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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1922)
t THK SL'XDAY Utlli: OMAHA. UCTOBKR 29, 1922. B G r- I 4 11 . k 1 Q "MtatfY r - w ! i m ' Council Bruffs Society A Talented Visitor tYrrfainu. MnimiKiior V. V. Mi M.inua i,ft)r,,(r.l at throe wni.litiKi it hwIi, all of vhirh wert iMrformij in m, Friinci Xavli-r church, i in TiiMMlujr MIki i.uunna, Anticrwm lifi'uin the l.ri'l of lr. Io Miller uf Mucin, Js'tb., un their attendant were liertlm Miller and Leo Iil-y. Mr. Miller wu hccomlnuly a-owned In hli antln an. I her lirideamald rrim In tha rut ahada, with hat to nxtch. A iluuliln wedding occurred on Wed linwliiy when Mlaa Mary Konrity m married to Humid Wood ami her ala It MurnKunt bet-am tha lirlila of Jltrmnn Wlluu-a. I!'itli nt theaa bride Wore diirk fur trimmed mil u arid hula. Ilriile !. urn bron Serle. Three hirii)liiKly n M" '1 ''1 ui rtla) wtr k!v n lt wii k by Mr. Klrm-r Ulitiniiit nnd Mr. Thimiiia (iri'en In the npurtiiienta uf tha former. cm Wrdncadtiy 21 Ktnata were pra nit fur luncheon which Wiia aerved from mi mil tiiblea. encli of which wiia ! adorned willi Kiixacl rnae. , At hrlilne, (ItiiliiK the afternoon, Mm, Krn nk Hendcr of Onviha hud hlsh acoie iiiuJ Mra. Krd llurd received th "nil fi.rnll." Klht tiilil-a wm placed fyr bridge on Thuradiiy and the K'lnm wiia pre ceded by luncheon. m thla occnalon tha prlz Itinera wero Mra. Krnnk W'rluhl nnd Mra. Iul her of t'ltlcairo who la viHitltig her aiatt-r, Mra. Iloae J'llltlltlllll, TIih liiwt In the acrlia waa iinotlH'r l.i i)ii bcon on Krldny whi n 17 KUI'Kt V.IIV pH'KI Nl. Damp. Mora than So coupli-a attended tha Jliillowu'en parly ulven by tha Tue ilny nn club laat week when tha KukIik hull wiia moat iirtiatli ally and cleverly ilecoruiid. 1'iirlnK the Intcrniiaaioii aupjicr wiia aervfd on tho linlcony, luillorma, clip and favors b'lnff dlMtrlbUted t thiit tune. November 14 la thn ilutn for the nexl pally whlih thla club will Klve. Ili lditr l.uni boonti. Artlalia deeomlloiia In lavender mid Jillow wro uaed by Mra. (llenn Wil cox ami Mlna j:ilznli( tli Kuiilxiiiiirher al a luiu hefin, followed by brldia. whli h w.ia kIvfii lit tha Wilcox homa on si tm hi y. hi yaiinlhi niiima In thean almdea niade ii lovely centerplei-e for the din Ins tuble, on whlith iilao rented cnndla allckx holdltta; )li(hlril yellow dipera. Tuenly eln'ht jueata ahiircd thuhoa pilulily of thcuf lioatraHea, who will entertain In a almllar niiiiiner on next l Saturday. ir Dr. and Mra. MrAtep, Conipllnicnlitry to Pr. und Mra. M Ate, who leava lata In tb week to maka their new Inline In Alpena, Mich., tt dinner Will be given at Ihe (irund hotel Monday evenltiK by the atuff ul Mircy hoapltnl, of which Dr. McAtee la a retiring member, Mrs. Woodbury lloalraa. M.-if. t'liaibi Woodbury gave a luncheon followed by brldne at her homo on Kriday, and on Tueaduy will alio entertain at a brldKc luncheon. Allend larlnioulh Ihirvard CJanie. Wllllani Coppock and Frank Ju mon, who utteml Iwrtinoiith colleKe, weia In ISimton on Hut unlay to utlend the Iiartnioiitb-lliii vard footbiill nauw, Mra. Ilooliltfn Kiilertuina.' Mra. K. If. Doolilllo waa a luncheon ioalfa of laat week who on two oc,. casioiiM piiteitalued ut her home on Klfth n venue. (jiiHiitltlea of yellow chryaantbo minim wera uaed In decorijlinif anil on Kriday 20 Rural wcrv preaent. The, aamo color achema waa uaed on Katurday, when cover wera placed at Hinall tublea for i'K Itlrthdiiy I'aity. Mra. Joe V. Pnilth Rave a eonibinej birthday and Hallowe'en parly at her home luat Monday to cclebrutu the fifth blrlhilay aimlveiHary of lier griindaon, I'onald Kllberl. Tho "4 younir RUeata wera Invited for r o'clia k ten, and on their arrival were, greeted by Rhoata, wilehea, black cata and uther apooky Individ uals, who wera lit every conceivable nook nnd coiner. Appropriate f.ivora were uaed on the i.ibleH. which were liuhted with pumpkin facea. i For MU Kultleinait. lloateaaes of laat week who planned afraira for Mlaa Jennlo KatllemAn. a No ember bride, were Meadamea S. Uteinbertf, Harry llochmau, M. Kat- A charmlns vialtor In the rlty lat w-k .ia Mla J frothy Fuller of (mk 1'drk, III., who, rnroute from aojourn of at verul montha on tha Pacific count. atoppod in Council f'.luff fur a few day with her tim-le, Dr. A. C. lirown mid Mra, lirown. Mia Fuller la unuaually talented, havlnc been recOKhlZed by ('hlrjigri'a leadliiK crltlca. Hh haa ulau wrltlan awarul pluno eornHw!t!ona which will b publlahed In tha nwir futura, and at prraent la accnrnpllahlnv a great deal from a Journallatlc rtandpoint. A a plnniat ah ha alnc cIiII.IImkxI upiwurnl on conrert proRruma, and I Rifted with a particularly lovely m'"- aopruno voire. Heveral Informal affair were Riven for thla vlaltor during her atay In the city, Maj. lirown entertained all Rueata nt luncheon on Wrdneaday and dinner In her honor wera Riven by Mr. and Mra. Itobrrt Wullnee, Mr. anil Mra. John O. Wadnworth and Mr, n Mia. Thonin Auatln of Omaha, 1 " - I 3 fcV) fW"rC Jin Klialrlli IJiiIiiii, tb Iowa pau, lu loauiMl In Ilia auuili lo tioit nlatlvea and a now In Kttoivilla, Trim. A tlauahler. wbu will l called Mary Koae, waa bom at I o'clock on Thuraday etmin; to Mr and Mra, FotMiin Fvereot, Mr. and Mi, Fiank Hinder ar rive,! home Thuoday mornliiR fiom a two weekn" trip to New Yoik and other paatem cyiea, Mr. and Mia. Freeman Heed re turned laat Wedureday from Mlmii Fall, whte thev have been vlnltltiR their dniiifhter, Mra. Frank 1'Ulnam and family. Illahnp Thoniaa W. Druiniu baa re turned to )" Molnea after ronnimitiR a t-laaa of tt adult and children lat Thuraday at Ht. Francla Xavler church. Mra. Kred Da via and her nlwa, Miaa June Da via, are reRlatered at the Drake hotel In I'hlcaRO. They hv Iwen away for tha paat week, but ire expected home In a few day. Mra. (leore Wlckiam and daiiKh ter, Mary Vlrainla, who have la-en In am Angela ainca early In feptein lier, are now In Han Franeleco and will probably return home thl week. Mr. and Mra. J. J I. Joyce left Thuraday evening for their home In I I'ortlnnd, Ore., after a few day' vllt ! with Mr. and Mra. William Coppock. They were en route from a trip "through the eaat. Mra. l-ettie Montgomery, whu haa lieen In New York for aevernl montha. returned home about 10 day ago and early In November pinna to leave for California, where ahe will apend the winter, Mr. ami Mr. J. A. Clark, win) left Council llluMa October III for a trip to lloaUai, New York and oilier eaatern i It lea, are axpected home today or to morrow. While away Ihey have been Halting Mr. and Mra. Henry Nlchola, Mr, and Mr. It, H. Townand and I Clyda I.,yon, all former Council Bluff 1 eople, They a I no apent aome time ! with Mr, Clark father, who la now with another aon In New York, and who la in very poor health, telman, Hatnuel Kutlleman, Miaa Ka (her Zulk and Miaa ftaruh Keaaelmun. Mlaa Kaltlemiin la to wed Hiimuel Hchwnrtz of Kanaua City, Mo., anil November S la the duta of tha wed ding, which will ha performed at the Urn ml hotel, Knlcrtain Together, Heven l.iblea of gueata were Invited to luncheon Thuraday at, tlin home of Mra. C. i. Ouren on J'ark uvenuo, wllh Mr. Ouren ami Mra. W. A. Htone the hoatcaaea. At bridge, during the afternoon I hour Mra, J. J. Kvllhcr bad hitth acora and Mr. Koy Maxfleld won the cut for iill. Twenty elght gueMta were hIho pre etit on Hnturdny when thia matron iigaln eiitertiiined at a bridge lunch con. Hallowe'en Feollval. Arratigenieuta aro prnctlciilly com pleted for the Hallowe'en all day featl vnl at the auditorium on Tueaday, which la being poriored by the Amer ican I.eglon auxiliary. - Many women from here nnd Omasa, are planning to attend the card party In tha afternoon, when priM-a will be awarded for the, beat erorea In bridge, ,0" nnd high five, 1'iirchiiaera of ticket will alxo be given a number which entitle them to a chance on a new (iHidner Inuring cur which la being dlMplayed dally on the al recta at Council liluffa. Tueadny evening the apaclotia floor nt the auditorium will bo uaed for dancing and excellent ruualc, will be furniahed for dancing. I.lght refreah inenta will alao bo aerved. During tho parly the winner of the automo bile will bo announced and every ono who nltenda thla affair will bo given an opportunity to draw thla beautiful car. 1'roceeda from the featlval will be tiaed to nlil ex aervlce men. Informal llrrakfal. Mr. I). J. Uatea Invited a few gueata to her homo Saturday morn ing to meet and breakfast with Kg bert A'liu Alatyno, the Bong writer, who waa In Omaha all laat week. ( iimiiionlty Dinner. A group of married people who have enjoyed picnlca together throughout tho aiimiiier met on Thuraday at the home of Mr. and Mra. Jitllua Roaen feld for a "community dinner," after which they apent the e cuing danc ing. Included In thia affair were Dr. and and Mra. A. V. Ilenneay, Meaara. and 'm Pinner-Circlev m Candies ' 1 Ffiite chocolate-fORtfd Jin I 1 VrvVX iwftmfiinnewgifibc. Lh I I , v!)yV 'Us.""1"'" Piwyfafy Mr wty Meadamea Fred Kmpkli', Krnnk Rlker, Hoy Maxfleld, L. N. Haniea, Oarnr Haumelater, J. J. Keliher and Jiillu Koaenfeld. I.unclicoii. Autumn b-iivea and a viulity of flower In tlicae ahaib-a mad altraf tlve deconillona for tha luncheon giv en Hnturday by M.aa Caroline Thelii htirdt nnd Mlaa Faith McMunua at Ilia homo of the former, when cover were placed for J. Dinner. One of tho lurgeat of Ilia diimcre preceding the Hallowe'en party of tho Tueaday Dancing Hub laat week wu given by Mr. nnd Mra. K. If. Doollttle, who invited 21 gueat to their home. Mr, and Mra. Clarence Kmpkla alao entertlned that I'Vrnlng at the (irand hotel, and with their gueata later at tended the dunce. I'eraonala, fieorgo Helaii of lie Molnea, la., waa In the city laat week. Mra. Ulchard Hennett of Mncoln, Ncb la vlaltlii5 her niother, Mra. Ly man Hhugart. Mr. and Mra. J. It. Day returned Wedneaday from a motor trip through the paat. Dr. Karl Helliyger will arrive almut tins mldillo of the week from Itoaton, where he haa apent the paat few Week. Tho majority of Council Jlliifrs people who went to New Orleana for tho American Ix-glon convention have relumed to their home, but Mlaa Girls' Community Service League Hunday The Hikera' club will meet at Twenty-fourth and N treeta, Mouth OuTaha at 3. The cnmmlltra will mak the coffee. Jllkera aro re Oiieated to brlngncli and a cup. Hulph Knotta willful the hike, Monday 8:15, Cluga rluh aupper. Uytnniiaiuni, Mr. Charlea Muaaelnmn. Valley ball, advanced, Mra, Chnrlea Muaaeluian, The member of the fiirla' Onmiiu nity Hervlce league have, been Invited to attend the Hallowe'en parly given by the Bedevil Training achool at llellevue on Monday evening. Mem ber winning to attend ahould call Mlaa Itoberla. Tueaday The !afnyetie club will gly a Ilallowe'en party for the mem ber of the league and their friend. A committee conalatlng of Aloys Herka, Donnle, Denker, Jucllle I,ewla, Mary Qulnby and Mae l'etera are working out many noveltley which ahould prove to he very Infereatlng. F'ortune telling will be a feature of tha affair. Wedneaday 6:15, Wamm club aup per. Hewing claaa, Mr. Hulli Kantor. Open houae, a good time to get ac quainted. Men are Invited. Thuraday 6:13, V. T. A. .club aup per, Art craft claaa, Mra, Mary Lydia Howe, tiyninaaium, Mra. Oniric Mua- FRANCIS POTTER Teacher of Banjo, Mandolin and Guitar Studio Sanford Hotel AT 1313 Add-APeari Picture Title Contest to-"- ' Name this Picture and You May Win a $1,000 Pearl Necklace 500 Pearl Necklace 250 Add'A-Pearl Necklace No restrictions of tiny kind. Write or cull in our store for full particulars and entry blanks. $50 Additional Ptii$ for ihit City. lit Irue $29.00 AJJ A.IVarl Neck.U.0 2nJ IMm $15-00 AvU-A-lVart Necktie 3rd l'rl:c $10.00 AJJ-A-IVrl Nrcklice t Suggestion: Try to think of a title that will suggest peurls, ALL Local Prize Winning Names will be entered in the $1750 Nationul Add-A JVarl Title Contest. Last date fur srnd big titles is November 20, 1922. Enter the contrtt today, x C. B. BROWN CO. i4tkirui and Vm JtW!ttt anj .ViVrM4HAi latK il rai Owaka. N.k.a.k acliiiiin. Wiley hall, brginuera, Mia. Clou lea Munaelmun. KriduJ 6 15, cookliia I'laaa, Mr. W. U Klliaer. M.ituriluy t 30, dam r. (jiieala aie adliutled hy card. Kr Information e Mlaa Itoberla, hoat.-aa at tha chili The D. T. A. I'luli Wll aaalat Mia Iti4iert aa ipeclal hoateaaea, Kiveil at the center by a committee from Ht, I'luloiuenaa pariah, Hiind.iy. (H'tolier JS, III lioni ani- The Yoimiter tilil' I lo rluh1"- la will aive a ilinner party, Christ Child Society la rt-Leiiralna play, "The Mother'! Jne.un." the principal rliririutera Ih Inn taken hy Mary Handle, Jonerpliln Ijiundro, I'alttm Coiieaa, at which the 1 li m' rluh will ! gueata. Ak Smi Hen keiianiKlon will conduct rutmnnee aula Tueailay at ihwi Q tin Halloa a in a rani parly lll lielatu-et. II Ya U ea tea Sautk saia Call Our Braaa Otlka, MA iktl OO0 NerthfUt I'eraer I4ik aa L DRESHER BROS. M' ! mn4 thr-lt ull. (U.K. an prtt4. Mala Oltica, JUT Faraam Street Omaha Ttlepaeaa, AT laatlc 011 $1.50 r sMy I ii, - - 1 ' i This Glorious Autumn Weather Is a Joy But it doesn't tend to had the. mind to the purchase) of Fur Oanr.ents. N FA' EKTJIKLK.SK, tho. Furs offered in tho unit? now on have a price appeal. They have a stylo appeal and nothing can so satisfy that feminitm longing for luxury as one of those wrappy, fluffy, rich, warm Coats of .modern cut we now offer at SPKCJAL sakk imhcks Monday Will Be a Great FUR DAY in This Store Style, Quality, Selected Variety and Genuine Savings Are the Present Factors in This Sale of Fur Garments SCOTCH MOLK CAPE-Full IciiRth for a ainall woniHii-- $295.00 ill USON SKAL CJUCL'I-Ali (.'AI'K -4.1-incli length, self collar, Canton lined, $395.00 11 U I) SO N SKAIj ( 'OAT 4'i-inc li longtli, iiPll uliapt'd cuffs, ct-in ttlcevca with large collar ami cuffs of Hack lynx $695.00 HUDSON' SKAL COAT For Mont fig vre. quality jmltn, 47-in. lenglli, uilh bPMiilifully itinrkod baby mink hal foliar and ciiffa. (!opcn and gold brocade lining $895.00 JAP MINK COATKK-k'olinsky blend will) docp self shawl collar, tail trim med $295.00 U0SK TAUPE CARACUL NOVELTY COAT Hip length with civet cat cot lar and cuff a $175.00 NATURAL LAMB FLAPPKR COAT 10-ineh length, with skunk collar and cuffs and J'ancy cord belt $295.00 HUDSON" SEAL COAT-40-in. length. Your choice, of beaver, marten or squirrel collar trim. $375.00 Scarfs and Chokers Vux Animal ('lined Scorf" f'olora: Isabel, taupe and Mark, $39.50 Vox Animal Cloned Scarf-Hone tanp at $59.00 Vox Animal fluted Scarf PI a 1 1 n u m at $79.00 to $110.00 Stone Marten Choker Dlatlnct markings, at $39.50 to $55.00 lher-0f Fitcb, Kolinakf, Mink and Squirrel at $12.95 to $39.50 Announcement ENGAGEMENT OF Madame Miller, Style Ex- - pert and Tailoring Specialist Mudame will be hero Monday morning fur the purpose of advising our customers in the making of garments from materials bought from our lavishly supplied slock of . Dress Goods and . Silks After deciding upon material and the de sired style, either from sketches and illus trations shown by Madame, or from the, - entire Hullerick Pattern range, your gar ment will be cut for you and detailed in structions given for the making of it. Dresses, mats, suits, blouses, skirts, etc., can be produced from our guaranteed fab rics with great economy by this method. Among Fabrics You'll Find: A stock of materials for your selection, not, only of Ihe most dependable quality, but in unusual com-, pleleness of color, weave and pattern. poihet twii.i, si:r3ES wool, crbpk8 TfUCOTINKS vi:i,oi'ii.i O.IATINGS CANTON ri'.KPKS SATIN CANTONS niAUMI'XKH ntia i; in: chinks imacAi'KS NOVEI.TV w KU'fS Kvery (m In every new amt alalia color. Note These Special Numbers ll-ln. ill wool French aerite. eryard. $1.95 M In. I'oiiei Talll. an e retlonallv fin llll, all uol, yard, ,50 n Inch nil ailk I'utilxn i rep In an ruellrnl ei(la anil finluli, all new itaadaa. plant; hrfn, navjr an tlark. An uniuual tiu ', i a.t5 1 1 In. all ttul hotneaun 111 staple MiadiS, also itnn oitiK ilaula, yard, S t .!." 40 Inch Satin Canton rllk crap In a aplanditl runtu n! tilorn. Ileautlful and civ Icrablt. yard, &'.,H7t r.' lnih all iik t i.iffnn rt, a ImiUtirill antl In daytliii and i-Miiing aliadc. Abaoiitttiy ili-itinl !,)., yard. Holiday Hosiery A bit early, but ail Monday charge put' chases will appear on December ist bill A marvelously beautiful collection of the rery highest character silk stockings. They are the product of a well known maker. Many patterns will be recognized by users of good hosiery. Many other are entirely new. These were stock lots and samples and sold un der an agreement not to use the maker's brand. 4 We invite your inspection of an attractive window display now showing There are many novelties, also an abundance of staple plain stockings in black and colors. Also sheer and good weight fairies. Hegular prices would range to $0.50. Monday's price, per pair $3.37 $3.37 New Silk Dresses Recent daily arrivals have been real contributions to our already superb dress stock. Among them being Pann eleH, crinkled erepes, Matlusse combinations, MaJlin snn's fancy crepes and novelty silk combinations. Some drupes, a few bell shape skirts with trimmings of Car actil, beads, Japanese belts and novelty buckles. $59.00 $79.00 $89.00 New Street Dresses Uf Poirct and Twill Cud, Mraight line, Itwwian blouse effects and those wilh full flare skirts. Jenny necks. A dctit'lilfiil variety uf trimming, including colored v..., fiiil.toid. iy, M lf brnid belt, auutascli braid, cord, rd I.cIn. ni ,,ii-r, , effect, I Veiich km.ta and self, gilt a lid cub-red t lulirniilcry, $29.50 $39.50 W ina an, aliawa' a.rtu rc a4 I't.xtr New Arrivals in Dinnerware Chin4 Station (pen tH"k in B t lc l nt 'iiUi i n b, I . . nrrlkin Mi-nday, r l f . r tu liuiulti m I i.v!.-. aeinj jHn-tliti, ki., ilti ,ir Una Imob i, Lui,!, (ul r.- trrliia itetitfii, ('' sM Motufay, fur . $25.00 Special Bedding Values Sow OtttteJ tn ihf t loot Bttuw i ! ' hki-u k I. Jii.,i. Im$ i .hi,! I'm In ttn fi,k and it H T i t i.r .,m d.u, h ! I -' 11 A,t ' II i.un f .!t .t 'i bp rU'J. i-" .'.! , ! iMllM ti .) ft ':' i t .i' i ft ri 5 -i ii . .i XI. Ml (