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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1922)
2-C THE SUNDAY DKK: OMAHA, OCTOKEK 20, Society Patroness for Charity Ball Mrt. Oorpi? Prina ami Mr. II. II. WiWIrr Hate Krturnri). Mr, fleorv I'rljn ami Mm, W. II. wn-ir. who hav liei-n spending I pintr nl th-toder motoring ml tn !, retutnnl Kilrlay v-iilii;. Vir. WhnWr in') Mr. I'rlna rm. pnniefl them from ! Molnea, where they went to Join thm earlier In tlx wee. .Mrs. Wl.r.l.r wna enthusla. lie ovr th lii-rkshlri-s. Mr. I'rlns cnnl'1fri-l the tour from TlelvloVre, V V where they hurl !, n tit guests fur a r-w dnye of (h Hl Clark Ht I tlflr summer lioin, Jo PlftsfliM, M., M1 up ami down thn furious Mohawk (tall, heyonr roipr. At Oiauf tnrrln;ton Mra. fieolir Taylor. formerly Mi Klla M Uroatn of i "mnh, wu their Iio(m for a ftr day a. Ilia, Taylor eijei-t to rom lo fmiahis for tha Christmas holiday atidj will (top at th HliikUin. Kor 10 dnya of l heir atay Mra Wheeler and Mn, I'rln were at th Ulltmore with Mr. and Mra. I,uthrj Kuuntr. Hikhop't Luncheon, Two hundred women attended the, luncheon rrldiiy t Trinity rath-drl In honor of Ulahop K. V. flhayler's K.'th annlvorsary In lh Ir;y. Th hlshop' rolora ar purple and whit and dpi-oriitlon were rarrlrd nut In button rhrynnnthefiium In these col ors, with eandlestl'-li tied with grace fill folda lit purple tulle, SlHhcp Hhityler and tha llev. 1 Thoma Cesidy at All Hnlnfa church apka. ' Mra, A. K, Woodman had fhai of tlie luncheon and Mra. l.ol Coch ran.-, assisieij oy nsr onuanier, mra. j Franklin Hhotwell, assisted In the 1 dining room 1'reslrtent of tha auxll ! larle throuirhotit tha rlty erver at , th tahle. ' Miillrn flurkr. ,Th me rr In ire of Mis Marguerite JJurka, daughter of Mra. K, K. Ilurka, and Itohert n. Mullen, formerly of El Po, Teg , and a nephew of Arthur J. Mullen of thla rlty, t-iok place ptnlurdiiy morning t ft, John collealate church. Following Hi ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the home of tha bride'a mother, M Alleen Uurk, alater tit the hrlde, and Frunk Mulh't), a roualn of th groom, wiira th ottendunt. Mra. Mullen wan triarrld In hr traveling ault of ilurk llu duvetyn trimmed In ruraful with hot to rnat'li nd a iiriK f wind ro. Following im Htrn honeymoon Mr. and bin hrlri will he at horn In Omnlio at 8012 Florrnc botilovnrd. i 1 Sdmmm2nermKkMk$m iwmtmmmmmm III WiX V Ill I it i r if la , III f f V liii II I " -eL v; . . i y l III r VA i '13 III " ' V'Kl IM III rTSN W U I If 3( U in ... ji c m i V : - A V II III t; f' ' . . ' x.K 11 I II I ' i - 19 ii i it r i fi la i ii i " is ! i i v -r ', " kn ii i ft i ir- k ; I ci I ; I is V 4W (j 0 a m -V ' I. I aaP JV M 0 M I Music Section of Woman's Club Opens Season Problems That Perplex Amwrod by BEATRICE FAIRFAX "I.lf a,'-m too hnrd t heiir (nmeiiiu," wrltr t'arri II. "I rannnt nriUo frliiiilM with iMMiple, I ant tiilHriahly rhy itnd Millve, and when I finutlM inuaic nvrr are Invited tn ,,. ,,, i M, t i ,,! Ro Into my hrll nd rannnt any a word. I'm (he tea which will l given y the inuoli' department of th" I'm ha Womuu'a i-lun at I p. in. Wedm hi y in Hi V. V ('. A iiiidltoiltini. Tlim progrmn I Hi furnwl opruliiif of the winter atuaou fur th inumo il) tineiit, under Die leaderahlp of Mi. Will. J. Kedfleld. Th Het titrlng ituartet, which In rlud' Mr. Mad H'mt, Kutpheii, Mr. Klnl Went MvNIrhol. Mix Vlvlenn Wtl and Mi Kll Went, with th allanr of Mr. Ilir.'l Kmlth Kldrege, aoprano, will provide th program, Personals Mi. E. VV. Nuvli la a patron or the Ht. Vincent 1 Paul charity ball to be rx-ld November t at the City Auditorium, Mi. Noah will tiv a purtlcular fiitcnat In thla gala af fair, for her n, Jula Nanh, ai king of Ak, with hi iUn Mia Gertrud Htout, will load (lie grand march. Mra. Naah will h hoale Tueailny morning to th Friend of Mimic i. clcty, when Mr, ,t V, Orofoot will appeitr In piano redtul. Fortnightly Club Mr, Harvey Mllllken and Mr. Fred Kill will be hotee for th meeting of th Fortnightly Muniml cluh Tuewlny uflernoon at l:t0 o'cUxk at th home of Mr. Mllllken, A tnlacellitneoua program will he given by th Ama'eur Muairul club, under direction of Mr. Walter Hllver, Jt'piwn Guliik, Announcement 1 made of the rnnr ring of Mra. Zina Ouldk of thi rlty, and Peter II. Jcnaen of Halt !-ak City, which waa Octotr 19 at Hall J.ak City. Mr. nd Mra, Jepnen are Hpending a few rlaya In Omaha 't nil will h Jn Salt Ike City after November 11. Mr. And Mr. Arthur O, Terrell enter talne! at a dinner at their home Wednenday evening In honor of Mr. and Mra. Jepunri. IlerryHlater. Ml 7-ella I. Water waa united In tnnrrlHgtt Salurday morning toChirle Kerry of Olenwood, la., at th home of tha Ilcv. Ada Stone Andron of the Plymouth Congregational church. Th mother of th bride I a niece of 1"r. Andernon. Informal Tea. The pnrlnh aid aoclity of Trinity cathedral will give a tea, on Thursday afternoon from I to B o'clock at the j,,,. preldent; Y Recital. Tin! fourth of a eerie of noonday program under the aunplcea of the Children' theater, M!a MurgueriK lidkmiin, director, will b held Tuc dny, 12:30 to 12:00 p. rn, In thn Bun gee-Nnh auditorium. The program will lie given by Mini Ann i'lirk'-r, planlut, who will play an original rompoNltlon, Helen Knhn Nlelnon, m prano.'and Marcua Nlelitoii tenor. The recital are free and open to the pijhllc. Kontenelle Moclety, Fontencllo Society of America will give mok ball Monday evening, October 30, at the 8wllh auditor' lum, 111 Chicago tret. A. C, Wat kin I chairman In 'charge, The re ception committee will Include Gor don Nlcholaon, C, A, liartlett and Earl Patrick. 'The Turtle Dove Presented by Colleger; home of Mr. K. A. I'egau, 627 South Thlrty-epventh trt'et. Mcdnm Henry T. Tate, Fred Davie, Byron Reed, Btephen McOlnley will pour. Member of the parih and their friend are Invited, Week End Dancing Club. f lie Week Knd Jouncing cluh will hull It opening dune of th eaon at the Fotitenelle ball room Saturday, November 4. at 8:30 p. m. B. C. Fow R. Vlerllng, feer' Wiry and treonurer. Ilallnwe'en Party. Mr, and Mr. Oeorge F. Abbott en tertnlned 32 giiela at a Hallowe'en dinner bridge Haturday - evening t their lioine. Mew York Omuna Minneapolis Cleverness of Style Individualizes These DRESSES for Stout Women Their beauty of style their slenderizing: lines ' and unusually attractive pricing!! make them favorites every time. IIuhs Hrothers' Stout Drt'SHe are the lat ex pressions in style author ity. KxceptUnally brxal nhowiiig await you i'i the (!ray Shop tomorrow, Stout Suit $49.50 to $150 Stout Coati $49.50 to $200 MocUrt and Nemo CorteU $3.00 to $8.50 Mir it lliiz"! Long nnd Mle Wllina Monnett will bo thn lover In the clever Chliieiio piny, '"lb Turtle Hove," to lie prevented to the drama auction "t II Omaha College club by a group of Council Bluff member under th dlrecl. n of Mr, polile Ulck Hurge, Saturday morning at 11 o'clock, at the realdence of Ml Ixma Miiy William, 20ti Mouth Thirty fourth tret. The name of the play and th lov ere' roetume of blue, are taken from the blue of a turtle dove tietlng In the bin tree on a willow ware plate, The ret of the pluy I a ununuul a th aource of the name and I thor oughly C'hlnexe, for a gong bearer, a mandarin, a god of fate, a chom and a property man the typical peron of a Chlncae play, make up the cast. Theee part are taken by Mle Mlg non Mnyrninl.l Ml .Edna Hprague, Mr. O'.rald W. Kirn, Ml Mella Steveniton and Mi Ueeke, respec tively. UoKtetnea for thla u:calon will be Irma Coiitello, Mary Parker, Loulne flednar, Herlha Nale, Lola Oliver, Murtiriit Hvvi-mion, Deerle Shackell and 1'enelopo Kmllh. ('Imiitauiiua Circle. ' The I,oon:i Chautu'jua circle will meet Tuesday, 2 p. m., at the Y, W, C. A., Mr. Willi Burgees, lender. Dundee Chautauqua circle meet Thursday afternoon with Mr. J. L, Sullivan, (28 South Twenty-ninth street. Alice Howard Chautauqua circle will meet at 7:30 p. m. Thursday at the Y. W, C, A. Advertising Club, Kathleen Uosslter told member of th Women' Advertising club of her Eureopean trip when they met for luncheon last Monday at th Burgess- Nanh tea room. Miss KoiiHlter wa. one of th Oood WIII girl to France. The club meet every other Monday Mary Marston Klney I president, and Stella Cameron, ecretary. Hallowe'en Party. Maple Leaf chapter, Order Eastern Star, will entertain at a Hallowe'en party Tuesday evening on th third floor of the Mnonlo temple. Member r asked to dies In conturn and there will b apeclal entertainment for the children. Prizes will b given for th beat costume. Story Teller league. Omaha Story Teller' league meet Thursday. 4 15 p. m.. at th Y, W. O. A. Th vtorle will I told by Me- lum Kutn Wlnslndo, H, F. Itallam, It. o. Cliiieflter and Mia Elols mi ll. Owyer Yate returned Frlduy from a month' trip to New York. Mis Eva Hulseit of Tulsa, Okl,, ar rived Hut unlay to visit Mis Jessie P, . Carrlgan for few day. Mr. J, W, Christie and daughter, Ml Marjr.rle, left last week for their vlntr horn In I,a Hell, Kl. The Mle Esther and lyoiilw Cot ter hav returned from Hoton, Mass,, whr they spent the last month, pr, Ada Stone Anderson will leave Sunday to attend th annual conven tion of th Women' Hoard of Mis sion. , Mr. M. Oland nd daughter, Fran ce, left Tuesday for New York to at tend the wedding of a niece. They will return for th hollduy. Mlsa Ida Gardiner I spending a few day In St, Loul with her niece, Mia Emma Jean Wlgg, who 1 at tending Elndenwood college. Cadet Capt, W, A, Cogllzer of Kem per Military school, on of Mr. and Mr. W. A. CnglUer, left Thumdny for Culver, Ind,, with th team to play football. Mr. David J. Kelly returned Thurs day from a six month' trip abroad, hha vlltd relative In (iermanv, Mr, Kelly, who went over with her In April returned In July. Mr. JUther Drake, who I at pres ent In New York, will return Thur day, Mia Nan Hunter, her niece, who ha been In Minnesota for the past threa week, will poin her here, Ann Ax toll, daughter of Mr, n1 Mr. C. W. Axtell, I In Purl attend ing th Horbonne. She will remain through the, winter. Ml Axtell vis ited In southern Franco and Italy, during the summer. n. II her homi ly nor beautiful. I'm m-at and ilean and fairly well educated. Hut I'm not liitrui tive. I'm not liked, though. "I have a good home nd a nlc family, and I might dance mell if I got out nl had a chance. Hut oomehow I'm a folium with iople. And I know It. and the more I don't make a hit the lx I feel that there I any thing I ran do almut It, Ho I'm writing you In desperation, I can't make people Ilka me. Now, I there anything under the sun you ran suggest for in to do about that? It ereni pretty howless, doesn't It?" It Isn't hopeless at all, my dear. I ' think, you can take car of th situation by simple mean. Stop try lug to make people like you and start liking them Instead. You see, Carrie, yoii'r on of th niMiiy folV In Ih world who are auf fering from what la culled un In fej-lorlty complex, Vnu'r humble, You undervalue yourself. You go cringing for the crumbs of toleration from other folk. And no on value you a bit more than you do, Mis Carrie. You go around thinking you can't mak folk Ilk you, and deep In your mind you have it panicky feeling that th reaon they don't Ilk you la that you're not likeable that thera I something wrong with you. So you be- com shy nnd awkward. You msy even i'i-m gruff and dlsagreeublo, At tiny event you cannot b your real self. Suppose you try this for a while: Stop wondering why people don't Ilk you. And turt looking around for people to like. Maybe thr I some on In need, or n hy a you, or lonely or' awkward to whom you rain be a regular fairy godmother friend Intieed. rtemember that everyon I lonely and that niot people ara longing for friendship Just a avidly and eagerly m you are. And proceed to endow a few people with th rlche of your pentun friendship, Find out what folk ar Interested In. Don't try to exploit your own In tret or to prov your own churni. Hut Jut devote yourself to giving a few other folk a chance to express their pentup loneliness. ( He rile to lonely old folk and to children, They ara bound to re spond to friendliness. Practice glv lug to th-m lh comradely under standing and kindness for which they long nnd mi often In vnln. Hive out lov and friendship. And don't watch to If It. la coming baek to you, Pretty oon you'll b an expert In fnrnilxhlp and you won't b con sidering whether folka Ilk you or not beii u you'll Ilk them so much. And there lie th whol secret of being loved it I Just to glv out love, for a wonderful aian on said: "To have friend, you must first b one." Guest at Ball Library Chats Dr. and Mr. Walter Tucker of Lon don, England, who have been visiting Mr. and Mr. W, O. l.'re for the past week, left on Thursday for their home. Dr. und Mrs. Tucker hav spent the past year traveling In Africa, India, China and Japan. Albert Jiplllrnan relumed to New York city this week to continue hi vocal training under Herbert Wither spoon. This is hi second wesson with W;therspoon and he will also he couched by Dr. Arthur Mee, cele brated oratorio authority. Mr. Spill- man la being prepared for concert and oratorio work. He waa-formerly tin Instructor at South High school. Birth Announcements. A daughter, Mary Elizabeth, wo born to Mr. and Mr. E. J, Oulnana October 2. A daughter, Barbara Jane, was born to Mr. and Mr. Lyman Hanson of Wahoo, -Neb,, October 27, at Stewart hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Clarenca T, Edee an nounce the birth of a daughter, Vir ginia Frances, on Wednesday at the Nichola Senn hospital, Mr. and Mr. Frank G. Gllllgan an nounce the birth of a daughter, Octo ber 28, at Nichola Senn hospital. Mrs, Gllllgan wa formerly Mis fcthel Cullen. Washington Girl. Washington Girls' club will meet nt the Y. W. C. A. Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Y. W. C. A. aaaWMaMMalWBMMaswj n j v ' .- v j 1. . j V, W, C, A. Calendar, October t to November 4, Hunrtari The rntrl hiilMIng will tin seen from 10 , ni, lo p. m. ro mm IfAI-Vtlt. MonifiM Tbs OnlMl Fnuhman gtiident .'In;, will inert at S.-3Q In th Hrl,' club ronnis. Hniir will tie ferved t th Kilerllon nf Iiidiitrll Clubn si t o'iMoi-k followd by fitrUnn mee'lntr nt ll clubs at ;4i'., when lb" lmie of ths two vnlltlel imriies will be prernd by t)r. .Tennle Calf, democrst, sail Mrs. Draper Hinltn. repubtlean, llualness mUn snit rporl of eliilin at 1:0. .... . Ths millinery elans will meat st :J" snn Permnisl App'-nrsnc nil OI club cl st o clock. Tuewlayt Ths Huth Jtlah Friendship club will have s Hsllews'rn prorsm st ths hom of Kutherln. I'rr. ..t.-..u i.. n,,Ari, ai letter nt and nr. ii Hmiihi Blbls elm en "Ths Iiok nf ,fl" will tie twld at csntrsl bull'llnif st ,7 o'clock. ... The rten. Per.hln club will fntertsln nt a llllo.we-en psnr ip. Mrs. Wanucrlle Hsrlfrov. Wednemlairl Thr will M "'n" mestlM "f tn T'-nni-Hi ":'": nt- : In girl.' club room at csntrsl Y w. P. A. niiiinin. l. ...Ai,,u iam mli st 9:30. Classes In uersonsllty. dmwln snd th ',r'111''; on of the etas In business law will b held at T o'clnik. Thiirsilayl Thre will be a meeting ot the Central Student club csbtnet st . in slrls' club room fit T. W. cr. A. ' Th. Mori the Merrier club will reset Ij third floor rlub room st 4 0 elock, sna will eni'iy a 'I"" supper st 0 clock. The iluy Cli els club will me.t st 7:8 " Tlia" supper els.s In o"V 'i'..,",t st 6:80 and ! In sewing rn'e's st :0. Th class in music, under tb .1 rc'-tlon "f Mr. and Mrs. Celt Herrymsn. meet st 7 .o'clock. Ths current .nls .-Inns will meet st 7 o'clock. Krldavt Ths Comenlus Orsds School Olrl Hescrves will hold sn Initiation ceremony hi :i:HQ In alrls' club room st central Y. W, G. A. Alumna club will have supper st o'clock followed by a rcsular nieeuns. A lilke for all the clubs In the Indus trial department of the Y. W. ' A. will lie heKl Thursday evening. Th start will ! insds from the central Y. W. C. A. building soon after t o'clock. The. millinery clans meets st 6:30 ami clnH tn Interior decoraUn at 7 o'clock. Saturday l Ths council of the Federal Ion nf industrial Clubs will meet for supper at o'clock followed by s business meeting. At thn AiuiiMlice bull, to be given November 11 at the Fontenelle hotel by tha Women's Oversea Service league, Mis I-oulne Well of Chicago end Paaadena will Ihi a guest of hon or. Mis Well, national president, Is now on a tour of the aouthern units. Sho spoke at the American Legion convention In New Orleans a few week ago. The public, and especially exscrv Ice men f.nd their wives, are Invited to attend the ball. Mis Frances Nleman I the local president, 1). A. R. Meet. Major lanac Sadler chapter, Daugh ter of the American devolution, will meet Saturday, 2:30 p, m., at the home of Mr. Frank Kellogg, 126 South Thirty-fifth street. Aid Society Meet. Th Woman'a Aid aoclety of the Dundee Presbyterian church will meet for. luncheon Friday, 1:16 o'clock, with Mr. Vv. T. Klopp, 4813 Chicago atreet, Jlulloneen ill omi be her and "Th tlobhn will iit you if you don't nslrli out." The lliillowe en shelf In th reference room I the popular apot In the library thl week. On It run I found the why, hen and where r-f lliillowe en and nil the queer guuir and mysllo aupi'rstlllons of tills day when th banshee, fairies and glu-sts play pranks and tell fortune. Th prty book ha several novel Idena for easy entertaining and many simple and appetizing menus. Wiili-ott' honk of games la filled with Jolly sua etln for a small gathering as well a a large crowd. Dennlvon's Hogle Isaik tell how to make win tics and sprightly elve. Famous Ohost Stories compiled by MrSpudden will Induce lhat mystnrlou creepy feeling that go with thl season of make Mlcve and superstition. Sir Jaine M, Burr!' rertnrlnl ad dre at St. Andrew unlveralty ha been printed by reuuest, and la culled j "Courage, Th significant thing 'aliout thl address I not th novelty nf II Ideu nor th depth of the Im pression It nude on th undergradu ate who heard It, but, th cry of an guish and alarm with which It wu greeted by th old fogle, the sense of betrayal by on from their midst miotig the owl and wiseacre of th literary world, for Burrle hua voiced th cry of youth and It achievement. "Self Mnetery by Auto Suggestion" by Ernll Couo, I the fourth In the list nf best seller In general literal ur. Which prove that th general public read for men til I growth (tell a amusement, "Outwitting Our Nerve," by Jackson and Salisbury, "Conquest of Fear," by lloall King and "Oliinda In Health and Disease" are among other popular book along thl sumo line of thought, Bruce McCulloch prepared a most Interesting address which wa read at th American Library association regional meeting at St. Joseph, Mo lost week. He dlaeiiKsed the beat mean In whlnh a library can serve th greateet number of patron and the per capita tax required for such service. About two hundred and fifty people attended thl meeting which offered a program of Interest In nil line of library work, Mia Edith Tobltt gave a paper which wh grent ly enjoyed and wa one of the few librarian on the program. Seven member of the library ataff attended thl meeting. In order that the voter of Omaha might have an Intelligent conception of their rlvlo dutle th library PH on exhibition a nunitier of book for the voter which can be tkn out fr circulation. Among th title r "Manual for Women Votera." "Hund book on Election Us." by Iwl. "Your Vol and How to l It" by Drown, "Th New Voter" by Thomp son, "A, II, C of Voting'' by Cethren. "Eve of Election" by llowe. "Partle and Election'' by Jone. "American tlovernmrnt and 1'nlltlrs" by Heard and "Civil Oovernnient In th Vnlted State" by I-'Isk. At you prepared to dlsriies ui'lt timely topic a "Allied War Debt," "Ship Subsidy," "Tariff," "Strike," "The Turkish Wars" und "Industrial Situation In America and Foreign Countries?" If not, nsk fur th li brary list nf hool.s and Information mi these and other tuples of the day. The reading room has on file news paper flipping. maaxln artlclea and government publication on the stub Jerls. Chitile Itny I to mk an elabor ate piciur pluy of th "CourUhlp of Mile Stundish." Th recent run of "Uirnu Doone" ha revived th read ing of that old time favorite. The iiiontifcriiph nf the Jay treaty by Prof. H K. Hcmls of Whitman rulllegr, Washington, has received th 18,000 prl.e given by the Knights of CobimbiiN for a work on national American history, Health Department (ilve Program, The health department of th Young Women' Chrltian association will giv a demonstration Monday evening from t.M lo 7:3" o'clock to which th public Is Invited. 7" " YVr to the Sixth Floor early In November. To iluy we are eelling some wonderful burgaln In our Framing Depart ment. It will pay you to see the value now offered. Studio 1 1 1 1 i i I n i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - f t I ,Mli'lii,-l":lli:i,lli', II fct-isi l .i'l I I I' I I I I I I I I I I 'l l ,J"i:i'ii,'l'ii'l '-"Si:Si -. Telephone ATIantic 9976 The Style Shop Expert and Skilled Module Under th Direction of Mis K. Farrell WE ADD THAT TOUCH OF STYLE Busineai Hour: 8:30 to 5:30 Mr. B. Armour 225 Neville Block, 16th and Harney St. Entrance on 16th ? til I I I I I I I' I : i,iil,'l' :il'i.'l ilnli'l'il II I' I'll i:"l"l i"l"l',nlM'i"l"i','l 'I' I l'll"l''ll"ir lulu!' ,-(. ,,,.n',i'lii ','ri,rliiiiliilnliili ,'iHNIi'lnli'l"li li'li'li'l' im-l 'l ini.i-i,i'liill:e3 t7TlAeriTCAU" Darning Party. Th Cres.enl r'l iniul Dunclng club will entertain at a danring party Friday urnlng at the Hn.meti Itlte a' ai HOUSEHOLD SUGGESTIONS la It tnH ilei, H .II the I'sl.iv in Ixiwa ift. thin a towel snui.l It iul fit III; In a dork l-f I ! It In l-aain ,f nld aim l-r an n-'ur ihni ulog This liealmeMt t rli a ii tbt I a w i l l lwa lua k. ; J (,H lO II. ft. iJv k . t,i iir imIM Hist! j .... . - .....,1 ise ina r-eei im b.isip w,.bi is. siw Ma ut ku f flr4 t i k IM 4u k i i HaasBrothers I; I 5av. PRESENTS The Most Definite Mode of the oar the Chiffon Velvet Gown OF EXCLUSIVE DESIGN IS A DIVERSITY OF STYLE AND COLOR FOR DAYTIME. TEA. HOUR AND i: V E N 1 N U WEAK. $95 $295 i IWhikl King, ! M :. I' till . t ut air 4 H wot l tt aa , ' nui a un .t u th t- ( tt 'lh ts l-al i t ri'a tai en g J Ikwaalaahs 1-4 lUJa. T h t I..I-1K the 1 1 i'r,ar eaek fct !n ' -kans; J iit hi h i it t..-i, 4 iw . i- a 1 1 " i ' 1 -' I (SrXtSfcyzXTFhe fashion meets CDTJEj A Real Opportunity to Save Fur Trimmed and Plain Model in COATS $1 9 $98 Fall and Winter Models, Shown in Nor mandy, Velour, Arabella, Panvalainc, Lustiosa and others Fur trimmed in Beaver, Wolf, Squirrel, Fox Platinum Styles not found elsewhere, for particular tastes, arc the lux. uriotti, deep pile fabric; .their weave and color Riving them unusual individuality. Such feature a uneven hem linea und ide panels. Thu amplem-ns of the matcrialing admit it being caught up in linea of delightful smartness. it jfffi The Dresses at $15.00 to $59.75 'ivy Thi're are charming models fi-aturinjr the circular skirt f'rTJf ik,. i, ..,..., l,.,..ili'i.,j niiii ,lvii-i,l 1. mirth uli titiil ""UlV UiiVaCli lirilllllll- (il' "1 " il , j.. tr flyinj; panel ami drawings t)f all kind; large flow ing beeves, ctat vtr.sions with luaitl tr trimmings, evquin'te t mbroidt ry and quaint laqut' j-ffecU Kvt iy thing in perfect Uite and alwolutely correct. Junior Will f J kl (Sal .' la tn, wl ut 4 ai- i Wkivll IS Ivtftk rf a 4 !a-i Stouti at a.Je4 war Ikti usual tare kale, fur th l.jli.h tlsiil I 1 1 II f I l kn v' laity ktt ii. k itwt a4)r Q"St DOUa Omdfid ,!- al'at !t ll.a kwett, i I t