The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 28, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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Democrats Say
Howell to Win
in Dawes County
.rtrm IcIIii Atiilienre of
Large of Iloll Calls
Dodged ly Democratic
Umdroa, Nth., Oct. 27. (Hpeclal.)
U In n .wer too t ron mt women
irnwded th city auditorium Thur
nay uluhl and heard Ht-nator Norrla
i-ud th record of Hitchcock vol
Hi. or rflwr Imi k tit votlria;, In Hi
I nlt. Htate aa-oat. ther Va no
doubt in tl,i. mind of leading Dawe
county damocrula that ft. It. Huttall
would curry thl coiu.ty by l( to
In flit, a leading worker In
;.tvlou -aiiiuiin f.,r llltrhfock
'Itl rlewilor Norrla after thu meeting
niat Chu.lron Hould furnlxh 0 dem
ocratic vote to aaaiat Howell to the
lllii lirurk'a leond was d,eeted
pice dy iiw;u and I he limit number til
li'U call In w tilth ho did not Vile
i.mmit Kiiimlor Norrla to miu) end
tell lit the epiandld weather tut Kolf
that prevailed in Wuahlimton dur
ing thfM priiMK Ilia record on lux
iiiU.ii bills, emeu profits matter lino
luirkei control measure arm una
Ivaed to show hie ful I in to help I if
people of NfUtiMka. Irrlantlon nieua
urae, wliuhj vitally concern weatcrn
N'tdii'.iaklt. wera tint autitMirti.d liv
llltchct k. and I. In vol in cm I h i- til
ire rend ? irilor NoirlH an lit Hitch
i irk praffrrcd to M li burden full
fur a period of 40 eoiiMecutlva ilnya. :
llltrhi'iirk did lint V.He on f-'.) out of
1 15 roll call. Norrla mild that the
Jlryitna t"lnn with 1 1 1 1 ri k would
M 'i kn .mitela weep, hiii) tlmt they were
only li-l'l l.y Ilea of piilroriaRe and
polll7l il
'The cuinliluilion la rot ton and run
' I riland the t!-l of time and logic,"
Norrla apnnt the day laeotlntf ("had
ion elfbwi Mini frlenda from Craw
Vord, Wayaldej and Whitney, who
lirove In to xe arid hour him, lie
Win Introduced by Jtidita tVorge liuto
nwk, leiMihlham candidal) for county
iittorimjf.. Arrangement for the meet
fug wre mad hy County t;iiu)rmun
Kiolt Ih-ithtol, ami 111 county mid dis
trict I'iiiihlUiiri Candida lea w-re pica-
lit. Norrla left for Wotialiluff, wh.e
he l'.k to'l'iy. jdnny einployM of
the I'liliuuo ft Nbttiwealnrn hf.nil
unit iiliiuili-d Norrla Thurl;iy nlcht,
Bishop in Service
25 Years Celebrates
r (
Pope J fives Morgan, -
Home, Oct, 27. -'rope I'lua yater
diiy I'M'clvcd J. I'. Moi'KVt ut 'w
Vork In prlviii.j audli-ncf.
lIpiHcopiillniiH from unvcn locul pur-
Inhi-N piiUH il in hour in u himy il iy
to tflihnilc Willi Ihelr hlnlnip, II V,
Hbiyli r, Ilia !Mli uiimIvci miry a pn
tornl Imi di r. ITo wiia onlnlim, In
Cint inr.Mil hiiiI riiuu in Omiilnt In
A uitnhiiii'd pruycr mill hyinnul
aervlce, with holy communion, ut II
yt atnnlny n.'ii iuhk. wua (lie hlmplu IiiijiichmIvo oheorviini'i', rii-ven
vi-nV ii t i i xyn "li, w;th the hlahop,
nili!puinl. Ilia pniycia wci for
Ki.iler powi r to continue liia hauler
Khip mid t'lii'liiiiK of thi docliinea of
the church. J I'll Kfuuh-y una the
nriiuiiiHt, i
Trinity tullnttinil wua III'". I with
purlhliiimwa eiiK'T to voinj their con
KrafuliitioiiH. KlKhop fihuylcr nnd
Mra. Hlmylci' wcru Kiorla of hotior
nt a luncheon In thu church purlora
folluu.iK t li v "iU' c, jiikI wrru luill
ored Willi' it chnny nt the I'ulvcrtilty
'.lull lllHt nlnlit.
Iron, copper, zini! uiul priicUeiilly
every other eluni'iit known to ho on
uUi Juia boi detected on (he aun
In a kuhcoum Htute.
"of Co-Operation
Bodies Rejiorted
Report to Chicago Cougrei
Sayi Difff re nt Knlfrpriaet
, Gradually Merging Into
Great System.
ChicaKO, 27. Aa-ilculiral , o
operutlve cntFrprlata in America, grad
n:illy ara rryatulllxinc Into a t;rit
national cooperative lyatrin, of which
imint of Ilia exlatliitf ryatema art
iicceaaa:' and tntea-rtil nulla, u ooin
mlttca on rlcultiiral co-opemtlon r
ported at the third co opera! cou
area of th Co-Operatlv league, In
aeaalon here. The report waa praatnt-
ed by W. C. IaiimIoii, nntlonal oian-
Ixer of the Karmera' Kilucutlomil and
CoOperutlv I'niyii of America.
Traolnv tha growth of the roope
cratlv moveiiietit In agriculture, tiie
report uaaerti d nlailit four fifth
of Dm atatea In the union now hava
liwa difendliiK ami uutli.iri.ln cv-
operative buatneea and eatliivitinw that
there aiu more Hum 5,"1 aiich organ-iz-ilioiia
In thu country today directly
concerned with aomo form of aarl
culture. Many Knlerprl I ail.
U'hllo (rcut numlwra of almro cupi
lul co-operative aru in hualneaa, tliu
rejiort aaid tliat hundreda of audi en
terprise hud fallH or wer virtually
Imnkrupt. CotunieiitliiK on Ihla, the
reirt aaid It la u aafe rule to organise
no cooiwrallve aocicty unite there la
itt leaat tloO.UUU of bualneaa u year in
Iftht. The credit ayalem ana the plac
ing of thw management in the lunula
if pcraon not familiar with audi hunt
i cum eiiivnirlaea wer held reaponallilc
for the fiillui of many iigrlculltiiul
cuoperutlv aocletlea.
lUcualiig murkellnv vrguitluitioiia
without aliure capital, the report el tod
the California I'ltrua Krult Growcra
aa one of the beet and moat aucccaa
ful cxiiiDplea, lh orgHnlaation hall
dlInK triinauctlona ugKregutinK. $lul),
000,0110 nnnuully.
ICup Kami llureaua.
Deuling- with the farmera' liv
atix k marketing movement, tho r
port auld that th only aerloua oppoal
lion threatening It ranm from a
counter movement of a almlutr char
acter aponaorcd hy tho American
Kfirm Uureau fedenilloil. "There la
every reaaon tu believe," th report
added, 'that the purpoae of the fed
eration ayatem of aoculled co-operatlvo
rommiialon houaea la tho ultlmute 1
M ruction of the real eo-operutive
houaea that were operallnif on nine
Kieat market before th Committee
of J 5 of tho federation waM appointed,"
"There always hn been a atronif
auapiciou," the report add, "that
th American K.irin Hurvau fcKl?ra
tlon waa created by force unfriendly
to real volunteer farnmra' organlia
tlona. It haa ulwaya been appported
by bouida of trade, chumhera of coin-
r-mrrc and other combination tin-
friendly to farmer' arlf help aso-uiationa."
Just Three More Days of Our
First Anniversary Sale of
Master-Made- Furniture
THCY will be, just as the preceding days of
this sale have been, tich in opportunity
for the homekeeper. Furniture in all designs,
woods ahd finishes is 'offered at low sale
prices for cash or on
. M iffli Lrti
v r
High Grade Sample Dining Room and
Bedroom Suites at Great Savings
625.00 10-plcce Walnut Dining Room Suite -150.00
750.00 10-ptece Walnut Dining Room Suite . '495.00
875.00 10-picc Walnut Dining Room Suite . ,650.00
1,150.00 10-picce Walnut Dininf Room Suite 850.00
1,500.00 10.piece Walnut Dining Room Suite . 1,000.00
375.00 4-piece Grey Decorated Bedroom Suite 275.00
420.00 ct Grey Decorated Bedroom Suite 295.00
470.00 4-piece Grey Decorated Bed room Suite 325.00
500.00 4 piece Putty and Polychrome Suite . 350.00
5klk Umt
Sub-Station Man on i
The Omaha Bee Dies
Heart riieraaa rlaiiilMl W. H ( Iimm. '
aa ta vlciiin Thuratluy night at Sli
s at hi home. 3110
Hottth Thlrty.aec-
ond avenue. II
waa li.
Mr. Chaaa cam.'
Id Omaha eight
yeara a go from
llulaey, Nb., wher
ha hud been in
i-nflroud telegraph
service. Kor th
laat two yeara he
hua been dial riot
manager at vui lou
aub atittloiia of Th
iiinaha Ilea In th
til)', moat recently
licina; In iliarg of
. II. (liaM-. 1'atk atutiuit at
' Ix'ave nworih and
Twenty .m fiiili atnta.
A wife and a daughter, Mi Henry
Cecal. ellv.
I I a I
iVJai) makers Aidcci
in Work by Radio
Surveyom in Canada Tunc in
Willi Toronto to Find
Standard Time.
Clever New Styles Added to
Our Mid-Season Sale of .Women's
Fashionable Footwear
The Miile now go'inff on includes 19 model, of the
latest Nh-U'S in footwear for proai'iiMliuo' vor.
These. nhot'S formerly lold for 7.'0 to tO.Olt.
Dress Wear
Kadio la beiiiK Uacd in a lie way
by aurveyora who ur niupiin out
thu AlaeKcuisiu river dlgtrlet In the
Canadian imrthwcat. Jleretoforo auch
aurveyora have been dependant linon
culculalloiia on the difference In local
und 'alaiiilurd drconwlch tlnicl Th
local tlmo wiia determined by oliHcrvitVf
tlon of tho BtarM. where the tele
graph waa available aurveyora could
Kt't Htanditrd tlmo nnd by compiirinK
local uud etuudard they derived their
exact geoKmphlcuI poalllon. In cuava
where the telegraph wua not avail
able the men carried high grade
watchea or chronometers which kept
standard time. After a lonK. hard,
trip throuKh rouKh country th chro
nometer would err ut leuat a minute,
and auch tin error would mean a dif
ference of aeveral mile in their cal
culation. That la why radio 1 now being; uad
for a more accurate aurvey. It luts
been found to aaaure a mure correct
location of tho aurveyor'a position
than any other ayatem. JSy the radio
method the aurveyor flrat aacertalns
hla locul tlmo und then tunes In with
hla radio receiving act t the wave
length of Home broadcasting station
from which he can pick up tho etand
ard Kovernnient time Hlgnala. Know
ing; the location of tho broadcasting
atatlon, the map maker calculate the
difference In time. Jle llnda that the
tlmo In Turonto, for Inslance, la so
many hours, minutes and seconds
abend of hla time. Then, by calcula
tlona In accordance' with certain for
mula, he determines exactly how far
distant and In what direction he, Is
from Toronto. Krror In calculations
hy radio, It Is believed, will bo reduced
to uch an extent that longitudes will
be determined with almost certain
Black Satin or Patent Leather Dre$$ Pumpi
With Covr4 Junior French Hl.
Black Satin or Patent Leather Drea$ Pumpi
With ritxibl 8ol ad Covrd Franeh Hl
Black Satin Drett Pumps With Pateni Leather
With Covrd Low Hel
Black Satin Dress Pumps With Beaded Vamp$
and Strape
With Covered Frnch HeelJ
Patent Leather Walking Oxfords
Black Kid.Ttvo-Strap Dress Pumps
With Covrd French Hl
The Illustrations Used Art Exact Reproductions
of Shoe Now on Sale.
Thlrtl Floor East
Reduced for Immediate Clearance-
400 Pairs Women's New Fall Low Shoes
Black or Brown Brocaded
Satin Tongue Pumps
Brown Kid or. Calfskin
Walking Oxfords
Black Satin Tongue Pumps
New Strap Effects in
Black Satin,
Patent Leather or Black Kid
For Semi Drest Wear
Patent Tongue Pumps
Patent Leather, Black Kid or Brown Kid; Calhkin Walking Oxfords
Shoe Window
on 17th Street
the Newest
in Women's
Third Floor t
Road Conditions
KiiniLlKxl by Omaha Auto Club.)
Mnuulit hmtiwuy. emu: H'miIk roiiKli be
tween Cnunrll Uluffa and illaauurl Valley.
Kair to lifnlon. Tmirlt are advlit to
taka th ttlilt Vale road to Oakland,
thanre north on No. 4 In Denlaon. from
Dementi roaita Rood to Cuilar Hupida.
Lincoln hlahway, wt; Kniot being
paved H mtl wsat out of Omaha. De
tour one mile north and then west. De
tour north of Valley, one mil west anil
then north. Rofttta (air 10 Ifood, aomewhat
eh'tppy in fttrwlohea.
(i. I,. I. : Una, la aoniewhat choppy he
twern ttllarti anil Astiland. Good to Oa
ford. Koiufh and choppy for about IS
mika around Oxford. Otherwtia good to
Merlillan hlghwayt Rna1a aood.
t'nrnhu.ker hlahwayi Hoaila aood.
Hlahlanrt Cutoff: ftoatla aood.
Wn.hlnk'ton hiahway: hoaila rough and
shoppy (ur about two mllea north of
t'lrnca, fix mllea of pavln between
Klorenoe anit t'alhoun. Hoala somewhat
reuah and thoppy. t'allieun to Illatr. Oood
north to Kloux l ily.
iimalm-Tula lushwayi Poada food to
iiiiiaha-Toika htihaay; Road ood to
atale lute.
Ktn of Tralla, aorih: Hoaita roua he.
(ween t'uumtl Itiufta and Mtaaouri Valley,
Ho'.a aor'h in Hiuu fi'y.
Klna ,l Trail., aouih; Hoaita rood to
Cuir Btttffild hitthwayi Reade od.
V A.; H.kiIi mellent.
IMver to Kn.r road. Hoada (air to
hlte-Way "l-1 hlehway: Roada iud,
tl. A. Hhortllne: Hoada a"d.
ICue tiiaaa Traill Hoada '"!.
aihr repotted clear acell pointa
ftlllTIt!. vrttri"ltMr'NT
wonderfully prepared to
serve you.
Instant attention is given
to your wants by mai!-
orders filled by an expert
A Credit Store for All the People
? .mm - ..... .i ' " " "a
"We've built this groat busineKs on a liberal credit basis, extending to all
worthy men and women an opportunity to supply their every apparel need
by simply making a reasonable down payment the halanee can be cared for
in very convenient terms. We invite you to partake of this service. You'll
enjoy jt. You'll recommend it to your friends.
Featuring tbe New
"Jsst" Models and
Styles. Best values in
Omaha at
(or Congren
J. J, lln uk he I, prominent at
torney, l hj known
llanley Intimately for , He
i an Meal man (or puMi off
II I UtrUmt, II ha wa le a
t.r4 at a Uyir t abiUty, IU
I tit effntl, cotivmclrtf
ipeaWrr, II ! a !fln( Mr
'hliy, II wi! an bWal
Jay Birn. rte.i.Unl vt th
)a Hum lsiit t'oi.ay,
mi ; ' Ha!.-y U A-tt aa.
ffVf4l II U ! t4k .ia
Ik 'r'e H a"'' ''
( IkU .1 tri.U tt a' li I fv(
faluy tStt Wiil fi. mm
Utr Me,ilUi tJ ftS4i
tr I."
Jk A SiwauA( fitilnl
f 1 Vkr. I !H " -at,
M 4 . ' 4 le'l a
tt ft.4 I t KpteaaiKl
tk 4 VtrHt, He i I '
!. at l-tveful ;!
. 4 kf k.a lkr) w
v Women's Fine Coats! y v
it 8s tmnll
II j&a sari
umm stali $30
9 i1UrS v V 9 Zs
p A uar?Twii T'iit are iiormaiidiei, A A
S Ip' lllk l"'llliT), lulllilt, 4tt- K f)W aj'
i I 1 2 nerUiur, timet Ua j J J
mm . ! .1 All Btm'Jtiiutlw Silk V-
,11 'fJ I ..!,.( I )tm k
f l 1 1 1 i'J'rl Cj N
ll ll 1 htt uf tr a W
A Cl t 'd fiuf. At a.'in A
Cf ylfi r I 4 npat.l-lay art Lrf
Two-lants Suits
l ai In ttiorru
tpt tlo-t sua li
H 1'adl.a fill !iat
ft rn)-.f4').
Irmt!iii( ta,t tt(
t.l il 1V1 to y
I 4 -tay m
U ) ,t, ju
jkt ia iu4. t
tM 'K -. w4 ke
Uum m a 4 i4 ij
lettuutka r ikata .k,t ,4
iaiv l.anii,
! a aaa4
P4a a i t, Mt
u. t-a i
r tA- -x Ui vWT
fv4 d i