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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1922)
8 B BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. oNoOihir uti'ihk i..r eVe. Ceil owcer Ki' ea. 4I!I Norm Hid Si. llood le va ion. riiHAXfc'heap, two reetaureeia at 1111 bo llb and g ( nil M. I1H,'rf ifliY and nul market, well located, c(up rent; good buemeea WC. 4HI Aulomalia lie kue piueetier, O. T. Jeml en. Itaatrlre, Net. ROOMINO HOUSES. llf fAi'irii! hrbevee-room flat (or ill) leaving lty. lleraala. J A. et. P ROOMS FOR RENT. ooooo oc 1 6 66o oooo ooooooiTooo o o o o o o o o FA UNA M T. 1111, WrXLIHO. TOM I MM HAI N1CKI.T eM'H MlhllKII MOOMH WITH PIE TAl 'HfcD'iH I'lllVATK IIATII AT VKR.T ATTH ACTIVK ".ATK T'l PKHMANKNT OI'CHT UON'T FAIL TO KC THBM. 000000000000000000 oo ooooo Of.T AN OMAHA UKS MOOM MltKCTOHr If yea ara unable to find lleted below Ik mum you deelre In lha Iwatlon you want, The Omaha ilea malnteine A department lo an c ply you villi reoin. Call At our "Went'' Al eoanter for Hoom Llroctory. New Hat leeued every waak fur lha benefit of our raedere and edvarlleefa. WKMHTKH T, 1121 Wall furnlebad room for rant In privet homo. Cloee la reihadraj dictriet. Iieaeoneble. Call HA. mi. m IKIVATB boma. Kami park add. two couth front room thrown together san av omnv.'Uia ant or mora pereoi.e, right. WA. 4441. II A V K.N k lintal la apn It rooma, alao light houakaplng; aiaam baat an4 hot running waiar alt houra, llalaa log And up lp dap; II. to and up par waakj KI KM rma wlih ( ri. hath; warm, mm,, ih'arfril; pri-aa raaannablr i da or wk Holl Hamlllon. AT, 4701. iTiTf fc iTTTa VKnHO l'h and rarnam. )i)'l.l HKNMHAW llih and Kama in. Pp'-ial ral-a , prinariant gijaaia. I AHi.K allrartlva room, aullablg far I, In fui,da; viaala If duatrad, I hona WA. JUT. 1IA. Illl-I dun, plaaaant, aamforlabla room, walking diaiama. II bo. Ilth !.. gffitlarnan only; prtraia boma. It'fOM In eomforlahla prlvaia bom far ono or l (niitUrnan. 149 io. 2Mb Ar. AT. Il. Many Ml., JOU (ITor gantlaman) I altrax. ttva warm room, all modarn. prlvat born. fCKNINIIKIr room, III par mon'b, aaa Janilur. Munlliallo Apartmania, 129 bo. blae hi. TWO furnlahad rooma, prlvata noma; naa of garaga. tut 1'ratt bt. I'hona KK. II 11. NKATI.r fumlahad room for 1 or t lrl or r-outila nit,lord, carnna. ii.i par wK. WA, b7 minoaii avaning. J.AIUiti front room, auliabla fur gantla mn or roupla amployad. Ill ft. Ilth bt, ri. KAkANT aouih rin., prlv. hornai to giml..; garaga, walking dlafani.a, HA. 7I, kl.r l-.ri.N! rooma; prlvata horna, 1200 and 13, witakiy. AT. ia. ITO ti'"'2n2.1 f AitK Ava., Vurnlafiad room for ana or two gantlaman; prlvaia family; rr, LAtiiHiN COI'ItT, J22I btaam-haatad room, walking rilalanr. Tal AT, 7471, H'ltMMIIK.D room, auliabla for two; prl vata noma; board ir dfairad, kic. itn. KM ! Modarn furn. room for I; good (oration; Draakfaat If aaairaa. MIAMI bT.. 2017 Furnlahad room, prl vaia noma. AOUiia. n a, viav. Kli'B clran alanplng rooma, hot and cold watar, 211 Norm irth, ?P1 II bT, lll"b Idaal bom for am ployad girl. II A. 704; f IMT bT, 114 N Mca, wall baaiad room; walking (tiatanra. FlTKlTlCTTaJ it., 3111 S wodaro rma, WK. lull. KK.'Ktr furnlahad room, with or without hoaaw, for gantlaman. HA. 44ai. nr.nxn i rm., m ana w h,v,( tnn. priv. fam. 714 N. 27 Ava, HA, 1427. yAHNAM ST., 424 Plaaaant room, prt. .Vila huma: raf, ambangad. WA. (214. rUHNIHilKD HOOMb, T4t North 17th". f HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. tlKT AM OMAHA HKR HIIOM IHKKCrOKT If rob ara'unaWa to find Hated baiow tha room you oaair in n io tion yov warn, Tha Omaha Haa matntalna a, dauartruant, to aupply you with a room. Call at our "Want" Ad eountar for Uoom JJIractory. Now Hat laauad avary wank for tha ban- fit of our raadar and advartlaara. l.AKAVKTTK AVK., IK07 Two nlcly fur nlahod rooma for light houaakocplnf, in good nalghhorhood. I'hona HA. Oil I. VIHHT-CI.AKS rma.s alao flna aamlbaaa- tnant rma.; unfurn. If daalrat.d. 2017 tio4ga NIC'S, rlaan atam-hraid houaikaaplng room, alrlrtly mod, in boutn 2ttn t. wrSTivr7jafBTH Ava., 120 . Nlcly furnlahad modarn bouaakaaplnk rooma. TWOiaaaant hakTgrVooroiTlirlvata fam ily; modarn; raf. ra'iulrad. KB. 2UI. !lo " N. 214. Mud. 2 room, ataam-haatad houaakpg aparta; walking dialanoa. I.MHT houaakaaplng roorna, prlvata huma, rararancoa axihangad, WK. 0710. TBU We. 2471. Two modarn room an bath floor, no rhlidran. 30ARD AND ROOM WOLXD ULioli MVINO APFEAU TO Vol! 7 Wa wilt acrapt a raatrlctad faw raflnad bualnaaa couplaa, palra of ladiaa or gan tlaman. In our thoroughly madarn prlvat horna; In room with allia tahla aarvlca. Thnaa whoaa diarrlnilnativa laaiaa for tha battar homa will apprarlata our auggaa tlon t aurva you. Truly. Wa ran atora your rar. KB. HI. IXAKU. 4011 Kurnlahad homa-llka room In moilarn prlvata homa; good homa cook ing; on hli.rk to twu car llnaa; raaaon ahla, WA. 14S. 124 S. 2TH bT. Ttaautlful fur. room, uitabl fur two. Prlvaia homa, board If daalrrd. Itraannahla. JA, I7H. HOOM ami board for I paopl amployad. Waal rarnam. prlvata family. WA. 1111. cXl.iFORNIA bT 1411 I'laaaant room, homa cooking, walking dlalanca. FANUT big warm front room for twa; all homo rnmforla; garaga WB, H'l, TKU J A. 117 Nicaiy furaiaha raom with good homa cooking, cloaa ) iToiHi "boaTcTfar mploy4 aaupla, . !. HOUSES FOR RENT i roam, IIH Vlntaa . ( raoma. till bautb lltb traat. aubl garaga. . ... I raom. 414 Narlb 4lat atraal, 141. . rooma. 111! baaib I4tb atraat, garaaa. 111. rm.roa, 4ITI Caaa itraat, iinib rM 41 Xartb 41 lb ra. aukia (aragc, H. II nwan, 4ll rd eucat. III. ftSTIbl Tbl'iT COMfAMT. Vtbar Oraaka baata AT l4t 1'tb '- 0 00000000060000600006T5 o t mAW ortAOb) 0 O Ml b. Ih U bi.b tbttr 0 a arar, I :"4 ..4ll:, w.da.Cj a- 0 S a I ba.l. Ht ' g S rT rAb4f ro, n -oikaka baa'al Waa" O O t taaa bat I l JViS rtUMbilliiM t4iiVbm lT. m gaaaa rm .4a.b baaca II 1 1 It. b.witbia la g4) .av, I-4. 41 rB THPblH aVtl . j4 4' l i' bl I IT "b I w.Ma.a4a h-a, !' '""V'rib-Abj ;v l.ia a..... ai 4 I 4 ie e b 4et a4 ,l4ti.t t' '1l 'Waa. t "' AF 4I44 ' "- ! I., k. .V.1IAI.II kllHUt . -r' 4 n 1,1 II 4 4 ! J a - a X.Vi ir lit, at' i 4 1 1,1 I IK . util a ! ,,. e i t a., 41 4MI I I' 4 1 1 1 , ft a , c b . t.t a-,.. - I I " 4 - I I , a-- , i ,i,e at l-'4 r.. a tit ! bi ! - 4i . Itiru .. ,t... feaei a-il w 1 HOUSES FOR RENT. MIX H'H'44 h,,ue, eirlrilr liiu-lera; Basil' du-ereted, Uiiei liithiiog fiaturea. tuf I an I or leee 414 .Nurlh lldL rPl7l,TH linT;" partly modern eight roi hnuee Willi garage, H. ki. M. Kane, .)e Chariee m. . mxi'cLIHtiipTHiCT, large earluela room, lavatory in came. Oarage. If A. uu. FM KICNT blc-room roedera hauee, 4111 t'eitfnrnle eireat. KloiiT'-H'K'U modern nua. till l. 4uih HI., 14 par monk ! valor raul. MA 44e -t-rooin houaa. Hemic Park. lit. FURNISHED HOUSES. COO 000 00000000000000 00 000 rvnuianicii wvit Oil bewerd II. evea-raom, all modern boma, completely furniehed. Ha four bailrooma Kanl very feeeoaable. I'uaeaeelon ft'ovembar 1. " f ATNK CARVArlT TO, ' Omaha a Kernel Man " III Omaha Nai l Ilk. Itlrlai. J A. loll 0000000000000000000000000 000 000000 00000000000 OO 00 o o ., . 14 Ob It I ArAHTHKnr nuim 1ITH AND fXDOK TRBICTS. Apartmam conalal of ll'lnc room, draaaln room, kll'banatia and baih. Waahlr ranlal, Imludlna boat, light, aa, phono an4 mi4 aarvla, Knhar wakl or parmananl guaala. I'hona AT. J10. 000 00000 OOOOOOOOOJJOOOOOO A wtium I,,.. k riniahal naw bon, Nov. j, wlan to raaarra or I rooma with tmarg, in norm par ni cuj, ibvi e, ii;. 7 n. ut m. TVf KN'f r-KOtJHTII bT, Ia4 . 1 rooma and dan; paw fnrnaca; l; awnar wiabaa to raaarva on rood. Tl. J A. n7. I'lKbl'HAItr.V loraiad, l-room houaa, ga raga, tr.11 Marharry Aa. APARTMENTS FOR RENT, 000000 0000 000000000000 000 o UOUKT Af ARTMtffTT Ca thay ba tb came f Ttl, tb Prk War, THIS DRAKE APATMENT ar e plannad that thy mak tha moat plaal homa poaatM for lha city dwallar. Thay ar ao arranged aa In glva all the light and air you would aapact In a houa. TUB DltAKB IERVICB taka car of thoao many little drudgarlaa that com after the day work dowa town. NEW APARTMENT NOW REACT FOR OCCUPANCY. Tha A oat In , lltb and pa van port Tha rarberrr , , 4nth and :aa Tha Alhambra . 40th and Capitol Tarrare Court , Fark Ave. As Maaon Price ranging (rem 179 to 117.10 Wa eilll have a few of thoae con ventant, modarn, afflclant, one room aparimanif, with bath 7.(0 and 140. CAM, U Wr WILL TAKE TOU OUT, DRAKE RENTAL AOE.VCT, Fireproof Apartment. Cor. ITth and Howard. Ik. 2101. Opea Evening! and ftgnday. OO0OOOOO0000O00O00OOO000O NKW, Jual being completed, mod ara many new faaturee. Wall arranged, conafatfng of living room, bedroom an4 kitchen; con veniently located, at 2201 and 221T Howard etreale. price right. 40 and f',1. THE HAWTHORNE and th LONOPELLOW APARTE. PETER! TRUST COMP'ANr, "vThare Omaha Rent." AT, 1144. 17tb and rarnam (t. O000OO0O00000000000O00000 O O O WEST 7ARNAM DISTRICT O WEST FARNAU DISTRICT Na. I, St, O.orge Apia., Ill N. Ilt Ava. Chole 4 -room apart ment, good eervl-e, Will put In flrat-claaa condition for dealrabia tenant. Rent, MO. PATNE aV CARNABT CO., "Omaha a llantal Men." II Omaha Nat'l Hk. Hldg. J A. 101 000000000000000000000000 HIGHLAND COURT. 114 Harney It. On apartment left; $ rma. with I hatha; newly decorated; couth, weat and north eipoeurea; 1 block to Karnam rarllne. Call for an appoint ment. M. H. BKNNER CO., J A. 1414. OO00O0OO00000O0OO00O00O00 DUNDEE APARTMENTS. 0 1011 Underwood Ava. ' Three roam with 4-reora accommoda tion; Ivory woodwork, mahogany door a; varr deatrabl front apart ment 1 itr larg eloeet; til batb. a PATMB CAlinaai wy., 0 -Omaha Rental Ma" z ,11 w.i't Hk. nida J A. 1111 o 0 0 ooooo ooooooQ 00000000? "l re me. N. 14 Jeyc. 17th abd Caltraraia eireeia, a. ream. Na, 14 Fla !. MIS Capital Ava. 114 Ml 14 4 naiM and dial i II Menllrelle, IIS S. ltd ctraet. Ml. . I rem Na. I Petla. Ilrd a Femem atreeta. ! parrrrtS Tbl'ST COMPANT. "Vt here Omaha Rente AT 4)'44. l"b rarwam. (.ROOM aeeemmedetle apart, aeatb cad weat fraal; la eeellei( eea.titieai aadae lha iMParvteia ef eacer Thie la la a'kiag dleitara Call f pataimeatt, TbAVm RbOS, INC AT HI let bat. Rack Rids ",Ti TTIi'l f H B N 1 'A I , A . b N 0 T , Tknty fe aie'iweri kjii.l.aca. in aieitaieate. iaiafe.4 concrete, 4" U.a' ft.ei.r bla.phy b.4 af ba4i.a ap.itweal. fall 4V 4 ! ,' Vr RSHTAI, AUSNCT fUftt lrilel J ' f.,e l'ib itaaa III bit lll Sf-I ee-a . baib aa R'a I r el keeat l .i lei. eeau l.,.k4 lk.k-i. le4ai eaae f-'s h k S I 1 1 Tlaai4 ! P ee ee 4 -.m fci.i-t a ar,,4 i-,4. eaaie 4a."il lia lit H ,t i, a a-,. a, (aon atekib ee4. r'e tit lilt areafwi ia 11 ll te I K i f i ii ui a it' fttil. lallit. k.,..l I,. b -t I l a !! If el lie tee e.,.j a . b,t a, a-. ihim b-l 4 14 -.a. i J I ! tlM"lil ,.i alum i-u al a, - -a ' I- b- ,M i a, al '.4 ,)c . I ei, a t a e kiiil laicf ' " Hkl l'll lltn a t a ,.i .... 4114 APARTMENTS FOR RENT. " HT. MKUlk ArTb. " 117 jllh HI. 4 I fi4 tooni HA till. ricAVK.NHi.llTH HT, :Tul All mi.d.ra . nmni aiiaiunanl, Ml, Incluallnf alain liaal. Viiior IdNia. 4!"T HT . il.TTt-rm." rT.ala4"TiTlT "aU niodarn; oak ftnlak. l: wMh laraan, To), H AMI' II Hi . Ill Ka.lin AT FURNISHED APARTMENTS. TKI, HA 7K I'larln.U aparlrnanlaTtlat and Karnam. l-rooin aparimani, for thnaa who 4aiia anallaiit aarvka anil a bonic llh '' 4 HM api, lal? flnar frnait, a7ao4 win". 4owa. t ,-loaaia; haaf, light. Iaun4ri, plana, Hrjr, l f 1.4)3 North III 1. A.UHa. t all WK. 1141 I UII.I. fuml.h four aitiaiat aurarl liiy, whaihar yo wlah m buy or rant furnllura from ma. II A 1441 CAI.IHHIMA kT, ll'U rwim and prfvalo haih. '3 wall fiirniahad AT. 4141. 4 rma , bath, furnlahad complete; heelad; raf; adulia loll I In. ago Mi HA 1411. PAHK Ava, toil 2 and" I ri7im apart mania rurnlehed, modarn. II A. 2171. BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT to ehtaln b flrat-claaa Core building lo catan at f 40TH AND CUMINCI STREETS. IHEAL I)CATION FOR Novelty (hop, hardware or Art goodaator Pin window dlapley. Well lighted room with good ventilation; teain baat; I ft, deep, II ft, front, alcov In bark of nore. Near Cathedral and Walnut Hill dnirlrte Rent reaeonahl. For Further , Pcrtleular Call MR, V. B. TEMPLE, Omeha Hag. NEW INDUSTRIAL BI7ILDIN0, 17th and Webater St. Two) floor, each 1,70 cguare feet. Will divide apace If d.alred. Idaal for office, manufacturing, jobbing or printing. Por further Informa tion and appointment call Mr, Kllgore, DO, ivll. AMERICAN SECUlATT CO., Realtor, 1401 Dodge St, TWO OOOD LOCATIONS. Northweet corner of nth and Har ney and Soutbeaat corner of lltb and Howard. Roth locatlnne ara in modern hulldlnga wltb elaam beat fur niched. FIItbT TRUST tO. Raaltore. 400 Plrat Nat. Bank. AT. 1721 BETWEEN JITIf AND 12TH ON HOWAItD. , A elj-elnry and haeemeni brick building tlillZ, In excellent condi tion. Hae fleam heating plant, two eleitrle elevator and eprin kler eyetarn, with A. D, T. Cupar vleory earvlc. FinkT TRUST CO. 400 Flrat Nat. Hank. AT. 0721. FOR BENT. One-etory brick building, 41x1)0. Well auliad for repair or machine ahop, liood location, Juat off Karnam at 24th, Plenty of light, good ventilation and eteam heat ing plant. Ilamarkehly low ren tal of 1 1 10 per month. C, T. SPIER A CO., Itealtor. 104 'Peter Tract BMg. JA. 4167. AN EXCELLENT CORNER LOCATION. At Harney end 20th St., a good 2-atory brick building, modern, chow window on both atreete and eiulppd with large electric eleva tor. Kepeclaily arranged for auto ealo and ecrvlre. FIRST TRUST CO. Realtor. 400 Plrt Nt. Hank. AT. 072. STORE FOB RENT, On 24th couth of Harney St., elaam heat furnlahad, modern In every wey; 24th St. paving at St. Mary Ave, and Leavenworth 1c now completed and bualneac la good at thla location. For appoint ment call TRAVER BROS., INC. AT. 1144. Ill let Nat. Hank Bldf. STORKS ruR RENT MODERN atora room at 104 N. 40tb St. fur rent reaaonable. Apply F, 1. Da Temple. Omaha B. AT 1000. 1412 HOWARD ST. Fin retail ctorc. Will remodel to cult tenant. J A. 0M4. GARAGES FOR RENT OARAOK for rent, near Omaha unlveralty. 2720 Pratt bt. Phone KKi. 1121. (I AH AO K Steam heated, 211 B. Ht Bt. HA. 7124. K1VATE garage to rent, t. IK. HA. 4141. 121 8. JUh OARAUF! Steam heated. Ill S. Slat alraet. II A. 7124. MOVING AND STORAGE. 000000 OOOOO 00 oooooooooooo o o o o o o o o MOVINOI PACKINOI O o o o o o o o o o Wa aaeembla and for ward carloade of both houcehnld good a and auto mobllaa. If yog ar chipping to any of the eltlea rapre. aented ar to tawna adjacent ta our chipping point, ca uc, aa wa can cava you money, Thle week we cr a" canting ehlpmeat ta th following clllee. i.oi SAN PHARl'IbCO). ntlOAOO, II. L. IiENVEN, COl.O. KANSAS CUT. MO, o OObpON FIREPROOF WAHBIIOVkH A VAN CO,, III North rieveolb blreet, Pbea 10, IJ, omah Nab. STORAOEI suirpiNai C096o0Bnnn8o0oo9flfifld000d SUblHY brR'IE VAN CO, U..MS I- 11'blMI btoM in ellll ri"4 H-ek ii l Hd4e e4 I'leae .4 mit lb a OS AO.IKI Kb. SAN I'lbflO yt II 14-wel t allele la Na ca pe.bie. eeu.a vealia l laba b ea e '! Vca Si.iece la. JA !. ,a iih,Hwii o aaeera " lublSa ..Wall. S '"' " II H .at I......-1H , fa 1H ta e .. aHM 41m N- ! J ! I' i -race v.. RONDi IfOCKl MOKtOAUH liixy ii ttt ii-,1 l in i It I , 'a a n l- . . I , In . - h - I ! I aa . m. .,.. , . ...i I a i p.. a I i ,, Ick a I i "i, I I'tit 11., i - e . lis. 4-4 ,., .l I ' 4 a a -' . v . a . -a a. -4 a, a ui !-, i THE SUNDAY BEK : OMAHA. OCTOBER 29, 1022, BONDS, STOCKS, MORTGAGES i " bAI.Vor IIIKIilATION IIUM'H Noll., la brhy given thai on Thuiaday, Kavamhar 1. 111. at I p m at Ha otfl, iii Daoree t' lier' law effir ia rill. Nao., the Mamaharn Irnaatl-m I'la-Iri- t will offer fur Bale t the highaat fur aab Ha emlra fuel laaue of honala amount ing lo I.J 411 le, baanng I p, r rai t In laraal, peyaiile ntianaually. P-ainl pro- poaala for lha purrhaee of bol.da Will be re.eived unlil the day and hour ehove aamad, the Hoard reerving tha right lo i.iart to any and an n'ua. moe am, .. la tnalltd la i. T. Logan, See., Morrill, Nab. CHATTEL LOANS foT o 1 N K O V I TfT LE, hk A I t" ' A b 1 1 f 3A.t,0 too , ew or cny nther amvunt loaned at leea Uica 'Vo 'iVd'lepc, no publli-lty, eecy pcy. monia, confidential. Thirty yeer In bud' OMAHA I.OAN COMPANY 10 Karl.a.h Mlk. T'l. Ja, ZH, Souihwct Cor. 14th and I 'one, Sic. (uX l o liiena. II end up onwec. cere end f'irnif'iie: cnnoniei; 111 World-IUleld Hldg. ik It'll. T LOANS ON REAL ESTATE I Prill I'K.NT MONKT. Under benkerc recerve i)iim, I p-r rent loenc nicy be e, ru'ed on cny or rerm properir, iv our, I,,,, 1,1 ittrva ur nev Indabtadnrae. riankerc Iteeerve Depuclt Co., Oje l.lailrlo lllilg , lienvr, i mn,. WK beve eeeb on" band to Ivaa ea Orach 'aa'd."'.... H iotmKK (NC 121 Keellne Hldg STRAIGHT 4-ear Inane, lej par sent ltl, OltANT I'll. 101 S lllh, Arthur Hldg. AT, ll LOW RATK MONET, No daley III rloClllg W, T. OBAHAVI.7ii4 PKTKItk TH. BUM. () M A HAH M .H K A b T " N P. II, FARM O KEKPK HKAL KSTATK CO., 1011 Om NctHkIIWgj J A. 1711, Farm Loans N.b',,f:rrrBr:n;V.n Klukc lnvaclmentC,l4lOmNct'l llk 'lTo T loana made promptly. F. D WKAU and l. M. UoWlfAN 110 S. lllh bt WeC4 Hldg. AT. OIIL FIRST mortgago loan mad promptly oa Omaha reel aetata, bhopeo Co., Real tore. J A. 442. 214 Keelln Uldg. iiiuviM liVtl,M cat Omeha Nat. Uldg. ON IMP I'ROI'BRTr. NO bin.AT, f, H. M1TIIKN pay mnet for LIBERTY BONDM 121 I'l'V Nat'l Hank Hid. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. A OKHIAN PLEATING. ACCORDION. SIDE, anifa, bo pleating, covered buttonc, all ctylec; heme! liming, botlonhclrc wrne ideal iiunon a reel ing Co,, 101 Hrown lllock, Omaha, Neb. Telapbon J A. 11 XT-U 7D1Mn4.(nn. Hanietlchlng, IX CU. I ICdllllg Covered Hultonc 1114 Karnatn, accond floor. J A. caiv. lAN4:NU ACADEMIES, I.KAftN to nana for 14 at KEEP'S III! Ifarnalfl. :iMkaa moo,, wen, ana en, ma-hie. Dancing Tuac . Thura., bat. end bun. nlgh'e. f'rlvet leacon by appoint nienle. J A. 1470. ItK.NTINTS, DENTAL X-rere. lOo eeubi II full let. Ill Sacurltl'c Hldg., lllh and rarnam. IrF.rr.CTIVPb. Independent Deiei'llv Uurecu. 104 Neville hik. AT. tiuoi; fiignt, wa, 04t,; nr., nine REL1A HLK D't'ctlve Hurreu. Hallway r.. Hldg,, jA,2nr,4; nigntK. 4i2, JAMKH ALLAN, 312 Nivlll Ink, lCvldanc eoiured In ell caae. AT 1134. llltKKHMAKINO, MUM. M'MT. 2Z3 Dewey Ave. Tailoring. draaameklng, alterelloria. 1IA, 2ilZ4, Draemuklng, alteration and all klnda ol cowing. Mra. J. (.', Miller, call wk. 174) DIIKMKMAKINU and plain cwlng r(. wk. uvea. Pi lot, culla roinodaled, rellneil. HA. 04, DltKHHMAKIN'l, wk. urL UAJM, PUKH, cultc VmodnledTheea. HA. I4I4."" XlT'-T (hUA TtCl ri ami kTlTg. AT 44?7" Fi.KHir.Rb. f'TTpG Itemodelrd, rellned, cleanad, UXVO Lateat mndelc, Herkowlt Fur Co., 2111 Leavenworth Bt, HAJtUt. Vliit coata. tilaln end trimmed. 140 UD. Mink rape, 00; now located at 424 Pal tun block, Mra. McNamera, pttpc repaired, it,modled, lowed price A wavw Ou deloln Kur CO., 11)20 Jiougiae, JKWF.LKK DIAMONDS , Wa bar tha beat nrlcee with privilege to buy back at cmeii r""'. .'.""v JKWEI.RY CO., Omeha, Neb,, 403 N. Ilth Mt. Telephone DO. 04. . KODAK UNlnlllNO. PH-MM DICVKLOI'KD PItEE. Tha Km Ign -'o Ml Howard St. M ATTHKHHKH. OMAHA PILIvOW CO. ycainer. ra- novated and inane uv u-- l"!""" urnof ticking. 197 Cuming. J A. 2447, "PATENT ATTORNEYS. W. MARTIN, Patent Atlorney, 1713 nAm mum o. Alio waemnaion, C. I help Inventorc cell Ihclr patentc. PBIN'nNO. F.DHY Printing Co. tlVs, It Bt. HO. 47 TRKK TRIMM1NO, TUKB trimming don by prlc, full line chrubc end fruit trcec. Call uc for tree advice. Have ekent commlealonc. HOME lANDi;A"Bi ct,niw 11 North 24th rlt, -A, IH. VACl'l'M CI.F.ANRHM, Tp'kV "ci.KAXKRS FOR RENT, With aUai-hiiient; 76o per dev. Phon Jeokvon 4ii4 M IM KUA NEOt'e) ANNOI N K.MEXTS. OARAOK8 built, any ctylo and cite, lioo up. Concrete wora. nicann wimmi m Wrecking Co. Tel. WK. 4614 PRKFCRIPTIONS" cerefully compoundad at tha I Sherman McConnell Drug Htorec. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. FOR RENT. One-otory brick building, 42il0. Wall culled fur repair or machine chop. Hood location Juat off Kar nam at I4tb. Plenty of light, good ventilation and ateam heating J lent. Kemerkably low rental of 110 per month. C. T. SPIER A CO., REALTORS. 0 Pet etc Truct Bldg, JA. 4IIT. 0000 500000000000000000000 We have ceveral Ford edane pilecd very rcccooabla. It will pay you I aae them befura buying. w ?CE Paul.ou Motor Co., Aulberlied Ford end Llaoola tieeiera. lltb and Acne Ava. KR. llll. oo ooooo 0 oo ooooooooooe oooo St W and uaed aia ai a leiae raah ar time, all modal care from .,l end up F'l't .bedlea an winier mra tint I'artti'H Al in pi"" j a IK, lH nareay pi. MB beig.u.a In ee.4 leidai rmv ahvaiy f ..r'',. Ml arrna,T aiii'n The llaede i4 baolv S'cHea Ilia e.l Je.keue, ale I'', lata IfltH lie' a am i"i luaa, la '..'"., C K r-At IJn.N M . Tub , 4b t Aa ....... . kkW a'-1 va. I l''la. ak !" I' H I'ALIanS k.iHH IM, Aelkla'4 I 4 4 l le-Ji lalart b ki 1 1 4 aa 4 A' e ,l l M'lHI 1 t i-l.ll lib e. i lv loyriM v. I -- i-e ii ea Hxb i tll , I'll (. bi ' 4ll w In j HIUm m..i b.,fi. 4 '''' ,sr i. a... .1 v.aaaa ! a-,, i. l i U. I .. Il eilal'll,,,. S(, kt . ,,.,.,. .., I ,., F H.kl, a. th l ,,,,mi U a i,a I ,.. I'.aliel I nil t. ram ll III I I '"' ' ait'l a ik e a be AU lJl . PP"""aaBpjaBBeiaaMaa - FA KM I rOH HKNT t II t Ah I AMI. k, t !' I '" . , kwv AM' I ib a I; i vi, t p ii ll t the, AM' At. li I at 14 4 ti 1 1. a , i 4t 1 f 4I U 9 1 1 ( 1 I ' : i II 11 l i I I. il, I b . .ii. i I'll R I at i a a. ,1 AUTOMOBILES FOR SAIE. CAI-II.LAt? I Hr-D I AII Dr.i'ARTelhNT A SAPK 1'I.ACK TO lltir. Trpa IT Touring tlwid merbaiil ,al ronilltlnn. Tirea felr. J net rMpalhinl iluelpruof giay color. New lop. I.ooka and rum fine. Typa 17 J'heeiun Thl I cue ef lha nh'eet tare wo have hc4 In a lung lime. N.ely pamlad in dark blue color Me I rot are. Fur lour or five peeaangaro. Typo II Rnedeter Newly paint ed. In fine m-i lianli al condition. A dandy tar fur lha buclnaec men r caleaman, Trpa II Touring In oacellent condition. Newly peinted dark green. Vary good lltea, Typo II Touring Ued 100 mllea only. You couldn't tell II from l.r.nd new. I'elnled Bale gieea with cream wlla w haa la. A beau tiful rar at a great eavlng la pile. Typ II Touring Ilea alwar bed enellarit rare, Ioke and run fine. A cer Ihct will give yaer and year of aervlc end emllafcc- Hun. Theea ar all RK-NKW-EH and tarry Hi Hencen guarcntac. Tha advatilagec of accurate work rnenahlp and flna machinery ar preeent In lha t'adlllao to a de gree Ihct would nol be poaaiblc In a haw car of I coat, Thea adventagee ara the aamc whether the i-er he purchaaed new or Ur; NI.W-KD, W'e ar In a pocltlen I trade preeent rar at what It I worth, or give you time payment, HE NEW-EIr ej 1)1 I.I.ACS PIIH KI) FROM nvO TO M, Id OPEN TODAY UNTIL NOON A Safe Place to Buy J. II. HANSEN CADILLAC CO., HA, 7I, Faraam at lllh. OC OOOOOOOOOOOO 0000 000000 3 o o O You Hon t Even Need o o o o o o to Take Anybody's o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o' o 0 o o o o 0 o o o' o o o Word for It Wh'n you, yourcelf, have prnvs a thing, you ara eiitltlal to h'lleve In It. Wo not only guarantee every uard car wa cell, but our liberal uacd car guarantee enehlec you to prove to your own cntlafectlon that you got a good uad car when you buy It here. You era permitted to return the mr any time within on waak end g"t another or your mony If the car la, not exactly a repreaant'4. EVERT ONE OOOD. ' Rulclc Elgin Ford Dodge. Chevrolet Overlend Oakland bteerm-Knlght Wlllya-Knlght. Rnedeter, Touring, Sedan!, Coupe Torm. No Finance Charge, Wjllyn-Overland, Inc. 2142 Karnam St. Open Sunday. Open Evening, o o o o n oY o o o o o o o o o o ,0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c o o o o o o 00 OOOOOOOOOOOO 00000000000 Fords Fords New abd TJeed, Cach or Tim. We hav tbera all price all modal. H ur and ore u befor you buy. McCaffrey Motor Co., "Th Handy rurd Service Station,' Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealer. IMhand Jackcon Sta. DO, 1400; 00000000000000000000000 3 0 O USED CANS. ALL MAKES, ALL MOPELS. Hupmobll touring, 1)10, Naah touring, 1271, Forda ICO up. New Kurd touring run Ion than 1,000 mile. O O O o o o o O MANY OTHER BAROAINS. TERMS O O O o Andrew Murphy & Son, " 14th and Jackann St. Open Sunday. O O O 00 00 OO0O00OOO0000O00000O 1-ton truck, ell new uneumatlo Urea. A-l condition. 4335 Wirt St. Of.iiH "" touring, 1276, bargain, KE, ytl. Body, fender repair. 2311 Her. J A. 4744 H"LI.V, expert ailio trimmer. 112 S 24th VKlTb, very good, I If.. KB. 174.1. TRj;CKSTRACTORS, ETO KOtH 3 14 -ton Ropuhllc truck eijulppej wllh dumji bodice, hydraultc hnlata nnd cuhe. all In good mechanical condition, vultaMn for road graveling or coal haul ing. Priced right for qub-k aale. Steven Ci'rpnratlon, 416 South Fifth atreat, Mln naapnlla. aMHMPMHMPMPaBMMMMMWMBaaaPHHaM COLORADO LANDS. COLORADO land bargain, 124 per cere; 1,100 acre Irrigated otock, grain and hay farm cloac to Iienver; fine Impravemente. If you are looking for a good Inveatment write ( haa. I'ettereen. Kllaaneth, Cols. NEBRASKA LANDS 40 ACRES In Sarpy county, nicely Im proved, 10 acrea unable, belanca feature, plenty of fruit. I'rlca 11,000. Will take la houeo up lo 11.100, II end 11 well Improved, eery cloaa to Omaha. One to be on paved road a It I being paved at preeent time, a coat to tho wnr. Roth priced la cell. I a era In Harpy Co, Improved, very pro ductive I'rlre lit 19 Thic Ic a food one. PMANK Ob A II A If 4!l Omaha Nat Hk. IH4. ar Pli It Rpringfield, Neb. Ill Ai HM with IMu worth ol Impruve mania; una mile fiom railroad elation: la lai.d In Ii, i) J rounm, .Nakraake lUa T-roum hnuee, ha ra with hay loft, row tare, granary and erib and other build. tne, lue a,-rra la corn, baiant-e paaiure Will ronaldar fiineba raai.lvere ca pail t.anieni I'-ir i-ri. a. tarma, ate, eddraae Ii. .IJ4, i'. a ha ll-e l)tK4r biaait ler aa,e. te cetlle eaiele. i , i e-1- i..t uualMy aura ae4 alfalfa a, ual in, alrak c "a,.i et,.ti ' t.e.-ad e4 i r.e le,4, i-Mt I. rxip h. iaiaa bre. ihr lunditi, .u.a ant Uce beating erbarel Ad. I,... ' ,!.(., I.. ane'Ml ' lll tb Corp. t -i I'.-riiai.l ma A Ii, x'll tiVk! M' i li af ! I eivia o-4v eaa caaka a,Mi.e I e urn llal aaIU. a w,lla a,4 a " Vk ataite KawtaaMr. I I V t . I. .i .a w.- ee I t I - . w I,., , tiiilr.l Hft Y i ) IV I t I i . Iv - ' it 1 I (I. I ILlurf, ii ii, i a 4. a WANTED REAL ESTATE. Charles" V. Young" & Son H-ml Kalal". li-nlaia. loeuranre. I mi.' City Nat Ilk AT. 4I. t,lat miir h, ilur yutir hum. BINDER & OTIS, To Mmv ur Hrll llrnHht Mr., Mull, H- FOWLER & M DONALD Ma in her a Millllple I. latin K( Itrallore "Tukey Sold It" A. P TI'KKT bON. Iteallore. JA. 4111 I3IRKETT llKAI. KHTATH S'llc. Rente, Inaiirc l I) I'elera Truat Hldg, J A. 0411. C. T. Spier & Co., Realtors in) iv tun irjii ninr. iw, GRUENIGW Co. wllh tor ntilck rcaullo 141 Klrct Nat'l Hank Hldg.. JA, 1144. OtMiH I.IHTlNfiS COME TO I'E WB HKI.L THEM. HI ! REALTY CO AT 1111. I l hi' Joii'r hfirnva lor aula with ua W hate the cuatomere. PAYNE'f MKNT I ()., Itealtor. LINT your property with W, Parnci SmliR Co, 112 Pcrnaiu St Rarity Co, ItaaltoM. AT. 1411 K. I' HobTWIi'K, reel 'alcie, AT, M04 Tib:i,T 7eT (lliiver-M'ireil, AT li VVeetern 7lal Eat'ate Co. JA. 4I willerd t blahaugh H'aHor J A llll. W ANT TO IIOKKOW. WANT In horruw IZSuoii; have II0.0U0 gilt edge peraonil cui-urltlrc ec cullcteial li w no, omeha lice. VACANT PROPERTY. $10 Down And II per month, no Internet, D fool cnuih front lot, illy water and aidewalk In, on biata dreat, baiwaan llnl and 24ih clraata, In Plur'nce. I'rlie J"" One coal leat wi"k, nly hav on left, THA VEH IlllOS. INC., AT. 1114. Ill Plrat Nat, Hk, Rldf, Trackage flood for coal yaid, contractor' Inaterlala nr fa. lory puriioeea. (me hloik long Fort clreet to Ogden clreet, between 14th and 17th ctrerl. I'rlre 11,000, Term If di'Klrod, funli-r Information, TRAVKR HROH. INC,, AT, Hill, 111 Flrat Nut, Hk. Bid. Fine Guilding Sites Paved ctrct. Improvement In and paid for. Nir car and e' honl. Will' hiillil on any of them i,n ey tnrrne. Lot and l-room home will coat 14,10(1 or l-, Term, Mr. Campbell. WA, 1704, FORTIETH, between Karnem and Podge, three luta facing weat. Excellent oppor tunity to laaae one ur all on favorable beal. Suitable for cture, apartment, ga rage. Shed! Iiivfstineiit l.o,, th floor Sunderland Hldg. JA. 42, LOTH WANTED HAVE THREE I'AMli nUYEItS. CALL ,A. 2411. FIKB A PltlCK, III CHy Nat. Rank. PMK Stewart, horn agent, for ItaJatoa lull, acrfuK'i Inir ta. Lot, 1200 up, tenna, Tel. Ualaton ln-w. WILL build to your ordat on our beauti ful lot In F:dgwood; very cccy itrme AT-lenuc 6170 ON Sherman Arveniie, near Corhy, ho two frontline, price 4,6u, , n, L'tSHO. KLM WOOl" PARK. JA. 4142, SALE OR EXCHANGE. Want Omalia Property 440-acre raneh. nee Valentine. Neh., well Improved, r-rli l,000. Will carry 6,000. OnnaUler car part payment. 1,120-acre ranch nenr North Platte, Neb. Finely improved. Ill per acre, encum brance lio.ouu, 140 ecrec mar Weyburn, Sack., 10 acre In crop; clear. 13.000. Shedil Investment Co., 6th floor Sundorlund Hldg. JA, 4264. TO KXCIIANOE Flna country home of 140 acre, vell Improved. 3 mile to coun ty eat town of 3,000 people. Koulty worth 117,000, nothing due fur three year, went Htrok merchiindjae or hardware. Am neither farmer nor trader. 'If Interacted writ me. Will giver real deal. Want liualneea. Addrcac V-2070, Omaha Ilea. FLEET of 10 truck, flrat-clca condi tion, f'rl.e 17,600. Will treda for clear real eti or mortgage neper. Might put In com canh. CO II KIN, III Omaha Net. Hldg., Omaha, Neb. ROOMS FOR RUNT OWN ten ecrec fruit land In the Grand Valley near Urend Junction, Colorado. 1'ric ci.ouo 1111. My cuuiiy iiinouu. will conalder a uaed car In trade. Ford coupe nr aeUan pruferrcd, Box 143, Red Ooak owa. . 640 ACRED good Cherry county land for ante, 110 par acre, or will exchange for Omaha property, ecpectally good houaa and lot, AT. 1723, 11.400 KQUITY in lot facing Lake Krle, Clevelatnl vicinity. Addreaa Ho W-554, Omaha. Bee. 20-ACHK California ranch near Modnato, value 14.000, for reelitence t'roiierty or go Ina ImalneHa. Hox V'-r,74, Orniiha llec. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. Furnished St. Louis Brick " Flat fine of the beet looking brick - flats In Omaha end located eapec la'ly well; 4 room and bath down; 6 roome, eleeplng porch end baih oa accond floor; hot water heoAv aeparet heating planic and ctorc roomc; building guaranteed to bo In perfect chape. Klecuntly furnlahed throughout. Immediate pneeeeeloo. Thlc properly can bo handled with a email down payment to re liable, perty. Further Informa tion by calling bundey, Rant. K. Murhtel, AT. 17!5; Carl II. Hooe, AVA, 1417. J. J. Mulviliill, Realtor 10 Hrcndelc Th Hldg. J A. IU. New Store Location Thirty-third cad Iiavenporl bt.. corner : - - ; . jii. paving an paid ' ? , uh ci rear va.anl la build eiorc cad e reg ufan. Tbia le a wonderful lo,'aiioa In en unre.lil. tad i uumier. lat cone. Tlli e f lee O'Krrfo Heal F.tate Co., l Umabl ,vt Hk Rli J. 1"' Illrtlllt'lll4 On if the bt buc urn Ike l.t i.U ft. wllbta bueiaea 4 lrl, I a-e v al ef a ee tbie wnl a4 ut iaaa ' 4 al j Aiurrit an Sccurhv (!o., I m M'l h,.lce bl t IVice Hrilui-ril W'arrliiiu ru ei I a, b l.. l'.i w. i r i ! ! . I ' e I . anfc l b a -4 l a r . I ' a ) .. .ia t m I . . Wtlll.l WU ll.. a hi' a,. . " t Vw liiiil. Mori lluil liitg j - . , , vt , ,aae "' - "4 ! . . . . . .,.. - I i ill '- ' i I , ,. a I j iti. i l.lnMT SpAlll, l(tf eltltar -I in a a a. VACANT PROPERTY. 00600000006 600 000 00060060 o r vVbt Dodge Country Home 14 crea. I mllea weet of Fclr-e-ree. north clde, nice grove tnial eru, I Se alory bungalow, wlih lerg rooma. fiieplace, furnace; I walla; garage, large hern; chicken houae. A fine abow place; Iniprovementc ai 4111110 I'rlre. 4tet as aire. O'Keffe Real Estate Co., Hcaltori O 1011 Omaha Nat Ilk JA. ITU. O 00 00000000 000000 ooooooooq 0 0 0000 000OOOOO 00 OOO oooovo o Four acre of good land, eoraer C' Raymond liedlrk Ave. For cclc ct O a bargain. Call AT !. J- R O Rohlnion, 141 Pcterc Ttuat Hldg, O O O y9OOO00POOOO0OOOOOO0P00QQ Llll.: ,,aa aood I III lr o v einm B, rill' place for ctorkman or chicken farm: al binckc from paved clreet on tlilmore road; price, 11,000; will ik 11,000 dowa ami 6 par month. AT. 1113 CENTRAL PROPERTY 278 Davenport Save carfare, rent a room, 1 large roomc, all mod , hot water heel, oak flnlah, I'rlre only 14.6011, annul i,". Kaxp Hroii., Healtori Realtors II Keellne Rid. AT. 1711 NORTH SIDE PROPERTY. 0 0000 00000000000000000000 o o o o o () o o o o o 'PRESSED BRICK BUNGALOW Oarage to Match 2 1,3 1 Titus Ave. o o o c. o o o o o Containing large rooma nn lha firat floor and 2 roomc on the acc ond floor, Every room finlahed In oak with onk pollahcil floora, lliillt-lli hath nth, pedratal lava tory and til floor with many nthir hnllt'ln feeturec lo match. Full cenienf hcaetnent with guar antied furnace. All rnnma highly decorated with the latect electric future to match. Ixmk thlc over Itu.idiiy Term 12,000 or more caali. aliince I7.60 per month. Price 11,11,0. Keya fjrat door weat. Call owner, KE, 27ft. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ooooooooooooooooooooooooo 6-Roorn Dutch Colonial Juat completed. Living room, din ing room, kitchen flrat floor; three fine hedrooma and bath cecon4 floor; finlahed In oak throughout; nicely decorated; fine lighting fu ture; wall plugc, kitchen cabi net, etc. Kn.t front lot 41146. You won't find anything to com pare with It for tha price 16,7(0. Term, Located 4144 Florence Hlvd, Open today, KB. 4022. Norris & Norris, REALTORS.' 1602 Dodge St. Phone J A, 4171, Home Bargain $7,500 Home for $6,800 My utrlclly modern 7-room oak flnlNhM horn, with veitlliult, eont cluMft, lanr llvlnic room, colonrmda opening with chln raliftiftN to lovly din I riff room, which had bsn)4 clllnga and pantled wall, Hun room, hand HUrhr-n, front and hark atalra; 3 bedroom each with cot, -rlnnid mcplnc porrh, good bath, atnlra to floorad attic. Full f nint bnmnt with fruit room and coal ronm. LovIv Jot faclna; Koiintzn rark. Eaay terma. Moving to California $8,500v Home for $7,500 Thl Btrlrtly modern oak flnlihrd home, wllh eunrnom, large living room with fireplace, well arranged dining room. Kitchen with built in cupboanla; I corner hedrooma, large cloaota, good bath. Well llghlcd baaeinent. Exterior atucco, lentllo roof and brick foundation. Cloaa to car and echool. Kacy term. Muat he nld, Fike & Price, RBAI.TOHH. JA. 5414. Ill city Nat. Bk. Rldg New Bungalow in Minne Lusa Thl home la lllrl mmnl,t.rf and m.u .,r o.iooory rive large room finlahed In oak and enamel with oak floora throughout. Fireplace; bnokcaan; fine kitchen cel.lnet; hullt-ln eeat In dining ie reajiy a oeuuiy, are It at once, lo.f.oi) .ml ll.ono each, bunday'c .H., r. . or n n, ,,il, C. T. Spier & Co., Realtors 304 I'elera Truat Hldg JA. 4157 Two Minne Lusa Bungalows cowman Ave., a room, all on on floor, oak and enamel flnlah. mod ern In every way. garage, now va cant. Price only 16,150; about ll.2r,0 each. Whltimye Ave. I room, living room acroaa the front, fine place, buffett, mirror door, bookceaea, etc, all In fine condition. Price onlv I4ID0: about rain. Rasp Bros., Realtor! Keellne Rldg. T. 0711. SIOVINO to California VvTil call l'yeer. old eta big room hnuec on Florence Jtlvd.; location ona of tha flneet, wllh lawn, ahrulia, etc ; rooma with oak flnlah, oak floorc; futurec to match; walla beautifully papered; full cement beeement, wlih plaa tered coal bin: coal chute; cupboard In kitchen: a reer entry; chadea and ccreenc. lirlve out ta 4411 Florence Hlvd and cee It Will nol refuce good offer. KK 4141. Sevan. Hoom Modern Oak Flntlh. Oaraa, corner Int. cloaa In; want offer Call Owner. AT 4IU or IT A. ITI4 1717 "liKCATCR TRm . Mod. ii 'beaT; I lot; Hot each, balance monthly, Crelgh. IM Ilea J A. 410 a'a'.w'm NEW an-room Hutch colonial heoee; oak flnlah yact front, fin location; priced I l K MI CK I'll bay e4 call kelnaa SOUTH SIDE PROPfeRTY. An Opportunity :iO.I O: S. Ave. ! o ( o ' o n O 1 o : o Ooaer, . f ..! aelele la Ik l, . H C' ',' I an. a va. ere ere e-.ei.. !, vel'aa U'Qe ptafllC Wl.lkh C'e C',ie Id t4Hi lih a fw el.-rl a'o t allf.-.e aa ha a iiai a4 . a aa Ifcaeo ea.Miiftal l,i. v Hn a I ale i'!t t I tiM,M, a4 a.aaii ! O .b a1! M'l-ie uo ..,ar ' .re M.a I l, ..- 1 1 1 aMvi!a t . I H h ,i ,., 1 4 l it . P. Tukrv A Oil, f. a i ii y i tha ii,,o it 11 t J Hf'l T.r H.b..taJ ' i Mt I at.AAt,r i h ) tlV". ft .? ) 1 1 4) I k fpv 4) l ' 4... sm f v.'. 1 ; 9 - f44a fm tV 4) ? t- ft i , i : a, V-,.l In ,, , k -14. , . p t ft I i ' . t t '..ff, -p.lnf M , j SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY ooooooooooooooooooooooooo RltA.NI ' bungalow, 4141 l-opplelon Ave. Tbi b'aullful borne, teedy lo muva rlhl In, bee five lane rooma and beih n una floor; vek fluora throughout, oak and Ivory enamel weod, woikl preeeed brick foundalloe; gee clove laimpy and bull! -ID rub IHiarda In kitchen; lw linen rloaeici large iitc wllh T win dow Prlic, 14,30. r.cconaule lerma Open for Inepectlon today. Call WA. 1014. fATNB a CARNART CO., ,i,'a Hanlal Man." 0 O o t o O O 0 o t o o o Ill Omahc Nct l Hk. Hldg JA.IJId OOO OOOOOOO OOOOO 0Oei"0 00O o o Facing Hansroin Park On Crelehton Avenue, l-room home well built and atlracllvely arranged, veeilhule. coat clocat. long living room, fireplace, book- reaea. timing room, French floora In ciin room and Ian kltchea, flrat floor; I hedrnoma. aleeplng porch end bath, cecond; floored attic; nak floorc throughout! healed gaicge; lolli't III hae. n ill. About 4 lo ! oneh will handle. Owner nrual cell end will conalder any reaonehle offer, riiindMV rail KK. 4Jr; WA. OITI: WA, 1 11 or i 4. It: row ler & MrDonaW, Realtor. j aj 4!4 VliSlLtL'LV!!-. Hanscom Park Dibtrict Five nice tight roomc on flret floor All modern and In good condition. I 'toe In Wlndany a hoot. Large lot, 0ill7, with garaga. alley and paved ctreet, NIc ahrubhery, ehade end hedge. I'rlred at ll.lto nr reaaenablc lerma. Today call HA. 1131. F. C. Il'iracek & Co., AT, llll, 140 Flrat Nat, Hk. South Side Grin TIVK ItOOMN OX ONK KI.OOK, ffKO Tlatnid rtHlriK-t, ianrld walla, art lad Mahtlna riitutft, brat plumblnir Ownr tin a puri-htiard la tor hntita, art aubmlt nur own ((rma. Iirattd nar 1 4 1 h and U a"rla W. Farnani Smith & Co., 1110 Karnam "I. JA, 0414. HA. HIT. OOOOOOOOOOOO 00 0001 00 OOOOO o 0 O o o o Close-in Bungalow Five room, ell on one floor, at tic and haement. Juat completed. Cn l poclon at once For full Information call WA. 1411, o o o ooooooooooooooooooooooooo n r. v. ii pa it k hoi ' i,f. v a n i Rrand new huncr, low complete, 14,110, I room, Irauilful raat front Int. Call Franklin, JA. QUI, COTTAOF. for rent. 410 bouth lid Bt. Modern. Cai.' WA. I0S4. a WEST SIDE PROPERTY. Here Ia an 8-Room House YOff WILL L1KB. NOT TOO LA ROR, AN7 NOT TOO SMALL Three bed roome, eleeplng parch end bath on accond floor. Oak floorc, while enamel woodwork, mahogany door One bedroom I extra larg. Lot of clocetc Downitalra. largo living room aernaa front, aun parlor, larg dining ronme-and yob will cgrca It haa one of the moat attractive kitchen you'vo over ceen. Full cement baaement, hot air heat. Two-car garaga with driveway. Thla houaa Ic lecc then a year old. Nice Incctlon. New neighborhood. Two blockc from fin echool and from Dundee and Cuming car line. Near 4Ict Street. Owner aeka 11,000, but don't fall to go through thlc houaa and let ui cub. mlt your offer. Termc arranged. Sunday call Mr. Brogan, HA. 0141. E. H. Benner Company, RealtorcL 401 Keelln Rldg. JA. llll. Brand New Brick and Kellastone Bungalow $5,825 Juat completed a brick and Kclla eton bungalow, conclatlng of fln eet material; oak floora, every modern built-in convenience, Standing on a high, alghtly lot, cite 45134. Located at 4(41 Pop pleton Ava., In Omaha' cloae-ln addition. Can be bought with u low a pay ment ac 11.000 each, balance tb came ac rent. Reedy for Immedlat ocoupanoy. n. A. Wolf Company, 111 Saundera-Kennedy Bldg. Atlantic man Sunday cell Mr. H. H. Auerbaeh, AT. lilt. $210 balance In monthly payment. Trice, 14,160, Lot, 10x140, on grade; Juat a few feet from new pavement on Military avenue. A fine loca. tlon. Tho houaa I rooma. ctrlctly mod ern, almoat new. 24x34' on th floor; heat of plumbing flxturee, lighting flxturee, ahailra, acraene; gaa run to kitchen end laundry apace In baaement: decorated, Levi plate French doorc be tween living end dining roam. Call HA. 6200 now and arrange an appointment at your conven ience, Grove-Hilihard Co., AT. 416. Sunderland Rldf. New 7-Rooni Bungalow On 46th Ave. In Clalrmont, California atyle, well built, nlcelv arranged, very at tractive, exceptionally large roomc throughout, flrepla.-e. tuokceea. unronm, breekfaat room, til batV end built-in tub and other attractive fratureo, oak floorc. naa anti wnne enamel rinian, eact rront lo foot lot, paving paid. We can recom mend without crolngtee thla heme In every detail to the moct dlcerlmlnctlng ni earerui nuj er. aunfley call KH. 4141; WA, lJ4; JA. 14M or WA 417. owler MrDonaM, Realtors JAI414 111 City Nqfl pk. Rldg. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O o o o a o o o o o o rt O Ftlgewontl Bungalow Now a4ev eeinetructloa. fin ef the ctaeiee! hunealowe oulatde cad la la lb a kraui ful bunealow addi. ttA l',ve aalra targe fine roome f'rai-laa. tile be'h, bum. In toh Rtaakfa! aouk, eic , eivaiilluaaiiv wall vnairu, l,l, II ftt.. lot l4r oil lMf..rn,ali-a rait llrent Rn ae au'i.lav m l avvnieg Vt 9 Hfixtm (larinii hdc, o AT l4 a 411 feltea R:e. h f CbfiepnOOODuOaf OoOOOOICI ("it! Je lir(.'.liu $1,610 'IVriu 4 ia..)l ,,,., at ! a i au, it, , i. e f.,t a, a i ' n ic f' i i.. a'l , .i .. a. b- i j -r a- " i i i , i.d : IMI 4 . ; a. V 4 na - I J. I. Ili-Hi rnt4nvl v e r 4 l M ! j 44 . aj , - I t h ' mi H te . - 4, - , bH " w"- ftb, : T i a, UpHUcI je )l f. 1ft ft. ib - c. a-i fc t -4n a il u I' ., Hi . v al b. I- a -, i i a AVRa Ut. tVM At k '' ' f ' f ay-d j -( 44 i I' lt i Ml I ii' I I II. 4 41 4 k. .4 I i -- . e - 44 fr icm,,I'M le ,,,',. ' a,., itl la '4 . a, '-1 4, ,'? r - k , . . . i. I -a. i'a h 1 .a. I 4 4144 IHt (.. leak 14 I 4 . .. in . t e,i r J I . Hull t 4, kt i l III 1 ' 4R, lill' I-4C , . 4 , i te -.... Il K. -a I le "II II. 14 4) IfrfceM id) .. a 4aa , b Mob 4 ! , 9 e4 a.l 41 - a l I