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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1922)
8-C 'till: SUNDAY r.KK: OMAHA. OCTOHER '-"J. CEl A A fTIU TQ)-SrrKo will be given by The Omaha Bee for the Cp)JoVLW HO aSO irOZB& best 300-word article on why you should Talk, Boost and Use Omaha-Made Goods Contest closes Nov. 2nd. Mail your article to The Omaha Bee not later than 5 P. M.. Nov. 2nd. , Judges of Contest: Chas. E. Duffie, C. E. Corey, Jno. C. Small. HOME INDUSTRY tht Foundation Greater Ontaho OW IT A HTHT A A Delicious New Cake With Dainty Vanilla Flavor guzarcna tlTtN Biscuit Co. :x mmr Thrr -HI bo namptc-M of Su.anna fur you nt tht Iten Quality Houth, t tht) Manufacturers' Imposition, on the eighth floor of the tirand'.-ii Stores. Tht children will like Suzanne Cookies, twrause they arc good rookies, anl where in there a youngster that doesn't like good cookies? ITEN BISCUIT CO. Grownup will like Suzanna cookies, too. They ran be served with tees, punch, coffee, tea, des sert, and on any occasion. He sure to-visit the Iten Booth at the Manu facturers' Exposition and get acquainted with Su.annu. SNOW-WHITE BAKERIES R. V. t. Pat. Office) Visit Our Booth at the Manufacturer's Exposition Premium Hams and Bacon Brook field Sausage Silver Leaf Brand Pure Lard Premium, Snow flake and Gem Nut Oleomargarine and our many other brand all count on the "Maiden Omaha" Coupon. Swift (El Company See the Exhibit of the "Nesbit Standard" -the economy furnace at the Manufacturers' Show All This Week Tim NKSH1T STANDARD FURNACfc uiay Juntly be termed the KCONOMY HJUNACK; this in evidenced by the number of Nesbit Furnaces which have hceri iribtalled in thii city and by the number of Omaha Nesbit Dealers dinted below). The initiul cost of The Nesbit is reasonable by that wc mean consistent with Qualityand thin cost is reduced by years of effectivo heating service. The Health-Preserving, Fuel-Conserving Furnace The. Nesbit Ntnmlurd Furnace with its "Health Feature" contribute, in a marked degree, toward heating economy. A Humidifier, accurately placed, moiMtcntt the nir you breathe, supplies a warm, mellow, healthful atmosphere to the entire home, from cellar to attic. The construction of Tho Nesbit Standard Furnace effects a FUF.L SAVING which every homo owner, in Justice to himself, should in vestigate. Consider, scriouily, these factors when purchaainf heating plant Dependability, Serviceability and Haalthfulnaaa, The cost of installation and tha cost of operation datarmina whether tha inttallation cost of tha heating plant will ba increaiad or diminshad by its operation. Complete Installed Price Quoted by tha Following Local Dealerti OMAHA DEALERS OIon Broa., is 12 l,avrnwcirlh Kt, Warai a Bronder, 4t)UI H. 24h Ht. Hantaan, B. J ill 04 I.mvenwurlh St. Dlmock, C. C, HI ti. 16th Kl. Jarohatn, J, F., 8K07 CmlHjr Ht. Hmilh, P., 20th ami Vinton Uta. KrclU, Chat., 610 K. 13lh St. M.lnlf, A. H, 4H04 Diultt Ht. Pants, F, J., 17 Ml H. 11 Hi . A Cilia Ml. Ca, 1007 .lurk. on St. Farn.m Shatt Metal Worka, ViOi Farnam H' Abrama, Sam, 1IHIU Kewunl Ht, Cary, E. A., 3MI (iranil Av. HaJ, J. S., I HO 1 I'ralt SI. Mayar A Marral, Z 1 2H MlliUry Avt. Holt, J. W., 10th and linawt Hta. North Slda Hdw. Co., 4112 N. 24th St. Nlalten, Wm if 8 10 Spnuldinv St. Klin Hdw. Co, HI0 Cumins; St. Mud, E, 2202 Military Ave. Stall, E. J., 1419 N. 24lh Ht. i'.imon, R. W, 8412 Hamilton St. Schollman Brat., 4114 N. 241h SI. COUNCIL BLUFFS DEALER Rica Furnaca and Tin Shop, 68 N. Main St. Sold through the Heating Trad from the Miaaiasippi Valley to the Pacific Coast. Standard Furnace and Supply Company MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS Sioux City Omaha LETS MAKE IT-AND BUY IT-IN OMAHA We Will Give Away Two Mina Taylor Dresses Two Beau Brummel Shirts At our booth in the Home Industry Exposition this week there will be on display a Mina Taylor Dress and a Beau Brummel Shirt in which the number of stitches used in making: them have been carefully counted. You are in vited to inspect these garments and guess on the number of stitches in each one. The woman guessing nearest the exact number of stitches in the Mina Taylor Dress will be awarded a dress of the same style, in her size; the woman guessing next nearest the right number, will lie given a second dress of tho same style, Men may guess on the number of stitches used in making the Beau Brummel Shirt on display, and two similar r-hirts w ill be given away in the same way that the dresses will be awarded. Don't fait h liiit our llooth. You uitl find it on the cant ide of the room, .tiJfc the attendant for glutting blank. M. E. SMITH & CO., Omaha Masta darmtnt Makers WORK SHIRT DouW Stitchad T hrouHout four QuttofiFrontt Pearl Button i'V 7 1. ll 1 0 V. I I 1.1 7 A . V ; : . fuiiCut ' d, When You Buy "Broadlong" Work Shirts YOU GET Hlghrnt Standard Fabric Color (iuaranttcd 'o lioomy All Over Sten t Have Continuum Facing f.nrye VJU7 thuhle Stitched Throughout HOME INDUSTRY tht Foundation Greater Omaha UfcaMMi Be Sure to Visit the Butter-Nut Coffee Booth This Week Northwest Corner, 8th Floor, Brandeis Stores Greater Omaha Industrial Exposition "Buy Butter-Nut Coffee. Ask for your voting coupon, and vote for your favorite to be Omaha's Queen of Industry for 192U. Butter-Nut Coffee is for sale in eveiy store in Omaha - the most sold, freshest, and grocers recommend it. Paxton and Gallagher Co. Skinner's Macaroni Products MADE IN OMAHA In a daylight Sanitary Factory. Only the highest grade of Semolina of Durum Wheat used. Visit our booth at the Home Industry Exhibit, Kighth Floor, Brandeis Bldg., and sample our products. We have a large supply of New Becipe Books at our Booth ask the Demonstrator for a copy. Skinner Manufacturing Company OMAHA, U. S. A. 20 Years of knowing How'1 Back of Evtry Shirt BYRNE & HAMMER DRY GOODS COMPANY Manuf at tuting S KlaUii O MAMA BAKER ICE REFRIGERATING SYSTEMS rfFhiuoui S- av . t Y r FOR EVERY PUR1USF. We Manufacture Our Machinrt in Our Plant One of the I argnt in the U. 5. jti.ti timlJ.Hj, n'l tht n( UM. j'u' ,.if MuJsi tit A.H '.' Hat'.t, Baker Ice Machine Co. Inc. MMK.muio iMtsMM m muni a CCZ't 360 1 North ttMH StrrM Omaha, Nh -tja.a-