The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 29, 1922, SPORT NEWS WANT ADS, Image 18
ft D THE SUNDAY IJEE: OMAHA. OCTOBER 29. 1922. Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Omaha Grain 1 1 Chicago Grain Live Stock mulia, Oct. I. Our market thoMtU a tecly ion and higher pile around th ipn Ihg In ymi-lhy With the tfeiigib In Uverpool wheat cable ar4 th lItf i port demand for wheat and ry. Th drgutli In Australia wa alto a f ii tor, aa wa tha continued dry condition In our et and smith wt. On tha artvunr profit tn kloff aulia pprd and price declined, "niUt undr Wat night's final fig ura. fMreipt r,f wheat at 'mishit wer (4 car, -Jiit 21 cai laat yeur; euro (I ttra, tualnet 21 rare; nut 4d rara. aaalimt Jo rara. Total ahlpmenf war 121 rara, against 121 car a yi-ar agn. Caah wheat on thft fnnah fl'mr wus In fair demand, with pricr-a un charigtj t 1 taut lower. Corn wna uncliaiiged to cent lower. Out aold lit generally unrhiingrd (irlcca. !( waa unchanged t rent lower. Barley nominally wus unchanged. WHKAT No, J do lt held, i i.r, II II (2 I i r Cent durum. No. I 4rk herd: far, ft JJ; f rare, ll lemuity); i rtt; III iimuoy1; I 'am, II 20 Nv I dark hard: 1 car, l IJ I p.r i' h'at daid, ahlpi'fr.' w.lghi), b" 1 barl win'ei: 1 far, II r.: 1 , tl 14, No I hard wmier; t r, 11)7: SI? '.I., Ill); I r, 1 H, I r.ft, l H. 2 nr. l II .No 1 hard wim.ri I car, II II; I car, 11.11; I fr, II M N 4 hard winter! i far, II II r iram h'el damagco, I lieid winter; I rmr, II 1 (itn.aiyl k.mpla herd winter: Car., II I ill a.vlll; I rr, II II (Hie wl..l, I nr, II i ill per rani rr.i, I rat, II II (live waevlll, '-ar, I'"" 14 per (ri,t limt damee-adl; I car, 4c (4 pif coit beat damaged I, Nu 2 yellow hard; I car, II H Un t a.rln- I tar, II. it MurU. mmi)') ; t ' r, II If. fw, .rlim; I car, II II Mnrh) So. I wind: I mr, " ISl r ruil prim l ; I ir, (mull)'! Nil I n,l4 I iar II II MO V" '"I l ilnr, ? irr rnl iluruiii); I mr. n i0 r f'nf durarfi), 1 cur, II ta, I ir, ai (fltifuin) y, 4 nila-4: I rr, t'.it (ililruili). N. t iluium: I rr, I7''. Hainula 4 irum! ! iar, K'l rl Hva avll), rroiir. K. J whir! rr, TSr-, Nu. I yailiiw: I r, S-'; I rr, Nu, , 1 fallow! 4 rata, (avi 1 iar, 6i; ialiiii-ra' wiht), Nu, 1 cllo(; I car, !, No. 1 ml'4: 'ar, 4 cara, 7. OATH No. while: I r, 2'a. Nn. I whllal I far, 4': '4c; J !, 12 Nu, 4 wheel I rr. tic. tt re. HARI.ef. Nu ! omaiia;iPTi anth i()pmfnt ii,;ari(iia ; M t .. 4K Wi-I Aft. ) (. ?t 4 I Yir ID It n It t 1 Tl II 14 4 2 na'allil Vhat Vnrn riaia , Kra Unrley .. Hiiliimcnia Hthaat Vnrn Hal) Hva lU.lM . ... Tluiihala Today. Tr Ao Whaal a4 flour MJ.JJJ I.37,o oiu :::::::::::::::::: ''!' CHICAIO BBTKirTH. Wl rarlola Ti'1y. Aao, Whi-t ,4J Corn ' 'J ':I Oat " KANSA CITT RKCKII'Ta Wni-lt Tuilay. Aku. SdJ 1S 14 17 , I )0 I.OUK IlKCEIPTH. Toilay. Aeo. iii7 ri ;., l ' U 47 WHEAT UKrBlfTH. Tin' ay. Ak. , 421 4!" . lit n' .!. 1.4J Carlote Wh'at Corn Oala T. rrlot forn ' IJala HOBTH WE8TEBI Yaar A' 41 J2 It yr Ago, ltn 12 Ywir An", an 2 34 AH" 4 If) 11) 1,0(5 Mil "' "rain- . t hard. Il.llft.tli No. I r-1. "''', ' rru-Nu. J whlla. 73c; No. i whita, 7,HytTr.hnad-No. 1, timothy. IM I4.M; No. I, pralrla, 116 og 1 6 f.0; rholce alfalfe. 114.608 21,50; no clover. Ilcht mll. lit tOU Mlnnrapolla (.ruin. Mlnnaaimlia, llrt, SI Wheat Taah No. 1 nurthurn. It lt l)i'nil)r, II HIS; May. II II V. Corn No. t yllow, 1Mi fi.i. No t white. ISSa.liSc. tUrlry Hit tor It V a No. J, 7 J '4 7 B ',(, Kla No. 1, infill t'ltt. Mlnaaapnll' Klur. Vlnnaapolla, VI 2 Klour lo hlshur; family itnia, r 7.1(1. Bran l:i Pug l I" Near Vork fimllry. Naar Torn. Oct. 27 I'outtry Mve ataily; fowla. Il24t droaa linn; at rn chlckana. ttfttc. Carlola Mlnnaapolla liuluth .... AVInnlpna .. Ity (Ml:l KS I. MKIIAI IH. Omaha lire lwnl Hire. flilrugn, o-t. 2n.ira!n marketa tevi'lopi'ij a rnaLtlunury temlency, due iniilnly to the link of rpreululv In-t-rt thim to unyihlna; lr,e. There u '(.nt.ldirull veninir up for over hiimluy on Hi i.urt of Ural lona, who found auppori laa auirrrelve than on th lirevlou d.iy. At the l;it, wliout Hhowtd 14'34! lower; i ' in off 3 eft 7 im,im, HyiZc, while i wna uiichariKrd w 1-2.: liluher, Win i inlcra flucluali'd rapidly within it rtlMtivtly wide rarii for tin. weelt, heuiir lowert surly, hlKheal toward i hn lunt und t-lualnc at net nine of Stf 1 4i. compured with ihii pr vl )u wttoU, I lectin lr Iradlny. urn wna 1 1 he Jilnlicr tg 1 : lower, (he luicr on July, while outa wit n?J4c, und ryo 2 14J I Ac hlln r, Uird clor. 'd lfli ISct lower for the wik, with ill, nominally un- haiiKfcd, MooVrate Krapunae. Mvarponl n.ada only a inoifarala re. almnaa lo tha alreimth In Nurlli Ainvrna I KrMay, W'hut rmaad In lil Ml).r. Ihl'lara holilllie nff In that markt, ult 1,1 ijiiIIiik In. i. , I alili.mama lo lh I iiiini KIiik'Ioiii. 'I'ltia w.-ra fjioria of mi, nt.. rim-liliitf of Manitohiia at t tt aaa. hoard, hllw i Ulini aa to tlm rnrt rtf anii iiiih-'I iih aoni fr.h bua, h't in rli.Tiili,',i. IMtliie 1,1 U'.if hui hr uininat aala hi VS iihiii i 1.1 i !,.." dpn-jola hml a-mn- i-f-0 ' t i,iui. 'l'o. loi'lirioiK- vua hoi nk and In (ho ri nln th- tui-ak na rr a'ild i. a only natural, in vlaw of the n-nil anarp advur.ia. Private oalila In. ill'alvd un Anairai.iin auij!ua of la.v'iO, i "i Mich, la I'H J it oornlin li r'.lti riilnl li!a ...llinni- i.r '. .'.DuO.'nle Imah'la. Ilnnd rnlna v.-rw r.:,.iri'd in N.-w houih Wiil.a wj.-ri-'!" ir in.iat n.i Icl. I'uhlli-al i-undl. t 'O, a in lli,Iy l.jiil oiiim i-fli t on ai-fltl-rn' lit I i.-i't-iiibi r anlii at 2o over May at fit, a lime. 4'uarae t.mlna tiiilrr. i.,4r- rvtitm ahn-ad un aa.ter under tone, fati'taliy :om, wlouh wna aold by : in...- ii.naln lorly, and later there, .. lO'l-mir. I, ai-founl uf a breiik of Mi- in t,r..ii,.t;iiia In Inn i.-r.;na nmrket v.l.ira fl.e diniand woe riither low nut- ' -. ,,i.,.ii, ,,iiit,',i chl-K'i down atnte for In I h urn and i u'a, I ',,. ,a vl'li .--irirli corineftlonK houaht fx,r,il,er ami T.v rye, tho Dei-ernher ao. Inn lo a jjieiniuin of He civer the My nt ilia laat. The moat eff.-.ilia aalllntf waa l.v No 2 on epm aild at ",: nver I ,i rr till,, c The two northwati-rn niar ki'ta l."l i' ' I'll Nntca. Tha aethark In corn waa attributed to i.r,,, it ti...,iiK. l.n.'M cMim Uy a num. l.-r if 'hi- ler'a irodera vua haa fa,vor al, oi the, l.uylriff al'lff, lirii'riira hiiva iilon around S.00f,f0f h"eh-' C"h ry ll'la weuk, miiaily from I hub. Uermuny wna the piimliial buy H, iT'MiJ-ea with r")rni,iia ronni--tl"t.a wrrt C'ld hiiy-ra of May i-orn on tha break. Tii'V have hfeii ph'klnir up t-flin and whet for e'-verel d-ia on-l A toeaanfo fi.ori Ihera ald 7k.0'j(i bunheli rf when! had been aold th'Tf to inilla. Ona era e-lllne at alirh'ly better than 'hlca-o prii-t-a In Ihut iniirl-.i-t, A .e.thotird rroaaake aald tlmt 1 lot flf tha iiortera were lone corn und 'abh-a r.-i,nrt'-d Arftentina corn off-rid chi-ajer Ih-n Anterii-iin. The down a'lte niarlirta reprrted lorirer r.urihia a of ruin from farmr. mn ar lion buying 11,01") bnahila dicln ihe day. It will li no auri'Haa lo aea a lamer run of corn by thu middle of the week. t'hartere wer innde at liuluth for 41, (vri) buahola corn In Oeorglan Hay. which will O'ke out thu bull: of aioik thnra. "Tha vlalhle aupply of wheat la not e-pei-Od to ehow a .iv niatirlnl Incn-aaa In Mondnva refort." anya Thonnon MiKln iion, "nrd it la not unllki-ly that for elenera will PBiiln l.a In evidence In tho wny of ixtiort buln-a. II nr'iiii to u that th trend of wheat pr-" la Ho ward and thai there la lao m-rit in the noerae amine." Th-re an- Indballona of rain In t! aoi'lhwerl where mo!tura la badly peednl. ....t i.i.. aid tho wh-at market In Hi t'nltert Kln-rdom continue to dl! t.lay a firm undertone, owine to nmner hlnoera ofteilnea and Improvimant In tho d-mtnd for ncorliy tian-ela, owing to dc luytd ahlinntnt from America. 'lty l.lvralor-k. Kanaaa City, Mo Oct. 2H 4'attle Ke reln'a, 4.S10 hend. for week, choice end pinna beuf eteera, practically normal! oilier tirade, weak to B"c lower; top, til mi- rm aha aioik, moatly ifitWc low er; cannera end cutiera. 2ic lower; bulla, amck and helfera, weak to 2&c lowir; killing nnd atook calve. teady to (.lie lower. . . , Mow Iteeelpta, S.SM head; mrkt, toady to 1'ie lower; ahlpper lop, li 60 ; , ;, . i, , r top. !; Kht Hithla, motly t "114, UK to ?2l pnundera lo ahlp pen, HJ060; 190 to 2:10 pounder, to , , "l!,w :i; nHxtd weight and i.iipiy,' l 004 It; hulk of ak-a. 18 ony 4-i- i' l;lng aowa, gteady to weak: bulk. 7.Stt7tS: atoi'k plga. weak to 20o low r; buk. I il0t 4". , . , Bleep-lle-elpta. f. head. !rkct fnl week; t.nrnbH. 10W25C lower; lop, 114 60; rh-ep, Jtar&oo hlkher; beat llslit wea, 7. 2D; feeding lamha. around 25o lower. New York fuffe. Naw York. Oct. Sn. The market for cof fa. futut.a op-nad .1 a decile. of 4 point, to r.n .lvnc.e of 4 point., .March being low-r under reailin. while Julv high er on o.i, mg ov b-oker. with B'ajill.n cnnectioiia. March rallied troin 61c lo 9 Si; a djrin 'he morning. ou the bulge lin-t acatiered offerlm-a nnd prliea eaaed off toward tha cloaa, which waa within a noint or two of tha lowa.t at a nat de. elln of 1 lo S point. Snlca wera eatlinatad at about 15,011 bnga. rloalng quotatlona: Iiiremher, 'J I'.flc ; January. 9 6;lc; March, t.52e; May, 1.34c; July, .13c; September, 114c. Torn avi Tttvn.n. TOITtM AMI THtVn.H. Spend the Most Profitable Winter of Your Life On On of th Raymond-Whitcomb January 9, 1923 S.S. "R..olute" New Ollburnlni Liner f th United American Li net A aupreene heellk-givlng, r rrealln dvaetur a tariubia gold nun ta Ik pnaaikilitie ekich it oirana fr your future, An4 a'! the. can he i.'... Iain4 kt rea imply br biakin en ivliwal whwk oi'Uiri ' In ilk I wiik Ik mat vf iraiot which yaw i.(idr in Ik na'ura el aavfadliea, but wkxh ere ukra lee Pevhlel, kelule el relat a4 January 16, 1923 S.S. "Volendam" Near Oilhurninf Liner of th Holland-America Lin care of ntuly by Ihe rla ef Ihe t'ruie. huv information whirl e kfiuw will intrrent you, and can .if-i ,it ciMMticit.g tai'ii whu-k 'i, ay a.'t at fical have been avident if yiu will ra'l at ur uffic W l,re yi.y) tl d,l 1 S 1 Bl r-ef t,rUe if ihe incriirig eve. Ity fr rly a.-tutn. Utft' aUaa, ll, wilte er lleka Bock Travel Agency 304 South lolk St. Omeka Jck.oa44J a llaeawwi A VkUah (. It 'r4. Va.toa tllllah. O.loliar 21. Itaralpta wera I t'alll. Il.ja. Hhr.p, ortuial Mumlay ,...17,714 .7;4 JJ.I-I lirtlrlal TurdUy ....It, 714 4 1.1 ijffkl.l Wfdliaaday,. 13.171 ..7 niflclal ThU'aday . , . , 7 47 M7 'fflilul Krlday 3 2u 7.i)r Katllnal Halurday ., I,7"Q J, 0 daye thle e.ek. . 4.J3t 'in Ham day la.t w k. 61. lit 34. all Mam ili.) a i w Wo.Db.IM .1 , (7a Kama daya I w a l o.l. M 4f '! Bania day ya.r ago it 2.1 33,471 Raceipia nd dlapoettlon of ln i,, lh t.nion aio.k yanta. tun alia Nb , 31 hull, andii.g at I p. m., UcioLtr IKS4. JtKCflPTK lARf.OT laid ilogi I M 4 II P Uf. Mo. l'efe Jly In lun rariflc it R II' l.i.:i 1" v?l l,li tV B 7 i M,S'; 73.1.17 Mip Financial i, ii C S W Ity anal .... 44 li ,,,, ft Ht I' a H o ny . .. , t C M Q Ity tail 4 .... 0 11 A y fly wet ... a 10 .... Ttoial raeaiM .... en lo .... iJlM'OM'riUN IIEAH Armour lo DDI .... 1 udahy fucking Co . ... 171 I inld Parking; f"o ll .... Morrl Parking Co .. ... 31, 1 .... nwifl Co , il .... 1 W. lurihy , 13 .... win t rn in .... lliKrma Parking Co ... li'l .... r it her biivara .... lllrj Armujr Hiuux Kalla .... 122 .... Armour Ijrnvar .... .... Total 60 3131 lr,3 m;w until Ti.MKS. limuha lie la-ax-d Wire. New Yoik, tvt. IS. With th in kin xri'i'tii'ii of the cotton him, whlt li roe aliruplly to prli ig iii'eit til 1 1 1 let only ty thoar of laat Wcilnt'iuliiy, ni'ivenicnt of valiir on the vnrlniiH ni'irki-ta wna lit limnt. I' il i An aiiiioaiilu rn of iiin crt iltily un to 2 j th linnifilliil i-oureo of price eur tit mi i lotin ltd nirmt of ttit m nnd, nlthomrli f"rtlila muy hiiv nccuirrd portly hr- .e ... .......,.- ..r ihum1 oi in pun nviuiiK oi n. iiviiy whnh allll prevail tf n Ritiir'luy, tin r wue, at (ill eveiiln, no ui,:t-nt hlddinu hy recent apectilutora fur the lei-Una to git hm k their atiH'ke. Ihdh th el ock murkt't and thu tmiid nmr-kt-t held their urnund, hut chitiiK1' W! ri ItTCKiilur und tint itnpnrtiint und the eame tit eorlpllun would ap ply to th day' foreign rxchiing nmr ket. In nny gurvey tjf th week' clu'itiKva, ahnwit by rotnpurlHon of cloeiiikr prlcra with thrmw of a week bko, (t will he evident thnt the do i i.iin In Htuikn, I.llicrly bond ind Duiopnin ivcliiince in tho ImpreHalvn tratlle rierelpta, I.70H head. Wllh an Miiuauafly large ninilicr of wralrrn cattle on uln for Kafur'liv, tunu uf tin maikel on all klli'la wi.a lOill el the wrili lie rllnea, f-w aiiba bring rrpurir-l. Tiila wrrli a run la otm nf tl luuvli-iit of th eaaun, and wiiil lup grade of romO'd ataara era hlHher, touching 113.01 and luet weatarna look atenrly, lowar gradi nf berf ai innatly 2i6Ui: lower, Ail cow ax- i'1't in b'i and i,o(irial klmla enow i r" a!iulliir rjilurlliili an, I l,r,liitr O.m riul I'll" choiro gi.iili-i., aturki ra and li-'ilera hciva been very dull and ale nioally 2,'iti or more luwef. liiolatluna on enftic. !)i'i)cf lo trlnie beeve. 1 1 1 Dni 1 3 "U ; good tu i Imiru hnvr. I7&gfll26; f,ilr to gond br-via. I .0 titvli; cumtnon to fair beevea, I7.3fi itl,; floli i lo n linn yearling, ll;i 612 00; good to choir yearliliM, r.if''0 112'; fair to uod yrarlliiKa, li.2l, '11 9 fci , common to fair yeurllnxa, il arty h.imi; good to choir graa beve, i; tiiiir 7 4r; fair to good gtaee haavra, :,,tlV 11.40; common to Mir grtia brevt-a, 14. 60 4!r ii. 40 ; Men liana. 4 una; 6 nu; euod to choice graaa heifer. Ii. 7 6, Ml: fair lo good graa. heifer, II r,Ut 5 (Ii; i hole to prima giaae Many liaaca in ltonila, 1 ha inarkrl fur bunda uf hrine. ccin I ami a aluivva nouiy buuira In pru ra, but ti,,iu aie linili, 101. a r tri ,l lima ul,d autllH i'M iiviTl'i. hut to tho full in atui ka, tHMKiiik In H'llve ahnrra finm I to It p'un'a, tiirre !? amicriy an c.'.ct pl.on ; th irunion or lo : poiuta 111 i.inetiy lui.'ia haa be.-n much trior aever than in any we k of lh prc.e nt year, and lh i oi.aideruiiiH net deci. of lh franc end haa liven tiio niual Important lacauau 1 11 ti i nil tho recovery in Ihnae ux- ilMugu niiia alnce th autnritrr of llijl. ; 'the aiuiitinn of thu fliiiiin-liil cmn. , muiilty v.lU ba converard next week prl i uit fiirclKu hango and I'nitid ( n i i t . -a Imcila. It la the recent uiuim of I ,i,ua in tin, a" mniHcia rulle r llinn In the latin k luarket wbl' Ii aui'i-aod (ha working , uf larger Inf lu-ncra, fur atorka have ad ' miltrdiy dn lined beniiia-i of ihe prevloue j rr.ti.vufcHiii cnbai ri'iiirnt uf their priri a 'by prul' nalunal apei-ulutura. wherea Hi ectinj, uf I.ibarly liuniia und cunlinental rxriirnga rati- hua lii-i'it aa'Tlbed by Wall ! atrri-i to an alh-rid umlerlyliig puattlon. j Moiemrnt Not l-inded. I To at linat autno extent. Una view of tliuKo two uiiirkria la umlrnlabiy rnrri'it cowa, Ii 2.',tr6 20; good lo clmlia graaa ' but w hiivc mil yet acrti tlm end of either row, I4.r,ns 5. 21; fmr to gund yni cow. 14-iMi'Sl 4 t,'i; (ommon lo Inlr graaa cowa. 12 (i'lW 4 Oil; prline heavy feedera. 17, 1'-'-u 7 75; good lo choice feadern. IC.6ltM7.Ui: fair lo good feeilrra, ',.a(i ri 611; common lo fnlr feedera. I',.': ft 7f, ; koiiiI to rhol' atocliera, I7 0uft7.ini; fnlr lo good Block era. ', 764'I.HO; rotiiniun lo fnlr alncltrr. 14 7546."fi; tock hrifera, H iKiffH.ln; alork cowa, 1 do re,-! tu : ntork colvea, 4 oo 4,100; veal rulvra, li.oirH, 10.00; bulla, alalt. etr., 3 ll'V! C5 ' Iloita llecelpta, 3,200 head. Th IlKht rccrlpta baturday fuund a alow market tind niovrd ateady lo 10c lower than Krlday'e packer trad. Light h'jga and bun here aold at k.(j0ra 40 with a tup pilm uf l SO. Ml mil load moved at 7,7I,4(,l,l'0 nu paining grnaea at i2ti7 7r,: bulk miivrjuant, mid It la poaaibl that ptireiy I'liipuiury in 1 1 u'iii r ea may navo jnnyeii a I'lim r pari In each than thl wrek' di tue'ilona recognized. t'f tin- Liberty bond It la perfcclly uf to any that tin. i li.ii.ii icr nf thla wai k a rni'iiun wna not ni nil convincing aa a rirturtlcn of longer Innueiin-a or Intrl'iaii; valuiitiun, Pari of It hna reaullrd from ci nfualou of lde.i and purpoHit on III part of inviMiiioitliia InMlltullone. Ju ihe niattcr of the fall In Kurnpegn rxi luii.c,,, tli-. furlitu may or nmy not aliow thla In be Iruc. Th ecooomli! eon liilon o: conlinenial Kurop i bewilder ing enoutih in all conarirnrc, pul nothing new hi.a hnppinnl Thrro hu bain aom r-iiaori to ruai-ert that tlm highly autier fliinu talk uf (iermany' confifNlug bauknipliy hna uffei lnl ihe nerve of the : - " r . , i'iiiihi utiiry una airecirti me nervi-a or the of anle win, !7.4i'r 2S. Price, huv broke foreign i-xrhmigc marknt, which two year. harply during th week with ciincnt val ur lic'ull.Uu lower than a week ego. HuiJH Tr. No. Av. h'h. t'r. No. Av, Kh. 40, . 31!; . , 7 25 H. ,339 200 62. . 340 UO T 40 1'4. . 9'ifS 3K0 6II..84X 160 7 60 . . ,",1.3 320 'it . .Ill ... 7 75 (.6. .2(7 20 47. .313 110 8 00 6. .844 10 76. .240 76 X 16 6(1, .34 ., ''.,254 ... 25 62. .200 ,,, 77. .221 ... 15 40. .Ill ... 67. .218 ... 60 or exiiciienrii huv aliown to bo aublect lo a kind of byatrrla on ui:h oecaaluna, which ninkia It dilficult to take n currenl fit nf aitliatlon on that market a an entirely aubcr guide. New York Quotations Sheep ind Lamb Receipt, none Price on fat lamb have ruled ateady to eimler all week, cloaing price being 2CS36c low er than a week ago. Hulk of weatern lamha I now aelling at I3.7S-13.0. native Inmba, l3.2(jn.o. and fed nlljiped lamb, I12.60()12 0. Feeder have been dull all week, price working lower with decline for the week of 60 1 7f,c, brat ouallty rurled lamb are quoted al IU.25. hhecp were atrong to higher good light ewe arlllng up 10 Id 00. Quotation, on alieep; Fot lamha, good to choice, II3.7S4J 13 90; fat lamba, fair to rood, 111 2',rm,76; fed clliiieil hinih, II2.76l;l.0O; feeding 1,-imiia, 112,00 'y 1 ;l 25 fat ewea, II ht. ."..7B W 7.00; fut ewe, heavy, I4.00B6.2S; feeding ewea, 3,60p 10.60, Range of price, of the hading .lock, furiiinhrd by Logan &, 24S 1'eUsre Tiuat oulldliu,'. KAJLUOADfl. High. Low. Clone, Cloae. Hat. ...104 104, 1044, liMHi ... f.2 54 62'-, 62' 62 . . . J -0 ... flilcngo I.ive.tork. Chicago, Oct. 21. Hog Keeelpt. 1,000 head; market weak to 10c lower; bulk 170 lo 225-pour.d average. x.ofe.0o; tup, H00; bulk heavy packing auwa, 7 2f.ia "0: plga moatly lx.76icx.ll0; eatimuiert holdover, S.000 hed; heavy hnga, 1X60 1.00; medium, l X64T0.OO; light 18 7r,ff 95; light, light, t.T64f .0; parking aow. rimooth. 17.7r,iif 6.40; packing aow., rSugll, 17,00(, 7, SO; killing pig, a.7l,o. Catlli Iteeelpta. 3,000 head; cnnipnred with a week ago, atrlrtly choice and prune matured native beef at rem were atrong lo ahaile higher; warmed-up and ahort-f.-d kind nnevenly 26c to 7Jc lower; iota off more; extreme top long-fed matured aiecrB 113.60; peat yearling, 113 26; wialern gruascr atredy to Slie. lower; beef row very uneven. 26c to 40c lower; beef heif er of value to anil below 17.00 off ronald erably mure; ennnera and cutter, weak to J5o lower; bull, largely 25c off; veal calve moat 11.00 lower; heavy1 feeder aloor., lie to 40o off; dealrable light I """' auoui aieanv; weea . hulk ut, aice-e. .on jr 1 1. -a : we.tern gruea- ura an kiifm ju. .,..1... . , . , , .. ii.iina, fft.niff 1 zti: canner. and fuller. I2.l6ftl.40; de.irable vealera. 110.1001 1. do. Rheep Receipta. S.500 head, mostly di rect; compared with a week ago, fat and feeder lamb war lOe to t5c lower; fnt ahi-ep 25c. to 70c higher; extreme lop fat native., 114 76; fat we.tern. 114 60? fed weattrn lamb, and yearling, comparatively pumerou.; choir. f,fl wualenia. 114 60- 11-V. 'a'.'.'?. ''"nl"- -3 i top fed year! ling., Ill 00; cloaing top for natlvea, I14 60 L?.c"lh,"'h'"" to prkr.; hulk. 114 00(614.25; culls generally 11011091060 heavy fi,i ,;Wl., largely 4 60J-,.60; handy weight kind upward lo 17.76. A T A 8 P .. Halt & lilllu , run 1'iirifio ,, N Y Central I lira Ac Ohio . firt Jtlorlhcrn LI Central ... K I; Southern Lehigh Valley Mo Pacific ., N Y & N n . Xorlh Pac ... ( hi 4c N W. . i'enn K It .... Ucading i' R 1 & P... Kouth 1'ac ... Kouth Ry .... c m tap ,. Union I'aclflo Jttti, 1 44 & 11414 PH ?4 113 Am. Car F'd'y A llia-i'hjtfmcra i Am. Loco. . I Kaldwiu Lore i H'-l lil.-h. iti Hlcel .. i Colo. Kuel A Iron, . frurlble , ... I Am. Hind l'-'d'y.... I, Hteei I .li'Ivah- hteej ' ' - ' ''I,.,.! far. ; itep. H I oi Iron. . Hv S'l Btirliiga... Nic-Hhefflcid ... ' I . D. nteol 104H Vanadium 4 14 V.ex. Seaboard .... 1714 C'OPI'HRS. 76 ... 32 92 92 tVi ...ll;l 111 113 Vfim ... 2.1 23 33 22 ... 49 SVt HI II) ... 194 19 104 20 ... 30', 291,4 29J, 2944 ... S0!4 XO U ... i3ti M 90 ... 40 49 491, 494, ... 4 13 14 X.'!, 34 ... 41 t 41 41 4. 4114 ... 94 ' 8:i' 1:1x4 94 ,..2614 26 2,i 26 ... .lOXji 3014 3014 3014 ...1414 1461 14614 HH H'l'KKLS. .... 6 4614 41 44 A 129 12X 123 121, 134 133 '4 131 i- I2 11 7214 i'J 29 77 44 7x'4 42'4 42'4 24 X214 2'4 324 xr. xr 4914 60 114 111 29 79 H i '4 60 .111 Anaconda .... Am. Ming A R, Co. IVi ru I in lu...n price. ,.,,, ;;; hino & Ariz 1 iiapli atliin Kenneiott Miami Nuvada ron'dated Ray Condoled .., L'tah at. Iitl l.lteatock. Knnt Hi. ,oula, ill. uot. . Catlle R. eelpla. 2,000; iompare wlili a week 11 'luod and choir b.ef ateer and lll"ana nul a. common end medium eu era lit in Jvariuiaa und h.ifera and beef cua. 264 60c. lower; faurn ete.ra weak to ahade lower; iniin.r.. 16'U26c lower; light vral calvea, ll.Iidiu lower; Block atrora. Weak lo :i,r lower; luj, for week leat laeia, IIO.omjHjij other 7:5o60; row, weatern t,-ra, 6 604ii; light yearling, j 60ttl(). i,, 4uril60 canner. 5 4u ! o : boi,,n bulla II uO Ml 76; .lieker aleera. II 10 M Mora Iteeelpta. 4.6110; 1 j Si! lower; decline 00 uml Weight bull her h"g; I -lea and 1 1 w lit lialit. lui- lower with ni...,.; tup IJ le un U0 lo llo.puund averagaa: II .6 on 2e-poiini bui. ...,; 'ilk 11. I lo '.'.; I". un, I averac-a UHo I 1 : P and lluhi lichta, I eoe. t .i l Her auwa, iti;4e lower, hu:it . ,'iv Sheep and 1. nil Rr. ipi a !.!; mar. - 1 or wee, aiead 1.1 !!e lorr U10I4, ataadv ll all ultlrf P,ka. L. . I'.p on lamba, !n. I.g, ..).,. 1 v ! "' ' ii. run.. I.i u.n ! 1", ! """ bu.k light . ., h.a.,.. II j I ii). ; " '', (len. Aaphalt . Cuaden Cnllf. Pterol . laland (III Invincible (III . Mexican Puiyol Ml. 1. lie Htnttie . I'liclfin nil ... Pan-American Phllllpa l'lei-ce Oil .... t urn till lto.ul Jnitch .. Klnrlalr nil ... Texaa Co, .... I' oil ..... W hit Oil .. . . . 50 t 2444 2714 3V14 2H 14 . 14 . 66 OILS. . 69 '4 . 49 V4 . 671 1'Kl 104 42 16H 6014 69 39 24 27 '.! 33 28 14'4 13'4 3 6S44 41t4 67 4 14 2914 79 4?4 2 33 sii'4 49 14 11814 46 14 10614 10014 4214 42 1714 17 60H 69 19 24 27 Vli 83 2S 14'4 14 64 69 '4 49 67 H 16'4 604 64 lH i MT 26 36 13 hi 'ui 13X 64 69 14 4914 66 14 164 229 14 22IU4 2214 2-'4 1214 60 9244 44 . .. 211 T4 . . . 66 "4 ... US ... 49 i ... 1 . . . 6 MOTORS . .. 0i, ... 14V, .. H'4 .. . I3l 1214 49 XI (4 4744 '29S 611 V. 381, 4X' HI'-. 5 1244 60 Xl 47 2I4 t II '4 491 KH 6S 1214 60 14 61 i' 6 29 6H4, 3 44 T4 ltl 61 nnn 1414 A 4014 14V. II Chandler O'-neral Motor, v'lliy-i)vrtnd Ptrrre-Arrow . . White Motor... Miudubaker 129. 1 R I' II II Kit ASM TllUik l-iaa; 11', 12 V, I i i 1; I rich .4 US 114 keilev-Hpgfld 41 tk 41 ' 41', K.-lona Ttr,.... t US "iV. Ale Il I1H tlH C. . Rubber US "4 I..' INI'lft'l II I ALU. Am. Heel Hug ,f A . O W J ... Ill Ame'iian biimatre 2e 1 Aimr relet, lieu , an . Cruising Round-theWorld Jan. 9 ami 16. 1923 8.'' tl'mW.I Amer. ban Ur., . 8, Vv.Una-m' tllollanJ AmetUan lln.l. lh ni Rtiund the-Weil I ru ihipi la VU ti tdt l f-r . nu- ii lifltt ttrieii! nj ttipit Mater. I.'i de uf ipt ih trvi un K ideal r in l.tiiui. (iciierou !i .f rti-atisi i lUd. Arpi fr b.V.l t n tele. M Juweplt ie hlork. J-t a l 4 ie, le T' l., mark! (wn.i,ar.t iih m . k " i-uf ( k.ui. ei aid ! II l - I' rf ww .1,11,, tern il maoeni i,t, we.i. jie t,..r. .i eel l-lil )ih !.., ".,.. ikere at.4 I e-l .a le., e . a .i- -a. ! k..l ( X. , i a i"U', wl.,af 4t..tA, '. )..'! . . ll l ml i i ,,i k,f. II ll I It .'thai. l I ,M , v-t it, t.. 1,0411., i aa4 H-If ia-la I II ,- h,,. i i x.. ah'i iM, " 4 I l-'l. ,- I t p.ate I a.. e. a , ii.ati. lea I . . t jt'. ,,l.a lill.ln i . ... b,.si l .n.. e, . i. a I,.. , t , a .4 i W l.v . ' i t lm ii ; a.i- M. i .. B I ft.aj .' !a. - -. I . . k . :. 1,1 i - a i k . .,i . .-M. l i .r, . . . a l a ..-. :, t.l l, I i., Iti . . i.i ej , .s -. ,i .. . I II ' f : ,i . . . ,. (j III. Ixlil lla-i I' I I I t 1 ' athar i in. l ui an Xiu "ir i , rn I'l ."tic 1 a . , 4'iii,."t I'Uiara . lieu 'lie . . . . .il. N if in I'll It ifra'ef . . . XI , II I. . t I I a o, I 4. ..hl I tel. 1 1 1 ,. I 'I I'.f ,' It,. e. : ,.. I '. II hi, I' I ,n . I , I-I.4.. UtVa 74 31 V I " JJ V, id 4' ltr. its t 44 I'. HT 14 1 . U'lll Wart I I ... Xna, Vl 41 1 ",i ' ai I I'ltati . X.ft 1'a.aM 1 1 -4 n, t iv 1 i ! I'S I v I 41'. ' s II 1 1 III 11 14H 11 4Vt t:iv 121 at, 41V 7 1144 63 V 40 -' ia li'l !2'4 i: I.i i4 nv, II1 Ta tl '4 ..v I JJ tl 1 1 l:: I. iv. 1" l.v, i.l IS'l .14 V, II New York Bonds ni, i-1 "14 4 'n - INI ll.f-eW 4 I I'ii, I, ii i. . ,ni.. , I ) kl.ikat e'4 k , - 4t a- - -.,e !.. , '- 4 I'.l ., i I U l . 41 - . I- '. 14 4. ' ' I'--' ' a I. . . . . i i I' i i a,. i e i . ii a I H T .-. .1 I!, I !'.. .,.' r. . . . I ' I . , v,u.,i I..I i i . e I' . - - 4 ' ,.. .IV, 3I ' ' . , 4 I 1 ! I X I I . I I I' 4 - . , , , IX, t . I I ' , 1,1 4 j :, " 4.4, I 4 i ' i i, - , , I t l' I ' 4 I I 4 ' 4 t.i, ta 4) 4 , I ! 11 II 'l 'IV 1 I. New York. Oct 3 t'unaplruoua tnglh ef Invaatmrnl biinila ftr two wrrka ef pronoiine.-d ree. Hon we lh rhlaf faatur if to'lay'a d-alinij. in Iririta on ihe New York Mil' Krhaiige. t'nlte.l Mt. i..,v. ernmeiii bond alon ahnwed eigne ef tr regularity, but in Cheng. were ef liuiiiinrl . haii tar Til beat g,tti In 111 f.ttelgn gieup wa. nt.d by Mf-xiraii gnvernmeni 6a, wbirh I , .11 l e. I', pun 1 1, vi.i' hiii 7. were not fir behind i"i ga 11 of 14 lliaill 4a liui ri,r, I pouil and aaina ef aub .inii'iel fi'tlt)a Hera tjuiie aunirroua Mute the a a ore r ir'tlvi iatu. In Ihe I illruad Hal'ereil advani ea ef 1 le 1 -ij po.iu.. ...ti.e lh principal one Atlantic I'oaal I. In flral 4a, in. I' uii lonvertiii'e m,, Celuiado rl.iuth. 'a ralundine 4Vi", IHlnoi Central re. I "idlt 4a. "K'" fir.t 4 7iliauuil Pa- i If In eeneriit la, Nollllern Paclfln la. t'n lou P.olftc geiieiiil 4a. tehnard Airline cnaiilldated fta. Krlaro Incom n4 Caitniitno Pacific debenture 4 Ihe only noteworthy i'.piin lo h ui-weid trend wer Atlantic inM Line 7a and Iiaiiimor A (Hilo gold 4a, rh off I pnll.a. t'roinlnenl among lh Mdvanee. nf popil ur mora in tha Induatrlat dlvlatnn wer t'nPcd Hinti llut.her I and cernfi. eln r-a, Ho'ithern Hell Telephon 6. Mar. linn ta and Armour 414a Trui-Uon. alee were atrong, 1lro,,kln Rapid 1'r.nalt aiamped 7a tmr-ruvlne I puinta and th ordinary T t point. Jink at Co 7. yield id r. 111I11I. , Total . (pnr value), wer 47,061,004, t'nllid NlHIra Jlullda. Biile on l (mo) J.M l.lher'y 2 I.ilieitV 4I t.llierly 17.1 t.ltu-rly lii 2 24 7 I' H 42 IS a I at 4'. 2d 4 Via. I'l 4'.a. 4th 4. a llivli low r,,ee Ion 60 nil 44 (mi I t Ii '( 20 9 32 fix 74 OX.f'X 9110 1.4 .',0 41 (A 94 34 94 20 in 20 'i- 4r,a uneaib-d. inn 14 Ino ? inn .10 Vic 4,a ticali-d. , 10'J 14 100 02 I'M) 1 1 t' H Tr 41,a 49 98 34 19.11 lorelgn. C Argentine 7 101 14 10144 U114 1 Hern f 109 Id I'll llurdeiiux 4a 7X'4 7 74 2 Chrlatmnlii n ... 1"'t lim'i I'm '4 1 1 20 4 I 4 4 riihligi U 6 lyB Or. ntrr Pl'iguril I, una Ha MuMi-illf OB I'.io de Jiinrtro Xa oz"rin Rrti I 3 4 I" pt Heine " 6 I nm Can 6'xa 21. 46 Hutu Cun tl.. 2 I Hi ll K Ind ll 47 77 fltrh K Ind la 62 44 Kr,,eh Rep re . 71 l''reit"h Itep la ,, 14 llul-Am Lin Ka. . , 1 Japan'-an Int 4 V, 43 .la .h nrae 4 ...... 14 Itciglum 714 It li Iglum r,a 14 licninark 6a 6 Haly t; 14 Nrlheilaiiilx C ... Norway . Hwe.len ta in' 14 7.; ' 74 7 98 92 7 10 7f, '4 71 74 98 2 '4 6644 .lot 14 Jul , IXX4 i 9u '4 74 7'4 W 9 9214 7 101 H4 9l4 91 95 14 III 92 44 7914 .1 t 41 Porla l.v.lled (!. 14 llrp l',,llvla rn . 4 Itep Chile X. 46, 2 Rep frugally la , 8 Queenaland 7a . 20 Que 11. 1, ,11, 1 la . 47 K II A I 64a 29.109 11 K 11 II a I ,', 27.10 . 91 '4 9414 . 94 '4 94 . 99 9444 . 91 '4 lit. , 89 . 92 V. 92"4 . 7914 79 .111 44 I'll 14 101 14 , 90 06 14 16 14 , 9" '4 94 X. 9'4 , 9M4 9614 96 . 94 9314 9:114 . 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 4 10214 IO214 1II2'4 ..72 72 4. 72 . . 93 91 14 , 96 ..10244 102 14 10244 ..107 106 14 1'l7 . .ion,; 1 us 101114 . ,100li 1001, 1094 ion 10X1, 101 x. l(i2 INTCi'lll. Ilill II tl tt N Y Kd raf IV . 11 lo 4) I'll 1 Ml Ml 11 a la 4 T9V If 'H 2 N Y Tel raf 41.144 e4 1IS i S Y Tel .mi 4Ve. '! '' 1 Nor A H.i 111 ! A.. v 'W ;j S.if We. I rv la. .lit 111 HI II Nur Am Kd af 4a,. tilt IIVI HH la Nur I'ac r-f 4a II .lt loa !', II Nur Pae 11 6a C lavt v 6 Nur Pa" pr in le,. HV, Ii V4 ', 14 N W Hell Tel t 101 1 IH4t I nr I, ref 4a.... tl 11 14 I lr-Vaah lirtN 4a. ! 114 1114 4 una NI 7V. 111 l"0 04 11 I'ao II Kl la 14 91 95 I I'ao T4T I. II fifa. II tlH 21 l ackanl Mlur la .. DVa II I Pan-Am PAT 7... li'tV, l"Ii nl 10 I'enn 14 R 4'4 ....lull l"lv, n(4 17 I'.-nn K H gan I.. o ..ti., 10014 .2 I aim H It gen 4'4 1V l-ere i,ri ref ta. . er 1 I'hil Co rol r le. .10 I Pro Hvf 4 Reading gee 4 tt f Matnnig Arm. af le tl I It 1 4 t I, C41,., II 10 Ml I. I Ml II 4a 18 ,1 at f, A g f p I 4a A 71'4 21 Ht I, tt r a'tj e. . 74' ,14 at I. a K ino . 7 I Kl f K C N L 4V lit 14 Heahoanl A L en IT I H.a Hoard A L d 164 t Meahoald A L rf 4 48 4 atiaroo at Hp I A. II V4 it ninrlalr I'nn enl 7a. 1 u I 10 a, 0' lair I rtiila l'a. , tl 44 20 He 11-11 Tal 6a. ... . tl II Ho Pan rv 4a ... . 13 bo Pa raf 4a ... 16 Ho Par ml tr 4a. 14 Ho Ity gen IB , , , 30 fin Ry con 6a.,, II Mu Ry gen 4a ... 1 rt He Pt 7 Third Av ref 4. 16 Third Av id) 6 1 Tl !e w tr Oil V4. 17 Tot. Prod 7 44 I n Pacific l.t 4a. 34 t'n Pae rv 4a... 41 U'n Pan ref 4a. ). 34 t'ol Urug I I'td It I til I lit: H Rnilly 6 . 1 II Rub 714.. t tr H Rub la 24 I' H rltrel af ta. I Call PA I, la . 7 Va.i 'nr chin 7V4. 14 '4 It Ve-cnr Chin 7 elf. tl 14 Va Ry 6. 1714 2 Weal Klert 6 .... 6 Weal 1,'nlon IU. ..110 6 Wealing i 7.. ...10714 10744 10714, 11 Wll.on C af 7t.06 II6'4 1'H Tolnl aalea of blind today war 17, 001. oil, eomtiared with lit. 182. ooo pr.vtoua d.i y and 15,718 Ooo year ago. 1 N. Y. Curb Bonds i 11 4 It tf 10 li'l ..10514 10114 l l4 iv. nt 14V, 111. 4l 71 7V4 64V, 4144 14 I I'V 41 944 14 Vt IV, 5 1t 71 4-4 "114 7 1114 41 M4 100 I'i04, "It 9.t 11 s 14 91 174 11 784 IV, , ln?. 111:14 IO214 97 '4 M 61 101 7 V, f 1914 :: :ta . 104 ,.101 ,. 1114 . 6'4 . IIS 1IIV4 112 l 874 1744 .. I 9844 ..III7V4 107 V, 8 14 lit , M'4 1,5 4, IV. in 1 ('4 44 111444 9"84 91V 16 14 9M, in 87 91 i,; V, xi 44 8744 .IU2V4 101 14, I02V4 11 tl 914, 914 14 14 ' 9814 4 1714 41 84 101 110 44 U H Uracil 8a ,...100V, loo 100'4 18 II S Hrazll 1 '4 ... 87 44 87 14 8714 4 C!4 llrnzll C H El It 87 8414 87 74 V 3 ir Mexico 6. Mt'tlro 4. 60 74 4814 3714 60 87 14 l4 I4V4 101 102 116 116 97 '4 974 91 '4 1 V4 84 84 77 14 77 90 9044 88 M4 81 81 8 7 44 8 7 44 IOO14 10014 82 82V, 108 108 93 53V4 91 fit 113 113 79 8014 100 100 98 98 87 87 "4 1 Am Ag dim 7l4a...lii2'4 10214 10214 ',z nm Htnett t,a 944 28 Am Hucnr Cx 102 1 Am TAT cv 8a IIS 70 Am TAT col tr f... . . 98 23 Am TAT col 4,. .'. 91 14 1 Am W W K 6.. . 84 12 Anton .Iilrgrn 6. ,. 77 28 Armour Co 41,4a ,. 9014 103 A T 1' gen 4a.. 8hV4 20 A T ft F ad) 4a. . 81 7 Al Cat 7, 1t con 4. 8814 21 Halt Si Ohio 6. . . .li'l 42 fait A Ohio cv 4'4 81 7 Hull Ti l i'enn 7. . tleth Ht p rn 6a. 1. . 16 llltln R T 7a elf. , 4 Can North. 7 ... . 13 Can Pae d 4a 10 Cent Oa fa 2 Cent Leather 6.. 23 Cent Par gtd 4 , . 12 Cerro de Pn-rn 8a , 36 Chea ft Ohio cv 6a. 24 ('lira ft Ohio cv 414 98 21 Chi ft A Hon 3V,. . 31 12C 14 ft ref la A 36 Chi ft K Ill la. . 1 Chi (it Weal- 4.. . '61 15 ' M ft Rt P cvt 6k H 76 1 C M ft Ft T cv 4',. 71 7 C M ft Ht P ref 4 '4 M Chi Ry 6 7 1 ( n I ft P gen 4a.. 82 IS f ri I 4 P ref 4. 10 Chi ft W Ind 4. 13 Chile Copper 7 .. t Chile Copper 6a .. Cnlo ft. So ref 44. t Col O ft Kl 6a. . 6 Cuba Cane Hg d 8. 88 2 Cuba R R 7 A, 107'4 107 4 7 ft R O cun 4. . 76 76 Ilet I'd ref 6. . . 4 Ilet Utd II va 44. 1 Jlonner HI rrf 7. . , 12 J'ipnt Nem 714 b .. 5 rnqucnne l.t 6s . . 14 Kmn O ft ie 74 ct. 93 1 Krle gen lien 4s . 7 Am I D 71,8 .... 6 lrn Kleo d 6. . 21 Ooodrlch 6V4 .. 14 Ooodyear T 8a 31 . 33 (loodvenr T 8a 41 13 Ort North 6 Ha It 1 Hud & Jd rrf 6a A 16 Hud 4 Mill Ino 6 40V4 60 11 Humble Oil 5'4a .. 38 '4 8 . 8414 . 75V4 .107 . 94 . 8Vi 96 r,ov4 74'4 71 66 79 62 8314 76 03 91 113 80 14 100 98 87 11014 119 11!4 9R 14 90 Mi 9(114 88 88 3114 31 100 100 100 82 8!Vi 8274 60 74 71 66 79 83 83 76 106 107 94 94 88 88 96 96 88 107 76 102 101 10214 86 14 8fi 86 93 93 63 108 108 V, 108 10214 102 102 92 93 52 52 62 90 90 90 . 97 97 97 .101 101 101 .. 98 9814 .110 116 116 .101 101 1111 83 83 81 60 96 88 14 New Vcrk foil on. New York, Oct, 28. Loa anllln for out aid und lin-ul long account than expected wa encountered In lh fXitmn market to day and the treed In lh flral hour waa dlatlnitly upwurA, lh Rat advancing 20 to 47 polntR, Near the cloe nf tha Bea lone after opening aindy at 1 lo 7 point net gain. Ilrur;ah weekly atatlattu were Ignored, but tho market aa , whole wa rather J fi-altireleaa and dull. feipot houai-. were rnoiiorate buyer.. Thu trend coii'lnoed upwxrd a. Inrre,a, ed buying f nun Wall .treat and lh Irad came In the mukft and booatrd il 4(1 In 47 point.. ,ea rthe cine of tho ara alon tho market w drddly atrong In undertone and haorb4 hvy resitting alea, final bids being around th top. elpot Bn-aily, 24 30e for mlddlng upland, 40 point up. Poulhern market! Galveston ?3 90c, 44 point Advance: New Orleans 23.26c. 26 point decline; Hnvannnh 23 88c; 28 point advance; Augunta 23.88c, 11 points ad vance; Meniph'B 23 60c: unchanged: Roue. tan 22 76c; 4" point dvanc; l.lltlo Rock 2.1.26c, unchanged. I liliago Hlocka. Range of prlrea of th leBdlng Chicago torka fu.niahed by lin ft llryan, 248 Peter Trual building: At moor Co. pfd , 99 V, Armour Lfallu r corn , 12 Cndahy .,.,.'. , 42 Pidlaon com.,,,,,.,. 137 Com. Motor , 1014 new 8 Nat. Learner, neve XV. Plggley Wlggly , 42 Hii-wart. Warner 62 Hvlft ft cn ins'. Union Carbide , tZ Turpentine and Roain. 1 Hnvannnh, Ou.. iiu. . oentlnf Quiet, 1168; aale. nnne; ret elpla, 264 hhla. j ahlpmont., 46 bble; atocli, 13,241 bhi. Roain Rteady: aalea, none; receipta. 77 casks; shipments, 389 caeke: slock, 91.974 rank Uuolntlons: B ll, E, T, II, H, I nnd K. S65; M, 6.70j N, 15.10; WO, 16; WW, 16.85. New York Pry floods. New York, Oct. 18. Cotton good. nd cotton yarn, wer very firm wllh market le.s active. Wool good for Immediate consumption in men'e wear were sold st concessions from recent top prices, Preafl gooda advanced. Printed crepes wer popular In silks, wllh the spring demand (Broadening, liurlap. were steady. Kt. Txinla flrnln. F(. Louis, Mo, (-1 'is. Wheat Do comber, 11.14; May, 11.12. Corn IK'remliiT, h,e; a.iiy, 66e. Oats Oeceniiicr, 43c; May, 4314c. 13 III Cent 6W.S lOOTJ 100 100 19 III Cent ref 4q 87 86 87 10 III Ht d 4s 91 91 91 6 Ind Ht 6s 100 100V. 100 10 Int Met 4. ct at. 13 13 13 20:1 Int R T 7b 98 98 98 261 Int R T ref 6s.. 78 77 77 163 Int R T ref 6s ctfs.. 78 '4 77 77 1 I 4 O N Hi ll wl.. 62 62 62 14 Int M Mat 6a 92 91 92 13 Int Pa ref 6s R ... 84 17 18 2 la Cent ref 4h . . . 40 40 40 10 K C Kt B ft M 4a. . . 80 80 80 K C Southern 6.. 92 91 92 2 K C Term 4a 82 82 82 6 Lacka Ht 6s 60 92 92 92 2 Lacld n 81 I, 1st 6a 91 91 4! II, A N W 6a ... 76 76 76 1 I, N ref 6a. . . .103 103 103 35 I, ft N unified 4a .. 90 89 19 Manatl Nugar 7a. 97 17 97 5 Mill Ht Ity con 6.. fin 90 90 l&lldvale fit cv 6..., 89 8914 89 1(1 M A Ht I, ref 6a ... 31 39 ! 9 M Ht P H.NM 6a 102 102 12 17 M K A T n n I 6 A 84 16 M K 47 H ad 6a A. 61 It Mo Pae con 6a . . , .tun 121 Mo Par gen 4a 66 t Mont Row 6a A. , . . 97 IJ N V. TT 1st 6 ctf 91 V, 14 NOT M Inc 6a. . 77 41 N Y I d 6a II N Y C rl I 14 N T r,nt ,'on 84 10 100 64 97 91 77 111114 I in 14 il!, 98 97 97 12 44 0 49 64 47 98 77 : : MONEY Id GRAIN $12. 50 buys guarantee option on 10,000 bushel af wheat or corn. Vol1 urfher rTlefc. A movement of 60 from ptlen price give you an opportunity to take 1500.(10; 4c, 1400.00; 8e, 13(10.00. etc. WRITE TODAY FOR PAR TICULARS and KREB MARKET LETTER. IKVESTS DAILY 8UI0E, loulhwetl Brmob Beat. N 10u4B.lllmor.geiaaeiTV MO, WriliFifOwmEIOOKIOi MUNN 8. Co. Timer IlilllillHB. CHICAOO. Il.l. Scientific American lll.lj . VVAHIIINOTIIN, D. C. Woolvnirtb Hulldlng, NKW YORK Hohxrt Ulil... SAN yRA.NClHCO, CAL. SAFEGUARD Your Stock Market Trading With STOCK PRIVILEGES Kr Roiittlrt 14 eiMiini hw you rin oonlrol and trtdf In I DO thar tf any Stiiidtril Bturk ln-u with ITS U) IU7.A0. 149 BraHrtway N Yark PAUL KAYE f LJTS ftni lil .S now iMiTv'woaft m la Trading i Win hi eletili ll'iainnl le m IkgR bOoktrr Un. 41. C. 41 Wllllaaa ll. Nn Vtrt nafa4 44 m Tax Free Equal at Leatt llA Subject to Taxes You can obtain 6 to 6 t from Ncbratka Tax-Fr Fint Mortgage Farm loAm, We ar err lain you cannot obtain from a tanab.e inveitntrnt who) lecurity i comparabU to a (irit-clan farm loan. Wa effvr itraigKt loam in amount from $?,500 to SI7.00(e komli of $1,000, $3C0 anJ 1100, Will ail 411 t it ) ititiaei ! lean tkwte Utaif mm a 4LiwlB a al i - 0 New York, Ovt l Transaction on lh New Yerk vurb tend market today war. a follow; lined. ale fin II OKI I lll.h tow Tina t A I l.i.l Pa.ker la ., 14 7 71 I Aluiiitnuiii la 11., 11 in v4 I Am CI Oil I. 91 91 9 t Am I, T a. I "ii , 1'itt, uo to Am TT I II Ino', oo oo II Anton Co a....lou loiv, m I Ana. on Cop 7a S . 11 n I Anglo Ant Oil TV. I 1 11 I 'i.l 14 7 Armour Cn 7.. u4 1114 101 4 1U I h ft 7 2) in.', 101 I u V, I Haih Ml 7a 11. 1I I nil, ei, I Can Nat Hr 6a 11 9a 9a 11 1 m . I'ei i. ...... 1 il a n lulV, 1 Carrho.l Iron la... 91 II V, 151, I till Here 1 t,, .. 11 4 Col Orach ta II n 11 I l un (lu pall I ,.,10 ln oi I Con Tag la I. 94 tl I Con Kl A. a la II. ,101 IM oi I Hu.ia 4. etfe.. II ( lV If I.!- 1 ul 1 11 1 111 J)6 11 II Mallco 4t ,,v It 44 It I Nk fewer I II II II (IIICAUU U-OSINO I'RICEB. nel'pdlkrirln Ce. ti. HIT. Oet. It. ""Ari." lVpenT7 llfak'TXaV rflo.'! Ya. I. I 4411-1 Tllk V4 10 ou'f on 7 I Hood Rub Ta.... 11 Inl H T t II ... 71 In It T a nf... If rj.a 7a . . t Mb Ma Lib 7a 10 Horrle Co 7. . lot 1 1 rial leather ... . , I Pub Hr I N J 7 I H.,y ft ci la . H W Hall Tal Ta 1 man 011 H Y 4t I nun nil 7a in l"4 1114 ! I0il 111344 tt 11 99 17 11 17 tl t7 17 1 I0II4 tfl 102 1113 l"l'4 imv, 1"! It'l 101 10 0f14 lill 116 0 0t 101 102 102 l'K'4 l60V4 103 10314 0 I eKt Ce 7 II. .10144 101 101 I Tidal Oaa 7 I Ve uutn ml Ta. . . 14 Am II A Kl 4a .. 11 lie) City d.i Ii, , Hydraulic NI la . . II llieff r.rm. 4a I Hwifl Cn la I I'm Oaa Hall 6a I In l f!.n g-r 6a. . 7 ln Par 6a dwl I nr 10. Or 7. . foreign lliilida 4 Argenlliie 1, 23 ..,101114 100 a an pieam 7a I Niierltida 8a . 14 N Y .Ml Kr 7a.. I Ruaalun 4 '4 a .. 1024. 1024. li.JV 107 107'4 107 14 no ion inn 1 11 10044 1 nn 91 tl 11 IHI 10 100 tl 11 16 99 14 91 99 tl tl 91 1 110 1 110 n6 98 94 97 4 70 11 t7 94 70 ij 11 1 01 IT 14 70 I '4 Will. I c, ! July Ry I 'en. Msy ctn far. May July ot I'ae. llay July I erd i if 1 .ln. nu 1 in. Jan. 111 1 14V, 111 1.11 t ! to ..10 40 84 ,IT 7 .T 41 41 .43'. 4? 40U 11 I 11 Vii' Vc4 .11 .n 1 ",IT I '4214 ".41' ' io 41 Tin in .1 III I I ll I. 6 I 1 14 I 14 I 11 1 11 I 04 ....... .I -..if .IT'J 4m ".iii '".iii . . , . . 10 81 III I I I II e urk Oeiierel N-w York, Oil 24 Wheal -pet, ateady; No I nnrtbern apmig 11 live; No, I re.l winter and No 1 haitl IIIT1Z1 No. I Manitoba durum, II 13 r, , f lrr New York. apol. urn Npoi, at.adyt No 1 yellow and No 2 white, 904,1 an, Nn, I mld, 10. c. I t N.ay Vfirli, fell, ' rtpul, leily;' Nn, I while. II 3 67. r l..rd Ulead y; inidil;. 44. al, in, loft 11 II, Other Article I tl -hn4, Mew 1rk Hrlfd Krull. N"W Yurk, Oct, 24 K.vapui.trrf Appl. Oulel Prune. Klrtn AtiruoiM Very alvady, Peai lira Htiaily, I 11 'V.ii' ' .10 ! '".it ' '.. 41 '".it it' "'.ii I IT I It 1 14 Vii 1 11 I 01 J II ', .40 .14 4 .81 M ".i' ... .41 ' '.ii "ii i 44 .1 to I 1 6 lie Investment Recommendations Omaha, Nab. School Dial. St, 1048... Federal Farm Loan 4 5i. W42 Conaumar Power Co. Si, 1S52 Sinclair Pipe Lin Co. Si, 1942. Cudahy Packing Co. tt, 1937 Morri. & Co. lit 4U. 1930. . . New OrUana Public Service Co. St, 1952. Dold Packing- Co. lit 6i, 1942 Mii.ourl Pacific R R. 6i, 1949 United Stare Realty Corp. 6a, 1942.,, Omaha tl Council Bluffi St. Ry. 5a, 1928 YI.I4 About ...4.25 ...4.30 ...8.50 ...6.50 ...8.60 ...B.80 ...8.70 ...6.00 ...6.00 ...6.00 ...7.88 Aik for Our Lint of Tax Exempt Preferred Stock, to Yield From 8 to 8 H Burns, Brinker & Odmpany unco.. orrvw f9T Us minting S W CornirtT DougU$ flUlll 1 unn' W4Tnll T bVlij eWUvtffJj)a4 (7a Piliri Trait Bld. We Offer First Mortgage Farm Land Bonds Yielding 6V2 TOTAL issue $74,500. Se cured by producing farm land valued by our appraisers at $217,890. Maturity 1927- Denominations, $100, $500, $1,000 W recommend thi iitu a a con servative investment of th highe.t grade. ASK FOR CIRCULAR Investment Dept. PetereTraslCoitipany Pelers National Ban! . UPDIKE CONSIGNMENT SERVICE ITS MEANING TO SHIPPERS! Top Prices, Quick Returns With Check for Balance Due on Each Car Tha cartful handling of Ion anJ dl7 claims. ,t (luarattlte of Sall$f action Hf .!. I, Owt Tl-a NweV.e Wtll i AT till Updike Grtiin Corporation hi I m tie Contignmtnt oui ' MeJileif A .eaiV . aat' t ea wall ea .a44'4 t t IX ' .t era a ' ,. - lo.l -'. .i t. 4. .l e) t hw ! MM , iawlk Aaela ts klfe. -,' li-wI'M Waal li I i.rlttiMtta h- i a, a he.' ll '4 Au"a I I, ll - l' - h ttt fi lf- - il a i ' . . m- a 4l. a a. if. t , - I' I ' I K I 4 launi iell4fantl aVMA ate1 I! OMAHA tat fit CWn Milj Ctif ....... , IL ... f a - C A, PA. Mm, HtKIt TUAVfL ACI NCt tei, ! M , '. BttWtaHtl .HIt4lM) ttiMf., II . 4 - II 4 4 4 m I.e. ill a. ,al 41 ' 1 1 -t 4 41