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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1922)
THK SUNDAY' J'.KK: OMAHA, OCTOJiKR '-'!. a it Diamond Rule Returning lo National Clubs fann Combats Show Baseball uprrinary in Ma jor Slipping from Amrri ran League. My I. V.. NAMNIIIV f ir poet Rcnwiii rmlitf (an etrfnln it, auprenviry In Hi tmwi Iwll worlil eern to ho returning; to tlm National I'lifi, whl'-h li beim KfllliiK lea than ( ulmr lit th ma jor ina honor In ll tout tut. i IF BACK HURTS FLUSH KIDNEYS Eat lent moat, aIo take flans or fcaiis bt-iore breakfast occaioDally. Too inui'ii mciit nmy form uric arM which orlh thn kidney; they 1, com ovcrworVeil; (rut luKi"i, lull and f--l like lump of lrl. The urine, become cloudy; the UuiliW I Irritated, mill you nmy be ohllKed to ji-k relief two or tlirea time during in iilxht, When the kidney clog joij tntm hlp them fltth off th lily'a urinous ( or you'll fc lick p'TRoti shortly. At flmt you frel a dull misery In th kidney ikIoii; you mirtVr from bnckidie, mik hinlmh. di..lne, itomiich Ul Hour, toiiKUfl coiilcr anil you fori i lit uiniillc twinges when the v. tut her 1 bud. iTiriH ion 111 niiiiT, ii mo gci irom t ,y pharinaclat four ounce of Jud hull; tnke a tableapoonful In a glim of Mater U'fnro briikfiit for u few ilaya ond your kidney may then net fine. Thl fiinioti tiilt I in.ido from the acid of Krupr and lemon Juice, combined Willi IHhiii, and ha been used for geiicrution to clean dogs;"! kidney anil atlmulut them to norinul nctivlly, alio to lielp ncutmll the nciil in mine, no it no longer I it nourco of Irritation, thu often end ilia; hlndiiiT weiiknem. Jnd .Suit I Inexnenalve, cjnnot In jure; tiuikc a dtdlK ht fill effervescent llthl.i water dilnk which everyone should Ink now and then to help keep the kidney clean and active, Iji-ukk!! here ""y ,n,y ' ot Jad Hull to folk who Ixillev In cor recting kidney trouble while It I only 4-,.,il.l The lrlunih of the (iiiuit over the Tanker In the niMi ilm tin year iiKr pronouie ! and eon vliu iiif than in lll'l, and It m lm d up by the vl tory of the I'uli nwr the White run In the Iuiiik" city erlea. A th'wa were the only pot wa ikiii etntfed tin )iur the eriln't w iinunliiioufi. Last year the white Hon tuinn,.. the Cul five tmlilit flume, Imvinu; It an open question whether or n the Natlnnnl league' victory In thu world ihanipiunahip struggle In. II rated a uiriurity of the Uuigije ur of the tiiant generaUhlp. ik In lilatorli! tlnien-th decide udliif with JiilO the National league enjoyed the preetlge that goe with h"Hln the world' chnmploriehip till meet of the time, Hlnce It wa wreeted a from the i.'uba by the Athlelli In 1910, the world erlc pennai h Moated over American lengun park more often then over theuretia of it rival circuit. National Coming llwk. nui in long Ming or the pen ouium i hringliig the Indicator uprniMcy lairk to t)ie veteran league and the necond iiccealve defeat the Yankee by the (llant have n argument that the 1921 aerie wn uu convincing. It ulll tn li the Xatloniil Irnguu long time, however, to culili up with IK hurky young rival In the total oi game won ince they lagan playing In each other' yarda back In liidS Kor a good many of the Intervening eunon the yeur'a balance ha heu In favor of the American league whoae team had piled up n toial of 114 vlctorle over National leaguu team In poet (weon battle at the end of 1921, whllo the veteran leaguer hud beaten th Johnnon circuit In oily 138 game, Thl year the Natlonul h-agu won eight potefton game to three Vic torle for the American, all of them by the White Hog. That margin of five game take only u emu II fco out of the Ameiieoii league' big lend leaving th grand total to date 17 to 144 In favor of the Junior organ Izatlon. Of world' pennant the American league ha won 11 and tin; National tight. I'ont heftmm hainn Mart In 190,1, lu eoiiii: of the pre vioun year tunny more pool m-oxon eon tenia have taken place than recently. In VJiii, the llrot year of the pence compact between the rival circuit, there were forty l pot'eaon game played, )elde the world' rl there were city ae rie In Chicago, Ht. Louln and 1'hil- udelphla, end an Ohio chauipinnnhip aerie between t.'lnclnniitl and Cleve land. Omdiially all but the Chicago content have been abandoned for lack of Intercut In mere city champlon- Hhlp. In the appended atatlntlc on lnter league game only pout en moii aerie are lui'ludcd, onilltingr the prlng con- teat that word to be prevalent, for the reiiMon that tn the antC'cliamplonxhiu game many rookie were tried out, ( MEW. Harry Say: Am I Right? Wkn you come to me for a suit or over coat there it one thing I want to have happen. To merely please you it not enough! You mutt be more than tatitfied. It takes extra time, t'xtru effort, extra exixame and ex tra everyUiinir to get what I am after. Uut, MAN, it PAYS. "That's the method of my madnei." I am not in Imninett for u week or a month I am here to STAY. Hood tailored clothes are th? beat adver tisement a tailor van peMilily have. Hive a nunn real tailoring dtif action and he wi(J h glad to hrag It i a tailor. Ih.a'a how I feel n., it and I want every cuttotner to feel th tame way l'.vit me. I'nng me ni!e of t-thfr hih grd tiil. r and I will tlu it for !. Ihi ougt.t trt Inter el )ou. I'.'a likt viiii, a)tt! )o4 ti w rU drea-ed, Harry Mason It's a Fact Good Tailor made Clothes Cost Less Here Than Ready-Made One of the jbiggest items in the increased cost of ready-made clothing is two profits the retailer's and the maker's. These don't net you anything extra, do they? Come in Monday and See Our Suits and Overcoats Made to Your Meature at making them no real lent,i (lie com parative atrength of Hie competing out III or Iraguee, Following la a luminary of the World Ulid Chicago erle of iiml I lie t.itali by yean of previnu eii ,h; Mold i Herle luti. M I I illatiln. 1,tikr'. I 1,1 l-c.i.i.U. 3, aiih ,: l! til III) 1 1, 1 III I, It r-l, 3 V M it i,. I'll, i -HI.IUI., I, V.ii,!.,.. I -lltKMI. , ttHMi--, l llr rrle 11. n. I. 4 - ''uii. 2, w Mia e,., l. I. t-.l'ijl,., ti, W li 1 1 , I, I. It- ul, I. While ", int l;i'ii', .1, while. it. i l 1 1 -i Mui., 7 ; U li'i. Min ii, i M I'll i--. ii: w hi!" H, in 1 I----I ill".. 3 Vl Mlii XiK, lnleU lir leara. ports 1 UK lifMKf iiinriilna. II u ymi lioucht ji iluilnh til .?;- A Mi f:l - A iii' 'l'i 1 r A mm f n m, I 1 v I f A nirl. Mil, i J t 1 1 AMin'HMa, 4 1 7 A rt . vr t mti. 1VH Aine-ri' lift, 1? j 9 1 A MMsfi' tni, ': I1M 4 AniTt' mii, jus A if ri- ii, V' I il 1 1 A iriri Hftft, I ) til t - A Mil-ft' f), 14 Ami''1 ai fiat, I Itofi Anir-rlftift, i no a - Aiit1 mi"! I ; t 'j ni a nifi i n Ht, : ) iff), Anu-i l M(i, i -An.ffli Hi,), I ; J'i4 Aniri' linn, ; jjiicl .--Atficrii-MO V'l , T'iil"( Atutri Hit, Ntjltoimlr, 2, N' I -tlleJ f, it N4'l"MMll, l'f. NtttinriHix, 'i. N)tt"ltNlV, Nii'tortMl, NmM'XimIii, Nwt'Dtnln Nu'llthHl, ftfltlll'nell, NnKimix'w, Nu luitrf I", Nf loriiti NrfMflflHl, N l luittt Ik. NMilmitfia, . 1 I 9 I" 1. 4 i ; 17; Nulionn;-, 141 Four N(;v I 'aces on Iowa Team 14 fit. I" . 'et. J,-- llecon atiucti'd ttlthlii-tt veck, with fmir new fnce acheiliiled to appear In the lineup, lowii unlvrrrlly hiKky foot- I m 11 nun hlnu will dike the Held iiK"lnt I'urdue here ImlBy tilled with n de- not only lo win, hut to ng.iln iitno of Hie preat Ice IomI limt Hnturday In the r lint to 7 victory over the llllnl leum. l''or rcKiilur wliii pliiyed In the Yule Kiime, Iticlud Inif I'krkin, the neimon' nenmitlon at iiuiirterhink, me expected t'i warm the id line, while aecond 'tmd men III! their plm e on I he held. In hi e,irch for a more effective team conihlmitlon Coach June hue unified the nuihln Cupt, l.oi'ke to 'urkln'a ponltion et ifuarter, NiiKent to Mllltr'M Imlf, Jii'iua lo rulllMK-K, (lite to ll'iiicocl'.'i end and Ktlz to nifledltiKer' tackle por,ltlon, I'nrkln 1 Mid to have an Injury, "We ore not hero to try to hold Iowa to a low acorfr; we are to try and win," wji the talenietit of Couch Jume J'helun of I'urdue, (riilxter Dies Iluffulo, N, V Oct. t'S. Curl Jft- coh, u iiieinlx'r of the Martlnavllle coiiiiiiunliy foothull feuni, died at a honpltnl here today from Injuile re ceived In a Hume liott Huturdiiy. lione In Ilia aplriBl column wete dl located, lie wh a mm of Itev. Henry Jiuol, ield eeci-etary for tho Lutheran anilarium at Denver, Col. Wayne Normal Lours. UMhm, In., Oct, 2. Wcetcrri Union defeated W'uyne Normal, 13 lo Wayne acored Ita drat touchdown In the flret. quarter. W intern Lnioii nine I '.' and acored in the mini! iiii.rter, The winning touchdown wan made a .1 reult of aeverul forward pne. York Loees lo Kearney. York. Neh., Oct, St. (Hpecjul lele- jtruni.)Vork college IobI to Kearney Normal hero yeaterdny hy acoro of 16 tn 0. Kearney collected ix point In the firm half, hut. came kick etronK In the aecond and piled up three touchdown. Iiiit l.lle a lliihlcr. Jiiiiiit.v lilii'lie, hi.lilcr nf the n,i. likilil eik'lil r' f 1 1 ( iiui.H lr i hi.i la I Koiiie lo etieial (In, winter ut,n ii'icniliiic the wn, after which lm will rduru lo the iH;ii nud IlKht for more reiiNiill.Jiln purHc. He wa a rlnuiip Hthler of our I it i ill . Idit when lie went mil In the linl. H iiiuliln't lay ft fee eiifl earned Jm It On Hit) thins hot an "ahm ran." It iini'1 lo ! nld Hint ilnKinx wiia I h poetry of motion. Nowmliiya It Inoa'ly free vcrae. The niiiiouiicemeiit tlmt llie wljit-r (inlf eeiieon will lp n lit I'ltinllillBt, N. C. on lleceijilier 10, milet lm Komi new to (he (jJfer who hn lo "keep the home lire liiiriiliijf" hy wnkluiT. M W IlilTI V. , a II lit fun mice mild: Some il.iy two lighter who uctu illy lit In each ol In r will nH Into an Oinahu rlne and mile a referee lnp II, eniiii' delict few fan may really u IIkIiI There' one liiinch of lii.'ijor Ihibui humihull where Ihn player mnlci no error, In riittliitf up the world . rlf recelit no player ha lieeu cri d ited Willi bootliiK one, lUlihil In lint wood llueli In Hie air Nclilaifer' alter n niiinatcr Nolioily aeeuw to tare, II.VMI rrTo AI.VIS, The first Ihlnif we know "Cowhoy ladidtt, the welterweight, will he fiKhtlnif Jack Iieiiipeey. At Iciiat In iniiMer, liny Alvle, will try In Inak the plihllc Indieve It, The Maryvllle Ihiimcral rnruin MIKK'! a loant to let lidiiplcd hy ome of Hie cumlalalc for office on hot It llikeln: "Here' to you a wet a you are; here' to me a dry a I am; bul, a dry a f am ami u wet a you are, I'm a wet a you are a dry n I ui." IIAKI.IK'S 1(1 II T. ' lliiven't heard tnuiili from llie laimp tit Chfirllo Jlunvon elnce the older ,hy,ko came out nud Informed the world Unit ho would wrenllo Hiiiikoii for the goto receipt or n lde bi;t, nrovldiriK the aide h't w,-i worth wretlliitf foe, h)nlio (old Ifiinxmi to bo and Bel a reputation, which I u lot more than a lloclt of wreIIer own, Foolhnll Ktralcuv la o Kinxl mokt of llie time that even I he eoiufie can uiidentluitil It, let ttlonic the fan. TIIIMiH IHKIMrT"rNIKIWT.INI. Incnnie lax lilanli. fnllcKe yell. A Greek waiter, ri.KNTV NTItlltfcH. : Accordim? to recent pro. die ptttche, "llabn" Huth I not Inter eated In the new player' union. Mttt he that the "Bubo" went out on Hit HI I I UH ll WAX A IIIMiMIMK 101 TII IIIS Hllt HAS M: AMI M il K S0.MK0M-: t l l l ll HIM I.HTI.K 1(1 III, AM Ml. MIT KM UIII A unit k. Hincr f.uulty iiittm in en at IukN i'Iiu.iI and colitM h.ivu llird lo place the enft iimU1 on the Int' porliiiicc of fiinl kill, It I JUKI a i-aev lo Hit lli I.eU fur Hie Iiik Kl"'H a It l to itet oiir rliig-lile rent nl a t'liialia IikIiI nliow or re I ved lunch Whete ht. IVIer prinlile. WE PUT ON VELVET COLLARS DRESHER BROS. 2217 Firnant St. Mo' Iwe or three-piece fl KQ uil cleaned and preetrd Atlantic 0345 Izaak Walton, Cliapter Formed A t' lit, line m i; iiiit.u .. ii of mi inuhH cluiptcr i f the Iri.ik Wullou nlie of America wan foiincd at a uieetiii' nl the o. A C. nM night. 1 he I .ink Wullon Iuaue of Auier k 4 Kland fur the pitHcrvatlon of tiali and tiauie and Ih natural leau tie of oiildoor life, A pciiiiulient oiK.inlJillnll niectln will l.e held Imi'liilier lit Ihe (I. A. C. A coiiiinllte .f (liree wn p pointed lo ill il ft n coijMiIiiIihii ami hy law fur the lu'.il chupler. All liiuiihii ini Imiiii n will he In, Ml i-i to attend 1 1 1 in kl meeting. Thoee iricnt laul IiIkIiI were; .1. T. McVlttle. Ii. II, riilllip H. V. 1'iilla him, A. I'", lilnom, II. K. Urnwn, ftn i1l Hinlth. I!d livkiiil, Ijirl Alheill, counii-y i mi to he held lu omiihn i at. ,, Keiim lli Jinitl'i. W il I haiii'.HKiviiii; inoiiiiMK, Hurry ri't cr 1 cnuchlntf the llarrlii. .Mien inn I I'lhl.i-i- llnlrlicd Ural and nccoiid lioit year, and lliirlfnrd nd 1'iilxi'iii ie Uh.ho uli i iiily pun tli iiiK. Hli iiiiiioiih, Ihlid liiet year, t H ' ov iiliiK from an opiiatlim nud will e port to Kictzli-r a noon a he I nJroMK i iiuiiv.Ii. Medic Harriers Begin Training for Grid I In. .ill, I hii illca fur Hie aniiijiil Ii.iMi Iiikiiii lialiiliig Y. M. C, A. cri l.ild Vh I. M, I', Htmie, K. I. Mill 1 1 1 iet. U. T. (iiiicouiilil nud I' I'd !""J rich.' Cent; Tuiiney Win Ow r "Cliuik" V, iin Hueton, Oct. '.'8 (ieiieTuiincy, for Pier hlil In nvy weight champion, lant ulKht wa awarded the declon over "Chuck" WiKKiii of Indlanupoll, after l round of low IlKhting wllh the former A- K. Y. champion the HgxreaHor. li. S. Delewarc in New Voik, Oct.' 27. The foothull team fiom the Culled Htate l.atll'i- nhlp Uclaw.ue defeated the eleven of the hattlerhlp Murylaiid, 13 lo 7, In u cotiU'iit. to (lecldu Hie ctiampiominip ot the Atlniitio fleet tu-r toduy. HanliiiK .Mount Pocmi'i Win Any liltte Hililiong Wiihlilngloii, Oil, Ueneral 1'eiehll.g Ik (he proud poeeeemr of Hi rue rlohnn winner In Hie olllcer'a JumpiiiK ihm In yeeterday' armv hoie liow here, tonllued to enlrle from Ihe Waehlngton dlHirict. HI I'lomlnent Tom captured tho l.luo rililiim lu Ihl lun. One of tho u;prixe of Hie day wa the failure of I'l fBlieiit. lliintliig anddle hoc ntiy, ll.irlii'l ridden hy Lieut. C, C. Jadwlu, lo win u place In tho private huddle claw, lint place In thl event wont to MuJ. On. HurlKird (lay lurk. Suito Heatu Coffey. Lo Angele, Oct.. 2S. Jimmy Hue co, notoii lightweight, defeated Joe Coffey of Oakland, In a four-round hout here lat night. College Stars Foes on Pro Kleveib W lien the olvmplce, Omaha'a pn feenlumil f hiIIhiII team, and the Hill Lin Athletic l lull fleteu of lie M il nex i l.inli nt liik-u pin k t " :it Huud.iy n ft ci iuhiii, it won't he Hie tliKt mei'ting lietwecn tlene Iahy, el ar oly iuplc fiilllim k. ami "KuiMle'' Knox. Hlllelder hulfliack. Ii.ihy wa a tar at Crclghteu flic 1 1 Knox waa the iiiaiiieluy of Urn In Molnea uiilerily eleven. They liiHiked up on three different Oitii mine Knox Wa Hie Individual elar of the gum nl le Molne IiihI Hunday lift eriioou when Hie lllllBidi'i won the I 'en Moinc profeiiliii,il 4-1 ii 1 1 1 1 ii i tl llip hy defeiiting Ihe N. A. C. 10 to 0. in Mnireil all the IlllUliler' tallie. Tint lIllNldci, lll.ii the Olympic, lire a group of ex (liege und hlKh achoiil gridiron lur. HcMitle Ix'ahy, j Ihe lni'il Include In llieir lineup hiicIi men u Wiiile M 1 1 ii i . funnel I v f Ne lu-anku: Waller MeKechnle, ViihliiiiK ( Ion Flute colli kc; Viilli, Notre I lame. und Kerry Knirry, lleuly and I'uiiIhuii of CreiKhton. I'niiriiti (mntTifrM p Rheumatism! S. S. S. I the Great Builder of Red-Blood Cell and Rheum atiim Mud Go! Uted Since 1826-Jutt Try It! "RheuMulimu 1 Me? fo, Indeed, lt' ll g"iie, every hit uf III ll' iiBhliie and Jny f'O lue now fur the firnl lime Id ycr. I feel a w.inderful Klurr n ifiil n In the fine uiollun 1 uncd to have wueu my day were young er, I lunk at my hands l tMuk ol the twUl nud awelltag tticy iKdi to hue. I hem! wy over to Hie floor. I haven't hero aide to do that la many year. I i nn I hunk K. H. K. for It all! To me It we a rlliiK ua of Joy and llherty. Broth er and timer! la inliiery, do not clone your eye and think tbot lienltb, free motion uDii etreugtb are won froui you forever! It I not o. It I bere and nntr for all of you. a. H. . 1 waiting to help you," There 1 a reonoa why K. H. H. will b.-lp you. When you lnerea the number f your red-hloud relli, the entire -lew undergoe a trcmenduii cbtnue. i.rerytblug (lepoudi on blood-trcuglli. Dlood which ii in I ii in nffli'ii-nt red ceil lead lo a long llet of trouhha, Kheiiinatliun I on of IIh'Iii. H. K, H. Id Ihe great lileod-rleaiiHer, Mood builder, yitiim itreDgiheia-r, uerve I u vlgurator. It atop akin erup tion, too, pimple, block bend, eue tiol In, ', It build up run down, tired men und women, ImiiU tltle coinplexlnn, make the lleeh tlriuer. Charlie Ilallele, Klnreuec, TemH, wrlU': " ttkt great ttnturt in Utllng you knovt what B. 8. t), ht$ done for me. I have ufci four but lite of B. t. S, 1 am up eo I can walk. The pain hn$ hft my leg. Before vtiwg B. 8. S. I uvi in bid three monthe and could not walk. will rtcom mr.nd 8. H. is. to all who tujjcr with Rhtwnatiem.' mart H, H. K, today. It I aold nt ll drug utoren la two lw. T b a Inrer li!e bottle Is the more ecouom-kul. Hurler Ilrnts Dillon Ilenver, Colo., Oct. 27. Ion HurK'T of Denver won Hie decision of the Judge over Uiindy Olllon of Ht. Paul n ltd Jack Doyle of Denver lout lo Haph McKrmui of Ht. Taut on a foul In two li round feutherw eight bout here tonight, ; Heo Want Ad llting the heel Ho , ult. i i;ii' ' fe .. rf-V E. RUTH PYRTLE Noe-PolllUal Cendidel lor STATE SUPERINTENDENT Over I'd yre' e.perlence in . rurel, (illeire end rilv i-hiiilf. I wo itegrtea limn Mime I,1 ul v.-r. 1 1 y . Four. leiit iiioittai wulfure work el I emp Dudvr anil Dee Mninee. Inilitut In- irurtur, homevtedHiir, Iravrlfr, lee- I urer Mint civic worker. Vote for Her Nov. 7th Ihe Want Ad produce result. I-OIITHAI. AIIVt-KTlBfcxr.vr. I'OI 111! AI. Atl niTIM MKNT. SEARS FOftCOMGRESS WILLIS G. SEARS Vote for juogc'sears FOR COhGRESS. HE HAS SERVED YOU fAITHFULLV AND EF FICIENTLY AS A MEM BER OF THE STATE LEGISLATURE, AS 5PEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESEN TATIVES, AS- A JUDGE OF YOUR DISTRICT COURT. HE WILL SERVE YOU WITH EQUAL FIDELITY AND EFFICIENCY AS A MEMBER 0FJTHE NATIONAL CONGRESS I'lll.l lK A I, AIIVKKTIM'.MKVr. I'lll I IK l. All HtllhlMfM'. "Safferin he rone from ynr luce, Diutber!" L S. S. mahs you feel like yourself again OTTO A. SINKIE A. B J, D. OTTO A. SINKIE People' C.ndidat "BY PETITION " for COUNTY ATTORNEY To legalize Lijfht Winc8 and Burr. would do more than anything elise- to reduce taxed. JIclp reduce them by voting your sentiment. REMEMBER tlmt'the People nominated mo by petition, after th primaries to run against the Political Ring'a candidates of both parties that they miffht have assurance of honest en forcement of the prohibtion laws according; to my announcements. 25 Others at $35 and $45 I am sfler jou buinr, rn feuional ami wor'nicc men wl.n havt been payuilf fiid to tlOtl for our (lothr. I like to trt ur eye pop out with turprite when I hm you the aw fab. rut for . '3 and up. t.ry Harry Maou Sun or owr coat is tailoted to your maar end Kusrantced to f t perft.tiy. Sa fe Work. Cried n In hasttnr tfor fiinhd, I Si'S M U'K. 4 Hl lir IN MONDAY I DON'T DllAtl If yu arc lh man ko f oat cottar doai not M want U yaa. Ctlra Pantt f HIM matftul iJouklet K lit of tHa Sui't. 1518 Farnam m Happy and WeJ1 You Should Be the Same I I Mi I I 1:1 I It '-o ILX-. 1' SSJ A I Ik. 1 LARGE number ol women's ailments arc not surgical ones. Serious displacements or radical changes have not yet taken place. A tiny pJrt in a fine clock may Income loose and cause the clock to gain or lose. If not attended O in time, the part mav fall from its place and cause serious trouble. So it is with women's ailments, they start from simple causes; but if allowed to continue, produce serious conditions. When the warning symptom are firit noted, take Lydia K. Tinkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve the pivv nt trouble some ailment, and topievent the development ( serious trouble. rmi!.!,--l 1 n'tWiro, Vl. "Hr sM-i-ral -4liiH li. .'til'. I ;:!Vril w't r i4ii i.iikii, ',i tci'l i - !! n! t.iiii' I Step up mane your self known." Says the Omaha Bee WANT Ad 1 1 ii. 1 aWM i i H I T Ye ana wrju'.u nr.. p,.r.!.tn,l, In.l. "I . a!i irrulr! nti.l ci u l! l cf'rtl line I.e. i-i- .f ! i ll'. 'd' tit mm ' l.l:.' 1 r! li"' t.vli I,, I .n', SW1 1.1 f ! ' k t "I Vili Uv 'II V .it.. mi. ! f' t !!, i !e H.oi'l k 11) fvii - " u 1 1 l"i 4.. a. , i';t;i.i. int. let I ant I It If. H, r.c..- I o i e t.' in lo .! i. ii' I i,..t ..'c ii i .mi f.ti : i ' v ,tt ti ( r i,l.i ,l li'.v 5' i If !..! at ! nil' a 'l.I a' t ;' t -Mt ( I I -li I m 1 . !';ii'a ii'i !. I 'iin-;! I, I I .. . .. . 1 o rl i i J i: ( , i li U 4t i-,.. . . ' i i, .1 P'.d, "i : .! '. V-T I I I. I f I- W (M Many tuvh l.'llar pruva lha UUm t4 I i w Lydia E. Pinkham's 4etable Compound I O . S c I e mm " Knock on Opportunity's Door ill y rm I 4 ' v '( on vou-lu- i.n't verv Don't wait for opportunity to ca rojfitlar in niakinjr her rountUs. (!o rkrht out after opportunity ami get the kind of a po.ititm you are fittcil to fi!ltho one that will pay the most money and make ,ou the hapjiiest. Too many imjn are workimr hIihi? at joV, that are entirely "out of their lint'" - just waiting for sonu thintf to open up for tln ni. They're not tho men who will find what they want -tlu man with the future is the one who opens thines up for himself with a "Situations Wanti-d" ad in The Omaha l! e, The tinployus of Omaha will see your ad in The Omaha llee-und by the Mine token, they'll know that you're a wide awake, ambitious applicant who is f.M'ij? the niot intelligent mean of finding a position. Muke an opportunity for ouielf- stop at The Omaha IVe ollh'e and k'et our "Wart" Ad st.tited ot uw phuiu' it ta At l.u.tie luoo, Omaha llc "Want" Uring lldtrr Hf.uttt at l esit-r Cost -or Ywur Money Will H KcfumUl 9ho OctrJia. MorninA Ooo THE EVENING BKE .'aMSMajBjBBMBaBMBiai -v t