The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 29, 1922, SPORT NEWS WANT ADS, Image 14

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Nebraska and Syracuse to Clash in Big Intersectional Game
Missouri Valley
Grid Champions
to Show East
Coutrfrt BttM-rrn Wisconsin
and Miniifcola to Feature
Game Played in Middle
West Thin Week. ,
By wai.tku i;(KF:nsi.i
Th Imtniectlonal clash itwei.-n
. hrask, last yur'i champion of the
Mltanurl Valley conference which
Mil fain- to retain th title, and
h'yrnr-us tin th latter gridiron, the
contest between Wisconsin ari'l Mln
msnta at Minneapolis Iti the middle
wist an1 showing whlrh Yal, Har
vard and J'rlneeton make In (hftr
weekly gnmes will faatuie th Hat of
roniliall struggle chduld for Bat.
Kebraak, la a powerful eleven thli
year, on which should complete Ita
valley schedule without defeat, tn
iler th alii tutelage of Fred Dawson,
former l'tlnceton player, Hi Corn
hunker hav ahowed well In th hist
I wo year. Th team ha a powerful
lunnlng attack, a heavy and strong
difenslvUv. it will I hi a representa
tive middle west eleven, una which
should test III strength of thn New
Vork lc urn from atari to tin lull,
Haw viii Ha Heavy Eleven.
Tha team ha tieen developed. In a
phasing manner. Coach Dawson ha
haen content to have th eleven win
It game hy well known tactics, hut
the real trength of thn offense ha
not heen shown thl year. Th for
mer Prlnii ton ployr ha th warrior
on llil inr' eleven who tan xecuto
hia Ideaa and th team ahould glv a
clever exhibition of tlio close and open
In th middle went, the game ho
tween Wisconsin and Minnesota
ahould he tho' feature. Whllo the
. Onpher were held to a 7 to 7 acorc
ly Nortnweateni, an unfurtiiiiate
fumhl In tha third period deprived
the Clophera of a victory. I'p to this
point, tin Norsemen had all the hest
nf play mid ar a far belter team than
thin score Indicates, t'nder the coach
ing nf mil Hpaiildlng tha squad will
Irnprov and ahould reach the heights i
of development on the weekend.
On tha other hand, Wlaconaln hull
showed ft strength In game already
played. The Hadger did not engage
In a battle hiat Haturday, hut In th
Indiana ronteat and the two prelimi
nary struggles Conch Richards show-
ed beyond doubt he tin the men to
form strong eleven. Ability of the
veteran la ao well known, combined
with the work of the new men, that
It will dike the heat Minnesota, cm
produce to hold the Bndgr-r. A de
feat for Wlaconaln will put It nut of
the champlonahlp race und practically
every play taught will be uacd If th
Badge r tire pressed to win.
. Purple at I'rlmii.
Illlnola, which gave the middle-west
football world Ita first ahock of the
seaann by holding low to an 8 to 7
score, and Northwetrn will meet at
Urhana in another game of Intereat.
aa far a the Western conference la
concerned, noth have born defeated
by Big Ten elevens, but they are auro
to put up an Interesting giuno to ae
cure a higher rating at the close of
the year.
In another gnrn of note, Notre
Iiame, for year on of the lending
eleven In the middle weat, will meet
Indiana on the former' field. Instead
of playing at Indianapolis, aa has
tieen the uaual custom, the teams will
play home and home games In the
future. Thla atruggle la one of the
moat important in th llooaler atnte
und a real battle always resuim. in
dUina hna been defeated by Mlnneaota
and Wlaconaln, but the team general
ly rise when It meet Notre Pnme
to play an even better brand of foot
ball than the coaches usually expect,
Purdue and Wabash will meet at
Lafayette In another contest of note
aa far aa the Mate of Indiana Is ren
cerned. Wabash, known In football
circle aa the "Little Olanta." baa
hern running much shod over some
opponent thla year and will surely
Rive the riollermakera a game.
MlrhlRn Title Contender.
Michigan, which bid fair to rom
plete Ita schedule without defeat, will
initag the Michigan Aggies at Ann
Arbor. If the Wolverine get by thla
contest Without serious Injury they
should b In a ponlth-n to enter the
last two games with Wisconsin and
Minnesota with championship claims.
The usual number of game will be
played In the Mlaauurt Valley confer
no. and by elevens which do not
belong to anv a latlon.
In th far east Harvai J will take on
Florida In t Intersectional
iharacter. The Crimson had little to defeat Centre, and Indies..
Actieim Scenieo in MarqMett-CirEgMci)ini (GirM (Gam
r' .
. .... .
I 'nj.aytt2:
ttrjf u nrrr'
a i t " n '
r AIT?! W ri
Howells Cains
Help Central to
Beat Des Moines
Blotkrd Punt, Pownt'd ly
Central Player, Yicldn
Atirtli Il Only Count
er in Tilt.
era n" " T' 'ti
. - I" ' B'W. Kai'l lfM.rfl."
? etJ
ai'uai.iii i
I'ulll.nik IbiHi'll, through Iho hill-
limit field running of Central, parti
ally atoned fi r a aerie nf defeat"
by North of De Molnea yesterday,
when the wearer of tho I'urpln romp
ed off with n 22 to 2 victory at Weal
em League park,
The lowani) ai'ineil their only two
point Hhortly after tho game started,
Ifovtill of (Viitrul recovering a block
ed punt behind the l'urplu'a goal,
liiht Threatened.
Unwell allowed he wasn't a traitor
to the causa a few minutes later by
plunging acrosa tha lluwkeye youths'
lino for tho Hchmldt cohorts' first
toui'lidown, ending the i:oi'ng fur the la I period.
Ktiiblliig fulled to make tho try
furpolnt. Centrul threnteiieij the Ilea Moines
goal at the atari of th'i awcumt quor
ter, but luet tha bull when Hlillillng
railed at an attempt to placo kick,
Thn ovnl reiiiiiltied In 'Ink and Owen
territory until luie In the perlol, when
Centrul carried I ho bull to the lowans!
A.l...... II. . Ulll.ll.twt
iV'BIIJ IIIIV, II "III Tl IH'I ! i-ii iiinur
iiiifceriifully minlo an nildltioti of 3
point by a 11 pliien kldt.
Poaa Net Yardage.
At (lie beginning of th seoond half
Pi Moiiies coiiipleti.' l a Vi yard paxs,
Aiihby to llylnk, but lacked tlm flghl
to keep the bull pi'oi;rer.u!iig ihovn the
field, Hinl Central got the bull on
ilown. A pii::a, Calloway to Cog.
liner, waa reapoiinlble for CenlinrH
toiicliilnwii In the third iul
lowuy -.-i rrle-il the ball over. Htrihlllig
iignln fulled to kl ( goat.
tjulliiwuy oiirrled thn bull over for
Cenliul fni.l touchdown in tho
fourth period, and Klrlliling lulllcd
an cxtrn point from ftrriinmug.
KnllBwInt In a nimiir :
C ntisl. North ) Miiinra.
I'Trlml ..I.. K llvliik
I'lnrkn I,. T Holier
Hlrllilitig (C) .....L. II.
Artificial Lake
Proves Popular
Tech Gives
Lincoln Hard
Battle but Loses
The lagoon at Uutun Lock, Cutun,
Canal Zone, I'aiiumii. la to have the
llnmt ewlminlng Ixwl In Cent ml Anier-
leu. The eonsti uctlon bus alritiily
been stinted.
Hundreds hav been swimming reg
ularly In the In r ices t artlliiMil hike in
the world which hus a i oiiiblnutloii of j
fresh and salt water, but th equip
ment hna been Inadmimttr.
Kwlmining haa been made more pop
lilur thnn ever by Homer linker, phy
sical director employed by thn I'lilted j
Htute government. For Severn
mouth linker hu aupervlsed (lie ,
awlmiolng pei lulls of tha Hill Infun
try. under eommiind of Col. W, II,
fiuiy. Priicl cully every soldier w M In vh ioiy nml with Juat a fulr
taught to swim and the whole n-irl-'iiinminl nf luck, would lniv iinule a
ment minlo a public ex dun luiou n in the lust fmir minuto
hihltlon of swimming recently. f ,,y Wl)ll, ,,llllir lVr.
Iist aprlng Klhehia nieihlrey, (,,ni9 ))r W1 . i
Kline Katra (t VhiiIh fur
Only Toiirlidovwi Scored
ly Omuliiin W ho
Lose 13 l 7.
I-ilii:olll, Oct, IX, (Hpei In I Ti le
grim ) High school fun gut u ren I
In ut of fiMitliull on Nebiasiut fiul'l
Hiituiduy nfteiiiuon, when (Uniih.
1 T . li held Ilic all victorious l.luki to
Olympli) I'hainpl'in, inmln a tour to
Panama and perfoimed at Outtiii hike.
Tim turnout of spectator waa on of
the luiKCSt tlrnt ever imsemliled oil
Lliiciihi hus huid foul-lit nil liii'iiu;,h
the guine, and It Viu niiyuiie ,niie
until the f.niil whlatle IiIih, Die
the concrete side or the great imtiiil j i(l,, wr,.d (.f, adiliii- another
iliim and the wing walla of the Oiitun ; tiicr,ilovi n a few mmul l-i'i-r Willi
lock. Klhelda Utelbtrcy'a tour also j,rvlii line plunge,
helped to poptiluriwi tha awlmmlng. Kllne glgxiigged thmngli the l,m
The J tth Infiwilry, under the com ,, defne In lln iiiidille nf il,n iliu l
murid of Col. Ouodale, will condiu'l j iiuiirtT fur id .ud mid eiv.nd J
monHler awlmimng iui"'t with fully i torn lulown fur oiieih i.
100 contestiints. Kully in events ,, (,,, ,,,(irlcr, Mjume, Hi it
make up Ihe pr'iiilitii of cvenls whli h lulll tvels- nlum inivunciil the
will bo held us u furiiiiil inlng of , ,.,. f :n plon;.i to Un
file new pwllnliiiliif iiremi. ' ' coin 'ad foul line, Willi only one down
Tho pool will contain n u" yaid , reniiilaioi:, Kline Irud tul.e, uml vu
TIllllllHM , ,
Murriiw ...
Mi l ii-i mill t
llntvill ...
!.nwon , . .
. I '
K. (I
...... Ft. T ....
It. V.
. IS,.?..
ft. It
I,, if
Y. H
. . . KpliTK
Tlioin oeou
, Ui:ltiii,r'
, ... Imvlii
.A. Ai-Wi
.K AnhliV
.. Mori III
,. Ki-rrlr
III MariiiietlF smashing Crelglilnn' line for it first touchdown In the aecond quarter. (?,) Team hucklng linen in mldfield shortly nf!e;- (lie
seccrnl I.lclioff which followed Man(iette' first louchdowil, (3) Marquette is repelling the IJJue and While tvarriora' smmilt H5 yardu from
I heir anal.
Hawkeyes Easily
Trounce Purdue
Iowa City, la., Oct. 28.i;nlverlly
of Iowa displaying ft fierce attack,
showed l?,noo football fan here thl
afternoon that It la still very much In
the running for the western champion
hip when It atonm-rolled over Purdue
university, 6(1 to 0.
The Iowa offensive, awlnglng Into
action In the opening quarter when
Miller scored tho first touchdown,
reached itn greatest push in tho sec
ond pciicd when 21 point were scored
on thrco touchdown.
Only at the beginning of the third
Syracuse tine
. Under Handicap
THERE will be hardly a breathing
apace for the Huskera between
their game with Oklahoma In th
latter' stronghold and the battle with
Syracuse university at Syracuse N. Y.,
next Saturday.
In fact, the Hunkers will hav prac
tically only four day of practice be
tween the two games, and with
chance favoring the customary num
ber of bump In the game today,
lid Purdue show any ability ICoach Fred Iiuwson'a eleven will en-
Threw forward paasea In thntjter the Syracuse battle under quite a
quarter hud given the Hollci-malter j handicap.
as many first downs when Kadnsky
dached In and Intejvepted their fourth
aerial attempt and need SO yards for
a touchdown. . After that Iowa con
tinued to n-oro at will.
Due to the intense heat both sides
substituted freely.
Lelmid Parkin, the lowun who
scored iguinst Yal", was sent Into,
the game at the beginning ft 'h
second h.ilf for the benefit of his pa
However, the Nebraska player
demonstrated lust year that they were
a great road tram when they under
went hardships to tackle the Pitt
Panther in their own den, and there
la a general feeling that the teum will
ye to the emergency thla year.
Following next Saturday' game,
the Dawson stAlwarta will return to
IJncolu o rehabilitate and atrul a
brief respite before the game with
Wolverines Beat
Illinois, 24-0
At 1 ... 1, ... H.ln tit. .1 I'll til
lr"n" " ' " Kanaaa university at their opponents'
in tiiin ii av. After he had made . . . ',
. , ,, K, seal oi acuon at iJwrenoo,
i....,.i..i..u . f,. Uiv ne aeverai brli-
linnt runs, he wn taken out.
lux ko 1'la.veil a great gunie whll h
was nt nunrterbai k.
. V iMkXiuwl
.. Ktf 'hmnn
. . . ft. I'UyiMMii
.). I. luri'fc
. Ilairki n' I
... Wtllmta
Una. I
iK.U.iv I-
1 aiiiii'na t.
Mlnnnk l- '
, M..1. ...... ...
i Km
.,... .,. iha mher so'ithern eleven i on, ... .
wdl not furnieh tlff omvsltlPn j .".T.'J.W ' '. . .
Prtnivloii, which Hift Chicago lt i Nun-m
Manmlav In rn of the ml imnnr-1
t.,et p, gam 'f the year. 1,r '"""
will nn-t irthnK're. mi win i u.Jm.
. u.h ilK Rmn t Xew llVn I vliminfi -To "
rweli al llhar. i.. i. ..-..i'i I-1
,, .. . fc k l. I l'lW.I"l- lt HU. I. t'nl IMlKl.imi
rwo-1 ftttll all r. Will ' hun
lunibi at !' J paiivUiti
ill ia wtili Alaeam al
.H.t e li r M irwumi in i
her 11
After th Jayhawker conflict, the
Kcarlet and Cream will remain horn
for th last three game, meeting th
Kansas Aggie November II, low
Htat November "J and Notre I Him
November SO,
It I estimated that Nebraaka will
travel more than 4.50o mil In filling
It risid schedule,
- i
Heatitiful Girl' Mother
Coinirted of Doje !ulei
A fdrl Jury, unl Ji minute,
found I'm l Mack guilty of illegal
tale of tiarcotli. Judge Wootliuugh
ta svitUiic hr yMtenUy, but her
nt'. m.v askeil for lt daya In whioh
to tile a imten fir nw trial.
I:. HienrilJ daughter, a Ur4
lilul ch.14 wi'ft b't tMowu curl,
Tffc. till the Army will fUy H, , . . . f -" " """ " ""'
miniwr hr if IS I-ilK wTwlIJi Wl UlUPII t'l Upli' w,.ib alo aipMt mkln.
..ii . iu iim : !....! ... I !,.....,.... ui.lvxiuiy etujdut.
.miiiiimi .. Hum IH'I xvi.U. .rl.ui,. k.r wlih Ik. i.r
T. Urn ireuf if ih Ul I,, hrmt mS) ch.ubeu. wheee .
k pn for tity, riiii nil n
t In. tlBJ ,t rt IK lull pmltK
vt the tw, gtie hat t-Mii lo ll. l.i
rpttdly -.! Ra4
,-- I iK.l fint tl t ku.
I k.ldUl it'AfltUI.I
iti Alabama al I'hiU- i ,,,,
4afl !, vrl H4
aitUJ nj ljftt a U li.i.i. N.J.- llrl.i.i Ton
M'tmS Will ! .. IH I a
aumWr e , 4 ah.ii
tj h ifsi !. I'si.fnitile,
Wttkk !ieu! Wta Ih i l.,i,.li.p
tili:. wut ! Wfci.ii kii
t rikly Jy i,, Mt)
ia .n ef h If.uli v kj mbcr ef i wn
la.ert tll h g ef tn iiil
iti. h k tli f-r Ik
iatt.i.t i f Ike t nl4 U
I V.l,,.ital fcAk m, I hi. I. II. ..rl, ttmi IkM will k 4kt tetr
Ihiuki i t pii
m, ii,ln 14 y M Wt.
i ? it IH. vi ,h , in n.
lit Jititmv IHrUiiry iJ I t i
" .
i,iiwt W , . i -Alt p-44
i. j .u tvu.ii. kl a IiiMwm a i
t in r ne . ', i t"4 i ,. v t.i iiuu.e
. "v . . v.. ; . . '
n.r pw. l IHI ' , mw
i4i ike ' 1 1 i wi Nin w
Ml!l 14 IS I
Mw ilti ltt Tff fr
( i4tulrr of (.Vimum lu
1 1. .Kl llilli.wt'r,, I'.tiv
Vl'S Uii vf the (i-ltIWah.)l etm
sji.llee i f k IHI.4IH I l.ihito ft t m
.,i., will k tu n U (
Ct M- e-wr I in 4ik
t""i f r m. I fniiw-j Hit
, tatty
Ann Arbor, Mlcii., Oct. 28. Heat
Ing down the stubborn defense, of Hob
Zuppko's men, Michigan won it arc
oil western conference football game
of the sen son here today, downing
Illlnola, 24 to 0.
Although bulked at many stage in
the game by the Illlnola lino, Yost's
muchino took advantage of every op
portunity, carrying the battle into
Illinois territory repeatedly 'during
the second and third periods.
The vlaltora threatened tho Michi
gan line but once. That was In the
final period when Zuppke'a men
smashed their way from mldfield to
win 18 yards of tho Wolverine goal
in line plunges an dend runs by llup
penney and Mcllwaln. Here tho Mich
igan defense held.
In tho opening period the Yost men
wire almost helpleaa before the llllnl,
the Wolverines' revamped line not be
ing I'ble to clesr the pHlh for the
Ill no foiled to make a first down
until the plnal period, when six were
registered. Michigan made eight
first down during the game,
V.lnup si"1 aumtnhr) :
.1.. H. ,.
.1.. T...
.1, II...
R. K .,
.y B...
.1. H ..
. 1 M , , ,
r. ...
rr ay iriiMit.
M ii htean 1 i
llllnnK ,, Km.
Mit'hion ruilsfi Tna-'kilawns, Cseees,
Ki'h. t i'n
Pufs ti-nm Iry sftr Inih-lidnwn: Ktifwl,
I mreektrkai i ilkl is i kl-k. (losi.
tfm II.I4; llkl
! n.ii.r '--i.ll, I'Mr.jn.
fllil.ll. A M.IHHi t Julf
lr4 Taun plis'S W.'.in llil
lintii; J H- Si kwt, kibrllii Ttma v(
tiiwli: II mmuix
l-orcti urt'Mson o ?p
Color of Newark A. CI
l.orn Murvhlsi n, fmnier h.tluiml
tinl rhamplon. wilt nuk hie
hniiie In lrth Amhuv, N, S , and
Hint the e.,i,i .f Die
Alhi-liv etwh. Mmtl.WM'ii. h
i-irltd lb tiii i-l lha lilin.,.i
Ail.Ulu 1 1 nli u ll. lti.l iliiin
p,ol,.hlt A A 1. HM itt ,Sllk
will k k'- inlt4 I imi uimti uk4
K.f fuu li.unlf. efu e "i.i l h. it! !
h tttaikle tvMitit t tk ,Vi
I Jwy in iii nil. a
Exterminator Beaten
in $25,000 Stake Race
Baltimore, Oct. 28. Ocounlo won
tho f25,D(il) Wnshingtou hiiinlicap at
Ijiuni this nfternoon. Lucky Hour
wu aeeond and Paragon II, third
Exterminator, tho favorite, wus
L. L. McIIvaine to Address
Philtisopliical Society
I.. L. Mcllvuino will siieuk on
"Would I'lincellution of Interallied
Wur Debts Tend to Kstublish AVorld
I'eace?" at a inoetlng of thn Omnha
Philosophical society In thn Putter
sou block ut Seventeenth and Kurnum
streets at 3 Sunday ufternoon.
Hiilmt:tuiiiiN . Ci'ntrst: ItiiyneMn for
Mr 'rin'it', Knnls for Thronim, rfosllzer
fur P'-ri-lvnt. KM ti-nimn fur Murriiw, Miir.
in-.- for PViti-riiiim, tvr'-tvsl tor I'-nrllm-r,
vMo for I'lnrk". rie.rke fr Wslito. I,i.
ron for r'irke, Mi-tn-nnoit for t,awiirin.
Dm .Molri.ii- Mill for Krrrlor, fiunhniri
ffr llsvlp, Thome. on f"r lirlnirie. Iil
Pirifo f,.r linvn i nil l;uvl for K. AOiliy.
l-i oro oy iitmri'Tn:
'Viitrul , .', f, ;i 4 7
North lm .Mo'ii'- 2 1 n 0
Iti-fi-ri-: TliitiiliKv, Vni l,iiicmiiti,
Jiunllck. L'mplr: Mnrlsrliy.
Swimmins; Meet
at Omaha Nov. 10
The fl I .it aniittul Nebraska inter
m hohiHtl i swimming meet to he held
et the Omaha Athletic club on No
vembcr 10, promises to bring out
much good competition, according to
I ete Wendell, swimming director of
th club, who ha chnrgn of the
meet. Omaha high schools are de-
veloplng fust team and expect ho'
competition from Lincoln High
school, which Is grooming some lively
watermen. A special feature of the
meet will be the open A. A. 17, 60
yard free style swim. Iowa university
has announced that two crack swim
rners will be sent to represent that
school in tho event.
slnilghliway swimming e.fiuri'e. Water
polo chumiiloiishl! bin) other HiUllc
fixture of lliiportinice will hi held
thrown fin n ll jenl lure,
Omfhu Tech linikfK Id win a llght-
II, u ngrtregiillon. Munroe. j-.'linii, Wei-
arena, A Volunteer llfo aiivlng corps
Is now being oiganlwol by lloiiiir
n-gularly at the OhIiiii swiininliig ,.,r(f )in, hihIih, sent In for He!l-
gieil. hit the hue I lno uflir lime for
eons. stent gi.lus. Twlci linuiliii threat,
ened the goal line, one time going over
forwi tutu hdown, which was disallow.
d for a peniilly.
The first qunrter was aioieler. In
Hit secoiiit period Thoriui I'.iown und
Dorlseli advanced the m to (rnmha
10 yunl line,
J,ewl went In for Curtain. Nrnun
rati around end for 23 yards and on
the mxt two piny Tirown madn tho
ixtiu, yard for lli'i toiiehdowii. Promt
f illed at a, place kh k for
Jn the latter part ut the iiuurter,
Cojilit'i's Trounce
Ohio Stale, 9-0
Northrop Field, Minneapolis, Oct.
28. Minnesota upset ihe. dupe at
Northrop field hero today, defeating
Ohio State, 0 to 0. Minnesota opened
..111-. .. ,,.l..,.,. ollu.'ts .,, Iltllil'tl lllll
li the first period and pushed over a wl- klcke.HO ysnls to Omaha, who
touchdown after a march of 70 yunlx
ui the Held, Maitineau, Mil'reery and
pedertiou eurrylng the bull,
oplo tried desperately to scorn, but
Minnesota' defi-usn hud them bsi-k nt
thn four, 10 and 15-yntd line. Work
man In each InHflino missed a drop-kick.
Midi School
Kalrfli-M. NrlilKsri. . Hjeclt Tl
Kalrfli'M. NrliisWi. JK (Sii.cIiiI Tl-
rmm ) r'alrfnl'1 II. h nrhool ilefoiei)
A,-nilrln Hlsh In a fsst sum ef foot
ball, H to (i.
rswilfft l.'lly, Null., Oil. 1 . (Hiinelsl
Ti'li-KTSm.) 1'nwno.i I'lly llllfil m-iiool dn
fal., th Aiti-ll lllvh xhool i in al
HlK rftrlllOOII, 41. Ill iH Tim fen
liirs of Ihr kmiiii- wus mil ef 11)0 yurila
froni lii'hlnil Axtrll'M soul for m. tniii it
down by John llo-r. whti-h wim iiihi1
poasl hi ty clvver tn!erfernt: by Clsuile
fumlileil, and Mclnlyr recovered on
the Onialin l ysrd line. KrHg, Prowu
and Lewi advanced the ball to the
2 yard line, where Krelg went over
for thn second counter. Brown drop
kicked for goal. In the middle of th
third quarter, Munroe, Krasn and
Welsenberg drove steadily down the
field to the IS yard line, Krsau added
a couplo yards, and one the next play,
Kline criss-crossed through the Lin
coln defense for Id yards, and a touch
down, Hwunson dropltlcked for tlm
extra point.
1.1 iieup ml uimnnry:
1 1 in ol ii (III)
Mi-liilyr ..
ilium ......
i llnoi-ri . . .
I'nok ......
I Klly ......
I llmitller r)
' Jtrown . . . .
Thorium ...
I Krlr
Miliuylnr. Ni-li, Oct. 2. (Sii-il Trls
srsm. ) Mrhuyliir Urntrnl City,
It to 6. S'hiiylir inri1 lis firm tnmii
ilown In ih flrNt iiurtr, Krlsiiie eir-
llnsT left wllif.
Hlilm-y, Nrh, On. 2 (Hpm 1st Ttn.
srsm.) The Hldoev HikIi S'huol fool hull
I I mi in lo.t to Allliillrn liirn, 7 to 0. Hlii-
ery v.i within s ysnl or thn Aillntn-e
soul twlr nil within tlm lu-yiril ln
three tliiu-a.
Polk, Nob., Oct. Si (Miim-lsl Tuts
gram.) Th Polk High si hool fuotlmli
loam iWi-alfil Wood Hlvrr hra In a
haril-fniisht snm. 7 to 2. Polk a tom-h-down
waa inaat hy latil N'Rwinan, rrcalv
lug a forward over the goal Una,
Wloomflalil, Nnh, Oct. f (Hinilal
Tf Ingram.) Th silanitifleM Hlsh a, hool
football (i-am l.aiirrt, ill o 4.
I.surel ar-orrd li aona tnurhiliiwn from a
I forward t... lllouiiifti-lrl has won All lis
ing Its first birthday and, according ' dv atralht imii
to Manager Goldstein, big price redue- Krt((Hr N,.h .in (H,.,.,,, T,.
tlons are now in effect all over the, arum) Kilim-r itrfiMtid flnrvafil yr-mi-r-
Store Observes Birthday
The Silk Shop this wuek i celehrat
Mlrhlssa )
Kirk ....
Johna ...
nioi I ...
Staala ...
Ruaatll ..
OraiMil ...
Vlaill ..
k'car ...
KaoiU ...
Illlanla tt
,,,, wil.on
. - .Auaur
,, J.ffMiliaa
i .... Ora.n
.... I'mnua
. . Ittrliarila
, l-anaiin
, . rlHt'eany
V. ll.aln
Wou kri
(triJitrr if ftvm
Man K I if . ..-! j(e4 t Jt-N
k atiii ia)-MtkkAi it-.! K Kiaa 1
.r M . I -eiJ Ik e-i J
k nl,tJ !. 'i -i ,4 I . i l i if t t-ft K . IV w l.a-.l W t .-. ., l kin k.r w 4kl
ktik. k.ik -" 4je i one Mm , f l ' - - k )H
aii i.l W- k--l V..ik 1mM ial AvaJiaH, JiN (fv.eak.
VI U,IIK. Il t m.M4 l
.! ( l I I in '
,V.ik - iii.v 1 1 Viim It
ail. II ). .M an I .t ' V.l,. - .1
Tl I.W1 t M I' t l-i . ' I
Thev Stand Out in Grid Circles
i i i
I I.'. . V
' . i l.i T.
V Af.n - '?' .1
1 " M I
lb. ' Bl . f ' . i i II
t I r J
V-J - -'
j tiny Ht lfnrvitr'1, t , on iillt bik.
I Wjhorf wojit tiiroiijfli tt ran 4'i yardii to
i VtL tuuch'lown.
PlnlnvlfW, Nub., Ix-I, tt. fH.c'1iiJ Trie
prmm. ) -ruinvlr w I tied d'Uiul TllJfii
kC Tlll-a VrUUy, 17 lo 1
Kullftnn, NVlt., fht. 'in irtii's-inl )
Th Norfh l-otip Iifdh Hvn 'lfHH(l ch
Incut hi fit m hool I hmi h-t a In IihkI
fniiitht Krtin t.y tha n.'i.r ut t In 7. liiin'r, Hu.infll bimI Itfttttihtll r i for
Kullrti.n. Vtnhfitf'r ! ultvar ilyti
tho !c"t Krtiii fur lha vim lots,
Hnrtiiril lidHr.
Mrvit'U. t.t-u . "fi, . (H..-t m.I j.-Tlif"
lom I font IhM t-h vn I oh I tn i hrt KdRMT
(ill tir hy lh leor nf ft to 0.
Yurfc lt (iriirtd,
Gfria, eU , tut. 2 I Hjt ml t York
1f r(.ifi1 th lUneu hmtt hmi) foul -ball
ttMtn hr ly f li ,iir of 11 to
0 Th t'Ah't-it wai har't-ft-Utflit from
Ih Urt lo tli fltitah,
Oaofmlti Tram W In.
AH.i'tn, .Nub, ini 1 it n'tti 1 t Th
flMAiilA lVft lltift-ftlfit tlm Aihiun htcli
liu lir lv Ut 'r of 17 ut . S'-i
tin ainl M Hii! iarrl fr l Itt Iin,
Aibl'4 U)i ( uldi.tliui l,f icl "'ilJai).
urur an4 lrnn 1U.W Tlf.
Hrtihrii H. nil - iMp. i
-Thl Auira tn mt4 ih. 11 (fim
littiit tu aftifil i'-m Iff I-M.Ujf Mlt
r'Hn htfn tft ft t 1un hi,
fll ant M ti i l r Atlt 'i. bll
J-rWwM iUU lb gttiii ('if lha tw-
I taut Ismjm Trkamah.
U. Nili ! i -e ".. g)! h-lw' l
I'MrlMW Ht 4l (taw
I t MM i'fcf I.
ttttk .1 I H I til kit !--.
Ivt t! I l -4 r U
.1 aj I f I ll I H I'.llltf 4
V )' ''! t t n - k i i 4
Itk :.' (w I " l' i"
04 iM
It a ah
. t hf ' iif
A l)f ,!((. nan -.a-. ,
mi tH" 4 V hint 1 1 .It tnt.i
4 V 'V .
I In ari,ii l
t ,- t..a, ia ll.
i II I t s,i
iii ai I 1 -
i '- - -
, i e. i
, I I m't't
, i r -
feii, . ,
i . i. -
4 i ,
lt M.I
l-l I
I I I '
1 ' " ' ,
i' i . '
. -..!-4 lo l;" . It ii i.i . !" (.w.l ttt - t f.n titikt I, . ml. ,t rlom aktlntl kt .4tio-., ( hat It k
rati r ii ti i.l ky id M uki f" li I" I w tt en-a-l ti IH ,fi- j I tat,,,) M ViwiM M,i ulna) .!. II ui.SIi ta m I ., , , . ' ,, '
t ! ! .Ul '! .lk ki k ! .i.. U li k.i- . X, hl. hI s..r 4 .1.1 .kli'-lia ti-l M iiil " f ll4WlUlU I iMIMII 1 1 '
Ml -. -I lk -.,- l4ii ktakaat ! ' I am i4,r. Ilitll Wlutai k ! kl.H, I ' -l tl t .! ' i f it. J
k .- It .4 ji In. . a. Km4 ratutit km HI - im i l.l, 4 ) i ! Nlw ). a k.i , a i u a ii t j
k jf M tel4 .se-4 .. ( Ilk 4.t eVItaM k4 ! ! -ti..f 4 W , t' t t vl ii iwai.ii j
). OiiSilis Terb (It
r;., y.nat
,.i,,'r Hon.
,,X,.U ,
,..0 .... Plnri-a
,.R.Ii.,... Kraie-la
.,H (r)
,,H. n. Bwanroii k
,, '4. M. ....... Kilns
..I,. II. ...... Wl.ntif
,. H. II ......... . Mimroa
,.K.M n. RaJIgrn
Siitiiilltiillona t.lnroin! Durlai'h for
ti,iiii-r, l.awla for t:urlaln, Onialn f-ir
Ttioiiinr; Onirhii T':h: Short for Oliars,
Kolnii-a for liorn. V. Hallsren for Kllnr,
Kraiula for l'i-tfion, Pe'araon for Krlw,
I'owfll for ('.laiaoii. Hhort for Porn,
dlirrs for l-'mri'-lM, Hlnttas for Obatf. Waal
for Zuat, I. .llran for Kline.
Toui lnlowi.f,lncoln; Tliomos, Krlf;
Omh Th: Kiln. ........
Try for point ; Uiown (dropkli-k), Jiwaii
aun (drneklrk). ,
(ifflolala: Kffrraa, Johnann frioana eel
lesr): iimplrr, tY Nbmak) ; Ho
linrainan, Swanaon (Nabraaka;.
Heoro hy imrloda:
Islandern Win.
r.clhany. Ni'b., Oct. 2S. (Special
Telegram.) t'oach Krnia Frank'
Cirnnd Ishind Zelnaa chalked up an
other mark in the win column yester
day, when they romped over the Cot-l-.-r
eleven for 20 point, while the
lii-thnny team failed to get a point In
the scoring column.
Tfio feature of the contest wa a
(hi . vii rd run fur a touchdown hy Uh
Jit. llnind Island quarterback, in the
second period, when he grahhed one
of Khulls' long punt and ldtpped
his way through the entire Coiner
t.riiiiil Itlsnd, Pea. f'nlner.
Anl I T. K Kn.linlllrr
H I'Im Ian I., T ahull i' )
llmii'ii H! I .. I.. N"'"
I ti van " I'ava
ti M-kaiiii B. ll
Nrwioi-jar H T Hailnnn
I'ewell H. K Nl. hula
It-hrl.r ) Fi. .. ., K'.ani
I- nil I,. 11 Jloar.a
li. I'li.ian H H .KraytiNI
ill In run ,11 r. M Hill "
Suhaiiiqiaa liran.l Inland: lira, ll for
Pro k. oi: rin.niiiii iiii, fr s I'h.l.n:
f A ii lil. cm net : Tlion.ia for
M, liola. M,'i,i,n (r Kta.linill.r, Hop
km. f,,r 1l,.ird, oila for llun,,.n
T"'l. Iidimi,.- ll fli.l.i, (li. Hum J,
u,,i fi,r iiiin-hilown; Hn.k (ji nf.
.''. '' ,!u'r"'. Many H.,. I'mi.irra,
""""i" II".. I In ii, S.aaus. '
lima of ,.i ,l. u ii,, mil. a.
Mtll) it Hr l is.
I .Hli.l k.,,.a,,. u, t,rtt n,M a
IiiI.Imi Ili li(k, 4.
i llr
I k. ne'll. Ii lUti.,.. i.u. t
I... I in. a. i.h.ii, i Ly, t
ll.lMHl, II, kulfulk. a
iina. ai, lb, i.kui,
"mum. li: llll.l a
l.tauk il; I i,.Mi
.,i.i.u,i, 4, n.,,n. a
N-.iii run., ii, iiaii t
tuii!, ii, I an.. iii I'U.a,
l.,, . im'., 4
u.a, I., ri. . ii
laiiawii i, ,.HM.k. t
tiith a.aa, I tikt aae4a,S
twi'i tat'.. a.i ., a
I kl. M lli.Mk, I ,,ih 'a, I h ii-g It a.a.d -
k "... -1 ia iia.iitoi, e
S 11 l . II.... i I
I . i Im.4 x
t"ni ,
l. ...a Hf.1., lava
I. .a. I Ii l, In. ikl, I
..a .. U- ll .,, i
lii'.M la li...a)iia fc.
H.Mit-Wa M. lu,,.
I ! I II I
H.-t-.a , iiMI,(,
: I i H.-l I. .lrt, ,
fc-..a,. I ). ,
H"t'.4. - I - a
I 4 W !..,., t
.! . , tw,. s.a
i..,, i. ,.m,.. t i
I a lal,.. t, Ma..a. I.
---a. i ".a ll, a. 4 i.
... V... I, ,,a-ik
I -a - fcl.l
., ...
I.-.. I. M. ,aa a
I ...a. a, j, f, k "