSIWU KlLOOUhL Kirnr sTorTisuotisrv MAHLOrt UAMILTOM It ami t ; ii ii it i