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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1922)
S-C Entertains Book Review Section iNM)inewow880ooeWftoee THK SUNDAY PEE: OMAHA. OCTOPKR 29. 192- Business Woman's Club Observes 15th Birthday Tli Onidli HiiHliifM Woman' rluli ill hnlil ia miniiul tniit In lh nu1li. 11 Him tif iim V, W, t', A. nm 'Jiu-aiJuy. Thia Mill not mly I In c.Wliralmn of th I'.ih anniversary f th rlnh, hiit tti (1i,,, rraulta nf Mi ftrtnlirr tin iiiU rxhlp rmnpiilKti will l niiiioiirirrtl MIm Ivail .l. iil, chairman of th inrtittwratiln r(.iiiii,iil-, will hav tlii) Affiilr In rhara;. Minn KInrriM- I.. Iiiiilmwiiy will mt a liwHlrulnri'M. Nllll III fillluwIlIK lllimlwr Hill ID- Kiiotid In tuaal; Mlxa ! K, Urn itrirk, pml'lcnl; At i Mini. In Ailnlr, Ml Mull, .Ml llatll IMikard, Mm Knuna haaatriiin unit Ml Hll I;Iiki. 'I'd t itra will furnlah riuimn diirltif th vnln In lil Im-Iiii lnfi.r th club (Vto I km- 24 (h lv, I'unl 1 hIIhiuii Kuve it ery vlvlil pl'lur nt I v pt a ml It niiin tn nn lnlrrln u ml upinnlu tit llilli'lirr Gnicnil I'VI-ratifn Viii lV'il'iit Ailtlremei Slale Mftiiiifr. Tli rlliiB ii-pnoii of (III tl rnn wiilliin nf the NclirnHUu KniriiUin of Wornrn' Cliilm, Thurndny vrinjr, i.ifiifl with mi iri-lu'li In iiioiniirliiiii nt the lnf Mr. A. (I. I'l'lomnn, a pint n-Kldi-nt anil K''" cral fi-ilpr.illini rfirwtor, Mia. John KliihT. g-nfrul fr1tm. tmn illrftnr fnrNi-linikM, Intriwluc I llm tipfMk'T nf the rvrnltiK, Mr. Wiillin I'M hum tit )li-ri(ll, Mont., ci-i'Snil vie tufMlili-nt tit 1h K'T'ri'l fftliTHtlon, who dt'itml that thn fM : nl Inn PHpi'i'lnlly liiti-ri-Kl.-il Iii tli" wrlfur nf th fx ai-rvlea man, Millar m y anil cwmniinlty ai-rvlcc. "Mum. linn nnil rxnmple '" thn liat riii-mm 1 f Riilnlntr pi'iu'n," Mr, Prrliain rt. iliiri'il, War M'iIIiit' Kciinliifflnn, Anii'iinui War Mother) ki-naliiRlnn will m-t at 1;30 gi. m. Wi-ilnnirliiy w-Hh Mr. Clmrle 1 liuinriaii, 1722 Hmith Twenty-ninth tttri-v. Anoint ing; hnHlf-aai' will he Mi-mliinio Miiry Dulierty, ThniMii IIhiiwiii, KilKir t-iivertiin ami rhiirle Ilinele. Collt-Kn 4 lnh Hunk Ki'ctlnn. MIh Hi-llo Itynn will review "The Mind In thn Miiklnti" nt III honk re view anr-tlmi ni-'lli'C tit thn Oiniihn 'oli'e cluh Wcdiii-mlny afternoon, November 1, 4 oVImk, at the homo of .Mm. J. A. ltniimill. Ta will be HITVUll. k I,. II. K ( aril I'arly. The 1 1. O. 1-:. Hub will entertain at a vird piirty Tix-ailay nftenioon, 2 oVIoi'k, In the )-:ika' chili room. Hrlilge and high live will lie played. Aim. Allen J. ICunilall will he li'wtena ti th Irnok review ectinn of th folh-Ke dull Wedlieaduy Rflernooii at the A ih kilc cluh. Mr. Itandall wa a member of the clim nf l:iOI nt the I'nlverally of Nrhraeka. Hhe hn two duuxhler, Virginia, and I rum. Council of Jewish Women Open Season The Council of Jowlah Women will formally open It wlntur'a work with it luncheon at th Kontenell hotel Monday. Mr. Carl Kurth, prealdent of I he organization, will preida and ad dteaac will be. given hy tirtaent head of rommlttee. Mr. Nathan Mantel, chairman of Americanization work, will apeak on ucrompllahmetit of th paat aeaaon and her antl'ipntlon for the coin Inn year. Mr. Mantel and her analatunt, devote their tlm to teachlnir the forelKtt inotlier to read and writ KliKhth and (fcneral mm lea of Ameri can living; In th horns. Mr. Ham Nathan, chairman of lintnlarallon, will talk on th work of her commit tee, which Include entire knowledge of the ImmlKiaiit from hla liatlv ahore, throiiKh Qiiaranllne, entrance Into thla country and paaaaic and W catlon upon hi arrival In Omuhn. Mm, Dollln KiKUttcr will apeak on her work Iii th civil and communal committee, , Th work of Ihf organization 1 nonac-ctarlun find Include plans" for Omaha rharltle thi aeaaon. Weekly Club Calendar M'MIAY. Tier. V. It. A. Ulanninr. paator of the Good Bhepherd Kplacopal church, will conduct the aervlce at 3:30 p. m. Hunilav nt the Old People' home, Kontcncllo boulevard. The f!et Acoualnted cluh meet till evenliiK nt 7:3 o'clock, Klret rultar Ian church, Turner boulevard and Harney atrnct. Mr. Hnlly )rnk and MIh Molly Miller will lie hoat- PKMl'H. The program will lnc!ud violin and vocal hoIdh by Lucille nnd Paul ine J,anyon, with Mr. ('. K, T.nnyon at the piano, nnd re.'idlnn by Helen Knollcnbertf. All atrant;era nnd lonennme folk welcome. The recular eervlcea will b con ducted at 3 p. m. Sunrlny at the Hnuae of Hope. 7B15 North Thirtieth atrept, by the Rev, Mnrcua Tirown. rector of Ht. Mark'a Kpiacopal church of Flor ence. The muslcnl program will be given by the chotra from Kt. Mark anil St. Johna charicla. MOMY. Tennyaon ('hautauqiia circle will meet at 2 p. m. Monday at the Y. W. C. A.. Mr. W. H- lownrd, leader. The lesmin la Chapter IV, book of Islam, Tl'KSPAY. Imlphlan Stiuly liuh will meet Tuea day, 2 p. in.. In the HurKa-Nah musli; room. The topic will be Creek dranm. Mr. J. W. Apnew, leader, at 8 p. in. Wednesday In th Hurgeaa- Naah auditorium, N The hiialnea meeting of th I,, O, K, club acheduled for Wednesday, $ p. m., ha been changed to Wednesday after noon at 2:30 o'clock In th TCIk club rooms, on account of the rehearsal for the Klks show, "Hello Bill." Ak-Sar Hen kenslngton will meet for "wing, Wednesday, 1 o'ejjek, at Mnrwiilo temple. '' United Pazar uasoclatlon will meet for luncheon Wednesday, 1 o'clock, In inom 316, Y, M. C, A., when th aid nocictle will draw dates for their ChiiHtmns bazars. Mrs. C M. Thompson, president, nd Mrs. H. H. Croaser, secretary treasurer, will be In charg of the meeting. The Pnrent-Tencher association of Henry W, Yntea school meets Wed nesday, 3 p. in., In the school audi torium. The ladles' auxiliary to Clan Gordon will meet Wednesday, 2 p. m., at the home of Mrs. Kobert Christie, 2209 North Nineteenth street. The Catholic Daughter of Ameri ca class in current events will meet ut 8 p. m. Wednesday, Crclghton CI lege of T,aw. Twenty-slxlh and Cali fornia, streets. Miss Cora Ptern will be hostess for the V. P. Orunt Woman's Relief Corpa kenslngton Tuesday afternoon. 2 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. J. V. Wilson, 2119 Hlnuey street. The speech education department of the Omaha Woman's club will meet In th burgees Nash nuditoi lum Tuesday morning at 10:15 o'clock; Mrs II. J. Holmes, leader; l'1-..fessor i'u!i. instructor. Mrs. 11. C ttirton wilt have rhiirne of the program. Miss Kdllh Mav MUb'r will talk of her trip to 101.0111111: Mrs. U Nugent will te an oil.ilnfll pomi. "My Friend. Centre A. Cus-r. Woman' relief , No J?, will h.ild an all day ses- ln Tue.t..v with Mr. 7.U teuton. 1IS Charles street, tn sew for a ba- cr. Omaha The regular monthly meeting of the Omaha Kockford college will meet Wednesday. November 1. with Miss Minna Ktedlnger, HM Houth Tenth street. The buslnea and professional wom en a division ot me i naniner oi com merce will hold their regular bi monthly meeting Wednesday night at the Chamber of Commerce. The law group is In charge of the program, with Miss Oladya Hhamp aa chairman. Miss Shnmp will preside at th meeting and John L. Kennedy will the principal ieaker of the evening. TIH KHIIAY. The ail department of th Omaha Woman' club will meet Thursday 2 15 p. m., In th Y. W. C. A. Mr. John Colden will have chara of th program, which will Imittdu a talk on CuM and It art bv Mr. Charle .1. Trimble. Th Melodi IrUi of th woumn Hub, Mr, llcorg Whit. Viiain: Mis, A. K. Andeisoli. ftule; M's IMitll Muy Miller, pl.iuo. will play "pii'h Hemi.iilc." by Krunl, snd "Travlat." bv Verdi. All club member and friend l Invited, 11,.,-,' lire deniirlnient. Woman'! cluK IH " TueUy f rrnwn st o'U W I" ' Y. W. A tmilor T.pic -Who'. Wl, In TheaterT" Talk w Itl b rtivwrikbt i' pU. M'. B r Mrhll vhi tff.ct h O motion .,. tu iM,trv hd upon h I'iuiii..p, . , ..-Mi. John C.Ue. I tttis en.t.omic d-primut On.h 1.1 lilrt,llsil rrceHS !'lt i .,lliin (luti. Will ol l H , i.,.imm frot" ' ion t' ''' i 1 'r .iiii m ! rfrh r!.r 4 Or. hid Th' ' lty rf Miller I'ark PresbylerlaB vhun h Ul meet Thui ,UT Willi Mi I.. H ly. IHowil slieet. Mi Thorn H. J..n h4l .In i.nUc! " rcti il,,M. f r-m nrsu fils-Mr lry I f-lgH. A rlrtl if Mukospeare " l" Ni iuiii un.r Oi ilirih' Mrt llli A' H.11ei'l l; i will iar4 wt' i o rl I ' um, IHil4t M I l W4 ! -l ' I il (t M tiii ttlMMMlH. TM Cmw 1 1 ut wi'l mwl t:l)tJ U4. A IAiU !. J I' TMCW III mk on IiIh futitui M. J . t k Mr i,t M 'd IWftmn will ', lhr Ihiid illuuiHe isik nitisc, 1 kuisuv h'l V W. i' A Th ui Will nn M,iti.i, wim r-i.s TH pl'ti Is !' ' 1 ;! ii f !. l-l A4fc.t'l to A l'r..Vll..i .f I III , w,it luu. If l kicH Mt.. -Ul I i' I l.l- II VI ! Klt. eJ li- lu iiwun, w M, iui ,in, lhi ,ua -lib. Mi. W .11. h.inA WM ( jmnM ! II II t as t ,l..(if t l.( - ' ' ' k t A I I'lMool jai4i(, I e ,u 1W w4 Ifc ..k .. , 4 lwi . Jkit a! l- ikwMi . do not xilldg thio UPcmderful Opportumhji Hgks a-CkivccIsi rw2$ But kd.(jcneradioK OVER 2000 On Sale Monday (In Three Groups) group Hundreds at This jrice l Values up to $59.50 Party Dresses Dance Frocks Dinner Dresses Afterqoon Dresses Street Frocks Beautiful Materials Stunning Styles 'All Sizes. All Colors. GROUP ill Hundreds at This Price Values up to $39.50 x Business Dresses All Occasion DressesSmart Styles Satin Canton Frocks Poiret Twills Velvet Lace and Metal Combinations Matelasse Crepe Kantoii Knit TrTlinl. Wonderful Values J if!? GROUP 111 - Hundreds at This Price lllijf Scleral ut These lVnnderful KrocVt Values up to $29.50 I f trM Herts ( raw I ! I r. 1 rl" la ml Kin 4 Mrel fetor M4 tl tfri 10 Silk and Wool Dresses All Styles All Colors Unbelievable Values .Metal, liililmn, Hraitl Tiinimed Uneven Skirls, Circular Skirls, Ktc N CtJ t: S'9 Kt- lunjt. l.fy 5f 1 1t Orkin Brothers "Monday" You Can Buy Three Dresses One at $10, one $15, one ?:)(-for less than the original price of a Kroiip 1 Dress. You -never hail a hetter opportunityliiiy Three Dresses AND SAVK THK DIFFKRKXCli w Wi' H).n,ig .f-.'s: Jt -I J - iraiiiri- mmimm mil inii rnvntmum nn iiattA.t-ydar..-.i.r.i ... yn mnr-M QJ