The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 29, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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8 A
4 Lloyd George
) Mav Visit U. S.
if Election Lost
American Trip of Picturraqtic
HritIirr Jlting J)iniM-I
Again Since Fall a
Hk.ijIiI Mr. I.lnvil full t i oh
lilfl iJniriiri.iliiiK i,r even a jtm.ii
nal'-Klii imlKiiiil i(.mit(,n in .m
l"C K'-nnml Ifctl'ini (hare ere at
le.tet li thlnra Hhl' h limy " upy
hi at trillion hie long fur ieil
to America, anrl (he nrl'lne; ff liil
Willi tli rerelj.t i.f II. Invit.itlon
friin Hi rlry i f Ilr rmvje, on
lti;ilf it lh hii-rl'nii 'inwl'l, I
Mflah airily, the r ufl ion if the
f-irniT prime ml n !' r'a la:t In ihe
I nli'l Htaffe hue len revived. lm
I. mil irtfiirl fir Amrl' and her pel
li linn Nan emihaaliel la elmo
ery eiiewli ulriraj lid relin'tMlehcl
fhe IiIid i f elate and it la known It
uaa ili-i-ply lin preened ly fhe .ivor
a Me illlnrlnl rornrne nt rallied In
lind f'lllonliig the iifHi "f Mr, Inula'
Ma foal pone Mi'iiiiilm.
Tt la conaldered ery p.ill,
1f fru turn, from iIIMnl artlvltl'e,
r.e will l' the I'nlt'd rM.itee !"
Vet Employe Honored
by Insurance Company
IMwiiril K., iiiriiki a iririti'
temJerit for tli" l'i uili'iif ml limiii'iiiii '
Company of Aricilca, lina ! ri hon
ored by Iho unr.irii.ifioii v.nli hl Ii
he lina heen i'i yenre, lieiflniilriK hi
aortic here aa a, liouee In houmt w
Ikltor nl i(.ll'' ('r. TM-'iy , la ;
fore ,!l.f Int.. lila mrmolre !'" jttl ,.,, f ,,..,, (,lff f e,, .
tecaure It mould (fla lilm leet, or
at leaat a, chanM from Ma ariJuoiie
lulxira aiid would eriahle Mm to look
at what I) a might want to any from a
dlatatina giving Ix-tti-r M llvo.
Thn, too, thr would m tha cppfir
ttinlty tit ginning aiMltlonal niatcrlnl
from th aventa ot tha lmniAdli
It may b t.fM that thn, when
lhra waa ronaldamlila critlrlam f't
Mi awpting HOO.000 for lila took.
I,loyd firnrKi aaid h lnt'iidi"l to glva
thu pro-Ha to fliurlty, hut now
that ha no Inncrr holila an offli'liil
Jmaitlon thcra la aoma nunallon to
whether ha mlKht not fit to kp
th ravenu from lila n, aa n In
auranra ra!nt advrrlty during hia
Uf "la the wJIdnruaa,"
Ahhrjr IJocomca Hhrlu. .
Weatmlnntar Abhy la corning mor
fcnd, mora to to rKard"d aa a ahrln.
tiot only hy th lirltlah uhjei-ta of
tho aevrn aaa, hut olao hy thounHiMi
cf Amrlran tourlata, W'lilla It 1( lm
poaaibla to Mtlmuta tha nuint'"r of
vlaltora atatlatkally tha vr(Ta and
othT fiifi:tlonarla who wnl'h the
miiilnx nnl golna ot tha throng, At
lra thore wara vaatly mora Arnrrl
h an vlaltora to tha bhttorlo tdlfii o
laat aumm'r than avr bffoic
At all tlm, whn tha hjy la op'-n
to th puhlio great allimt crowda with
tinrovcrad hisada can ha '-n ahout
tha grava failing tha liiacrlptiou
unl woiriMi. Il haa il"v"lo.iJ tli;
loriil hux ni'tia from JVi'iifi limfiiitii i
In force to th ia'iit tol il of '. .Wi ,
At a 1'iio'i'i't clvcii l.i nt -4. In hla
honor ul tlm Hotel K'm i. W. Muu-
ah'k, vlro prinidi-iit i t tha company, ;
and J, II. IMiki'tl, 0kibI.iM m-' icliry,
ntUndia' ii n rpr''i"'iil'i'lvia of tho
homa nidi -i; On thia ocnifiloti Mr,
LIU w,ia i:iv-n an nnfroiwd lntt
inoiiiul of it . f ' 1. 1 1 1 f i and alao a
diamond a-t iald lorlti t,
Mr. )Alz m ii i i to oin.'iliu wllh one
thin dimr, a ur iiiy fioin Uiiku,
Nth, with two ft could run
ii ml two hmi'U 1 1 jut win wlllliiK. Mo
t to work c.iri yiiiif u roula for The
Omaha work'-d In u nMinirint
for hla hraikTiiit nml auppcr und wua
Klvfii alecpInK- H'j-oiiiiiKKiutioiia in a
morKua In i oiniM'-nitlmi of work
whh li ha did.
tlajia r'rlOitlona, nnd op n to th k' h--ml
Juhll(! not itlMiilln; if liool.
Klng'a rolli-Ka ot thu Cnlvi-nOty of
London tiid Ihla Method font,
with aurh aii'-' icn Ih.-it Jwtura rourai-a
In many aulO'i ta nr- now opi-ratln.
The In tuna me kIvcm one iih:ht
ea Ii week for tlio full l;rm, mid thdr
popularity I nhowii hy thu iilt"liij
am:, tha tuitinM mid pullio nfr
crowding the room mid nc imkII.iIIiik
ihMiMoiiuI It-nun'. Morr cl.-mftcK uic to
which tclla tha tale of tha great hot ! ,$ uddtd durlnK the ti'-w Itiii to m:
tt Kritlah Tommla who made the commodate all who wlah tontttnd.
euprema nacrlflce.
Woinrn ole Puixiing.
How will the L'nl'H KlnBdom'a
000. 000 womn votara cunt Iheir huh
Ida? Thla quation 1 puzzling many
aalule pohllolana and the leader of
the unloniat, llhrral, labor and other
)iirtle are eklng the anawcr. Mean-v.-hila,
all are acikliiir to hrlnn; tlm
women to thrlr rfapci'tlvc political
fold and making counter claim n
to how many of th'-ae vota tiny
are aanurtd.
"ThH trouble with tho averasro Brit
tub middle I'iflKH woiiuiii la that xho
I too Ignorant politically, mid today
aha forma a big percentage of our
voter," declared Ir. Marlon Tbll-
1. pti, head (ii'Kaniser of the woman'a
eeciion ff the labor jarly, In com
trientlng on thla point.
"Aa women onjy a!ove 30 year, or
property owner are allowed to vote at
lrenent, they ru moatly iiiariifl.
llowever, the labor women are more
Intelligent ! won't ote ni do their
Aaked, If there waa a poaalblllty of
a woman being ihoeen a member ot
tbe new rablnet. aa a reault of tha
general election. Dr. I'lilllipa "aid:
"We haven't many women with the
necessary political experience. Ho far, I man.
we havo but two in parliament, or
w hom one, Uidy Aatnr. 1 aurely not 1
fitted for any aurh rponible poai-1
"The HrltifKh l(tlxr parly la making I
treat effort to educate and to jjet tho
Oxford, (alula Miei and Harrow,
however, are null holding out iigalnxt
the new ord'-r (,f thloxe. The metho'la
favored In th" time of I'r. .lolinaoii,
are followed In n rt r-hoola, where
heavy J,Atln foiire. mill believed
eaueiitlal (o proper ttloti. ,
Tho time honored I., iluwl are Bp.
proved by lh! older faiiiUi' and thu
arliitocrat-y, but tha iiewly rich and
ieoilo of ni'xli-raie mean are (tending
their children to the ixbonl which are
moat modern and where ela't dlntto
t Ion I not ao pronounced. Thi lat
ter ol.uo of H' liool ha grown rapidly
aince the war.
(all I'lilure Wicked.
On the ground that It in "na uncut
lug and wicked," the town council of
Blackpool ban oojn tid to thu hanging
in the I'.latkpool art gallery of Hon.
orable. Joliu Collii-r'a painting "Cly
lemnelra." The council had proponed
to buy the picture but after xecurlug
it, voted to pontpoiit decision.
The painting which ha been ex
hibited in the Iloyal Academy, depict
the l.'lytemncatra of the (irei-k legend
emerging from the palace with her
lover, AegiHthUM, after elaylng her
royal hunbarul, Agamemnon, Mr, Col
lier I a prominent urtmt and aocli-ty
American Legion
News Notes
women a vote In llii eiecnon. t ni
no doubt wo hall aurprlae eome of p,,,, el,m jv- i-ominitire. ivtnber I",
i... iii.,. u.-li(eh hone to make tho amifnnt rr, lult) Krimm irt.
the paitie wtucn nope to nmn i i Uin,(ll ,.un,-u chmiiurr, i-Uy Jiall, 1:30
vvonit'ti vote tne mine way an u iP , c ai.
liiliihbantl." I
( hurcli Agaiiikt Stale.
The much debated o,ueation w belli-j
rr church or taie ball control the lili-.
ertiea of Individual ha neen bmuahl
the front by lite at tnn !
of tho bishop of onford. in writing j Sh-ium m.
to the dulie or jManuoruumi i"(u"i
i , . . .. . , . t..A ii.a I ix furil
log mm nu . f v..w.,i..-. II ArmUtica (lav
L Z I be dhw.V Mu-l.u.t. mnl the l.lnclu .,. ee the cf
. in.,1 tiu.ett iim i nil i ii ana " " -
n em. tut. . - " - - -
The J4lt Mm hum lnn t i tl lion. P.
in., Nnvnilr ll'ir-M '"ll unioiriuiii.
Annlliiii ' . Mriiimml hull, eeuri liuuun,
Vovi-iiihi"r 7-
I'tth-rr Iti-mti vr. enrpa, oll i'ontnlillf ,
H i, l. Ill . Nineilll'T .
l,i-,on lmuiiui lii.oua rlea only. Hotil
limn, ti I' In. Nvnilr I"
i, Ixulna alum-, AU'l.lurK'ai, I P-
Oiiiah.'t b (ilt'imaire will paru!e In
Italian Mteiaiin of (be world Wdr
ri.. I.l.l.n . vniilllit la Ibal lie 111
not admit that the dul.e ha the annua , nave r.rmi.i inn ..,. ,..
,.f .oniuiunl. ant while .11 Uuerm ! I . t olnlwlletitl
duke b t een .hvorced and i. .m l w III Kite a Ul! at l olunibioi hall,
n. !. the law of the rhur. li. aa t I Math and Meive alreet. next Katur
fi.rtll In the common praver I'tx'k . .l.iy intbt.
luuk.-. it very .l. ir tl .lo- not
rr?,.e.i...l(.... I l,"ul;" ,uu"'y i"1":''1"t
The du!.e. tboH.h 1.1 a.!. t..r. d- . aerka II f.trmatu.i. aa I., the hei.
a,ea the lil.p. '.f.n,ri.l "Ihet Ii , ..Umia of Tbe...t. re Ji blt-n, f.t mi. I ly
fhe .!. .Iin- i,..t -..ea the follfof the Uih li.lm'iy. and l:n r.-.u-r.
t urn of ... i, .n-.-ii. .'' " ;
i . n ib t" if be I
I ,.,! -i tut. i.b.e aid I ! '
I, the ti.H kin.Ile ot "the prcpei
, , .1 .nll-i.f ll ''
, K!'tll w'11' ' ' i, , f.t
ysi.A, lot-l .f the .lei .PI" ,"l.'r k ,. . I.
... ..i ..ii., .1 t V i. M iieu I - P
)... a ' .-ii ft i' '""' ' ' '
'Mi.- ..l AuvU.IV nulla
I. it. . ii .nm.'.ttee . tr. a.iti.v
to. ii in t"ei.ih.t h. -aplliiU U-t week, and
il.,ii;l I fiuit, ., fiii-hre mil
1,,.. .I,.....e '" ; l .,,,,,n J V, H -.-r, l
i .I r . no , am to ,.r K..P. M.--I. N.n , t .....
i . ,-vt,, i.t.-n.-M.m. . 'rv. s '. s 4 1 '
........ .t.. '. ih! eel I K. M
i ....... . , . . , ,..,,.,, ti.
1 1 i i .,.--.'...
M . . tl, ta I. '
ti.ii'ti the lata cf f.e th-i. aaa
In . i It . l. I u-l i'l'a ' "' '
i . The i .. . i-ci l-.a " !
t i .tj 1 in it it a 1. 1 ,J
ltl lo I . I I' l ptfii-l-ne
Ul n n ia I .! (U I
IH.I I. 4M MlNtlnU 4.jalf4
i't i. u !. ) o. i - a.
iini'r t 'ii'ii ibt.r t in ui ii.
lU.t !.
h ii, N'l. :
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1 1 "
V . to. f ". I ! i t.c ' t
fi tai M J "'I ! k ! "I ' J 1 "
4 . ,t J it i I Kin i -, a
... ..... .,...,
Cet Ready for th
'Madein Omaha1
To Be Held
Under the Aunplccs of the
Omaha Manufacturer::'
on the Eighth Floor of
The nrandei Store
Monday, Oct. 30
Saturday, Nov. 4
Open Evrry Day From
11 A. M. to 9 V. M.
Admission Free
Thin will be a great op
portunity for every man,
woman and child In Omaha
to Joarn about the bij? work
j? o I n on in Industrial
Art Novelties
Incense Sett
Fun Toi incense of Oriental
Ht'ductivenea with a pe
tial Fan Toi burner, all
in an attractive orange
and black box. Unique
for Hallowe'en, J QQ'
Sweet Grass Basket
Handmade by the Indiana
of Canada. Two styles,
six nixes. Priced
1.00 ..2.00
Imported Glass Vases
An unusually attractive ef
fect ia obtained with
Kcarlet poppies and roses
on a black ground. Vari
ous sizes, 5 to 14 inches.
3.00,. 10.00
Handmade Indian
Beaded designs and some
are fur trimmed.
Infant gixes 1.00
Children's 1,15
Mim.' 1.25
Women's 1.752.75
Men's 2.00
Third Floor-West
Monday -Miniature Fashion Revue
Suggesting the Wintertime Wardrobe for Baby Boys and Girls
For Very Best"-
This Little Coat for Sister
of scarlet French flannel is trimmed in soft
white fur. Dainty silk lining and wurmly
interlined. Sizes 2 to 6 years.
They Ar Priced at 25.00
Everybody Loves a Little Girl
in a Pink Taffeta Party Frock
This one is adorable with tiny French
flowers, and cunning ruffled panties peep"
from beneath.
Priced at 18.98
A hat to match in pink velvet has a
feathery wreath of ostrich to frame pretty
curls. 19.50
Proving that one
doesn't have to be big
in order to be fashionable.
For the Very Young Man-"
A John Stick Overcoat
of wool chinchilla with pleats flaring from
t quaintly cut yoko and snug fitting collar.
The workmanship is every bit an particular
as in Big Brother's coat. In navy, gray nnd
brown. Sizes 1 to G years.
They Are Priced at 25.00
Hats to Match, 4.98
He'll Look Like a Picture
in this Oliver Twist suit of dark brown ilk
velvet. Beautifully made in every detail.
Sizes 2 to (5 years.
They Are Priced at 14.98
Baby in HU Kozy-Wrap
of soft white wool chinchilla, will never feel the biting winds
when taking the air on frosty mornings. The kozy-wrap is
first a wrap and later a coat; warmly interlined.
Priced at 17.98
Gift Time
may be. any time in the year for Baby. When you're look
ing for something, a visit to our Infants' Section will show
you all sorts of dainties, large and small.
Third Floor-East
Monday in Our Boys1 Clothing Shop
Boys' Wool Sweaters
According to a Boy's Own Idea
Specially Priced, 2.48
The free and easy feeling that goes
with a sweater just suits a boy. We have
them in pullovers, coat styles or belted
juvenile models for the little fellow. All
have large roll collars that button up
to the neck. In dark or lively shades
solid colors, body stripes or collars and
cuffs in contrasting shades. Sizes for
boys 3 to 18 years.
A Mackinaw Is What He Wants
if he doesn't like a coat flapping 'round the knees.
And here's a chance to get one at a price. From manu
facturer's samples and short lots we have gathered to
gether about 175 mackinaws that are remarkably good
values. They are all-around belt style with convertible
or shawl collars in plaids or solid colors. All sizes
from 4 to 16 years in the assortment, but not in
every style.
Boys' Blouses at 58c
Are a Bargain in the Genuine
Sense of the Word
This attractive price was secured
through a large special purchase. The
blouses are made in collar attached style
of fast-color percales in light or dark
stripes, crossbars and checks. Each one
is full cut, standard size and well made.
The unusually low price on these
blouses affords the wise mother an op
portunity to purchase a supply. Sizes
6 to 16 years.
New Fall Caps for Boys
of All Ages
In Light and Dark Colorings
With or without ir.bands. In good looking tweeds and
overcoat fabrics which match the new
winter suits or coats.
Specially Priced 4.65
Others 85c to 2.00
Fourth Floor
Art and Nature
Tlitra ii really no difference
between tha tlifKinsr ' ditch,
tlm uint iitfr of picture or tha
writing of a iomiet. Whether
workman building a wall It
much of an artint the man
who reducrt hit viiion to ranvta,
depend upon tha thought of the
Many ct m pax a group of
rugged people, failing to notice
the Mrikingly heuuliful face.
But when the arliat, beiauae his
vinmi hnn lict'ii atirred, re.Uwea
it, to vanvn. ve inter tha art
room ami go into eiitaciei. We
are elated hy the painting which
ia a mere hint of what the artiat
liua tccn ami we have ignored
in real life. We ahould train
oiirelve to tea in nature the
tliinga we o rogilily admlra In
25,000 Yards
Mill Remnants,
Mill Seconds,
Mill Shorts
Seasonable Cotton Fabrics
Which Includet
36-inch cotton challis, 30
inch percale, in dress and
wrapper styles, 32-inch
dress ginghams, in as
sorted checks; 36-inch
unbleached nainsook, 36
inch bleached muslin and
cambric, 27-inch fancy
outing flannel, 27-inch
plain colored cheviot
.shirtings, and many other
similar fabrics, the values
of which range from 19c
to 20c. Monday
special, per yard, lfaC
It a8ement North
Cotton Batting
A pure, long fiber, staple
cotton batt; snowy white ;
in good sized rolls, neatly
wrapped. Worth 1 0I.
19c; per roll, lC
Limit of 10 to a customer.
No Mail or Phone
Order Filled.
Basement North
Woolens for Warm Winter Apparel
Diagonal Serge, 1.29 per yard
All wool, 48 Inches wide, thoroughly
sponged and shrunk, In navy, brown and
black. Most satisfactory for street frocks
and school dresses.
Chiffon Broadcloth, 2.50 per yd.
A Hiinnle. lustrous broadcloth with Der-
mancnt finish that makes a coat or wrap of
rare distinction.
French Serge, 1.49 a yard
Smart for street frocks, in attractive fall
colorings. Properly sponged and shrunk,
44 inches wide.
Striped Skirtings, 3.45 a yard
The newest weaves, designed especially
for sport skirts, with unusual color com
binations in the stripings. All wool, 54
inches wide.
All Wool Dress Goods 1.45 Per Yard
An assortment of winter fabrics, including tweeds, plaids,
phfip.ks. noveltv enoneres and suitincs. Attractive eoloriners in
weights suitable for wraps, suits, dresses and skirts. 54 in. wide.
Main Floor Center
Silks and Velvets Inspire Lovely Frocks
Satin Charmeuse
Soft and drapy, with a satiny sheen,
these fabrics are admirably adapted to
fall modes. Comprehensive 1 QO
color assortment. 40 inches wide. 170
Silk Canton Crepe
A heavy, all silk quality in a smooth, even
weave. In Navy, Autumn, Japan, Mode,
Beaver, Bobolink, Midnight and O JC
Black. 40 inches wide. L.vO
Georgette Faconne Velvet
An exquisite fabric, the design cut in vel
vet on a georgette foundation, in shades
for afternoon and evening 1 0 Crt
Black Chiffon Dress Velvet
Rich raven black velvet of an excellent
quality; velvet has never been more
popular than it is this season. O fA
Specially priced for Monday, yd., 00U
Dress Velveteen
A fine twill back quality of this smart fab
ric in street shades. 1 QO
33 inches wide. 170
Satin Canton and
. Crepe Back Satin
This charming crepe weave has a beautiful
satin luster and can be made up on
either side; in the wanted O CC
shades. aaUJ
Main Floor Center
Many Splendid
Bath Robes
Are CrowdintfOur
Racks These Days
The Blanket Robes
at 3.95
arc warm, woolly frl-
lows of generous cut.
trimmed In satin band
with cord girdla; two t ig.
roomy pocket and tai
lored frog faitenings. Any
color ou fancy, datk or
bright. Othrs are priced
2.95 ,.15.98
'I hut ford imy rohtt ate po longer the bulky, ht
Iim garments thry one wrrt, U J ruvrn in tha
rnurt line of a t rekft coat In lawndtr h'o
idt at 3.50. At Ihi frit yoi may chooae ro.
i r trrakfati fai t)lf of p!itt or brocada icrdu
rv in luhfiil haJ of old fold, rv, ,urp!.
lawitd r, t'opn an i blu. 9 QQ 1QQS
mheta pik'fd aW.0 af 17. JO
A Lace Event on the Grand Scale
A Direct Importation of 100,000 Yards of
Handmade Irish, Filet
and Cluny Laces at
Practically Price
The remarkable bargains offered in this sale were se
i J re 1 1 through our reprryentnthes in Shanghai. The niaior
part nf tlie hck ari fine filets, beautifully and perfectly
madr. The Clunys. of course, handmade
Beautiful Irish Laces and
Bands in Collar Widths
'I here ate ht r.arruw Iruh piiot tit 12c and fdt rdgr-
'r)"tH- .V ftr lMHfn I'tit'ed at only Oc a rd. lUnd
' "me Iua? edge and uiM-rtiuiu up ! 5 uwhta wld are utt
able tir n lUr and cuff ? t r ir.ay l e wed together fr a
firy t-il. rr tt f hriatma preiatit yuit'ra going t
nuk. thu i the timta buy the t(t jo i wll u
Priced 10c to 1.59 Yard
Main f 7Mir('rfr
Is a
Nemo Corset
Just a Stout
Woman's Corset?
No! Decidedly Not!
Our corset speetali.-ds nre re
peatedly sitked this quotation and
c nre gliid nf the opportunity to
rxplan that whik Nvtno cornets
eiui'lia-size health ami comfort
feature., they are built quite a
effectively for normal figure as
f.T larg women.
2r-r -wJ
Nemos Give a Feeling of
Buoy a nee
Tr they vii joj the abdominal ripport nd
b9 aipport ( b il oir hu! t.oty need. Vaa
breathe rorrft!y an I a!anl and walk forrettly. Tha
Neii.ii ill itr' t i a j lemlut rnoiut ith bw top,
long k;rt i'h'ikopt band and ine. : at di
arid ba- k 1 ' t tr.d unvant(d tip n i nh flh.
Is pink ud. j riied 7.00,
Third Hor- So'th
a. I i l l i i ii.. ii1-t a, a n, i.h m i-. ...
itaaaa IM !.-. atn-ina - e Ai'-t ' 1 ' ''"
Iim; a t tut la air-e I ! tit l-t '
) II, M kid u.i toi4 I tMtl Milll t ... it'i Lm. .!--.
.,.. ,.! I a utit.i. a l- iua ..ui ..M..-i I ' '
1 1 a I . ia ii al i l t " i - "'
Third FlMr-Ctntrr
at H
ii . Hi-!i.i. nka ueiii a. u