The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 29, 1922, Image 1

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee
VOL. 62 NO. 20.
Wall a C e
Farm Laws
Control of S. llin, A..wie.f.,r
" "
I.ivr-lork ami Grain Under
Super i.ion of .Veretary
of Agricullurr.
Probe Business Methods
'ham! Txtntid, Neb,, Int. 21 (Hpe
rial Till grain.)-Mecrelary of Agricul
ture VVulluce, Congressman Andrews
on') l, H, Hplllnnin, republican randl-
data for if lorii'-y general, addressed!
fi umheiiia of aMtijt 2i0 here, t'oti-'
kLssinuii A nitre.. , ,i .1..
Kf-i.ii, mi.irM.MiiK iiin,i. if t. ti m u
...t :f tit-. wi ,h., i,.,iti f .i
...,i.ii. , ,
,i ..
; . ; ' ' , , ....
' .....
'.ii.iiiif to Iii.ti. kov.'ii I. i wum iii
iniinf to .t..i II.I.IHH , . tl..
' ..r i.iio r"!i'i ror nii
:.iw i.n-i u!w, Ki.i.ui'.i u (i.-iMoi iutic
. iii.iy.i. it.., i hivh tix. in .NviniHku ,
... u;.,Kt.ltu, to ti,.. Hiutr I..1I..I.U.
, ,, """i
.oily v.iv miiilll .iri. Wii. una lo
tit,- ..M,.(,,. t d t,a . ...(..
Itl'tlcM. Illll lllll'llt Will It.
Hci.tury W.fllii.T, who mi.. tli
m. i.n )wnk'T of lli iflcrnoon, re
l.v,i..1 tl.a oik of tha airrit-ulturul
i)e..ii'ln..'iit t WijMhInKlon mii.I 11.
lioM.r., Ho il.-l;.ii. thut tlifi .riu-iit
onr-ii. h.-iil dona moro for uKrlciil
lur In tli l.rlff -rloij of It. fxn-
in tlmii liu.l iMo-n (liiiio l.y any ottii-r
.ohki'k. in nny nve yir p'-rimi. Jn
Hurt he mild:
Kor 3D yai or more llVMt.x k .ro-j
(lur,. )iuv coin (ill. Incil iiKiilimt tlir
Din kT. 'J'li.-y frlt that tha Krw'h
of tha pucklnif liiLln... on.l adtip.liit
ly of the ff-w lai'Kor concern, gave
.llmni (in ooiortunlty to comtilna and
control Uvctork price.. Kor alx or
clKlit yrur. Iilll. v. ere Ix-fore con(rt.
.ImlKiiwl to tirlnK tlie pucklng bu.l-Tit-K.
unrtsr jtovrrnnif nt aui'rvl.!on,
Whn concrnn. met In tho prlri of
I 'j 2 1 , It took hold of thl. matter vigor- and In Augu.t It paaicd the
pitckr. and .tockyarda act. Thl. law
l.rliiK. tha packlnK houava, the atock
yard., the comml.Nlon merchant, and
otter at.x'kyiir.1. agenclea under tha
u.rvllon of tha afl:retary of agricul
ture, ( an InvaatlK! Du.lnea..
"He can lnve.tljrata tha manner
!n which tha bu.lne.. la conducted,
.xiinilne tha liook, aubpoena wltne..
. n nd require tlicrn to teetlfy under
oiith. Ha can Inquire into tha way
llvtintork I. bought, handled, killed,
mid the meat marketed. He can In
iiulre into the chawe by commlH.lon
incrchunta and atockyarda and deter
mine vphether theaa char((a are fulr Jii.t, Jle mn dl.clpllna firm, and
Indlvlduula who do not conform to
fulr rule, and regulation.. He can
M-fuaa to permit unfair charge.. He
can atop unfair method, of doing buiil-
nee.. l.n.I'ir tnl. law u win e im
aihlu to make thorough atudy of the
llventock biiHlnea. from the time the
Hvt'Htock leave, tho farm, gimtll the
meat reacnea tho city whole.aler, and
correct unfair practice, at any point
along the way.
HuiicrvliMir. Employed.
"Tha Department of Agriculture
now hue a llveatock .uperviuor at
each of the larger market.. It ha.
olitrl.'t mincrvl.ore to look after a
niimlier of the .mailer atockynrd. and
packing, whera there 1. not
enough bu.ine.a to Jii.tlfy the ex
pen.o of a n-Hldent .upervlitor. Live-atiM-k
ahippera Can go directly to theae
auptrv li.ora and report any Improper
(Turn ta Po.e Tun. Ouluine tour.l
Democratic Feud
(Jets New Impetus
Kmlrea-Mapiey '(io-it-Alone" Anpers Other
Fin. f fa.-t loliut .11. f- brlw.ill A j
noun d. lien r.-itie . andidiit. . In I ;
1,1. ci.tinly r. lei new fuel Kniiiiday
when it he.lil known the Iji
.h-.M.Hih y lul 1" .Hull ll.nuiig Mill- !
pU b.tllol. which bt nil . i
ii the txk.t. boll. r. pul.l cm and;
i!i lii. i'intic mot pline cn ' . oppoaite
lh iLiiiit. f I'm In and Migioy
. while 1 uk,('Hcii lnit.
t i K 'e for lbe two I. t
i..(e a ti.n;b( .li-nn mil.- t - k I
Tlie l i..iir4Mii..v II alone t
. lob !. , lu.t b.-.t imiIIi H.pM- (
hr lih .! f '- '!
i.'inr It i ' .r.l t.l t''
Ve . bliii-l l .r liuiloal ndi4-i.te-it,
t.i.l t. ml t iblf-l
il!,,r' ui.inlri n.l
.ii fut .. llli'l'd till'. t.
.,nu i f lb ...i.' ' !
i . ki
Vol V IhirliiiBtoii Hridje
, elfur.l Is hr
fit- t- ! 1
,, ,,,i!. j I . It ' ''
.: , f , 1 Wi i- !' '
, , t,t I ) .....r... l-t I
t , , - m tH t (
. . Ii . ur ( tt
ii tii nti til't !
, ,b e-aih. I,tt'i-
i.i r . (, tM
, t. , i.. -. It .
w , I ii
,,!.. ,
.... I
f.l.'K aaMa.ClaM MatlM
u, um t
l Gilbert A-Wooing Goes
i ii
One of the amuMing thinuH in the prenent campaign in
Senator Hitchcock "out courtin' " the women. .
Three different time he
agaimtt the women. The last time hln vote only, wus needed
for xuirraire, but he voted Htfainut it.
Now. in fine fettle, with the front in the crip Nebraaku
;air and the ifoMciirod alonir
- out co.urt.,nif' the
ftmi are niH way wniHome :
1 We'll ay they are.
11 ms voice Hi) it Kiioken
Not one whit uofter than
fall flurry, an It blown the rajf -
, victim n throat.
Surely, nay Gilbert to himnelf. you women voters of Ne-
braka will relent and forjfive!
It Is wonderful to forgive and the nenator'g "conver -
slon ' to your cause, even if late, is so "mncere."
Jie.Sluen, "he needs you
lie really "just can't live"
Do have a heart, women
. . . . J
was "bacK when the
' " . "
i"Purn('" 'ou 't was three or
i110 ?l't'tiori romin on then.
l)(in' von ff.nli u' j u
, .. "
' ""ffvl",c"ml' cmiuiuttic i me m-nuiur iiiuneocK
i,ib aiways more interested in
i " iH JUMt the faI1 owcrn themselves that bring the
, hi nentimentnl (nfntW tn vni.
. , --"
Of course it isn t because
with the fall flowers.
Surely, you will not deny
v . . - l i -i e
.. Your won u.ny lrail of
me senator anci ne counts upon
llasn t he become "converted" lo your cause, prohibi
tion, ana nasn t vv. j. uryan, himself, forKiven him "with
all his heart," forgiven him for the senator's own dear sake
as well as for W. J. Rryan's brother, Charley.
Surely, thinks Senator Hitchcock, you women voters
of Nebraska can emulate the forgiving: example of the great
Commoner even though vou have no brother runninc u
candidate for governor. Ir lu "K.u,.
i wviauoc
'Man of tlie Flour'
Warinly Creeled
in County Tour
"Even Money" Uels Are He
corded That Randall Whu,
Kven Carrying Home
County of JJryaii.
Ky A. it. t.noii
fclilff ( uf rri.n ill The Uinuha Ittt.
Full. City, Neh., Oct, U. (Hpeclal
Telegram, C'harlea II. Jtan.lall, can
didate for governor, concluded the
week of campaigning today Willi five
big meeting. In Jtlclturdion county,
the la.t of which wae thl. evening In
the (iehllng opera houxe her. It wu
crowded to the door, und Henator Itin
dnll'. declaration that atuto tax, have
already been dei'reaKed one thliii and
will mxtn conm down to a presrr level
wa. applauded.
On today', tour, Senator Randall
wu accompanied by Kx t'
Iteavi. of I'ull. City. The rent of the
party conalHtcd of John Wllt.e, aher
Iff; It. II. MrNulty, Walter Hone, K.
O, Lewi.,, J. M, Kvanii, H. I,. Jonen
and 8. II. Hole-Jack, all of Kali. City,
and John liowen of Hlmbcii.
Have Itecnrd Crowd,
The town of Uurada, which numbciK
not morn than 2UU kuuIh, had an audi
ence of about 1.10 men and women
waiting for the apeakem In the town
hull. It broke the record of the cam
paign for the size of the audience In
proportion to the population of the
John Martin. Wauli Sailor, aad Joe
Watton e.corted the party to Hhubert, i
where an audience of annuo 125 heard I
Senator Kandall and Mr. Iteavla In
tho community hall. Thin town haa 1
3UT people and I. aaid to lo the lead-
i lug apple .hipping point In Nebnmka.
J. V. Hhubert, W. I.. Kvan. mid nr.
J. I-:ggerinyer were among
present. ,
The meeting nt Stella nt nooji was
on a atreet corner. Dr, A. V. Mont-
colliery, J. H. Hoennan and Willlnm ,
'ei-m were Hinong the many who!
met Hie enat..r. Card, were on di. -
I lav In llii. town reading thua:
' ltl. lim.lNon ciunty'. .tale t.ixe. In
lliil were f lilK.Sli!); In l!22 Itleluirdw.n '
cmniy . .tale tuf. were only !.- j
..',l. a ledilclloii of IM.'J'.'''. Vea,
111. In .in iidmlliixtratl.'ii reduced
them." ;
ruMtl al lluiiilMildt.
Tl meeting at lliliulx'Mt ,i ine
bini .1 of Hie d.y e.eitiiig tl.e ne
miiK meeting Here almnt 3t ei
Me.itcd in front of Hie Tinker nu-ni.i In!
t,in.iiriii.l and a ' iiuna hud ln ,
Ireiibcl t pioteel Hie p-.ikei. from
Mm bi uy w 1 1 nt
'In Mi i. , iter l;.in.i.ill. ..a b.i a
Ulan who .... It in, i't .(. wl. ;
,1n.a I., f... t... t-lu. Ihrwl
Buy by the Acre,
Sell by the Foot
, Ttiti phr.t h Irapvil iuta
p-'I'i.Ufi'Jf air S'5 r-.l nt.ita
i ,v.ti.n wh.i tic ih.ii
the ti.n l of th rn.rkr!
M l)l IS Ho illV 111 ti
t'nittd Jit.iri wt h h .1
tii al, ani at lh poel
h't, .fif. lttrf iippwf
litn.lT f.if tltvtf..l kr-plb
mC.irt !. l '
r the I M t ie
r; . rt
, vi,.itM i i.i t f l1 '
M V ti H -!! ' it
Yeii U Hfril f IH
UUlt il!. mnt 4 f
?'" ( ..4, t '.
- I ef !' '
ln,lti-.l W H ! I .
ti.-t.i. Ii '. U'.
.tv if f .. -I
tt it w f !"'l "
1. H.l .! W .11
Mu Jl IM M
nm i. iii.
roui it.
voted. I'ch time he voted
the roud-niU the senator tforg
women he .purned.
an ne. wooea r v
the HprinKtime'n zephyr or tfie
weed pollen Into the hay-fever
without you, and he knows It.
voters of Nebraska.
. I( . . . .
world was younir that IlC
" J .
four years ajjo and there was
' v:.: ." .;v::t:Lv
the election this year comes
the prostrate penitent your
e i i
forKiveness are well known to
them in his hour of trial.
U 1 m
uv iiuvud juu nu on no-
Jeweler Is Host
to Employe Who
Stole Diamonds
Anton Hoffman Taken to Lef
fert Home Pending I)i
posal of Accusation
Gems Returned.
Anion Hoffman, 28, Oinnhnn, who
It alleged to have confuted l-'rlday
to robbing the Kmll II, heffert Jew
elry .tore In Council llluffa of about
$3,000 worlh of good., 1. being enter
tained ut the I.effert home thwre,
Klndne., .ympathy and a .how of
confidence on the part of hi. em
ployer, the proprietor of tho .tore
Ahlch he 1. alleged to have robbed,
.ueeee.ded where cUMtomary police
method, failed and brought about a
complete confeHlon and a recovery of
nearly all of the alleged .lolen prop
erty. "He'll remain at my houae Indefi
nitely," Leffert aald yenterday, "while
we try to get (hi. matter atralfilitened
"Hoffman' revelation, to me do not
Indicate he took my good, for profit,
but to ehower gift, on relatives or
friend.. I am Inclined to tho belief
that alroiig oulHlde. Influence wax ex
erted on him, becuuao I had alway.
found lilm to be a connclentlou. em
ploye, puln.taking and nble In his
Again at Work.
Hoffman was again at work yester
day In the .tore he In alleged to have
"e lj0 entertained again
"t Leffcrf. home, and Moil-
ll"'. "-''cording lo Mr. Leffert, will
again be at work hi the more
When tho entertainment period
limes, Leffert Intimated, tho proxe-
eullns attorney will be called In and
a complaint prepared.
"Hoffman probably will he dealt with
me coiin. vmeii ine nine come.,
l.efl'ert aal.l, "but we expect to try
for a parole and get him Htraightened
"f - Virtually all of my property ha.
l"'l, returne. ami I bear no malice;
I nt to hel t to pnmerute
Houghl New II e.
I luff ni.iti rei r .'l.v buiight a new home
( lM South Twelfth street III tiliui-
Hut there I. no iiixinimtlnu that I
ibti.iilc.1 tlm money di.honr.tly. I
,-seiun-r im nii) iii.-iioiieu uia
.noiinnl ability In nu honeolly a v.l-I
uublw ini.tor nejnu. j
i lie n-i-eneil wuijee of $" a week j
for hi. w.n ti in in l.-n-Tt .tor, and
at night h.n he r-tuiu4 li tuuaba
terie.l a pl,.iriiiiiciit III a ill .lg i.,ie,
'' !;. j
I biff iu.i n i uriitlid I'nd.iy aft-,
''e-n be w-t, t. fciue,
lo ml t' e ..lnn. Ib fnuiel a ili h-e- j
I K l''tl4 III it. Win. nuked l.llll III j
dm to (mil. ln., ultlrl, wlieie
hr 1.4. tn-ell Unikid tir lllrlitl'll.n
- tti f Iv f.n.h il Ii iin In !n'
Tbell tl.e l.litT l.titb 1 1 tnl Wllhimt
I.KiK .l W in.) I' ll tu Ullrll
' I -t In. Ill,' l.iffrrt v I I mu
Hull), i,. I!, 4 iri-i,r t tl.binJ
I 1 1,1.11.
I . if, - I i....k Id, Tina i ),. a iht '
-.. a I 4 -.-(! . .i... . r l f- r
hii. "..--.--l . fi.'i-'i ' anil it 1
(,.1., I l k Li II u O. le !
) ' - I . I .1 i I' iU.'i l
' I. . Ii,,. .. ' -I . - i . I I il -'.
I in. il li.iu I I . il -f tie
lit .M ll.lM I l I lull 11.10
I..- ! f.i . i, i. oimli ml'
, l. ii.i i ti ' t tt. i!
, i. (,l il, t,'i"'
'.,. m it.4h. ..-l b fi. lft-t
I . 14 " ' '" " ' Uiil'
!.' t mill tin Vttitr
ill IllWJItilt I-1-4II.I
tl n . a ' It ' I . ,
Widow of
' V llllll
Tb 'tened
,v'"I r Tell, of Killing
I !Ipim
VVlVA,"' 1 Invalid ly Mr. Mar
pum t.uririoii, who
Took Own Life.
Invttiirsfmn I
j"..v.fe " " ' "
J ,,,.., ,.,.,.. o.. 2H.-om,ui i...
r(iKn..n by cormier' jury into
the death, oflli Key. Leonard Uilr.t
r "'' M,', M;icrrt rarieion lasted
" ., "V .'" . .' ' ...7. '" " " '
' tliiiillf II If III II lllr III Kill, nrnniuiif lie
ll.llllll U'NH J.V,.llfll'll frillll tll llltlllkt.
Am.rdinic to uiimriticii, ii..t wrre
i" rf'-vi-ioiinii-m .miinK to iiuprov
tlm (tlory i.f Mr, I lirlMlrr to inn M.
;'" nmt ni..- i,.u..i n. .ii. in mr,
m., roolll, ,M.,.rMle rjr anl found
n... t .i.ii limii... witii revoivir
' i'tiy i-n.i..d w. Mr.. -.ri
ton'. Imii.l.
( Kali, Mont,. Oct. 2. That
Mr.. Margaret Cui'leton thrrtttencd
ler life after having .hot her hu'
hand, Itev, lonard J, Chrl.tlnr, In
Ihelr homo at Havre early Friday wa.
tho Nlnleinent today of Mr.. C'hrl.tler
in ( i no afTnir wlih a repra-
.entnlivo of the (ireat Fall, deader.
Mr. ChrlftHer told her .lory In tha
(huiTh her hunlmnd had built.
After telling what happened during
the early part of the evening, when
.ervlce. were held In her't
church, followed by a church .up
per, Mr., f'hrl.iler .aid:
"Hev. Mr. C'hrl.tler had gone to
m company Itev,' Mr, Chapman of
Untie, to tho .leeplng car at the do
pot about 12:30.
He.crlbe. Tragedy.
"I walked home .lowly ami Maw the
hoiiHe lighted. I called Attorney O.
C. Hiiuge, a near neighbor, who wa.
panning, to atand on tho porch while I
went In, I Jound Mr.. Cnrleton tear
Ing photograph.1 of Mr. Chrl.tler up
and uIho paper., and burning them on
the Hour.
"X pwr.uuded her to go out and we
went out together, meeting Mr. C'hrl.
tler returning homo and wo three
walked back together and went Into
the parlor and .at down. There ore
two door, to tho parlor and Mr. C'hrl.
t!cr Htepped through one of them,
cloning tho door behind him, Mr.,
(.'arleton r imbed to tho other and
paanecl through and Immediately I
heard a .hot and .prang to the door
my hiiHband hnd plowed through. Mr..
Cnrleton .food with a gun In her hand
and Moemed craned, f
Pointed TImVat Iler." "
'She rallied the gun and pointed It
At me, but either did not pull the
trigger or the cartridge failed to ex
plode, an the gun wavered t aecond in
her hand und .he turned It aguin.t
her left bread t and fired without a
Mm. Chrl.tler declined to aay what
conver.utlon panned preceding the
.hooting further than to Intimate that
only ordinary affair, were apoken of
and that the of Mr.. Carloton at
1 in the morning wa. .uppcaed to be
n friendly cafl.
The funeral of Mr., Carleton will be
held nt Helena, probably Monday, The
peopo of Havre are quoted aa united
In their belief of the etory of Mm.
Chrl.tler and have united In a de
mand that nn Inqucnt be held to clear
up the tragedy.
Demands In vent Ration.
Havre, Mont., Oct. 28. Mrs. Tyle,
mother of Mr.. Carleton, announced
this afternoon xho would demand that
the tragedy resulting In her daugh
ter', death lie fully Inve.tlgated. She
announced that I'nlted Statea rienator
(Turn lo 1'a.e Two, Cnlumn Flue.)
Slillniati Loses Effort
to Reopen Divorce Case
ToughkefpHle, N. V., Oct. 28. (By
A. P.I Supreme Court Juatlce Heeger
today denied the million of counsel for
Jame. A. Ktlllnmn, New York banker,
to hIiow eiiiiHO why the decision hand
ed down ny Supreme Court Justice
MorM huuxir at W'hllo I'laina, N. V.,
contlrmliiif the report of Iteferee Olea
.on In favor of Mrs. Stillman and her
son. tluy, ahotild lint bo fevlowed.
Justice Seeger denied the motion
".imply en tho merlta." thereby
placing tho entire cn.e. Involving the
action, of Mr.. Anne I'. Ktlllman and
tnp j,.i.,ma,.v f jtl,by il.iv. In the
j,.1Sin,.,on of 'the appellate dlvUlon
of the mipti-ine rourl.
The Big Feature, of
rtr oxk.
lUllauWl I MNIIM-Nl ! I
NH'rlura Hiti ff .fMMlll
ltmlMf ftm l,
I'l.Aikm.a rolMK4 t l"l.-
text I'M lb
rtar i
f r I ai.4 I.
MmI til lt 1.
lit nm Utl I Nl-l Matlal
I'M. I
I'M iihI.1 Itmhlil t-li mt
IviM4 t' 4
la 4 PmumI r a
! 1 I t
H itiflU. Imuf" l"t I
fciulf n4 tt .
t - I HI I
Ik. M.MI.4 la1 tU I M -
rrt-4 muk Mi-
ttiw..i . I. 4 II
WtekMi I.Hih' ! ka-r II
k Ma - MIm fe
rtit u l H,S . W I I
t.M IwiIm "
taw '
ltMS W Ill tl'tllW" t
I !'. .
a ..h iiuti ihi
" l-W-lil tt-.-t - tW 9 M
tIM tw4
A Job
Military Law
Order in Italy
Is Withdrawn
Italian Cabinet Issues Procla
mation to People; Sedi
tious Movements Are
- Charged in Manifesto.
London. Ocf. 2. lliv A. P.) Mar
tlal law wa. proclaimed In Italy, to ,
take effect at noon today, but the1
proclamation wa. later rescinded, It
I. .tated In dispatches from the Site
fanl agency In rome, the .eml-ofllcial
Italian new. organ.
Tho Italian cabinet In a proclama
tion to the people .ay.:
"Seditious movement having man
ifested themselves In certain prov
ince, of Italy having aa their object
tho interruption of the normal func
tions of state powers and calculated
to plunge the country Into grave
trouble, the government has as fur
as po.Mlbln tried every means of con
ciliation In the hope of re-establishing
peace and reaching a peaceful solu
tion of tho crisis."
To Maintain Law.
"In the faco of such insurrectionary
attempts Jt Is tho duty of the retir
ing government, by oil means at
wlntever cost, to maintain law and
order, and this duty it will carry out
to the full In order to safeguard tho
citizens and fice constitutional Insti
tutions. "It Is the government's expectation
that the citizens will remain calm and
have confidence In the measures tak
en for their safety.
"Ixing live Italy.
"Long live the king."
Concerted Movement.
Special dispatches thia morning
told of the beginning of a concerted
movement by the fasclstl against sev
eral towns. Florence, I'lsa, Cremona
and other chief center, were declared
to have been taken over by the fa.
clstl forces, who depo.ed the state au
thorities and assumed command. Ap
parently, according to these advice..
Ihere wa. no resistance.
Communication. In all parts of the
country ure badly dlsorganlied. and
I the ne of the declaration of mar
! tin I law i. the first to reach here
I .nice the movement started.
; King Victor Kiiinniniiel I. known
i tu have returned to lit'ine last night
with lb Intention of conferring ' I
div with varluu. poiltUal leader. In!
no nd.v..r to f rm a tew inblnvtj
to iiHtwi tn r n i ....... fr)tn Jlih(( K ..m.
was f.nvnl elit by the threat of tj
' I I'ntir MuiMiiitf l)i'tronl
(Vnlra! NTra.k.t Fair h W.tHMI Adam. Ure
ttii.liitr'i Are if.lrw)rl i7rWtttm n, , p, ,(.. r.-r
lli.'l l. iini. . "' .''-.- i
i, .it T-I'k. i-.-ipJik. lulu a i men
, 1, -in st tll tb I t'l
HIV (iM "I tl'. . MHU.ll'. J-l
Ih-t , U did Cl.'i.H Wind .Ml tl."
ti . l.,r .1. (,g II Ittt '. Of til
f.i k Ii Its li.-i I -ll
f . w iM'i i it m il i u-t M I ral
ii. ... I I. -. ! ..( e l
j ll , I , I n.f '!
I , ( . I., v-" ' - ' "''' ' I,
r , . . ll. I. ell b'. ... l '' '
.. .... ii U i h ' '
. ' -t i
,. i.i i.l
, lit. fi
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i I t
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,1. , t I'
, .1 K.
t.n...i-l f
, -it I '
I .HIII ,1
for the Big Policeman
$5,000,000 Power
Merger Is Made
Continental Gas Corporation
Acquires Plants of Union
Power Company.
Consolidation of two electric light
and power companies, .ervlug together
nearly 100 town. In Nebraska, Iowa
and Mouth Dakota, wa announced
liiMt. nigtif by ltufu. K. Lee, president
Of the Continental Ga. and ICIectrlO
corporation of Omaha
Mr. Lee atuled that his company
had purchased nil properties of tho
1'nlori Power and Light company.
The deal was completed at Cleveland,
O., where Mr. Lee hu. been for ev.
eral day.. It was announced that tho
value of the purchased properties la
more than $5)00,000.
Tho Continental company controls
the Loup river water power develop,
ment and also operate, a number of
strain power plant.. It furnlshei
electric energy to Iieatrice, Tork, Au
rora, flrand Island and nearly CO
other towns in Nebraska and Iowa.
The Union company operated,
among others, electric plants in North
Matto and Columbus, Neb.; Osceola
and Leon, Iowa, Aberdeen, Water
town and Yanktoni 9. D. It was
owned principally by the Kountze and
First National bank Interests of
Man Plunges to Death
Over Niagara Falls
Niagara Fulls, Oct. 28. The finding
of a man'. coatr hut und papers near
Gout Island bridge today Indicated
i that John K. Lea man of I caster,
Pa., committed suicide during the
night by going over the fulls.' A let
ter was found addressed to Mra. Helen
Leamun, Ijincaster. Pa., which read
In part:
" f tun i'muI Tfnliiii
May nod forgive me for what I am
doing but there I. no other way. Your
happiness require, that you lie free
mid thl. is the only way to make that Please try to understand.
It all Ri-eiii. IlUe a dream but It I
only too real,
"Fume, fame, Is cheaply earned by
fleeting breath.
"Hut the price of honor 1. the sleep
of .b- ith.
"Now at hint you will under.tatid
that I love you "
With the letter wa. a neipr
clipping stating that Mr. lUlen !.
mn had filed application f'.f dlvort
, inn- j,.hii leliui.M at Ak.h..
f.,.m an urnwu i iuk .ein.f.l lh 1
r4l-.iirmi I 4!l I n lr ir'iir
ultb e. i'.jtrii fitiiiitnv tiii a.4
ii,i f,H.. l.l. k lf . Hi futmea
u...I'. I" i 1... u ir flm
rfc. i- I'Ui.'t i .H..ut
(nvt-Uii i.,iti. tv li,min. h
ill. f-, , I f.i. i.i, I IN fUllli f.O.e.t
Ii .t,lbut H ll.t Mll rifo-t-
ik. I IK. !,.., -ii .r ukIU (4
I ilh lh I i . T. IW,lt i
' ..' I- il
.tri'ol mi tb t-u'tt
iiiiu K lndrtidriu.
VI ; fc 4 I , ! - ,1'V ruin.,
u.i i-.tii4l l ' 1'ti'bg-
., ... t, .1 i,i, k4
Htll II ill 0ll lHa. Mi .. MM. ") -Owtiio
tM 4m l in Villi . fill ! Mir, M
Committee of 48
Predicts Victory
for Progressives
Chairman Says Contests Have
Narrowed to Two Party
Fights in Seven States,
Including Nebraska.
New York, Oct, 28. J3y A. P.) Tho
committee of 4H, functioning a. a lib
eral party, announced through J, A.
II, Hopkln., chairman of It. national
executive committee, that in .even
state, contests have already narrowed
down to a two party fight "w'ith the
chance In favor of the progressives."
The states, he said, are Pennsylvania,
Houth Dakota, North Dakota, Idaho,
Wisconsin, Nebraska and Delaware.
Analysis of the contests, Mr. Hop
kins .aid, that In Idaho, where two
congressmen and a state ticket have
been named, It is a neck and neck
race between the democratic and the
progressive, candidates. In Pennsyl
vania, where the progressive, have
nominated two candidates for United
fitntes senator and a secretary for In
ternal affairs, and In South Dakota,
where a state ticket and three candi
dates for congres. have been nnml
nated, the race Is between the repub
lican, nnd the progressives.
"In Wisconsin, where a full ticket
lias been presented,' 'he said, "It J
a walk over for the progress e asso
ciation tickets, the democrats having
lost their standing ns a legal party."
In Nebrnska the composite ticket
consist, of a for congress
and lieutenant governor,, a progres
sive democrat for governor and a pro
gressive republican for the senate, he
"In Deluware," he continued, "Isith
tlie republicans and the democrat, are
thoroughly disorganized by reason of
the obnoxious tax legislation recently
. Pn,Hed-
Mr. Hopkln. said that In ome of
these .tates tha new party tickets
have been endorsed by the 16 railroad
brotherhoods and -various labor or
ganisations. Red Flags Reported
Flying in Vladivostok j
Tokio. n,i, :i-tny a Pv-i't: IVi,,,.,., Herii.iiie Il.t
Vlitillvoatok rd flag r flying every-, , . .
hr. A nw tovermiieiit ha. bn i I orilH T haiMT I Hill ill IIIJC
furiiied by t'halrni.n NitH-hen of the, Luininu, n-t :! l'il.e m llnnum
peopl r voliiuciuiry piiiiy In tb of i:.-u. who I-- i-n to Ih-ihu. too
inarltlni protlm. II formerly 4. Inide i f tlm f nrin. r lUrmm niii-rr,
a niiinii'lp-il guard. ' urini in f,. lint islulu bis r --:..l.
Tb t'hlt army, a wil i-.dliied , i,,i,i u In a i.i.-e rtful
orRillon. I. giMHiUeg th tnunniiM. ,, r ,,,) ui hlIi m,,, n,oll f
tr. uf aim. left br tb all.. Tti i,i tn (e n.iv diy I i
tt .tra rpublun r1 an.iv , .Al- ) i.,.rt, i,, hi n. .l
e.m Hh a vr.4Ut.l ef idV.lry. f 'l U II. mu thut elia M ill Uiml to
kiwl by Infintry sad artdtr. 'Ih:(,ty t .-m f.r ion limi ti r o
.k.. int lb iih W by in
r I l tb.iu m l i?i. f I 4 lb. i
llh rt..t.
l inrr la He Uuilt.
f,Us IM - n il l., h
hrt 'U I It Nt. )t.U,, I l4
MH cunw.V f t ld lh
'! .. .
It will (.Ji. II J I.n., m t
4 fmt t tt tifc k4B II
l4 lil lH n(-lii t JHg
.1'. .4.-i.f
The Weather
U. S. Asked
to Attend
Allied Meet
Formiil Retjiiert for I'ailieijia
tion in Conference to Sotlle
Turkihli IVolilem Pre.
M lll. ll III llllfilll'".
I Invitation Is Declined
Wellington, t. SK,--(Hy A. I'
Anollnr re. i next Hint the (lilted
Hlate actively purtielimle Willi tlm
ullleil go ertimiiit. ill (be .I'ttlemeiit
jof Iliiropean dlffl. ulll.-.. thl. time- In
jvolvlng the entabll.bmeiit of peac a
j between Tui k.y and the iilll. ., and
jtho .tatu. of Hie DanlaiiclliH and H".
Iphoru. alraita, wi.m r.cilved tml.ty by
j tho Wn.hliigloii government,
j i. pitMtiiiiitl.iii by Fir
' Aucklalnl Ce.l.h-H, the lililleh aiiiluL
imidor: Count L I 'h.'iliibi III., lifting
1 fur France In the nbxciien of Aii.b.i.wi
j.lor JiiK.eran.l nn.l t'lmrgn ll.w.l, who
appeared for Heimlm llle.-l, llaliitn
i ariibii.Hiidi.r, wa. fullow.-d by an nil-
thi'tltatlv.) .Iiileinent from tbo
department that thl. government Fib
lny bad instructed lis iiml..isa.lni . In
London, I'm Is und Itomo'tn Infonii
tin...; goy.rnmi nt. that It could not
officially purllflpnti in tha near east ut Ijiusiiune, HwlUcrli.n.l.
, At the same time It Wa. pointed out
that there were Important Intercut. In
the near east In which this govern
ment was Interested and treatment of
llie.ii by lb" conferees
Would be observed by Aiiu-rli ail rep
if Sl'lltllllV. .
No l ight Willi Turl.ey.
K.-k'Uidlng the decision not to bo
represented through appointed dele
gates, ,lt was .aid tho Culled Hlate.
had never been at war with Turkey
and therefore did not hellevo it could
appropriately take part In framing a
treaty of peace with that nation In
association with tho allied rountrlca.
Hecrelary Hughes' Instruction to
Ambassador. Harvey, Herrlck and
Child, it was understood, counted tho
Intere.t. of tho United Htate. In sub
ject, to como before the I.uu.nnii
meeting for adjustment. Out.tandlng
among tht.o were wild to bo thai of
protection of racial and religious; mi
norities in Turkish territories and oth
er humanitarian considerations, In
cluding tho.0 of the great mission,
and educational Institution.. Apart
from thcc, but regarded a of equal
Importance to American.' welfare In
the near eu.t, wa. the problem of
opening the Dardanelles and Hospho.
ru. straits.
Observation Warranted.
These considerations, the anib""
dor. were informed, warranteo. aa
country In ob.ervlng closely tho; 3(1)1 -ceedlngs
at Lausanne. The wiah was
also said to have been expressed by
Hecretnry Hughes In hi Message to
the three diplomats, that opportunity
would be given American observer,
for attendance upon the meeting, ut
Lausanne where treatment wa given
subject, in which til United State,
wa. Intere.ted.
The call of the British, French and
Italian diplomat at the- State depart
ment wa. mnde with every formality
and win brief; Ambassador Gedde.
headed the party and wa. received
with his colleagues almost Immedi
ately upon arrival at Secretary
Hughes' office. Their meeting with
the secretary of state, however, lusted
precisely three minutes. In this brief
time, Kir Auckland Oeddes reud the
formal Invitation as It had been trans
mitted from the three foreign capitals.
To Respond Later.
Secretary Hughes listened atten
tively to the rending and received a
copy of the invitation. Ho informed
his callers then of the steps he had
taken to acquaint fhelr respective
home governments with the attltudu
of the fulled Htut-s respecting tho
settlement of the near east question,
at Lausanne. Mr. HiiRhe. wa. under-
(stood to have promised the threo dip
lomats, however, that he would re
spond later in wilting to tho Invita
tion they bad brought.
No statement was obtainable1 at tha
State department as to the personnel
of Hie American observers who would
attend, tho conference In Switzerland.
In the eent. however, that this gov
ernment follow. Vreeedcnts estab
lished at tin- Kan ltemo, Cenou and
The Hague conferences, the diplo
matic r pitnhHiv ia the rmiiili r
whet the forthcoming conference H
ti. be held Will I chosen. JuicpB
rew 1. the Ali.eiican !nintlcr at
en. va.
m. i,ii,ih v."
i Hi, I i r t we.rvi. t
g.a.l dint I rt Ivllipll II c !! lf
l!ir t r I Hi till !!, r.itl.liS it fc
t'l ii... ..! , iiutg , tiiiuiti t . tn
ti.ll! It V- tr-et.IV hi -llie4
V-ll I. 5II 9 in lA'tlrf t- lli-l4-ll
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