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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1922)
4 C JUG .SUNDAY BEB: OMAHA. OCTOBER 29, 1922, Benson Society I trillion lilllau's ( lull. Mm. K. W. J'lliMfin, i-hauuiMii it ilia JinxiiiiJ dmtrli't .lfir nrk, Mrs. C. Hnr nl Mm, V, V. Yiuti(, Pr out Did It. limit! rlut,, attriid ill tha auita mu iilind, I ti tula r ( to 2t, hi North I'lutlr. I'ivi rw meiiilir ri vni'il Into On club Thuiwl iy til I tiuol ir rui-rtllsK, -ntertalif1 tit the Imm ft Mr. Aus tin Taylor. Mm, V. A. Klly, Mm, W. . Iiilinr. Mm, Jl V. Klmtt, Mra. It. J. Hkimk-y in-l Mra, Klrl.jr I'arksr mrr" iilnt I mi tha coin' lilltte (or lirlt.'iiiK i t rmM- lusts; t' ri" illnii (if iHitiOK tl' I 'li ra r wile to he lu ll im Iiiiih In lnv f mtr. Mik, Jiili H.irion toiiiirnl lti- Iniure to n Kivsn Itjr Will Ca'lur umlrr tlin uui-- it th Ornnhu Woman's I'nm cliiti. Tl a r( ciin l" airurt'l f rit Mra. liiirtun. Mra. N. II. Tywtt ainl Mra. J!. I: Vaiidirllpp' (cn nt crllmt r Vlssr anil 1!m ijkkIoii nt ll.ill t'iilli a "Muster (if Mn." Ib-iiMin V. C. T. I . Th !ii.ri W. ('. T. I'. Mill l f-ntrrtiiinnl Thnr'lny, NnV(riilr 2. at 2 p. in. n tli home t,f Mra, ('. I: Ilowan, 3107 Norlli Hixtittti ' lvrhooa from Hi siitta run volition will l- given by Mrn. M. I). VIwio, Al-iu lirra are iir(l In m ir-m-rif. Ktilrrlaltu at li(incr. Mr, anil Mm. II, II, TIihIHI -nt r t ilnl at (liniifr 'I'mmUy, nni,lirin n t iry to Mra. in'. Mi foil of I'lili-iiK" f'ovsr were uprcaij fur Mra, 3. Mi' foil, Mr. n n't Mi". V.. K. I'lnl'lm imd aon,, .VI r. A'l.i I'hnny and Mr, anil Mra, Tiii'l'll ami two SOU. Maslx-d I'arly. Mxriitrf-ia of (lie ujlrls' (cjtiinasluiii class uf Keiisoit I Uteri rnt'i ImIiiH at a ms1 party Kuiiirrliiy vctiiiif In tha arhool gymnasium. Tf h'-rn onO atu'lnila were In uitcnl.iiir,. Music N'irluii'iit I.iiim licon, Mra. II, J. Mkunk'y iitcrlnliicl lit a luni Iicori Kilil iy til h-r hofiii (oiii lillriiTitnry fo th rn iiiIhth .f i ll" jum air (IipurlniTt of lli I;-nann Worn iin'a club. Tli l.iilii a ni l fit In ('clock anil apent tha inoriiliiK In fancy i.cIIp work. A liiri'licon vt 30 tovcia Will arved tit 1 ft'dock. Winning hixiilica. Tlia HtamlanJ H'-urcra of tli Mctb odlat cliiii i li won tli dint rid bunnar and tied Willi tha noddy nt Kmir ny for tha conft rcricc I.uiiik r at th recent Tox-ku l.i.incli meeting, Iidd at Hutchinson, Kan. 'I'Iir KlnK Il'-r-hIJh carrlnl off tho dintrlct lunncr and tha confnrcrica inom-y which la -iuul to a Ufa iiii-iiibcrahlp fertlficatl. Church. lliuarN. P,na(n rhurcha r planning to hold their annual bazar earlier than in pravloiia your. Tin- laIlia uf tlu Immanutl J,iithraii chuich will hoM thrlr bazaf Irr . Uio church parlorii, Wedneadiiy, Novcrnlrt-r li. A chicken supper will be acrved in tlm evening, Tha Methodiat IndJea bav Wednea day, December 6, for tli(;lr bazar date. An ailday anlo will be con ducted In the church parlor and a noon luncheon aerved. The I'raabjr trrian ladlca are planning to con duct their aale aome time In Pecrm btr. j4lalanl at I'roKcunive Luncheon. 'Aaalatltig the three hoateaaea: Me dame George Khiffer, 11. Ilavcy and W. II. Kecd, In the aervlng of the pro greaalve.' luncluon givtn by the Meth odlat ladlea, Wedneadiiy, November 1, Hre Meadanie George Mitchell, W, H. Jimtln, j, H. Hyera, tJorton Jloth, W, Heiahaw And HaiTy Heed, Me dame Lloyd l'lcrei-, V. A. Kmlth and li O. Smith ha v) chaige of the dec oration. A hhort program follow tha luncheon. riarred Song Hervicp. Memliera of the Inimanuel Luther an choir will give a altered concert. Sunday evening, November B, at the regular hour for aervlce. Mr. V. W, fieeako 1 director for this choir. Trlclly IMrthday t'lub. Member of tho TrIVity birthday club were entertained at a 1 o'clock luncheort Wednesday at th home 'of Mra. C. A. Mitchell of Iiellcvue. , llnllowc'en 1'arlie. The Narclfiu chapter of the 0. E. 8. will entertain at a Hallowe'en par ty Monday evening, October 31, in the I. O. O. P. hall. Tha Queii KMhcr society of the Mcthodlxt church will entertain at a Hallowe'en parly Monday evening In .he church parlor. The 1'reahyterl- Women Leaders Have Eyes on NebraskaSouthOmahaiCarriesOffHonors Club Has a to See If Women Remember 1 '.A.Jl..- v & i-:y i ) !e 4 iriiort.tfevJfork. V Wf t J - XL'S ,r; J jf; ilrs Horrid 'Tailor VptoQ "j '' '''Jf Manlm t.Ffiiwrn fitinfioLt I , , jtO'fi'f&m. I Jlrt katheririf fidion. Co if. ZJTT . 'J'i firt 1 -.: V ' LP ' I M u, .A.. , , M.I'M.. m JlrjJrlhur L bi termor , A'ev fak . Jin Chriitmt QrvJey South, fhnamo, The eye of thean women are on I lie elected at thla tlma when women Nebrfiakii. They are prominent fig ure In woman' world and are curt on to aee if woinn reniemlHT, Mr. Harriet Taylor Upton ff War ren, )., greatly loved and long time auffraglt, ha heraelf not forgotten the illHcniirageinent women received In th United Htatea aenate from a man who I now unking the women of Nebniaka to mipport him. "I am watching wlfh great lntcret the aenutorlal ca.nva In Nebraaka," Mr. Upton wired on Katurday, to a former auffrnge co-worker here. "1 am hoping that Mr. Howell will are aUmdlng for all that I bet and good In government. Mr. Howell ha olway Mtood with women and for the tliinif they want and will continue to do ao. "I r:mfmbisr the record of Henator Hitchcock, eapeclully hi vote airulnxt auffraga and prohibition, and al though I realize that a man could conaclentfoualy have thu voted, I auto realiza that a min who wa wrong on audi t undametital queation in not the man to ba truated with Important quiwtlon of tha aarne character which are ure to arlae," an (,'hriatlan endeavor entertained at at Hallowe'en party Saturday evening at tho home of the Miaaea Kvelyn and 'Mo Iiort. rommiinlty Center Dancing Party. Tim flrat Community Center danc ing party of the aeaon wa given Friday evening In the auditorium of the city hall. The regular literary program wll be given Friday evening, November 4. Church Dinner. Member of the Presbyterian Ladles Aid entertained at a roaat beef din ner, Thiuaday evening in the parlor f the church. The 1idle of the Ben- on ChrlHtlan church will aerve a chicken dinner at tho church Tueaday evening, October 3J. Muitlcal Program. The round table claaa of the lienaon Mcthodlat Sunday afrhool will put on a inimical program at the church, on Tuesday evening:. November 7. The Omaha malo quartet will furnixli the muHical number. Ticket can be secured from Mra. T. C. Stafford of member of tho elans. To Kntcrtuln Ilazar IHvlnion. Mra. Koy Marshall, 3123 North Fifty-eighth afreet, will entertain the member of Mra. C. O. Anderson' bazar division Thursday, Novem ber 2. Personal. Mr. Y. Kohlert returnt'l Friday from Harrington, Kan. Mr, l.uv.'na lloaeland of Lincoln, in rl veil Thursday to make an eg- 1 . 1 9 a Thousands of othert have gotten rid of thetrs vrithout dieting or exercising often t the rat of over pound day and without payment until reduction ha taken place. I am a irrtiel practising phrilclsn anJ prtnnallT pre aenh the treatnwnl fr each Iniiivi.lual rate, thus rntbling pie ti r!e fru.eilies that vili jirvliiie not only a ln f right hriu!ev, lut Iiivh will also rflire ymi oC all tha troul'l( iiote rm tmiu of itriiuliif aiich as hor1l' f t rratS, i!ittiiin, liiiligrttliin, rln-uiuatititi, cit, atthma, lalnrr trouble an 1 various other atHidl.uis hlch often rampinr irrtitnes, Mr treatment will rrWea that rtVprrssrJ, tlre.1, aleepr fhn, fivtnf yon rn'e.l me r ft and t("r, a rasult of tbe lass of jroor superifuous (si Yiu fii-l reulre.l a hnf in th slfitt frnfa ya anilr nl !trtj There It no dieting ir tier it l stmplr, r ant ltaiit l taVa. If you. are rttijt da rl rut sit rtdht mv mt en.J 1 mf free trial treatment ait t iUa hetr I an t N paid eoljf a(tr reductao Hat taken place if ft ea da. DR. R. NEWMAN IcexaeJ fKytUU J fate ,Vt Y'k IH Fifth Avtnu New York City Desk II 330 tended vlalt at the home of hr daughter, Mr. K, A. Smith, and Mr, Smith. Dr. Donald Kaber of Tllden, Neb., I vlaltiiig relative In Omaha, Herman Wulff of Colorado Hpringa wa a recent visitor among JJcimon friend. Albert Petersen, who it at the san itarium in Denver, is much Improved In health. Mr. and Mr. C. O. Jfurd and Mr. and Mr. Jullu Hansen motored to Winslde, Saturday, Mis Kdna Mancy 1 visiting her lter, Mr. R. P. Carroll, and Dr. Carrol! of Laurel, Neb. Mr. and Mra. It. "H. Allen and daughter, Emily, and fiance, C, C. Kohk-r, of Loa Angde, spent Thura- day evening at the homo of Mr, and Mr. V. tt. Oliver. Mr. and Mra, John Meleen left last we,-k for California, whera they will make their future home, Mr, and Mr. J. W, Berg and daughter, of Ia Angele, are guests of Mr, and Mis. Claud ritockam, Mr, t). W. Klirlght wa unable to return to fienson last week because of t rdapae In her pliyslcal condition. i. 11. Miller of Hofflund, Neb., will visit during th week with Ills ali tor, Mr. C. 15. Kmlth, and Mr. Kmlth. Mis Lena Lab of Omaha, spent Kumlay at the home of her parent, Mr. and Mr. F. 8. I,u.b, of Bennington. Madeline Gross, who 1 attending tho elate university, spent tha week end with her parent, Mr. and Mr. J I, Cross, Mr. and Mra, 0. W, Uhlcr are bom from a trip through Wyo mlng, Kate park and' a vlalt In Den ver and Cheyenne, , Mr, V, W, Hmith, who ha been a guest at the home of her aon, K. A, Kmlth, and Mr. Hmith, left Thui day for her home In Dallas, H. D. Caroline Woodyard, daughter of Mr and Mra. Wyinan Woodyard, Is home from the Methodist hospital, where she waa taken Hunday after an auto mobile accident. Kralghion Klub, Kraighton klub will give a hal lowc'en dance Tuesday evening, Octo ber 31, at the Highland Dance scad ernv. formerly Kel Plnea, This will be their first subscription danca of the aeaaon. J-eo Kpenla and Hugh ifern will be in charge. We Clean, Steam and Hand Finish Plush Coats The Pantorium Select Your New Grand Piano at Burgess-Nash Chickering Ivers & Pond Marshall & Wendell Fischer Foster & Co. M. Senilis Wurlitzoi' ?635 and Up IP, Mi ft if Your UpiU'M Taken in I'xchanKO bsm a- r-k ev- Burgess-Nash Gompany Birthday A birthday party fur tho Mouth Oiriuhu Woman club, will be bald at tha home of Mr, itlchard M. I.iif ferty, 4304 Kniith Twenty -awtond rireet, net Tuesday afternoon si r.iu o'disk. , Mr. Pruca MiCulloch, who has charge of the program for the after liiiou will glv a history of the club, 1'asl presidents 'of (he club will be honor gin-sts, A feature of tha after noon will be a large bltlhday cake holding 23 candles, Kai h president will give a wl'.h for the club' future, Mr, 'iiine I'isiIh Hl'lnlieig will have i hirgii of tho uiuslnil program. Mr, i;. It. Iilgh, preldciit, will head the ren ion Una, IntriKlin ln the past president. Ml. N. M. (Ira ham, chairman of program and a past president, ha charge of tha affair. Omaha Woman's Club The open day meeting of the Oma ha Woman' club on Monday at 1 30 at. tli liuiges Nah auditorium will be In charge of the civil service r form coniinltteo with Mr. John Mill len, chairman, Owing to the fact that the state chairman of tha civil aervlce reform, Mrs. K, K. Welch of York will be mi ddle to attend aa planned, her paper on "Worw.n In Civil Hervlce" will be read by Ilia local chairman, Mrs, John MilUen. Hester Uronson Copper will give s talk on publicity; vocal aolos will he given by Isabel! Kultlvan and a plant number by Anna Parker, During Ihe business hour report of tha state convention, held In North Piatt last week, will hit given, Th president, Mr, Chftrle Johannes, will preside. J -i VsSN w apaj ) ; u i 1 77a5 tie ofTerml to the girl ahead , at the next meeting of th division, hlch will ba WediiesiUy. November i 1. Kin thousand ticketa at out and ; over half of these have been sold. Th first concert will Ihi Novnitr JO, when Kloreiica MitcHeth, rolora lura soprano, will appear. Th next concert will b tha Criterion Mala quartet on December 4, Paul Alt bouse on January 14, Jterhara Maurel on Kebruary It and Rchumanllelnk on April II, The cost of th entire five conrsrt la It 00 and war tu, with additional charge of 19, it and (0 tent for reserved seats. If You Dnw'l Know DRESHER BROS. You Owghi T PRICES REDUCED Mea's la ar lkrs-le 4 J ,i0 uila clssa4 sad pr4 Af lantM 01-) Qui-Vive Dancing Opens Its Season Tha yul-Vlve Dancing club an nouncea tha first of Ha 1V2Z JJ parties, to ba given at II tla kston hotel on tha evening of Friday, November I. Hugo Heyn'a orchestra will furnish the music for th aeaaon. Among th members are: C ULBRANSEN Uplayer piano 'Nationally Weed urannea in inciwjc Ti. P. O. Doe will give the second of a aerie of card parties Thurnday, I p. m., in the Klk' club room, Mr. Klale Kmilh, principal of High land Park ai'hool, baa aold J 17 tickets for thfl Mpular priced concert being brought here by (he business and pro fessional women' division of th Chamber of Commerce. Thl wa the .highest nuriiU-r of ticket sold by any one girl In the entire II vision. Mr. Kinllh bus been su liipor(jint factor In the chool group, which ha disposed of It entire quota thl early In th coliicst, Mr. Kmlth said: "I only had one Idea In mind and that waa to sell our quota before Novem ber 20," The ld headed by Mis Helle Kyan I still a small margin ahead of the si 'I headed by Mis Lulu Grace John ion. The two l-am are running neck and neck. Another prlsse will M, I'srses. AsMtisiui I'hsrlM. Uruwn, (J, K. Ilnlhwll ,C. A. Ml.kur. K. II. Ilnhiiliii, 1. . Hui Slnihsiii, w. 11. Hrii-r, i'sul Hmwn, Ib K. Hslnl, P lUnii.n. 1 I, J. W Cmywowt. 0 C Criiui h, II II., H. V. ibvim Tliiitnss P. IUIIB. It, W. I) UriioiK, II J. t it hall i, A L, trf. i W Knm, Krsnk K, Knh.r, hniisrt K, (lllimirs, K t irtrnwHY, Hurry. HorU K. r lisle, l. W, itiiriii. S. A. lluUiih, It. M, llnlnfsli, 1. A, HayiiFM l-ftrsy, It, V. Juniper, K. J. 1'ihiisnn, Hurry M. guppinftr, II. K, K.n., N. I. l.lsrS, A. I.. t.snsilaii, Jt. U. l,lvn(inor, H. A. l.lnaivy, Tlinmsi II. M.-i)l.i.n. K. A, Mrti, llsrri Minis, Kisnf 'I. l,rhesbiii, Kr4, I'lrasrd J T I'nllor, ilenrs B. I'rsli, W M It hoy. Tliomsa Y, luih. Hoy A. Knevaii, i' Jlsiime), II. 11 Mil fliiinlid, C, T, Sli.h(i1, It. Wtnd'l. Sl.iitl.ld, IC K. Kp'lllilall, A. K. Slili-li. nliri 3 Sliermsn, Ksrls W, Ty..n S. It. Thurston, H If, Tsrlor, K. W, Tnwla, llslpb. Wnoilforil, l J. Wsllln, I'srl. Win, ItNrvy J, Wllen. W I. Waiiiinsion, II 0. Wr.koff. I M. While, If. i'. Wnirli, John. .Vltrusa Party.' Altiusa club will glv a Hallowe'en party Tuesday evening lit th home of Mra. Mary Marstou Kineey, when tha guests will be Introduced to alt mysteries of the house of horrors and dead man' land, Mis L. M. Mont gomery la chairman of th entertain ment committee, A buffet uiper will I) served. V.iii H-xue S.iK-nSasj Mi 11 I Coufiiv H-4 "rrr Ann ns 4" WW WW JJ The Ait and Music btore 1513-15 Douglaa Street Jewelry Auction! Now Coins on 2:30 n4 7i30 last wtm or SALE 140 beautiful dlamnfld rlnci, l.ti'10 popular rino, HAS Aintrasn wstrhen, rlorki, ftue jr srclrr ilvsrwsrs sn rut glut. Hur ynur I'hristmss prrnrnli no si your own prlrss. rncp it llcktts on ruby rln seven I lCl-j sway ovary evanln. Diamond rinf Saturday nlhl. Q T me. iVr.. haWafr-lt-ft". .1 , sw ii as North of Poalofflc BII.LV NOO.NKY, Aurtlimeer 1 Ora W Bii thday Sale Monday Morning. October 31st We launch a sale of silks and hosiery, that will long be remembered by our many friends and customers, who have made THE SILK SHOP in one short year known from coast to coast. To show our appreciation, we place On sale thousands of dollars worth of high grade silks from the world's best manufacturers, who have made us special concessions for our First Birthday Sale. B fflf SjMObSviS loMnroooSBj 32-inch Kimonty Silks la rich gor geous designs; $1.50 t ff values; per yard 4)iV 36-inch Foulards In both light and dark shades in pretty neat designs, suitable for dresses, blouses, linings and kimonos; worth $2.00; fl "J ff per yard laUl 72-inch All-Silk Fine Imported Dres Nets In a range of . beautiful new shades ; $3.00 values ; ' per yard $1.65 44-inch Imported Costume Velvet Jn a rich raven black only; an ideal dress fabric; worth $4.00 j per yard . . . . $2.00 36-inch Tricolette One of the most practical fabrics of the season for dresses and blouses in a good range of colors; worth $2.00; AfT per yard P-- 36-inch Silk Spanish Laces In both flouncing and all-over effects in after noon and evening shades; a beautiful range of patterns to select from; values to $3.50; &t fF per yard vl WJ 40-inch New Silk and Wool Biadere Stripe Skirting In black, brown and navy; $5.00 quality; tfJO "J A per yard iU.l.J 40-inch Printed Radium and Crepe de Chines In a beautiful range of pat terns and colors; values to di C $3.00; per yard pL,00 40-inch Imported Satin Charmeuse In both street and evening shades; a beautiful, soft, shimmery silk; worth $3.50; r7C per yard tPJLa I O 40-inch All-Silk Duvetyne In tho new self-lined and satin-back effect for wraps and drenscs; a limited quantity worth $4.95 to (1Q 7K $7.50 j per yard aJJOas-ttl 36-inch Silk and Gold Embroidered Laces For formal wear, in till the new shades; $7.50 quality; r A per yard Pck,0J AaAV; ii a ,t isv r jasssisv r Birthday Sale of Black Silks $1.69 $2.90 $2.45 $1.29 $2.65 $2.87 12.75 Satin Uu ht-ss, 36 Inches will", aal prlea 3.95 Sorel Crt-pe, 40 Inches wldu, sala prlca 13.60 Katln Crtpe, 40 Inoht'S itl. l iirlca ;'.00 Crepa da I'hlUf, 4') Imhrs wide, sala prlra 00 Canton l'rre, 40 Im his lii, a In prlra It 0 Canton Crrpa, 40 Im hfs wi't, m Im nrlr t 't.Otf 1'an Halm Op, 10 lurhaj ilde, tJ 1 ! sala prl,. Kadmm, 40 Unfits IiIk, CO fill Prlra S'VS 1 T& i Tffl. 4fl loitK's aula, C'j T .!. nrl. a .' .':. 'hirfo Ts'frta, 3s inrhss M", kal lit 1,-ai ii jil JtMltl l'Uh, J lot lira aid, CI K aalapilf Ol.'ltJ $1.00 Birthday Sale Hosiery and Underwear 50 donen Ladies Silk ILwry, broken lines $1.50, $'2.00 and $2.35 hose, will bo 1 A A in our First Hirthday Slc, rir. vlaUV 100 d'wen I.a.lira' Sil! lbwiery, black, brown all the leading sliadts; chiffon, thread ttilk, gl' silk; fancy clocking: values ., $2.5, $1.0( and $1.50. Our l'iri isirthday Q1 i Sale, P4ir .....A.U Kl the bruktn lots of fi'k ndrrwear, (lii Trdly IVarn, Vests ami Ulmnnm; xnlur l. tt Hirth.lay Sale, half lri-f, CJ) CCl ...a. ii ( VVvmN VOU IHiNKt sWUJHInIT Of Thl fcC fiwot l5l7lx)UOLy bT. GO of and ; ,ve .. III!! 1 II '1 ill .4 BjaajapsjnnaaaBjjaaaa