The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 29, 1922, SPORT NEWS WANT ADS, Image 16

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    1 c
Conquers Uoatls
Coupe Driven ly Salomon
Cocri 5, 1 80 i Miles iu
Mountain State.
- Because of the f.nt that tiny da
. pni solely upon the automobile for
r tiansporUtion in nil kinds of weather,
stood and bad, the automotive Indus-
try has no irreutrr boonter tliun
, .iiAVfUug salesmen mi J ritun nfMitur
. rn' representative who nre conatniit-
ly cm the roud.
.) M:my of theae nun are il.nly fur
. foni aervlce Million it here repair
tiuy or limy not le effected, but they
'"believ. llmt In iho iiutoiiHilnlo they
. )m found efficient, economical, (lu
t pendnble and quicker traiispnrtiillmi.
1 Two of tlnftarn L. M. Hunk ntid
, j;. M. l,oou,l. both of Urn AtiKelea,
ho have Jut concluded l.lii) inllca
, unahuidnra trip through tha atutca
' i'f Nevada, l.Uili, Idiiho, Washington
itt 'rrgriri and northern I'ullfornln
which ul be dupllciiled ninny tlnicn
In the future.
Hunk, who cover thr norllisvcat
for ram in itinnufHcturcra, purchns
1 d a Wtllya-Knfh'lit coup before start
Ing tha trip J UMf finished, and with
' Loomis, a brother sulcMiiiin, left 1b
Anneles over the Arrowhead trull
;,(m May '4. Hud ronds were em oiin
lered In Nevada and southern t'l.ili
; and a IBImh enowfiill lit Ibmer,
; Vinh, ratisad a delay of four days.
'' Tha Journey from tin t point. how
j ever, while over miserable wads, for
I the moat part waa not productive uf
i any more unplciiBiinl wi'iitlier, no Hint
;,the trip won enjoyable hi every sctiac
1 of the word.
The total mlleiiKC of D.l" win mnde
: without nilHlinn of any kind. I.oomls,
I n ho drove the entire distance, in en
; thuslustlo over the car' perform
ance nnd mild that with the exception
of two puncture, the trip was uneventful.
The rnr la equipped with n trunk
rack carrying; a heavy wimple, trunk
with a rapacity of 2j0 pmuidii, nnd the
pare tire waa embeddi d in tho fen
der. This, In Addition to a large com
partment In the rear deck of the car,
gave nmple apace for cam In-,' I'"'
sample lines and left the Interior of
the car free for hand luita-te.
Whole Train of Closed Cars for Buick
V,,- -
The Moose
Above In a aection of tha fnat
tialnloud of clod tar tn anlve In
tirnahn. The tura are Kuicka and are
for the Nebrutka' Huh k company of
thia city. The new Hulck encloaed
modda have been received with an
much favor by the buying public that
tha Nebraak Hulck company baa hud
to rtaort to train loud ahlpinenta to
aupily tha demand. - . Huff, Jr., h:iI mi.iniih'er of the
local company, repoiiH thia Iri tho
loth tniinluiid of r.nn Km received In
ll wrrka, llowivir, It U the flint
olid train of rhmed rmn.
AC Speedometer for Fords
Docs Away Willi Trouldea
The perfected AC apeeilometer for
Ford cnia nnd trtlcks. developed find
perfected by tho inaimfaetiir i-b of AC.
apark plunn, Im prnvlni; extre.iioly
popular with Ford ownciu TIiIh new
apecdometer outfit baa no Iroiible
aome awlvel In tho drive and in ninny
other waya t 'proving an inticlo of
great deairublilty.
Many who have Inspected the AC
apeedornetor declare, it to he the most
attractive nrtjclo of Uh kind ever of
fered for Fords. Its round, nicUi led
dial la placed right in the dash, where
It haa the appeiirancc of being a real
part of the -D.r 'mid not an "extra" or
"nfterthought' The (iiiii face iH
Jet black, with the dinthiet lcnilib?
numernlH In white. A 100 lyne trip
reglKter, with lotlm and a loo.iioii-nillo
total reglHtcr, nre provided. Miles per
liour-from 1 to 70 can lie shown Jiinl
an excluHlve feature clu lined for tho
liiHtrumnt Is that it reylsteia evenly,
accurately and steadily, even on rouyli
Reo Phaeton Wins Prize
milk ZeM
vt-.ri ,?; i
Studehakcr Sedan
Is Jrmsislible
Appointments of "Hip; Six'
Special Iae Totieli of
Ultinuite in 'Hit in.
The new Keo phateon, which haa been announced by, the II co Motor
Car company, ban not only been at
tracting unuuual intention throughout
the country but it has already been
lio.sen oa tho blue ribbon winner in
n uutoinobllc beauty contest, accord
ing to J. JI. Upper, of the Jones-Op-
per company.
In competition with approximately
30 other cum tho Ilea phaeton wan
iwardeil first prize lit the Itoanoko
tVn.) fair, which hue JuhI closed. Tho
winning car was driven by Mrs.
Charles Carper,
The "heuuly contest" w hich feutured
tho closing of the fair consisted not
only of the exhibition of various cars,
ut In their performance as demon
strated by their fair drivers. Liieh
driver was required to drive her car
past the Jtidge'a stand in the grand
stand, turn around and back, and then
come to a Ntop In front of the stand.
After tills tdio was required to start
the motor of the car nnd shift gears
before completing the teHt.
The competition was divided Into
four ckissea of both open and cloned
cars, and a winner selected from each
group, after which the close winners
competed again In the same manner
for the prizes, which covered all en
The new Ueo phaeton, which was
the winner In the above competition,
i a new model just from the factory
and ia a type of car which Itco has
never bulll before. It ia a four or
five passenger velih 1, mounted on tho
standard Jteo-alx chassis nnd powered
by the Keo (-cylinder motor, but the
new style body is low and narrow and
there are. many extra feature dif
ferent from the etandard type of open
cars. The hood nnd radiator have the
standard lines, but the bowl ia wider
with a ventilator and a specially de
signed windshield with integral aide
wings, giving tho front of the car a
distinctive look. .
The phaeton is finished in dark blue,
with gray disc wheels striped With
blue nnd has nickel trlmmintr, Tha
hearlamps are a special ball type. Kick
plates nnd aluminum step plates are
standard. A cigar lighter has been
added to the electrical equipment nnd
a disappearing vunity case nnd two
extra pockets nre to be found In the
back of the front seat.
New Maxwell Coupe
Is Displayed Here
When Your
Corns Hurt
End Corns and Calluse Quick
If o-called corn "ciutV liftve only
wade your feet more sore anti tender.
The new Maxwell club coupe has ar
rived and is on display nt tho sales
rooms of tho Pelerson Milliird Hay
ward company, Twenty seventh ave
nue und Karnam street.
Walter Peterson of, the Peterson
Millnrd llayward company said:.
"This car represents a great ad-
' vance in vehicles of its class that ev
eryone can Instantly recognize. The
club coupe offers a contrast so strik
ing that it is bound to take prece
dent in a market watching for quality
leadership. It is a car whose greater
value the public can grasp nt a glance
and there can be no question that in
sheer beauty It is entitled to nnd will
receive precedent from the buyer. AVe
consider It the handsomest two-passenger
coupe on the market."
This car sells nt WSj factory.!
4oA't doir. far mom:, t ie il- .-, ir
mnM rhf i guu.4.ri lv thf m
A fw ttroe -It ' rmoe
iif old er ftil ir ,it ,'t-i! fr.iei
an Ico. It U f; '! iufi -
,4U but a r (If ..! hmv it-eimi-K!tlMl4
f 'l irll ' . 4
t'.. Mfr., Oitcavu.
Allt t Kll-l Hi.vr
Speeial Cadillac Models
Appeal to Omaha Motorists
Painted a rich maroon and striped
on body nml louvres with vernilllion,
is the four passenger Cadillac phaeton
I which hni attracted m much atten
i lion nt 1Kb Mansen-CtidilliK? salesroom
! the past week, The cur U eiUipp'd
'with wire win-els also pmnted vermil
. lien nnil i nickel trimmeil trunk.
Anotlv" pluntoii displayed Is paint
ed n lic'i brown, and equipped wttn
cream who wheels. It H upholstered
i i a vift ule like leather in light
brown with maikiims of darker color
A four passenger mcloietl Victort i
ami a -ne atseitger 8edn. N't'l
piunted il.nk blue and upholstered in
plain, .l.ii k. lustrous velvet rlour
are mite laliy alluring in im-ir mm
f. it and lnury.
s Sainte Claire
Miserly With Fuel
Drivers of Wllla Kainte Claire cars
are finding every day that they pay
llttl or no premium in gas for the ad
ditional comfort in riding and in hand
ling which they enjoy.
"I made 372 miles yesterday In my
Gray sedan, with four passen
gers in 11 hours and 40 minutes, in
cluding stops and detours," said Doug
las M. Davis of Jamestown, N. Y., in
discussing recently the performance
of his car. "I used 23 gallons of gaso
line and two quarts of oil. Most com
fortable touring I ever had."
J. 11. Mack of St. Louis recently
completed a trip from his home city to
New Knglnnd and return a distance
of 2,987 miles in his Willis Sainte
Claire, on a gasoline consumption of
14. S miles per gallon.
"The riding qualities of the car nre
so wonderful that I am able to drive
as high as 427 miles In a single day,"
said Mr. Mack after his trip, "Need
less toatiy, from a mechanicul stand
point the car performed wonderfully
and, asldo from draining the crank
case and filling the gnsoline tank, f
had nothing to do but drive."
Whatever You Do Don't Neglect
Your Eyes, Says Dr. Louis, Who
Tells How to Strengthen Eyesight
a t a ,r-t!. t . .
It IMkMIUll if . 14 ";t
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Gun on Ships Proposed
to Fight Opium Traffic
llun'olula, Oct. 2S. I'nless an In
ternational agreement can bo effected.
Chllector II. V.. Murray doubta
whether merchant vessel plying the
Paritic between tilt trlent, Honolulu
and roast porta will h permitted to
mount artillery, a ln 1'een sug
gested by those Interested here lit
!ippreliia; tha opium tin!!,
(lima aia tb only ftectiM wea-
Pol a against tha d.'i rumirr."
Murrav 4ya. "AlipUnea been
isrieJ. but the amugKhn -
tun woulj put out atitl firth r to
net ; they were frcdj t; they enn
. y out lil il-tya r a. If they h tva bt.
A ID ft r,i.uim f o. b. Ilia ahlp cmta
bout I I. Orlbnc here at Ilea or
more, the front ia K.os the !H"
Franl ?loatk Join
McCaffrey Motor V
li4iH i.'. k. hu l Wny
! a Hki i. -rvbaiut ht t .,!- f- f
II. a wt
A motor car that has been neennb d
a great shar of atlenilou m recent
closed tar showa throughout the
country is the titudebajter "liig Blx"
sedan (special), now on display tit the
showroou of O. N, Uonney, Ktiide
Hakcr dealer, striking In apprarnne
titid complete down to the Inst detail,
It carries an air of elegance that ia
The beauty of the "nig Six" sedan
in enhanced by Bitch touches tis (tie
handsome nickel plated radiator i-hell.
motuiuetPr and ornamental- radiator
cap. Other features of beauty, u t ill
ly und completeness are the nickel
plated bumpers, front and rear; autO'
niutla windshield cleaner: rear-vlcw
mirror; the spacious trunk (with dust
proof cover) at Iho rear, which is easi
ly accessible because the two extra
disc wheels (complete with tires and
tubes) are ctyrled on the front fen
Among further features of comfort
and convenience are tho heater; thlef-
pronf transmission lock; ventilator In
wl; massive headlights; artistic
side coach lams; courtesy light on
the driver's side; opalescent dome llj;ht
and corner reading lights; automatic
window regulators; silk roller cur
tains; three-piece rain-vision shield;
eweled eight-day clock; door' locks
und .door pockets.
Tho "iilgSIx" sedan (special) Is
equipped so its to bo equally adapt
able for year-round service in town
or cross country touring. ,.
Upholstery is of rich mohair velvet
plush with floor ' carpets, top lining
und trimmings to mulch. Maximum
Iding comfort is provided by the nine-
inch deep cushions and tho long semi-
elliptic springs, 61 inches in the rear
and 38 inches in front. The liberal in
terior doiiieiinlons usuuro amide room
for seven passengers with tho two
auxiliary seats In use.
This distinctive sedan body is noted
for Its sturdy construction. Jt. is
mounted upon tho tiO-horse. power Stu
debuker Hig-Klx chassis, which has
gained world-wide recognition for re
liability and all-round performance.
Wheat, oats, barley and rye
grown successfully on farms
Permanent Body Coupe
The. Duriint four-passenger coupe differs from most coupes In that its
body is exceptionally well constructed, finely upholstered, elr. The price is
low $1,I!I3 at 'Omaha.
annju(ut re
,. LiMlvl tetos pi r !. ITrT l, 'T H'lMlsini,
k, ama M t ,M m i ta t I I ! H I T l ! r H I
iiM-ty , a i y f a t!'r !
Pad' Irrth udtn lrirt
Hatafkalt lie MttUiMvt, tut, I' -A r rt a
t vt l...i.i,,t tuiul Ml a t
aatiif t a-x-f i U art
tit a ! m kJ. I I
al a ! a
H ! t "I1 "'
Gt Your Winter ClotK
Cttnvl RiM Ay
The Pantortum
! Tin
-Ji i I . w
n i4r
i t j.
The Nebraska Oldsmobila Building
Store Your Car at the Most Convenient
and Modern Ikiilriing in Omaha
See tl o Oldtnoliiie Four
(Iivatet Value
the WVM:
Hy .1. MA( l. .MKKS0N.
Out ofieii sees ilk, bear, ilccr nnd
btilfalo and other game hiiIiiuiIk mem
li.gly satlrlleil In iiIV parks and zooa.
I ut en. si'lilniii if ever bus se ii
full grown inooiti in captivity. They
am not found tin re hi-caiiae thev ar
nature's g.i pi.l" and c.'iniiot. live for
b'tig If coii'ined. I they cannot roam
around und pl k their own food th
will din lu a e'.V licit time, even it
carefully fed.
The moose la the !.ui,'l of the doe
family nod Is uno nf tha strongest
ond most riiKgeil of North American
Willi IIUIIimIm. Ill Yl lli:UHl,ill' I I.I lit
und In the country iidjuliiltn,', espe
linllv tirji - thii ho.'oh',,ilcrH of lb" Vel
I' Ketone) river, iioinv nioo o mak
I heir home. They are a very homely
annual, high in tho front, iiiiai'lera,
with a hump between their shoulder
long, ungainly leg, and a long head
Willi a Hose. They sometimes,
lien full grown, Weigh over l,n00
pound and are between alt and aav
en fei t high nt thn shoulders. Nay
I urn haa provtd'd them with spread
Ii g linoes, r.. i that they can walk
UiroiiKh deeii mud without sinking
In an fur as a solid hooted (inliruil
would, and powerful shniilduttfi so that
it can propel Itself through innrshea
and bogs where. It gets lis summer
food. MooM generally live in a
marshy country. Tlny feed on Illy
pads and bulbs in thn summcrlime,
( lien pulling their heads under water
nnd browsing off tho bottom of shnl
low pond. In winter they obtain
their food by eating willow twigs, linn
brush and the bark of spruca trees.
yviien riding through the woods one
rim sen places on spruce trees where
tho chlfiiicl like lower teeth of the
moose have peeled olf the bark.
Thn sutlers of the moose differ from
thn deer and the elk In that they
have largo pnlms or llnlteiied places
n them nnd tho .point, instead of
being long, are quite short. They
nro shed every year the same as
oilier solid horned animals, Tho nos
trils are very large and have a kind
of (lap over them that closes down
w hen a moose bus his hi ad under
water, J luring the summer months
moose live in the water shout as much
as they live on land and may bo eeen
early in the morning or late in the
uficrnoon lying in shallow pools.
The bull moose has & piece of nkln
hanging below the neck that Is
known ns tho bell, finrnetlmes the
cows have this appendage, but that
is rarely seen, 'When they get angry
they champ their jaws and the long
hair raises on their backs, making
them look very savage.
One day Kd was out in camp, and
seeing a cow jnooso In a meadow not
far away, slowly walked toward her
to take a picture, when within about
100 feet of the ntilmnl he suddenly
came upon her e'lif, which was lying
behind some buck brush. The calf
became frightened and gave a little
flijueul, whereupon the mother threw
up her bead and started for Kd as
fa.'it ns she could run. Ed dropped
his camera and ran for a small tree
which he climbed Just In time to es
cape her sharp hoofs, f-hn stood
guard under the tree for some time,
striking tho ground with her hoofs
end champing her Jaws. After a
while sho moved away and Ed, think
ing thut she was going to leave, be
gan to descend. As soon as he moved
tho moose turned sharply and ran
towards the tree. Ed climbed the
tree again and waited' quietly for
nearly two hours before the mother
moose nnd her calf walked away Into
the timber. If Ed hud been unable
to escape from the angry mother
moose he would hate been, ti;imp!ei
under her sharp hoof.
Moose are as much at home In the
water as they are on land. They
cross marshes, mud, snow and oilier
obstacle Willi ease,
Itui'c-fian;; Feud HrrA ,
Out on Tr..( k at l.tnidoii
London, Oct. I'S The llntidi sport
ing World I considerably iU'onio-cd by
a recent olllbreuli of lar.n; feud.
Young "loiiijhs" of rival unnus fol
lowing the race have tlnrljred open
warfare ami the result him hi-i u any
thing bill pleasant for the unlet ly (lev
el ecu of racing. The feuds break out
nt thn fiihloii.iUe I'niirHcs ami
the free for ulls .which follow nre un
pleasant, lo say Iho losht, There are
been several slalibiiiu in Imdou'S
Holm 1 1 i h t rli t which have been attrl
billed to these race gang fends, Tho
stewards of thn various course and
the pollen are using (very effort ti
clean up the ail mi turn.
Did Patient Leave
Legacy to Benefactor?
j .Vl.ini.1, (I i . th t. 21 -ilia "bread
i.ot en the waters"' returned, or la
(nichc(ly pi.(lm: a practical Joke?
Thai s what Jiali I'loyd, ptetiy 19
..vcu'i.M Atlanta k it. Mould l,ka to
know about a bnaey of f:'3.Uint she
. I said In have been bft b' an aged
lll.lll ll.'i IIH-d 1 ll ll I , .! . belli I-!"' ollitf
b(fliilldei) Willie lot ,,l ,ll,'llt III;
a lioHpital l'c. I
When told about tt Mi s l''oyd said j
she ikdu'1 kimw .i o I lnn;r about it. 1
According to In r no, omit, Imt winter, 1
while Minting Hie I ,-iNpiinl to see n
Mick fi o lid, alio bi i .line Heiy Killed
with Ihijord. who vv.m thn. MifO i ing j
with In nl.t ll l itis, noil for In iii ly three
weeks vauicd ll 1 1 it i, o h dny and per- j
formed Puny kiiulnesseH for bun, Hho '
i.ilkd liiui "Hiddy" Jllufoid and ioe
not know hie fliat liaiue, alia M)
Itiiiford, aha ald. told her aha r
iiiliided In Ml of hla wife, and that
omu day he would tew aid her for hrn
kindneSMc. '
"I'd Ilka tt out aomethlnjr
ulioiit that IJu.OOo," she aald.
Hospital record fail to show any
nuifoid n ti patient during the win
ter of i?:i
The ftmt ele. trio battery was tiiada
by alternating pieces of ropp'v and
,'inc Willi blotting paper soakid with
sal Riuiiioiiliic.
Moi'i, Wonin' n4 thlldun'
tlullnni nl tviy Ortirlptiaa
Prtip ReducnJ
Mr n't lo nil lliifpi'i tt CQ
217 Kni!ii Mini
I t luphmiril ()'iili. A r Unlit 018
Soiilli .Slid-, MA hot 0051)
I-door, 5'pa8. Sedan $1!). at Omaha
Inspect the next Durant Sedan you see standing by tlie
curb. Notice the very fine interior finish, the silver
hardware and walnut steeling wheel in fact, every
thing tomake driving a pleasure. The four doors are
Andrew Murphy & Son, Inc.
14th and Jackson
14th and Jackson
T ' vkks E,t' 1869 Tourin 1,0
mJk I Sedan ... 1JIH
I fllfliJtsaifi J ' Or l
m Pistil 1 1 -a.6, Laruitit, Hich,
U V ifiSSi SIX
"S- l'i... J""WI'tfLI Road4r . . IM
11 Touring . . 158
rTf X Coup .... XJM
X " &tan . . lit
l'i Just a Real Good Car t.bjine6,ind.
14th and Jackson
EQB. Lansing
Plus federal Ape
More than 70,000
New in Vs$
Capacity, 500 to
2509 tovndi
What One Factor Contributes Most Towards
Speed Wagon Suitability?
IX'OXOMY, av the merchant. "With
the SpJ Von I can liver 2 1 pounj
or Z00 quit kef anJ chp' than by any
tihf mcthoX"
ltKS.lTll.ITY. HHiti tha manufae.
um "fisiuai bUKa JUfKor hunJrt
anila haul I anJ tha itpaeJ 'asai atMlir
KI'titillkXFSS, aatt the farmar.
" I (htf hl ioul.ln 1 4,1 lonj on
ni r Ji heat Mr itutk nuUn'l i'
Sl'tttk lla ih lateihi r-ue
tr. "fo paiiun dMnj a tati run
Kln Ma. f Ullv K I ( t
vfrl aoh liUvJ "
Di:pi:,n.tmi.m voUth,. the ctt,
but owner, "tor SpcrU Vann operation
nablei m to run on urict KhaJu!et
dcUv woutj kill my profit."
n ltiiri the Kh.-Hil wtgon
driver. "The low hung por unit anJ taw
iibl tlittrttaution ol igli war th nhti't
auk it b4U the nJ ''
nY a ).; vrAiiriFs.,
ait the ambuUn.e tn.r, "li'a loe
ptiim rul rc"io votJ uifi it ika
pl Jt.tx (jii, ir lining bomhI.
V IN ) A 1 1 IO.W .... ,h, Im.
en.,. "Inttttktnt.thibtv ,.f t 4
Vstt it llj i.uirk4l l "
Chai fruf $118 f.o, K l.Ania;.plui I4.
tat!t ti4Uv!.r J isln n hUv( trvm.
4 VW JJ )ti in Jifi nml ima h .iv
A. H. Jones Co.
lUiling. Nlr.
Jones-Opper Co.
SI f O MOTOI C A l ' O H f A K V , ' j t u 1 1 Ml,Htt
Si-.tux Citu