The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 28, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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Republican Day
in Burt County
Proves Popular
Large Crowds Har Speakers
, in Whirlwind Tour Na
tional State and Local
Speakers Talk.
Tekmnnh, Neb., Oct, 27. Turmlny
w;i r iulltriin ilnv in Hurt louny,
when over ;J nMf( Itr ..,. iiimli. In
the. Viirlou town of the county liy
MUllDtlHl, llt llllll I' Kill Clllldlililte.
A rnlly In Tekaiimli the pri'rcilInK
evening opened by Ktiu In
(liini"' Ontuli.i bind mill t In. fife hikI
drum i-oepa i.f Tckiininh. A liirKifNU
dieme llntciied to mldi'i'itHcH frnin viir
Ion candidate fur two hour, then
'a tlt of "go ui. K" on" urged the
speaker ti continue llii'lr itiU-rcatlng
fuel to the voter.
t'ndcr direction of County I'hulr
man H. '. llouHtnn a riiruvnn
of ttlmlit ,10 Automobile filled with
republican men nnd women, nu
rnrnpiinl'il lijr Mm fife nml drum
em-pa utnl In K'illy decorated cur,
.liirfed tiiion n circuit tour of
Hurt county, frnlir, Oiiklnyl, I.yon.
mil Iwr.-itiir were visited. The tour
kiih iiiuiIk In two section uiiil while
candidate were apeiiklna; In one town
they with beginning In the next.
Candidate nml hi i'-ji ki-rn milking the
(our were; 'om;icmaii It. K,
ftuirlea A, Itiimliill, candidate fur rail
way rninniiMHiiitirr; o. s. tfpilluiMn,
rniiiltiliili' fur attorney kimii'IiiI;
lirorKO AVilldn, candidate fur (date
aeniitor: If. J UIimIT, candidate fur
rrpi'f'KKiiliitivc: C. I Holland, candi
date fur county clerk; l'red llrleaon,
caiidldute fur county imiHurcr; W, l.
Smith. candidate, fur nhiiiff; County
t'hnlrmnn K. '. Houston lui'l Secre
tary r. II. Vmu'kavc.
At every town vlnltd t li cnlhmd IniTfiiKf il, nml hundred pinked
tho halls where the nddremto were
trlvrn, no matter lit what hour t.iey
Chnrlea Randall, candidate for the
rnllwuy ennihilHMloii, ewept the entire
county liko ii whirlwind by hi
epeechea and personality. The fiiltm
nltuck iniidn by Chiirle llrynn
against the hlcli taxe were exploded
by (. H. Hplllman In his vnrloiiH tall;,
while It. M. Kvan told of the great
hi under and extruvngnice of the
Candidate Hinted Hint tho tour
through Hurt county was tin timet
Interesting mid vnthufiinHtlc they hud
mot ao far during the mup iigu.
Venture Trait Mu tiim s
of Livestock Exilian
Missouri Pacific Is
Unable to Get Cars
A ahlpmeut of Tl head of choice
spotted I'oUnil I'hlnu ho(.-V w on tint
llvratork murket enterdny , hrouulit
In by J. O. Ilupprll of Winner. The
conalgnment kvcraceil "10 poundx uml
aolrt for the top price of the dy,
M 65 hundred.
I.ini ulii th t, !' (Hpnlal-hiu-periiitcmliiit
Kirk of the Mi.url l'
clflc tuld a deb pinion of proteituiK
hiiMini men and fiirnieia, ho cullrd
on th inn ir rnllwuy i iiiiiiiiIumIuii with
n donnttid for inure tniln inr, that
the roud wna nbeulutrly uohMo tu fur-
CUrenca Oulbmlth im In fruinlnlali them. lHiiuiie cnni rn connec
Beemer with bin limt loud of entile for ! lion hm numt of It boxenr. nnd h-
Union Outfitting Co. -"S"- Union Outfitting Co. . tK-lj;rfcfe'ft Union Outfitting Co.
the. aenmiu, for which tin rei'c..
II J. 05 a hundred. Mr. (I.ilbrnlth ntld
the furmer were a little tmckward
iibout KctllK cuttle In tludr feed lot
on ncciuinl of the udviun v m the price
of coin.
"Mil corn lum been hi'IIiiik fur fid
cent a btixliel," mild Mr. ( Inlbrulth,
"mid feeder nre bliMlnir 114 high no
fio cent a biiMhel fur new con!. Our
corn crop him beei qm.. nnd very
llttlo of It hull been Hold "
I'eter (linen of Cokevllle, VVo., 11
vldllor lit the alockyHrda, Mild 11 liuce
pen elllllf e of thll IdlllliM In hlH aei'tion
were Hold nt home to apeculutora,
feeder buyer nnd pucker buyer from
the I'nrlflc count.
"We reiillze wn would time dono
better Hhlpplng them to Umnhii," he
Hld, "but we (jot )rety (tooil prlci
a It wn. Tho aheep InduHtry I In
better hpe thnn It tin been for
mnny yrnr and everythlnti look
hrlKhter nil nrotind."
Superior Plans (rirl's Hand
Mupeilor, Neb., Oct. 27 (Special.)
j,V(ini, j The Kli'l" of the Nupcrlor HIkIi aehool
are oi'K'inuiiiit a tmnn. 1 ivemy ono
have enrolled. MUr. Kuther Mihji'o
will lend nnd direct the blind.
Intt eiiuiiued In ritrryliiK coal, were
not ii'turnliiK them the ununl
liri'tniiltll ii'lo. '
Mr. Kirk mild Hint he npireiluti-d
lh.0 creilltur were 1I1 rim ildlllR of
fin nun they H"ll tluir xiuff, tint
oh n inntter of fiitt, tho d.lny wiih
niiihliiK inruiiy fur the 2 in In owner
becnUH" the elmrtiiKV of aupply would
continue to lone up price on the
min k. t.
The d 'icKiilioii wn miiile up of rep
reentntivm 011 the line from I'nlon
to Unroln. "in1 n prei ntlnu the
Crete branch hud previously filed a
Hlmilur ilemiMid In pcteoii. Mr. Kirk
any that outide of Omahit the com
puny hud loudn Him t- July jimt a
fourlli of .t iiliii I number ofnilti
car. The conipnny want the bnul
nee, but becurnn con I mercliunt
are "lioKRlng" the motive power and
lie it under priority order, re
bel in ln'ii,olbU'.
Inventor of Kudweiner Dies.
Ht. IyOUlH (let. 27. fill W, Conrad,
Inventor of "" beer, which
wn widely known In tho I'nlied Htntea
before prohibition rtopped Ita tnmiu
fiu ture. died at hi homo here yerter
day. lie wiih 81 year old and wn
born hi linden, (ieriunny.
Durlington Strikers
JNol to Ot Old Hating
l.lncoln, Oct. 27. ( ) (Ion
eral AliiniiKer TliUhoff of lhn Hut
Migton, bora with I'rrnldent HoldCn,
taya that the fuet that 11 niiinber of
atrlkcra tiuvc been taken back ut
hop plant hug causeil a number of
the men tuken on Hlnco July to be
lieve the old men would have their
priority rctortd. Ho Hay that the
company propose to keep all good
.nen among the new rttiployeM, and
that old men who huve returned will
liave their priority date from the
Jme they catno buck.
Mr. Thlehoff say tUut while , the
!)rana foundry ha been moved -rum
?la.ttnmouth to llavelock, thla will
not leseen tha number of employes
it riattmouth. le saya the roud
oxpeeta to hlro more men there than
With a
This is the time for danc
ing and merry making.
The best music for such
fun comes with a beauti
ful Victrola purchased
on our convenient pay
ment plan.
as Low as
$2725 l
A small payment down
and a little each week or
Come In tomorrow if
Possible or Phone
15th nJ Hrny
DO 1973
QWE$ and
n I
1 n
No Shrink
You'll nevtr wear better clothes than when you go
down the street in a Dundee Suit or Overcoat. Better
woolens better tailoring better finishing and better
fitting qualities are exclusive Dundee Features. Just
try a tailored to-your-order Dundee garment one
and you'll never be satisfied with ordinary clothes.
W ar tub I ia kulu the lil llae
I WraaJ kr all kttera. Irt are
wttaual elia lae m.t rrarth
.at er !). t ae la. Mat
) wile e wulkcr wit a , Mie k.i
aaallt. wimleat. ti4 fua'tl atiMrtcUta f
rlk4 l WlUf Uilurr4 rlelke.
f I TV
Korthwtsi Corner 15th xai Harney StrU
Saturday A Carload of
R 0 c k e r s
' In Brown Spanish Leather at a Price That Shatters
All Previous Attempts at Value-Giving
. There is a big story behind this sale.
Koiled down, it concerns a leadinjr chair manufacturer
at a recent furniture exposition, who conceived the idea of
turning hia entire factory over to the production of just a
few good models and selling in carload lots only, thereby
of lectin a Having on production that would mean a remark
ably low price.
TWO Good Models
One style is pictured
above. The Rockers are well
constructed, having deep,
coil spring seats and backn,
comfortably upholstered
with a superior grade of
genuine brown Spanish
$1 Down $2 Month
So that every home may
have one of these cozy fire
side Rockers for indoor
nights we are making con
venient, eaay-to-pay terms of
$1.00 down and $2.00
monthly in addition to the
low price.
This Rocker Special Can Be Purchased Now and Held for
Future Delivery
The Most Delicious
in POUND Boxes
Here i the "candy buy"
of Omaha dellclou whip.
pe creain, rnrunicl nml
liotilri't renters eovrro'l
with a tliirk coating of
ilclicio'Dt i! i 1 1 e r Sweet
nnd Milk Chorohite the
poii nil ho at 39c
New Fall
at Low Prices
ScamleM Tapaitry Hugs
in 9x12 t'avK, only
Handsome Aiminitir
tug in l-.Cr.'J zc at
Serviceable Axminiter
Putt's in S :-1x 1 0 : at
New Fall Axminiter Kugft
In 0x12 liizts arc
If rt?8Ffa
4 . isi'V----i
Saturday- Special Purchase
A few days ago when our fashion buyer was ia New
York City nh.e picked up a group of Fall Dresses of fine
Poiret Twill, Tricotine, Serge, Canton Crepe, etc., in blue,
brown, tan and other fashionable shades, at a substantial
price reduction. From the standpoint of superior qualities,
exquisite styles and beautiful materials, we consider them
exceptionally good values at the low one-day price of
Dining Table, round pedestal
type in solid oak with top that
Stnds.!.8:x. $15.95
Visit Our
j Exchange Dept.
Our Exchange Department
!j wfil take in your old furnl
I ture or stove at a fair vulue
Ou any new furniture or
stove you select. Thin used
I; furniture is, in turn, low
: priced for quick clearance.
Somes Furnished
Our Kail atork are nt the
ery ek uf eoiiiilclenca. To
elect a Home Outfit now it to
chooio f row tha very r m of
nht the roarUu afford.
3 Rooms, Sl.r(
4 Rooms, S2U7.."(r
s Rooms,
4 ("jSSJ j
S-M-ai i aWiael
U'fc n
.. i m
.4 I
ii k I'; ;
,t;,, $31.50
Your Credit IS Good in This Sale
You do not need all cash to take advantage of the
values. Just a small amount down at the time of purchase
on Saturday and the rest can be paid a little at a time as
best suits, your income.
Fall Suits Are $32.50 Up
Fall Coats Are $2.50 Up
Fall Millinery at UM Up
Home of the
Eight-Piece Dining Room Suite, in rich walnut fini-h( comprising .;
lonif, 60-inch buffet, an oblong table that extends to 6 feet, FIVE
chairs and an armchair upholstered in blue leather tf1 1 Q (A
the suite, without china closet, is P XiV.Ul
cm WM2
-fljOiio''' ISP i
"i irnrrrTr-rr-TrF
Compl.t. Bed Outfit, cotihlj-tinir of a full Hue .Sled lied in Vcnii
Martin finish, with 'i inch cuntinuoui ponta and 1-inch filter -a
.Simmon link fabric ;rinu and a ulo-tantinl niHUrc? (J1 Q QC
-the complete nulfi Saturday at.
rH. Da. ! Sail of hre ti..l-.iie -
ii h - iiiy (m..H4 f ii.uif.ttl.l i
t !u :,ii, U t; t t n
t r to mI - fi'irty, K tu' u
. I ti... 1
lhi i-
M M 4 aa. M mm a a i . t
3. E. CCU. 16a A MCKStXI STS.
1 m n m 1 ' . is
1 limy
k mil .
Up here "Out of the High Rent
District" you can be sure of get
ting the utmost in VALUE that
your money can buy.
A big selection of fab
rics to choose from in
Uusiness 0 ver c oats,
smart Chesterfields, Ul
sters, etc., for men and
young men, at .
Warm Overcoats and
A buy hotil.l be li t .inu
lllinit bring i 1 ... n 1 I 11 n"
and the fabrit i ' . t omen
tu utatid li e hm ;. t ltd of
Hear Muth-i. wilt lika tha
manly t;i. khoHin
and the v tH y are ti -! - -
irir(n l-lfe li nt
35 SUnkinis, 22c
M.mjf, ! , . l.i .. iblnj
t-i-K ry In ti.' ti tu lit
$1.25 Khit
Tie, at, . .
(...ruihanl Ut. in i.r. t ilnii, t
t.t'-, at a . t-.i,t fc4.i-(.