The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 29, 1922, Page 11, Image 11
0 11 A THE SUNDAY DEE: OMAHA, OCTOBER 20, 10- Dublin (lily of T Fears and Tears, Says American .Life ami Fortune Cuunl Nollt ing; Honor Only Important ' Thing, Sayi Famou Playwright. iMUin, Oct. Sn.A city of fears anij la tl m crtptlon, i.f ttulillrt which a rt"iit Amcricun visitor fc-iiv. Iiifmi Itolilnmiii, iinlnl lilh plny wr:aiit ami author of the "White Jlcu lf.l Hoy," tma written dm f.illi.w 111 (lira nt Dublin, which hi limn irririiHlfn of a Inihllti mood la w plcc i.f wrfi't iirtialry, ity i.i:nso iioiunmiv, 'Tli Iwinl City," lio liilirnnirrd, ktiiiliiK fur a iiimiiriit ml O'l'onnHI l 1'Iku. Ami a I" I'miIciI down I ha iivr lia rcfli'i'liMl Inalstilannoiialy nn III itlKiir of Ilia cuatoin hUH loiim. '"I'lm )"n( (.'it y." lirltlnd lilin i ha Four 1'nuita atwrt ghastly ruin, i in hia left hari'l O'Connsll lret audi ,.i up to that fl-rt (hut was still ciillnfl it alrast. On rlsjht listnl V.11 the city luill, tilth II guru of imopl wultliiK to look on d'-al Mli haul "Uln. ll'nrnlly In tlil dcuil city una I ml to m i1dil intra adf lf.ira nn I'nilil c apart order or ilrci-ncy, lit- llllll clllin(Ti I till t tiny to Iwve point tint inplimutlon of fh-i I'.lii'li' Ihliix, II iij(iiMifi'i thiil II vn nil it (iuckIIoii of honor, An mill dull Iiimti ttiltiit lii n iionrxlMti'iit ," I'tlllic llll rlllll tllllch CfillliJ III'VIT IH I iiiknii, mil cvmi fur llin hiiWi of rn' country. II tlminlif of Torviild'a pom. l.oKity In "Tlii I II at llou." ' ,V man sii'-rifcrs Mm honor vn for ons lin IiIvch'" 1 'f lit ttrf ari-ftinl lo lilt p(ipi"l 1 T 't viilil's, ' other Ihlncs cuulil ho liMiilly broken fortunes luo'icii, llw l.roltfn licnrt broken, hit' to tli liiKliri' patriotism Ihi-a countc.l for no' hi. K. .' 1 1 , I ' ihi iii kin p 1 h;r oath, and win ti llin r ty wna iu t d-inl fhy wouM l.ii free lo honor what wna lft, CulTr atrci-t ami It 1 l wolllil r limn iiml nil the to'tn H alums, anil f ho ili-icraoVHnn grown mot'1 ili'Utilil nJ, nnil thu il rt Krown u ili'tcrun (If ti'T. Thu U-w slm'ea i.f Duhlln would liv per heil, Ita crown would ha a. crown of thorn, a bankrupt ov eriiinetil, in it imw hit lilHK that wiii not pi 'I for, would ha atrtifrghfiK lo hiiliiiifc ilx ih llc:ta. I'lnlKtt l'tibroken, whiit niiittira? Honion'a roiiMinc! would at II he clenr Home ton'a honor would at II ha unlnrn'aheil. The i-iid f ly and lh Ay.HK i"un-try- for thi r raiue Into h a mind, too, th'e who, ulwnya l!ne on the ii1k" of ext'nct'ivt, were now rtenilly fly uk In rotiniiiurii mid pouruiil, mid thoMM ntheia who wera dying In Ihl fn ft ami In ilia alutna of ("orll, Never tn iji1 tha fa.thful wei Veep nif fit til, tha pMa wiia atlll un- lirokelt, It win hotter now to put avarythlntf Hint wo yannif ami hopeful Into tha pnaf leni', It Wim heat to put hopa Hi'c lf I her. Vim! !,et them all go hop anil ymitli find Ireland hraelf, Horn vhr r'.tneotie had awnrn an fiHth to aometli'nv thut tn'Kht aom day ix'el. iiml that Mtth, It aeemed, muat lia kept, Jap Wi down Urp-tl to Wtrd. "Ily arittlriK Itnpraaaloim t aound .Tiipiineae Idol la thut the rani merit of ehnflty eoiialula In th" davotlon of aplrlt find hody to the hnalmnd In thla a well aa In th ofher world. Thla iirroiinla fur tha number of wld ra In Toklo aloti. Im retialnif an tmiilly liiatefid of deereiialntf, nejrd lint to tho polleo authorltlea. t)f tha 110, finn wldowa fifl'oldo, 413 tire be low ! yiMira old, 7,r.0 below 3( and ii,UH belfiw n, Knm of theaa arc fieiiiently vlrtlinla-d find the author! , tlea think It well to encouniKa wldowa AliVKBTINKMKNV. FEW FOLKS HAVE GRAY HAIR NOW Drujgi.t Sy Ladiat Are Uin3 Recipe of Sage Te and Sulphur. llnlr thut tore It color and turn re, or whin It fiol.a, turna Kniy, dull and lili le. t ranted by u l"'k of aulphur in tha bur. (mr iandnio(hr mad up a nilxtur of 8aa T and Kuliliur to kep Iter linka rtlk and beautiful, und thouMinla of wi in u and men who nhiM that even rolor, tht bauttful dm k ahad of hair huh I aj altrac tur, nit only Ihl old tuo relo. Nowad.ia ! l fauioim mix ture Improved by th uddltlon of other li,m. dtita by a Ui'K t any dru tu ii v for bottle of 'nyelha Kits .ind Vulphur t' .tiiiiouml ", hit-It tiutk en tli hair o ttaturallv, i evily. Ihnl tti.l1y ran txtit'l' H ' ,l u-n api iit d You jut tUit pen ..o or "H I ruxli l'h It and (Imw thu ihtotiah i ( r hitir, l.tklnc on otll Mraiil at liio- l'y limratn Iti ittay htlr diit.ta. but ht ti. ihia Iti U.tiea uh Vtiha tw l..t f.i!'h(ir lVi..mi.1 l,, N iia lauttfiiiy tl..i &,. h bir elur law at pluntl-fa It bio lk tha tl a nd n, r.ii4 Him It an pfinot t abiio laH' BURN-UMUP K( a. 4 - are U amait !' A f Id kf lh. Nj i ih it I f-rt f tf 4 eri K ta H ( rU a4 t.'i u,a.tii f c im n.r, Sera-Ms Bit Sliju M .'.lifvl a,k.ut ; .ii I t . t. .n aa a;t I a t- iiittet, tia at AH ta (,4 VMt. la i Rum's End Prophesied by . Presidents, Medal Shows Mri. Ida Inil Mulford dlxpliylnK thu tiny tiieditt which ylyea rle to th Imllef Ihnl? Ihrefi former pre"'d nlH foreauw I he coming of notioiml pro h Ihl l Ion. Ui Anualea, Cal., Oft, U, If Preal dnta Andrew luckaon, Jainu Madl on and John Qmnry Adiiin did not fureaa many ycttra ao that the l-'nUed Hinted wan dcatlned to beeotne a prohibition mttlon, they ttt leaat plueed their tiutne on a medal bear ing ft prohibition meaant; thut waa ulmont prophotln of whiit wua to come, Tha inadrit la owned by Andrew Jack aim, a (treiit Biamlaon of tha former prenl'ient, who realdea here, Miidu of Mlvcr and about two Im hfa In dlumater, the medal dlnpltiya on one alda a aytnbolifal figure and (h almiaturea of the three ehlef cx- Third Grader Smoke and Chew, AKert8 School Head Hilladttle, Wlch., Oct. 2. VlKoroua meuaurea to wipe out clttaret aniokinir iimotiK third grade acnooi oy nre have been taken by H. J. filer, aup erlntemlent of aehoola, followlntt nn Inveatlgatlon which ahowed, be uaaert d, that the u of tobmvo amnnK aihool children virtually amount to an epidemic. rlchool children of 9 and 10 yeare are itlmoNt, iiddlcted to chewliiK to Imero and amokinB It In pi pea, Super intendent filer aald. Many puplla are aald to have admitted Hint gro cer and tobacco deitlcra aell tohnceo lo minora without fiucHtion. rroaecu tlona will follow, tho aupeilntendent declares. Klfly pupil In 'third to eighth Urudwi are amnknra, filer eetlumtcd after fineatlonlng them, utid about 60 in hls'i achool. World Printers lo Meet. Gothenburg, Hweden, fh-t. American and other tnaeter prlntera from all over the world will assemble In liothnnburtt, 8welen, Bt the Interna tional congress "f maater prlntera on June 4, 5 and 6 of next year. The Initiative in bringing; about thla con I area him been taken by the Swedish Muster ITIntera aaHotiallon, ami vvhi demar Zachrleann, prealdeut of the aKnoclittion, report thut American, Kntrllati und French representative uie among the flrat to accept tho Invb tution. The progruma for th three day call for jtlactiaHion of noveltle In the I rlntln world a c onipni lron of altlk- ii.K natiomil VHilntionH; tho autncmdl tuition, o far aa poaalble, of methods, material and machine; way and mean of ImiHovIng anop coiirtltlona; reduction of cota while asaurtng prlntera and employer fulr wagea and profits, and a number of other e'lUitlly Intereatlng aubjecta. Yuilka MipsillR in Iiusia. MoaritW, Hit. U Hcatlered about Hutaia ar about 4 'hei" raona vthv relative claim for them Amer ican i Itlteimhip and for whom enrch i being mad by ireitliillve l th Amel.n relief admlnlat ration. 'Him th Atiivii. an relief admln liiratinit ntrrd IUui a er g i,Mi of the tundlllotia being lht all AiH. ii. an Kttiaena who d-lit to quit th country ihotild l rn.lttet to .hi 714 iwi w ii ho h vt iatihhtd thiir A mm, .in tlttaiihlp hi loft. I i l tf IheiH fur th l litir l gt.tle la In Mptintr th'l wti aNiul tut t'llur pr o awaitiog "n."- jtl-'it tf lh tiMiy i.iiit ia .f''i"i In many v-t tit r tjn wevia, aitl ifin months, txiii.g ' l tarloti loutiii IikIImi eanim trdj lift. pMiHI r.alll.i,lt. Urity ,Ntitie HxdtiittHl, . N W IM Jt -lh )..-, f iK4tinfn t-t A,'iili el th Nitt iniii t iii. I In k 1 tf U Mun Ut ti oni. i tf. lvt ttf .t,ii, h hm t !.! t i a duui4 a. I H ldi gutfin-t I th t.'Stt iinnt.t' a k I Tit it l t. tvt I ) ,t- I. I. 4 ttf t tx.ix tl4.t l .( a. H HttH I lwU'H .-ii. i I l'.ii' ImIi ut t 4 t I I .,r Hl k4 i !! wti . ei at.b t, .l -e t'e'kil tni e. a l i . A'l ! , l i. f a-i-i ,. t. to s t kt t l t'. tuii I. . f t . ' ' a1' la tha which renda: "IJelnv autUflud from our obaerva tlotia and experience, ua well ua from Inodlral teallmony, that ardunt aplrlta M a drink la not only neeillcaa but hurtful and that Uie entire dlauno of It would tend to promote the health, virtue and hupplneaa of thia com munity, we hereby cxpieaa our con vlotlon thut ahould the eltlzona of tho I'nlted Btutea, and eapeolally all mun', dlatontlnuo entirely the uae of it they not only would promote their own piraohiil benefit, but the good of our country na well." The medal waa exhibited publlely for the tlrat time recently by Mra, Ida Jelle Mulford at a W. C. T. I, con vention In (llendnle. Mutes Learn lo Talk. Jacksonville, III,, Oct, 28.r-By A. r,) Voice for thoae born to alienee are beiiiR developed through a new syatem, Including the use of a pluno and a baaa drum, at the Illinois State Hchool for the Deaf here, according to Col. O. C. Hmlth, managing of ficer, folotiel Hmlth, who Introduced the system, said that pupil who never beard any sounds, even those of their own volcee, are taught to speak by feeling sound, and that the school ia graduating pupil who can apeak as well aa persona who can heiir, ' f'y getting Impressions of eound vibrations to tho bruin through the sense of touch," Colonel Hmlth ex plained, "and establishing (he associa tion between feeling and the tone find Its production, variety and tone color can be perceived, with tho vowel sounds which are the music of speech, while the tfonsotiunts are tho noisoa." eeutlvtit. On the revera aide teinperune nieiiafigr;, dated DR. CLARK The Painless Dentist few Office, Kitth t'loer, SI0 l'ailoa Saadajs, 10 I 11. The Ouija Board and "Want" Ads Some people believe Board. Some do not. in According to those who believe in the Ouija if the pernon-i on opposite sidei of tho board con ei'iitrute hard enough it will spell out the name of the thing they have in mind. There'1 ure!y a thia Ouija came! lot of Here in Omaha thrrt'a an ' Into your home eery day. section of The Omaha lU e, ' If VOU have, in mind an automobile which u want to buy, or i position ytn hope to secure- !UH ftrgrt the ether kind of Ouija and conceit trate on The Omaha llee "Want" Ad aection. Thee little ad are vry apt t prll out for yo the make of the car you want or give yu the addreaa of Ihe jol you are huntlnf. There'a nothing royaterioua about them. Start TOOAV t real Omaha Pee "Want1 A.N, THE EVENING DEE Live Boys September and October Membership Campaign of Y. M. C. A. It Succeu The annual Heptember and October inenihemtilp campaign of lh Ikiya' division of Hie "V" wua a auccesa thla year and several hundred nw mem ber huv bi'ii ai'dril. A fine wool eut;uur, doiiuttd by the Omaha Pporting floods t-ompiitty us f.rat prlt fur th boy ttumife- Ihe most nw fiiemli.'ia, was won by Oil belt Ktwmds of b.uinilei school, who enured 1U new members. Vaclaw Hhlller of Itanrroft school ran a flux second with eight new inenliers end vsa awarded a gold V. M. C. A. pin, a fin ellvcr bell, and nionogruma fur hla awruter. Koliert Wheeletl of KoUtll Litnoln aihool won third pilxe with five new member and received a allver belt and ewwitrr liioiiogiums, Io llnrger se cured four new members and 10 other boys secured three each. Twenty boys secured two new members each and almost a hundred others securtd onti nw member each. Y.M.C.A. Halloween Party Attended by 400 tioyt Th annual Ilallowa'en party given by th Hoys' division and 1'hyalcal d purtmetita of the Omaha Y. M. C. A. wna attended by between 400 and J00 boy members. Th durk stairways and puaaugewaye In ths building had been converted Into ghost tuny la and epooke grabbed at tha boys from V eiy vmitng tiolnt a they passed. Hollowe'en stoneu were told by N. J. Weston, physical director, and movies weia shown the boys. This party has become an annual iff.ilr with the boys of the "Y" und th attendance gros larger each sue cueding year, 'Jnl next hijt ueneral party for all liiUuUt will be the (hiltnm party which will be held some afternoon during the Chrlatmu wiciitloii. Grade School Uoys From Y.M.C.A. Capiainf Club The Y, M. C. A. Captains' club, composed of leading boys from vari ous grade schools, all of whom are members of the Grade Bchool Hlble club, was wgu.nlw.-d last Haturday and tryouts were held for places In th club, This club assumed leader ship in the vurlous activities thut ore promoted for general membership among boys and also for the Satur day Bible club meetings. A new uiihiuo monogram has been adopted for the use of member and r,o one else wdl be able to win one or buy one. It wlll be held exclu slvcly for thu use of captains and wlll be worn on ths middle of the chest of euch boy's sweater. It Is in the form of a triangle with a letter "Y" extending below It, In red, white and blue. South Hi'Y to Hold Meeting in Church Houth Hl-Y rlub Is starting n In novation by holding its meeUng this year In Wheeler Memorial church across the street from South High school. The club heretofore has met at the Y. M. C, A, boys' division. Puul J. Ocken, usslaiaiit boys' work secretary cf the Y. M. C, A., Is In charge of the club, which Is under the direction of the boys' division of the Omuha Y. M. C. A. Record Attendance at Bible Study Clubs All the Bible Study clubs of the boys' division of the Y. M. C. A. started last week with record break ing attendances. Central III-Y had Qond teeth maka good health. Be careful of your health, Hrmember my 115.00 riatta. ioM flat's $76.00 tin. Comfort Plates $20 00 up. Aluminum i'lute $20.00 up. Hublier Hates, IU.i'iO up. (Sold frown $7.0 tip. Porcelain f'rowiia $7.00 up. Taeth extracted by the use of Vapor Mist absolutely without pain. No danger. Oxygen ami (Jaa for tha palnlria extrnetlnir and minor surgsry. , Home packet for the treatment of i'yorrhea. Treat )Mirlf at home and get rniults. X-ray for all hidden tooth troubles. Blerk, lata and Farnaaa IHa. Vha JAekn 1201, the magic of the Ouija mystery connected with Ouija" which comes Ifi the "Want" Ad of Omaha I ;.", at Ita first meeting, nil Ju ; mora and S' liWrai Juniitt' a III V hud 110 hoya, all frrahmen und aopho nuns. th fiiaile dub had 160 ho) a, Houth II. y bad 40 and Techuli iti 111 V ti, Ur. I'm ok (I. Hiiillh th speak ir at the opftiliu; of feudal 111 V, )r, J. I'-. rouchrr apol.e at Houth' first meeting and lr. J. V, (I. 'aat at the flrt mceilng of Technical 111 V, This week In iilUlufi ('. It. Webster of In and at'le I hi via of Japan, both V. M ('. A. secrelnrl'S, Wlll bf apiukers. Several Hundred lioy Competing at Y in Champion II Content The annual Champion lilitht con tent In th gymnasium are going trong this yenr and aeternl hundred boy of the "V" are competing, A different event Is selected each week for the competition and th lght boy In euch dun st the clime nf th enon who have the mont points wlll b th "Champion Klght" of that clus. Boy do not compete agalruit other boy In these contests, but t certain standards which huv been prescribed for each event. That way every boy can tell how h stands with reference to th average run of boys In the ath letic vent. British Golfer SliooU 29 Around Course of Par 38 Coombe Illll, Knglund, Oct. 2X. I). Winner Crowther has caused a sensa tion In Knglish golf circles, lie re cently went sround Ihe firrt nine holes of Ihe local course In 29, It's A par ZH course. Poetic Male Clothe. London, Oct. 2H, The "Tailor and Cutter," mentor of mule fashion In K'ngliiiid, Is advocating thu ur of cloaks by men to "Infuse a III Ita poetry Into the streets." Kdurator Hit Girl Shorts, Hath, Kng., Oct. 28. Lov for sport Is making Knglish girls too mannish, according to A. W. Cunnlnghame, headmaster of Victoria, college, Library Tables, Iiavenport Tables, End Table and Spinet Desks are in cluded in this sale ut value-giving pricvi, Sale of Living Room Furniture At Value-Giving Prices Our Present Dispfay Offers Many New Home Furnishings Ideas At Big Savings 854,00 mstia . .rip! $315.00 A''v' , Two pieces- ' V Rockrr. ta-tMSPtll m i1 ih I l',rH,rl rum rum t ' a-4 Salier Duelling Again Arouses (Jerman-Police IiinLrepers Who Let Kooms to .Students for Sword ' , Fights lo lie Prone- ruled. r.eibn. Oct. tliy A. r.HHbr duelling one of th oldest Institu tion of fiei man student life bat again aroused tha Ira of the police. Th civil authorltlr of Jena. In Sax Weimar, have announced that they would prosecute, aa accessories, all bin keepers or others who lt rooms to university students for th purpoa of atagitig duels. This sport has long been the ob ject of special vigilance, on Ihe part of the Herman police, and ths stu dents usually station outposts In the street to give warning of Ih ap proach of th officers. Tourists In Germany often com fnent nn th large number at men bearing scars on their sculps or face. These a a rule ar trace of their student duelling days. rV udeii t organization lest th niorsl fiber of their recruits of duel ling, If a fighter flinches or even a much as winks sn ey when he Is struck, he Is barred from entering further matches under th fraterni ty' (avlnrs. Critics of th nw puni tive measures point out that jho au thorities permit boxing, which they say Is th more brutal of the two sports. The quaint Society of Halt Workers at Hulls, I'russtnn Hnxony, known as Uulldren, has come Into th limelight S'fftln through the efforts of American sntlatie buyers to aciiulre tha orgunl suitlofi's famous collection of silver, which cons'sts mainly of a number of cups und beakers given to the society by members of the Brandenburg and Prussian royal houses, Kor decades befor the war, mem bers of th society made annual New Year pilgrimages to Ih court at Pols dam, tnklnf with (hem flgets of suit and Iv'y dishes of food, which they ONE WEEK VISITORS Fall Living Room Furniture The largest assortment of Living Room Furni ture we have had the pleasure of showing in years matched suites and odd pieces, all are included. Mahogany and cane suites, as well as all over stuffed suites in mohair, tapestry and velours made by such well known firms as Karpen, Kroehler and the L. G. Doupe Co., may be had at exceptional value-giving prices during this sale. As we can only give a limited number of items in this space, we ask that you visit our store during this sale, no matter what your needs may be. 1 3 Rooms for $189.75 4 $125.00 Mahogany Frame, il-piece Duofold yJ gQ $175.00 Mahogany Frame, 3-piece Mahogany a n d Cane Suite, CI 01 AA velour cover.. plaClalU $225.00 3-piece Mahogany and Cane Krown Corduroy Suite, at $149.85 $275.00 3-piccc Tapestry Overstuffed C17QCC Suite 11 0.0. J ?:'ii.OO IS-piere MuJiogany and Cane Hlue Figured Velour Suite ..... $198.75 .vuite - Il fat la .' Ai .1 All T,.. aURk"al Jaf OsVUU lit vaivi wVim ircac nurti ptrmitied lo serve personally to Ihe royul family. In return, they ale km uted m metito In ihe form of a. her cups, and theae are tha aouteulra the aula ol Among the finer cars, Cadillac has in practi cally every city in the United States and Can ada the largest and best established sales and service representation. J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co. Omaha Lincoln Sioux City CADILLAC Standard WELCOME Exhibition of 9 W Furnish Rooms for S27S.00 5 Rooms for $468.75 $175.00 3-picce Mahogany Frame, Blue Leather Duo fold Suite, gg yjjj $225.00 3-piece Mahogany and Cane, Blue and Gray Velour (100 7C Suite tPljO.J $325.00 3-picce Tapestry Pillow arm Overtuffed T: $238.50 $375.00 3-piece Mahogany and Cane Suite in In-own figured mohair . $580.00 3-piece U!ti Mo hair Over- ittuffed Suite. $915.00 3-plect Italian Kenaisnance Brown Figured Mohair ffCnO 7C V f &.La Which lh') lire now Coils., lei ing. On of llltl III .ill T tllU Ii.'lll'llilll nf Frederick 111. Th iirgotlatliina st tuisi nt are il a ll.i. k---l owr th" pin ntfrntl by tint Americana. of the World Fiber and Iteed Furniture for the llv. in room is ahto Included in this sulo &t vqlue-Riving prices. 91,050.00 Mohair 3-piece Suitfl, 8765,00 $15.00 Jacobean Ouk nench, no upholstery, 80.00 r mmmtm ii a -wi' fm,',! i i Vt a x: t& Kr A. Z ml I r S iil lUH,7.i Our Nw tiKn I)ti. 4,r , t '.4 tli . 4 t ..i - Wit, ,., It . hOAau limit, mimiin him anu iih irauts ' lk Mi,ol.l 4 ui V. M Y DURNUMUl1! ...-t . wm -t.,iM- t it a-,.