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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1922)
Cattle Reports to I5c Broadcast by Government Kadio Service for Stw kraiT of Corn Writ and Kane Slatr Orpunizft!. iiy ck.ton wn.iov Omaha H ll W Ira. Washington, . Th prnpoaeil new llwmiok reporting s-rvli fur forenlng currrnl livestock prodm Hon, tnsrkitable supplies nnd Cumiicr movements him been orranlzed by th Tnlt'T fitstes ffpurliiinrit of Ag rlculturs. Thn service will cover the corn belt nl woitii ramie f rt t r-n n1 will funrtlnn through state sta tistician already connected with the rtepsrment' crop estimate work. The cooperation of rnllromlK, s'lii.kvarils, parking plants and producers' mannl .atlnn fur furnishing data basis for forecasting liui already been e cured. "The lIvoitO' K reporiiiin service i psrt rif the department's program for collecting snd ilimwmlnritlnK 1rifirnia 'lon of economic character bearing on sgrlculturc, In an effort to Influence th orratiiratloii of the furrn business on a sound economic basis," Kvritary Wallace wild today. "It in believed that Matls'lc on nresent m nil prosuectlve. live stink pro picillin, anil Information of current market movernenta, will enable pro ducer' better to correlate supply with Mi demand, thereby preventing glut it hnrtagt' In supplies for roiiaump 'in purposes and thn attendant flue I Nations In price to both the pro ducer and thn consumr. The new pervloe will have broad s'ope and lit making tt a success, the cooperation rf everyone concerned In the II v-j etock Industry 1 being urged by the department." Monthly report are to be fronted on changes In nutnliera of livestock on fnrms. Semiannual pig surveys will be made In March and November through rural service. Monthly re ports of receipts and shipments of livestock from the corn belt and went crn states based on Information se cured from railroad, stockyards and other sources will be Jssued, Other monthly reports will show puaturo an4 feed conditions In the rang states, the condition of live stock ex pressed In percentage, of normal and livestock prices on the ramre In ter ritory distant from ths central mar ket. Prison Machine Cuts Off Hand and Ann of Forger Osslnlng, N. T, Oct. J8. The Irony of fate manifested Itself In the retri bution that came to Frank T. Elliott. Ilott. While working on a machine In Sing Slug, where ha la serving a term for forgery, the right arm, the wklllful hand of which got him In trouble originally, became entangled tn the machine and was cut off. His home is in the pronx, New Tork City, AmfcKTItiKMfc.NT. ASTHMA BIG FREE OFFER I Will Even Prepay the Postage If Toil Will Make This Ainaz Ing Test. 1 say positively that Asthma tan he Immediately controlled, no mat ter what fige or what climate you live. T prove this nil I want H to BewJ you tttii medicine, the wonderful aucceaa of hlch h epreail all over th country, dimply iflnd ut your name and I will prepay chargi-a on a me-ulnr size bottlu i t Lven Aethma Prerlptlon. Mm It ten dyi und then If nulnfieil with your finprovmtiit ou may imy nio 11.26. Otharwlii you ows inu nnthlns. Scorei of peopls ay thn 1 different f'ora enylhlrm tla lu tha world and that th- fir at bottls enabled them aleep iU, atopped chokta. cleared tba head nit lunga and fava ral comfort. iJon't and m patiny; don't pay penny mi'eae you feel It risht o pay. I tru-t -veryone. Clyita t.i'ftvensood, 363 f. 'W. Ulvd., Hoiedale. Hun. All! f.RTISt:MtT. Superfluous Hair, Roots And All, Quicklu Go! For the firet time, in a hundred yeara e genuinely effective method of remov unnrhtly hairy grow tin has been ilia ovrd. The new phelm-tine prooesa doe not merely tVa off the hnir-enda. it ac tually ramovea the roota! It iloea this quickly and harnilenly. It doe not set anything li the dii'ilatory, electrical or .jthtr methoda. Phclactinc la non-oloroi', foD-poionour, non-irritating. Get s atick of it from your druggist, follow the aim pla tnatrtictiona, and have the eatiifaction of easing tha root thmelve removed at laat. If Yeur Garment Are Worth Cleaning. Have Thara Cleaned ay Our Selentltlc Odarleea Cleaning Fraceee URESHER BROTHERS Dyara. Cleanara, Hat tare, Furrtara, Tailor a anal Rug C lea oat a Prtaaa Reduee4 Maa'a anal thraa-plecs $1 50 uMS cleaned anal ra . , . " ' 22 If Farvaes -Kteet TelaeAeeieel Omaha. AT Untie O.MS Amtk 8 id.. MArkat OOSQ AMIItl'lvlSf, Her Stomach Made Her Nervous Wat Nervous 12 Yean Due to Gat on Stomach fas II I itel Iroea a lit ; - .a a at ai-u 4 .. tt , H A i.eeit t aoitisel a i.; '.. e,.all a(a Scat a aa S- 4 W ..). ( 14 . s ti las ta, tataeiwet AaUaaM TAera ia W.iel I- ' I ' -a i'H ia t". fl a. a ,f s swi i t-. in al a i"ele?i , 4 - . I t ea4e eataia " !' Ira aaj t--m M ia ia ( . ) a a - ' ; a- ' I l I 14 ! a-aj a ( lta - lit . a - r - t a,t a4 ,- Wae a . a t ,ia a1- a,4---i ,st - le M - . ' e ' -I jia Ii , a t an ..,... ie w- i . 4.,.e i tl a . . a a' r- A 1 - 4 a e aa - , . a a aa ,m at "S4I a-aa ' a, a- a4 Halid Edib Hanum, Woman Back of Turk Leader, Kemal, Becomes World Figure Although KaiWd in Harem, Snitiatliifs of Culturetl Wtiman Are Wfetrrn. hoiniuii, Oct. "li. In the duys fl U.wlii the treat wsr every American or Enllnhmsn vlsltlnf Constant Innpla knetv .Malitme H;clld Kdlb Hanum. Ipr sentntlvs t.f the modernised, iinnnclpated, Intflllitetil, ciiittiretl Tui k'-i women, he made .friends ss Mill a s.linuers smons; sil those tie met. Then in tiCO she fell under suapl rilon, bei-suse of her advanced views and the remurkable Variety of tia tiontlltlrs citnprlse'1 In her circle of friend. Nest she was condemned to d'B'h, Huili-s Police. Llu.ling ths pollcei, with the sld of n American film operator, she flew fiorn Constantinople) direct to Angora and threw In liar lot with the Turkish nationalists. The scape Mas mads In broad day ilKht. Kemal bailed Madame) Halid as a rn w and valuuble Influencu and aided the efforts ihi made on behalf of the unemanclpated women of the district. In bis first ministry she was allotted the of minister of education. Very shortly after she became deep in tlio counsels rf the nationalist lead er. In spite of he religious prejudices Mustapiia Kemal b'Kan to believe In her wlih u trust almost fanatical. Ho takes no political step without her advice, Western Sympathies. Old men of the party gTUinble and whisper in angry a aides, but Kemal pays them no heed. When Kemal establishes the national aascmbly In Constantinople Madame Halid will have a very importunt portfolio In his administration. At the same time all her sympathies uro western. "Turkey will never be reunited without the help of freed women" is the text of ths discourse she preaches. Hhe speaks and reads English perfectly, and, though her mother was a pure-blooded French woman, all her real sympathies are with EngHih Ideals. Nevertheless, born In a harern and married under the ordinary Turkish custom, Madame Halid knows every detail of the cloistered life of the Turklah daufrhter and wife. "I was brought up to Turkish housekeeping," she says, "and I could like any other good Turkish wife, pick out a useful female slave for the bouse and know the exact price to pay for her. The Married The Night Before the Passion Play In the Remote Bavarian Village. Curiously remote and dream-like eeemed the quaint little village In the heart of the Bavarian Alps. From, the train Helen had her fiast glimpse of the white cottages nestling beneath the grim Kofel mountain. Oberatnmergau! For centuries the scene of the Passion Play! The very name carried a thrilled enchantment "It all seems so isolated so far ftway from the rest of the world," dropping into her seat as the train turned a curve obscuring the village. "Bet it's cold up here in winter," Warren looped back the brecze-bil-lowed curtain. "Golly, the wind must whiz 'round these mountains:" "But there's something Inspiring In this mountain air. It says here," taking up her pamphlet guide, "that only a mountainous people could pro duce the Passion Play. It speaks of the bleak loneliness of the winters, the" "Now you haven't time to moon over i guide book. We'll be there In a minute," gathering up their bags. At the station, a group of villagers In native Tyrollan costumes awaited the train. It was their mission to receive and conduct the visitors to the cottage homes to which they had been as signed. As the play lasted an entire day. from 8 in the morning until duik, every ticket of admiesion included the two nights' lodging. A gaunt mountaineer, with long hair and a spiritual face, took their bags. Down the cobble stoned road he trudged on ahead, a picturesque figure with his feathered hat, velvet jacket, bare knees and shabby leather breeches. "How much shall I give this Johnnie?" "Oh. ft good tip! They'r so poor and they'rs charging so little for the play. Did you notice his race? nai spiritual facts they all have!'' "Not much doing for ths barber 'round here!" "They let their hair grow for ths play. They all take part. Out of I.J00 inhabitants, 90S ar in the cast," glibly quoting from her guide bock. Turning into the main street, they passed a team of oxen. Even th dr.ver, beside his load of logs, bid th ling b.blicsl hair and beard. .uii.Nfit.wr.r. k as awte t l altar i u it a.f.i.a i .v'-S f la a ai 4 . i,Jeri,. S , a -a-aa! .aB!relw ,w iieai, fa ta iVm;ii a,t taJxH. ,-a au.almi It n il AllSOJ ariaaa A Utiaae t"t, aae. i ftaaasv ta jm af ai'aia a&ei'aa it-a e4 h-a e'a4ia eivvaa. S tiwb a enelaea aajee 4 mtaM ml t'tf ! Rtawas fiaai Pleaoiajas. f !.('' aa w it-, s tffa I ft4 t.-wa 44lt 1 fe&a4 n. i t' t. la'-a j I a ae t iaa-a j ta ,mt ' A.aa)t IT, - J.- -a W.a-a. t a a ta a t wt ea - . $ va t tN I it. t - k i ? va iviae ii 're-ia v, e.'a i a tllll til !! . . .a .1 I a v,e . ,4i i ' a i --.4i --aa i a."aa eu aa 4 a.. : 9 a . a -A-.i a laa aa a a-a k.H'i a I a l " Muslnpha liemaj Pasha, victorious Turk leader, relies on Judgment of this "new wnmsn" of ths east for every welglily derision in affairs of slats. It Is said she Is well educated In French as well as native tongue. Her sympathies are western; emancipation of the hurem woman Is one) of her t hief alms In life. "I tiavs spent many mornings In the slavo markets, for the choice and management of the women slaves Is the first accomplishment of the Turk ish housewife. Knows Hume Arts. "And, for that matter, I could go to an Ungllsh butcher shop and pick out the proper Joint of beef or mutton for an Englishman' dinner, for I have studied housekeeping from the occidental point of view as well a from that of the secluded oriental. "I could, after seeing her perform, name the maximum price which should be paid for a Clrcnslan dancing girl, whose grace and beauty might charm the lord of the harem. "After concluding a bargain in the slave market I could assume English dress and play tennis, dance in the western fashion, or amuse my Eng- Life of Helen " By Mabel Herbert Urner 1 Helen and Warren Are Now in Europe Next Week's Remarkable Story of Their Visit to Oberammergau Paints a Vivid Picture of the Passion Play "These wonderful paintings on the houses!" enthused Helen. "Are they always like this or is It just for the. play?" On the front of every gabled cottage was painted In glowing colors some scriptural scene The Last Supper, The Crucifixion, The Resurrection. That this walk would always stand out in her memory, Helen knew. Even the crowd of tourists, over flowing the narrow footpaths Into the street, could not detract from the charm of the old world atmosphere. Across a mountain brook that ran through the village, past the one church, and they turned in at a quaint slope roofed cottage. A gentlo faced woman, in a blue cotton gown, led them up steep, wall ed In stairs to a small low cellingcd bedroom. ' "Danke schoen. Sf hr gut," smiled Holen, airing her few words of Ger man. "Dear, did you ever see anything so clean'."' when they wero alone. "Tes. this Is all right," his hands In his pockets, Warren surveyed tho spotless) room with Its muslin curtains and embroidered bed linen. It was sparsely furnished a carved oak bed, double wachstand. two chairs and a blue porcelain stove It the cor ner. The bare floor, once painted, was worn white with countless serubb'nr. "Not quite fivs." glancing at h:s watch. "Guess we'll havs tlms to ex plore the town before dinner. Won der when we sat here?'" "Seven." cams a hearty American voice from across ths narrow hsll. "Thanks." Warren rilled back. "Toil an old citizen?" "No. Just gt hr." a tll n.n. with humorous tyrt, cam to their duor. "But I asked hr al-out dinner. My rams' finham frm i p.m." , "Curtis from Net York," s ttmy ! nhook hsa l. "Mrs. Curtis. Well, j hal ve jnti found rm aVnit this 1 bur'' ' , "Net nui'h Vi-. cv ept 'he r i m'st.iy hi,r..'St, s n pl p'i W " "Tea trey r n-'l 'it t trim ivi." trr I I Wrrn, ' 'tared test t'te pr e of t!t tiisn Ib fr I eutht tu (lane 1,1. r ' Wn.'a Helen am v.iha-l h.r t f. tb ma the tr,r frm M jnii h ths ftaapnaa it avarth:rf. Si. J uprranit 'ri ft e'er,-ar. " '" ' ,M " "' " ; tf em'amer e )i'4 st duipar in n.t in th .Wiid trt new ('aa w is ta aatt rf S'tn. !(! 4rr. I . l.rn-at rf it .l I . fe.r t JiK:r bar-) of pi!. f r a in tt a.r e-min'in ! ' '' ' : in. . rt uiai '' " f ... lts ai..t i.a-l !. . tug It." rl i I ifw a1 ia l tt i 8s- i , a (,l t u, if t J. ai I'liiea l-u t la i ai t ! o t el ll- .,,,-,',;, t'., f.. ( l "'., I I I I ll-l fill 1 J"' tttlt l;) l t a -M-1 i., t ia. . .a wit 1'. i-a . a ef . a i - i 1 4. Kg. 4 . a t i f l i i... a. . "' ae4 a im SUNDAY ELK: OMAHA. OCTOBER i'J. VJti. ii a ill ! lish and French friends at ths, or sing the latest sonKS from New York, London or Purls." These half Jesting remarks hardly convey the romance and wonder of ths life of this strange woman. A better Idea can bs obtained from tier book, 'Tetters Broken by Strength," which gives an account of Turkish, women's struggle for freedom. It Is fierce attack upon polygamy. As minister of education at An gora Madam Halid has acied both as teacher and organizer. Hhn Insisted upon the laying aside of the veil and organized a nursing corps of women from among those who had been brought up to hide their face from the sight of man, Those who know the near east best hesitate to put any limit to the po sition this woman may attain. and Warren Chinese. And tit one of the sidewalk tables sat a group of almond-eyed Japs. Priest and monks gave th ec clesiastical note. "I;ear, it's unlike any place ws'vs ever been! Aren't you glad we came?" "Yes, this is worth seeing," ad mltted Warren, having reluctantly consented to this detour from hi ! business trip to Holland. They're alt wood-carvers," pausing before a window of carved ornaments, crucifixes and boxes. "Dear, these are the thing to buy here." Inveigled into the shop. Wsrren bought lavishly of th artistic carv ing of the villagers, until reminded of the limited capacity of their ltags Only a faint glow lit th western sky when, through, the deepening twi light, they made their way back to the cottage. "That's the theater," as through a side lane Helen sighted the huge dome, "I know it from the postcards, That roof over the audience, the stage Is uncovered. If It rains they play Just the same." "Ought to be clear tomorrow. Jove, look at that cross way up there!" On the very peak of the towering Kofd mountain was a solitary cross, now but faintly outlined against the dusky sky. "Oh, that's benn there for centurirs since they first produced the play. A symbolic shrine to guide ths pil grims." As they approached their cottage, welcoming lights shone from the win dows of the front room where dinner was Just being served. At the long table, their seats were opposite the Philadelphia doctor "Well, what, do you thing of Otmr ammctgau?" was his greeting. "The real thlngi'' eulhuited War ren. "I like tho looks of those folks." Before the simple meal was over, the fuur Americans, two Englishmen, and the Australian were exchanging bits of Information on the play and tb main characters th ChrHtus, Judas and Mary Magdalen. Their own host, whos wife In th blue cotton gown now waited on th table, wa on of ths Roman Judges. Cut Ilk the other chief actors, he secluded himself th diy btfor th plsy to heur liv th pnt of tu ! part. I An ominous rumble brought 4 mur ' mur t'f coiikternstlon. Huroly It I not going to rain! l'-ut heavy drop soon pattered on the eloping nf. . WoulJ It im:i tomorrow? It . 1 "ti of the Obrranmiria'MU tradition lh t a 11 ifi'iliimira ,f tha l'ttein I l'U v,sx never otncoM. AnJ It una jttlttv given on the upn aiag", vn i thiuifh in diaiiijilng rln. j After dinner, tb tnln (inventing i further I'aploratlott of tt vllU, listen r.dif th lr:iLate1 leil tt II j llT ,, i' "an ;,aii j h4 l a sfter diunei- .,iKk with th j doctor 'rc th ball, ran n, elumped .li.n in th t an) bf4t J to ui li. a his el. , , ' v h,i i. ,u a,t th,.1 a, it - tiara M oir that . V ) ( :4t b.i,V ' Ih, !! .1 Hon lei fuiiy r tian j w .:(. l. t 'a at If , t ,, t up , l--.. a f,i t., ' Ir, thera s I n a ( rixra l.a.a It 1 1. a Seal a. I ( Nift t ,4 ih .k ,tii, ( n, T .1 tfi'1 I.l in Mhi I.Ii tn. ft wetting th e t -1 - a i, f141t i..iUl ,.,:!!, ! tn,,. i a in VI 1,, 1 t i It,. r tf. ia I !. il a i i t i at lei i ti. i - i 4 4 i a i- It a, fat feather bed which (tippUnt th Citnfortar on all P-av&rtan bvdsteai1.. "You ran t tuek that in. It Just Iv on top." "Then so that tt don't slid off on your ld. I'm stout frore-," b shiv ered In under It. "Jov. wouldn't want to Ix her in winter. Bet that darn tning don't glvo much heat," scowling at th blue tiled ctov. "Oh. I hop It'll clear up befor mumlng," she was opening th win dow. "Just think. If they have to plsy all day In th rain!" "Well, don't tnd ther mooning' ITuttl and get that light nut!" But after she had put out th light, Helen turned back to th window. There wo witchery In th rain set ntd mountain air. Through the dripping dsrknea th vislonexl th looming Knfrl with It fat (iff summit ernsn that stood Ilk a ser.tlml over th vlllnn. Th Paaelon Play! Th great hl torlo spectscl In thl Isolstad pis'- that sbet hsd always longed to . And now tomorrow "Ifi-re, whst'S the Idea?" hrok dl conrdantly on her reverl. "fltar ntlri(?" "Oh, I'm too excited to sleep! TVar, Just our being her la like a dream it seems all so far off anil unreal! I tnn't help fueling thrilled" "You can thrill all ;ou want tomor row," with his usual lark, of sym pathy. "If we're to ! rousted out In fore daylight you r not, going it keep rn 'wake half th night. Now be rui ful there! Iwn't hog this bloom ing cover!" f'npyrtsM. ltm Srtt Week A Hemarkable Mory The Piwslon PUy! The Bliunilsrar dam, near .Vaslk, Is 270 feet tit height and is expected to be rorriploted shortly th most Im posing Individual Irrigation woik In India. Iiotdr d) Joppin villi folly IN civilized eociety external advantages make us more respected. A woman with a good coat upon her back meets with a better reception than she who has a bad one. You may analyze this and say "what is there in it?" But that will avail you nothing, for it is a part of a general system. I will be only too glad to help you do your shopping, making selections carefully, so that you will have that feeling of being perfectly groomed. Wouldn't You Like to Win a Thou sand Dollar? ANY person man, woman or child la entitled to tend In a title for th Add a-pearl picture which Is on display In the C. B. Brown Jewel hop, Thera la no fee no restrictions. Just writ to me and I will send you an official blank which must bo submitted beforo November 20. Thrc local prizes hrea beautiful necklaces havo been donated by th Brown Jewel Shop and those winning these prize will be given the privilege of compet ing for the $1,750.00 worth of national prizes. I will be glad to give you fur ther Information and end you a copy of the picture which lu to be named. With velvet the popular material for winter I was surprised to find it priced t only $4.i5 a yard, I will send you samples if you care to have thetn. Tailored a Your Heart May Wish. IT you hav been unable to find Just what you want la a ready mad garment, do not get something you do not want but have tt mude to eult you. Kneeier, the Tailor, 16th and Howard, ha uch a splendid as sortment of beautiful materials which he will make up for yoa in the most perfect manner, and the price listen! He Is offering some special reductions now, and. If you appreciate exper workmanship and a guarantee of sat isfaction, see him about your new win ter wardrobe. a a a Dainty Dresses Made Right Here In Omaha. OF course you muRt have several dainty wash dreese to wear in th house this winter. You will be charmed with the pretty Mlna Tay lor dresses being shown at Burgess Nash and, by the way, they are mad right here in Omaha. Charming ma terials In light or dark shades are fashioned into becoming dresses that are not just ordinary house dresses but models that you can wear morn ing, noon and night with the thought that jou ar nicely dred. a A Framed Picture for ChrlHma. HOW many of your friend would Ilk to receive a beautiful plctur for Christmas? Perhap you hav a photograph you would Ilk framed. You can hv It don at theOw Moulding and Art company, Uli Howard, with the greatest confidence. They will help you make your elec tion or if you hav something sp rial In mind they bnv such a !rg assortment tbtit you are certain of being pliiij. a Malt the AUtnllo IIimmIi ! lb Matte In Omaha Mio. Tn Alanilto I'airy aatnida a cor-du-1 iMltiitiun tj o4 tu visit the.r Imoth at the Omaha, Mad itood bow or lh tu-Mh ftmr of Ih Htum!-! d ill" ' rvm'ng waea. Wnp land b dt inn 'f tbeir Oalicinns milk I l.e lnt will nel to lb ! t.i.iinatint,' l.juif slni' st a milch ! l' t'Urlty n4 hi,l. ail, H'Hilty a ), Nw UI la o In Ofi ! riltll, ft; at hal vf Hi a-a I (. I A ti r f -i ' t ' iiet t.' a ti.iaal ta uf-i ' ah.iW l f S aa"(ltiia1l fn'IO II I Up whtru in ia a 1 aaa lhajf r nMilv f tiiiil, siitt litrtmtiiif l S i i v .e si, uM. n e l:um ai l Ur(a ! , p., la Ul a aia k lt St l.l i" ii, ji.'.l If ! iiit'ii'l H- tliiul aH I wtit U i t i.rfs a i-1 1 i " i if ) - i . I .ii. a ,! i-t . i . f I : I'Uin Wn vMH .ifi N'liflllU l I v,ia f..t. ,ftl ll.i. I' . I l I I. bill I f I l'4 ! I i , t la t a I .4 l i I vei, i . ....... I .aaa-i e'- i ,r i n,.i tl li.i. ka il '! SI ta Mil " lii III ,1 !'.. V It, t f ...I. Salvation ia VA Mrs Crawford (right) wa rmbrar) by her friend a she left lite courtroom after being freed of rhsrgr which raused her arrest. Nw Tork. Ort. 2. - Th nolle I souls" at Forfy-alxih street, west of llrrsd up a hornet' nest when they arrested Captain Itln-ba Crawford, pretty 24-year-old Kalvatlon army lass, for "obstructing traffic" on a re- cent Sunday evening whll "saving ''Earth's noblest thing, A woman perfected." Mm'rvLL, Oood Food and a F rli-ndiy Atmosphere WHAT more could a person want during th dinner hour, Th same good food and the pleasant at mosphere that hti made the Metro politan Dining ltoorn. Hotel Keen, 18th and Hurney, such a favored din ing place is still in evidence, in fct it Is becoming more popular than ever especially during the dinner hour when they serve table do hote dinner from 65 cents up. in-llclou food, well served at reasonable price should certainly appeal to you as, it does W hundreds of other. Why not hav dinner there during the corning week, you will enjoy it I am curtain. a "Health la Wealth." HEALTH also mean happiness, not only to yourself but to those about you. In "Wheat Ton Eread" you find that which will keep you in perfect health. For thl alone you should always serve It on your table but besides being healthy is It extreme ly appetizing, either toasted or with Jell, ugar or cream. It Is mad by the Jay Burn Baking company from the wbolo grain of wheat. Including the germ and all of the bran, making It a natural body regulator. Put "Wheat Tone" on jour next grocery order; it can be secured from all grocers. u Beautiful cretonne tor drapes is selling at only 39 cent a yard. m Make Yourself a Brassiere That Keally Fits, YOU have probably been wanting to make youraelf the new bras elcre and here It Is in a simple, easy-to-understand McCall pattern that's printed. The printed line make it poslble to cut the material accurate ly o that there' no fuss over fit ling. That's the Joy of using the new McCall printed patterns which can be secured In th pattern depart ment at Hayden's. I will send It to you If you send your size. A demon strator will be in their department all next week to help you select the right pattern for your new wardrobe. a The New P'rock Must Hav Pleats. NO matter whether th entire skirt i platd or Just the panel Whether It b of wool, llk or geor gtt. pleat thr must b. At th Ideal Button and Pleating company they do such excellent work that will be a pleasure to fashion the m lrlal Into a frock" after It has been, pleated. They sr located on th third floor of th Brown b'.cx-k or oj ran send you order direct tu me. a The personal Tuuili In (hrialma t arda. ONK cf th ili-aaniat of I hiiatma obarviii I bt of sunlit'; graetlnga in lb f"'"' ,f l""llh' .!i!f,ed rr4, l i t )ut a ''. cM hi.wti our til sntlrei nmnUy lm it von nt to 1 aheoluMy aire if etli your r.iv. J holiday trd in anspi l.m. t-U "ir ei-!r mitt U C t rvtu "o. h. l a line of tiaaulif jl rail at--lH ' sina4 fur mam. Ibay .a I ' t 1 'i'ti l'1! I'm' a a a t fur IM PI th "" ,tn If e i Y, taan br r, dr a na a.l if I il nl Ml t: ! i fci.lts'l t.ifd lhm mhy iu-t .., ni l a-l in t'aii I t i' a T' a Will fapalr I'tai f ina lltl st.J til all:r.ll I!. at l 'f W il Iml t,K alu ll.afll .! ., I ll va( J arf iiHi t a. t u i.i-- ' ! ' 'i rjfn 1'nir ii,l "4t .III, C I -l I fc1f m.I i M a . i . )-. ,t , a ' " Hal M-luate4 HtlfU.. i4 'I it; Ait i,i it inf ii ' ;, J i .. II I .1 . il .1 af 1 1 f ja I l it.l i.l Lass Wins a f 9 Browiwuy. Captain Crawford, known a "Th Angel of Broadway," demurred whin the pollc told her that sh must dls- continue th meeting. Hh sld sh Ohost Weeds to Urigliten the Kootn During Winter. YZB they ar just common weeds that you can find in any vacant lot, but oh, how beautiful when they are painted in the grllllant shade of red, green, blue, bronze, eti. It Is a very simple process. Just dry the weed und apply the patut with a brush. At Brandels More In the wall paper department you will find a com plow line of colors at two for 35 cent and the bronte at only 15 cent each. You can see how inexpensive It will be to have a beautiful boo, net In color to ltrmonlze with your room decora tion end remember it will last all winter, I will tell you more about wet-d colotlng If you care to know. e "One of Ours." ' A FASCINATING tory by WilUt Gather who will be in Omaha this week. And for those who live In Ne braska the name certainly applies for it is indeed "One of Ours" for the character in the book are taken from well-known Lincoln people, who may easily be recognized by many of us. You will find it very entertaining and It may be ordertd direct from Mathews Book store, 1620 Harney, or I will get It for you. I will also send you a list of other new books If you care for tbeni. a Havu you u fashion sense? Even though you have lost one of your beautiful earrings It might be lots worse. You've still one and you can have it made into one of those new hat pins and be right in style. e In the Duys of Long, Long Ao, BEAUTIFUL beyond description aie the dainty Wallace Nutting water colors which are now on display In the Brandel Picture Bhop. They carry yon back to the olden days when old-fashioned gardens and quaint fur niture wr thing of rt. Dslntly colored in panel ahadt they sdd beauty to any room in the house. And th prices. Why they r only Jl.lO and up according to sure. , I Ml VI Known A o " 1 I r.-U- l gl f I I I thing 1 I t'niU. L"- J ' fC I .a-ipa.s N.i. I T I land cane X 1 II 1 euamly it ib XI l 1 ' A XI II .v J !.. us U.I fl ' I-""! J at t I! Jr i 1 11 I tielp Man IV ( M t ! I t' i II " w 1,11 1 f . 1 1 . - n L w I bad fcn holding tr rr!ee In th:s pot last two year. Tb omcer no prougin in n.e sag to her from, headquarter took hei into custody and wa followed a'l ths way to th station by a booing. iM-lligerent croud. Two of th men who did a larg part of th booing also twain entsiiglaal In th toll of th law, but wer aftrwrd r- lel-i. Th chars against Captain Cr' ford wns afterward changed to d.s ordnrly conduct. "Why should tli ptdlc discover at this 1st time Hint I hav either blockaded t rut (lo or si ted disorderly?" asked Captain Crawford, Bystander Riimltttd they could no rssonsbl grouml for the churge. Mis Crawluld was quickly rales d snd has won a d:ldi Inorsl If net legal victory In tb discussion, Several theater owners, among thi-in lh management of th Newr Y"rk Winter nrdn, llll to her asaisliitii r, pioffcrlng fr us of their ihi it.-ra on tttiliday lilghts, In wiileh sb might hold her meeting uninn leal"!. Miss Crawford suffered a nervous shmk from th xprlnc, but Is riipldly regaining her trength, "When (lanes hall ar open on Sunday evening and 'speakeasies' ar operat'ne; everywber. why should It. (Hillce want to stop the only plea for Oodllnesa between Tin. Knuar snd Coluinbu Cirri?" ktd Mis Craw ford. Sh declare she will continu her meetlns. Th painiit which 1 hold lifi not been revoked, One of th bew enterprises In Prl is tint writing In th sky by an ate advertising firm, Airplanes, equipped Willi smok ejei-tlng attachments, art used to writ th advert laament. Fashionable New Pree are on Sale, IWAH surprised to find drersts of trlcotfne, polret twill, canton crepe, both beaded and plain; velvet, duvetyn with embroider satin combination, satin and fipanish lace combinations, lit fact every popular material or com bination material on Mle, And the styles were so attractive. Long drap ery effect and tight bodice styles were both in the group, and. Just think, they have been reduced to only $19 1' Thy are on sale at Julius Grklns, 161S LViugla street. I will be very glsd to secure one for you at this price. They come In black, navy and brown, An Exrluthe Model Hat at a Moderate Price, ; THtl winter season with it social functions call for exclusive mil linery. You will feel o much better dressed if you know that you hav on an excluslv model. At th "Heltmtn Hat fchop" In the Athletic Club build ing you will find individual and dis tinctive models at prices no higher than for ordinary hats. Something of Interest te Errry Woman, NEXT week t the Made-ln-Omaha 8how th Kstea Manufacturing company will demonstrate their fa--mors Estes Laundry tablet a well as the "Oh Joy" granulated soap man ufactured by them. Many othsr nw products will be introduced, lnclud lug "New Kug" an excellent cleaner for rugs and tapestries. Do tint fat' to visit (heir booth or If unable to do so send me your order for omi of the Estes products. a Die Season of Chrysanthemum is Here. AND it is welcomed- Y flower lov. trs thf country over. In the shop of Bath the Florist, iSth and Farnam, gorgeous "mum ln brilliant colors bend their head in greeting. They are the gift de luxe at thl on and they bring lit, beauty and harmony into th horn. Bath i price ar very raonabl. P. Y. C. fl. E. mean O.i your ChrUtmat shopping rty bay . cause yoj may bliv n i or not valu are much bM-sr now than thy will be Uter. Many apprect 'e this wail 1 1 -.. hen early snd fi,ck out th t't, f Ta !- a tn C fa '(i, -4. , Ii X I hey s l- II -JtVSiil. .11 e-Vl