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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1922)
THE OMAHA BEE: SA1UKDAY, OCTOBER C3. 1022. Bandit Suspect " Hearing Recalls Crimes of Can" Jjine Dinllry Major Fare? Highway KoM,ery Charff; Hroiher Died in Prion; Another Convicted. U.iliKiii l ily, (,., f, J7 IV i 'i i i.if Uiiinttt nt Juno liudley M.Jot 'H it dliihwiy roddcry chnrif. i lndnlil here today, wn cunlliiiicil mil. Nn. mli.r S. K iiki I lly, Jdo., Oil. ST. Th pre I iiiln.try homing iif .lumen Innlley iir on idupe i t liltfhvviiv role I. ty In 1nli here lodnv, leciill Hit i n-diilii.iii of n dirndl Kiintf Willi I i' li h m wild di hitvr Ik i ii imhocI l..f. ' M.iM. who I - ii i 1 1 I y m il.ui In l lire ,tnd inuiiiKT, vim nr mhIi"I ill TmiiiImIhiiv, Ail, h'tl-r II folMvtug 11 it.lif.-iieliin ,y fic'illt" Wl'lm, who itni'li-ulid dim lit the rod I." y i f the I'iiN-r h'ul" lit I ' 1 1 . Kim, June III. Willi, vim Ik ii hi rented ill connection Willi tin- inlilviy, told thu iollce lint M.i ; m entered flu- dluili wllh 1 1 Im ini'l i ' other iiml n intw -! !! f I cm ti ler I.i deliver t: i', In ttiiii The i udder il'lill!l i Willi. Hi Jnil here. V llli i denied the mime t t a limn liv of mi ll, who hi- mild ruiiiiriwil c I.;.ndit ii:iiiK wdlih hul iicili'lrifil iiiny inliUii'x under Hit' (Million i'f John liireu. linn ii.iii 4,1 ii Kim Hi'i illy iliiiitlv" iu:"iii, which I n iw i fnii' l Mf Murder UlliifM. The roMierie liivnl Vi-il tli'iiiMiipiln i-f il"'l;irt, II t", ti vim ii rtar wllne In Hip Irii'l of licimell ('heeler evn;il it i ;-v.ii, iKTiiwil i.f rminli-i lu I 1. 1 in" I in i Inn, a Kmiiwih i'I'v -e.cfy n;!rl, Mul' ;V two diothcr, Wnltcr mid IIiiV, hnve fficed III cmu'til, churned M.ili Murder. Vi It -r Aliijor wn eu- 1 -.1 In nrve life In tin- M iurl at a la penitentiary fur kllllnK Kiiink fhirdiicr In n iilloniplH linM i. it nf ii (MMiMlnir hull In K.-iiimm 'lly, Mn,, Ki plnil"r 8. tin confrwu'il Ihn ruliln-ry nf I'.T.O.OOH i,rlh I LIU crty bnmU from KunHim iin'l Okluhnrnn l.rtnkx. Ollli iulu nf b Hunk nf liull-y-'.!!!, Kan., ufiwr viwlttir I hi" two drill hra im their nrn-at fnllnwIriK the rudliery of f i;o,000 worth nf Illrty doiiila from the dnnk, dirlnrid thiy rwoKnlZ'-'J thi-m u th rodht-ra. Wiil li r rtli-il In prlMin. Nrw Trial PrndlriR. Th ce ot Kay Majora, who a trlil on the mini clijirgi) as hla drnthr, Walter, wim remandftf for a nrw trial, now pending. Of the bnndlt nana; whom namca Willi reveal! only one, Harry 1'owna, hua bfin convicted. Ha wan i;i'ntin'c4 In Spptemder to ai-rve not Uh thun 1) nor moro than 20 year in thn Kanfum )nltntlHry for havina; fi-irtlrlpated In the holdup of a mer i l.ant her rnhtad ot $2,702. Jlairan, v.Iid ha fouirht x(rudllioii from Slln ' url Into Kanaa to th elate au IHcnia court, I aaid to he in lildlnir. Statue of Roosevelt Unveiled in Michigan Spirit of Late President Walks Abroad in Washing ton; frufn Lip to Lip Intimate Hunufn Pictures of Him Are Sketched as Men Who Knew Him iMeet in Clubs, on Corners. lix-Oiualiaii; Kills I Self in Chicago Mt-rnaiil II. Kcmprr Found Di-tid in Hotel Humiu-m KfvrrMn lllanifil. J.'liiun JluiUjr, Midi. CM., SI. The flmt inonu'iii nt lo lie erei led In Miihlxan In 4iimor of thu latv Tdnlor Itfuwevi'lf Ma umi'llid her Imluy wilh eUlioiutM rereriioiile. A life mred. IlKiire of lhn lute preti-d-iit. In Iroiie, ttu imvi'lliil In llnniM'V.'lt H'tuala, a. park alle um flfillrated iitwevi'lt. leioi' M. liore, r tt'-nt of Ihn mil vuuily of iln hlk-uii, ili'llvere'l the id illi -lit Ion nd lreaM. Il protiouiu I Tlieodor llooitt'Vfll ono of tUf. world' KK.lliH IlKliri'H 111 Hlilte iiiifl, Splrll Walk Abroad. Waxhlnk'ton. INI. 2T,--The r-pinl of Th'odom K'xii' w It walked alumni In H n .hliiulnii today. f I 'nriniil i ' I' luiii Inn of dm di ill. I. iv nnijvnnry wan rimmed by Ihn navy tor It own, and there la tin onn who Would rhiilluia Hie pawn rlnht to feVi'l ill Illl'IIIOI e of iCoOHi'Vlll to ay Kladlv I li ijedt of uniliHid" it owe to I lit). Hut UKlde from nil llil.i. from the prepai'd iiildreneeHm Navy on. Unit dealt hiriii ly Willi din MiV and In woika fur thu nnv. Id. re ran a i urioua under rtirrent of t . : k iinimn men cverywh'.ri' that born v.'tiii.a to the pliiM llm dead pienl ilent dad made for binntelf in Anier linn li m.ii, I rum l ip lo l.ip. Jl wia naiiiral that, arotind Hie Navy department lloowvelt'a miine rihnuld And 11 way Into ryiry naui'l otivernalion. a older ollii'er paiiMed to idiil In llm corridor. Many of bene ha I personal atorle lo recall of hi. fiarlcHH caii-er a altant Meiietai'V of the navy, the ml hi foil and pumemike now IioMh. 'i'ladl- ion old In Hie navy were nlia'lered In thou'; liay and new tradition, dear lo the In-art of aallor folk nf tn.luy, were, built iiji in their place around thu dominant, eiitiKCili', eaer pet mm- 'ndty that even un u"ti .' nl inci.iny h,p roil! I lint miUIiie. Hut II va utiilsliiK llin talk of lloovelt wn not ciililliieil to the navy or llm a: my, or to pivcriniiciit rlrc!e. dijf inn eveiywdeie iidoiit llin nation i.ipil'.l 1'i.nii dp to hp, I. tile Intimate human picture of the man Ha akelrhid a men who knew him met in rind or on corner In tde hurry of n bway day. A tale that broiiKdt iiili k l.iUKdter here, thern a teme eiitlliiK eplKl .no, or Kxlii Ihe atiny of a flKhllntf moinent Vividly recalled by inen who ahared Idal moment with htm, n verlidle llliwiltteii legend nf 11 (jiriit Anier lean a In the luaklmc Jmur dy hour. Mure True in WaxliliiKlmt. t'erhip tin wn mine true In WahlitKlon linn I'luewdero In th notion, for II wu hind for the nun who knew him In life to reallr! that the eturily dilute with aloiicti hat Jerked down over the eye might not come, tiudidnjl down Peiinayd vania aveiiiie en n a lin y lalkeit. I. lit It eemed that th! curlou III formal rcleluntliui of Jtooaovell" birthday Inuat alao he nation wld a wan thu tridtitu paid h! liiemory In th- x' t event of .V'avy day. That he ha left a I.imHiib; linpre slnn of hi feiirlc Amei'lcanlaiu on the heart of hi countrymen for all lime, none who heard the undertone of Hoorevi It memories that lay lav ii.nlli WaaliliiKlon Iif'; today .could Jnlidt. Wedding Alnxihl Heltl in Hark When Light Co Out Oina,ha aoclcty turned out Thur day nlnht at the rirnl I'n hdyterlnn church to ee Ml l-'lorencv Jenk, daughter of the paator, wed to Har old J. I'ratt of JS'ew York, and Juat inlMMed helplnif to olfmitize the event In pitch (iaikinnH. Half an hour before wcddlm? liiuaic wa to doom forth and' the briliand groom were to march down tUe nialc, light went out. 1 Older ifuet clutched their jewel and younger gueat held hand, but no one worried. Chailt K. Illack, poHtniaaler, after much telephoriini; and a threat to appeal to the presi dent of the power company. Influenced an electrician to Install a new func, Light Ihiahed on again Junt a the aplendor of the event wa ready lo ynful.l Itnelf and the wedding w;w a Hc-ceis. MtWM.VVHtMY.ST. Says Indigestion Was Entirely Overcome Hope for the million of unfortunate nu n and women who are victim of atoniuih trouhl 1 founded by Ivitll F.aMhon. 316 N. Jlth Ave., Mamliall U wn, Iowa. Mr. l.non wa u victim nf atomach trouble in it worat form, hut wia conieplctcly reatored to health by taking Tanlac, lie uya: "Kor ten year I Buffered from at tack of indlgfHtlon which became, more frequent and more aevern until f.nally 1 wa a chronic dyapeptlc. Two bottle of TanhiT have fixed me up ao fine I eat heartily of anything I want and never have a lgn of trouble afterward." I'ndlgc-aled food . ferment In the Momach and noon the entire ayntem i filled with polHon. Tanlac wa de Hlgned to rexlore Ihn toni!ich to a healthy condition nnd build up the whole body. Million everywhr-M havo acclaimed II wonderful power (,'ct a bottle tmlay. Tanlac 1 Hold by ftl Igood drug druggiMt. N X A. I.i t. ,. . , Omaha's Livesl i Millinery Department One of the Best Millinery Offerings Ever Presented in Omaha Choice of the House SALE OF HATS NOW IN PROCESS All Possible Styles LARGE MUSHROOMS roKes OFF-THE-rACE HATS TRICORNS ROLL PRIMS PR Aft D TLRBANS lltlN CHINS IRRClaL'LAR BRIMS 1 2 PRICE All Pupular Trimming COQUE ILATHtRS FEACOCK OSTRICH GLYCERIN! D OSTRICH BOWS ORNAMtNTS , t MBROIDf RY Qt ILLS, IIC. Beautiful Colof Hav' In ail l.'Hit; b!. lk lit pro fa'." 1 fr), tiinea, Una, hil,l.. IB a t .l,if I fu!ft! th uii' dni. fo t htm, .Va r Uulu't I hn. t i K f rwt lh Maltruli Ar ih Btl I m A iilnti, . ti 01 t..r I' m,, .ml f!l, fcrt'l'ul ft IH1,' t., t.f f ltllH, fmrJ iii ib m .Jr V lvi fafljf Ht.!nf. iijfiti jU EutpkJ is 3 IvJ I i,4i AiinfJr CkpaulmeniThuJ flw liernaid II. Kenin r, former linih;t coal dealer, Ntnl proinliieril aiMially, reporti'l to havu killed hiiiiNcIf in Hit Kurt la arlairn hotel in Chicago Thurs day A piKtol with nue chamber empty wim found at hi ldn. I liniiy liunit h icvitm i,' nipn 1 1 1 an the i itimc. j .Siii - liuving Dmaliii eveii or i r.hl j )'"hi ago the Kempem h divided j H.i'lr lime ln !?i'eii rhlcHgo Mud Cull' for ii In, Iw inner having l ft the coal I ticiiii In it i'li in of iIiiukIi- nut fhop and it ilougliuul m.n Inn j f: i t 1 1 . Thi, tun ill. i fiieiida eay, wrecked hlui f innni lallv. Mr. mid Mm. Kemper, who wa , fnriiierly Htell.t Jai vl of Omaha, an. I j their mm, lli'i uurd, Jr., imw 10, lived I at Hie t'lilunlal npnrtmeiit here. Mr. II. V. Took, ,M.h, M. J. t'linkley. Mr. ('hailc Kaiiiiing and Mm, A. N. ! Kltehle were ainoug their friend. Ilutnor Hint the couple mparatcd after leaving Oinahn are denied by ih' e finful. Thi oy .. U'n.ipei , w m with li'-i IiiihImiiiI Ik fore hi di ih A briiilicr of Keinprr roideii In t'dl- , rag". Mi. Kemper hit relative In i 'itlifoi nla. J N"Wl ill Olltl'll" llnle hull I penih 1 ua muni; Ken pi r vvai ii. h I ln I . i define fi.innl, " in ri incnilv 1 1 d as t H man nf mnklng e, huge iphhllle nllil III ill K '. y ll.l'l w L I ! Seeret (rder Detrimental ' to Nution, l'ii-tnr Dei l.ire hei rt t end l ate a id lilim til In the i. .item and to Hie di velopment of 1 1 if Christian It hg on, l!cv, M, , liner- ; liiami of ( 'Inc., i(. i bnd Id V, J. .1 Hun- 1 lets if I.IiiiIsIkiii;, K,m ,'1' T'liiti bij.iy nliihl t a tii'iiiiig nf the 'National iliiiRtiaii itMoilutlon at the ' I '.Ml ! holrl. ' An oi".i fniiiiii wn held yralrnliiy 1 .if ii i ii. M.n at 3, when th d.ciiii.n : whs opeiie.1 dy Ittv, K C, llrund dust r.f Noifolk, Neb, and Itev. A, M, Mnkolni, Al ia, In. I'" Waul Ads prislili" lenult. UEAOCOLDS I Melt In epooo; inhal vaportt I I apply frly up noatrfla. visas BIG LACE CURTAIN SALE AT VALUE-GIVING PRICES SATURDAY owon Q i THE VALl'E-CIVINC STORE llnwaid SI, btwa Ifth and Ulfc xiutjin jvjui.n An n n"i"ii - lie Want Ad produr reatllt. One-Minute Store Tall( "Doe evry man fully under la ml that you folk nr giving better fabric quality in clothe today lhan you evrr did before the war. I've found it no and it iecm to me that every man ought to get th iff piece of new with out ' delay it'i (Trent," commented a delighted customer. JOHN' A, FW ANSON, Tro. - WM, L. HOI.ZMA.N, Trcas.- "TJHC CI.OIIIIMi rOIINfcB Of OMAHA"- CI.OSBH SATURDAYS Af t V. M . J'LfcAjB MIOP fcAHl.Y Klavicle Overcoats Exclusively Here $35 Originality and colorful effect combined'in these new Raglan .shouldered, plaid back, full belted fctyle hits of the season. OZicr Klavicle Overcoats $25 lo $65 Satin-Lined t Dress Overcoats $35 Remarkable overcoat values in velvet collar dress overcoats rich brown tones and black satin lined. Other Dress Overcoats , $20 to $60 Popular Whipcord Top Coats at $35 All around service makes these all-around belted whipcord top coats the ideal coat for rain or shine new colorings. Cabcrdincs All Prices $15 to $35 Nebraska's Saves You The Sport Suits of Tweed $40 Distinguished style that well dressed men demand in tweed suits every variation of the Norfolk jacket every new tweed weave. Other Good Tweeds $20 to $50 Feature Value Silk-Lined Suits $35 Breaking another value-giving record in men's semi-conservative silk lined suits. Beautiful fabrics, pattern and quality. Extra Pants to Match at $7.50 Nebraska High School Suit $20 Sport styles-all the newer Norfolk ideas English semi conservative models amazing range of cheviots, cassimeres, tweeds. Other High School Suits $15 lo $25 Va! ue-Giving Power Clothes Money The economy of buying Nebraska clothes stands out cleai and distinct. You buy here from the largest selections in the West. You benefit by Nebraska's first choice of all clothes made. You save through Nebraska's definite policy of selling the best for less, and The Nebraska is more wonderfully prepared to serve you than ever. Foreign Weave Overcoats Ixomcd in Scotland, Ireland, England; tailored in the finest shops in America a host of rich foreign effects. 0ier Imported Coats $45 to $65 Foreign Weave Fall Suits Finest of fire fabrics feature Nebraska's super quality, hand tailored suits inspection revculs a magnificent showing here. 0ier Imported Suits $45 to $65 IP Men's Extra Trousers Extra Good Values $3.50 to $7.50 ThouianJi of pain to c bo from. Nebraska Special Value Suits for Men and Young Men 25and30 Extra Pants to Match at $5.00 .mk Ih)oih tl, stirfn.'e nHructh oicm tt Ni t.rka Scdal Sutta. Note Mm cars , I'm vrcie in fabric lectin". (Itiat allotting nf ban! tmishrit vAtirntvtl.- imto bv workmanship and t of th I'arineiita the $10 UO urig Mnk fr ilaelf Vm Mw't mi ' UiU I iwa M4 IW M. a4 (. Aw Boys' Warm Overcoats and 2-Pants Suits $7.50 to $15 Great naw tbowinK now ready. r K tl" vAtsjttnvs Sfektfi a atoHMi . tOMIRK Ot H VAt I 1.1 H WAY it t 'OkRKt'T MI'AHl.t. I HH MIS AMI WOMT. 4 jo.- i v 1 1